A Belated Promise (Snuff)

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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Oh hey, remember this ancient series. Well, the final one got done. Finally. Yeah...

Waking up my muse to get writing practice in. Just something quick and smutty and snuffie. With special thanks to

roofan for helping proofread ^^ Thanks hon.

A naughty badger taur recalls a promise shi made with hir three friends...

A Belated Promise

((Warning: This story contains scenes of playful suicide by a consenting adult. Viewer discretion is advised. Management does not encourage suicide as the solution to your problems, please seek help if you need it. Professional driver on closed course, do not imitate.))

The badger taur stretched out hir plump form and yawned while shi woke up for another lazy day. Hir bed creaked under hir while shi pondered what the day would bring. There was something nagging hir min that shi could only half remember as the older taur wriggled and tried to wake up more. Something shi should have done a while ago, but for the life of hir shi couldn't recall it in hir bleary state.

Some sort of promise or something shi probably was supposed to do a while ago. The big herm shrugging and stretching, the bed creaking again when shi got up to trudge over to the shower. Shi would think of it soon enough. Taking hir time cleaning hirself as shi pondered hir venison breakfast... hmm, that had something to do with it.

Oh right! Shi nearly slips in the shower when shi recalls it. Shi was supposed to snuff hirself for Ar'iat. Shi has just been such a busy (lazy) badger shi had nearly forgot. Shi would say shi should get punished for putting it off so long, but you know what, shi will be wearing a halo soon enough. Hopefully the other two won't be too annoyed from the wait for hir pudgy butt to join them in heaven.

Well now, how should shi go about it? Shi pondered as shi shampooed hir thick fur. Let's see, the fennec was hung (Hir erection starts to peek out from hir sheath) and shi smothered the doebuck with hir ample tush (and said venison is hir delightful breakfast these days). Hmm, it does seem asphyxiation is a good theme to keep following.

Hmm, shi could just snuggle up in the blankets, wrap a bag around her head and puff hir stale air until shi expires. Hmm, though I think there was a similar one done before with a taur. The badger bites hir lip and rinses hir fur of the sweet scented shampoos as shi ponders that idea. Though mussing hir bed might be amusing, maybe something a little more interesting in setup would work better. And save hir work of cleaning hir bed afterward.

Well, shi could always go drown hirself in the nice pond outside. Hmm, it seems that fennec-bat-thing doesn't write much of that theme too. Shi purred at the thought as shi let the hot water pour down hir fur and contemplated hir cheerful suicide. Looks like it'll be sleeping with the fishes for hir. But first, shi should enjoy hir final breakfast.

The venison was of course, perfect, but that was no surprise given how luscious the doebuck was. As shi ate shi pondered what shi would need for hir final swim. Shi would need some weights of course, pudgy badgers are excellent at floating. And some ropes to hold those weights on. Of course, Ar'iat had a perfect pond for all this, nice and deep with a dock to take a long walk down and full of plenty of fat koi to fatten further. It looks like it will be quite a fun day today indeed.

Shi took hir time pondering hir own fate, savoring hir final meal of deer. Pretty good timing, since it was almost the last of the succulent meat shi had left too. Shi would have to leave a note to let hir friends have the rest. A petite burp from the large taur as shi clears hir table and dishes. Can't leave the house looking like shambles when shi leaves this world now, can she?

Of course, now the fun part begins, with so many things to gather up to end hir own life. Of course shi has plenty of ropes, shi's a friend of Ar'iat isn't shi. Shi picked out a half dozen ropes of varying lengths, each one delightfully thick to match hir own girth. Nothing slender for this badger. Especially hir own arousal starting to stiffen up while shi hums. Shi will need some weights that aren't too heavy, but still heavy enough to pull hir tubby butt to the bottom of the pond.

Shi bites hir lip as shi thinks. Shi needs a few more things though to get this right. Only has one chance to get it right after all. Gathering up a saddle bag next after a moment of thought, shi will need a way to lug all this over to the dock too. Shi peers throughout the house and ponders what heavy things shi should use. Could go with something unique, but instead shi settles on the simplest. A trio of twenty pound exercise weights should be plenty enough to help five hundred pounds of badger find the pond's bottom. Grunting a little as shi settles each of them in the saddle pouches. The added weight making hir walking more entertaining as shi sways with the weights, arousal ponderously swinging in time.

Shi supposed that's about all shi will need. Walking outside to greet the early fall day. A nice brisk morning with a cool breeze and warm sun beating down on hir striped fur. Hopefully the pond water won't be too cold for hir long dip. Not like shi will have too long to complain about that in the end. Walking over to the dock to peer at the koi lazily ambling about the clear waters. Shi has no worries about feeding them this morning.

Shi grins wider as shi thinks over what shi gets to do next. Shi Settled the saddlebag off hir back and ponders how to set hirself up for drowning. Shi starts by rolling onto hir side (and mindful to not roll off the dock before shi is prepped), shi starts looping rope about hir lower feet. Working the rope over each foot individually at first so shi can tie them off in the center. Making sure shi has a little bit of wiggle room to walk those last few steps shi will need, but ensuring shi is bound enough to keep hir from swimming free. Shi ties the weight into the knot, securing it to guide hir to the muddy bottom far below.

It's going to be an interesting few last steps, but what's the fun in death without a little trickiness to it. Shi works hir forepaws next in the same way. Giving them a foot or so of wiggle room, just enough so shi can move still. Shi hopes the weights will be enough to drag hir down. Shi was never the type to scuba dive before, but shi doesn't think it takes too much weight to sink someone down.

Shi gets those weights tugged and knotted and secure, carefully rolling hirself back up. Indeed shi can waddle. Very slowly, but hir long walk off a short dock only had a few feet to go anyways. Shi blushes and shivers, not much time left before shi finds out how cold the water will be in a permanent fashion.

Shi has one more weight to bind up first. Holding it gingerly against hir lower back and making sure the hand hold is between the coils as shi cinches it about hir wrists, tugging them together behind hir back. It was a bit trickier to bind hir own wrists, and try and bind the weight to them too. On the other hand the binding didn't have to be perfect, shi wouldn't be struggling too hard. Shi crosses hir hands to pull the loose ends snug and cinch the knot before testing it. The knot was pretty sloppy and there was some wiggle room, it wouldn't take Houdini to get out of this one. But it should be enough to hold hir until shi drowns. Shi was panting now, and realizing shi is dripping pre onto the ground. The big older badger really loves the helpless feel.

Shi shuffles over to the edge of the dock, peering at that cool water, pretty blues and browns along the surface of the deep pond. Shifting sideways to the edge so shi won't clip the dock when shi leaps. Well, about all shi has left to do is hop in now. Taking a moment to enjoy the feel of the sun warming hir broad back and the day as it lazily turns to afternoon. Listening to the birds chirping about the trees. Big older badger contemplating hir cheerful suicide. Shi was weighted down and bound up. Watching the koi below mindlessly swim about, not knowing they would soon be joined in the cool waters. Shi supposes shi better get on with hir chore of feeding them. A fierce blush in hir ears at how aroused shi has gotten from this. The naughty promise seemed to be bringing out the worst in hir.

Shi bites hir lip and takes a few long deep breaths. Thinking of the countdown as shi sways hir body. Making breasts and ballsac sway with hir body's motion as shi counts. One, shi clenches hir toes and sucks in hir final breath. Two, shi shifts hir knees down and rocks away hir final time. And three! Before shi can chicken out shi throws hir momentum and leaps towards the water. And lands with an awkward side belly flop, landing with a resounding splash as the koi scatter away. Thankfully the dock was only a few inches up as shi sinks into the cold waters, as the sudden sound scatters the birds roosting in the trees besides the pond.

The weights do indeed drag hir down. Shi gives a frantic wiggle at first, the water was cold! The doomed herm peering up as light glimmers in dizzying rays above hir nose. The lights steadily darkening as shi sinks through the murky waters. Shi frantically wriggles for a moment before getting a hold of hirself to try and enjoy this. Shi will be teasing those naughty hermy friends of hirs and their cute halos soon enough.

The water brushes through hir fur and makes hir shiver from more than just its brisk coldness. Shi found hirself sinking steadily as water tickled hir sheath and breasts. The badger peacefully finding the bottom of the pond after sinking nearly two dozen feet. Shi trembled and hir lungs already ached a little as shi landed awkwardly on the muddy bottom. The light was so far above! Faint glimmers and silhouettes of Koi flitting about in agitation from hir splash could be seen above hir.

But things returned to their peaceful state above. While in the dark waters the badger taur writhed fitfully. Shi groaned at the water that was begging to be let into hir lungs. Hir arousals ached from the cold as it chilled her flesh. Tossing hir head as wriggles churned up mud and silt. Hir older body ached with pain, as well as pleasure despite the chill. The burning in hir lungs finally forced out a few bubbles, desperate to hold that last lungful of air as long as shi can.

Shi can just barely see the bubbles float cheerfully up to the surface. The smallest sign of the badger's fate to splash on the surface. Even when shi finally does exhale, there will be hardly any sign of what had happened to the badger. Shi was too deep to be seen while shi remained on the pond bottom. That thought bringing a hot tingle in hir loins. Shi groaned another dribble of bubbles, along with a squirt of precum. Shi knows shi's almost gone now, but shi's also about to pop another way. Grinding hir stiff flesh along the muddy bottom as shi stirs up the mud.

Shi writhed more, the tugging pinching the ropes along hir hands and feet. The ache in hir lungs was growing too much. Matching the ache in hir loins as shi gave into the mingling of pleasure and pain. Shi arches hir back, wanting to hold hir breath until shi reaches that final orgasm. Shi tosses hir head and flailed, mud clouding up the water about hir. Shi is so close, shi can feel that taut twitching in hir lap. Shi is just about to pop, and finally breathe that murky water down.

Shi finally howled into the water, a gurgling bellow none would hear. Hir final breaths racing upwards in a dancing stream of bubbles from hir screaming muzzle. The middle aged badger emptying hir seed into the mud beneath hir. Stumbling and slipping to hir side as shi took hir first deep breath of cold muddy water. Coughing and spewing another gush of bubbles along with hir dying pleasures. Shaking as that coldness filled hir chest so thoroughly. Emptying hir lungs and filling them fully with water as the water claims hir air and hir final pleasures.

Hir vision shimmers with stars as shi peered up at the fading light along the surface of the water. The pain fleeing and leaving euphoric tiredness in hir expiring body. Shi was cold to the bone as shi breathed the muddy water with peaceful contentment that surprised hirself. The trembling heat of hir afterglow soothed by the water's embrace. Lulling hir to sleep as the shimmering sky faintly above faded away. Soothing darkness to draw out all hir pain and worries.

The herm taur slumped finally. Legs giving a last fitful jerk. Having slipped peacefully unconscious on the bottom of the pond. It will only be a few more moments until her heart stops finally. A few catfish nibbling curiously at the new object they find. The badger drowning hirself to become little more than fish food, unseen on the pond floor. The stirred up sediment will settle once more atop hir as shi joined hir friends finally.

Hopefully they won't be mad shi was so late in joining them.

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