Chapter one

Story by LiskaKitsune on SoFurry

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#1 of Fur + Conflict

Okay first up, this story is just that, it aint supposed to be historically accurate. What I've written about here is a sort of idealised version of the Soviet Union where Stalin never became leader and thus never corrupted the whole thing. So basically civil liberties are higher, Soviet leaders don't wield supreme power, the NKVD never existed, thus the KGB never existed, instead the Cheka remains as a much more benevolent organisation. Basically I'm unashamedly communist so this is how I would like the Soviet Union to have been like. (Without the wars though) and I'm unashamedly this is what I wish the world was like. One thing that is historically true though, women did fight on the front line with Soviet army and continue to do so in the army of the Russian Federation. They were not allowed to have sexual relationships however until 1997. I'm saying all this but the story aint really that political, I'm just explaining the "alternate" world of it.

Secondly, my grammar, and in many places, my spelling, is appalling, I know this already so you don't need to tell me, if however you have any comments on how to improve it, then that would be appreciated. This is a first draft and will be seeing extensive changes in all likeliness. Any comments on how to improve the story are of course, very welcome.

In other words, a story to indulge my love for communism, cute anthro furry things and military equipment.


(Oh and constructive criticism and ego stroking comments only please, I KNOW I'm a pinko commie so you don't need to try and insult me with that one)


Chapter One

September 21st 1979, Sarotov, Russian Federative Soviet Socialist Republic (RFSSR)

Summer was fading, and a cool wind blew through the camp. Dust and the few leaves unwilling to wait for Autumn before falling blew between the buildings. In the distance there was the sound of Jet engines winding up, and diesel engines rumbling by. Tasha, a 23 year old red vixen, with amber eyes and a slender build sat on the ground with her back against the wall of her barrack, enjoying the early evening sun and the feeling of the wind through her fur.

She was dressed in typical soviet non combat military dress, black sandals on her digigrade feet, olive coloured trousers, and tan coloured shirt, and an unbuttoned olive green jacket bearing her badges of rank and merit.

She raised her paw to her forehead to blank out the sun and watched the vehicles rumbling past. BMD-1 airborne infantry fighting vehicles. As she watched they turned onto the airfields taxi way and lined up behind several Illyusion Il-76 transport aircraft. It looked like the time had arrived.

A female skunk in nearly identical dress walked up beside Tasha and observed the staging vehicles for a moment before sitting down. Tasha didn't notice her so when she felt the skunks head rest against her shoulder she yelped.

"Lakita you bitch! You scared the hell out of me!"

Lakita was a 25 year old striped skunk, her blue eyes contrasted with Tasha's, unlike her slender build which was nearly identical but for her slightly larger cleavage. She had been in the military two years longer than Tasha and was her commanding officer. She was the commander of a BTR-70 wheeled infantry fighting vehicle, designed to support the motorised infantry regiments of the Soviet army. Tasha was the driver of the same BTR-70 and third in line after the gunner who neither had met more than twice.

The skunk sniggered. "Sorry Tash, I couldn't help it." She draped one arm over the vixens shoulders. "You think its beginning?"

Tasha frowned. "Yeah...I guess it must be. The BMD's are going in tonight...I guess that means we'll be going in tomorrow or the day after." At this the skunk scowled.

"See that's why it pays to be in the Airborne."

"How come?" Tasha asked.

"Those bastards." Lakita said, waving her paw at the soldiers embarking on the Il-76's with their BMD's. "They get to go in straight away, whilst us, we have to sit around for days not knowing whets going on."

The vixen shook her head. "I don't see it that way, okay Airborne gets straight into the action...but why's that good? They meet the enemy at its most organised, and because the BMD's designed for parachute drops, its not as effective as what we use."

"Still." The skunk said glumly, "It's the waiting that's killing me."

"We'll see darling." Tasha chuckled. "In a few days when it's the mujaheedin killing you, if you think the waiting's so bad."

"Funny girl." Lakita said whilst snuggling in closer to Tasha. "Wanna head off to the trees?"

Tasha looked startled. "Now? Do we have time?"

"Sure, our foods delayed I heard because they had to feed airborne over there before they set off."

"Fair enough." Giggled Tasha as she stood up, paw in paw with Lakita. "I guess we have time for a quickie."

Together the vixen and the skunk walked towards a small group of leafy trees at the edge of the base. At its centre was a small clearing, just big enough to lie down in and totally concealed to the outside world. Perfect for two furs up to illicit things.

"What do you think would happen if we got caught?" Lakita asked idly as the walked, not actually really concerned about the penalty.

"I'd imagine a slap on the wrists or something similar." Tasha answered. "I aint actually read the rules on this I've never heard of relationships in the army being prohibited."

"Hmmm." Lakita said by way of agreement. "You know, I once heard that if Stalin hadn't been caught trying to poison Lenin, and he'd become president, he would have made homosexuality illegal."

Tasha stopped in her tracks, yanking Lakita who she was still holding hands with to a halt. "Really? Is that true?"

"Its what I heard."

"Wow...good thing for us he didn't succeed then..."

"Good thing demon."

The two furs reached the trees and slipped inside, in a few moments reaching their special place. Together they lay down on the cool grass, each on their side, facing each other. They had been here dozens of times before.

"You know." Said Tasha. "If we go out tomorrow...we may never be here again."

Lakita screwed up her face. "For fucks sake Tash, you know how to spoil the mood don't you? Any other happy thoughts? Maybe along the lines of, You know, tomorrow we might get our faces shot if you want one last kiss..."

"I do." Whispered Tasha.


"Not trying to be a killjoy...but just in case I do want that last kiss."

"Will I guess that could be permitted." Lakita replied with a smirk on her face.

Tasha's fingers started wandering over Lakita's body. "And just in case some thing happens to this.." she said as she ran her claws over her skunks crotch, "I want one final taste..."

"Any excuse demon." Lakita sighed happily as she began to unbutton her trousers.


Lakita was woken from her sleep by someone whispering in her ear.

"Lakita." The voice hissed. "Lakita, wake up! Please!" The skunk turned over and opened her eyes to see Tasha crouching by her camp bed.

"Tasha? What is it?" She asked sleepily.

"Lakita...can I sleep with you?" Tasha whispered, sounding a little ashamed.

Lakita groaned and turned over again. "Tasha...not here, people might see."

"No!" Tasha hissed, as she reached over and began to shake Lakita. "Its not that...I cant sleep."

"And why might you be able to sleep in my bed demon?"

"I'm scared."

Lakita turned over again and looked at her lover. "Scared?"

"Yeah...when I joined up...I guess I never really thought I'd see combat...but now that we're probably going out tomorrow...I don't want to die..."

"Tasha!" Lakita said gently. "Your not going to die!" The skunk pulled back the top of her blanket inviting the vixen inside. The fabric of the camp bed sagged almost to the stone floor as the vixen snuggled up close to her skunk.

"I just keep thinking." Tasha began. "Of all those stories from the second world at Stalingrad...your survival chances were literally one in a thousand."

Lakita began stroking the fur of her friends cheek. "Its different now, we're not fighting the Nazi's, we're fighting the Mujaheedin, a bunch of goat herders."

"People are still going to die...why not us?"

"listen to me Tasha...look at me." The vixen turned over and looked into the skunks eyes, just faintly visible in the darkness. "I am not going to let anything ever happen to you. Me and you are going to be together forever and no Afghan rebel is going to ever hurt you. I promise."

"How are you going to stop them?" Tasha whispered. Lakita smiled.

"Well I was thinking a BTR-70 might help...along with an Ak-74."

"I guess."

"And also..." Lakita continued. "If those Mujaheedin get to close to you, I'll just..."

"You'll what?"

"Skunk em."

Tasha began to giggle, and Lakita happy that she had managed to sooth her friend joined her. Both lay in the darkness in each others arms, trying not to wake everyone else in the barracks with their giggling fit.


September 22nd 1979 En route to Kabul

"I hate these things!" Lakita shouted over the noise of jet engines.

"What?" Tasha shouted back.

"I said I hate these things!" Lakita repeated as she held up her fabric helmet. "They itch like a bastard!"

Tasha and Lakita were sitting on fold down benches in the upper compartment of an Il-76 transport aircraft, heading to Afghanistan along with another forty two furs.

"I know!" Shouted back Tasha nodding her head. "It would almost be worth being in infantry just to get a steel one!"

A male raccoon sitting across from them and overhearing shouted over, "Yeah but in infantry you need that steel to stop your head from being shot off! You don't have a nice APC to do that for you all the time, that right guys?" He shouted to a group of steel helmeted soldiers sitting nearby. He only got a few glares in reply.

"He has a point." Lakita shouted.

Tasha nodded as she looked out the window, she'd made sure she was amongst the first to board to ensure she got one of the few fold down seats next to a window in the cargo plane. Beneath their feet on the main cargo deck sat four BTR-70 wheeled infantry combat vehicles. The Il-76 they were on was flying to Kabul airport to deliver the four vehicles, their three crewmembers and the eight soldiers each one was to carry into combat.

"Where are we now?" Lakita asked, leaning over to rest her head on Tasha's shoulder.

"I looks fairly arid out there...but we might still be Kazakhstan."

"Pretty phenomenal that those BMD asses we were watching yesterday managed to capture Kabul airport within a few hours don't ya think demon?" Lakita asked.

"Is it?" Tasha replied, fear slipping into her voice. "But you said they were up against a bunch of goat herders."

"Yeah but usually paratrooper raids couldn't overwhelm a flea. And besides, you'd expect even goat herders throwing rocks to be able to defend an airport for more than an hour or two. Still trust me, we'll be home in a week."

"You really think?" Tasha asked, looking at Lakita hopefully.

"I'll bet a weeks wages demon."

The Il-76 landed uneventfully at Kabul and came to a halt on one of the few remaining intact taxiways. As soon as the engines begin winding down the rear hatch began to lower.

"This is it Demon, try not to scrape the sides this time." Lakita called as everyone rose from their seats.

Tasha swatted Lakita on the back of the head. "I never scraped the sides...I just...almost did. Anyway that's when I was training, it was the first time I'd driven out of a plane."

"I'm pulling your tail hunny." Lakita assured the vixen as they took it in turns to descend down the ladder into the main cargo deck. The infantry were ahead of them and were already sliding down the top hatches into the passenger compartment of BTR-70, White 31. As Lakita and Tasha walked up to their vehicle Tasha looked around at the assorted personnel getting ready.

"Where the hells our gunner?" She asked.

"Didn't I tell you?" Lakita said.

"Tell me what?"

"He got reassigned." Lakita told her with a shrug of the shoulders.

Tasha glared. "What d'ya mean 'Reassigned'?"

"I mean reassigned." Lakita jumped up onto the front of White 31 and slid down through the top hatch into the commanders seat. Tasha hopped up onto the other side and slid down next to Lakita into the drivers seat. She squirmed for a few moments trying to get her tail out of the way.

"I swear these things were designed for Manx cats. So we don't have a gunner now? That's what your saying?"

"Jesus Tash." Lakita exclaimed. "I'm getting jealous, you sound like you had a slight crush on our former gunner."

Tasha shot Lakita a frown as she stowed her AKs-74U in the storage compartment to her side. She began the engine and White 31 began to vibrate.

"I didn't have a crush on him, I didn't even know his name, I'm just not in love with the idea of not having a gunner."

Lakita shrugged again. "Don't worry demon, command assured me we'd be getting a replacement here. Now if your content to stop whining I'll bet we're causing a traffic jam."

Tasha flicked a switch and the two metal plates raised on their hinges at the front of the vehicle, uncovering the two windshields. Ahead of them White 30 was still waiting to disembark.

"See?" Tasha said sticking her tongue out at Lakita. "I aint holding anything up. Anyway where am I taking us now? I don't know where I'm going yet"

"Neither do I." Said Lakita, not very reassuringly. Just follow the BTR in front of us."

At that the BTR ahead of them moved forward and rolled down the ramp. When it was clear Tasha put White 31 into gear and gently moved the armoured vehicle forward. All eight wheels began to slowly turn and they exited into the blazing sunlight of Kabul airport.

"Fuck that's bright!" Lakita exclaimed, shielding her eyes with her paw. "Damn this place is dry! Ya gotta wander why anyone would want to fight over it."

"Yeah." Tasha nodded. "You think the whole country has a single tree?"

"Why'd ya ask darling?" said Lakita with a grin. "Worried there wont be anywhere to go play?"

"Well there are certain priorities in life." Tasha giggled as she followed the BTR ahead of them. Together the four vehicles moved to the far end of the taxiway, the bright sun almost sparkling off the new green and sand paint scheme applied to the BTR's. The miniature convoy turned onto what was once the parking area for aircraft. Now however it was the main staging area for Soviet forces coming into Afghanistan. The four vehicles stopped together alongside a group of BMP-1 tracked infantry fighting vehicles and the crews and passengers disembarked.

Lakita and Tasha slid down the hull of 31 and got their first good look at the country they were to fight for. Two words came to each furs mind, Dry and Brown. For about 180 degrees of horizon to the south there was nothing but barren jagged mountains that looked virtually impassable to anything but aircraft. To the North they could make out some of the taller buildings in Kabul, from several points in the city they could see smoke rising, and every few seconds the sound of gunfire drifted over on the wind from the city. To the East and West of the city there was nothing but a featureless expanse of rocky desert. Not exactly picture postcard country.

"All right listen up!" someone shouted once everyone had assembled in a group around a map table. "Mechanised infantry, your orders are to proceed South West and support the airborne assault on the town of Maydan Shahr. The position is here on the map." An intelligence officer pointed to a spot very close to Kabul on the map table.

"BMD's hit the town early this morning however militia are holed up in the buildings and they don't have the manpower to take them out, so you extra eight troops per BMP should come in handy. There is a command post about a kilometre from the town where you will receive more detailed instructions."

With a few grumbles the BMP crews got back in their vehicles, and with a lot of noise they drove off.

"Now motorised infantry." The officer continued. "I'm afraid your job is to mop up pockets of resistance in Kabul. We overran almost the whole city almost immediately but there is still some Mujaheedin militia in there. 317th is waiting for you at the command post on highway 34 leading into the city, they will brief you further. That's all except White 31."

Tasha and Lakita looked at each other.

"Who is White 31's commander?"

Lakita stepped forward and saluted the officer. "Sergeant Pavelovna, sir!" She stated.

"At ease." The officer said. "Now I understand your minus a gunner, well I think we have one for you."

"Sir?" Asked Lakita somewhat uncertain as to what was meant by 'think'.

"One BMD misdroped last night, near the town of Khowst. We are still in radio contact and we've been told that the BMD itself is badly damaged. Fortunately only the three crew misdroped, so the troops are safe. We want you to go find them. Once you do their gunner will be re assigned to you. Again, the command post at Maydan Shahr will give you more detailed instructions."

"Let me get this right sir." Lakita began somewhat hesitantly. "You want us to go on a rescue mission...without a gunner?"

The officer had turned his back on them, expecting the briefing to be at an end.

"No enemy resistance is expected."

"But sir!"

"Dismissed! Go get those people before the Mujaheedin do!"

Lakita and Tasha turned away and as soon as they were out of earshot of the officer Lakita swore.

"Shit! Talk about thrown in at the deep end!"

"Still so confident you can keep me safe?" Tasha asked.

Lakita looked at Tasha expecting to see fear on the vixens face, but was relieved to see a slight glimmer of humour in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm just not in love with having to rely on these arse bandits," She motioned to their troops who were busy readying themselves for the long drive, "for defence."

"We'll be fine darling" Tasha soothed as they both stopped to lean against 31.

Lakita sighed. "I know." She quickly kissed Tasha on the cheek then glanced around to make sure no one was watching. "Lets get this over with."

After a few moments everyone was secured inside 31 and they were again following the others BTR's through the airport. The exit barrier came into view.

"Right..." Said Lakita pondering the map. "They are gonna turn left, we need to go right, then right again, and after that its straight on for about forty minutes to the command post."

The convoy halted as they waited for the barrier to be raised, and then began moving again. Lakita informally saluted the gate guards as they drove by. They didn't reply.

"Wow, friendly bunch they got here." She grumbled.

"They probably didn't see you." Tasha pointed out, "The sun was probably reflecting off the windshield too much for them to see in."


Surprisingly the road from Kabul was in good condition and didn't test the BTR-70's suspension too much. In fact after a few minutes both furs began to enjoy the ride.

They drove on for about fifteen minutes in silence, and began to enter more mountainous country.

"Like I said before," Lakita frowned as she eyed the scenery through the windshield. "Who the fuck would fight for this shit hole?"

"Don't swear darling. Tasha scolded. "It doesn't suit you."

"I know Tasha. "Lakita said as she tried to readjust her tail under her. "But I outrank you, so I can swear if I want to." With that Lakita glanced over at the vixen and giggled.

"What?" Tasha asked indignantly.

"You...your head."

Tasha frowned at the laughing skunk. "What about it?!"

"They way your ears stick up from the helmet looks really silly!"

"At least I HAVE ears to look silly with." Tasha sulked. "Not those rounded stumps you call ears."

"Oooh, spiciest comments Captain?" Asked Lakita mockingly. "What ever would our friendly local commissar say about that?"

Tasha "Hmphed" as White 31 continued down the highway, one of many built in Afghanistan in the previous decade with Soviet assistance. Now however it had several pot holes caused by weapons fire. Tasha eyed the battle damage nervously.

"This doesn't look good." She muttered more to herself than to Lakita. As if on cue a voice came over the radio's built into each furs fabric helmet.

"Maydan Shahr checkpoint, White 31, state your current position over." The voice crackled. Lakita pressed the transmit switch and replied.

"White 31, Maydan Shahr checkpoint, we're about twenty kilometres from your position, heading South West. Over." Lakita glanced over to Tasha as she took her finger off the transmit switch. "This cant be good."

"Maydan Shahr, White 31." The radio crackled again. "Be aware, light Mujaheedin activity reported in your area, assault rifles and a few grenades. Nothing too worrying but be on the lookout."

"White 31, Maydan Shahr, we copy. We'll be with you in just under thirty minutes. Over and out." Lakita pulled her helmet off and ruffled her head fur. "Okay Tash you heard him, seal the windshield."

Tasha nodded and flicked the appropriate switch. The panels swung down on their hinges and at the same time the view ports for the periscopes descended to eye level. "You know I hate driving by periscope." Tasha complained as she concentrated on keeping the armoured vehicle on the road with the now restricted visibility.

"So you always whine whenever you have to do it." Lakita muttered. She turned round in her seat and opened the hatch to the passenger compartment. "All right guys listen up," She called to the eight troops in the back. "We just got a warning over the radio. We can expect some light resistance between here and the checkpoint, so keep you weapons in hand and be ready to return fire through the gun ports."

An excited buzz went through the eight soldiers in the rear. Non of them had seen combat before and all were eager to get their first taste. White 31 continued down the highway at a slightly slower speed to account for Tasha's reduced field of view.

Lakita slipped back into the front on the seat and squinted through her periscope for a moment. "Tasha, I'd swear our passengers actually want us to be attacked. They probably haven't figured out yet that in combat people actually get hurt." She said as she leaned back, trying to get comfortable.

"You really think they only have assault rifles and grenades?" Tasha asked nervously.

"Yeah, remember the Mujaheedin are only equipped with what they managed to steal from us and the British, and we didn't have any heavy weapons stolen."

The highway began to wind as it followed the contour of a valley. As they progressed the valley sides began to get steeper and steeper and eventually the tarmac on the road ran out until eventually the valley floor was only as wide as the road itself, which was made up of nothing more than compacted earth and rock. Eventually a series of burned out trucks came into view.

"Shit!" Tasha shouted.

"What is it?" Lakita asked as she leaned forward to look through her periscopes.

"Road block. What should we do?"

Lakita hesitated a moment. "Stop for the moment, take a look out your side scope. Any movement in the hills?"

Tasha slammed on the breaks of White 31 and it screeched to a halt, instigating much swearing from the troop compartment. Tasha leaned to her left and peered out. "None."

"Same on the right." Lakita confirmed. "All right hang on a sec, I'm gonna take the gunners position." Tasha shot Lakita a worried glance. "Just in case." The Skunk reassured her.

Lakita undid her harness and climbed back to the centrally placed turret. She stood inside and held onto the two control handles. As she looked through the scope she turned the handles and the turret rotated through 360 degrees. Still nothing.

"All right Tash, its clear. They must have gone for dinner or something. Its only two trucks...think you can ram em?"

"I dunno." Tasha called back. "We might get wedged on them. Shouldn't we send the troops out to clear them?"

"No, it could be an ambush. Tell you what, we'll raise the trim vain, that should stop us getting stuck." Lakita told her. "It doesn't matter if we break it, I'm not seeing much water round here."

"All right." Tasha said, unconvinced that this was the idea of the centaury. She leaned over to the panel in front of Lakita's vacant seat and flipped a switch.

At the front of the vehicle a metal panel began to rise from its position just in front of the now shuttered windshields. The trim vain's normal function was to stop the nose of the BTR-70 from pitching down into the water during amphibious landings, now however they were using it to blunten the BTR's sharp nose.

"All right everyone." Lakita called back to the troops. "We're about to feel a bit of a jolt." She took one last look at the two trucks, wandered if this was such a good idea and sighed. "Go for it Tash."

All eight wheels of White 31 spun furiously but it didn't move. Dust and stones were kicked up against the sides digging deep ruts into the ground. After a few seconds Tasha released the brakes and 31 shot forward. In the few seconds it took them to reach the roadblock they had hit 40 kph. With a scream from a vixen and a skunk, the BTR-70 smashed through the trucks. Tasha fought with the steering wheel to keep the vehicle on the road but it began to swerve to the right. With a teeth rattling shudder it went off the path and the four right wheels raised up the slope of the hill before Tasha managed to stop them.

Everyone sat, leaning to the left as White 31 listed at 30 degree angle and looked at each other. After a few moment a collective sigh of relief swept through both compartments.

Lakita picked herself up off the floor and staggered unsteadily back to her seat. Once down she turned her head to Tasha who was still clutching the steering wheel and trembling.

"Tasha? You all right?" Slowly Tasha turned her head towards Lakita. The skunk was concerned by the look of panic in the vixens eyes. "Tasha...relax you did it." Tasha blinked, then let go of the wheel.

"We're okay?" She asked with an uneven voice?"

"Yep." Nodded Lakita with as reassuring a smile as she could manage. "Aside from being half up a hill we're clear. You did good."

Tasha closed her eyes in relief. "Thanks. I guess I should get us back on the road huh?"

"It might help."

White 31 edged backwards, slowly bringing all four wheels back onto the road. Tasha took the BTR into the centre and shut down the engine.

"I guess we better check out those trucks since there don't seem to be any Mujaheedin around." Tasha asked. Obviously not relishing the idea.

"I guess so." Lakita concurred.

Two troops ran up to the first truck, Ak-74's raised, ready to fire at the first sign of movement. They checked out the cab, and then the rear.

"Its clear." One of them called, and they went to check the second truck.

The skunk and the fox walked together to the first one and peered inside.

"Most of its burnt out...cant even tell what it was." Lakita said.

"Yeah, and whatever wasn't burnt out we seem to have demolished ourselves. "Tasha muttered, holding onto her AKs-74U tightly.

"Sergeant!" One of the troops called to Lakita. "You better come see this."

They moved over to the second lorry. The soldier was pointing to the blackened drivers door. Just visible under the soot was a faint red star.

"Damn...their ours..." Whispered Tasha. The soldiers exchanged nervous glances.

Tasha walked round to the back of the lorry and looked inside. She saw something piled up at the far end. Hopping up inside she picked up a burnt sheet covering the object.

Lakita heard Tasha's scream and went running, closely followed by all eight troops, Kalashnikovs raised. She jumped without thinking into the lorry and grabbed Tasha around the shoulders.

"What is it?" She asked frantically. Tasha, tears in her eyes, pointed down to the charred corpse of a fur wearing what could still be recognised as a Soviet uniform.

Lakita coughed and just managed to stop herself from being sick as she held Tasha and looked at the dead fur. "He's a cat." She mumbled. Just then the smell hit her. Not the smell of charred flesh that had been uncovered with the body, but the smell of vomit. She looked at Tasha who was avoiding eye contact, then noticed behind her the pool of sick.


"I just got off the Radio to command." Lakita said as she sat down next to Tasha at the side of the road. "Part of a supply convoy. Fortunately only carrying food and medical the Mujaheedin didn't get any weapons from it." Tasha just nodded in reply.

"Uhm, I asked about the missing crews," Lakita continued. "But command said that if the Mujaheedin had them, then they were already dead, and that we need to get a move on to that stranded BMD or the same's goanna happen to them. Their sending others to pick up the body."

Tasha nodded again and began to stand up, but Lakita put a hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

"Listen Tash." She said gently. "You don't need to feel ashamed about it." Tasha looked away in embarrassment at the mention of what had happened. "Its true." Lakita pressed. "Seeing a dead body for the first time...especially one like that...I nearly threw up myself."

Tasha turned round and looked at her skunk. "Really?"

"Yeah, I just managed to stop myself. Lucky for you too or I'd have done it over ya."

Tasha laughed softly. Her eyes were still red. "This isn't even the beginning is it Lakita?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"We're going to see...and experience a lot worse than that...and I couldn't even handle that."

The skunk shushed her and wrapped her arms round her, holding her close. "You did handle it, you got us through that road block, and...well you'll get used to the bodies, eventually."

Tasha sniffed. "Is that a good get used to death?"

"I don't know." Lakita replied honestly. "What I mean though, is it will never stop bothering you, and nor should it...but you'll learn how to cope with it. Nobody can see a charred body without feeling sick, not unless they are some twisted bastard, and I'll bet today thousands of soldiers just like you are throwing up over far less horrific sights than what you just saw. Like I said, you did good. I'm proud of you." Tasha murred appreciatively as her head rested under Lakitas chin. "C'mon fluff ball, we better get moving."

The two furs stood up together and walked onto the road.

"Lakita?" Tasha said.


"I'm not alone you know. You may be my C,O...but you've never seen death before either...are you okay?"

Lakita smiled. Even through her own distress her fox was thinking of her lover. "I'll be fine. I'm shaken up right now, same as you. But we'll be fine again soon. I promise."


The barrier at the Maydan Shahr command post raised to allow White 31 to pass. As soon as they were through Tasha found a place to park and killed the engine. Everyone immediately got out to stretch their legs.

"This country is too hot!" Lakita moaned as they climbed up out of their roof hatches. As soon as they were out the post commander, a red and white Siberian husky, came running towards them.

"Where the hell have you been? We expected you a hour ago!" He snapped, obviously angry.

Lakita saluted him though they were both equal in rank. "We were delayed by a road block, two of our trucks got taken out, we found a body."

The husky nodded, satisfied. "Well its too late now, it'll take you another four hours to get to Kowst, by then it will be dark, and that's when the Mujaheedin come out to play."

"So...what?" Tasha asked. "We're just going to leave those three guys?"

"No, you'll go get them at dawn tomorrow. Their BMD is structurally intact, they can hold out inside over night. Don't worry, they'll be fine." The husky glanced around. "There are some spare tents over there, and the foods ready in half an hour, you and your men make yourself at home till tomorrow."

"Thanks sarge." Lakita said with an informal salute. Together she and Tasha returned to the BTR where the eight troops were waiting.

"All right listen up," Lakita called. "Our orders are to hole up here until dawn, there are some empty tents over there, so go bag some, leaving one free for me and Tasha here." At that some of the men chuckled knowingly. Despite their efforts Tasha and Lakita's relationship was far from a secret. "After that, a sumptuous feast of no doubt, tinned rations, will be served in the luxury of that collapsible wooden table over there. So get yourself fed and rested. We've got a little playtime between now and dawn." Again this got a chuckle, Lakita's use of the term "playtime" not being subtle enough to fool those troops who knew her and Tasha.

After dinner a satisfied fox and skunk walked hand in hand towards the tents, not caring about a few odd looks they were getting from other soldiers.

"That looks like a good one there." Tasha said pointing to a tent on the very edge of the group. The two peeked inside to make sure it was unoccupied and climbed inside. They zipped the tent closed and turned on the small electric light. There were mats on the ground, but even at night it was warm so there was no need for sleeping bags. Together Lakita and Tasha sprawled out on them, lying close.

"Our first real privacy in weeks." Lakita sighed happily. Tasha wrapped an arm around her shoulders and behind her back, pulling her close.

"Well then," She whispered in the skunks ear. "We'll have to take full advantage of the fact wont we?"

By way of answer Lakita began to unbutton her dark grey combat jacket, Tasha soon following suit. Soon both lay in just their underwear, wrapped in each others arms.

Tasha brought her face forward and the tip of her nose touched Lakita's. They rubbed them softly together before Lakita turned her head slightly and pressed her lips to Tasha's. Their mouths opened and Tasha's tongue slid over Lakita's sharp teeth and into her mouth where it met her tongue.

Together the two tongues danced for several minutes before the two furs parted.

"We better turn out the light." Tasha whispered as she switched of the lamp, casting them into near darkness. "People can probably see our silhouettes."

Lakita giggled in reply and started to run her claws through Tasha's belly fur. The vixen moaned softly, trying to keep quiet, knowing full well there were other furs not three meters away. Lakita's fingers began to move north, her knuckles brushing the under side of Tasha's breasts. Tasha tried not to gasp too loudly.

"I'm sure I could get you to squeal if we removed this." Lakita whispered into Tasha's ear as she undid the clasps of the vixens bra. Tasha nodded as she raised her arms to help Lakita get the offending piece of clothing off. After that she lay on her back and closed her eyes, knowing full well what was coming next.

Lakita put one leg over Tasha's waist and knelt over her, her crotch just millimetres from Tasha's belly. She leaned forward until her face was almost touching Tasha's breasts and stuck her tongue out. Tasha squeaked as the wet tongue made contact with her hard nipple, closely followed by soft lips. She moaned softly as Lakita began to suck gently on her right nipple, her tongue still teasing the teat. After a few moments Tasha felt a warm, even more wet sensation on her teat as the first squirt of milk left her. Lakita played with her nipples so much that it kept her constantly lactating, exactly to the skunks intention.

Lakita murred happily as she began to suckle on Tasha's milk, over the course of five minutes draining the right breast, then moving over and draining the left. Eventually she brought her face level with Tasha's, her chin dripping with milk.

"Let me clean that for you..." Said Tasha and she begin to lick at Lakita's mouth, lapping up all the milk in her fur.

Lakita lay on top of Tasha as the vixen began to slide her hand through the skunks fur, heading south. She slipped her hands under the skunks panties and began to stroke the thick fur at her crotch. Eventually she found Lakita's slit and slowly worked her finger inside, getting the skunk wet. Lakita let out a moan every time Tasha's sharply clawed fingers touched her clit, but the vixen didn't touch the hard lump for more than an instant at a time, teasing her lover. Eventually Lakita wrapped her arms around the vixens neck and pulled her close.

"Tasha please! I need this...don't tease me!"

Tasha snickered and pressed her finger against Lakita's clit and rubbed softly. The skunk squeaked and Tasha let another finger dip gently into her vagina, softly rubbing the sides. Lakita began to hump her hips up and down as her moans became louder and more frequent.

Outside the tent a group of soldiers arranged around a campfire faintly heard the noises and glanced at each other.

"Isn't that your commander and driver in there?" One of the soldiers asked one of White 31's troops.

"Lakita and Tasha?" The Alsatian nodded. "Yeah that'll be them. Their pretty famous for it...though they don't know it. Back at Saratov they had this little circle of trees that they think no one knows about where they go to "play"."

The circle of soldiers all laughed. Another one, a cervil spoke up.

"Their must be nice to be with someone you love in this hell hole?"

"You think?" Asked the Alsatian. "I'd hate to have my wife here with me, I'd be scared shitless for her." A few of the other furs nodded in agreement. "And besides...I think its dangerous. How can we trust the sergeant to care for our safety when obviously she'll be looking out for Tasha first, and I think in combat Tasha's going to need a lot of looking out for. I think the sergeants going to end up jeopardising either a mission or the eight of us to protect Tasha."

"So what if she does?" Another of White 31's soldiers, this time a lynx, piped up. "If ever there was a worthy reason to do something...surly to protect a loved one is it. Okay its not really fair that we just happen not to have our lovers as our commanding officer...but I'm not going to resent the sergeant for looking out for her loved one. If she didn't I think that would say bad things about her."

Again the Alsatian shook his head. "Lets see if you say that when you have to die and she doesn't."

Back in the tent the two lovers had changed positions. Tasha was lying on her back with Lakita straddling her on her knees,. Facing Tasha's feet, her crotch just above the vixens muzzle.

Tasha undid the clasp at the back of Lakita's panties that went around the base of her tail and slowly slid them down to her knees. She lay for a moment, indulging in her favourite sight, that of Lakita's tail hole posed centimetres from her face. Tasha could not honestly deny that Lakita's anus was her favourite thing in the world, she had a serious fixation onto the small pink puckered hole that was now hers to play with.

After a few moments Lakita grew impatient and swatted Tasha's face with her tail.

"Wake up darling, you cant lie gazing at my bum all night."

"The world is truly cruel then." Tasha giggled as she placed her hands on Lakita's bum cheeks and spread them apart. She brought her mouth right between them and slowly ran her tongue over Lakita's tail hole, getting a gasp of pleasure in return. Just as she was about to slide her tongue in, she saw the hole ripple, than a loud fart rushed out and straight into her mouth. Tasha fell back, gagging at the smell and taste of the hot gas.

"Lakita you bitch!" She yelped as she slapped the skunks backside. "I told you not to do that you sicko!"

Lakita couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sorry!" She giggled. "I couldn't help it...anyway you know you like it really! You're a kinky little thing in reality."

"Well we'll see about that." Tasha replied huffily as she returned to licking at the skunks stinky hole.

As Tasha lapped at her anus, Lakita bent her head forward and stuck her muzzle between the horny foxes legs. Using her fingers she gently pulled the folds of her labia apart, revealing her pink vulva. The scent coming from it was intoxicating. The fact that neither of them had had a chance of washing since the previous evening, followed by hours on a plane and more hours in a cramped armoured vehicle, in a hot climate, all combined to produce a delicious scent of pure fox emanating from Tasha's crotch. She lapped at the slit getting the taste of pure sex in her mouth. Slowly she gripped one of Tasha's labia with her teeth and began to nibble it, getting a squeak from the vixen.

"Gently, Lakita, please..."

The skunk continued to nibble on the lip as she buried her nose into the vixens hole. The nibbling began to drive the vixen crazy. She started to whimper and her licking became faster and rougher, eventually she pressed her tongue right against Lakita's hole and it slide right into her anus. She began to lap the inside of Lakita's tail hole, drawing her tongue back and forth, effectively humping into it. The skunk who loved anal stimulation grunted and bit down slightly too hard onto Tash'a labia, but the fox was becoming to feral to care, the pain only added to the pleasure.

"Mmph...Mwoare!" She tried to say with her tongue stuck up the skunks bum.

Lakita again bit down on Tasha's labia, stopping just short of drawing blood, getting more squeaks from the fox who was already not far from cumming after her milking.

The skunk let go of the foxes pussy lip and instead began to suckle on her erect clit. This began to drive Tasha even more wild and she slide her tongue as deep into Lakita ass she could whilst letting go of her butt cheeks and grabbing her tits. She rubbed her fingers over Lakita's teats and the skunk started moaning loudly. After a few moments she started to gasp.

"Tasha! I'm going to...I'm going to...!" Tasha assumed the skunk was going to cum hard and waited eagerly for her pussy to spurt over her, instead once again a foul wind shot out of her anus and straight down the foxes throat. To Tasha's immense surprise the stinky fart actually drove her over the edge, and with a loud squeal she climaxed and fox cum sprayed out of her pussy straight into Lakita's mouth, almost making her choke. This sent Lakita over the edge and she climaxed hard, sending thick juice dribbling, rather than spurting out of her and down onto the foxes neck fur.

Tasha let her tongue slide out of the skunks bum and she collapsed back onto the ground. Lakita rolled off her and lay panting to her side.

Eventually Lakita got her breath back and smiled at her Tasha.

"Still denying you have a fetish for my farts darling?" She asked with a grin on her face.

"A bit hard to now." Tasha replied, still out of breath. "Although I'm actually as surprised as you."

"I'm not surprised at all." Lakita told her. "I knew fine well you loved it."

Tasha laughed and hugged her lover. "As if your one to talk about fetishes. Your the one who keeps me lactating so you can suck me dry each day."

The skunk shrugged in reply. "Guilty as charged.

"Think anyone heard us?" Asked Tasha.

"Probably." Said Lakita, not caring.

"Well if they did...they probably heard your farting."

"I'm a skunk...we're supposed to smell." Lakita said idly.

Tasha giggled. "Just don't do it in the BTR is all. The Nuclear, Biological and Chemical screens don't work if the bio attack is inside the vehicle."

"Point taken." Lakita murmured as she began to drift off to sleep. Tasha wrapped her arms around the skunk and settled down to sleep herself.

"Goodnight darling." She whispered, but the skunk was already oblivious.

Okay I fecked this up when I originally posted it, and I couldent post chapter two as part of the same series, so I've had to re post it, so sorry I lost the comments. I realised what I did...I got confused and deleated the series thing...which was dumb.

Chapter two is already you can probably see and I'm about to begin chapter three!

Scat Bunny, Chapter Two

Same as chapter one, be carefull about this, this story aint intended for gentle old ladies. Yiffing through the snow, on a one fox open sleigh, yipping as we go, SQUICKAGE all the way! Scat Bunny, Chapter Two The vixen rarely...

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Chapter two

Chapter Two, September 23rd 1979 Maydan Shahr command post Off in the distance, away in the hills came the sound of gunfire and explosions. Just audible was the scream of jet engines, always followed by more explosions. Soon the...

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