Scat Bunny, Chapter Two

Story by LiskaKitsune on SoFurry

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Same as chapter one, be carefull about this, this story aint intended for gentle old ladies.

Yiffing through the snow, on a one fox open sleigh, yipping as we go, SQUICKAGE all the way!

Scat Bunny, Chapter Two

The vixen rarely left the bunny alone for more than an hour without demanding some sort of perverse service from the her. And the rabbit had to comply, if she refused the vixen would likely hurt her, and she would get away with it because she entertained the master so well. The vixens extreme kinkiness had secured her place in the wolfs favour. The rabbit was sure she could get or do anything she wanted if she were to open her mouth and ask. Speaking however was forbidden as a general rule amongst pleasure slaves. The wolf had never made his position on the matter clear, but neither rabbit or fox had tested him on the matter yet.

Both furs had during the day free access to the houses garden. It was just grass with flower beds surrounding it. The garden was secured by high walls, too high to see over. This was to ensure no neighbours would be offended by the sight of the naked fox and rabbit. It was not however the lack of clothing that was likely to cause offence. Neither fur had access to the houses toilet, that meant they were expected to go, as many pets would be, in the garden.

The rabbit tried to spend as much time as she could in the garden to escape the smell of their room.

Although the wolf had it cleaned daily, nothing could remove the scent of the vixen. Scat and occasionally vomit were easy enough to get rid of, but the vixen scent marked everything, especially the bunnies bed, and that was one smell that no quantity of disinfectant could remove. And even if it could, the vixen would just re spray everything again anyway. And as usual the wolf would either ignore it, or laugh it off because the vixen farted on cue for him.


It was the day after the rabbits punishment. She had finally managed to get the taste of the vixens spray out of her mouth, although she had a feeling that, as always it would not last very long.

She was lying on her back trying to fill her mind with something pleasant, not easy considering the vixen was lying on top of her, slobbering all over her muzzle. The rabbit grunted as the vixen squeezed her tit herd as her tongue ran over her lips, probing, trying to get into her mouth. Not resisting didn't mean the rabbit had to actively cooperate. Unless the vixen actually threatened her, her mouth was staying closed. Fortunately the vixen seemed to be enjoying the challenge, trying various things to get her to open her mouth.

The vixen ran her paw down to the rabbits furry crotch and rested the tip of her claw against her clitoris. The rabbit tensed, she suspected the vixen was about to win her prize. Sure enough the fox pressed her sharp claw against the clit and the rabbit yelped in pain. As soon as her mouth was open she felt the vixens tongue slide inside and begin to lick the inside of her mouth. The looked into the vixens eyes, which beamed back in triumph.

The vixen sucked the rabbits tongue into her own mouth and began to nibble on it gently. The rabbit tried not to choke as the fox drooled saliva freely into her mouth which immediately ran to the back of her throat. When the vixen had first started to play with her, when they had both recently been purchased, this had disgusted her, having to drink another furs drool, now however this didn't bother her in the slightest, as it was infinitely preferable to the alternatives, that mostly being the vixens scat.

The vixen pushed her tongue as deep into the rabbits mouth as she could manage, making the rabbit gag in the process. The vixen murred in satisfaction as the bunny began to squirm under her, trying to breath past the tongue and fox drool.

Suddenly the vixen pulled her tongue from the bunnies mouth and looked her in the eye, she seemed almost thoughtful. And then, and much to the rabbits shock, she whispered to her.

"You don't like me do you bunny?"

The rabbit stared back, partly shocked by the vixen speaking to her suddenly, partly shocked by the absurdity of the question. She took a moment to answer, she had not spoken for so long it took her a few moments to remember how.

"Of course not." She eventually hissed back.

"How come?" The vixen asked, a sly smile creeping across her lips.

"You abuse me every day!" The rabbit hissed. "You rape me, you force me to eat your make the master punish me for no reason..."

The vixen looked genuinely confused. "I...I give you sex...scat sex even and you're complaining?"

"Not everyone likes scat."

"Everyone likes scat."

"Not everyone."

The vixen thought for a moment. "The master likes scat."

"The master is not everyone."

"No but if he was then everyone would like scat." The vixen pointed out.

"But he's not everyone!" The rabbit hissed in frustration, her voice raising dangerously above a whisper.

"But it does not matter that the master is not everyone, because everyone likes just don't know that you do." The vixen finished. The rabbit sighed. The vixens logic worked in her head, and she was not likely to listen to any arguments.

"Well I don't like scat, despite what you say." She said petulantly.

The vixen grinned. "What if I told you to like scat, you know that master gives me authority over you, so then you'd have to..."

The rabbit shook her head, her body still pinned under the vixen. "No you can make me eat it, you cant make me like it!"

The vixens grin grew, her sharp canines poked over her bottom lip. "So you're defying me bunny?"

"No! I'm..."

"Oh you are! I think this calls for punishment"

The bunnies eyes widened in alarm and she shook her head desperately. "No I swear I'm not trying to defy you, please!"

"Shush bunny." The vixen said. "Stay on you're back and open you're mouth."

The rabbit cringed, she knew exactly what was coming, it had happened countless times before and it always made her sick. Still she knew that delay would land her in more trouble. With a sigh she closed her eyes and held her muzzle open.

The vixen lifted herself off the rabbit and stood up. She turned around so she was facing the bunny's feet, then squatted over her. She backed up with her tail raised until her bum was only a few centimetres from the rabbits face, and her tail was draped over her head.

"Ready?" She whispered to the bunny.



The rabbit kept her eyes tight just but could smell the vixens tail hole right in front of her. The vixen shifted back a little and the hole was right over her mouth. It was obvious what was going to happen, the anus would open, and the vixen would not just poop in her mouth, but fill her to choking point. It was only a matter of a few moments.

The rabbit waited....and waited. After a full minute her mouth was still empty. The vixen was not even straining, she was not even trying to poop. This confused the rabbit. Usually the vixen was unfalteringly predictable...but if she was not going to poop in her mouth, what was she going to do? It occurred to the bunny that maybe she just wanted to spook her, and was not actually going to do anything. She dismissed that immediately. That would be a sign of rudimentary compassion, and the bunny knew full well that such a concept was totally alien to the vixen, and could never be taught, even with weeks of patient tutoring.

The rabbit opened her eyes to see what was going on. She just glimpsed the vixen looking back at her, her grin widen with delight...and then she saw nothing, the was a squirting sound, a stench of fox musk, and the bunny was blinded. She screeched as her eyes erupted in pain as the vixen sprayed the bunny's eyes with her anal glands.

The rabbit threw the vixen off her, who landed hard on her side, but was laughing too much to care. She rubbed her eyes, trying to relieve the burning feeling, but that only made it worse. For a full five minutes she rolled around on the wooden floor, shrieking and practically trying to claw her eyes out to stop the burning. All the while the vixen sat on the floor, watching her, and fiddling with her clit to the sight.

Eventually the burning subsided enough for the rabbit to open her eyes. She looked around, her vision blurred by tears to see the vixen close to climaxing over her distress. Rage built in the rabbit, rage she had never felt before. She was going to make the vixen pay for this. She got so caught up in her rage and distress that she did not care that she had let go her bladder. For the vixen, seeing the yellow urine running through the rabbits white fur was all she needed. The rabbit saw her shudder, and then squirt on the floor. To the bunny, that was the last straw. With a scream she lunged at the vixen and knocked her on her back. Then she swung her paw and swiped across the vixens left cheek and muzzle.

For a few moments the vixen looked stunned, it took time for her to realise that she was not dreaming, the rabbit had actually attacked her. Slowly she raised a paw to her cheek, and felt wetness. She looked at her pawpad and saw blood from the gashes where the rabbits claws had made contact with her skin.

The rabbit stood in front of the vixen, she saw her look at the bloody paw, to the bunny, back to her paw, and finally to the bunny again. The rabbit was scared. She knew the vixen was going to seriously hurt her for this.

Sure enough, a low grumbling began in the vixens throat, which got louder, and louder, until with a roar of rage the vixen threw herself at the rabbit. The rabbit shrieked as she felt teeth sink into her should. She kicked back at the vixen, her powerful legs forcing the vixen to lot go with a grunt. Again the two pets lunged for each other, and ended up on the floor, each trying to bite, claw or kick the other. They scuffled for a few minutes before the vixen heard movement near the door. The master was coming.

Deliberately she loosened her grip on the bunny. This allowed the rabbit to gain the upper hand and she threw herself on top of the vixen and sunk her teeth into the vixens neck, just as the door opened.

As soon as the rabbit became aware of the wolf's presence she let go of the vixen. The vixen, knowing exactly how to turn the situation to her advantage, ran straight to the wolf whimpering and threw herself behind him, gripping onto his legs for comfort and peering between them at the rabbit with a terrorised look on her face.

"What's going on here bunny?" The wolf asked. There was a dangerous edge to his voice.

The rabbit just stared back, she still had a clump of the vixens fur in her mouth. Slowly she opened her mouth and let the fur fall to the floor.

"You've been bullying the vixen."

The rabbit shook her head desperately. The wolf picked up his most precious pet and looked the vixen over.

"What has she done to you?" He whispered as he noted the clawed face, belly and the bite wound in her neck. He gently put the vixen down and marched over to the bunny. Roughly he held her jaw and twisted her head to one side, looking at the tooth marks in her shoulder, then roughly twisted her head back, looked at her red and runny eyes.

"The vixen is hurt a lot worse than you are bunny." The wolf growled at her. "All I see on you are the signs of self defence." Again the rabbit shook her head frantically. She was desperate to speak, to tell him what really happened. But the wolf would never believe him anyway. He was smitten with the fox, to the wolf, the rabbit was variety, nothing more.

The wolf sighed. "Bunny, you stay here and don't dare move." He snarled. "And stop trying to act all innocent!" He shouted as the bunny continued to shake her head. She flinched and fell still. The wolf picked up the vixen again and held her face to face.

"Will you be all right?" He asked. The vixen smiled and licked his nose. "Good. Come with me." He turned back to the bunny. "Don't move a muscle!" He turned to walk out the door still carrying the vixen, when he did so the vixen looked at the rabbit over his shoulder and cast her the most malicious grin the rabbit had ever seen. The rabbit slumped onto the floor and sobbed.

Scat Bunny, Chapter One

If you're under eighteen, don't read, if you're over eighteen...probably still should not read. I've not held back a whole lot with this one. So expect squickage! SCAT BUNNY Chapter One The rabbit opened her eyes to the new day and looked...

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Chapter three

Chapter 3 September 26th, 1979, Gardez command post "All right listen up boys and girls." The intelligence officer called to the assembled group of soldiers and APC crew, all chatting noisily to each other. "I said listen up!" He...

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Chapter two

Chapter Two, September 23rd 1979 Maydan Shahr command post Off in the distance, away in the hills came the sound of gunfire and explosions. Just audible was the scream of jet engines, always followed by more explosions. Soon the...

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