The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#8 of The Otterly Sinful Stories

  The cell wasn't large, but it was roomy enough for an otter. The stonework was sotight there wasn't a crack an ant could get its dick into. The bars were thick wroughtiron, and the lock was fairly intricate; for a prison that is. This town ofHobarrow was pretty advanced when it came to everything, and their jail wasn'tany different. But then, having the top guilds gathered here within the wallsof one town made for a pretty advanced community. Heck, even the whorehouseshad some wonderfully amazing girls. It was just that that had attracted himhere.  It was Mudge who was now sitting in that cell, contemplating how his trip to thisinteresting town had turned ugly. It was rather humorous, had he heard thestory from some other. But it was him, and he was none too happy right now. Hedidn't like being jailed when he was truly at fault, but in this case he reallywasn't guilty. Well, he was, but it was more of a misunderstanding. He couldhardly be considered a thief over this. After all, it was the booze's fault hewas drunk. If he had not been drinking, this whole thing would never havehappened. Then he smiled. He liked getting drunk. And the girls had been greattoo, both sober and drunk. If only...

   He was sitting on the floor, naked. Well, he had his fur, but his pants, his vest, hisprized hat and his sword, plus his other effects; they were all in a lockedcabinet, confiscated until he was sentenced. He grumbled to himself that theyhad better treat his quetzal feather with care, or someone would be answeringfor it. They had gotten wind of his reputation somehow, that much was apparent.He was well known in the wrong circles as a lock pick. But this lock required apin, a splinter, or something. The cell was swept clean of even the tiniestgrain of dirt.  To make is mood even worse was the smell of cooking fish. He was hungry. There was nopoint in shouting, for this place seemed to have no attendant. They were sosure of their locks that the jailer stayed upstairs. He had caught a glimpse ofa fluffy red tail ascending the staircase, but the constable, a steady handed,but no-nonsense porcupine, had shoved him into his cell before his quick ottereyes could get any details. Now he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.  The smell of fish grew exponentially. A torchcast dancing shadows as the figure advanced. He could tell the outline was fox,but his nose was filled with the smell of food, and his mind could discernnothing else.

   He grabbed the tray and pulled it through the slot. He heard a chuckle. It soundedfemale. He also swore it sounded familiar. He pulled the flesh off the tough bones of the stonehead pike andsquinted into the harshly lit gloom.

The jailer stared back, eyes lit by theburning taper. Mudge stared harder. Another chuckle and the hood came down. Hiseyes went wide. "Wethylia?" The vixen laughed long and hard. "Mudge, you littlesneak. How dare you come to Hobarrow and not look me up?" He was flabbergasted."Wethy? I didn't even know you was 'ere." Then he did a double take. "Why isyou 'ere?" She sat down on the floor outside his cell. "I learned a lot fromyou, my little slippery lover. I got a job with the sheriff at Kenarton. He wasimpressed with my knowledge and ability to apprehend thieves. I kept the jailfull and the town clear!"  He knew there was a good reason he had been avoiding that particular town. He hadn'tknown it was Wethy who had been the cause of so much consternation among thosewho dealt with the underbelly of commerce. Some of his friends had been livinga hard life because of that town's jail. And his Wethy was the ultimate cause."Dammit Wethy! I taught you how to live an 'onest life thieving. Then you wentand ruined the whole thing. How could you go and betray me like this!" Thevixen laughed some more. "Mudge, Mudge, Mudge. I was never going to be a goodthief. You know my talents didn't lay there. I turned my knowledge around in away that worked for me. And look at me now, jailer in a town that hardly needsone. It's the cushiest job around. And who lands in my establishment but you! Iguess the odds were in favor of it happening at some point."

   The otter was still working over his fish, picking through the tough scales andthick bones, so he spoke in between mouthfuls. "Look Wethy, had I known you was'ere, you can be sure I would've visited. You and me had a good run, we did."She stuck her nose in between the bars. He pressed his against hers. She drewback and spoke again. "Yes Mudgie, we did. I'm not mad at you, if that's whatyou think. But I've got a job to do. The constable says you stole something,and you'll have to answer in mayor's court tomorrow. In the meantime, my job isto keep you under lock and key."  He settled back down on the floor, picking a bit more flesh off the bones beforeshoving the tray back through the slot. "I don't suppose you would considerletting me for old time's sake, now woulds ya?" She reached through the barsand tweaked his nose. "Not on your life. I wouldn't mind "an old time's sake"with you, but the only way that's going to happen is if you come up to mybedroom." His eyes brightened. She laughed again. "On no. I have no intentionof letting you out. Despite the fact that you likely couldn't make it out thefront door, I wouldn't put it past you to find a way to escape. I happen tolike my job, and I know you well enough to not give

you a single chance."

   He returned to sulking, so she stood and walked back towards the stairs. She heardhis voice call to her, very quietly. "Hey Wethy, which room is yours, just incase I manage to get meself free?" She chuckled again. "Oh Mudge, you're toomuch. If you could escape, the first place you'd be would be on your way out oftown. But since you asked, third floor, first door on the right." He lapsedinto silence and she returned to her climbing of the stairs. She sighedheavily. She really did wish she could let him out. He was a joy in bed, andshe hadn't had his equal since they had parted. She could have joined him inhis cell, but that would have put the keys within his reach, and she was toowise for that.  She climbed the stairs, opened the door to her room, closed and locked it. She andMudge were the only present occupants, but she was always careful. Of course,no one had ever tried to break into a jail, but precautions were precautions.She lit the lamps and proceeded to get undressed. She was thinking about Mudge.He was a cutie, and even better, he was not interested in a long termrelationship. That suited her fine. But she missed the sex. Here in Hobarrowshe had to keep her relationships professional. That was too bad. Some of thebest lovers were those who lived life on the edge. Like Mudge.

   She was undressed, ready to hit the sack when she heard the click. Before she couldreact, the door flew open and a dagger blade was at her throat. She starteddown its length to the face behind it. It was a grinning otter. "Hello Wethy!Thanks for saving me the time in searching for your room. You knows 'ow I 'atewasting time." She was uncertain what to do. His was licking his lips, whichcould mean several things. She was hoping he was harboring no hard feelings.All at once he dropped the blade. He turned it around and handed it to her.  "Mudge? Why did you break out of your cell, break into my room only to give yourselfup? For that matter, how did youbreak out?" He sat down on the bed. "I'm a fool Wethy. You know I thinks withme cock. You seemed interested in rekindling our old flame, so I thought tomeself that I might as well spend the night 'aving some fun. I guess you isright; I should just slip out, but then I'd miss a good time. More importantly,so would you!" He was looking her up and down. Neither had a stitch of clothingon. She dropped the rapier and grabbed him. "Just remember, water rat that youneed to be awake in the morning, and so do I. I don't intend to be at this allnight." He gave her a lascivious grin. "No? 'ows about just 'alf?"

   She was about to lie back when her curiosity overcame her

libido. "Mudge, how the helldid you get out of that cell? That lock was fashioned by the mechanics guild. Iknow better than to think there's such a thing as an unpickable lock, but youhad nothing with which to open it!" He got a proud look on his face. "You're asmart one Wethy. But you ain't got the wits ole Mudge 'as. Give me a 'at pinand I can open any lock any fool can devise. But since I didn't have no 'atpin, I made do with this." He pulled out a long rigid rib bone from his supper.The vixen shook her head in mute admiration. But now there were more importantthings to worry about.  She literally picked him up and tossed him on the bed. "Look here otter. I haven'thad a good lay since we parted company. I want a grand reminder of what we oncehad. Come tomorrow you'll get your sentencing and likely sit either in yourcell here or at Mordutin Prison for a year. I would prefer the first one, but the second is more likely. So youbetter get what you can now." She was well aware that he had been to thewhorehouse, but with Mudge, and his never ending appetite for sex, a yearwithout would kill him. Three years for her without him was about as bad.

   He wasn't wasting time talking or thinking. He was on top of her, and working hiscock in. She wasn't really expecting sex prior to his breaking in to her room,so she wasn't lubricated just yet, but it wasn't taking long. In a few morethrusts he was in. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and her legs aroundhis hips. She was a little larger, so she was able to embrace him tightly. Shehad him locked in place. It was like trying to hold a jackhammer. Good sheloved the way he expended energy. She knew that he always got his money's worthfrom the girls at the brothel. If any of them could walk straight the next dayit was a miracle. She knew; nay hoped, she would be doing the same tomorrow.She hadn't had her cunt pounded like this in ages.  Mudge was hardly paying attention to the limbs wrapped around his body. It did givehim good leverage. What he was delighting in was Wethy's tight hole. Foxes werealways; well; foxy, but Wethy wasn't lying when she said she hadn't got anylately. Use it or lose it, he always said. She was tighter than a juvenilemouse. He remembered back to the day they had first met, back when this holewas still sealed. Boy, that had been a time. Once she went otter, she couldn'tget enough. She certainly saved him some money at the brothels. But that shiphad passed, not because he wanted it to, but because life interfered with hisplans. He had needed to ditch town, and apparently she found a new use for herabilities; leastwise her non-sexual ones. Who would have figured her for alawman?

   But now it was just him and her. And she was squeezing him with a less than delicategrasp. He had that effect on women. He was absorbed in his own sensations,hoping that she was doing the same. When he came, not long after he started,she arched up and joined him in a climax. She still clutched him tightly,knowing full well he wasn't done. He started back up again, pounding away likeit was his last time. If he went to prison, it wouldn't be his last, but hewould be on the receiving end of a cock there. He knew he would have to splitthis town prior his appearance before the mayor. But for now, there were moreimportant things.  It was an hour later before he felt he was done. His cock was actually sore from howtight Wethy was, and she grimaced just a bit when he pulled out. But the smileon her face wavered only that once. "By the Goddess Mudge, I haven't hadanything that good in a long time!" He slid off and lay down beside her. "Damnit girl, you 'aven't had anything in there for a long time. You could 'avepinched me cock off during that last bit, iffin you 'ad a mind too!" He said itwith all seriousness, but was smiling his biggest grin.  Money couldn't pay for a ride like that!

   They snuggled under the covers, but neither one was sleepy. They set to talking. Shestarted by asking a question she was just dying to know the answer to. "Mudgedarling, why in the world did you steal Esquire Comri's silk pants? It's hardlythe kind of thing you're known for pinching." He sighed heavily beforeanswering. "Look love, I'd didn't exactly pinch them. This whole thing's amisunderstanding." He fell silent for a moment before continuing. "You sees, Iwas enjoying meself with two of the girls from Madame Litha's establishment. Ipaid for 'em and everything! One was a pika, and the other was a marmot. Bothgood girls, though they ain't got nothing on you! Anyways, we was 'aving ourselvesa good time, we was, until the booze ran out. I volunteered to go downstairsand get another bottle. Did just that, I did. Came back to the room real quicklike. That's where I got into trouble."  He continued on, explaining how things progressed after he got back to the room. Wethywas beginning to see were this was going and stifled a comment. When hefinished his story,  shebroke out laughing so hard she got the hiccups. "Oh Mudgie, you're too much. Itold you you drink to excess! And now look where it's got you!" Mudge's attitudeshowed he wasn't quite so understanding. "Look here my fine little fox; I'vegot a reputation to keep. If word came out about this I couldn't show me faceanywhere!" Wethy was still laughing when she replied. "Oh Mudge, you do manageto get yourself in some funny

predicaments. But I think I see a way out of thisone for you." She explained her idea, which didn't appeal as much to him asskipping town. But he had to admit, she was probably right. In the end, hedecided to go along with her plan, leastwise until he saw whether or not itworked.

   They had one more go at it, tiring each other out enough for them to catch a fewhours sleep. With the rays of the morning light burning down through thewindow, they each cursed the interruption of their sleep. Mudge was awake quickenough, hoping for another round. She put her paws on his shoulders. "No waymister. You have an appointment with the mayor. Esquire Comri will be theretoo. All I want you to do is explain what happened. Luckily for you, theyaren't aware of your past like I am. I have a feeling that Comri will drop thecharges once he finds out what really happened. Court records are permanent, so whatever you say goes into them. Both ofyou have reputations you want unstained. I think he'll be reasonable." She gothis clothes from the impound locker and they went downstairs and out into thecity.  The mayor of Hobarrow was, of all things, a raccoon. Mudge had nothing againstraccoons, finding that the made great thieves and pickpockets. He was justsurprised one made it to such a respectable position. The office walls werelined with paintings of the previous mayors. Mudge looked them over with idlecuriosity, finding to his surprise that one of the oldest paintings there wasof a human. He had known a few humans, not the least being his old red-headedpartner in crime Talea. He squinted at this image for a moment before losinginterest. It wasn't anybody he would ever have known. Comri came in, givingMudge his first chance at really getting a good look at him. He was, notsurprisingly, a ground hog.

   The mayor put on his most severe face. "Well otter, what do you have to say foryourself? Your trousers were found in the room of the honorable Comri here, andhis pants in your room. How do you plead to stealing them?" Wethy nudged him,reminding him to stick to the truth. "Not guilty your majesty!" replied theotter. Comri glared at him and shouted, "How dare you say that! The evidencewas found in your room!" Mudge took in a deep breath. "Well, your honors, thisis what happened." He retold the story for what he hoped was the last time. He regaled them with his tale about being with his girls, how they had been having a good time, and how they ran out ofalcohol. He told it to them just like he had told Wethy. Then he continued on,with the part that had seemed to tickle the vixen's fancy.  "I walked into the room, and the lights was down real low. Both girls was

asleep.Or drunk. I can hold me booze, but not everyone can. So's I figure, screwing'em awake or passed out didn't make much difference to me, for I had paid me myfee. The second choice just meant they didn't get in on the fun. I had a go atthe one, and she was all wet and ready, just like I left 'er.  Course, I couldn't see 'er 'ead, what withthe sheet over it. Same for 'er partner. I hit on the first girl for a bit,then decided to switch it up. Now I knew I was drunk, so it didn't strike me'sas odd at first, but this second girl had a 'ole as tight as a novice. I got iton pretty good until me insides had enough and boiled out. It was only then,after I was finished and pulled out that I realized the 'orrible truth."

   Mudge continued. "I found out that the second girl wasn't, um, a girl. It was this here Comri fellow. I hadjust buggered his arse and enjoyed it! I stick to the opposite sex, I does. Inearly freaked out, I did. I grabbed what I thought were me pants and ran out,to the right room this time. Of course, it weren't til morning than I discoveredme mistake. By then, the good esquire had filed a complaint. Since me rightfulpants were in his room, it was hard to deny!" By the time the otter got to thepart about figuring out that he had buggered the squire, the ground hog wasstanding there with his mouth agape.  Then he shouted to the mayor, "Strike that from the record! I can't have people knowingthat a respectable person like me was molested by this water rat in awhorehouse!" The raccoon was shaking his head, doing his best to stifle a grin."Comri, I cannot strike any information about this case from the record. Theonly way that can happen is if the case is dropped. Since you filed charges oftheft, you'll have to drop them." It took the squire only a moment before he loweredhis head in defeat. "Then so be it." But then he glared at Mudge. "See here,you foul little freak. If I ever see you in this town again, I'll find somereason to have you put in jail. I would suggest you keep yourself away fromhere, and especially from my favorite brothel. If I find out that you ever comeback, I'll have Dromett do to you what you did to me!' With that he stomped offand left.

   They returned to the jail, and since he apparently had to leave town for good, theyhad one last romp upstairs in her bedroom. When they were done, she retrievedhis rapier, which was the last thing still impounded. As he was preparing togo, he suddenly found a question on his tongue. "Wethy dear, who is Dromett?"She winked at him. "Mudge dear, Dromett is the best blacksmith in town. Whydon't you look him up on your way out of town?" He did just that, weaving hisway through the streets. He smelled

the smoke and heard the banging well beforehe saw the sign for the smithy. He cranked his head around the corner and got aglimpse of the smith. It was the biggest and toughest looking gorilla he hadever seen. He slipped away unnoticed. Hobarrow was now on the otter's list ofplaces to avoid! 

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