The Return of Red

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#2 of Robbin Red

This story, as hinted at in the intro, is a continuation from The Stuff of Legends and Fables, the juggernaut story I wrote a while ago. I particularily liked that story, which incorporated fact and actual fables with a spellsinger flair. This story series has been broken up into small bites, for those without heavy reading appetites.

  The time came when Eve knew Jon-Tom needed something mundane to do. He had spent alifetime with Orath, and he had an equally longer lifetime to spend as theking-under-the-sea. But each of those had been or would be adventures. While hecomplained about all he had to do, it was an obvious fact that he grew boredrather easily. Otherwise, he would never have involved himself in so manypeople's problems. It was time for him to visit with his family in thehighlands, exchange memories with his doppelganger, and move on to a missionthat had gotten messed up before it could even happen.  He did just that, sparing extra time out to clue in Talea as to his many adventures.She was understanding to a point; she was furious she was being left out. Evepulled her aside and whispered to her. The redhead's face lit up. "Really?" Evenodded. Talea came over and gave him a hug. "Be on your best behavior husband,and don't fret too much. It seems that time here is running much slower than itis for you. Go do great things, and have a good life. But most of all, pleasedon't forget me."

   He sighed as he broke his embrace with his original wife. "Alright Eve, where am I goingnow?" The goddess smiled brightly. "Remember when I tried taking you back aboutfour hundred years?" He rolled his eyes. "How can I forget? Everything thathappened during that time period still haunts me." She patted his hand. "Well,I went back on my own and strengthened the temporal tether. This time you'llget there, though things have changed in a manner I didn't originally anticipate.However, you have a remarkable way of correcting any mistake or alteration tothe timeline. I think that in the end, you'll do well."  He wasn't overjoyed about this. The last time he had ended up on Earth, fourhundred years in the past. He grumbled out, "Oh let's go and get this over with.I could use some rest from magic. And I could use a rest from over extendingmyself." She got into his face. "Over extending? You have magic equal to mine.You could move this planet across the solar system and back!" He tweaked hernose. "I meant mentally. It seems that no matter how much good I do, the badstuff seems to stay with me. I have a lot of guilt over some of the things Ihave done, and over some things I am unsure if I will ever be able tocomplete."

   "Jon-Tom, you need to relax. What is good and what is bad is a matter of opinion. Youcannot be judge and jury over everything you do. I believe you know it asyin/yang. There is always a dark side, a shadow if you wish, whenever you dogood. It's not necessarily evil, just maybe not as good as you would like. Thejob I have for you will be a lot like that. I'm sending

you to the town ofHobarrow to be their mayor. They are expecting you. All they know is that youwill carry this sigil designating you as being my companion. I am not tellingyou anything more. What happens while you have the job is what happens." Hesneered at her while speaking. "As usual. There had better not be any hearts tobreak while I'm there, because I have broken enough over the years."   She smiled. "There will be many hearts to break, I'm sure, but you won't bebreaking any of your own accord. There might be one that needs mending, but Idoubt that will be the case." He stared at her for a long while, hoping shewould spill the beans. She said nary a word, but took his hand and spelled themback in time. It was cold, that in between space, but when they emerged intothe sunlight, the world looked much like he had grown used to. Hobarrow stuckin his memory for some reason, though he knew he had never been there before. PerhapsMudge had mentioned it once. Eve pointed to a building rising up four stories.It was the one of the tallest ones here. "There is the lord mayor's house. Youwill occupy it until such time as I come and get you. There will be few to nonein this time who you will recognize, as most of those you know haven't beenborn yet. Even those who are alive will have no knowledge of you." He wonderedat that, for even his old turtle mentor wasn't that old. Perhaps Dhoov Capellmight be. But like she said, no one in this time frame would know him from Adam.

   "So, I'm supposed to put on robes and play leader for a while. You know how I hatethat role." She pinched his butt. "Yes you do, which is what makes you idealfor it. The only stipulation the town has is that you get married while you'rehere." His anger flew out of him like a banshee. "Marry? I have wives and matescoming out of my ass, Eve! Why the hell would I marry someone from a previous era,where our children might grow up to disturb the fabric of time?" She waspulling him through the street, past onlookers who were wide-eyed at thecommotion. They got to the house and Eve knocked on the door while chastisinghim. "Jon-Tom! Really! Have a little dignity. Are you telling me there isn't asingle person you would marry to keep this town happy?" His eyes were glowinglike coals. "If there was, I'd like to know it myself!"  The door opened with a rusty whine. He could see a pair of eyes reflecting theoutside light. They widen when they saw him. So did the door, which flew openwidely. He was hit with a rush of longhaired femininity. She jumped on him withsuch force that the unexpectedness of it bore him to the ground. She was plantingkisses on his face like a woodpecker on speed. He got a grip on her and

pushedher back up at arm's length. He was so shocked he was actually speechless. Herecognized her face, though it had changed. Her hair was longer, flowing aroundher head like a halo. She was definitely taller and more filled out. And hecould feel a nice set of breasts under her blouse.

   "Sybeele?", he asked, already knowing the answer. Shestopped kissing him long enough to stare into his eyes. "Then you did miss me,didn't you?" He gave her an enormous squeeze. He glanced sidelong at Eve whilespeaking to the girl. "I was told that you couldn't come over to this world!"He was throwing daggered looks at the goddess who merely smiled sweetly at him."I said no such thing. What I said was that she was a special girl, and I wouldwillingly give you up to her if it was presently possible. But it's wasn't. Ifyou'll notice, this isn't the present. It's the past, along the same timelineas her own. She's been here, learning about my world and getting used to awhole host of intelligent beings that don't even come close to what she had onyour world."  Sybeele got up, grabbed his hand, and pulled him to his feet. "That's right," she saidbrightly. "This world is a whole lot friendlier than my own. And Eve even gaveme..." Eve hushed her. "Don't spoil it dear. You two will have plenty of timetogether, and you'll be able to show him at your leisure. Don't give away yourhand too early in the game." Sybeele clamped her mouth shut, but was bouncingin place in her excitement.

   Jon-Tom was taking this all in with bemused wonder. He had figured that his Little RedRiding Hood was long dead. Now, here she was, alive and a few years moremature. He suddenly found he had to fight down an erection. There would beplenty of time for that later. "So Eve; Sybeele; is this to be a formalmarriage or is it assumed that we already are coupled?" The girl laughed a bitbefore answering for the goddess. "However you would like it Jon-Tom. I am wellaware of your present commitments to others, so if it will make you feel betterabout things, we can drop any of the formality."  "Like hell I will." He closed his hand into a tight fist and stuck in under thegirl's nose. When he opened it, there was a lovely ring, set with diamonds anda blood red ruby. Her eyes went wide. "For me? Oh Jon-Tom, what will the othersthink?" He was rather terse in his reply. "I don't care what the others think.No one has reason to complain, not yet anyways. Until such time as they do,I'll handle things the way I see fit." He placed it on her finger. "I'm yoursuntil such time as death parts us." Eve want to say something, but held hertongue on that subject. Instead, she gave them best


   "Well you two lovebirds, I'll leave you to settle in. Sybeele knows the basics ofwhat is going to be happening, but like usual, I've declined to giveparticulars. They would mean nothing to her, but everything to you Jon-Tom."Eve leaned in, gave him a kiss and vanished. The moment she was gone, the girlgrabbed his arm and began dragging him farther into the building. This lowerpart seemed sterile and tidy, like it was something officious. She seemed toread his mind. "This is the mayor's residence. Whoever happens to be the mayorlives here. The first floor is where all the official business transpires.Living quarters are upstairs. You simply have to see them." She was so excitedhe allowed himself to be pulled along.  Up the stairs the place was much different. Apparently, the newest occupants coulddecorate any way they wanted. Sybeele, with Eve's help, had changed it tosomething quite German. Despite this, it had some obviously modern touches thatEve must have plucked from his mind. He was shoved into a side room that wasclean and bright. The floor had a lovely woven rug, the windows had lacecurtains, the bed had an embroidered quilt, and as he turned in his observation,he noticed that Sybelle had on nothing. Well, that wasn't not true. She had ona huge smile.

   Her breast development was perfect; two firm mounds topped by pink conical nipples.She had a dense growth of hair over her crotch, though in his mind's eye all hecould see was pure, smooth soft skin from their first time together. His cockwas already hard. She was still standing there, reveling in his examination ofher body. "You know Jon-Tom; I am quite old enough now to bear children. Evesaid that there wouldn't be a problem if I did. What do you think?" He saidnothing, but pulled off his cape, his shirt, and his trousers and led her tothe bed. He pulled back the sheets and she slid in without prompting. He slidin after her.  "Sybeele, until a few minutes ago I thought you long gone. If you want children, thenchildren it is. But for now, let's just enjoy ourselves without encumbrance."She hauled herself on top of him and answered with a kiss. It seemed to be theright thing to say. But instead of sliding down and impaling herself on hiscock, she turned and disappeared under the covers. Her mouth found his manhood.She ran her tongue over its head, soaking it with salvia and rubbing the endfirmly with her taste buds. She worked the whole thing in a bit at a time, deepthroating him until he spewed forth. Not once did she choke. When she could sensehe was finished cumming, she sucked him dry, slid off and popped her head outfrom under the covers.

"Grandmother was right. This is a good way of satisfying a man. But there are many others,aren't there magier?" He didn't answer right away. She was as good as hergrandmother had been. "Yes Sybeele, there are many. And I think we'll haveplenty of time to try them all."  She wasstraddling his hips. "Yes we will. But I've had four lonely years without you.I need to make up for lost time. She was wet and ready and wasted no time inslipping over his cock. This time around she was able to take the whole thing,though she let out a gasp as it penetrated her inner most reaches. She did allthe work, rising and falling like a wave on the ocean. All the while, he wastotally engrossed in her movements. He had assumed that she was gone, and hereshe was. And she had grown up! He only wished he had known a girl like thiswhen he was sixteen!  She was riding him hard. When she finally climaxed, it felt like she was pulling thelife from him. He came hard, so hard it hurt. Her body was hot, and tight, andshe was pumping him in a rage. Her hair flew about as her had whipped back andforth. When she subsided, he was exhausted even though she had done all thework. He lay there limp; happy, but limp. She on the other hand was alive withexcitement. "She said it would work!" He barely had the energy to ask. "Whosaid what would work?"

   Sybeele climbed off of him. "Eve said that you were growing depressed with yourabundance of power. You missed the challenge of life as you once knew it. Shegave me the ability to absorb your power, only I had to do it when you wouldn'tnotice. You are now back to your former spellsinger self, and I am magier!" Hewas confused, and tried to spell himself coherent. Nothing happened. "Sybeele,why did you do this?" He was half frightened. "Because, you long to have anormal life. But no such thing will ever exist for you. Eve said that thiswould be the closest you could ever again have. I intend to make youdeliriously happy, all the while you will resume life as it once was. And Iwill keep your power safe, for the time that you will find it necessary to haveback. Don't worry. I can take your cock as it is, so you'll never need tochange for me. And I hope I'll never have to change for you, outside of aging.I intend to leave this world when my time comes. I expect you to fill theintervening years with great memories."

   She climbed off the bed but he remained still, for he had no strength to move. Shepulled open a box and presented to him his duar. "Eve said that you might needthis. I look forward to hearing you play music again." She set the instrumentdown and jumped on the bed again. "But in the meantime, I have a differentinstrument I'd like you to

play." Despite his lethargy, his cock hardened. "Ohgoody!" And that was the last thing she said for quite a while. He was left tohis own thoughts, which distracted him more than they should have from hispresent activity. He had grown tired of being "all powerful" but now that his powerwas gone, he was feeling scared and vulnerable. It took him a few moments torealize that it actually felt good.   He found his strength and grabbed her by her arms. In a quick twist, he rolledthem over so that he was now on top. Her eyes lit up like candles. "It's abouttime Jon-Tom! You weren't this pensive back home on my world." He smiled butcountered her remark. "Yes I was, until we actually got down to doing it. Youknow I was hesitant because you were so young. Besides, that's my world too."She wrapped her legs around him. "And you're so old. Blah, blah, blah. We arein between times now, and in between worlds. I don't think any of it mattersone bit. I know it doesn't to me!" She ground her hips into him, squeezing themuscles in her cunt until they cramped. He about blew his load when she didthat. As it was, he found he had little control over it now, and despite hisbest effort, came long and hard. She dug her fingernails in painfully so,leaving divots in his flesh. They didn't immediately heal. They might take aweek or longer before they healed over. But it was alright with him. It feltnormal.

   He might not have his power, but he still had his libido. If she thought he wasdone, he wasn't. She could feel his still-hard cock inside. "Hey Jon-Tom, howabout you try the back door again?" He loved the idea, but when he had done itbefore, he had prepped the way with his power. Now he had no such ability. "Uh,are you positive about this? It's likely to hurt a lot. Your ass is tight andmy cock is rather large." She kissed him passionately. "Quit worrying old man.I can handle anything you can dish out." He wasn't about to argue. He slid outand found her tight bung. He didn't even have to push. She did it for him. Shewas down and over his cock in one fluid movement. She pressed all the way down,until her ass was taut around the base of his cock. "Remember Jon-Tom, I haveyour power now. I can make it as easy or as difficult as I desire!" The way shestarted grinding told him that pain wasn't presently in the equation.  They were finished when she had an orgasm that started deep in her womb and floodedover into her ass. Her constrictions were more than sufficient to cause him toblow. He ended up with a sustained ejaculation. It just kept coming, non-stop.He opened her eyes to see her grinning at him. "I like having power, Jon-Tom!"By the time she let him stop, he was empty and she

was full. And still shedidn't give him a break. She started riding his cock again, with her nowwell-lubed hole sliding like over him with unbridled ease. By the time she wasdone again, his shaft was worn, red and sore. And there wasn't a thing he coulddo about it.

   His Little Red Riding Hood had become a thief. She had stolen his powers. Now shewas more like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the; well, hewasn't certain what she was going to being doing with it. From now on he was going to have to give her anickname. He thought about it for a long time. As he drifted off to sleep, hisimaginative side combined the two famous fairy tale characters. He would callher Robbin' Red.

Robbin Red, Intro

I won't say much about these stories. If you follow what I write, then you'll recognise the secondary main character. I am a firm believer in No Child Left Behind. The basis for this collection was riding around in my head for a while, and was openly...

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The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

  The cell wasn't large, but it was roomy enough for an otter. The stonework was sotight there wasn't a crack an ant could get its dick into. The bars were thick wroughtiron, and the lock was fairly intricate; for a prison that is. This town ofHobarrow...

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Bottled up Emotions

  Hello again. It's me, BeyazRuzgar. You remember; I was once St George's horse. Yes, I know. I'm not ahorse anymore. I though we had gotten past that. I have been many things since landing on this planet. Ichose to discuss one of my forms that most of...

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