When the Donkey's Away... (incest)

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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Oh hey, polished this up finally. Haku and Kai are some otter brothers with some... odd ideas when it comes to weekends without getting a date...

When the donkey's away...

"... the otter's will play?!" said Kai, the sea otter glaring at his leering brother Haku.

The two otters struck quite a sight when they were side by side, looking nearly identical in every way. Both had the thick webbed feet and stocky legs of otters, and both were a bit plump in belly and rump; although showing to be quite flexible when needed. Both had whiskery grins and dark eyes that glimmered with mischief and naughty ideas. Though Haku would state that Kai's sheath has a splotch of black where his is all white, and offer to demonstrate whenever given half a chance, much to Kai's furious blushing.

Haku just winked, "You know our bet! If neither of us got a girl for the dance, well..." he licked his lips, "I think you get to wear the dress this time."

"Didn't I wear the dress last time?" Kai grumbled, "and hey, it was kinda, naughty and cute when we were 12 and didn't know much better. But we're in college now, I don't think it's quite as...!"

Kai's train of thought ended abruptly as Haku slipped closer to his brother and wrapped both webbed paws about Kai's crotch. Feeling his brother's sheath twitch and stir beneath pants while he beamed and nipped an ear, "It's made for some exciting times, even after getting dumped that one year."

Kai whined as he got molested by his brother, tail brushing back along the fondling Haku's legs. "y, yeah, but, we were, er, younger, and more foolish then..." he found it hard to keep a coherent thought up while your brother's webbed fingers were stroking your growing arousal.

Haku just purred and licked his brother's ear, "And yet this wasn't a complaint last year, hmmm?" His own tail flicked in cheerful playfulness, curling and playing with Kai's own lashing tail.

"That was, uh, different, we were freshmen here, and didn't even...! *churr!*" Kai's comment ended as his pants were unbuttoned and slid down, exposing his pink maleness to his horny brother. Indeed, that white furred lap did have a splotch of dark brown fur upon his sheath just as his brother loved to point out.

"Come on, just enjoy yourself, we got a weekend free to ourselves with everyone else going out on holiday, and it's been forever since we've done this." Haku just grinned with his argument. Of course, he knew he had his brother where he wanted as he stroked his stiff flesh, watching his brother churr and lid his eyes in pleasure.

"Oh... fine..." Kai tried to sound despondant, but the little barks and gasps he gave from the webbed brushes on his lap countered that. The bottomless otter lifting his tail to curl around Haku's waist, pulling him closer and blushing at the tent he felt rubbing at his rump. He blushed as he asked, "I suppose you have the bottle of lube since I'm to be the girl this time..."

Haku gave his brother a kiss and squeeze around a waist (and sheath), "mmmhmm, be right back honey..." he teased, skipping over towards the bedroom. Leaving Kai to sigh and shake his head at how weird his weekends could get. Of course, he did enjoy this far more than he let on. Hey settled himself over the couch and lifted his tail over his back in the coy invitation he knew Haku loved.

A low whistle of approval was the first hint that Haku had returned, Kai peering back with a giggle at his lewd brother. The naughty otter having just taken his pants off too, pink erection bobbing against his pudgy tummy with a glob of pre already forming. Someone is a horny otter. Though as Kai pondered, he supposed it was really two horny otters in the room as he wiggled his butt towards his brother in an inviting manner.

Haku nestled up besides his brother's invitation, taking no time at all to start prepping for mounting. The bottle of lube clicked open to be drizzled liberally upon the soft fur of his brother's rump and tailbase. His webbed finger beginning to smear it against Kai's snug pucker. Haku loving the soft moans he got from Kai with each rub as soon both pink pricks were dribbling pre in anticipation of some brotherly loving.

A gentle fingering began, rollin that plump finger just into that taut ring of flesh. Pulling free to add a little more lube, to push his finger a little deeper. Haku wanted to get his brother sopping wet for mating, although the whimpers of pleasure were a delightful side effect. Both otters were soon panting in lust for what was to soon come.

After a few more moments of slippery fingering Haku finally closed the bottle. "Mmm, love you Kai," he whispered as he straddled his twin's presented rump. Giggling as Kai clutched the couch urgently in anticipation of being mounted.

The two otters took their time, having the weekend to themselves. Haku guided his slippery, dripping arousal against the presented ring of flesh, slick with lube now. The excess beadng up against Kai's soft tailfur just as Haku loved to see. Then he leaned over his brother's back and kissed him as he pushed forward. The two moaned with bliss as they enjoyed a lewd moment together, alone for a weekend of fun.

Haku bit Kai's ear gently, holding the squirming otter down as he buried himself to his sheath in that cutely round butt. He briefly pondered what Kai's girlfriend would think, but knowing her she wouldd just want pictures. The otter giggling at the fact that his more innocent brother somehow got a girlfriend even more kinky than he himself was.

The two nestled together, bodies jostling the couch as they mated. Quiet moans and whimpers from Kai below, as he oozed pre all over the couch, glad for the stainproof fabric. While Haku grunted and panted, eyes lidded in delight as he savored each slippery squelch announcing his thrusts into that well lubed rump. Both savored the intimate embrace of fur on fur and soft, loving kisses amidst the horny attentions they gave eachother.

Though like all dances, it would have to come to an end soon enough. The tense squeeze of wet heat around Haku's arousal has driven him wild. The little whines and moans from Kai were just making it that much worse. The otter clutched tight to his brother as he grasped his nape in his jaws, beginning to thrust in firm, powerful motions and wishing he could breed his adorable twin.

And finally both cried out, Kai moaning in shared bliss at knowing he brought his brother to orgasm. While Haku groaning in delight as he felt his arousal jerk and pulse, spurting his seed deep into his twin's eager rump. The two held tight in loving shudders before Haku finally slumped on Kai's back in bliss.

"Mmm, when does that cocky donkey get back anyways...:?' Haku whispered to Kai as he reached down to tease his brother's erection. His tail lashed contently as he pondered what to do with it.

Kai crooned beneath his brother's weight, "oh, mmm, think it was the whole weekend at his family's if I..."

The door opened, two stunned otters suddenly looking over at an equally stunned donkey roomate. Caught in a rather intimate act, with Haku still buried sheath deep in otter rump.

"Oh, we, we can explain Jack!" Both blurted at once.

"Oh, I'm sure you two can..." Jack grinned wider than either otter would have liked, dragging out a camera as he walked in and closed the door. The two otters too stunned to move as they blinked at the flash of a camera, "but first, I think we should all have some fun first..."

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