Eastfallon Part 11, or Delving into the Depths

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#17 of The Goddess Files

Jon-Tom finds that maintaining his reputation can be a complicated matter. And royalty...why is it always royalty?

  Fromthat point on, Jon-Tom put his attentions toward Kyma. If what Orath said wastrue, about Kyma that is, he needed to go over the details of naiad reproductionin the most academic of ways. If they (Jon-Tom and Orath) remained until theend of their allotted six months, he would not be around to see his child born,something he rather hated. He was in fora surprise. Kyma was well versed in her personal physiology. She was more awareof her body than most creatures were. What she told him was impressive,thorough and a bit disheartening.  "Wenormally do not discuss our personal details with drylanders, but you are anexception. Mother and father have already made you a member of the city, withfull rank and privileges granted to such folks. The only thing that would makethe situation better would be if you were a member of royalty, but they have decidedto overlook that in the face of who you are." Jon-Tom let loose a very uncharacteristicgiggle. He put his hand to her forehead and slowly released a great deal ofinformation about his life into her head. When he was done, she hovered in thewater, absorbed in her thoughts (and his) and contemplating what he had givenher. She finally found her voice. "You are a time traveler? Then you are notthe Gitajadugara as we know him. You have evolved into something much greater.Perhaps breeding with you is not in my best interest."

   Thisbrought him up short. He wasn't about to press his affections on her if shedidn't want them, but it was the first time someone seemed so set in turningaway a chance they weren't likely to get again. "OK Kyma, I'll bite. Why not?"Her thoughts were all joy and happiness, but they also held doubts. "It willhelp for me to give you the details of naiad life and love and longing. As Itold you, I am three thousand tides old. That will convert to about two hundredand fifty in what you call years. We don't use that denotation as the sundoesn't penetrate this deep, and we are ruled by the water, not the air. Wehave no summer, nor winter; we have isorropia. Things here rarely change, whichis why the cold waters nearly killed me. But such longevity means that we agemuch slower, and develop much slower, than you on land. Even in the sea we areold, not as old as the kraken, but old enough. I am the youngest daughter of myparents, and just now have come into my ability to conceive."  Jon-Tomwas listening carefully. "So you're telling me that you are just now enteringyour teen years?" She thought about it a moment. "From what I know of yourhuman physiology, I guess that would be correct. However, I think it is safe tosay that I have seen more and

learned more than any teenager on dry land wouldever have the chance of seeing in their entire life. Therefore, you can saythat I'm a teenager with the experience of a crone." He contemplated that. Itseemed a fair assessment. "OK, so you're ready, but not willing. Why?" Shesmiled at him and did a few flips in the water while she composed an answer.

   "LookGitajadugara; if you were of my time you would live to see our child born butnot to see it to adulthood. Conception takes great effort over several tidesbefore it takes hold. Pregnancy lasts for one hundred and twenty tides; ten ofyour years. From what you have shown me, you have many wives and many childrenstrewn about the time corridor. I do not see how you can handle yet another.Even with the time span, where will you be in ten years? In the past, as I knowit, or in the future? Are you free to roam through the temporal rifts at will?"She was a smart one, this Kyma. "As a matter of fact; no. Eve has that ability,and she sent me back here to this time to save Orath, which I did. As you saw,I have children in this time, as well as the future. I have no intention offorcing myself on you, but if you wish to fight the odds, I willing to investwhatever is necessary to make you happy."  Sheactually laughed at that. "Happy? I would be happy if you were really a naiadprince. Your drylander titles of prince and king don't necessary translate intoour way of thinking, but they would give you an edge if you wished to stay andlive down here. But you can't, can you?" She was sensible, more sensible thanmany creatures he had encountered. He could create another doppelganger, butthat would only aggravate the situation in the long run. "Kyma, could you dealwith this child on your own?" Her smiled was strained. "Mother dealt with mefor 53 tides before you found father again. But raising a child should requireinfluence from both parents. I could ask for no less for my children."

   Theobvious answer here was to forego any further consideration and allow thematter to drop. It wasn't that he didn't like her, for she was very sweet.Orath had suggested this encounter, and she seemed to have adapted to being akraken rather well. To stop this now would be to end her fun. But the matterwas a serious one. He could give her the ultimate child, one who might live formillennia, but to do so would require his attention for a very long time. Itwasn't impossible, depending on how many times he could travel back in time tothe same period before it caused a paradox, but it was dependant on Eve. Andsince she was expecting as well, in a pregnancy that could last for a thousandyears, he was

uncertain what to do. Kyma understood his dilemma.  "ListenGitajadugara..."  He stopped her. "Look,call me Jon-Tom. It's not much of a name but it's what I prefer to go by, andit's how everyone knows me." She put her face into his. "Or Lobo maybe? But ifyou prefer Jon-Tom, so be it. A pregnancy I need no help with, once I conceive.That would give you ten years your time to figure this out. But if you decideto father my child, you must promise to do everything in your power to be therefor that child. I see in your thoughts you already have unfinished business. Doyou really think you can take on more?" He debated the pros and cons, finallymaking a decision. "Kyma, I think this boils down to something more basic. If Ilove you, I can do it. But my love has been spread around over a wide range ofcreatures. But in each and every case, matters have worked out as they weresupposed to. I have to have faith this will be no different. Therefore, I thinkwe need to get to know one another and see if the spark is there. If it is,then I will acquiesce to the necessary constraints."

   Shelaughed long and hard. "That sounds a little constrained as it is, the way youput it. But you are correct. Love makes all the difference, and if we cannotlove ourselves, we cannot love our child. But then, that is why it takes solong for us to conceive. Only love will activate the proper hormones for me tobe with egg." Jon-Tom looked at her sharply. "That's it?" She nodded. He shookhis head. "It's a good thing I put a halt on Orath in this form, or I would behaving yet another child by her. Six is enough!" Kyma was surprised. "You havebeen together long enough to have six babies?" He got the gist of her question,but chuckled despite himself. "We had six cubs at once, not over sixconsecutive pregnancies. Wolves are prone to having more than one, and she hadan interesting twist in her anatomy. I figured it was best to get the childbearing over early. So far I haven't regretted the decision."  Thenaiad's eyes were filled with wonder. "So drylanders have more than one childat a time? I though such things were myths. Down here, we are lucky to haveone, considering the length of time it takes to conceive and then develop. Twowould be a miracle." He sent her an overwhelming flood of feelings. "I've beenknown to work a few miracles in my time. Name it, and it's yours." She wasn'tquick to respond. "I would like to know that I could love you. And in return, Iwould like to know that you loved me. Then, and only then, would I consent tomake a request. A child's life is no small thing, and as I am princess, myhusband will be king ad our child

would be king, as my sister has as of yet notconceived. Can you be king, and a father, and stay here where you belong withall you have going on in your life?"

   Hewas nothing if not honest. "I can't say for certain, one way or the other. I ambeing thrown into situations all the time over which I have little knowledge orcontrol. As it is, I don't think I was expected to stay with Orath, but I choseit as the right thing to do." Kyma nodded, absorbing that. "Yes, you arealready partnered. She is a wonderful person, your mate. We had a lengthydiscussion while you were communicating with the female kraken. She said thatthere was much more to you than appearances could ever show. She is very muchin love with you, you must realize. Only then could she be so generous as toallow me this chance." He smiled softly. "She is a very good person. It's why Ihave stayed. She would let me go at any moment, but I know that the thought oflosing me eats away at her. She chose to become the kraken, not only out ofkindness to your people, but to clear out of the way in case we found aconnection. That, Kyma, is what you have to pit yourself against. That's a verystrong love."  "Jon-Tom.Naiads live a very long time, and love develops over this time as well. We alsoshare everything we are, both in body and in mind. You and I do not have thatkind of time. Therefore, I would recommend a meld." He needed no explanation asto what that was. Orath knew a lot about him, as did many others. But a fulldownload was simply going to be too much for any creature outside of Eve, whodidn't qualify in those terms anyways. "Kyma, I appreciate what you're tryingto do here, but me trying to put my mind into your head would be like trying toshove a whale into sea cucumber." She swam around him, gauging his mental aura."Look; how about if I absorb as much as I can handle, rather than have you cramit in forcefully? You might be surprised at how much information my head canhold."

   "Fine.But I won't be held responsible if something goes wrong." He relaxed his mind,and she placed her forehead to his. Time froze. She could see hundreds ofimages flashing past her retinas; loves, losses, friends, family, wizards,insects, pirates, boats, cities, mountains, valleys, trees, flowers... Suddenlyshe longed to be able to walk on dry land. The things he had done, the thingshe longed to do, the things he...the things he still had to do. He was stilldetermined to right any wrongs he could. His soul was not pristine, but thegood so outweighed the bad that it shown as white as bleached coral. If therewas ever a male to bond with, here he was. But without love,

procreation wasimpossible. As the contents of his mind emptied into hers, shewas struck with a flood of overwhelming emotions. She could see both sides ofhis personality, the good, the bad, the gentleman and the cad. She found all ofthese facets to be fascinating. She was getting confused, especially by thestirrings in her loins. It could only mean one thing, but it was impossible.Emotional attachments, in her species anyway, took many tides to ripen. But shewasn't so naïve not to recognize the telltale signs of oncoming ovulation.Whether it was magically induced, or a response to the overflow of informationand emotions pouring forth from this extraordinary creature, she could nottell. No other naiad had ever been able to stimulate her to readiness; thishuman, or whatever he was, just did. It had taken only a few minutes.

 Jon-Tom was watching her with a curious eye. Whilethe light down here wasn't much, leastwise compared to the surface, hismodified eyes could still see fairly well. What he was witnessing was ratherinteresting and in no need of extra light. Naiads had a certain amount ofscales, much like humans had hair. Scales ran from forehead to the nape of theneck, around the wrists, and across the crotch. Normally they blended in, buthers were on fire. They were running the gamut of colors, from green to red topurple. She was floating backwards away from him, not fearful, but hopeful. Herscales were now glowing, lighting her up like a Christmas tree. All at once shedarted forward, grabbed his hand and pulled him through the water. They hit thepalace, brushed past the startled guards and to her personal chambers. No onestopped them. It seems the glow told them not to interfere. Or maybe it wasbecause the princess could do whatever she felt like doing.Once in the room, Jon-Tom noticed the colorsspilling across the walls and ceiling. He was also quick to notice that theyseemed to be running in two directions, a relative impossibility until henoticed that he too was glowing. Damn. Was he ever going to learn? All heneeded was another emotional attachment! But then again, he should have seen itcoming. How he was going to handle this was beyond even his ability to predict,but since it seemed to have triggered a mutual response, he wasn't going toargue it. Besides, sex with Orath in this form had been fun, until they wereinterrupted. That had apparently been rather tame. Kyma looked like a carnivalsideshow; he had to assume it was a biological response to indicate she wasready for mating. It wasn't subtle, but it was pretty stimulating.

 It was then that he began noticing the changes inhis own body. Normally he could control what happened in

it, and likely hecould now. But it was his normal horny self getting multiplied over and overagain. He did his usual, analyzing it in his mind, and found it to be somethingthat in any other situation he would rein in. He could go on indefinitely whenit came to sex, but this physical response was over the top. The more hewatched the glow on her body, the more it intensified. It was apparentlymutual, because she was seething with growing frustration as he made no attemptto take her. She finally let loose a mental howl and launched herself at him.Her mind had no sensible thoughts; it was filled with need.As his cock was hard enough to piece metal, she wasable to impale herself quite readily. He had enough sense to lock himself inposition in the water, like before, which was to their mutual advantage. Shehardly noticed, as she was on him like an animal. But he had the presence ofmind to keep in control. Which in this case, meant holding still and lettingher do the work, for now. Orath's naiad anatomy had been a bit different towhat he was used to, but Kyma's had twisted up into something phenomenal. Hecould tell, as she pushed down on his cock, that a change had occurred, makingher cunt far different from the she-wolf's. It was as if it had become twisted,much like a rag became when you wrung the water out of it. It wasn't justtight, it was nigh impossible to enter. If there was any pain involved in whatshe was doing, he got no hint of it.

 His cock initially was shoved past the slit, which posedno hindrance. But the entrance to her cunt was like a barely opened roseflower. He was glad she was doing the forceful part, because he was certainsomething was going to rupture. It didn't. As she was pushing down, the tissueunfolded, exposing her internal bumps (like little clitorises), which if hecould have seen them, were flashing with color like her scales. He made noattempt to push, so that he hardly realized that the farther along she got, themore immobile his cock became. When she had taken the whole thing (with anadditional inch or two added), he knew he was as deep inside he as was humanly(you know what I mean) possible. That's when he tried to start thrusting. Hiscock couldn't move; instead, the tissue moved with him. He assumed she was sotight that he was literally unable to move. A quick mental check surprised him.Those little bumps had merged with his own tissue! He was now part of her body!He didn't panic, as he would have so many yearsago. Canines had knots, so this must be something similar. It was likely theywould remain together until she conceived. His thoughts penetrated her sexclouded mind. She returned a muddled thought that agreed with his assessment.They

might not part for days, maybe even weeks. His mind digested that for abit. Weeks? It was no wonder there weren't more naiads around. Breeding wasalmost a chore. That thought lasted about a minute when the shock wave hit him.The stimulation coming from her body overloaded the nerve endings in his cock.It was like getting a lightning bolt of pleasure. It coursed through his bodyand rerouted back into her. She tensed up as it gained strength and flowed backto him. At each pass it grew stronger. It was getting so strong that it washardly enjoyable, much less tolerable. He tried to dampen it, but found thatfor the moment, his body had no control over what was happening. He tried topull away, but was stuck where he was.

 No wonder these bodies merged. A male could hardlystand what a female was dishing out. He couldn't even suppress it. As it grewstronger still, it felt like his balls were going to explode. Having them in amicrowave wouldn't have felt worse, he was convinced. Pressure was buildingsomeone inside, and her body was now as rigid as a branch of coral. Her mentalcries were piteous to behold. He could hear her joints pop as her body grewtighter. Her cunt was so hot it could have been on fire. Then the bolt him hitagain, and the pressure blew like a cannon. He shot a load into her that was apleasure just to be free of. It coursed through his cock under high pressure.The moment it hit her insides, it triggered a response from her. It felt likeher cervix turned into a vacuum. As fast as his body pumped it in, hers suckedit up. As much as he could produce, he rather prayed that it wasn't too muchfor her.Not that there was anything he could do. They werelocked together as one right now. But as the pressure inside him eased, hisbody was flooded with a sensation that was hard to describe. It was likegetting high, or perhaps like suffering from hypoxia. His body relaxed and hecould feel that he was indeed, directly linked with hers. He could feel heremotions and listen to her thoughts as if they were his own. It should havefreaked him out, except having people inside his head was passé by now. Butmore intriguing than her thoughts was the fact that he could feel her womb; notthrough his own body, but though hers. The damn thing had a life of its own;literally. It seemed to have its own little system, for he could sense itsorting through the sperm. He didn't know how, but the why seemed obvious. Inmost cases, egg and sperm were a bit random; you got what you got. Naiads seemto have developed the means to be choosy; quality over quantity.

 It was a lot like what he did with magic. All ofhis and Orath's cubs were perfect physically, but different in sex andtemperament. There

had been no point in having six little clones. That wouldhave been boring. The same thing extended to all of his kids. But Kyma's bodywas littering sorting through what he had to offer. He hoped it wasn'tconceited to think that it shouldn't take long as they were all perfect. Hethen caught a muffled laugh. It was Kyma. "All perfect are they? That couldpose a problem." He was mildly embarrassed. "Sorry about that, but with magic,I can do anything. There seems to be little point in breeding if one doesn'ttake precautions to have a perfect child. But then, maybe that's just arrogantof me."She gave him a mental hug, which converted to areal one as their bodies responded. "Look Jon-Tom, our bodies, the females thatis, do exactly that. We give birth to so few children that the up side is thatwe can pick and chose. Rather, my uterus does, independent of my wishes. Icould ask for a girl, but that doesn't mean I will get one. And if your spermare as perfect as you say, this is going to take a long time." She pressed hishand against her belly. There was a slight bump there that hadn't existedbefore they started. "I would suggest you unlock whatever hold you have that's keepingus suspended and allow us to drifted down to the sleeping chamber. We're goingto need our rest before this is all done." He did as he was told, and theyglided down to what he euphemistically called the seabed. He saw in her mind itwas the royal bedding chamber, and they hadn't even used it.

 She caught his thoughts. "Funny man! Once I amfinished with breeding, I intend to get every last bit of enjoyment out of youbefore you have to go. Breeding in this case is not sex. It's a wonder the twoof us still have our minds. What just happened is supposed to follow theculmination of three or four tide's worth of build up. You tripped the responseand finished in under a few hours time. So, it looks like you'll have to makeit up to me afterwards. Your drylander mate said to take as much time as Iwanted, but that you promised to be back by a certain time. Until that time,you are mine!"  Theywere stuck together for most of  a day.It wasn't unpleasant, if a bit awkward. They exchanged thoughts, personalhistories, folklore, and every once in a while, stories about their previousencounters. This was her first extra-species tryst, though she found it hard toconsider it that since he was presently in her form. She was fascinated by allof the different intelligent species that lived above the ocean. She was aware,of course, thanks to the great library, but seeing then in his mind was a wholeother experience. The emotions attached to the various (many?) faces rangedfrom respect to disgust to

overwhelming love. She was experiencing that lastone first hand.

   Bythe time their bodies were able to separate, each knew the other inside andout. The thing that impressed her the most was the goddess. Sea creatures knewshe existed, for they were able to range the closest to her soul. But for himto have freed her from her bounds and give her the freedom of a living body wasalmost too much to comprehend. He tapped into her thoughts. "Look Kyma, it wassomething I did because it needed to be done. She's the reason I'm even back inthis time zone." The naiad pressed her forehead to his. "I am aware of that.But if you can have the mother of all, why would you bother with us?" Jon-Tomlet loose a chuckle. "Us? You mean all of the little people on this world? I'llhave you know I was one of them once, and I didn't like the way others treatedeach other." She laughed with him, but got serious again. "But you're not evenof this world. Why have you done so much good?"  "That'san easy one; because I can. I get tired of evil, and nastiness, and even justsimple bullying. The thing I don't get is how I always end up with royalty."Kyma had her own chuckle. "Because, silly man, royals rule over their subjects.If you have a positive influence on them, then they will pass it on to theirpeople. Then, you multiply the effect you have a thousand fold." Herexplanation hit him in the gut. It was so obvious he had never considered it.At the same time, it meant someone was still playing with him. But since itseemed to be in a good way, he decided to let the matter drop. She was about tosay something else when she grabbed her belly with an alarmed look on her face.He was to her in a second.

   "Whatis it?" He asked worriedly. But as he touched her, the answer came to himthrough their connection. She had just conceived! But that wasn't what shockedher. She had just conceived twice! "Jon-Tom, this hasn't happened in a hundredthousand tides! Oh thank you ever so much! I'll have to do my best to repayyou!" Sex was on his mind, the real thing this time, when she pulled him out ofher chambers and into the throne room. Her face glowed, but it told only halfthe story. The king and queen were alarmed at the brevity of their coupling,but were stunned to learn of the fact that they would be expecting twograndchildren in the future. The whole thing needed to be explained. Since hehad already done extraordinary things, this news was swallowed as best theycould manage. It wasn't that they weren't overjoyed, but it wasn't somethingthey expected to hear so soon. They hardly knew their daughter's mate.Therefore, they hardly knew anything about the

next king-under-the-sea.  Kymadidn't give them time, outside of a precursory glossing over of the facts. Shewas so excited that she could hardly contain herself. To think that she wouldfind love in the form of this extraordinary and powerful human was bothwonderful and frightening. They were going to have only a limited amount oftime together before he had to leave. While he promised to return, and she knewhe meant it, it seemed to be an impossibility. He still had other commitmentsto keep. But having not one, but two babies from him was more than enough. Shecould realistically expect no more. She sighed at her future loss, but decidedthat she was going to get the most out of him now. She was dragging him to thebedroom as she was thinking. Once inside, she blocked the door, blocked everyother opening and drew him to the bed. He was smiling hugely.

   "What'sgiving you a reason to grin, Jon-Tom?" He openly laughed. "You are. Did youforget already that I can read your mind? I promise you I'll do my very best tocome back, really I will. As for now, I can take whatever you can dish out.After that breeding exchange, I think something a little less intense will beright up my alley." She was suddenly embarrassed, got over it quickly enough,and pulled him to the bed. "Look man, I will have you know that this is thefirst time I have ever felt love. Sex many times, but love not until now. Iwant you to give me everything you've got. You may be right; you may return tome. But just as easily you may not. I want something to remember you by.  "Thatwon't be a problem." He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her backwards to the bed.She could feel his cock was already hard, and, it seemed, bigger than before.That was acceptable to her, as long as it fit. He pulled her down onto his lap,the tip of his manhood piercing the slit between her legs. He grunted as itshead pressed up against her cunt. It wasn't wound tight like during breeding,but it was still tighter than normal. He pressed down on her shoulders, gentlyforcing her body down on top of his. He was being to kind, she thought, andpushed down hard with all her might. His cock rammed through her tissues like asting ray spine, sending shivers up her backbone. The tip stopped somewheredeep inside, leaving her suspended off his lap by a few inches. She sensed inhis mind his ability to adjust his size. It was a good talent to have. But whenhe changed its shape, she knew she had a keeper.

   Whatever he had done to it, it was now rubbing tightly against her insides,exciting her bumps as if she had an electric ell up there. (For yourinformation, no she

never had, but had wondered about such things.) Thesensation was an overload, like before, but it was enough to drive her into apleasant delirium. At least this time he could move, rubbing her in all theright places. He felt her thoughts and gladly agreed. It was nice to be able toboth relax and enjoy the act instead of being dominated by it. He took overactive participation, giving her as good a pounding as any of his loves. Sheresponded in a most unusual way; when she started to climax she merged her mindwith his, bring him in to experience her sensations. It triggered his own, andthey came together in a clash of bodies, emotions and thoughts that meldedtheir minds onto one.  Theyfloated together, seemingly unconscious but linked telepathically. Kyma's bodywas still reacting aggressively to whatever he had done. She pushed her mind toflow into his, in part to escape the nearly overwhelming stimuli. "Jon-Tom,whatever you did, you had better ease up next time. It was almost as over poweringas our breeding act." He nudged her mind with his. "Too much for you was it? Ifigured after our first time together, nothing could come close, but perhaps Icheated a little. But trust me; there are times when a little extra push in thepleasure category is a welcome thing. Perhaps we should try something elseinstead. I would hate to ruin your future experiences by overdoing it." She wasintrigued. He had slept with many females, and from what she could tell, theywere all happy about it.

   Shegot the surprise of her life, however, when his cock slid out of her cunt andpressed against her anus. Despite the holes being so close, naiads didn'tconsider them to be equal in regards to sex. She had seen in his mind that hedid, but hardly expected him to attempt it. Before he pushed it in, he touchedher mind. "Try it once. If you don't like it, I'll stop." She relaxed as bestshe could, knowing full well the thing he was about to stick in it was farlarger than anything that came out. The scream was sitting there, ready to fly.She felt a tickle, then a little warmth, then a smooth sliding push as heshoved it in. Whatever she was expecting, it wasn't this. She could feel hissmile. "I cheated. Truth is, if anyone else had tried this, you'd be in a lotof pain right now. I dropped my size, and pushed in some extra pleasure to helpyou out. You've got one hell of a tight asshole, Kyma!"  Shewas sure she did. She was also finding this to be more pleasurable than thenormal hole. It wasn't that it felt better exactly, but she didn't have thefull load of stimuli coming at her. She hoped that would fade with time, for itwas much more intense than

anything she had done with her own kind. After all,sex was supposed to lead up to conception, not the other way around. As she wasthinking this, she relaxed even more, feeling his cock lengthening but remainingas thick as it presently was. Now that she was over her fear, she got into itwith gusto. She could feel every inch of it slide in, and back out, rubbing hersphincter and tickling her insides in a way that was almost delicate. Whatevershe thought this experience was going to be, it was far removed from herpreconceptions.

   Therewas just enough discomfort in his actions to take the edge off the pleasure shehad experienced before. It sounded like a bad thing, but her cunt was still onfire. It tempered her experience quite nicely. He picked up on her thoughts. "Good!I didn't mean to overdo it before. Shall we continue like this until everythingreturns to normal?" It sounded good to her. "And how long will that take?" Hishumor was apparent in his retort. "I don't know. Shall we find out?" As itturns out, it took about two hours; including three climaxes for her and fivefor him. By the time he pulled out, her ass was as supple as her cunt. Shecould feel his fluids leaking out, and clamped it down tight. He caught on toher action.   "What'sthe matter?" She gave him an embarrassed smile. "Look Jon-Tom, our kind has avery keen sense of smell. I don't need to advertise what I've been doing to thewhole city." He chuckled. "Why not? It seems to me they're going to find outsoon enough. But if it's a real problem for you..." She could feel her insidesdrain immediately. She patted her belly. "Thank you so much for that." He wasstill chuckling. But magicking away all his hard work seemed like sacrilege. Onthe other hand, she was already expecting, and the location he had depositedthese last five loads was hardly conducive for anything. It was then that hefelt a tickle in his brain. It was feminine laughter. It was none other thanOrath.

   "SoJon-Tom, it looks like you did it again. You've got another female under yourbelt. Of course, it's what's under your belt that snags them, isn't it?" He wasmildly appalled. "You've been listening in this whole time?" "Listening?" shereplied. "I was enjoying the experience with you. These kraken have quite thetelepathic mind. I must say, I rather envy her the breeding experience. As akraken, the stimulation that was too much for her is just the tip of the, howwould you say it...iceberg, for a kraken. You and I will have to try it out,unless you would allow me a chance at the male, should he return." He wasrolling that over in his head. "Orath, here I am impregnating

another female,one that you suggested I partner with, and you think I'm going to tell you whoand what you can have sex with?" He could feel the enormity of her mind. "Well,I didn't want to assume..."

The Tale of St George's Horse

           I'm certain you all know of the book known commonly as The Golden Legend. You know, the one written by Jacobus de Voragine. What? You've never heard of it? Fame is so fleeting.            How about the Speculum Hisoriale? You remember, the...

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Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 10

  They left Rockhaven at the end oftwo weeks, promising that they would do their best to return in the future.Jon-Tom knew it wasn't a lie, for he at least did make it there in the upcomingyears, just not as Lobo. The next leg of their journey was to...

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Good Things Come When Least Expected.

Eve and Jon-Tom were havinga spat. He was tired of feeling like he was interfering in everyone's lives,and she was insisting that it was his destiny. "Look Eve, I really don't give adamn right now. All I can think of is what things would be like if I...

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