Bottled up Emotions

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#1 of Miscellany

This story is a side note to The Tale of St George's Horse.

  Hello again. It's me, BeyazRuzgar. You remember; I was once St George's horse. Yes, I know. I'm not ahorse anymore. I though we had gotten past that. I have been many things since landing on this planet. Ichose to discuss one of my forms that most of you might recognize. I'mcertainly not going to tell you how I was a triceratopian, or a brontothere ,or a mastodon. That would require a lotof time. A LOT OF TIME. No, I'm here for another reason.  When I told you my story, albeit, anabbreviated version, I mentioned some of the forms my other shipmates hadchosen. If you will recall, I mentioned efrits. If you know anything about yourMiddle Eastern humans, you would know that efrits were thought to have theirown society, complete with rulers. This was a human fabrication. We had no needof rulers, since we were pretty much impossible to rule. But the mention of thegenie seemed to spark something. There is some truth to that tale, though notin a way you might like to hear.    I'll give you a little background,in case you've forgotten already. My kind was traveling in a non-corporealform. When the ship crashed, we found we could maintain our existence byinhabiting other life forms. We could also exist in an inactive state inside ofcertain silica bearing rocks. These resembledthe containers that were aboard the ship. When you humans began developingtechnology, you discovered glass making. And unbeknownst to you, some of yourformulae for making it were very close to the mix for our mind pods. I think atthis point you get where I'm going with this.  One of my shipmates, whose originalname, like mine, is indecipherable to your ears, became discontented withliving the way we had to live to continue our existence. In terms you wouldunderstand, he went a little crazy. Unlike with you humans, we don't getdelusional when we go mad. We know it, and do whatever we can to turn itaround. This shipmate, to whom I will refer by his earth nickname; Jinn, founda glass bottle in the tomb of some long dead chieftain, pulled the stopper, andsettled in for a long rest. Remember, the word "long" to us is an eternity toyou.  He rested and recovered for only afew short hundred solar cycles before robbers broke into the tomb. Theygathered up everything, down to the last loose gemstone, and carried it off totheir hideout. The bottle was considered rather worthless in comparison to thegold and rubies and other rather pointless trinkets you humans adore. It gotthrown into a corner and forgotten. Jinn was aware of what was going on, butfelt no urge to involve himself with these petty humans. Still, he couldobserve and learn. At least these furless monkeys weren't boring.  This band of thieves lived in aseries of

caves. There wasn't one large one, the geology of the area wouldn'tallow for that. These had been carved by bare hands hundreds of years ago, bythe same people whose chieftain had been buried with this lowly bottle. The thieveshad with them wives, or concubines, or slave girls; I know not what they wereconsidered. With them too were their children, often ill mannered tykes whowould grow up to be like their fathers. There was among them one who generally shiedaway from mistreating others, and for that reason, he was shunned and tormentedby the rest. He used to go exploring the caves to escape persecution. Back inan old corner he found the bottle. He knew better than to take somethingwithout asking, but no one remembered where it came from, and since you couldbuy them in any bazaar, he was told to take it and leave.  He ran outside to examine his prize.He saw some of the bully boys nearby. Knowing full well they would steal itfrom him and probably break it just so that he couldn't have it, he ran downinto the valley. Once he was clear of where they might see him, he sat down ona rock and looked over his acquisition. On the outside it was decorated withapplications of colored glass strands. The stopper was fanciful, with a flaredteardrop surrounded by what looked like a crown. But inside the bottle was aswirling grayness. He watched in fascination, wondering what it was. At thesame time, Jinn was watching from the inside, wondering what this little monkeychild was all about.  Not knowing what else to do, Jinndecided to play along with whatever might happen. He wasn't fond of humans, butthey did provide some interesting distractions when one was bored. Or even ifone was bordering on mad. The boy pulled the stopper to get a better lookinside the bottle. Ghostly vapor poured out. He dropped the container and wentto run, but was overwhelmed by what he was seeing. Jinn coalesced in the air,looking everything like one of the thieves, only bigger, bulkier, and much morefrightening. His waist tapered down into fog and his "feet" remained inside thebottle. His face was covered in a black beard, and for extra effect, jewelry hungabout his neck.  The boy fell to the ground in apanic. Water stained the front of his pants. Jinn looked down and in a terrifyingpresence in his mind, shouted, "Well? Why did you draw me forth from thebottle?" You see, actual talking in such a nebulous form is rather difficult. Theboy was shaking, like the earth under the feet of a herd of hadrosaur. Jinn waslaughing to himself. This immature human was scared of him. It was true hecould take over his mind, and then his body, but this youngster thought he wassomething sent from the gods, whatever or whoever they were.  As you know, we have abilities,

but no realpower. There are things we can do, like influence others, but we don't make objectsappear out of thin air. That bit was embellishment on a grand scale.  Jin watched the boy cowering for awhile, finding it kind of amusing. But it didn't take long to get old. "Look child,you released me from my prison," Jinn said, lying through his nonexistentteeth. "You have gained control over me. What is your command?" At the sametime he implanted in this kid's brain the limitations of what he could do. Therewas no point in having him ask for things he couldn't produce. But the kid wassmart, and absorbed the information like he had known it his entire life. Hestood up and walked around the apparition rising from the bottle. "Can you makeme powerful?"  Jinn chuckled. "Powerful? I cannotgive bulk to your scrawny body. You will have to grow and develop like anyother animal." The boy was pretty canny though. "Power is more than might. Itis control. If you can give me control over those who taunt me, then I willhave more power than mere muscle could deliver." Jinn laughed loudly. "Littlemonkey, I believe you are smarter than you look. I will do as you command." Theboy took the bottle, and after the vapor returned to the inside, shoved in thestopper and ran back to the caves.  He wasted no time in exploiting hisnew friend. The first thing he did was to challenge the leader of the boys. Hewas older and bigger and not frightened of anything. He hadn't yet meteverything, so for now he was living in a dream world. The challenge was simple;they would compete; whoever succeeded would become the newest leader. Thematter was explained to Jinn, who found the idea amusing. "I say boy, is thisnormal?" The boy shrugged. "They have done it to me, so I see no reason I shouldn'treturn the favor. " So the matter was settled.  Neither the bottle nor its contentswere openly revealed, but Jinn was extending his mind over the entire event. Theleader, a boy named Sasheem, was already sporting scars from previous fights.His challenger had them too, but not from being a winner. A crowd of Sasheem'sfollowers surrounded them, to make certain the loser didn't escape. There wassomething that happened to the loser. The fight began when someone in the crowdbanged a brass gong. Sasheem put on a ferocious display, but his opponent juststood there, unmoving.  Then the boy spoke, in a low,confidant fashion. "Sasheem. You will drop you pants and prepare to get fuckedlike a sheep." The other boys laughed uproariously, right up to the point whenSasheem, with a touch of fear in his eyes, slowly dropped his clothing and bentdown on the ground, his ass high in the air. The other boy dropped his pantstoo, and with as much force

as he could muster, rammed his dry cock into theleader's hole. Sasheem let out a cry. He kept crying as his ass was scraped rawby the fury of the younger boy. They had done it to him, now it was his turn toreturn the favor. His pent up anger was released in a flood of fluid from hisloins, shooting his seed deep into Sasheem's bowels.  But he wasn't done. He still had alot of anger to deal with. But he offered his "sheep" a deal. "Sashem, I willstop when you declare me the new leader." The older boy was humiliated and inpain, but not willing to give up his position that easily. He was stillwondering what spell the boy had used to make him embarrass himself in thisway. But the longer he took to answer, the more his ass was going to bebleeding. He was stuck between practicality and pride. Pride was presentlywinning. The younger boy dug his nails into Sasheem's hips and fucked him forall he was worth. By the time the older boy acquiesced, he was too far into theact to stop. Sasheem's hole was well lubricated now, with more than a tinge ofblood, and the younger boy decided to finish up before pulling out. Withanother climax, he slammed his hole repeatedly until they both cried out.  The younger boy pulled out andstood. His cock was growing limp, but it didn't hide the blood it. He moveduntil he stood in front of the older boy. "Say it Sasheem. Say that I am thenew leader." The older boy had collapsed on the ground, crying piteously. Hisfollowers were looking from one to the other, trying to understand what justhappened. They had all heard of magic, but none had seen such a thing and fewbelieved the stories. But there was no other explanation for what they had justwitnessed. Sasheem finally found hisvoice. "I hereby declare Aladdin to be the new leader." He dropped his headback down and returned to crying. The other boys lined up for their turn. Hewas the loser after all.  So you see, the legend didn't startquite the way it had been reworked by later storytellers. Jinn and Aladdin madequite the team. For the human, he was able to use the power of Jinn's mind toget what he wanted, up to and including the princess and the sultanship. Jinnwas given an opportunity to examine humans close up. In the end, he found themto be an immature species, given to pettiness, even when they started out witha good soul. But they were far from boring. Aladdin got his gold and jewels,but not by magical means. It was through a devious use of the genie's power todirect minds. It's not nearly as entertaining as the way your modern movie maker'sportray it, but it's the way it happened. Get over it.  Aladdin allowed his power to go tohis head, and as time went on, became more and more depraved. He grew tired ofthe princess's

bed, and found solace with animals in the menagerie. With Jinn'spower, he was able to bed even the most ferocious of beasts, including lions,tigers, bears and leopards. He wisely kept this information private, but hesoon craved their company over other humans. After his death, his privatejournal showed he had sex with over two hundred species, including ostrichesand giraffes. Jinn never judged him. After all, we had been inside many animalsourselves, and knew the pleasure of sexual contact. Variety was the spice oflife.  Oh, what happened to Jinn? I thinkhe's still around. I can't be certain, but as far as I know he's in politicssomewhere. I think it would amuse him to play with human minds on a more grandscale then back in those days on the Arabian Peninsula. Humans are a lot likesheep; they'll follow anyone who looks the look and talks the talk. And whenyou screw them, they say thank you when you're done. Me, I stay out of politicsand the limelight. I figure in another million years, some other life form willhave evolved to take the place of humans, assuming they don't blow the planetup first. With any luck they'll have a bit more sense than these bipedal primates.In the meantime, I have my partner, and we live in quiet obscurity. It suits mewell enough. The time will come for a change though. I need to be thinking whatI'll become. 

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The Tale of St George's Horse

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