finding where i belong chapter two

Story by kazykisu on SoFurry

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after settling in slowly a new event happens that startles everyone.

Finding where I belong

Chapter two

I woke up and opened my eyes on... my room. "I guess it was just a dream" I sighed. I got up from the bed and went to the dresser. Just as I pulled out a shirt, a knock sounded at the door. I pulled out my bathrobe and put it on not tying the front. I opened the door and saw the husky Sajin outside the door.

"It was real." I breathed out, right before I rushed out of the door and wrapped my arms around him and squeezed tightly. We stayed there for what felt like hours but was only seconds before he broke the mood.

"I appreciate the attention but there's something you need to do."

A deep blush rose up on my face as I felt my rather full sheath pressed up against his leg. "I'm so sorry Sajin," I started babbling as I unwrapped myself from around him and closed my robe. "it's just that I thought that last night was just a dream and I'd be back in my old life dealing with the same stuff every day and I think I really like this place and -" he stopped me by pulling me into a small kiss. I melted at first but I regained my wits and he pulled away.

"It's okay boy, but there is someone who needs you in the exam room. So get your butt in there and start working."

When he said that, I got serious. I reached in and grabbed my scrubs then started walking down the hall. "Follow me Sajin I might need your help." I started down the hall towards the room with Sajin following behind. I entered the room and immediately saw the problem.

"Oh my god what happened!?"

"I went to open the doors to the shop this morning and he was lying on the steps. He had a collar so I figured a pet."

I quickly performed a visual and physical exam and noticed some bad signs. I pulled the portable x-ray over and took some pictures of several spots on his body. All the examinations showed that he had hairline fractures on three of his ribs, a dislocated shoulder, a laceration on his left leg, numerous bruises all over his body, and a large bump on his head that indicated a minor concussion. I quickly set up the screens to monitor his vitals. I hooked him up to an IV line and a morphine drip.

"Okay this should be a relatively easy fix but I'll still need your help" he nodded and we got to work fixing this poor took most of three hours but we finally finished. The panther didn't need any surgery but he still needed twenty-seven stitches, a wrap around his ribs and will need a sling for his arm when he wakes up. But all-in-all we did pretty well.

"Okay so I have some stuff I have to do but please send for me when he wakes up" Sajin says as he takes off the coat and scrubs. He then squeezes my shoulder and walks out of the room. I go over to the computer and log in. inside I see a folder marked intercom. I open it and see all the directions to operate it. I look over to it and press the button. "Will kiwi please come to the medical office? Kiwi to the medical office. Thank you."

I took of the medical scrubs and put them in a hamper. I sat down and started to type a report on the Black Panther as I waited for the dog to arrive. I didn't wait long, five minutes later a knock sounded on the door and kiwi walked in.

He was a small dog with short white and black spotted fur. I was told he was 18 but he looked more like 13. He had black patches of fur over his right eye and his left ear. He had a long tail but at the end of it there was a zigzag crack in it, probably from some past injury.

"Hi you wanted to see-" he started but immediately blushed stopped and looked down when he saw I didn't have any clothes on.

"Well you failed the first test kiwi but I really didn't expect you to pass." I chuckled at him.

"I-i'm sorry?" He said looking confused.

"That's why I'm going to explain it to you. Rune told me you would be an excellent candidate for my assistant in this office. But I have a few rules and some questions."

"Okay sir."

"First rule. Don't call me sir or master. You may call me Kaz, Kazy, or Kazaru like everyone else. Second, and the one you failed, when you walk through the doors of any medical establishment on business all emotion leaves your mind."

"I still don't understand Kaz."

"In the medical field emotions are hindrances. You have to be quick, precise, and clear minded. Anything else just gets furs killed or more injured. Do you understand now?"

"Yes I think i do. I have to leave emotion at the door so I don't hurt anyone. I think I can do that."

" Very good. Now I have some questions for you. Have you had any past medical training or experience?"

"I have a little first aid training and that's it. But I learn really quickly."

"Good, if you had anything other than basic first aid I'd have to un-teach you before I could re-teach you. You see most of the stuff you learn in classes is just bogus lies and crap. Now how steady do you work under pressure?"

"I work surprisingly well under pressure."

"That's good. What I don't need is someone who falls apart the minute they need to do something during a time limit or something important. Are your hands steady? If I asked you do perform a very delicate operation can you do it?"

"yes I can. I have actually put stitches in others before and left nothing but a straight line."

"well I don't have any more questions for you. Do you have any for me?"

"well can I know a little about you so I can feel more comfortable?"

"sure what do you want to know?"

"just tidbits about your personal life. What do you like to do? What do you do in your spare time? things like that."

"well as you can see I like to be nude. I play a few card games. I read a lot and write a little. I also like to play board games, though I always lose."

"really? Cool maybe we could play some games sometimes?"

"Sure kiwi. Well I think we're done here. You need to go talk to rune for a minute though, you need to see if you can get out of all your other chores and duties around the house and shop. I need you available twenty four hours a day. Any time you are not in the office or clinic you are to be resting, relaxing, eating, sleeping, using the bathroom, exercising or having sex. But if I call on you, you are to be in the clinic or office as soon as your legs can get you there. Got it?"

"yes Kaz I believe I do."

"Okay off you go. And when you get done talking to rune I need you back here." I say as I make shooing gestures. He leaves the office and I start typing again. He comes back in a few minutes later panting.

"well master was okay with it so I guess I'm your new assistant right?"

"right, now your first assignment is to go and monitor the patient in the next room. I need a shower and he needs to be watched until he wakes up. Call strips of fler so they can help you if he gets violent. If he does take the syringe from the try near him and inject him with it. It has a medicine in it to put him asleep."

"okay Kaz. I won't fail you." He left after using the detachable pen size portable intercom from its base, calling for fler as he went. I walked into the bathroom situated off the office just for us and took a long hot shower. I was just toweling off when I heard the intercom crackle.

"um. Kaz could you please come to the clinic, there's something you might want to see. Plus the panther's awake."

I towel off quickly and run to the exam room. What I saw was astonishing. Inside the panther was sitting up and looking around. kiwi was staring at him just as I was. all panthers have a spotted pattern but with black ones it is never noticeable. His were glowing. Not only that they were glowing green. I cleared the look from my face and strode over to kiwi. I closed his hanging mouth and took the com from him.

"will Rune and Sajin please come to the medical clinic. Rune and Sajin to the medical clinic."

The panther looks at me as I speak and his spots change color to yellow. "where am i? what happened? Who are you? How did I get here? And... who am i?" all the questions burst forth from him in a rush and I started to answer. "in order the answers are, you are in the medical clinic in Rune Warfs pet shop, we found you on the side walk pretty beat up and treated you, I am Kazaru the doctor and this is kiwi the nurse, we had a strong pet carry you up here. And as for the last question, I was hoping you could tell me who you are."

He looks even more scared and his lights dull. But still glow yellow. "oh no. it happened again."

"what happened?" I said as kiwi moved slightly behind me looking nervous himself.

"a few years back I woke up and had no idea who I was and what I'd been doing. I could only remember certain things like the fact that I was a pet and that I would do anything for a piece of good salmon at diner. Just like now I can't really remember anything useful. Just random facts. Like I know I like males, I also know that I should be scared for some reason. But I do remember that this happened before and it really came as a shock. I woke up in a gutter I think and I crawled to the nearest house. After that most everything is a blur." He started crying as he was talking and his spots turned blue. I went over to him and sat down.

I put my arms around him and hugged him tight. "shhh shhh." I cooed. "it's all okay. You have a tag so we can find out where you belong. And we will help you as much as we can. Don't worry, we're here for you. Come here kiwi and hug him too." Kiwi comes over reluctantly but wanting to please me. He put his arms around the cat and started nuzzling into his shoulder. This seemed to calm him down some and I started nuzzling into his other shoulder. He relaxed and the tears stopped. His spots dimmed but didn't go out, and they turned to light shade of purple. This color looked happy and that's when I connected it. His spot color and intensity were linked to his emotions. Right now I think he was happy.

Rune and Sajin chose that moment to walk in the door. "hey I have a rule about having sex with the patients right after they are treated." Rune laughs at his own joke as kiwi and I separate from the panther. He grabs my hand though and his spots turn yellow again and flare up. This immediately caught the dog and wolfs attention. "he didn't do that when he was brought in or when we worked on him. He was all black." Sajin said astonished.

I looked at him then back to the panther who's yellow glow had increased and blue streaks had run through it. "yes I know, and I think they are tied to his emotions and right now I think he's really scared. So If you could please introduce yourself and maybe come over and pet him a little he might calm down enough to talk"

"I'm so sorry. My name is rune Warf and this is my mate Sajin Candour." As he talks, he slowly moves over to the cat and hold out their hands as if they were dealing with a feral.

"it's okay kitten, they are friends." I say when he looks at me. He reaches out and puts his head under Sajin's paw after smelling it and looking a little surprised. His glow turns that happy purple again as they start to pet him. "you smell like me sir."

Oh that's because I worked on you with Kazy here. I just haven't had the time to properly wash yet." He starts purring and the glow increases as they continue to pet him. He then proceeds to tell them everything he told us as I move my hands down his body massaging, pulling out the iv and morphine while he is distracted and checking to see if he feels any pain from his injuries. He winces a little as I go over his ribs but other than that he doesn't seem to feel anything. I get up and take a better look at him.

He was a black panther. Five-foot nine-inches tall and in great physical shape. Other than his amazing color changing fur there wasn't much to distinguish him but a scar just visible under the fur on his thigh. I take a closer look as rune explains the terms of him staying there while we find his owner. The scar was straight and long. It also had the discoloration you get from a deep cut improperly stitched. In my personal opinion it looked like a knife wound.

"so you don't remember your name I take it?" I ask.

"no I don't." he blushes and the spots turn orange. "I got a new one last time I think."

"we'll just call you kitten until we contact your owner okay?" I reach for the tag and write the number on a note pad.

I hand it to Rune and he goes into the office to call while we continue petting the panther. He walks back after in after a while. "I spoke to a man and he said that you got lost on a walk and that he'll be over soon to pick you up. He said that your name is matt."

"okay.. thank you. Maybe I can get my life back on track." He looks down and his spots turn blue. By now I figured this meant he was sad so I hugged him.

"okay now for the bad part, your medicine." I say with a smile.

He looks at me and his glow returns to purple with only an undertone of blue left. "medicine?"

"yeah you've been hurt and we need to keep you healthy. I'm going to prescribe you some antibiotics and pain meds but for now..." I walk over to the medicine cabinet and shuffle through it for a minute before coming back with two bottles. I take two pills from each bottle and hand him them with a glass of water from the side counter. "take those for now and I'll have a prescription ready for when your master gets here."

He nods and swallows the pills with some water and I walk into the office and fill out a scrip form. I finish up the report on the panther while I wait for his master to show up. The com crackles and I hear a pet's voice. "master rune, master Sajin, there is a Mr. roger out here. He says he's here to pick up his pet that you just called about." I push the com "we will all be right down. Thank you."

I walk in to the clinic and see everyone waiting. I grabbed some scrubs and pulled them on and we walk down the hall. We get to the front door and I open it. What happens next shocks me like nothing else had that day.

A very large dog is standing at the door. As I open the door the panther looks at the dog. A look of absolute terror comes over him and his spots turn a blinding white. Then his spots turn a deep and angry red and his face turns to fury. He leaps at the dog screaming and yowling with his claws out. He slashes at the dog but he sidesteps with practiced ease. He brings his arm up around and punches the cat straight in the ribs. I hear a faint cracking as he connects right before I hear a few mumbled words and the dog is thrown backwards across the street. I look over and see Rune standing there with a book and his arm held out and it dawns on me that he just used magic.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR YOU ASSHOLE???!!!!!!" I yell at the dog laying on the ground panting. I don't wait for a reply as I go to the panther now crumpled to the ground. "hey are you okay? What was that about?" I ask in a gentle voice.

His spots are dimming as he talks. "that bastard raped me, beat me bloody, and threw me out of his house. It all came back to me when I saw him. Please don't make me go back to him! Please!" he passed out then and his spots darkened to black and no longer glowing. I checked his pulse and breathing and sighed as I felt good signs. He was still alive, just unconscious.

The dog got up and started walking over to us again. Before he could get halfway across I disappeared and reappeared right next to him with my fist extended. I connected with his face and all the momentum caused his nose to break and him to fly back again.

"YOU BASTARD!!! HOW DARE YOU HURT THAT POOR CAT AND THEN LIE TO US ONCE YOU HEAR HE HAD AMNEISA!!!!" by then a small crowd had gathered and a few police had showed up. Of course they went towards me but I started to move towards the dog again. Before I got more than three steps Rune got to me and held me back. He pulled me back as I started to yell and scream at the dog. The police moved towards me but Sajin stopped them and started to explain. I turned and cried frustrated into rune's shoulder. After I calmed down and Sajin had explained the situation the police took the dog into custody and sped off to the station after telling us they would need us to come down to the station later. We carefully took the panther back up to the med wing and laid him down on the bed again. I examined him and took some x-rays. It turned out he had two more broken ribs making his total five and a rather large bruise on his chest. I started to treat him and when I finished I asked kiwi to watch him for a while.

I went to my office and slumped in my chair. Rune walked in and sat across from me. "care to explain?"

"I'm sorry but I just can't stand it when a master abuses a pet like that. Feral or not it's a master's job to care for and protect their pets."

"okay then. Now what about the disappearing act?"

" oh well a while back I was taking martial arts lessons and I was looking for a way to build my speed. You remember the stones from the chest? Well I found one that amplifies spiritual and natural energy and when I incorporated it into my fighting I learned that I could move so fast that I became impossible to see with the naked eye. I call it a flash step." everything comes out in a rush, like i'm distracted and berly know what i'm saying. As I say all this I open the locket hanging around my neck and show the interior is layered with a crystal.

Kiwi walks in the room. "he's awake again." We walk into the room and see that the panther is indeed awake and looking around.

"oh hi sirs. I guess it wasn't just a dream. Does this mean I don't have to go back to him?" he looks worried and his spots light up yellow again.

"no you never have to go to him again. In fact you can stay here, right Rune?"

"of course he can. I'd never make him go back to something like that. So matt can you tell us a little about yourself?"

"yeah but can I ask you a favor? Can I have a new name. that one just fills me with hate and sorrow."

I think a little and come up with one. "I think I have one you might like. How does Lumis sound?"

He brightens up both in expression and spots. " I love it!"

"good so now we just have to find you a room."

"um can I be your pet Kaz?" he asks as he blushes and the spots turn yellow again.

I look at him and his hope filled expression. "I'm sorry Lumis I just don't want a pet."

He looks down and his spots turn a deep shade of blue.

I couldn't help myself, I reached down and hugged him. "but you can still call me master. And I'll even let you sleep in my bed tonight."

He brightens up and his spots turn a yellow shaded purple again. "okay... master"

I hug him again and he hugs back.

Rune speaks then. "if you're not going to be his master maybe we can find him one? I mean this is a pet shop is it not?"

"you can really do that?" Lumis asks.

"sure I can. I'll just need you to fill out a form so I can match you up with someone if the right person comes along."

I leave as they talk and come back with a big bottle of soda and five glasses. "would anyone like a drink?" they all say yes and I start pouring and handing out glasses until we are all sipping happily. Kiwi can you get some food for us all. I haven't even had breakfast yet."

"sure." He goes to a box just like the kitchen and starts ordering stuff. He comes back to us with a cart stacked with eggs, bacon, sausage, and other wonderful breakfast foods. We all dig in and start eating including Lumis who seems very comfortable now. After we finish everyone goes off to do their own thing. Rune to run the shop, Sajin to give our handwritten and signed statements to the police, and me to set Lumis up in my room. The bed had expanded while I was gone and now easily fit both of us. I set the panther up in the bed and he quickly fell asleep. The rest of the day passed by in a blur with only one burn to call me or kiwi into action, until the day ended and I went to my room for the night bringing a platter of food for Lumis and I to share. He had been sleeping most of the day and was hungry. He ate most of the food as I only picked. I turned on the TV and we watched a show for a little bit until we were both yawning. "goodnight master."

Good night Lumis sleep well." We both fall asleep with me holding him in my arms.

The next two weeks pass with Lumis feeling better and starting to help in the clinic with kiwi. He mostly does cleaning and arranging but will help with anything if asked. I start doing check up's on the pets in the shop during that time and they all seem nice. The worst thing that happened was a dog came in one day with a broken arm. We set the bone and put him in a cast and gave him some pain meds and antibiotics. He smiled and left the clinic. The day came for Lumis's last check up on his injuries.

"okay Lumis lets un wrap you and take some x-rays." I carefully unwrap his chest and set up the machine. "well it looks like you are all set Lumis. Your ribs look fine."

He stands up and stretches, His fur shining his happy purple color. I sit down in a chair groaning. "master Kaz you look tired. Is everything all right?"

He knew me too well, I had been horny all day and that caused stress to build up and my shoulders and back to tighten.

"yeah I'm fine just a little tension is all." I said hoping that would satisfy him.

"well then let me help you out." He moves behind me and started rubbing my shoulders.

Damn him and his paws I thought as he worked the tension out of my shoulders and started to relax all my muscles including those that were keeping my lust in check. A small tent started in my pants.

"you know I could get these knots out better if you lay on your back. Let's move you to a table." Saved!

I got up and lay face down on an exam table and he went to work on my back. This way I could keep my growing erection from him. Soon he moved down my back until he was right above my rump. Okay that's the back now roll over. Nooooo!! I did as he said and he saw the large tent in my pants but ignored it. He started by rubbing my shoulders and working down my arms. I was puzzled and embarrassed but the massage was doing wonders, so I just lay there and let him work.

He moved down my chest rubbing hard. He softened when he got to my belly and I let out a soft moan. He giggled and moved his hands lower. Much to my surprise (and my dislike) his hands passed right over my swollen sheath and moved down to my legs. He started rubbing hard again and soon my legs were as relaxed as the rest of me.

"So how was that master Kaz?" he kissed my lips and I nearly moaned wanting more. As he stood up he grabbed my sheath through my pants and squeezed. This time I did moan. I let out a loud long moan of lust and need. And that torturing bastard of a cat just stood there smiling. "I guess the good doctor is the one in need of a little healing huh?"

I just lay there looking at him. His spots were a deep pink and a lower, more seductive lighting. He looked stunning. "umm... what are you gonna do Lumis?"

"oh nothing. Just gonna help relieve a little more tension." He starts rubbing me through my pants. I moan softly. He grabs the zipper and pulls it down, he unbuttons my pants and pulls them down showing that I don't wear underwear. He grabs my sheath and my tip pokes out. "ooo someone's excited!" he starts rubbing up and down masturbating me with my own sheath. I moan loudly and start to buck lightly.

"Oh god Lumis! It's been so long!"

"I know master that's why I'm gonna help you. Now just lay back and enjoy it." He takes his paw off my sheath and grabs my exposed cock, slowly rubbing his paw over it. I moan again and buck into his paw, pre already leaking from my tip. He sees the pre dripping down my shaft and licks his lips.

"please Lumis, suck me." Not one of my most eloquent sentences but it got the point across. He leaned down and placed his lips at the tip of my member and started suckling gently. Until I thrusted up and pushed most of my shaft into his muzzle. He just stood there letting it happen. I slowly brought my hips back to the bed and he followed me down keeping my shaft deep inside his maw. He licked all over the underside as he sucked, bringing his tongue up to tease at the tip. I groaned and grabbed the back of his head, not pushing but gently rubbing and encouraging him on like I would a kit doing a task he didn't think he could do.

He responded by pushing his nose into my crotchfur and deep throating me. He swallowed around my shaft in his throat, causing me to moan as it flexed and relaxed around my cock. I drooled pre right down his throat. He started humming deeply causing vibrations to run down my cock all the way to the root.

"ohhh god!! Lumis that feels soo good! Keep going!" he giggles and hums and licks more. Soon my knot has formed and I'm getting ready to release. "here it comes!" I buck up into his muzzle and my knot swells trying to tie. My cock shudders and then gushes blast after blast of cum into Lumis' throat.

He pulls back a little and starts collecting it in his mouth before he swallows, tasting my juices, and by the look on his face enjoying them. He swallows until my stream stops flowing. Then he grabs my shaft while suckling on the tip and rubs it trying to get every last drop. When he's satisfied he pulls off and looks at me.

" there you go master Kaz. I hope you feel better now." He starts turning away and I notice his member has slipped free of its sheath and is standing in the open air. I grab Lumis' arm and pull him back around.

"what about you?"

"oh don't worry. I'll take care of it."

"Yeah you will." I get up and bend over the table. "you can take care of it by fucking my ass."

"are you sure master?"

"Yeah. I've been cock starved for a long time. so how about feeding me?" I reach back and opened my cheeks showing off my pucker.

"well let's move this to someplace more comfortable okay?" he grabs my paw and pulls me up. He starts leading me out. He brings me to my bedroom and puts me on the bed. I get on all fours and lower my chest to show off my ass.

He stands behind me and looks at my hole. He kneels down and starts licking my tailhole. I moan as his tongue penetrates me and wiggles inside me. After a minute he takes it out and stands up.

"you ready?"

"hell yeah! Just stick it in." I wiggled my ass as I said this and he grabbed my hips. He lined himself up with one paw until I felt his tip brush against my pucker.

"okay here I go." He shoved In hard pushing four inches into me in one go. I moaned out loudly and my tailhole squeezed around the intruding member. He was panting hard already in anticipation of what was to come. He grabbed my hips with both paws and withdrew up to the tip. He pushed hard and sunk two more inches into me.

"god you're so big!" i moaned as he withdrew again and pushed hard thrusting his full nine inches into my ass. He stopped there hilted in me to catch his breath and for me to get used to his size. After a minute he started thrusting softly using only two inches.

We both quickly got tired of this and he started thrusting harder using half of his cock. We were both groaning now and I moved a paw down to rub my still erect member. He smacked my hand away and replaced it with his own. He bent over my back and really started pounding hard. His thrusts made my hips jerk forward and thrust into his paw.

The double stimulation soon caused my knot to swell. He gripped my knot and squeezed tightly on it, causing me to yelp. His thrusts became more erratic and I could feel his cock throbbing in my ass, he was so close. He gripped right behind my knot and rubbed the rest of my member. I moaned loudly and my knot swelled, attempting to tie with his paw and my cum started shooting out of my cock. It quickly made a puddle on the sheets.

The spasming of my tailhole around his cock soon caused him to reach his limit. He grabbed my hip and thrust hard one last time. I felt him bathing my insides white with his warm seed. I collapsed onto the bed and he lay on top of me still filling my ass with his spunk.

As we lay there and his flow slowed down he licked and nuzzled my neck. "thank you so much master Kaz."

I turn my face and lick him "I should really be thanking you"

"you're welcome then"

I let out a small moan as he pulled from my ass. I rolled over to face him and he pulled me into his arms. I pressed my lips to his in a tame yet passionate kiss. after a minute I broke the kiss and laid my head on his chest, nuzzling and smelling his musk.

He looked down at me and smiled. "I didn't know you were a bottom master."

I looked up at him and licked his muzzle gently, "I also happen to be submissive. "

"can I ask you something?"

"Sure Lumis."

"will you adopt me as your pet?"

I look away from his face because I can't bear to see his hurt look. "Lumis. I don't think I am ready for a pet. I'm sorry I-"

'no It's okay. I understand."

When I looked at his face again he just looked so sad that I couldn't stand it. I had to do something. "okay Lumis I have a deal for you." He lifted his face and perked his ears at this news.

"you give me one week. If you are not adopted by then, then I will take you. But if someone looks at you and wants you, and you say no, you had better have a very good reason to say no. do you understand?"

His eyes, as he looked at me, were filled with hope. "yes I understand. And I hope and I hope that by this time next week I will be yours."

"good. Now how about we get to sleep?" with that I nuzzled his chest and soon drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

Three days later Lumis was adopted by a wealthy lawyer bear. The last thing Lumis said to me before walking out the front door of the shop with his new owner was this. "I will always love you master Kaz"

finding where i belong

Finding where I belong "Well that's the end of that I guess." I walk down the street towards my apartment a pinkslip held in my hand. "It figures that this happens now. Just when I had started to look for a car." I had a job in the ER at the hospital....

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the prison

The prison It is early, the sun is just rising in the sky, when a riolu opens his eyes. The pokemon is scared and surprised to find himself alone in his bed. This is Nathan. He is confused because there are two pokemon missing from his bed. Quill and...

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the tale of three lovers

The tale of three lovers When I awoke the first thing I noticed was that I felt lighter than normal, well that and the splitting headache that surged whenever I moved. "Oh god, what hit me?" I wondered aloud as I tried not to move too much. "I don't...

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