Chapter three

Story by LiskaKitsune on SoFurry

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#3 of Fur + Conflict

Chapter 3

September 26th, 1979, Gardez command post

"All right listen up boys and girls." The intelligence officer called to the assembled group of soldiers and APC crew, all chatting noisily to each other.

"I said listen up!" He shouted. Quickly there was silence. "Thank you." He smiled sarcastically. "I have a present for you all, the new orders just came in so your little vacation is at an end."

Around him all the furs began to grumble.

"Vacation?" Tasha whispered to Lakita. "He calls sitting in this shit hole for two days a vacation?"

"Has the art of sarcasm never been explained to you demon?" Lakita hissed back.

"Now..." the int officer continued. "Your all on inspection duty, there are about a hundred small villages in the local area, and any one of them could be hiding Mujaheedin, so we need to check them all out."

"Sir?" One of the soldiers called out.

"What is it?" The Int officer asked.

"How do we know if there are Mujaheedin in the villages?"

"Because..." The officer began, as if he was talking to a three year old, "Generally Afghan villagers and goat herders and farmers are not normally armed to the teeth. So you'll be searching for weapon caches."

"And if we find any?"

"The chances are if there are any then you wont need to find them, the Mujaheedin will fire first, in which case you fire back. Any more sensible questions?" Silence. "Good." Beamed the officer. "Now, you'll all travel in convoy together up a small town called Shiar, whilst on route there is a reasonable chance of attack, so Mi-24's will be patrolling the area and the convoy will be escorted by T-62 tanks.

"Sir?" Lakita called out.

The officer rolled his eyes. "What now?" He snapped.

"Well looking at the ariel photos the road to Shiar is in good condition, which means we'll be able to do about seventy or eighty kph...wont the T-62's slow us down?"

"Yes, but you have a choice, you can either go at their pace, and live, or you can go at your pace and get blown to shit...any preferences?" Lakita didn't answer. "Good. From Shiar you'll split up and inspect your assigned villages, your individual targets have been marked onto your maps, bigger villages have been assigned two search teams, so co ordinate with each other and hit the objectives at the same time if its not too much trouble. Understood?"

There were murmurs of affirmation from the group.

"Excellent, there is hope after all." The officer said. Everyone was beginning to dislike him intensely. "Two more things, one, do not hassle innocent villagers needlessly. We've had reports that some search teams have been damaging buildings and killing livestock needlessly...I don't want that to continue. Secondly, each commander needs to pick a soldier to leave behind, your each getting a liaison officer from the Afghan National Army. He'll translate for you and fill you in on any cultural details. They are all trained soldiers, so you can count on them like any other. Good? Right get to it, I want the convoy off in twenty minutes."

The crowd began to disperse, collecting their newly marked maps and heading towards their respective vehicles.

"How come we never heard anything about these ANA transfers before?" Tasha asked Lakita.

Lakita shrugged. "You know what its like darling, we the people who do the work are always the last to know anything important."

Tasha pointed over to a figure standing by White 31. "Think that's our ANA guy?"

"Well lets see..." Lakita began sarcastically. "Hmm...he's a honey badger...he's wearing ANA uniform...I guess its possible."

Tasha threw her a look of mock annoyance.

"You do know you're a bitch right?"


When they reached 31 the ANA badger stepped up and saluted. "Lieutenant Haread, ANA liaison department." He said in a thick Arab accent.

"Sergeant Pavelovna." Lakita saluted back. "So your stuck in this mess too huh?"

The badger looked confused. "Mess sir?"

"Your country in civil war, us probably gonna end up an occupation force...and you forced to fight your own countrymen. I'd call that a mess."

Haread shook his head. "No sir, I mean yes, I agree the situation is not good, but I fight because I believe it is right. Is that not why everyone fights?"

Lakita smiled. "No, some us fight because we're told to."

"So you don't believe in the cause?"

"Well sure I do...but the thing is to me...Afghanistan was a world away...or so it seemed, in my heart what happened here was Afghanistan's business...I believe in socialism, I really do...but if the people of Afghanistan don't want it...then why should we force it on them?"

"But many of the people do want it." Haread pointed out. "its just a case of which side is the majority. Remember my government asked for Soviet intervention."

"Yeah but your government was installed by mine." Said Lakita. "Anyway this isn't the time for this, we need to get going...and figure out who's staying behind."

"It should probably be Pavel." Tasha suggested.

"No. Lakita shook her head. "He's fresh out of basic training, he needs the experience." She eyed Joseph walking towards them. "You'll do." She muttered to herself. "Hey Joseph!" She shouted to him. "Want some time off?"

The convoy of about twenty vehicles made its way slowly along the partially tarmacked road towards Shiar, the BTR's were capable of hitting around eighty kph on this comparatively good road, but they had to go at the T-62 escorts top speed of fifty.

In the back of White 31 things were a little tense. The seven remaining soviet troops were all a little uncomfortable having an Afghan in their midst, they knew of course that they were at war with the Mujaheedin, not Afghanistan...but a fur that looked exactly like the ones that they had fought a few days previously still made them uneasy. Despite this, Haread was trying to fit in.

"So where were you educated?" He asked the Alsatian, Lieutenant Kuznetsov.

Kuznetsov glanced to the other soldiers before answering.

"Uh...Moscow state university." He answered eventually. "I studied philosophy for two years before getting conscripted."

"Really? Moscow state? My daughter is studying there now."

All seven soldiers looked surprised. "Your daughter? Kuznetsov asked. "I didn't know Afghans went to Soviet universities."

"Some of us do." Haread laughed. "Actually it caused a bit of a stir at home, most of my neighbours thought it abhorrent that I was allowing my daughter to be educated so highly."

"Why's that?"

"A lot of the more...conservative Muslims believe that men and woman each have their strict place in society, and that women should only be educated as far as is needed for them to raise children, tend farms and look after their husbands. Generally it is that sort of Muslim that me and you are fighting now."

"And others?" Asked Kuznetsov.

"And many Muslims believe that women should be allowed to be educated and should be treated as equals. I of course am one of them."

Again all seven of the soviet troops exchanged glances.

"You're a Muslim?" Kuznetsov said, not entirely understanding.

"Of course, just because I am a soldier of a communist army does not mean I do not worship god, just because in the Soviet Union religion is discouraged, that does not mean it is so in all socialist sates."

"I guess so." Kuznetsov said. He was surprised, Haread was far more enlightened and...dare he think it...civilised than he'd expected any Afghan to be. "I guess I've been letting stereotypes guide my judgement of your country..." He admitted to Haread.

"And the Mujaheedin let stereotypes guide their judgement of others...hopefully you can learn to overcome yours."

"Hopefully." Kuznetsov agreed with a grin. "So what about you? Have you any education?"

"Well I didn't go to university." Haread admitted. "However my military training was in the Soviet Union. Originally I applied to be a pilot, and was sent to Sakai in the Ukraine, but after testing my eyesight was found to be not good enough, so I was re assigned to the army training base near Sevastopol."

"Oh I love Sevastopol!" A lynx said, butting in. "Me and my wife usually go there on holiday each year. I didn't know there was a training base there though."

"Its only used for training of foreign soldiers, so I'm not surprised. But yes, I liked Sevastopol, when on leave from there I travelled and saw much of the Crimea, I wanted to go to Odessa, and see the famous steps from the film."

"Famous steps?" Kuznetsov asked.

"Yes, from a film made a long time ago, The Battleship Potempkin."

"Never seen it." Said Kuznetsov "But I think I know the story...vaguely remember it from school."

Clouds had begun to form in the sky above the convoy, cutting out a lot of the suns heat, so inside White 31 the front compartment was at a fairly comfortable temperature, and the air conditioning was on only at a low level for once.

"They seem to be getting on well." Lakita noted.

"What?" Asked Tasha.

"The troops, and the NVA guy. Their talking about films."

Tasha glanced at her skunk. "Are you eavesdropping over the intercom?"

"Yes, if they are stupid enough to leave it on. I'm wanting to hear something incrimination from them to get them back for three days ago."

Tasha shook her head. "Your so pathetic you know that?" Lakita just stuck her tongue out at the vixen.

"Nobody really cares you know? If anything their happy for us."

"Its just embarrassing though." Lakita said. "Calling myself a lesbian over the intercom. I mean what if I'd said that over the radio?"

"Then it would have been funnier." Tasha pointed out.

"No sympathy." Lakita muttered. "Even from my lover."

"So what they talking about now?" Tasha asked.

Lakita listened to her headset for a moment. "Still of them's bitching about a new film about to come out in the cinemas that he's not going to get to see...something called Stalker."

"Sounds like a bundle of laughs." Noted Tasha. "Good news though, that's Shiar in the distance, just a few more minutes and we can dump these tanks slowing us down."

"Thank god." Lakita sighed. "Although you know the second we leave them we're gonna be attacked?"

"I know." Tasha confirmed. "The second they are gone I'm expecting to see a formation of American tanks heading towards us guns blazing."

Lakita looked at her vixen oddly. "Why American tanks? Why would they help the Mujaheedin fight us?"

"Because we helped the North Vietnamese fight them." Tasha pointed out. "The Cold War is nothing but a childish game of spite. After this we will probably go help one of Americas enemies just to get them back."

"If the Americans do end up helping the Mujaheedin that is."

"I think they will."

"Don't be so negative Tasha...we'll be home before the Americans even know what's happening out here."

Tasha looked to Lakita, far from convinced.

Once they had passed Shiar all twelve BTR-70 peeled off in different directions. Tasha was immensely relieved that between them and their first village was nothing but flat rocky desert, not a valley in sight.

"This is gonna be fun!" She noted.

Lakita sighed and flipped the intercom switch. "Hold on tight guys, Tash is in a daredevil mood again."

Before anyone had time to explain to Haread what this meant, Tasha slammed her paw down on the accelerator, White 31 shot off across the rocky ground, bouncing dementedly. Everyone inside being shaken around like Mexican jumping beans, Tasha laughing manically.

"F...F...for f...fucks s..ake T...ash...a!" Lakita stammered. "S...low down!"

Tasha sighed and lifted her paw off the accelerator, slowly White 31 slowed to a more sensible, and less bone juddering pace.

"That's better." Remarked Lakita. "Don't let anyone else see ya doing that, the commissars would have a stroke if they knew you were trying to break the suspension on their vehicles."

"I aint trying to break anything but the boredom." Said Tasha. "How far to the village?"

"About five minutes, turn about ten degrees left though, we're not going straight."

Tasha nodded and pulled the BTR back on course.

"It might be best if I do the talking." Haread said quietly to Lakita when everyone had dismounted from White 31.

"Why's that?"

"A lot of the villagers wont listen to a woman, especially a foreign woman."

"All right." Lakita agreed. "Just tell them that we're hear to look for Mujaheedin weapons, and that if no one interferes then everyone will be okay."

Haread approached a group of elderly male furs who had come out to meet the visitors. Behind them woman and children looked on with a mixture of curiosity and fear. Haread conveyed the message to the village elders. After a short discussion he returned to Lakita.

"He says that there are no Mujaheedin here, and that we are free to check the buildings, but he says that some of the villagers have rifles used for hunting. He's concerned we may mistake this for signs of rebellion."

Lakita nodded, "Okay, go tell him that so long as the weapons are not recent Soviet issue, and so long as nobody touches them whilst we're here, it wont be a problem."

Again Haread conveyed the message and the elders seemed satisfied.

"Okay guys." Lakita addressed the troops. "Have a look around each building, look in each room, but don't damage anything. Haread says they have some old rifles for hunting, and I think that's okay, if you find any explosives or automatic weapons, call me at once. I think these guys are friendly enough," She motioned towards the village, "But still be careful, keep you Ak's ready."

With that the eight troops dispersed into pairs and began to search the houses, generally only taking a few moments inside each.

Lakita and Tasha retrieved their AKs-74U special forces variants of the Ak-74 from White 31 and headed together towards one of the houses. Stepping through the open door they glanced around the buildings only room.

"There's a rifle on that wall." Tasha pointed out.

"Yeah I saw it." Lakita said. "Its okay though, it's a Lee Enfield...its an old British thing, I doubt the Mujaheedin would be using them. Okay this buildings clear."

They stepped back outside and made their way to the next building, almost identical to the last. Again it contained nothing incriminating.

Eventually all thirteen houses and the main hall of the village had been searched. Aside from a few rifles, all old British, there was nothing of note in the village. The troops assembled back at White 31.

"Okay Haread." Lakita said. "Go tell the elders we thank them for their co operation, and we'll be off now."

Haread walked back to the elders, waiting patiently in the centre of the village. After a few moments of conversation the elders called out to someone. A young girl ran up to the troops and began handing them each a small cake.

Haread walked back to the group. "The elders say these are in appreciation for not harming their livestock or damaging their village."

Tasha frowned. "Have other units already been here and done that?"

Haread nodded. "Apparently a tank came by three days ago and shot most of their goats...but they didn't inspect the village."

"Shit..." Lakita sighed. "How are we supposed to persuade the people that we're the good guys when we go around shooting their livestock and terrorising them...? Haread...go tell the elders that we're sorry for what happened...and that we'll report what happened to our superiors. Ask them if anyone knows the number on the tank."

After a few minutes Haread returned. "The elders thank you for your concern and say that they cannot read your alphabet, but it was two straight lines, marked in blue paint."

"Blue eleven." Tasha said needlessly.

"Okay." Said Lakita. We'll report this when we get back, but right now we've got another nine villages to inspect...and I'm curios to see how they have been treated by our passing forces."

None of the remaining villages had any sign of Mujaheedin activity, however another four reported attacks from Soviet forces. Lakita had expected that something similar to this might happen, although not to such an extent. Tasha however was badly shaken by it...after her only experience of active duty with the UN, she had never considered that the Soviet military could do wrong. Feeling that she might be on the side of an oppressor as great as the one she was fighting felt even worse than the fear of death.

Dusk was falling as White 31 made its way back to Gardez. All the other teams had met up at Shiar and had been escorted back, but 31 was late, and had to get back alone.

"I hope the Mujaheedin are afraid of the dark..." Tasha remarked, not very hopefully.

"Don't bet on it." Lakita replied grimly. "Just keep going, we don't have far to go. " Lakita shifted uncomfortable in her seat. "Tasha?" She asked.

"What is it?"

"I need your advice..."

Tasha blinked in surprise. "You need my advice?"

Lakita nodded. "Of course, I'm only a fur too...I'm not always I need your opinion on something."

"Okay." Tasha said, a little worried that her lovers normally solid confidence was shaken by something.

"Should we report what happened today?"

"I thought you'd already made your mind up about that."

"I had...but now I'm not sure...its wrong, what those other units did...okay no furs died...but animals did...and it was only done through cruelty to the locals. The Americans had a saying in Vietnam...'Hearts and Minds.' "

"What does that mean?" Tasha asked as she drove on.

"It means that by touching the peoples hearts you can sway their means...treat people well and they will help you...treat them badly and they will oppose you. So on that logic...I should report this, one because its wrong, and two because its gonna end up increasing support for the Mujaheedin."

"Two fairly conclusive reasons If ever I heard some." Tasha pointed out. "So what's the problem?"

"The problem is," Lakita began. "Would it be betraying our own forces to report this? And would the Mujaheedin stop to consider the ethics of terrorising Russians?"

"That's irrelevant." Tasha told her. "What counts is that we have to be better than the Mujaheedin, we need to convince the locals that the people who attacked them are in a minority, and that most Soviets wouldn't hurt them."

"What if that's not true though?" Lakita asked. "What if most would?"

"We have to assume most wouldn't...otherwise why are we fighting?"

"That's just the thing though." Lakita said. "Why are we fighting?"

Tasha smiled to herself. "Well since your bringing up American sayings, here is one my father heard Americans use during the great patriotic war, 'Yours is not to ask why, yours is to do or die.' Their full of them the Americans aren't they?"

Lakita laughed quietly. "Yeah they are. How come you've never told me about you father...or you past before I met you Tash?"

Tasha just stared ahead for a moment before answering. "I'll tell you when I'm ready."

"Okay." Lakita said, not wanting to push it. "But I'd like to know some day."

"You will will."

"You really expect me to be concerned with this right now?" The base commander asked with some disbelief.

As soon as White 31 had returned to base Lakita had immediately gone to the operations centre and reported their findings to the commander.

"Well I thought you'd want to find out whose doing it...and stop them sir." She explained.

"Sergeant...I've got more important things to worry about right now. All through today I've been getting reports that our forces near the Pakistani border have been fired upon, and I've got a missing MiG-27 that was probably taken down by Pakistani forces...and your expecting me to concern myself with a few dead goats?"

Lakita struggled to suppress her anger. "Its not so much the goats sir, it's the fact that our forces have been terrorising the locals. Its not right."

The commander leant back in his chair. "Your correct it not right, but like I said...I've got bigger problems and its not my responsibility. Blue eleven is not even attached to my command. If you can get hold of their C O then bring the issue up with him. Dismissed."

Lakita walked slowly away from the operations tent as Tasha ran up towards her, trying not to get squashed by the Ural troop transports that were constantly driving by..

"Well what did he say?" She asked as she stepped in line with the skunk, she was not very hopeful after seeing Lakita's expression.

"He said it was not his responsibility and he has bigger problems."

"Shit." Was all Tasha could say for a moment. "This is wrong." She said as much to herself as to Lakita. "This is utterly wrong."

Lakita laughed bitterly. "This? This is war, welcome to it. There as not been a single army in history, no matter how righteous they think they are, that's hasn't done shit like this. Just be glad that so far there has been no evidence of us killing civilians. Though I have no doubt it will come."

"Is that not a little pessimistic Lakita." Tasha asked. "Expecting that we will kill innocents?"

"It's a fact Tasha. Thirty five years ago we killed German civilians, they killed our civilians...the shitty truth is that that's what happens in war. The only way to stop it is to stop war...and its too late for that. I'm just disappointed that we showed ourselves to be monsters before the Mujaheedin had a chance." Lakita put her arm around Tasha's shoulder. "Tomorrow we're checking a different sector. Its possible that Blue eleven is the only one...if we don't get any negative reports tomorrow then I'll feel better."

"Me too." Agreed Tasha. "On a lighter note they just lit up a barbeque, everyone's'll help us take our minds off things."

Lakita smiled, cheering up a little. "See fluff ball? I told you we'd be home soon, things cant be going that bad if their throwing a barbeque."

"Or..." Tasha pondered, "Things are going so badly we need to be distracted..."

Lakita scrunched up her muzzle in disgust. "Tasha...depress me like that one more time and I'm putting you on report for making defeatist comments in public."

The two furs laughed as they walked together towards the mess tent, outside of which they could just see the orange glow of the barbeque.


Lakita was dreaming, dreaming about her childhood growing up in Zukovsky. That was what got her interested in the military, she spent her childhood watching the latest fighters being tested at the airbase. The town of Zukovsky was built to house the workers and crews of the airbase and the associated scientific facilities. Her father worked for TSAAGI, the state hydro dynamical and aero dynamical research institute, designing hydrofoil boats. Her mother, the mathematician worked for the Sukhoi design beaurou, working out the mathematics of aerodynamics.

Every Saturday as a teenager she would meet up with her best friend from School and they would catch one of the new of the ones her father helped design, and ride it up the Mosckva river into Moscow. They never 'did' anything in Moscow, they always just wandered around, looking at the sights and enjoying being around so many different types of furs from so many places. Her grandfather had told her that he could remember a time when only furs native to Russia were ever seen in Moscow, thanks to the revolution it was very different now.

The Soviet Union had changed a lot during Lakita's childhood also. Trotsky had died only shortly before her birth, and although he himself was no war mongerer, he was still seen very much as "The war leader", so to many it felt that when he died, the Soviet Union could finally enter an era of true peace, and leave the war footing which it had been on for over a decade. To most the greatest symbol of this was the disbandment of the NKVD, the military secret police, and the re establishment of the Cheka, the internal protection force. Lakita grew up during a time of great economic change, vast expenditure on public transport and housing programmes meant that at last, the revolution was complete. Lakita could only just faintly remember seeing the last shack like villages before they were replaced by modern towns...she doubted Tasha would be old enough to remember them.

After leaving School Lakita went to Leningrad for about a year, studying mathematics at her mothers insistence, but it proved not to her tastes, so finally at the age of twenty, she joined the army, much to her parents displeasure. She'd barley spoken to them since. All of this she had told Tasha, and even in her dreams Lakita wandered why Tasha would not reveal her past to her.

She was eventually woken from her dreaming by a gentle shake to her shoulders. She slowly opened one eye and saw Tasha trying to wake her.

"Tash? What time is it?" She mumbled.

"About three in the morning." The fox told her. "C'mon wake up properly."

"Hmm? Why what's wrong?"

"Nothing wrong...I just need your help."

Lakita opened both eyes and propped herself up on her arms. "All right fluff ball this better be good."

"I need some attention..."

"Huh? What kinda 'attention'?"

"You know what kind I mean." Tasha murred as she nuzzled the skunks face fur.

"Jesus...Tasha we already did it tonight!"

"I know...but I'm horny again..."

The skunk tried to wake herself up properly, knowing that Tasha was not going to let her sleep until she was satisfied. "You better not be...if your in heat you might get shipped home without me..."

"I'm not." The vixen promised. "I just need some more attention.

"All right." The skunk sighed as she began to unzip her sleeping bag. The air temperature had fallen with the clouds. "Take your fill." She fully opened the sleeping bag revealing her naked black and white furry body to Tasha.

Even though she had seen Lakita naked hundreds of times before, the sight of her breasts always made her heart beat fast. "Shit your breasts are perfect." She whispered huskily.

"So you say nearly every day..."

"They are though...they're like two furry'd almost think you had two balls in your bra...until you saw them."

"Is this going anywhere?" Lakita yawned.

Slowly Tasha rolled over on top of the skunk, and shifted down so her muzzle was level with the two perfect orbs. She wrapped her lips around one nipple and began to suck. Of course nothing came out as Lakita was not lactating like Tasha was, but she was content to just suck for a while. After a few minutes Tasha let go of the skunks nipple.

"Roll over." She told her.

With a sigh Lakita rolled over onto her belly and moved her tail to the side, confident of what Tasha was wanting, but the vixen had a surprise. Trying to be quiet so Lakita would not see, she went into her kit bag and took out something she had been saving up. She took out a strap on. It had been very difficult getting it since she had not been of base at Saratov for weeks. Eventually she paid a civilian contractor who she knew was soon to visit the US to buy one for her. What she got back delighted her. This strap on had two dildoes, one inside the panties for the wearer.

Slowly Tasha slipped the strap on over her legs and to the base of her hip, here the dildo was just touching her pussy. Breathing in she pulled it up and it lodged deep inside her. She moaned as quietly as she could, trying not to make Lakita suspicious.

"Well?" The skunk asked. "You wanting my tail hole or not?"

"Not right now..." Tasha told her as she lay on top of her, the strap on's tip a few millimetres from Lakita's entrance.

"Well what are you wanting to do?" Lakita asked impatiently.

"This..." Tasha whispered, she slide her hips forwards and the dildo slid a few centimetres into Lakita's vagina. The skunks eyes snapped open and her head rose off her folded arms.

"What the fuck?!" The squeaked.

"Ssshhh! Relax." Tasha told her. "It's a surprise present I got for us."

"Where the hell did you get it?" Whispered Lakita.

"Never mind, just enjoy it." Tasha thrust the dildo slowly as far as she could into Lakita, the motion making the dildo in her own pussy move. She pulled it back, then thrust in again, each time getting the same pleasure as Lakita.

The two furs began to moan softly together as Tasha repeatedly slid the dildo in and out of Lakita, gradually increasing the pace.

"Oh Tash! Tash finger my butt please!" Lakita begged as the dildo began to make slurping noises as she got wetter. Tasha grinned and held onto Lakita's bum with her left paw to steady herself, and began to probe under her tail with the fingers of her right paw.

"Oooohhh that's good!" Lakita groaned as Tasha touched her anus. Tasha liked the feel of the skunks pink tail hole, she stroked it gently, and felt slightly to the sides, feeling the two openings of her defence glands, the glands which she was occasionally tempted to ask Lakita to use on her. Slowly she began to put more pressure onto Lakita's tail hole until the tip of her finger began to slide inside, all the while she continued thrusting into the skunks wet pussy.

Eventually Lakita began to push her bum back in time with each thrust, forcing the dildo to slide as far into her as possible, the two lovers worked out a stead pace and Tasha was able to let go of Lakita's hip. With her free paw she began to message her breast, tweaking her nipple hard. Just when Lakita thought she couldn't receive any more stimulation she felt Tasha's warm milk spraying onto he back, soaking her fur.

"Ooooh shit...Tasha that feels to good! We should be careful how messy we get though, who knows when we'll next get to shower?"

"Your right." Sasha whispered and ceased squirting.

"I didn't say stop!" Snapped Lakita playfully. "I'm messy now, we might as well do it properly."

Tasha giggled and resumed milking herself as she began to thrust harder and harder into Lakita. Her hips were now making quite an audible slap as they came in contact with Lakita's buttocks. As the pace quickened Lakita came closer and closer to orgasm, she'd never used a dildo before and had never thought they could feel this good.

Tasha was now sliding her thumb and index finger into Lakita's tail hole, she was curios too see how much she could take before objecting...or cumming. Gradually she began to push her index finger in as well.

"Ahhh! Fuck." The skunk grunted. "You think I'm a glove puppet or something? Agh! Feels good though..."

Tasha grinned evilly and considered bringing a fourth finger into play...and if it might be possible to get her whole hand into her lover. She didn't have a chance to find out, as she thrust the dildo and her fingers simultaneously into the skunks two holes, she climaxed. From the volume of Lakita's shriek Tasha was expecting a cum shower, but nothing happened. Carefully with a loud slurp she pulled her messy fingers out of Lakita's anus. Briefly she considered liking them clean, but decided that was one fetish she wasn't ready for yet. Instead she reached for a nearby roll of toilet paper.

Once her hand was clean the very carefully began to step out of her strap on. The dildo in her pussy popped out, splattering her juices everywhere. Being very careful to keep the dildo in Lakita's pussy in place, she pulled her legs out of the straps.

Still holding onto the dildo she lay on her back and pushed her muzzle under the dildo. With her free paw she began rubbing her pussy hard, she was very close so it only took her a few seconds before she felt the climax coming. Just before it hit her she pulled the dildo out of Lakita fast. The second her orgasm coursed through her body a waterfall of skunk pussy juice fell into her waiting mouth, the deliciously sexual taste making her orgasm all the harder. Their was a splattering sound as with a suppressed scream, Tasha finally sprayed her own pussy juice against the side of the tent.

Both furs lay panting, for a while lost in their own separate post orgasmic worlds, before Tasha turned around and snuggled up close to Lakita, sliding herself into the same sleeping back.

"We're going to be pressed awfully tight together demon." Lakita noted as she did up the bag.

But of course, that was exactly to the vixens liking.

I'm afraid I wont be posting chapter four for a while, financial and housing problems mean I cant afford to go on the net anymore, so I expect in a while the next few chapters...if not the whole story, will all be posted at once.

I am however wanting peoples opinion on something. How "kinky" should I make the yiffing? In chapter one I couldent resist putting in a bit of farting...and I'm sorry to say that will be making a come back later, but I want to know, does that put anyone off? Or would people like it if the yiff got even kinkier? What would people think of stuff like watersports in the story later on?

Thanks for reading and I hope y'all are enjoying it so far!

Scat Bunny, Chapter Two

Same as chapter one, be carefull about this, this story aint intended for gentle old ladies. Yiffing through the snow, on a one fox open sleigh, yipping as we go, SQUICKAGE all the way! Scat Bunny, Chapter Two The vixen rarely...

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Chapter two

Chapter Two, September 23rd 1979 Maydan Shahr command post Off in the distance, away in the hills came the sound of gunfire and explosions. Just audible was the scream of jet engines, always followed by more explosions. Soon the...

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Chapter one

Okay first up, this story is just that, it aint supposed to be historically accurate. What I've written about here is a sort of idealised version of the Soviet Union where Stalin never became leader and thus never corrupted the whole thing. So...

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