Rope Dance (Watersports, Snuff)

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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And another polishing job done. yay.

Yeah, just a quicky, a naughty little scene of a lizard lass hanging with a slightly messier ending.

Rope Dance

I smiled as I looked over the latest volunteer, a pretty little lizard lass who wore a delightful little outfit of lycra. The snug material showing off her curvy, sleek form and delicate scales. Even if her chest was flat, she was a delightful image of elegance and lithe muscles. The young lady was breathing a little heavier already from anticipation, a hint of dampness teasing through the plush curves of her lap.

"So you'd like to be the next dancer for our show?" I said as I circled, looking over the lizards scales, blue and fine upon her chest and thighs, turned to mottled browns and blacks along her larger back scales that gave her an exotic look. Her own black eyes peered over my own odd herm form, exploring my white stripes amid rusty fur and demonic wings. But the unnamed lizard commented nothing otherwise, just nodding shyly as her tail lashed excitedly behind her, giving away her eagerness none the less.

I smiled wider, revealing my fangs at the nod. At last a day where it won't take the whole day to just find one entertainer for the crowds. The noose was already set on stage, awaiting tonight's dancer to fill it as the lovely lizard lass kept peering over towards it. I was sure she would do a wonderful job of it, since she couldn't keep her eyes off the loop of silk rope. "Well miss, may I have the name of the delightful lizard who'll decorate my stage tonight?" I asked politely, trying to keep my own tails still.

"Oh, um, you can just call me Maria, Miss." She nodded shyly again, that long tail lashing with nervous energy, but trying to be as cheerful as one can be about signing up to be hanged in front of a leering crowd.

I pondered how cute that tail will be while it's lashing in the air helplessly, "Well Maria, we should probably get you out of that outfit and into the awaiting noose." My hands brush her shoulder, dragging the smooth fabric over the rough scales of her back.

I watched her cheek scales flush as my hands ran the smooth fabric down her body. Exposing her lithe, flat chest and elegant curves of her belly. No nipples or belly button to break the lovely smooth female curves up. The subtle hints of her pouted slit between her strong thighs. The sleek lizard wriggled her body in a sweet little dance just for me, making a show out of stripping her outfit off. But she will soon be performin a more primal dance in a noose's loving hold soon enough, for all to watch.

Maria stretched a little, nude now, and her slit glittered with a hint of dampness as I admired her nude form. My hands tracing the smoothness of her belly and chest, then onto the roughness of her back, enjoying the feel of scales as she trembled softly. Maria looking longingly over to the stage and the noose dangling there, waiting for her long slender neck. Her eyes drinking in the simple knot that will hold her body as she struggled and writhed, and looking blissful with anxious anticipation.

"well, let's not leave the crowd waiting." I smiled and kissed the lizard girl's cheek, grasping Maria's cool hand and leading her nude form on stage. The crowd cheered, whistling at the boyish looking girl. Maria herself swayed her wide hips, showing her mottled scales off as best possible, while she still was still able to. But her eyes never moved from the loop of hemp that awaited her throat.

I settled her just in front of the noose, inches from her delicate snout. Her eyes gazed upon it while I turned aside to gather the hood she would wear. Soon to be marked as another anonymous volunteer, hanged and left on stage all night. Her long tail curled around my ankle for comfort while I opened the black leather before her eyes.

The crowd hushed finally as Maria nuzzled obligingly into the well used fabric. The fabric was stinking of musks from males and females who were previously held lovingly to death by a loop of rope before her. I drew it over her scales gently, leaving it fitting loose, her snout elegant even when wrapped in black canvas. Hiding her identity from all but the noose, as was done before for executions.

The young lady panted and squirmed a little in the darkness that held her. My hands guiding her own back behind her. Baring her form more for the crowd as I admired how graceful she took this. The room was silent now, just the panting of breaths anticipating this erotic show. Though only I could hear the deep, pleasured pants from the hooded lass besdies me. I looped black silk around Maria's hands and cinched them firmly, yet lovingly so she could not escape her fate. Tying a little bow of decoration in the lacy fabriic. Her tail clutched my ankles more firmly for support, But she stood proud as she could to put on the best show she can. She only gets one try.

I peered down at her clawed feet, watching her toes shift upon the trapdoor with nervous enthusiasm. My hands slid the deadly loop of rope about her slender, hooded neck carefully as I whsipered in her ear, "Just relax darling, and struggle as you wish, it won't matter in the end. So enjoy what you can."

Maria tensed more when she felt the loop of fabric emrbace her delicate throat. Her feet fidgeting and clicking claws on the trapdoor while I adjusted the noose to best hang the little lizard girl. I pulled it nice and tight, enjoying the gasp from her in response, her pleasure muffled under the hood. "Almost time to hang, just a moment more..." I whispered to her hooded ear. She nodded what little she could, her tail finally uncoiling from my leg as she stood tall.

I walked off, my footsteps heard as Maria writhed just a little. Her sleek scaled form nervously shifted on the end of the trapdoor. The crowd murmured approval while the young lady panted, her chest rising and falling with her life while she could. I held the lever, letting the moment build for both audience and volunteer.

It's not nice to tease too long, and when the poor girl's tail started to twitch with fear I gave the lever a firm pull. The platform clattered open with a snap, a faint, final squeak from the girl as her noose caught her slim neck. Her sounds ended with a creaking of rope as the dance began. Her feet jerked in shock, kicking wildly to instinctively feel for any support while her weight settled the loop of rope tighter and tighter about her throat with every motion she made.

All eyes were on Maria now, and I took the moment to reach a paw into my skirt and tease my male arousal. I sighed in pleasure as I leaned back and watched her contently. The girl kicked frantically for a few more moments, blindly feeling for anything to rest her scaled toes upon. Twisting in a lazy circle to show off her nude form for the crowd as she struggled with the suffocating feel of the noose around her neck.

Those struggles grew more helpless as she swung faintly from side to side. Her kicks slowed after a few moments, but still firm and helpless as scaled toes clenched and relaxed. Her tail lashed firmly as the young lady strangled for the crowd. Flat chest arching, struggling for breaths she will never reach again.

The lithe lass tried to restrain her frantic motions as she curled her toes and tensed her legs. Muscles rippling as she arched in the air. Growing more controlled as she then relaxed for a moment. Globs of pleasure oozing down her thighs as her hips twitched lewdly. The female's struggles hinting at the aches of pain and pleasure driving her on.

Her struggles grew more relaxed, though all could see the sharp cramps revealing her strength in her scales. Her kicks languid as her tail lashed and made her circle steadily, while her folds oozed her pleasure. Hips bucking a few times as she shuddered with pleasures, fading slowly with her life as she gave it up for the crowd.

All shows have to come to an end. After those first few minutes of frantic struggles her motions were slow and delicate. Her tail slumping along with her head as she begins to sag in the noose's lethal hold. Her legs paddle fitfully, struggling more fiercely even without her strength. The doomed lass lost in her pain and pleasure from the noose's loving hold. Her thighs glistened from her final orgasm, but soon rivulets of her cool piss trickled down. Her head tossing, trying to fight it as she emptied her bladder for all to watch.

A steady stream dripped down her thighs as muscles cramped in spasms running up her body. Her head slid forward, not lifting as her consciousness faded. Her body relaxing as her bladder emptied steadily down her relaxed legs. Her lovely tail circled and twitched, toes relaxed as her clawed feet stop twitching.

And finally she is still and limp. The trickle of piss down her relaxed thighs ending as she hung limp and serene. Her scales glittering in the lights from the slick fluid, with hints of it's bitter scent reaching the audience from the small puddle beneath her. A soft applause was given from the crowd as I try to avoid pawing myself to climax quite yet. I don't need to give them a second showing this quickly, returning my paws back where they belong as I bow politely. At least as politely as I can with an erection tenting my skirt and panties. Walking down the stage to let the show cool down some for now, but not without peering back at the graceful lizard, dangling serene upon my stage by her hooded throat.

Another lovely dance on my stage was complete.

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