Scat Bunny, Chapter One

Story by LiskaKitsune on SoFurry

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The ultimate in vixen and rabbit mess.

If you're under eighteen, don't read, if you're over eighteen...probably still should not read. I've not held back a whole lot with this one. So expect squickage!


Chapter One

The rabbit opened her eyes to the new day and looked around. Sunlight streamed in through a large glass door that lead out to a walled garden. The light shone directly on to her, that was wrong, morning light never hit her bed. With a sigh of dismay but not surprise, the rabbit realised she was not in her own bed. Sure enough when she rolled over, there was the vixen, sleeping peacefully beside her. The rabbit frowned. Sleeping there the vixen looked almost sweet, the last creature on Earth you could expect malice from. She knew that any such delusion would be shattered the moment the vixen woke up, which judging by the sounds of movement from upstairs, would be any moment now.

The rabbit stepped out of the vixens bed and walked across the wooden floor to her own smaller bed. The beds were not conventional anthro fur beds, they were dog beds, reflective of the Rabbit and vixen's status as pets.

As she was about to lie down the rabbit heard the wooden door to the room open, she turned round and saw a tall grey wolf standing naked in the door way. Their owner. The vixen had also heard the sound of the door, and within seconds she was awake and on her knees in front of the wolf, nuzzling his sheath.

The rabbit turned away in disgust. She'd think more highly of the vixen if she believed her behaviour was inspired by fear or a desire to please, but no. The vixen was rubbing her muzzle in their masters crotch because, in the rabbits mind, she was a slut. She wanted sex damn near constantly, and would often just take it without asking. That was why the rabbit often woke up to find herself in the vixens bed. Being a pleasure slave to the rabbit was a curse, to the vixen it must have been the greatest life she could have hoped for.

The wolf chuckled, amused by his pets eagerness and he stroked her head.

"Not just yet vixen, lets have breakfast first hmm? Would you like your favourite starter?"

The rabbit prayed the vixen would shake her head, prayed for it, but in her heart knew that she would not. The vixen never passed up this opportunity. She was not only the biggest slut the rabbit had ever encountered, she was without doubt the most disgusting creature she had ever lain eyes on also. Sure enough, the vixen nodded eagerly.

"All right then." The wolf smiled. "Bunny?" He said to the rabbit. "Go get the vixens bowl and make her favourite breakfast."

With a heavy heart the rabbit went to a small cupboard at one side of the room and opened it. From inside she took out a red metal dog bowl with "Fox Food" written on the side. She laid it in the centre of the room then glanced at the wolf, hoping he would change his mind. Not that he ever did.

"Go on then." He said.

Trying not to sigh audibly the rabbit squatted over the bowl. Whilst waiting the wolf picked up the vixen who was barley two thirds his height and placed her in his lap once he had sat in an armchair. She wrapped her arms around his neck and squirmed in his lap, trying to feel his sheath with her crotch. The wolf chuckled again and squeezed her tit as they watched the rabbit.

The rabbit now in position pushed hard, trying to prepare the vixens "breakfast", but nothing happened. She pushed again harder, grunting slightly as she strained, but still nothing.

"What's wrong bunny?" The wolf asked. The rabbit shook her head to imply nothing was wrong, but no matter how hard she pushed nothing happened. The wolf sighed and gently pushed the vixen off his lap. She resisted at first, struggling to cling to him, but with a growl and slightly stronger push she slid onto the floor. "Come here bunny." The wolf ordered. "Sit on my lap, same as the vixen."

The rabbit did as she was ordered, facing the wolf and wrapping her arms around his neck. She was even smaller than the vixen, so do this she had to kneel in his lap, her butt raised slightly. The wolf stroked her furry buttocks, his fingers eventually running down her crack and coming to a rest on her tight tail hole. Gently he wormed his finger inside her, being careful not to hurt her with his claw. His finger slid slowly into the rabbits anus, and after only a centimetre was stopped by small soft spherical lumps. He frowned.

"Bunny you have a full load inside you." The wolf growled softly. "Go back to the vixens bowl and stop being silly or I'll have to punish you."

The rabbit gulped as she slid off her masters lap. Once again she squatted over the bowl and pushed as hard as she could, this time she pissed, filling the bowl up with hot yellow urine. The vixen squeaked happily and raced over to drink it. The rabbit truly never had encountered such a sick creature as the vixen. She finished peeing but still could not get herself to poop, even though she could feel herself how full her anus was. Seeing this the wolf shook his head and growled again.

"Bunny, your wilfully disobeying me..."

The rabbit shook her head desperately.

"You are bunny." He growled. "So now I have to punish you. Come sit in my lap again."

With a heavy heart the rabbit did as she was told. She was not afraid at the moment of being hurt. There were no laws on how pleasure slaves could be treated, and legally the wolf could hurt them in any way he pleased, however he as personal rule only ever inflicted slight pain, never actual harm. Even still, the wolf knew how to punish her in ways worse than pain.

Once again the rabbit climbed up onto the wolfs lap, and wrapped her arms around him.

"No not like that." He told her. "Other way round, with you back against me."

Dutifully the rabbit turned around and sat, awaiting her punishment.

"Good, now vixen, if you would be soo kind as to furnish me...?"

The vixen looked up from where she had been lapping up the last few drops of urine and smiled. She caught the rabbits eye and her smile widened to show her sharp teeth. She was going to enjoy this.

This time the vixen squatted over the bowl, her back to the wolf and rabbit. She raised her tail to give as good a view as possible and pushed. The black poop slid out easily, and the rabbit saw small squirts of liquid spray onto it from the vixens anal gland. She was scent marking it as strongly as possible, just to make this a little more unbearable for the rabbit.

"Good." Remarked the wolf once the vixen had finished. "Bring it here."

The vixen picked up her own scat and took it over to the chair where the wolf and rabbit were sitting.

"Now bunny, open your mouth and receive your punishment..." The wolf ordered.

The rabbit wanted to comply, she didn't want to get into more trouble, but she could not, she just couldn't bring herself to wilfully open her mouth and let her tormentors stick the vixens shit in her mouth.

"Open it bunny..." The wolf growled behind her. But it was no use. The rabbit felt the wolfs fingers prise her mouth open. She tried to struggle but the wolf held her firm, as soon as her mouth was open enough the vixen crammed the hot fox shit into her mouth. The rabbit gagged, she'd been forced to eat the vixens scat before, but it had never been so pungent as this! It was not the scat itself that was so horrible, it was the smell and taste of the vixens anal gland secretions. As soon as the scat was in her mouth the wolf clamped his paw around her muzzle, sealing her mouth so she could not spit. For a moment the rabbit just sat there. The turd resting on her tongue. No way was she going to swallow it if she had a choice.

She didn't.

The wolf began to rub her throat, as if trying to get a dog to take a pill. Sure enough the rabbit began to gulp, and the fox poop began to slide backwards down her throat. The taste was unbearable, first the acrid taste of the vixens scent spray followed by the nauseating taste of the poop itself. It was all too much for the rabbit. She felt the strong convulsion rise up her throat, and before she knew it she was retching. The wolf let her go and she fell to the floor on her hands and knees. Her face pointed to the ground, her muzzle open. She gagged up the vixens poop, which was closely followed by a wave of vomit. The rabbit puke splashed onto the wooden floor, mostly liquid as the rabbit had not eaten in over twelve hours. After the last had spilled from her gut she knelt there, trembling, exhausted and utterly revolted. It was then that the vixen did the most utterly disgusting thing the rabbit could conceive of. She walked over to the bunny, pushed her out of the way, and began to lap up the puddle of sick. The rabbits eyes widened as she saw this. Not even the vixen, she had thought, could be THAT disgusting. But there was no denying the evidence of her eyes. The vixen was on her hands and knees, muzzle down into the rabbits puke, lapping it up.

The wolf stood up and picked up the bunny by the scruff of her neck. The rabbit yelped as she was lifted off her feet.

"Now bunny, perhaps you've learnt your lesson about refusing my orders?" He asked her.

Even though the rabbit had done her best to obey him in the first place she nodded compliantly.

"Good." The wolf said, satisfied. As he dropped the rabbit with a thump onto the floor. "Now go take a shower, wash the vomit off your fur. too vixen." He motioned at the fox who looked up, vomit dripping from her muzzle. "And wash your mouth out thoroughly...if I want to kiss you later I don't want to be tasting that."

The vixen smiled her obedience to her lupine master. She stood up, grabbed the rabbit by the ears and dragged her whimpering to the rooms internal door. The wolf opened it for them and they both went into the shower room on the first left.

Scat Bunny, Chapter Two

Same as chapter one, be carefull about this, this story aint intended for gentle old ladies. Yiffing through the snow, on a one fox open sleigh, yipping as we go, SQUICKAGE all the way! Scat Bunny, Chapter Two The vixen rarely...

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Chapter three

Chapter 3 September 26th, 1979, Gardez command post "All right listen up boys and girls." The intelligence officer called to the assembled group of soldiers and APC crew, all chatting noisily to each other. "I said listen up!" He...

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Chapter two

Chapter Two, September 23rd 1979 Maydan Shahr command post Off in the distance, away in the hills came the sound of gunfire and explosions. Just audible was the scream of jet engines, always followed by more explosions. Soon the...

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