His Lordship's First Day

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#3 of Robbin Red

  The newly paired humans spent the rest of the day in bed as well as the sum totalof the nighttime hours. When Jon-Tom awoke the next morning he ached from headto toe. He was particularly sore somewhere in the middle. It was the first timein a long time that his cock actually hurt from having so much sex. It made himfeel bad for all those females he had pounded raw, even if he did heal themwhen it was over. Having all that power had taken the edge off his gentle andcaring nature.  He was lying there pondering when he heard Sybeele shift and yawn. He ran his handover to where she was lying and encountered soft hair. He was slyly thinkingcrotch when his fingers told him it wasn't curly. It was soft, short and..." Herolled to look at her and froze. There, in place of the cute teenage girl was ayoung leopardess. He didn't panic, largely because the feline was gazing at himwith loving eyes. "Good morning lover boy. Did you sleep well?"   His mouth must have been hanging open, because she took a paw and gently pushed itclosed. It took him a minute to compute what had happened. "Sybeele? Have youseen yourself this morning?" She nonchalantly stretched, looking at her arms asshe did. "Hmmm. I'm guessing cat; a what do you call them? Oh, a cheetah?" Heknew what a cheetah looked like. This was definitely not a cheetah. "Uh, myfine furry feline, you are a leopard. A very pretty leopard." She stretchedagain and smiled. "So a leopard it is then. There are so many animals I stillhave to get used to. Back home, we had no such things like you do here. Thelargest cat I ever saw was still very small compared to this. It'll be fun totry out!"

   He knew what she meant and cringed. His cock felt like someone had dipped it inliniment, rubbed it with sandpaper, and added a dose of pepper sauce to boot.She giggled, knowing full well what was going through his head. She pulled thecovers back, and gave two or three slow licks to his cock, and applied a bit ofhealing. The redness went down, and the burning left, leaving behind a muchrelieved human. His relief was short lived. Before he could claim the need torelieve himself, she was on top of him. He went to protest, but she silencedhim with a finger to his lips. "Do you still need to go?" He noticed suddenlythat the urge had left him. She giggled again. "Eve taught me a few things inregards to using your power responsibly. She didn't mention that this sort ofcheating was out of bounds. I promise not to abuse you too much this morning.You have duties to attend to, after all."  All this time he was wondering why she had changed forms. After all, he liked herjust the way she was. He was contemplating whether or

not it was simply becauseshe could. She did say she wanted to get as much out of life as she could beforeshe died. But the most direct route to an answer was to ask a question."Sybeele, why did you change form? I happen to like you the way you were." Shesmiled, showing sharp white teeth. "I don't have a lot of choice. It was one ofthe conditions Eve set to me when she kindly pulled me across to this world."

   He thought about it for a bit. Why would Eve set conditions? Why had she pulledher over, for that matter? Eve was kind, but it would have been more practicalto allow Sybeele to disappear into the pages of Earth's history. Instead shebrought her here, and four hundred years in the past. Of course, it was more onpar with the girl's own time, but still; why not bring her forward? Sybeelecaught his thoughts, an inadvertent side effect of having his power.  "I know the reason for her demands. I'm not certain that I should tell you just yet.Your goddess was very kind to pull me across, just like she did Weere and yoursons. They would never have survived back home. I might have, but what would Ihave to look forward to? I am in love with you, and when you left, it broke myheart. Your goddess found me a month after you left and offered me this chanceat happiness. I would have been a fool to let it slip through my fingers." Allthe while she was talking she was positioning herself on his magnificently hardcock. What she didn't expect was the sharp pain and blood when she roughly pusheddown over him. It brought her conversation to a halt.

   "What in the name of the old gods was that?" she cried out. She may have his power,but not his knowledge. At least he had some kind of edge. "Sybeele, I guess noone told you about taking on new forms. Each one, until it has gone through itspaces, remains a virgin. Congratulations, you just got your cherry popped asecond time!" She had to think a moment, not being familiar with the term"cherry". She grounded her hips down, ignoring or diminishing the discomfort."Is that so, my handsome hunk of man? I'd suggest that you start keeping atally then. From my understanding, I'm going to become a different form every otherday. Tomorrow I'll be me again, and then after that, something else. And don'task me what I'm going to become, for I haven't any clue."  With that said she refused to talk anymore, instead digging in her claws and goingto work on his cock with fierce gusto. She was built so tight he could feel theridge of her pelvic bone as she ground his manhood into raw meat. He couldn'thelp but think of Roseroar, though the two of them had hardly engaged with suchpainful ferocity. He could feel the blood trickling down

from the punctures inhis shoulders, and Sybeele was pulling up with the vacuum force of a Hoover. Ifshe didn't cum soon she was going to pull his cock out by the roots. Thankfully,she came a few minutes later. He, on the other hand, was too sore andapprehensive to cum. She didn't even notice. She collapsed on his chest andpurred.

   He was loathe to move her, but he was rather uncomfortable. His cock was still hard, but itfelt like it had before she had healed it. Her claws were still dug in, and theblood was drying in place. As heshifted, she moved a bit. Her rough tongue came out and licked him. Sheretracted her claws, allowing blood to run anew down his chest. Then itstopped. His aching cock suddenly felt normal, so normal that he could feel arelease coming. He grabbed her and pumped with a pent up fury. When he came,she was clinging to him for dear life. This time her claws were well hidden.She smiled and purred into his neck. "I think I'm going to like this life withyou Jon-Tom. I only hope I don't break you. But then, I guess I can always fixyou, can't I?" He mumbled something back. It sounded to her something like "Godhelp me..."  They got dressed, finally; ate and went downstairs. She showed him around hisoffice, such as it was. His job wasn't difficult. He was to oversee the towncouncil in regards to laws, especially if there was a tie between the dozen members.His vote broke any such bottleneck. He was the presiding judge, overseeing the implementationof the rules and regulations. If a crime was horrendous enough, though, it wentto the High Court at Solkeru. He was to handle problems with the guilds, exceptfor those handled within the individual societies themselves. There were manyother, smaller duties, which she explained that they would deal with as theycame up.

   She poured him a glass of water. "Drink up Mister Mayor. You have a tour to performtoday. It will be the first time folks get to see you. They are all excited bythe stories Eve told them." He took the glass and downed it without a thought.He straightened his new waist coat, adjusted his somber gray hat and opened thedoor for Sybeele. "Oh no, Jon-Tom, I can't leave today! Everyone knows that Ichange, but I don't like to cause too much of a ruckus. You'll go on the tourwith Graven." Before he could ask who Graven was, a short little marmoset swungdown from the overhang and looked him in the eyes. He looked Jon-Tom over for agood long time. When he spoke, it was to Sybeele.  "Look here girl; you said he was old and wise. I can't tell his wisdom from justlooking at him, but his age is very apparently inconsistent with hisdescription." Jon-Tom wondered what the

hell the little primate was babblingabout. He, the Spellsinger extraordinaire, was about as old as you could get,given the effects of trans-temporal travel. He felt it in his bones, even morenow that she took his power away. His joints...his joints... He flexed hisshoulders. No popping. He tried to crack his neck, but it was supple andrelaxed. He looked at his hands and twisted up his mouth in a grimace ofdefeat. He turned and spoke to his newest mate. "Sybeele darling, what was inthat water I drank? Like I really need to ask." She giggled.

   "Eve said that without your power you would age normally. We forestalled your foreseeabledeath by applying a liberal dose of youthening water. You are now close to myage, physically. I would say maybe...nineteen?" Jon-Tom searched for a mirror,finding a small cosmetic type on the counter. He laughed to himself; whoeverhad put it there knew it was going to be needed. He looked into the small glasscircle, seeing a much younger him looking back. He was now younger than when hefirst was brought over to this world back in...wait, forward in about threehundred years. He put the mirror down and silently swore an oath against timetravel. He turned to the marmoset.  "Graven, I'm very glad to meet you. Please excuse my outward appearance, for it doesnothing to tell you about the experience I have. Just a short while ago, I hadhad plenty of gray hair. Today, thanks to a bit of magic, I am now as you seebefore you. I expect you to not take my word on it, but it's the truthnonetheless." To his surprise, the primate dropped to the ground and did arespectful bow. "Dearest Sir, I have it on good authority that everything yousay is most likely the truth. If this is so, you will make an awful politician,but a wonderful mayor. It will be my pleasure to serve under you!" Jon-Tom wastaken back.

   "Serve under me?" The little fellow smiled. "Yes sir, for I am the deputy mayor. Ihave been serving in your capacity since Raffeli, the old mayor, passed on.That's him there." Graven pointed to the wall behind them. Jon-Tom was almostscared to look, expecting a mummified body or something similar. He wasrelieved to find only a small painting. Reffeli had been a coati. Graven resumed speaking. "We will work ongetting your portrait whenever you would like. But today we have business. Areyou ready to go?"  Jon-Tom looked to Sybeele, who smiled warmly and waved him off with these words. "Go onhusband. This town isn't going to harm you. You're here to help them, and inturn they will help you. Trust me, you may find the job interesting. Besides,it isn't quite like running a kingdom." She waved again, flashing her ring, andclosed

the door. Graven looked up at his much taller companion. "What did shemean by that?" Jon-Tom sighed. Eve must have filled her in on a lot of things. "Whatit means, my fine little friend, is that I have sat on thrones. And before youask, No I'm not going to tell you about it, leastwise not yet. And for yourinformation, I hate ruling." The marmoset fell silent. Apparently there werethings he had not been told about this newcomer. He might prove beneficial tothe town after all.

   They walked down the street together, the human keeping a slow pace in deference tohis deputy. He even offered the primate a ride on his shoulders, but Graven respectfullydeclined. "It would be too unprofessional for us to be acting like children."Jon-Tom shrugged and kept walking. The next thing he knew the marmoset wasswinging in the tree branches, making good time. Apparently not all legs werecreated equal. When they arrived to their destination, Jon-Tom was still nomore informed of the purpose of their visit than when he had left the house. Theywere standing in front of a spacious building, built in a simple clean style,with wide windows thrown open to allow the breezes through. Sounds came frominside; happy sounds. The voices were mostly those of youngsters, with anoccasional matronly voice cutting through.  The name above the door was The Kylosyni School for the Gifted. It was the first timeJon-Tom had heard of such a thing on this world. A lot of places he hadencountered had been more of the opposite. Graven gave him a moment to look theplace over before speaking. "Well, my Lord Mayor, we are here for theinspection of the building, the teachers, and the students. Do you have anyquestions?" Jon-Tom looked down at him. "Yes, I suppose I do. What are welooking for?"

   The marmoset grinned up at him. "Nothing really. The guilds maintain their own withmore precision and discipline than many armies have. We simply certify thateverything is as it should be." That got Jon-Tom thinking. He had no idea whatthe rules were, so how could he be expected to enforce them? His first day ofthe job and he was going to fail miserably. Graven was looking at him with acurious look on his face. "My dear human, whatever is the matter? This is onlya school. We will find nothing wrong here!"  "Graven, I'm afraid that I only got here yesterday, and I had no opportunity to reviewthe town's ordinances. I'm going to look like an idiot when I walk throughthose doors and have no idea what I looking for." The marmoset relaxed. "Leavethat to me. Like I said, we won't find anything wrong. Just follow my lead andall will go well. No one expects you to know the rules just yet. That takesseveral years; after all there are over three thousand of them." Jon-Tom's eyebrows went up, but he said nothing. With his enhanced mind, he could memorizethem in three weeks. If he still had his magic, he could do it in the blink ofan eye.

   The two knocked on the door and were let inside. The principal was a wise looking oldmandrill. The various teachers lined up their students by trade or profession.They were a mixed lot, ranging from a goat, a mix of canids, felines and primates,to a prickly porcupine. All kept their eyes straight ahead, though he couldsense that many of them were watching him intently. He was the new mayor afterall, so why shouldn't they be curious? As they walked by row after row of students,he couldn't help notice that one or two of the girls licked their lips. Hehoped it was from nervousness. As they walked along, he saw one group ofstudents that seemed out of place. Intelligent reptiles and amphibians weresomewhat rare here on this world. He had seen more than most, including theturtle Clothahump and frog Bribbens. This school had six, consisting of aturtle, a salamander, two frogs and two frilled lizards. The latter he hadnever encountered before.  The inspection continued through the building, from basement to attic. The placewas as clean as a whistle. When they returned to the main hall, all of thechildren were still standing at attention. When Graven told him to, Jon-Tom announcedthat the place had passed inspection for another year. The hall echoed withroars of joy. Apparently these kids did a lot towards keeping it spotless. Thatwas dedication. Everything fell into disarray, as the kids clamored andcavorted in happiness. Jon-Tom thought it was a little weird, but said nothing.It was later, at lunch within the same facility, that he found that thestudents here were truly just that extraordinary.

   Everyone had to come and shake his hand before sitting down to eat their meal. He didhis best to keep their names straight, but they came in such droves that it wassoon impossible, even for him. But one student made an impression on his. Hername was Panikampoura. She was obviously taken in by the new mayor. She evenasked to sit down next to him. Graven said it was alright if the principal didn'tmind, and the principal said he didn't mind if the mayor didn't mind. Jon-Tom laughedand made room for her to sit. It turned out she was as smart as any of themthere.  "Lord Mayor, please forgive my asking a question pertaining to such a delicatematter, but would you please enlighten us on how you can be so young, yet haveso much wisdom, as we were told you would have such in great quantity." Jon-Tomabsorbed all that for a

moment before replying. "Well, Panikampoura, looks canbe deceiving. What you see on the outside is not always what you have on thisinside."  She gazed at him for a moment. "I understand what you're saying. A goyla fruit isvery warty and gnarled on the outside, but quite delicious on the inside. But Ifail to see how this applies to you. You are very comely, handsome even; for ahuman that is. Are you saying the wisdom does not necessarily rely on age forits achievement?" He took in all that. She sounded like a few old wizards hehad known. She really did remind him of one in that respect.

   "Well Pani; may I call you Pani?" She nodded eagerly. "Well Pani, It isn't quite astretch of the facts to say that I am much older than I look. I don't wish toexpose too much about myself, but let's just say that my present appearance hasmore to do with necessary magic that with my true age. I have had more timepass beneath my feet than I care to think about."  She thought about that for a bit. "Time beneath your feet? That is a curious way ofputting the passage of life. Which leads to to suspect that you are telling memore than you meant to reveal. Am I correct to assume that you are somehowtraveling between times?" He sighed.  "You are rightfully placed within these walls Pani. Yes, I have not only traveledbetween times, but between worlds. I have met many creatures, done many things,and have lived many lives. This is yet another aspect of my existence." Panismiled up at him, a look he found out of place on her face. She winked at himbefore speaking. "I was unsure if I should believe the fables that Sybeele tous. If you are indeed as she described, then you will make a wonderful mayor.In fact, my assessment is that you are overqualified for the job. But then, it'snot my place to make that decision."

   His ears had perked up at the mention of Red. "Sybeele was here at this school?" Panimade a face at him. "Of course she was. One doesn't get ahead here withoutschooling. A strange lady brought her here several years ago. Sybeele was very shyand timid then, but she grew to be very talented and outgoing. She just left aweek ago. All we were told was that she was to be the wife of the new Lord Mayor.She is a very lucky girl indeed!" Jon-Tom was suddenly nervous.  "Uh, Pani, what did she say about me?" The girl got a crafty smile. "I'll not break hertrust in telling what she told us in confidence. Even the teachers are notaware of her stories. But I will tell you this, my Lord Mayor; every girl inthis school wants to share a bed with you. If you have half the ability shesays you do, I wouldn't mind a ride on your,

umm, penis too. We aren't allowed,of course, to engage in such activities until we graduate, but I can tell youthat many a girl here has woken up to a wet bed thanks to Sybeele's stories."With that she got up and left. Graven had overheard the whole thing.

   "You see, my friend, why we insist that the mayor be married. A single male wouldnot be expected to keep himself in check in regards to sexual favors.Panikampoura is very astute and a great student. She is well versed in all of thesciences and arts, as far as this school can teach her. She even attendsclasses at the guild halls. So if she makes claim to wanting to bed you, Iwould like to warn you that she will likely not stop until she has. This willcause trouble in the long run, for both you and her. You must maintain aflawless reputation while you are mayor, and she must not have any black markson her record. Do you see that this is true?"  Jon-Tom sighed and his shoulders drooped. "I understand all too well. If I may speakfreely, I would like to say that I have bedded many over my lifetime. I havemany children over the expanses of time. I certainly do not need entanglementswith any other females right now. Pani seems like a nice, intelligent girl. Trustme that I will do everything I can to dissuade any further advances." Gravensniffed, wrinkled up his face, and looked down the tables to wear the girl hadmoved. "My large human friend, when it comes to that particular girl, I wouldput nothing past her. You had best be on your toes from now on. If she has sether sights on you, you will not be safe until she has what she wants."


The Return of Red

  The time came when Eve knew Jon-Tom needed something mundane to do. He had spent alifetime with Orath, and he had an equally longer lifetime to spend as theking-under-the-sea. But each of those had been or would be adventures. While hecomplained...

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Robbin Red, Intro

I won't say much about these stories. If you follow what I write, then you'll recognise the secondary main character. I am a firm believer in No Child Left Behind. The basis for this collection was riding around in my head for a while, and was openly...

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The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

  The cell wasn't large, but it was roomy enough for an otter. The stonework was sotight there wasn't a crack an ant could get its dick into. The bars were thick wroughtiron, and the lock was fairly intricate; for a prison that is. This town ofHobarrow...

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