the prison

Story by kazykisu on SoFurry

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#2 of pokemon saga

this is a few years after the last story. they've grown up a bit. you'll see where it goes later.

The prison

It is early, the sun is just rising in the sky, when a riolu opens his eyes. The pokemon is scared and surprised to find himself alone in his bed. This is Nathan. He is confused because there are two pokemon missing from his bed. Quill and Jake, his mates and partners. It is two years and one day from the first time that they mated all together. In those two years some things have changed. Nathan has been declared a complete master of aura by a wandering troop of master Lucario. Quill and Jake have both evolved. The mild-mannered cyndaquill has become a mild-mannered Quilava. And the shy and modest Totodile has become a relaxed and confident Crocanaw.

As I opened my eyes I felt tired still. Then I looked around as I realized that I was alone in bed. I started to worry, I was usually the first one up and never the last. Then as I noticed the good smells coming from the other room I relaxed. They must be cooking breakfast. I thought. I got up and slowly made my way through the door. I sat down next to Quill, the fire type needing no persuasion to put his arm around my shoulders. Jake came over with a plate of food that he put between us all. We shared the breakfast in companionable silence while watching the sun rise through the only window. After we ate, I picked up the plate and washed it.

How are you feeling today Nathan? Last night was pretty intense. "Jake asked, he seemed concerned. "I'm fine, just a little sore."

"Well you are the only one that hasn't evolved yet." Quill decided to chime in. "thanks for making me feel better Quill. As for me, I need a bath."

I got a jolt as cold water was splashed over me. I glared at the Crocanaw who had just broken a water pulse over my head. We all burst out laughing after a minute as Quill dried me off by releasing a blast of flame from his back. We left our house and base talking about nothing in particular, just reveling in each other's presence. When we got to the post office we chose a rescue mission at random from the board. It is an easy one so I put it back and choose another. This one is for sinister woods, a moderate place but no too hard for us. We looked and saw two others for the same area so we took them also. Then we walked to the storage facility to stock up on items.

"Hey guys where to this time?" the Kangaskan at the counter asked when we stepped up. "Sinister woods" Quill replied "we have three missions there so we need the usual."

Quill was always so calm when talking to others, I just loved that about him. The girl gave us what we needed and we left. As we left the town through the only gate I put on a joy ribbon. I always put one on when we left, hoping that it would help me evolve. I never got results but this could not keep me from hoping. There was a three hour walk to the sinister woods, so we had plenty of time to talk. We mostly spoke about battles we have been in. when we finally made it to the woods, we were serious. I could sense with my aura that we were being watched already. This was a good sign that we were on the right track. As we continued towards the center of the woods where most pokemon ended up, we encountered several feral pokemon. We dispatched them easily.

"Look, are those the pokemon we came to find?" Quill asked when he saw several figures up ahead. "No their aura is not the same as on the letter, let's check it out anyway." We snuck our way towards the spot where the shadowy figures were standing. Suddenly we were sprinkled by a powder from above. The last thing I heard before I passed out was a human voice saying, "looks like we got another three for the compound."

When I woke up the first thing I noticed was that I was completely alone. I opened my eyes and saw grey walls all around me. I started to panic, my breath coming in gasps and my heart rate speeding up until I thought it would burst from my chest.

"Where am I?! What's going on here?! Why am I alone?" I screamed out hoping someone would answer me. Just then a door opened and a burst of stun spore flew at me. I was still recovering from the last attack I took and did not dodge in time. I fell on my face paralyzed, i saw a man enter the room. It was so long since I had seen a human being that it was quite a shock. I could tell that this was some kind of doctor by the white coat he was wearing. This doctor walked in and put a bag down next to me. He then rolled me over and started to inspect my body.

He began by running his hands over my entire body. I blushed as I realized that it felt nice. After he finished that he took a stethoscope (yes I still remembered that word) out of his bag and listened to my heart. After he listened for a minute, he took a needle out of his bag with a vial and took a blood sample. "There see, that wasn't so bad was it? I know you are a little scared and confused but don't worry. If you promise to behave and cooperate will heal your paralysis, deal?" I nodded and he gave me a Cheri berry. He stepped back as I sat up and stared at him. "Okay, now there are a few things I have to do so be good and this won't hurt. Stand up and raise your arms over your head." I don't know why, but I felt like I could trust this person and did as he said. He inspected me in this position and a few others, then he took a pear shaped device out of his bag and tested how much my mouth could open. He then did the same to my tailhole. He seemed surprised as he wrote the results down on a clip board.

"There is a bed in that corner and food in that one. It would be a good idea to stay healthy and in shape so there is a treadmill for you to run on. Bye." He pointed everything out then left. I went to the door and tried to open it to no avail. My gurgling stomach focused my attention on the bowl of food and water in the corner. I sat down and started to eat while looking around at my prison. Where were Quill and Jake? Where was I? Where were Quill and Jake? What will happen to me? "Where are Quill and Jake!!?" I surprised myself by shouting this last question. Just then a gate opened high up the wall and several humans were looking out at me. They seemed disappointed in what they saw and turned to leave. I was angry that they would leave me here and launched an aura sphere at the window. The impact with the glass caused a loud CRACK. The person whirled around and stared at me. "Get him to do that again." The strange man said. "You, riolu use aura sphere." Since this was exactly what they wanted, I did the exact opposite. I turned my back and started eating again. The food bowl was pulled into a slot in the wall and a small prod came out. I was jabbed and the prod gave me a large shock.

When this did not get a rise out of me the man left and the curtain was closed again. I was tired both physically and emotionally so I walked to the bed and curled up to sleep. When I awoke I noticed that the food bowls were back and I was hungry again. I got up and walked over but when I was about to take a bite, I noticed the smell. There was something in the food that was bringing back a distant memory. All I knew was that I should not eat without rinsing off the food first. I dribbled water onto the piece in my hand and scrubbed until the smell was gone. Then I popped it in my mouth. I repeated this with all the food in the bowl. As I finished the last piece, the door opened and the doctor walked in. "hey there, I never introduced myself. I'm Phil. I hear that you don't follow orders very well. That compound in your food will take care of that. I just have to see if there are any negative side effects."

Phil moved closer to me and started to inspect my body again. "I know you washed it off, so just do whatever anyone says and you don't have to worry anymore. I just don't want to see you end up like the others. I have convinced them that a single dose will work for three months, so just follow orders and you'll be alright." He wrote something on his clip board and turned to leave. I could sense his sadness through his aura and felt that I had to do something, so I ran to him, turned him around, and hugged him. I could not reach any higher, so I hugged his waist. He seemed really surprised but pleased.

"Your friends are next door to you on either side." I bet you can feel their aura if you tried. He left then and I immediately tried to feel out Quill and Jake's aura. He was right, I could sense them right next to me. I reached out with my own aura and yelled out with my mind to them. Their auras changed and latched on to mine. I could suddenly hear their thoughts! What the hell? Jake, is that you. I heard from Quill at the same time that I heard from Jake, what, Quill is that you? Where are you?

STOP! I yelled out. You're giving me a headache. NATE!!!

Yes, it's me. We are connected telepathically through my aura. No I don't know where we are. No I don't know what's going on. And no I don't know how to get out. I do have some news though. I said all of this to forestall any questions. I then explained all that I knew and told them to do whatever the humans said, but never to full capacity. I have to stop now. This is exhausting and I have to use the bathroom. I will talk to you when they fill our food bowls again. With that I let the connection fade.

I slept then, and when I awoke, the doctor was in my room again. I felt relieved to see him again. I ran up to him and hugged him again. He just smiled at me and put a cuff on my wrist. "This is a cuff to limit your powers. I have to take you to the boss now. He inspects all new pokemon before they are sold. I will try to get the client to change his mind but don't get your hopes up. " He put a collar and leash on me and led me out the door. I took this opportunity to map the compound with my aura. The compound was a corridor around a central room. There were 17 rooms in all and a corridor at the tip of the circle. We went into a room on the middle circle. There was a desk with a man behind it. The man came around the desk and picked me up. When he touched me, I felt his aura and was instantly repulsed. There was the feeling of distinct evil all around him. I shivered and he just smiled at my reaction. He did all the same examinations that were done on me the first time Phil met me. Alright, he can go now. "NO. I WILL NOT BE SOLD." They both just stared at me, then I realized that I had spoken human. " He stays." That was the entire boss said. Phil took me back to the hall. "You are amazing. Did you know that you can talk human. " "no I didn't this is all new to me." "Well just keep it to yourself."

He walked me back to my room. My first thought was to fall into bed and sleep. That was until I saw the figure already curled up there. "HEY who are you?" the figure stirred and I saw it was a tyrogue. He woke up and looked around. He looked around the room and saw me standing there. He ran to me, flung himself into my arms, and started to cry. I could not understand a single word that he said. I did the only thing that I knew would quiet him down, I kissed him full on the mouth.

He looked startled at first, then he seemed to melt in my arms. His mouth opened and I slipped my tongue inside. He moaned out as I started to run my paws over his skin. I worked my way slowly down to his erection. I broke the kiss as I gripped his dick in my hand. He shuddered in pure ecstasy as I slowly pumped up and down his member. He moaned again and fell back. I caught him and carried him over to the bed. I laid him down on his back and resumed my careful attention to his cock. He soon started gently thrusting into my hand, trying to get more feeling from the rubbing. He whined as I took my hand away, obviously wanting more. I lay down next to him and pulled him onto my body so we were in a position that was mutually beneficial. I took his member into my mouth and gasped as his mouth wrapped around my own completing the 69. We stayed like that for a few minutes, gently suckling and licking each other's flesh. He was inexperienced and was trying to copy whatever I did to him.

I felt him start to tense up, signaling his intent to cum and quickly pulled off of his member.

"Why did you stop? "He asked as he took his own mouth away from my prick. "I want to do something else with you and I need you hard for that." I knew that he was too inexperienced to try to fuck so I was going to have him pleasure me in another way. I got onto all fours, moving my tail to the side as I did. "I want you to fuck me. So get over here and start licking." He was too stunned to speak so he just crawled over and licked over my tailhole. That warm muscle gliding over my pucker started to pressure my ring of flesh and soon slipped in. he continued this until my hole was shining with saliva.

"Okay, enough foreplay. Just stick it in already." He willingly obliged and lined up his throbbing member with my pucker. He thrust forward an entered me, pushing half his length in. we both moaned as he slid a little out and pushed back in forcing another inch inside me. He wasn't very big and soon had hilted me. He started thrusting in earnest now, pulling half his length out and pushing back in. I felt him hit my prostate as he pushed harder and faster into me as his instincts took over. I leaned back into his thrusts as he reached around my waist and gripped my shaft lightly pawing me off. I couldn't take much more of this double stimulation and knew he was faring just as well. He came first, his shaft pulsing inside me while still thrusting as his seed shot out with every push. The warmth spreading inside me pushed me over the edge and I came, shooting my seed onto the bed.

We stayed like that for over a minute until we both collapsed into my pool of cum. He slipped out of my tailhole and I turned over pulling him into my chest. "Hi my name is Ty." "Nathan, now go to sleep." As we both drifted off to sleep, i thought of the strands of aura still connecting me to Jake and Quill, and the show they must have just seen. This could be a good relationship thought as sleep overtook me.

the tale of three lovers

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the hard night

"Hey dude" Rio said as he walked into the dorm taking off his shirt. Rio is a furdragon. His fur is indigo with lighter markings on his shoulders and stomach. As he entered the room he looked to the comfy leather chair where I could usually be seen...

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