Halloween Gift (snuff)

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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Halloween gift

The cool October breeze made me shiver as I watched the Zhevra work up on the gallows platform, busy setting up the noose that would hold me. Or perhaps it was the sight of those two other elegant loops of ropes that me and my friends necks would soon fill this harvest festival. The crowd's murmurs were ow for now, biding their time for when the show starts. But already the stands were getting packed, just to watch us 3 lucky volunteers sway by our necks until we stopped moving. It was perhaps a surprise how many wanted a go at getting their neck stretched, but it was quite the honor to be one of the sacrifices.

I peered back over to the other two who I would be dancing with, and was quite pleased with the company that I'd be joining in heaven tonight. At least I hoped I got to see the cute, round butt of my young pegasus friend hang before me, he had just the right amount of pudge on his white and brown mottled hide. Already he was stripping his shirt off, showing off his chest and wings. Not that those wings would be helping him once he got that soft neck in a noose's loving hold.

The other was a lanky little spring bok, even shorter than the pegasus who he was admiring. Slim and wiry compared to the soft pudge of the pegasus. But those nice long legs would dangle well with their brown and white hide once his pretty little hooves got on display. Maybe if I got lucky I'll see that petite tail flag in helpless struggles as he expired.

I licked my lips, feeling my arousal press up against jeans. I was already popping a tent and we haven't even stripped nude for our dance. What I get for not pawing during the festival, getting such a tease the whole time at handsome lads and lasses being put into peril. And of course, now was my time to join them, a tremble shuddering down my back.

My daydream was startled by a wide grin from the fellow equine in peril, "enjoying the view too, I see, but we need to figure out who goes first. I was thinking, perhaps youngest first?" He winked, obviously younger then either of us, though we knew he had to be an adult to volunteer. But I suspected he was likely no older than that. And I was probably the oldest at thirty, usually this show attracts the younger fellows. Though the springbok probably wasn't too far from my age, somewhere in his mid twenties.

"Mmm, you just wanna go down on that big hunk of zebracorn, huh? he's probably three times your age." I teased back, ruffling the shorter pegasus's mane, "but... if you want, I'd not mind at all, I'd get to watch both of your cute butts wiggle in the breeze."

The springbok shrugged and nodded, "I've never been one to want to go first myself." he leaned in and groped the Pegasus's blatant arousal buried in his shorts, "and I'd be quite pleased to have this as my last meal on this world."

I thought the same thing of the short antelope while I peered up as the Zhevra started his way down. I bit my lip when he looked me over, watching his gaze stay at my tented jeans for a while. The older male was even bigger than I was, although a bit of grey was creeping into the black and white of his hide. But his massive body was quite muscular, giving him a regal appearance his unicorn nature only added to. And his outfit didn't help, a silver and black loincloth that nearly reached his fetlocks with plush curves that hinted quite well what it was hiding. I knew my white hide and average build looked rather plain besides his immense form, but I'd be quite honored to empty my seed into his lips before I became a sacrifice..

We began to line up in the order we had decided on as he reached the bottom of the gallows. "Well, looks like you three have an idea of what order you want to go," he said while he looked us over slowly, approving of our blatantly tented jeans and shorts, "well, you can all strip now for your final dances."

My heart fluttered at this, as I obediently slipped my pants down. A sigh as I freed my maleness from the overly snug grasp of my underwear. Pink maleness jutting upwards as I watched the others strip nude. The crowd was whistling approval to our impromptu show, the pegasus getting quite into it as he revealed the mottled dark and pink flesh of his equine prick. While the springbok had a slim, crimson arousal that jutted quite proudly alongside the pair of thick equine arousals around him. Even the Zhevra's arousal lifted his loincloth, making him shift it to keep comfortable.

Soon the older male started to fit the pegasus with a collar, one marking us as sacrifices and signalling we were ready to have our lives ended. The dark leather contrasted well with the Pegasus's light hide. And down the line the Zhevra walked, fitting the Springbok's outstretched neck with another loop of dark leather. I held my head high when it was my turn, gasping when it was pulled tight. But I knew there would be a much tighter rope soon enough. Leashes hooked to each collar as the crowd hushed. And then the Zhevra looked over the crowd, seeing if it was time to lead the volunteers to their fate.

The crowd gave their approval with a cheer, and I gulped as the three leashes were tugged on. Slowly but surely we were lead to the stairs of the gallows, all three of us gazing at the loops of rope swaying cheerfully in the crisp fall breeze. Arousal mixed with fear from us, but arousal seemed to be holding fear at bay given how hard I felt. And I could see hints of the other two arousals bobbing before me as well, perhaps a glimmer of pre from the pegasus's fine crown.. The Zhevra one was half hidden by loincloth. Though there was little mistaking his grand maleness under all that silk, given the impressive size of the tent he made.

And soon enogh we reached the top of the stairs, three platforms waiting patiently. The crowd was maybe in the low thousands this fair, not quite as impressive an audience as some of the state executions on TV, but still rather intimidating. But we didn't have to do much but relax and let the nooses do the work at least.

The three loops of rope swung silently, and I sighed wistfully as I was bound to a holding post besides the springbok. Both of us watching the Pegasus be lead to his fate. Letting the noose brush his cheek as the zhevra whispered to his ears, the short male blushing more.

The pegasus slipped closer to the older male, starting to untie that massive ribbon of a loincloth. Stripping him down to reveal all of the zhevra's dark maleness. The pegasus knelt down and soon soft equine lips attended to the flared crown of his executioner, quiet nickers and whinnies from both as they shared the pegasus's last intimate moments together, before he will wear a rope about his neck. My own breath grew heavy as I watched the pegasus's urgent and eager attention to receive his last meal from his executioner

I lashed my tail as I watched the Pegasus's pink lips wrap about that dark flesh, bobbing slowly but surely, mouth overfilled with equine maleness. His hands massaged slowly and sensually, making the older male groan in enjoyment. His hips were rolling gently, showing off his muscular form for the pegasus's stuffed attention. The two neither rushing or teasing, just enjoying a last intimate moment, both eyes closing as if the crowd didn't even exist.

Although all good things must come to an end, it was quite the finale. The Zhevra clutching the Pegasus's big ears, pushing him down some as he whinnied his lust to the smaller male. The Pegasus's eyes widen, then his cheeks puff as seed floods his overfull muzzle. Most oozes down his pink lips, dribbling onto his chest and belly and painted his mottled arosual with globs of white. Though he swallowed steadily, eager to fill his belly as best he can with sticky equine seed. And finally the Zhevra lets him pull back, almost trapped by his flare as paints the young male's cheeks. The pegasus's arousal oozing precum along with me and the springbok, all four males panting.

Though one of us wouldn't be panting for too much longer given the plan. The pegasus getting up carefully, white ribbons of cum dripping down on his patchy hide. And then he begins to kiss and lip at the noose before him, while the executioner unclasps his leash, signalling his imminent death. He'll have a new collar of silk rope soon. The Zhevra tugs his victim's hands back to bind in a simple bit of rope, making the pegasus whine and nuzzle at the noose more in need. A firm tug binds the ropes with a pinch and the pegasus whinnies with lust, kissing the knot that will end him. A thick strap of leather is worked about his wings, and he times his worshipping kisses to the rope to match the binding of his wings. Crooning softly with eager lust to feel that rope's fatal embrace as globs of pre oozed down his flared crown in readiness. The crowd murmuring it's approval of the greedy pegasus's fatal desire.

The Zhevra leads the noose back from pink lips, opening the loop and holding it before the young man. Framing the pegasus's heads, he offers him a kiss if he just nuzzles through. Of course the pegasus does, ears folding back as he closes his eyes and lets soft rope stroke his cheeks. Lips pressing together one last time, as the rope is settled around his throat, ready to end the boy's life. A quiet moan between the two as they share a final moment. Then the zhevra pulls back to walk towards the release lever, adjusting the rope to pull it slowly taut. The pegaus's hides beads with sweat as he shivers in the cool fall evening, crooning quietly. Seems someone was quite ready. Though a tense twitching in my loins and ribbon of pre cold against my erection showed my own readiness for my fate, and to watch his. My partner lead from his leashed post to be drawn before the bound and helpless pegasus. Encouraged to kneel to repeat the pegasus's show.

The antelope needed little encouraging. Slipping down to his knees to draw that fat crown between his dark lips. Bobbing his head urgently, knowing he'll soon be making a young man hang to death. Though young man doesn't seem to mind, writhing in his bindings. Bucking slowly as a tail flags and body shakes in his noosed embrace. His bright eyes wide with pleasure, obviously having been waiting for this day for quite a while.

I can tell he won't take long as his ballsac pulls snug to his lap. The bound wings and arms thrashing as he tosses his head back. The antelope's tongue dances with graceful speed, lips and tongue sliding messily upon the flared crown, while hands rub with lush caresses to massage the stallionhood to climax. Though undoubtedly it was the taut noose about his neck that pushed him over the edge. Sinking slightly into it with shaking knees. I worried he might just slump and hang himself before the show started.

Instead he gave a lewd whinny of fatal lust, gushing his seed all over the springbok's face. messy stripes of white spunk on those brown cheeks as the Springbok gagged. He was slmost choking on that sticky semen as it painted his chest and muzzle in desperate spurts. The springbok continuing to rub the pegasus's arousal to draw out his last climax. Then a tug on a leash pulls a dripping springbok back from the doomed male.

The springbok's hooves clatter as he stumbles, reeling from the climax he attended to. But the noise is drowned out by the sharp bang of the trapdoor slamming open inches from the springbok. The pegasus kicks his hooves in shock as he sinks those last few inches into the elegant noose about his neck. And then he is swinging in the breeze, perhaps flying without his wings. His eyes are wide, his tongue pushed from lips by the taut compression of the rope. And his cute round ass was swinging back and forth before my sight. I groaned, wanting so bad to spread those soft rumpcheeks and bury my arousal into that fat pucker of his. But all I could do is watch, straining to not masturbate at the sight of a strangling pegasus colt before me.

The show wouldn't last too long, but neither me or the springbok would have time to enjoy it's lewd motions with our full attentions. The springbok brought forward first to his platform, though his attention was entirely on the thrashing hooves of the pegasus as he twisted and writhed in his noose's embrace. The antelope's hands are drawn behind him without a struggle, though he gives a bleated moan as they're bound. He gets an intimately close sight of the fatal dance he'll soon partake in, as the pegasus arches, dangling by his neck.

The noose is drawn over the springbok's throat, the sleek male nuzzling fondly into it, his eyes wide with fearful anticipation of it's deadly hold. The pegasus's kicking grew more frantic as his cheeks puffed with hints of blue, his body struggling to keep him alive in his strangling dance.. And soon my view would grow much closer as the noose for the springbok was tightened, and I was drawn over to give him his last pleasure before his sacrifice.

I knelt carefully before the slim, pink arousal before me. Kissing it's slim tip, though both of our eyes were up on the slowing dance beside us. And with a wistful sigh I closed my eyes to draw that sleek length into my lips and concentrate on my task. Slimy heat pressing upon my tongue as I bobbed my head. Listening to the gasps, bleats, and whimpers from the still alive springbok before me. And the creaking of rope of the struggling and asphyxiating Pegasus besides me. Each time I'd pull back I'd peek over, getting what seemed like a time lapse photo of the young male's steady death. Ears a little darker, his kicks a little weaker. That soft tail above that soft tush no longer lashing as it drooped. He was obviously close to giving up his ghost as his hooves quivered with struggle to stay conscious as long as he could.

The arousal against my lips jerked and twitched it's pre-seed, salty slickness on my tongue. Obviously a springbok was just as close to giving up his seed, and then his life. I doubled my efforts, wanting to see the pegasus stop wiggling, just as a Springbok would start his dance. My hands rubbing his taut ballsac as I noisily licked and swallowed at his tip each time my lips kissed his sheath. Hearing him bleat in fearful needs as that prick twitched urgently.

Finally there was a low, long whimpering cry, and his arousal jerked in my lips. Gushing his seed, hot and thick as I pulled back. I whinnied approval as I watched the Pegasus faintly twitch in his noose. Massaging the springbok's doomed maleness to let it paint my lips and cheeks with bitter heat as we both watched the pegasus succumb. His life just ending, as another was to be set into his noose. Big hands pulled me back as I swallowed that bitter spunk on my tongue proudly, helped up by the Zhevra. All eyes were on the pegasus as his faint twitches stopped. His once bright eyes watching blankly as his hooves stopped twitching, peering at the ground blindly so far below. One life ended, and another to soon join him.

The zhevra left me to watch as everyone's gaze shifted to the springbok. With another sharp clatter of wood another male settled into his noose's loving hold.. A last grunt as the rope clamped about the springbok's slender neck. And soon I got quite an intimate show, watching those dainty hooves kick helplessly in the cool fall breeze. But soon it'd be my turn to personally enjoy the attention of a coil of rope around my throat.

I whinnied I was drawn tot he last platform, feeling it shift under my weight. A rope was pulled tight around my wrists, pinching harshly and making fingers tingle. My attention was drawn between the sight of the springbok's dying motions a few feet away, or the noose inches away, silk scented faintly with oil to ensure the knot closes cleanly. I panted heavily, breathing the cool air while I could, as I watched the shudders and jerks of a dying springbok besides me. His lean muscles rigid with struggles, tossing his head as his once bright pink tongue darkened and drooled down his chin onto his chest. Life was steadily ebbing from him with each moment he was left without air by the merciless rope. His ears burning from pink to hints of purple as his body burned the last of his oxygen in his dying dance.

The rope brushed my cheeks, and I whinnied in shock a moment, before nuzzling fondly into it. Peering over at the dainty hooves besides me trot in the air helpless. As it settled it's thick weight on my shoulders, I couldn't help but grunt when it pulled tight. Thicker than the others for my heavier weight, it felt secure, almost relaxing in it's strength. Already my pulse started to throb and beat in my head from just this gentle squeeze. A shiver rushing up my spine as I knew I was soon going to give up the ghost for an audience. I whimpered as I watched my executioner kneel politely before me, appraising my dripping arousal with a touch of a thick finger.

It would be a struggle to not squirt right then. The soft dragging of lips about my fat crown was a delightful temptation for me. I had to bite my lip, the sharp sting holding me as I watched the springbok's muscular rump tense before me, once graceful, fond kicks turning to helpless thrashing. His life was going to give out soon, and I wanted to watch every moment before my own dance. Those dark eyes of his were wide but losing focus, head slumping in as I hissed and grunted. Soft lips and thick tongue attending to my flared crown so well. My loins ached for release, and I felt that hot twtich in my lap as my balls pulled taut. I groaned, it would be close, past the point of no return now.

I couldn't hold back any longer, but I was satisfied that I saw the springbok all but succumb. It was those faint twitches in his dark hooves were too much for me. I whinnied loudly, crying out my climax as the zhevra swallowed most of it. Emptying my seed in shuddering spasms, shaking with pleasure. A final climax better than i ever would feel again. And now it was going to be my turn to hang. my knees shaking from climax as I watched him pull free, some of my seed dripping down his chin.. A last ribbon of cum fell messily to the floor as I shivered, and watched the springbok's dying twitches. His slim little prick jutting lazily in angel lust, just to cool in the breeze now. Two handsome forms only moved by the breeze's cold caress. At least I'll be in loving company soon enough.

I tensed some, I couldn't help. the noose keeping me from watching the zhevra move to the lever. My wait was mercifully short at least, something the noose wouldn't be promising. That familiar clatter of a trapdoor had a new sensation, a brief feeling of floating. But then gravity and the rope settled me into my fatal dance. The rope pinched my mane as my throat squeezed shut under my weight. My neck jerked out as if to stand tall and hold my head high and proud. My strength useless as I jerked in shock, ropes holding with a satisfying creak as my wrists burned in an instinctual thrash. And my large hooves fluttered in the breeze, fitfully feeling for solid ground but finding nothing but cool air. My eyes wide as I peered down at the ground so far below, and the platform just out of reach. I was hanging, still shocked as it twisted slowly besides the two dead males.

My heart raced as I moved slowly at first, as if thinking it was a dream. My legs kicking out, seeing how close I got. The harsh pull of even the smooth rope made me strain to hold my head down. By the noose strangled me with casual ease. I watched my nude form twist and writhe, burning sensations tingling in my lungs, as the crowd seemed to dance with me. Already faint spots and flashes cluttering my dying vision. My head pounded with blood, and I could feel my tongue, pressed firmly past lips and growing puffy as my body tried to keep my head pooled with fresh blood. I vainly tried to breath, but the rope kept my lungs from pulling in the crisp air all around me as I hanged proudly

As sparkles began to dance, dark and white flickers in my vision my lungs ached needfully. Instinct made me begin to kick and thrash. I was dying, my body screaming for me to fight it. As my mind trembled with fearful pleasure of my fantasy being fulfilled. I could feel my body grow heavier as my strength ebbed. The two limp males beckoning me to join them as I thrashed with power, sweat cold on my hide as it dripped in the strain of my instinctual struggles. My head tossing fearfully as I realized my end was growing near.

But my fight would only last so long. My legs grew heavy, with sharp cramps running up them making them kick fitfully. My body felt disconnected, no longer mine as I sagged into the noose's loving hold. I could even feel my tail feel like lead, my whole body heavy as head pounded, feelnig overfull. The racing beat of my heart growing lazy, fluttering in spasms. My once powerful kicks now weak twitches as I relaxed myself, waiting for the sweet grasp of death. The sensations as incredible and harsh as they were satisfying in some dark way. My powerful body to be snuffed out by that simple rope, and I could do nothing to fight it. I gazed at the ground as those black and white sparkles filled my vision, a harbinger of my imminent death.

I tried to cling to life, for a few more moments. But I could do little. My body felt so heavy and useless. My vision just spots and sparkles, little faeries soon to take me away. I ached and burned all over, cramping as muscles begged for air. My tongue as fat as my head felt, cheeks puffy as dizziness swept through me. Just a moment more, I wanted to cling. Savoring the feel of hanging, limp, relaxed, accepting. Knowing all this pain will be over. Just a few more moments as I watched my vision grow dark and bright at once, knowing soon I'd be as erect as I felt aroused, three limp males proudly showing their lust for the noose.

And I let that darkness claim me with soothing coldness.

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