the tale of three lovers

Story by kazykisu on SoFurry

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#1 of pokemon saga

yes another shameless pokemon rescue team thing. hope you all enjoy

The tale of three lovers

When I awoke the first thing I noticed was that I felt lighter than normal, well that and the splitting headache that surged whenever I moved. "Oh god, what hit me?" I wondered aloud as I tried not to move too much. "I don't know, but I bet it was huge. You've been out before I got here two days ago" said a voice to my right. I jumped up fast, which reminded me of how much lighter I felt, but had to sit back down quickly as my head throbbed painfully. "Careful, you don't want to hurt yourself anymore" said the concerned sounding voice. I looked over and was astonished to find a cyndaquill staring at me with concern shining in his eyes.

"What did you just say?" "I said you don't want to hurt yourself any more than you already are."

"That's what I thought you said." "Have some water." This strange pokemon told me while holding a leaf filled with water out to me.

As I took the leaf i saw my face in the reflection. "What the hell!?" I screamed as I looked upon a face that was not my own. "What!" the cyndaquill yelled in a concerned voice. "I'm a riolu" I said. "Oh and were you something before this but after an egg"? He asked, slightly wary after my sudden outburst.

I didn't know what was going on. I was so confused, thoughts racing through my head at an accelerated pace.

I woke up this time with the new pokemon leaning over me extremely worried after I fainted.

"Whoa, slow down guy." He said as I tried to sit up again.

"How about telling me your name first" "Nathan, I think"

"My name is Quill, now what happened to you?" he asked me as I slowly sat up. "I don't really remember Quill?" "Well that's alright you must have got hit pretty hard to not remember." "Here, eat this it will help." He handed me a berry which did help after I ate it. "If you're not doing anything, would you like to come with me to the hot springs? It is three days away but it is a nice place to visit and maybe you can remember something on the way." He asked hopefully. I wasn't about to let this offer slide. First, I was suddenly a pokemon, and second, he seemed like a really nice cyndaquill.

"Sure, I'll go with you." I said, much to his obvious delight. So we traveled all that day, him talking all about himself after trying to ask me about myself. I only half listened to him while we walked because I was wondering how this had happened to me. When we made camp that night, I was glad he was a fire type. We both gathered wood from the forest then he lit it with a flare from his back.

"So you must be pretty smart huh?" he asked breaking the silence I just realized had fallen on the camp. "How do you figure that" I asked confused. "Well the legends say that the more facial patterns a riolu or Lucario has in its facefur, the smarter it is." I remembered something like that from before so I didn't argue. "Hey if you don't like to talk just tell me and I'll stop." He said a little hurt sounding. "No that's not it, I just need some time to think." I said apologetically. "Well then I'm going to sleep." And with that he moved closer to me and laid down. "What are you doing?!" I asked ,alarmed. "Trying to sleep." "Could you sleep over there please?" "Fine." He moved to the other side of the fire and quickly fell asleep. I soon followed his example, laying down and closing my eyes.

The next day was the same thing until we saw the springs building in the distance.

"Is that the place" I asked quill. Before he could answer a feral nincada jumped out of the woods next to the path and jumped at me swinging its claws at my head. I just managed to duck in time to avoid the blow then instinct took over and I flipped the feral over as it passed. "Attack it!" quill shouted at me as he ran over to us. Then the nincada used scratch again and this time connected with my shoulder and I reeled away in pain. Then quill reached us and let out a flamethrower that sent the feral running to the woods.

"What happened, why didn't you use an attack?" quill asked as he looked at my shoulder. "I don't know what moves I can use." I stated lamely. "Well let's find out." As we went through a list of attacks and the movements that went with them, I learned that I could use quick attack, force palm, and aura sphere, three high level moves for a riolu. We made camp that night and slept on opposite sides of the fire again.

The next day we finally made it to the hot springs. What we found was surprising to say the least. We were attacked almost as soon as we stepped through the gate. A mightyena jumped at us and I quickly dispatched it with an aura sphere. We rushed forward dealing with more ferals on the way. We made it to the center of the compound and saw them. A blastoise, golem, and an octilary. Quill gasped in amazement at the sight then we had no time to gawp at them because other feral pokemon attacked us and we were fighting hard. I couldn't remember how long the battle lasted later but it couldn't have been more than five minutes, what with quill and I plus the three others. Towards the end of the fight, I got into a fight with a swellow. None of my attacks worked on it because of type disadvantage. Then I saw quill blast out a flamethrower and something in me tripped. I suddenly found myself using flamethrower as well. I knocked out the swellow and moved on. But I could not use flamethrower again. I quickly realized that I could copy any move I saw and quickly used it to my advantage.

When the fight was finally over, we were both exhausted. A frail looking electabuz came out of the building with a basket in his hand after the ferals left and went right to the blastoise. "Here take this basket of berries and poke for helping us. And you can stay in the room you have as long as you like free of charge. Also, you will have a private hot springs pod for as long as you stay." "Thank you," replied the blastoise, "we will take the room and pod, but give the basket to those two over there. They helped a great deal." He said this while pointing at us. Quill stepped back shaking his head and not quite managing to protest, so I stepped forward and accepted the basket saying, "thank you."

After that I rented a room for the night with some of the money in the basket. Later that night quill and I were in one of the spring pods, he explained that the three pokemon were part of a rescue team called hydro. They were pretty famous apparently, and getting a gift from them was a great honor.

As we were talking a machoke wandered in to our pod. He sank down with an angry look on his face. "get out" he said to us. Quill immediately started to rise but I pulled him back down. He landed right next to me and even given the circumstances, I was all too aware of his leg touching mine. "No" I said firmly but simply. "You better do it now, or else I will hurt you." He said threateningly. I made the first move as I saw him tense in preparation. I moved behind him and grabbed his arms to pull them with me. He cried out in pain and tried to move away but I went with him so I did not lose my grip. He stopped moving, noticing my skill that I did not realize I had. "fine, I'll leave" he said, and with that he started to move towards the doors. When he stepped up the first stair at the entrance, I let go and moved back towards quill ready to strike if he made a hostile move. But he left true to his word.

"why did you do that?" Quill asked me. "I don't like bullies." I said plainly. With that I got up and left, Quill followed me. When we got to the room we saw there was only one bed. This didn't seem to bother Quill too much. "I'll sleep on the floor" I said. "why, there's room for two here." He said, confused. "I sleep alone." I said simply. "that's weird. But you do a lot of weird things. Like drinking out of leaves and such. I guess that's just who you are." He paused "what do you plan to do now?" he caught me off guard with that one. What did I plan to do? "Don't know yet" I said. "well if you would like, you could come back to poketown with me. I... I think we make a great team and would like to form a rescue team with you." The eager, yet apprehensive, look on his face was so endearing that I could not refuse. I told him that I would and he surprised me by moving over to me and hugging me tightly. I distinctly felt his sheath pressing against my leg. He moved back to the bed with a flush on his face. We went to sleep without much talk after that. something was strange though. I kept thinking of the hug and the closeness of that embrace. What was weird was that, despite my preference of sleeping apart, I liked the moment of contact.

End chapter one

Chapter two new town, new feelings

We left as soon as we awoke the next morning. It took us four days of traveling to see the town in the distance. When we finally got within 10yards of the front gate it opened and a rather impressive typhlosion stepped out. "what business do you have here?" he asked in a commanding tone. "we seek to pillage this town and take what we want!" Quill said which startled me. "that's okay then, come on in." the typhlosion stated without emotion. Then both he and Quill burst into laughter and they embraced, needless to say, I was totally confused. Finally they took pity on me. "Nathan this is my brother, Ty. Ty this is my new friend, Nathan." "nice to meet you Nathan" he said as he seemed to look me over which caused me to blush slightly. "So you're new around here" a statement, not a question, "just what are your intentions during your stay?" he asked with a smile. Before I could answer, Quill said "he's gonna form a rescue team with me." "You're going to need a base then, I'm leaving this town with my own team so take my house." "Really bro, your house?!" quill said, almost yelling now. "that would be great, thanks" I finally said. They both gave me a tour of the town that included the shops, bank storage, healing center, and finally the hotel.

"This is the hotel, we grew up here after our parents died. Ana, the wigglytuff that owns this took us in and raised us." Quill told me as we stand outside waiting for something. Then a wigglytuff, that I assumed was Ana, came out and hugged both of the fire types separately. She then noticed me standing there and asked a question that I did not quite hear. After an equally quiet reply from both of them she came over and hugged me too. "so how do you like our little town Nathan?" she asked politely. Before I could answer she looked at the two brothers and asked, "can you boys got in the back and bring the boxes of berries to the kitchen?" "sure" they both said simultaneously, then they left us alone.

Immediately Ana turned to me with a serious look on her face. "if you hurt either of them you will have to answer to me, understand?" This sudden outburst seriously scared me like nothing else I had seen yet. But I was smart enough to see a way out. "I will never hurt them, Quill has done nothing but be kind to me since he met me seven days ago. I Promised to form a rescue team will him and will stick to my promises." She seemed satisfied with that answer so she backed off a little. When the brothers came back Ty left after saying goodbye to us. He said he would not see us before he left with his rescue team.

After that we decided to head to our new base/ home. It is on the outer edge of the town. There was only one bed inside which worried me. "Hey I'm hungry, when can we eat" Quill said, which reminded me of my own hunger. "We have some berries left from the springs and from when we foraged a little along the way." I told him. " but I would rather cook tonight. There is a pot in the corner so I can make a stew if you'd like" "sure that sounds good. " Quill replied. Then he moved over and lit the stocked fireplace with a blast from his back. I set the pot over the flames with water and berries to simmer for a while. Quill started telling me about his brother and Ana. Stories from his childhood passed through my mind. Soon the stew was done and we ate.

After I took a blanket and lay down by the fire to sleep. Before I could sleep though, Quill came over and sat near me. "You were not always a pokemon were you Nathan?" he asked unexpectedly. I had no time to think so I answered truthfully, "No, I think I was a human before. I don't remember much. How did you know?" " it's just that you never relax around anyone, not even me. You always try to stay separate from everyone. You try to never make contact. You sleep away from me when there is no need to and I think that is because of some past experience that was bad. I just want you to be happy and comfortable around me and not so tense whenever we touch that's all."

"oh, wow, didn't realize that I was being so obvious." "only to someone who knows you very well and spends every night in your company." He told me with a smile on his face. That smile soon turned mischievous. "so why don't you relax and come sleep in the bed." He said as he took my hand and pulled softly on it. Yes, I was nervous, but with that look on his face I could not say no.

So that night and every night after, I slept not on the other side of the room, but in the same bed.

And I loved every minute of contact and warmth.

End chapter two

Chapter three the first two

We went to the post office the next day and officially started our rescue team. We called it friendship. A few weeks, and several rescue missions later, we were at home enjoying a dinner of fire baked fish with a pecha berry sauce.

I woke that night because Quill was squirming and making small whining noises. He was dreaming, his eyes were still closed, I instinctually place my hand in his grasping paw. He immediately calmed down in his sleep and stopped whining. When I tried to turn over and take my hand away he started again. So I just stayed curled up next to him. Then something happened that I could not explain, still sleeping, he turned over and kissed me. It felt wonderful to have our muzzles pressed together like that. I moaned slightly and surprisingly them he broke the kiss and murmured something that, in my half sleeping half aroused state, I could nit understand. Then the need to sleep took over and I slept, but not before feeling something poke me in the belly.

That Is how I awoke him curled next to me and holding my paw. I was so stunned I just stared at him. He then woke up and saw how we were and tried to move away for my sake, but I pulled him back. When he realized I wasn't mad or uncomfortable, he settled down. We just stayed there for a while studying each other's eyes. Apparently, that was enough for him. I soon felt the same thing from last night poking me in the belly again. I looked down and saw his penis emerging from his sheath. Seeing that length and feeling it against my fur was somehow erotic. Then I felt a stirring in my own loins. I saw my tip peek out of my own sheath and blushed out of embarrassment. But I couldn't move because if I did, my cock would have started poking him the same way he was poking me. Then it didn't matter. He took his hand put it on my neck and pulled me into a deep kiss. This was much more intense than the one from last night. when I moaned this time, he pushed his tongue into my mouth. He wasn't demanding, he just slid inside and it felt wonderful. Then our tongues touched and my mind raced. I was kissing a boy. A boy pokemon! But it felt so right that I didn't think too much. Then he broke the kiss and just stared at me with longing in his eyes.

I don't know why, but when I saw that look, I saw flashes of my life prior to this one. What I saw caused me to break down right there and cry against Quill's shoulder.

"I was such a sorry excuse for a human being." I sobbed. "I was hated by almost everyone. My family couldn't wait for me to finish school and leave home. My so called 'friends' were not really my friends after all. They just accepted me out of pity. I saw the looks of pity they threw my way when they thought I wasn't looking. I even saw hatred sometimes. It hurt me so bad to see that, but I deluded myself into thinking it didn't. I was so miserable all the time."

Through all this confession, Quill just held me, soothing me with words of comfort and by slowly rubbing my body. When I didn't say anything for a while and just sobbed, he shut me up by planting a firm but soothing kiss on my lips once again. When he broke it he didn't give me a chance to start again. He started talking. "Nathan, I didn't know you as a human, but I know you as a pokemon. You are not the person that you were back then. Here you are a good person and a good friend. And you are not alone. You have me. And I love you Nathan. You are the best thing that has happened to me since the accident that took my parents. Now shut up and mate with me." And with that, he kissed me again. I was the one that broke this kiss, only when his paw wrapped around my now flaccid penis. He started to slowly stroke it while his other hand ran over the rest of my body. Then he bent down and licked the tip. This movement sent shivers running through me. When he took my entire (and now rather stiff) length into his muzzle I couldn't help but moan. He slowly bobbed his head up and down my cock. I squirmed and moaned while I grabbed his head to keep it near me. "oohh Quill, I...I can't hold it" I nearly shouted. But then he stopped. A strand of pre connecting his mouth to my dick.

"What did you stop for?" I asked through my panting breaths. "I want you to do something to me so you have to last a bit longer." He stated with a naughty look in his eyes. He turned around and bent his chest down so it was almost touching the floor as he playfully wiggled his bottom in the air. "I want you to fuck me of course." I really couldn't argue with him in that position, His stubby tail lifting to reveal his little pucker. I realized that if I tried to fuck him now we would both be hurting. So I did the only thing I could think of, I went over and started to lick his ass. When the ring of flesh was nice and wet, I straightened my tongue and pressed in. there was no bad taste as I expected. In fact the taste was very nice. "stop stalling and get inside me." He said after a few minutes of soft moaning and whimpering. I carefully positioned myself and put my tip right up against his tailhole. With one swift thrust I pushed several inches inside of him. He moaned and a flare came up from his back. I was surprised when it did not burn me. It felt like being wrapped in a pleasant heat. I pulled out all but the very tip then pushed back in, filling him with several more inches. After one more thrust I had my full 7 inches inside him. Wee stopped moving then to give him time to adjust to my size inside of him.after just twenty seconds I started moving again, thrusting in and out of him with increasing speed as my lust increased. Soon we were both panting with need. Then I remembered his poor dick swinging erect under him and reached down and started pawing him off. This must have felt pretty good because he moaned and started to pump into my hand. We started to move together and that only increased our mutual pleasure soon I could feel him becoming more urgent. "unh I can't hold it much longer" I couldn't even make a word. He suddenly arched his back and screamed as his seed shot over the floor. With each gush his hole tightened on my dick and made me cum quickly. I filled what space was left in his ass with my seed and felt it dripping out. We just stayed there for a while, basking in the afterglow. I finally had the sense to pull out of him and blushed when I saw a glob of cum drip out, knowing I put it there.

We just stayed there like that for a while until our growling stomachs reminded us we hadn't eaten anything yet. We ate the rest of the berries then left to go to the bathhouse. The others of the village that saw us did not say anything about Quill's obvious sore walk. We left then to check our mail and went on another rescue mission . thus passed another few weeks of rescuing and now mating. Even more than the mating, I ejoyed having someone who loved me for what I was, just knowing that I would never be alone gave me happiness never known before.

End chapter three

Chapter four drawing of the third

It was winter and my skills of fighting as a pokemon had improved. We were now a pretty famous rescue team. We got regular missions now. One day Ana came to our house with a letter. " this just came to my hotel but it is addressed to you guys." then she left without another word.

I opened the letter and read aloud, "dear rescue team friendship, my name is Jacob. I am a tododile and desperately need your help. I am just like Nathan. I was once human but through some weird circumstance, I became a pokemon. For some reason wherever I go, the pokemon living there always find out what I am and respond with anger and hatred. This time I think they will be determined to kill me. By the time you get this letter they will be after me and I will be on the run. I can outlast most of them but the ones that do eventualy catch up to me will be the strongest. I am a good battler, but out numbered and exhausted, I will not be able to fight them off. If you come to my rescue just travel north for two days and you will probably find me in a life or death struggle. Help me an di will give you anything you want.

We have to go help him. I stated plainly. With that we packed up our things and left withal haste. We were pretty fast pokemon. I was faster but Quill had Quick attack. We made it to the tododile in a day and a half.

When we saw him he was ragged looking. But even like that he was attractive to say the least. What wasn't attractive was that we could see the dust from the group following him. I could tell by the size that there were at least ten pokemon following him. "when they come you stand between us and try to hold them back with projectile moves. Stay with one of us at all times." I said. Then there was no talking because the group crested the hill and came rushing down at us. We all unleashed our attacks on the mob with no regard for them. Jacob used water pulse, Quill used flamethrower and I used aura sphere. When one broke through I or Quill would rush to meet them and dispatch them with close range moves.

When the fight was over and they were counted there were nineteen of them in mix from a few different types. We left that spot while they were all unconscious leaping from tree branch to tree branch to hide our tracks. When we made camp that night, we were about half a day's walk from the battle sight. We left the next morning at first light. We made it to the town around sunset. We had no incidents after the battle. We went right to our home and snuggled around the tododile. He was crying softly before heslept so we held him and made him as comfortable as possible.

When we woke up in the morning no one said anything to each other. We left the house to go to the bathhouse. As I thought, he was stunning when he wasn't covered in dust and scratches. Just the sight of him made me start to think of how strong he was and could be. I distracted myself by scrubbing harder so I didn't walk back to our house with a stiffy. Jacob saw this and just laughed. We went to the store and bought some fish and berries for a stew. Then we went home. We still hadn't spoken much at all. When we got back I put the food in a pot over the fire with water Jacob got from a water pulse for us. As we waited for the food Jacob finally told us how he knew what I was. Apparently he had been following any news about us and just guessed right.

He caught me looking at his slit where I knew his penis was. Then he did something I loved, he spread out on his back, took my hand, and started stoking his slit with it. Then Quill moved over and did the same to his sheath with my other paw. I was stroking both of them at the same time. Soon both of their rods were out and I was stroking them. Then they moved and both started stroking my peeking erection. This felt so good to have one of them stroking my dick while the other cradled my balls. Then they shifted, the tododile bringing his legs up while Quill positioned me so my penis was pressing against Jacobs' tailhole. Then Quill pushed and I was thrusted into the blue pokemon. I started thrusting at a steady pace while Quill moved up and put his dick between our mouths. We started to lick his throbbing penis. Our tongues touched from time to time. Then Jacob moved onto Quills balls and took them into his mouth while I took his dick in mine. This was very pleasant, sucking off one guy while fucking another. Soon the pleasure was too much and I couldn't hold it any more, I came in Jacob. The pleasure was to intense for Jacob also because he splattered us both as his orgasm hit. Then Quill came in my mouth and I swallowed it. I let Jacob get some as well but that let Quill squirt us a little in the transfer. Somehow quill and Jacob still were not sated. I pulled out of Jacob's rear and positioned myself for one of them to enter me. It was Quill who did it. He positioned himself so I could feel his length pressed against my tailhole. Then he thrust into me a good three inches. I him stretching me out as Jacob moved over and started pawing my stiffening erection. Quill started thrusting until he got his five inches all the way in. then he paused to shift himself more comfortably. He started again while Jacob continued to stroke my shaft. I couldn't hold out ling and soon was in the grip of another orgasm. Quill followed soon after, filling me with his hot seed. But Jacob still wasn't satisfied and Quill had run out of stamina for anything, so I shifted positions again and lay on my back, holding my legs up so my filled hole was exposed. That was when Jake plunged right in. he managed to get all of his six inches inside me with one stroke. Then he leaned over and kissed me deeply even as he fucked my ass. He made long pulls and short pushes into me while his lips and tongue worked their way over my mouth. The pleasure was so intense that I immediately started dripping pre onto my already wet fur. We were both huffing with lust almost as soon as we started. This went on for a few minutes until I came again, feeling my ass squeezing his dick with every jolt. That proved too much for him as he soon came after me. I was already feeling quite full from both his dick and Quills' cum inside me that Jakes' cum started to push out of my hole as it was pumped in.

After that last round we separated and crawled into bed with Quill on one side and Jacob on the other. We slept like that with all the cum right where it was and us pressed against one another.

End chapter


When we woke up we knew that we would be together for a very long time. we continued the rescue team and our mating. We were very happy with each other and we were never alone, we had each other.


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