lion fun

Story by kazykisu on SoFurry

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after a pet sitting job gets more exotic than expected, mat has a bit more fun than he thought he would.

Matt sighed as he saw the house that he would spend the weekend in. The place was practically a mansion, it had a huge yard, both front and back as he could see, and at least three floors. He walked up to the front door and lifted the heavy knocker. After he smacked it down a few times he noticed that it was in the shape of a lion's head with a ring in its mouth. As he was about to knock again, the door was pulled open by an old woman.

"Hello dear, I've been waiting for name is Anna." The old woman named Anna was smiling wide as she said this which made matt a little nervous. He brushed it off as first meeting nerves.

Hi I'm matt, I answered your ad. I was surprised that no one accepted. It was a generous offer, even if it's a three hour drive."

"I don't quite know, oh here comes your charge now."

Matt gasped when he saw what turned the corner. "You know that's a lion right?" matt asked, no realizing the stupidity of the remark.

"Yes dear, this is Maxwell, max for short. If he likes you I will allow you to stay here for the weekend. He hates it when you show fear so look him in the eyes when he sees you." She says and gives me a wink, then backs up so I am the sole focus of the lion's stare. At this point matt is captured by the lion's gaze and can't show fear even if the thought crossed his mind. For a minute the two just stared into each other's eyes, entranced on the deep blue color that each shared. Then the cat took a step forward and broke the spell that had fallen. He took a step back but the lion pounced and pushed him on his back hard. The air whooshed out of his lungs and he has a blank period for a few seconds. When he comes to, he realizes that the healthy lion is now licking his face.

"Hahahahaha. I guess he likes you boy. Now get up. Maxwell tss tss." With that the big cat left his chest and stood by his side still licking his face. "Now I am off, there is plenty of money so feel free to order in. there is a list of food places on the counter along with the list of things you need to do to take care of max Bye." And with that she left.

Well, that was interesting. Let's see what's in the kitchen." I walked into the kitchen, which was on the right of the entry, and picked the list up from the counter.

Thank you for accepting this job. I have left $100 in the envelope. There is also plenty of food in the fridge and feel free to stay in. if you have to leave please do not be gone for more than 20 minutes. Max will get lonely and probably decide to tear up the furniture. He is allowed to do anything he wants other than eat, claw or shred anything other than the food. There are steaks in the bottom drawer of the fridge. Give him two three times a day. He will tell you when he needs to be fed. Take him to the back yard any time for him to play. He needs to be taken outside after every meal. You may sleep in the guest room on the second floor, third door on the left. Max is very affectionate, so don't be surprised if he decides to climb into bed with you. If there is an emergency, call the neighbors. Other than that have fun. P.S.

He doesn't get into the bath alone.

On the list there is simply this

Let him out for 10 min every morning.

Feed him three times a day

Let him into the yard for one hour of play daily

Bath him every night.

Have fun

"What have I stumbled into here?" matt asked the big cat. To this max just turned and pawed at the refrigerator. This was accentuated with a loud growl from the lion's belly and followed by a similar growl from matt's own stomach.

I guess we're both hungry," matt laughed as he opened the fridge door. Let's see what's in here."

He opened the bottom drawer and gasped at the huge steaks. "You really need two of these things?"

"Rrrooowr" the cat replied to the sight of the meat in matt's hands. Matt just chuckled and put it in the large bowl next to the counter. He watched the cat eat the first one then put the second one in and walked into the living room. When max finished, matt let him outside for ten minutes and then walked back into the living room with the cat pawing after him. Matt sat down on the couch, and was surprised when max jumped up and put his furry head in matt's lap. Matt was about to shoo him off when he spied the puncture marks that meant the lion had been on it before.

What do you usually watch max." matt asked as he started to flip through the channels. He stopped at own of his favorite shows and sat back rubbing the lion's ears. This elicited a purr from max, the deep rumbling running up from his chest. The big cat was really warm, like a big hot water bottle, and soon matt found himself dozing along with the lion. Matt woke up when the lion moved his head, he then felt an uncomfortable pressure on his privates and tried to reposition the cat's head so he could be comfortable. This was a bad move as he realized that he was sporting a hard-on, from the rubbing of the lion's head on his cock. Matt blushed deeply and moved the cat off his lap. "Let's go outside Max"

He leads the way to the door with the cat walking next to him. As he steps outside, he gasps when he sees the setup. There was a large play set specially made for the lion in the yard that max immediately ran to. Matt enjoyed watching the cat pounce and play for a while. After an hour, the cat got tired and they both went inside. Matt wondered why Max didn't get on the couch again, until he saw that the cat was filthy from its romp.

"I guess it's time for your bath you filthy kitty." Matt said as he got up to lead the lion to the bathroom. He was surprised when the lion hesitated for just a moment. This was the first time since he jumped on Matt that max did not stay by his side. He slunk behind the boy as they walked down the hall, almost as if he was afraid.

When he entered the room, Matt went straight to the tub and turned on the water, making sure the water was not too hot.

"Come on max, get in the tub." Matt was getting mad when the cat did not get in the bath. "Ohh I get it" Matt said as he remembered the note. He doesn't take baths alone. "I was hoping that was a joke, but I guess I need to get in with you. The lion started to act like a puppy, jumping around the room and nearly pushing Matt in the tub with all his clothes on. "Calm down I can't get my favorite shirt wet." He stripped down to his silk like boxers. Then he took those off and climbed in. Max jumped into the bath right after him. Max immediately started to roll in the warm water, often bumping up against matt. "Will you stop so I can wash you!" matt exclaimed as he grabbed the pet wash from the basket next to the tub. He started to rub the wash into the lion's fur and it calmed down and started purring from the attention. When matt finished with the back, he moved to the mane adding more fur wash as he did. He rinsed max off but was wondering why he was still dirty. Then max rolled over and matt saw the dirty underside of the large lion.

"Man you get dirty all over, how do you stand it?" The cat just wiggled, obviously expecting the rubbing that was coming. Matt quickly obliged the cat, enjoying the feel of the silky fur running through his fingers and the loud rumbling coming from the cats' chest. As he worked his way down and saw the large sheath, he felt a slight stirring in his loins. He quickly finished washing the lion while blushing terribly.

Okay max get out. I have to clean the fur trap." They both got out and matt bent over the side of the tub to empty the custom made hair trap in the drain. Suddenly Matt felt hot breath near his back. He turned to see the lion standing next to him and watching intently. He dismissed it as curiosity and went back to his job. He nearly jumped into the tub as he felt the first swipe of the tongue across his hole. He looked back and saw the cat with his face buried between matts' ass cheeks. All thought deserted him as Max licked his pucker once more. Matt then felt slight pressure as Max pushed his tongue inside, the silky walls gripping the rough tongue.

"oohhh Max, stop we should not be doing this." But Max had other plans. Max swiftly mounted Matt and started trying to find the target. Matt quickly recovered from his lustful stupor and slipped out from under the lion.

"we cannot do this." Matt almost yelled. Max sank down on his legs and showed his neck in a sign of submission. "I'm sorry Max. I was just a little surprised that you did that. I wasn't ready for that." Matt was sorry for yelling at the helpless lion on front of him. Strangely, he did not feel sorry for what the lion just tried to do. He was a bisexual and has had a few male encounters that ended up with a dick in his ass. He just didn't think Anna would appreciate him screwing her pet.

Matt finally decided that he couldn't stand the sight of the moping lump in front of him. "fine but only this once. And we never tell your mother about this." The lion perked up right away and started acting like a puppy again. He jumped up and raced around the room. "calm down you naughty kitty. I swear, it's like you can understand me. Just calm down and let's get somewhere more comfortable. He walked into the guest room carrying his clothes, the lion at his side looking happy. Or was that smugness? He got up on the bed and laid on his back, Max jumped up and perched himself in between Matt's legs.

The lion then took control, he leaned down and gently licked Matt's penis. It was already starting to get hard just from the thoughts, but it swiftly fully hardened under the lion's expert licks. Matt had enough presence of mind to think that the lion had done this before. He let himself get lost in the waves of pleasure coming from his crotch as the cat took his member into its mouth. Max bobbed his head while letting his tongue roam over the cock in his mouth, occasionally letting it slip out of his mouth and suckling on the balls.

Max moved himself so his own swollen sheath and large furry ballsac were hanging in Matts face. Matt obliged the cat bringing his own tongue out and slowly licking up to the tip of the sheath where the pink tip was already starting to stick out. He suckled on the enlarging cock while using his hands to play with the lion's balls. The cock was now only halfway out and it was already 6 inches long. It was then that he noticed that the lion had stopped its ministrations to his own throbbing member. He gently nudged the cat but got no response. Max then moved off and pawed at matt's side trying to get him to roll over, Matt did chuckling to himself and put his butt in the air. The lion then started to lick Matt's hole.

"okay Max enough foreplay, get up here and shove that rod in me." As if Max understood him, he got up and mounted matt. A strained whine escaped him as max tried to find the pucker. " here, let me help you." Matt said as he reached back and guided the cock to just in front of his own pucker. With a swift thrust the lion shoved 6 inches of his meat into the tight hole, making matt cry out in mixed pain and pleasure. He had taken some big rods in his time but never as thick as the one he has now. Max started to thrust in and out of Matts stretched hole. Finally matt could not take it anymore and reached back to start Jacking himself off. After three minutes of passionate humping, Matt felt his climax hit. His walls flexing around the meat inside them. Two minutes later max's thrusts became more erratic as his orgasm approached. Matt still was not flaccid and could feel his second orgasm of the night approaching. He started to lean into the thrusts, causing Max to hump harder into his ass. Max hit climax first sending hot ropes of thick lion cum far inside matt. This feeling finally sent matt over the edge, spewing his second load onto the sheets under them. They both collapsed onto the bed with Max still inside Matt, both of them panting hard but completely sated.

this is going to be a fun weekend. Matt thought as sleep finally overcame him.

the hard night

"Hey dude" Rio said as he walked into the dorm taking off his shirt. Rio is a furdragon. His fur is indigo with lighter markings on his shoulders and stomach. As he entered the room he looked to the comfy leather chair where I could usually be seen...

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