Trading Meals (vore)

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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Oh hey, almost forgot about this... took me long enough to polish up. one of a series of stories I've had floating around or posted as rough drafts. Enjoy!

Here a couple of fat herms enjoy life's simplest pleasures. Sex and a meal.

Trading meals

Warmth oozed through the cave entrance from the summer heat that glimmered outside, even as an airconditioner vainly attempted to push a cold breeze back into the dimly lit cave. Although the plump sphinx Sophia whose cave it was could have turned up the lights, shi preferred the more dim setting as shi sprawled hir immense form to nestle besides the chubby minotauress shi had over for company. The two plush herms nestling on a a pile of blankets, as hands brushed and teased though eachother's fur, enjoyin their respite from the summer heat's worst excesses.

One of the odd pair was a massive sphinx, a motherly sphinx who tipped the scales at nearly a ton. The non anthro' winged lioness sporting rather anthro' breasts, full and heavy. Hir non anthro' form was over a dozen feet long, dwarfing hir minotauress partner. Especially when those huge paws were sliding off the long ribbons of silk the minotauress Acantha wore as clothing, seeking to strip hir as nude as the sphinx already was.

"Ooh, someone is feeling rather cougarish today. I thought you were mostly lion?" Acantha teased Sophia while those soft, leathery sphinx pawpads teased hir newly exposed nipples, plump breasts being toyed with just a single massive paw.

"Oh, you know us momma kitties, always eager for play with such a pretty and..." hir eyes follow hir wandering paw, sliding down Acantha's belly to grope hir bulged lap, feeling the virile length hidden still in silk, "...handsome partner."

Acantha sighed in enjoyment, snuggling closer to lean in and kiss one of Sophia's heavy breasts. While to scale the minotauress may have larger breasts, in overall size the sphinx's breasts dwarfed hir own in impressive ways. The minotauress enjoyed being the smaller one for once. Leaning in to latch soft lips around that thick teat to give a soft and pleased suckle and savor the loud purrrs and rumbles shi earned from the sphinx. Though perking hir big ear at a different rumble shi heard from the sphinx's tummy.

The two nestle closer, enjoying things heating up with eachother. They were out of the blazing sun at least, with a cool breeze from the air conditioner vainly trying to keep things from being too stifling. The sphinx working hir minotauress partner out of those 'oh so warm' strips of silk shi wore. Sophia savored the minotauress's greedy kisses and rubs upon hir heavy breasts. Hir own handpaw rubbed, squeezes, and explores Acantha's maleness with leathery pawpads, eliciting muffled gasps of pleasure in return.

"Oh, mmm, I heard you rumbling more than purrs back there, you lewd little thing, what's a kitten really up to? Wanting some minotaur steaks, huh?" Acantha teased between kisses of the sphinx's fat brown nipples, each one was a mouth-full even for eight feet of minotauress. Acantha's wriggling at the attention of that paw on hir revealing hir enjoyment at the thoughts of hir own teases about a possible fate in store for hir.

"Mmm, that could be on the menu, but first I want to ravish a sweet minotauress until shi begs to wear a sphinx coat." Sophia teased back, wrapping thumb and finger around Acantha's slender maleness to begin stroking slowly. Enjoying it's slim smoothness compared to hir pointed and prickly feline arousal. Both of the herm's pricks were stiff now, the two stinking with lust both male and female.

The two finally shifted after a few moments of petting, the minotauress turning around to kiss the foot and a half of feline prick Sophia sported. The sphinx just continued to tease at the minotauress's likely final fate, curling hir head over to kiss and groom Acantha's dark hooves. Enjoying the gasps, giggles, and fierce blush in the prey's ears from the incredible size of those jaws attending hir hooves.

"Hmm, we better make this fair then. How about I eat you," Acantha turned to wink at a curiously purring sphinx, "and then you can eat me" The minotauress blushed, giggled, and then grew quiet by wrapping hir lips around the blunt barbs of the leonine arousal before hir. A lewd, muffled groan was hir reward from the sphinx, along with a gush of salty hot slimy pre splashing upon the minotauress's thick tongue.

Conversation ended to be replaced with the sounds of licks, kisses and suckles. Acantha attending to Sophia's massive arousal, having to use both hands to grasp and rub down it's smooth underside. Hir thick tongue rubbed and stroked the many sensitive, flared barbs upon it's pointed tip. Massaging and pleasing hir lover's arousal, eyes lidded as shi savors the heat overfilling her mouth. The salty musk of pre trickling and squirting for hir to swallow. And the sight of two heavy orbs, promising plenty of bitter seed for hir last meal.

While Sophia's raspy tongue teased upon hooves and fetlocks, grooming fur and hoof alike. Getting the hints of dirt off of hir meal before shi devours hir lover. Loving the subtle kicks and twitches hir rough tongue is greeted with when it teased along ticklish hooves. Hir massive paws rubbing the soft calves and thick thighs of the plump Minotauress. Wandering upwards to squeeze and splay Acantha's hefty rump, enjoying the sight of pouting folds wet with lusts and hir pert pucker as the minotauress's tail lashed contently.

The sight of Acantha's enjoyment added to Sophia's, as the minotaures felt a gush of pre squirt upon hir dancing tongue. Hands reached down to rub those tensing orbs as both whine with knowledge of what will be coming soon. Breathing growing heavier as Acantha's fingers rub and play upon the silk fur of Sophia's ballsac. While the sphinx draws both hooves in to hir mouth to suckle, teasing Acantha of where hir bed will be tonight.

The two continued steadily, panting breath and the slick sounds of dancing tongues echoing in the warm cave. Sophia breaking the rhythmic sounds with a groan of pleasure. Letting Acantha's feet slip free from hir drooling maw to clutch and squeeze the minotaur's rump. The older feline curled hir toes as shi hissed, "oh, here it comes!" Shi purred between moans of pleasure, giving in to the talented mouth of the younger Acantha atop hir. Knowing the pretty minotauress will give in to her mouth quite soon.

Acantha is given the first half of hir final meal with a massive gush of sticky heat to flood hir maw. The herm forced to pull off and swallow that first mouthfull, getting hir mottled brown and white fur painted to be more white half now. Baring hir breasts and guiding the jerking, spasming arousal that jerked in hir paws to paint hir front with that musky sphinx seed. Knowing shi's a cream coated desert for the massive feline, and loving the idea as shi bathes in that copious sticky spunk.

Though the minotauress wanted to get hir own desert before the greedy sphinx stole hir away. Slipping hirself forward while the sphinx sprawled in sated pleasures. Hir messy face slid past the sphinx's grand, spent maleness to give a kiss upon Sophia's fat, damp cunny lips. The dark, fine fur of outer lips had pouted to reveal the sopping wet pink of inner folds. Acantha wasting no time to press both messy hands and lips against larger herm's netherlips with a deep, loving kiss.

A lewd purr and splaying of legs answered Acantha's abrupt attentions. Laying back fully once more to let the doomed minotauress get hir desert, the sphinx wallowing in pleasure, even as hir belly protested with a rumble. Sophia's hands squeezed, rubbing Acantha's back and shoulders as shi enjoyed the attention to hir female half. Oozing hir sweet pleasure as toes curled once more in enjoyment, delighted in the feel of Acantha's urgent attentions to hir folds.

Acantha buried hir face between those twitching folds, kissing inner lips and all but making out with the fat button of a clit the sphinx's body bared for hir. Massaging those plump folds with hir hands, burying them to rub and tease inner folds, loving the grasp of wet heat upon both as shi manages to stretch that plush cunny subtly before hir. Acantha closed hir eyes, concentrating on feeling the subtle jerks with the sphinx's folds, hands brushing and pressing deep in the slippery heat to draw out hir lover's pleasures. Shi knows the sphinx won't last long at all like this.

It was only a few more minutes of Acantha's firm licks and kisses to Sophia's fat clit that did hir in. Sophia arching hir back in roars of climax, loud enough to announce to those near the cave what lewd events were happening within. Sophia's female pleasure oozed out upon Acantha's face as the sphinx let a paw lewdly push the minotauress's messy head into those shuddering cunny lips. Sophia enjoying the sight of the minotauress's legs squirming before hir in surprise. But shi wants those wiggles in hir tummy, not without.

Although Acantha feels the powerful grasp of Sophia hold hir snout buried in wet, climaxed cunt longer than shi'd perhaps like, at least for this day. The paw relaxing on hir head, letting hir pull free once more with a gasp of warm air. The smaller herm slumped on the gurgling, greedy belly as shi shivers, knowing shi will soon feel how comfortable it is to wear a sphinx coat, and hir loins ached with enjoyment of the thought.

Sophia drew the plump minotauress onto hir heavy breasts, Loving the sight of how messy hir lover has gotten as shi kisses hir. Large lips pressed to smaller ones in a long, loving kiss. Just holding close to eachother as two hearts pound in anticipation of what needs will be filled next.

Finally Acantha can hold back no more, listening to that tummy rumble again behind hir. Blushing pink in ears as shi deepens the kiss by nudging hir snout just into the black lips kissing her. The sphinx's rumbled purr announcing Sophia's enjoyment as large hands grasped the messy minotauress hips. Acantha trembling as shi feels hirself guided into the heated grasp of Sophia's powerful jaws. The embrace of a predator made hir shake with lusts, dribbling hir arousals both male and female onto Sophia's teasing fingertips. Loving the feel of that raspy tongue cleaning both male and female cum from hir fur, even as shi prepares to swallow hir prey lover whole.

Those paws lift Acantha tenderly, and soon hir snout pushes past that rough, tickly tongue to the dark embrace of Sophia's throat. Sophia's pawtips danced against Acantha's leaking petals and arousal, making hir kick softly in shudders of pleasure. Then wet heat wraps about hir snout, and then head. Darkness embracing hir as the incredible snug, slimy heat of Sophia's throat tugs hir down. A rippling massage grasps and stretches around Acantha's shoulders as shi is lifted up. Guided upwards by paws and lowered lazily into the sphinx's greedily swallowing maw, a muffled moan as she feels those soft lips kiss over hir breasts.

Sophia swallows with the lazy enjoyment of willing prey. Breathing deep of the herm's pleasures as savored hir own sated lusts. Just one more to be filled for the greedy sphinx to be fully pleased. Shi let teeth daintily nip breasts and pinche a round belly as shi swallows those wide shoulders. The mufffled groan heard in hir chest makes the grand feline purr, squeezing Acantha's breasts with the powerful swallows of a predator sating hir hunger.

Acantha soon feels his loins kissed by Sophia's rough tongue. Hir weight being settled upon that ticklish, predatory tongue as it stroked and rubbed hir maleness into hir own fat belly. A whimper in the slimy embrace of Sophia's throat as a finger pressed upon hir folds, guiding hir inch by inch down into the sphinx's greedy gullet. Every rippling swallow down hir chest and head was driving the minotauress wild. Hooves kicking helplessly as shi felt hir climax suddenly peak, oozing sweet girlcum down hir thighs while shi spurted hir bitter seed all over that massive tongue. Prey lost in sweet release in the grip of hir predator lover.

Steadily Acantha is pulled down, Sophia savoring the heavy weight of a much larger meal than hir usual prey. Loving the sight of a pair of calves kicking pleasantly past hir lips. Loving the full bulge beneath hir breasts as Acantha's nose sunk steadily towards hir stomach. Another swallow and broad hips bulged the sphinx's throat, subtle kicks turning to a pleasured spasming as Acantha's spent arousals are squeezed with the wet heat of hir massaging throat.

But of course, Acantha's trip would be coming to an end soon enough. Hir snout kissed the acrid ring guarding the sphinx's gluttonous stomach. And then it slid over hir snout like a final loving kiss. Hir legs embraced in the silk of lips and rasp of feline tongue. And finally pulled into the slimey grasp of Sophia's throat. The big girl stretched down the sphinx's throat in a curvy bulge for the sphinx to admire. Finally sliding into the acrid slime of a hungry gullet as shi whmipered in lusts that were to be fully sated.

With a pleasured rumble the sphinx lays back and rubs the bulge of hips slipping down beneath hir breasts. Then the growing bulge in hir belly as Acantha is forced to curl up. Groaning at how full and heavy hir belly was getting, feeling that massive meal squirm into it's resting place. All that fat weight soon gets settled in the slime and heat of a sphinx fur coat, savoring the writhing of hir prey's final moments.

Acantha curls up snugly, with little room to wriggle in that taut belly. But writhe shi does, breathing in the still, acrid air hir last breaths will receive as shi shudders with instinctual kicks. Ineffective against the heavy walls squeezing hir in powerful massages. The heat was suffocating, the slime rising. Hir nose soon pushed up in a corner, breathing rapidly the useless as hot tingles burned up hir body. The heat inside was incredible even compared to the burning sun outside. But perhaps could be considered cool compared to the lusts burning in the doomed Acantha as shi writhed fitfully. Unable to escape, caught between fear and pleasure as shi struggled and found hir nose no longer able to breathe in anything but hot digestive slimes as shi hears a faint, muffled burp from hir predator's approval of hir offering.

Sophia savors that resounding burp, sealing Acantha's fate. Laying back to feel those struggles peak, the surprised kicks of prey with out air to breathe. Then slowing just as suddenly after a few spastic shudders. Acantha finds nothing but slime to breath, the burning heat embracing hir fully, but soothing hir in the growing darkness that holds hir. The dying minotaur pleased to know shi'll soon be an impressive layer of fat and muscle upon hir lover's coat. And finally her kicks end with restful sleep for both. The Sphinx closing hir eyes to dream of her prey's final gifts to hir body.

And Acantha dreams of what may come as shi becomes nothing more than sphinx fat upon hir lover's glorious body.

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