The Stuff of Legends and Fables

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#18 of The Goddess Files

Several things to note.

1) This is a continuation from the Eastfallon series, but it is not a part of it. I have included the ending here because I have more stories to write for the previously mention series.

2) This story is long; fifty five pages or better.

3) As stories go, you will find this one is more fact based than you might first imagine. If you don't believe me, Google it.

4) And as has happened ever since the upgrade, the format is not pretty. This can't be presently helped.

5) Enjoy!

  As she lay on her death bed, withJon-Tom beside her, looking equally pale and drawn, Orath bid her children onelast goodbye. There would have been greater sadness, except that Jon-Tomexplained that her body alone was dying, not their mother's spirit. They ofcourse knew of his invulnerability, and accepted his act with good grace. Asshe drew her final breath, he lay down beside her and closed his eyes. In a fewmoments, both of their hearts had stopped beating. A small ball of light rosefrom the she-wolf, dashed around the room and was gone through the ceiling.   The funeral was huge, with a goodeighty percent of the population of Eastfallon showing up over the course ofthe week long service to pay their respects. It had been long enough ago thatmany who had suffered under the reds were no longer alive, but the stories theyhad passed down were still remembered. Orath and her fiery transformation atthe final battle were favorite stories, though they rarely were told as thefight actually happened.  And the storiesof their hero Lobo, who lost a paw to the Plated Folk at the battle at the Gatewent through hundreds of variations. But in each, he was remembered forslamming an axe over his stump and continuing the battle. He was now buriedwith that original double edged blade, per his request. He was still a fearsomelooking beast, even now in death.   At the end of the week, the door tothe mausoleum was closed and locked. The preservation spell that Jon-Tomhimself had put on the crypt deactivated when the door was sealed, allowingnature to take its course. He found that the idea of preserving bodies to nogood end was creepy. The only time he did it was with Talea, during hisoriginal participation in the battle at the Gate. But in the end, he broughther back to life. Orath was now gone, waiting for the time that he shouldhimself die. It was one of the reasons he found being presently immortal ablessing. When he did finally leave his body to be one with the cosmos, therewere going to be a lot of ladies waiting for him. He was unclear how he wasgoing to handle it.Once the stone was in place and the spell gone, Jon-Tom stoodup from the stone slab his body had been laid upon. He still maintained hishandicap from the severed paw, complete with the double bladed axe attachment.He was a gruesome looking sight. Eve was already there and eyed it with milddisgust. "Why didn't you heal that thing back when it happened? Now you lookedlike some kind of hell-bent fiend." He examined it in detail. "My children toldme to keep it. They said it reminded everyone of the sacrifices the Alpha Pack wentthrough the keep everyone safe. So that's what I did. I'll change it back whenwe return to the Highlands. He pulled the weapon off and

laid it on his slab.Eve made a face. "I think it's ugly. But do as you choose. Asfor the Highlands, I wasn't planning on returning just yet. For the moment, Iwas hoping to hop back to the next mission from here. Unless you make it morecomplicated than necessary, it should be relatively quick and painless." Hechuckled, a grim sound coming from this Dire Wolf body. "Nothing is ever simplewhen we're involved. You should assume the worse. Whatever I'm going to bedoing next is probably going to be a whopper. "Eve tweaked his nose. "You make it sound bad, each and everytime. I think you're a complainer. You just got done living out a full, fairlyuninterrupted life, complete with a mate and a family. You allowed yourchildren to fight by your side, and thus allowing them a chance to findworthwhile mates. They all loved you very much. Now you must move forward;rather you must move on. Since we are going back in time even further, the previousterm I used is inappropriate." He sighed and stuck his stump in her face. "OKlittle miss meddlesome, where are we going this time?" She tweaked his noseeven harder. "We are going back around 400 years, to a little village that isin need of a hero." He wrinkled his nose. "That's it. That's all you're tellingme? No, no! I know; telling me too much can ruin the timeline. I get it. Let'sgo and get this over with." She grabbed his good paw and with a zip, they wereoff.He got the sense things weren't right when his grip in herpaw vanished. Normally they were where they needed to be in a few seconds. Nowthe clock in his head had reached thirty. He was immobile, and the space aroundhim felt as chilled as death. Then, in a flash, he was out into the air againand falling about thirty feet into the mud. On the way down, he encounteredstiff branches with sharp twigs. It wasn't pleasant. He took stock of himselfafter he hit the ground. First thing he noticed was that his clothes werenothing more than shreds. Second of all, if he looked horrid before, he mustlook either better or worse, depending on the viewpoint. He was covered in mud,leaves and sticks. The third thing was the pleading scream. He couldn'tidentify what she was saying, but her meaning carried through well. He looked up to see a young girl running down a road. A muddyroad. The road in fact that he was now laying in. She was so terrified that sheran right past him with nary more than a glance. He might as well have beendead. Behind her were four or five horses. That got him thinking. Equines weregenerally mild mannered. He should know as well as anyone. He was once mated toone, and had dropped a load into a few more over the years. Then he noticedsomething odd. These horses had riders; and saddles. Few horses would everconsent to such an indignity. Perhaps this was what he needed to fix, thereason Eve had sent him here. Then he noticed one final detail. The riders wereall human. Four hundred years in the past, perhaps this sort of thing is whathad given humans a bad name in this world.He stood up. That's when he saw what he had failed toperceive before. They all had swords. And spears; sharp looking spears. And nowtheir attention was focused on him instead of the girl. Two of the men reignedin their mounts, but three others rode on, eyes fixed in hatred upon him. Thesewere apparently not nice people. He braced himself, letting loose a terriblehowl. As the first rider reached him, Jon-Tom simply swatted him off the horsewith his good paw. The next got a stump in the face. The third one he stoppedby grabbing the horse by the nose and speaking directly to its mind. It waseither an idiot or something weird was going on. The rider made a swing withhis sword. Jon-Tom caught the blade in his good paw and crushed the steel likeit was tinfoil. The man's eyes went wild with fear. With another howl, Jon-Tomslapped the horse into a gallop.The other men saw what was happening and were making tracksafter their own horses. That left one huge Dire Wolf standing in the middle ofthe road, covered in mud, and wondering what the hell was going on. He turnedand looked down the muddy path. Where ever the girl had gone, she was out ofsight. He was curious though; enough to track her down and find out what allthis was about. He used his nose to locate her. She was cowering under a log,half covered in dead leaves. "Come out child!" he ordered as gently as hecould. She didn't move a muscle. She had already had a fright, so maybe being abig brute wasn't the best form he could have. He changed back to a human,complete with two hands and shredded clothes. He leaned down and dusted awaysome of the leaves. She yelped and tried to push in farther under the log.Foregoing diplomacy, he grabbed her hand and pulled her out. She cried and puther free hand to her face. She yelled something he did not understand. This wasgetting him nowhere. He grabbed her head and was about to talk to her minddirectly when the weirdest thing struck him. He couldn't understand her! Hecould talk to everyone; why was she so different? He probed her mind, finding that there wasn't a single wordof English (or whatever universal language was spoken on this world) in herhead. But he soon read her mind, and found the associative path for words topeople, places, things and verbs. This time, when he spoke, it was in terms sheunderstood. "Child, don't be afraid." She peeked out from between her fingers.She looked around wildly, climbing up and over the log to look down the road.She ran out,

searching the ground. She followed the footprints, recognizing themen's, the horse's, and the wolf's. "Sir, I think I owe you my life. If thesoldiers had not killed me, that monster surely would have. I am in your debt."He didn't like the sound of that one bit. "I didn't do athing anyone else wouldn't have done. Besides, you should thank the "wolf", forit was he who drove off your attackers." Her eyes went wide. "But sir, a wolfkills and eats whatever it wants. I got a glimpse of this one as I ran past. Iassumed it was dead. I certainly wasn't curious enough to stop. It was huge andtwisted and not normal in any fashion I know. But I see no blood. Why did he notkill?" She was glancing around fearfully, apparently afraid that the beastwould return to finish them off. She noticed his tattered clothes but asked noquestions concerning them.Jon-Tom's head was racing. Horses that don't talk or havemuch in the way of thought, wolves that are mindless killers, men who attackhelpless girls. Only the latter make sense to him. "Young lady, might I askwhere we are? I am unfamiliar with this region." She looked at him like he wasdaft. "Sir, are you lost? This is the countryside outside of the village ofEpprath." He ran that through his head. Eve had said something about a smallvillage. Epprath? He knew of no Epprath. Perhaps it had changed names. Thiswas, after all, four hundred years in the past. "I'm afraid that I don't knowEpprath. What's your name girl?" And girl she was. She couldn't be more thaneleven or twelve years old, if that. She dusted a few more leaves off of herrough woven skirt. "Sybeele, sir. Sybeele Griswold. And I'm not a lady. I'm acommoner."He was taking the time to look her over. Her clothes weredirty, a bit ragged, and a little too large. Her hair hadn't been combed inweeks, and her face was grimy and soiled. But underneath it all, he could tellshe was a beauty. He was both hoping for and against the possibility that shewas to be the purpose of his visit. "Well Sybeele, I find nothing common aboutyou. My name is Jonathon, though most people call me Jon-Tom. Where is yourfamily? You would be far safer with them than out here in the middle ofnowhere!"She let out a sob. "My mother has been dead for the past fewyears. The only family I have is my mother's mother, but she lives miles awayacross the Blutwald." It took him a moment to figure out what she was saying."The Blood Woods? Where is that?" She pointed north. "She lives past Vanikumand Sinsteden. But that would take me through Bedburg. And I mustn't go there!"He let out a heavy sigh. He had never heard of any of these places. "Whymustn't you go to Bedburg?" She shook her head. "Because those that are inpower there have killed my

father and my little brother. Now they wish to killme. All this because my father was a successful farmer, even at his young age."He sucked in a breath. This was getting complicated. "How old was your father?"She sniffed back a tear. "He was just reaching his thirty-first birthday." He decided that there was a lot of information he needed to know.But getting to it out her in the middle of a deep, dark, dank and gloomy woodwas hardly the proper place for it. "Sybeele, is there somewhere close we cango? Someplace safe and secure, even if for only a while?" She shook her head."No sir, there is not. Not for me, not for anyone of the right thinking minds.My father's farm is nearby, but the soldiers have taken it over as an outpost.I am sure they are still searching for the money he had hidden away. There isno safety there." He patted her back. "Oh, don't be so certain child. All youneed is you furry savior from the road.""But sir, surely you cannot call up the wild beasts of theforest?" Then she backed away. "Unless you're a dark magier from the outerreaches! They are forbidden for us to consort with!" He almost laughed."Sybeele, I am your only chance right now. I don't know what superstition you believein, but I'm not dark. But perhaps I am a magier, if that's the term you like.And you'll need to deal with my power, or else I wouldn't be here right now."She stopped and gazed into his eyes. "You have pretty eyes. They do not lie. Iwill stay with you, for I might just as easily die by your hand as someothers." He kissed her forehead. "There's no chance whatsoever of you dying bymy hand, and a damn poor one of dying at all while I'm around. It would do youwell to remember that!"They slogged through the mud for a few miles before coming toa clearing that looked down over a vale. The land below was cleared of treesand was alive with four legged herbivores. She pointed to the modest stone andtimber house. "That was once my father's house." He noticed a dozen horses inaddition to the smoke climbing from the chimney. Twelve against one. It hardlyseemed fair. On the other hand, he had little use for these bastards. Dire Wolfit was. "OK Sybeele, you need to be courageous. I am going to change, and itwon't be for the better. You must stay here. Hide your eyes if you must, but Ipromise you you'll come to no harm." She squeezed his hand. "I trust you,magier"The hand in hers grew, both in size and in fur. She looked upto see the most monstrous form towering over her. She wet herself, a trickle ofurine running down her leg. All she could say was, "I trust you." She just keptrepeating it. The huge wolf strode, on two legs, towards the house. Heapproached the horses, which for once didn't whinny a warning. He

untied them,and seemed to speak to each. They in turn ran in different directions, vacatingthe farm as fast as their legs could carry them. Then he howled. It was not yetnight, but his call was answered from the woods. It was also answered frominside the house. A dozen men piled out, partially dressed, with swords inhand. They were in such a rush they failed to notice the monster standing alongthe side wall.The Dire Wolf let out a snarl. Twelve men turned. Two ran,one fainted, and the rest formed a protective circle. Jon-Tom waded in andflung them to the winds. Swords were snapped, helmets crushed, and one fellow,a little too persistent for his own good, lost three fingers on his right hand.And Jon-Tom did all this with only one good paw and a sharp set of teeth. Hehad forgotten about this form's forced handicap. Oh well, it made it look evenmore impressive. The men ran, dragging their injured and unconscious behindthem. It would be a long way to wherever they were going. He stood alone in the yard, feeling like he had done goodwork. The girl approached him from her hiding spot in the brush alongside theroad. She stopped a hundred yards from him. He turned to see a pack of wolvesapproaching from behind the house. Apparently they weren't brainless killingmachines. They might just be killing machines, but they had responded to hiscall. Instead of being on two legs, they were walking on four. "Hello!" Hecalled politely. The lead wolf sniffed the air and growled. So maybe they weren'tbrainless, but they seemed more like he imagined wolves on his own world mightbe. He had never met any on Earth before coming here, so it was just a guess.He put his good hand out to touch the other's head. It nearly got him bit. Now he was mad; well not exactly, but he was tired of tryingto figure things out. He grabbed the smaller canine by the head and pushed histhoughts into it. It was like trying to mix oil and water. He stopped, andinstead did as he had with the girl. He read and found associations in thiswolf's head. His next words were indecipherable to the girl, but clear to thepack. "Hello my friends. I would like to thank you for coming to my call." Theleader growled. "Ho! Now you can talk properly? You smell like human stink.Like that one there. All humans should die!" This was going to be tedious.Jon-Tom had no patience for tedious. "I hereby challenge you for the right tolead the pack." The other stood tall on his four legs. "You are not of ourkind. You have no right to challenge!"There was a sudden shifting in the giant Dire Wolf. He wasnow comparable to the rest of the pack. "I hereby challenge you to the place ofAlpha male in this pack. Turn down the challenge and I will call you a coward!"The other snarled.

"I don't know what you are, but when I'm done with you, allyou'll be is dead. So will that stinking female human pup." Jon-Tom let himblather on for a moment. He quickly grew tired of his speech. Eve had told himthis mission would be easy. He was only a few hours in so far, but his hopeswhere getting dashed for a quick resolution. The wolf leader came at him. Jon-Tom normally would havegiven the fellow a fighting chance, but not today. He leaped over his attacker,coming down behind him. Jon-Tom snapped his jaws shut, getting a firm grip onhis adversary's tail and with one mighty swing sent the wolf flying into thetrunk of a five hundred year old oak. He hit with a sickening thud and fell tothe ground. The rest of the pack gasped. Jon-Tom walked over and healed thepoor fool before he expired. The wolf looked up with respect and admiration.There was no fear in his eyes. "Just finish me off. I am no longer the leader."Jon-Tom nudged him onto his feet. "I don't want your position. I want yourassistance. In return, I'll see that you have food. There will be no need toexpose yourselves to unnecessary danger. All I want is for you to stick aroundthis farm and be my eyes and ears."The others had come forward. "But Grrrf is no long the Alpha.You are. We take orders from you. If that is what you say the pack must do,then we will do it." With that they dispersed and took up positions around theperimeter. All but one that is. "I am Wrrr. I am the Alpha female. I belong toyou now." She lay down in front of him. "Gee, thanks Wrrr, but I don't have aninterest in having a female. Like your mate implied, I'm not quite what Iappear to be. He reverted to the Dire Wolf, then to his human self. "As yousee, I have some special powers. I don't use them lightly. But I have been senthere to right some kind of wrongs. I have no idea who or what is involved, orwhat form I'm supposed to take to accomplish them." The she-wolf looked to herold mate, and back to her new one. "You are what the tales call an oborotnya; ashape shifter. Those tales are from the far eastern regions, where the snow andice stay year round. They are from our ancient homelands. Until now I did notbelieve them."He wasn't concerned about old legends, nor did he feel likebeing her mate. He just got off of a stint as Alpha Male. He didn't needanother one, no matter how short lived it might end up being. "Look Wrrr, I maybe what this legend says. I really don't know, nor do I care for the moment. Iwould like to get this girl into the house and out of danger." The she-wolfsniffed in the girl's direction. "Yes, I can smell fear. Strange though, sheseems not to fear us. Her own kind is more heartless than any other beast inthe forest. Everyone fears humans, especially

their own kind!" She bowed her headto Jon-Tom. "What is my new mate's name? I wish to call you something when wecouple." "Mate? Couple?" He would have choked, but every female he came incontact with seemed to think with their ovaries. It was like seeing himself inthe mirror; except he had balls. "OK Wrrr, you can call me..." He stopped. This was the far past. He couldn't just blurt outa name. For that matter, he had already told the girl his user name. He neededsomething else. Wolf, wolf...he was thinking, what name went with wolf. He hadalready used Lobo. He was a musician. Why not a name from the old Prokofievclassic? "Call me Peter." She rolled it off of her lupine tongue. "Ptr?" Hegrinned. "That will do. I will carry out my Alpha obligations later." He turnedto Sybeele, who was watching him intently. He motioned for her to come closer."Sybeele, this is Wrrr." The girl made a growling sound that imitated the name.The wolf actually licked her hand. "Wrrr, this is Sybeele." The wolf made agargling sound. He nodded. "Close enough." He scratched behind her ear and senther to watch the house with the rest of the pack. He and the girl went inside.The place was a disaster. The soldier's had pilfered orbroken much of the contents. The girl ran to her room, hoping for something tosalvage. When she came down a few minutes later, she dropped what she hadscavenged. The dining room was back in order, with the broken plates restoredand lined along the mantle. The floor was clean, the table free of sword hacks,and a plethora of other types of damage erased. "Dearest sir, you are indeed apowerful magier. Since ownership of this house now falls to be, and I owe you,both the house and myself are at your disposal." He sat down, propped his feetup, and laughed." "You have nothing I need, little one. I am here to help you."She knelt on one knee. "But sir, without your aid, I wouldnow likely be hacked into pieces like this table was a moment ago. I mean itwhen I say I am at your disposal. I am yours for the taking." He turned andlooked at her. "Well Sybeele, you are making a wonderful offer. But unless thisis something that you want also, then perhaps we had better call this even.Besides, you seem a bit young. You don't even have any breast development." Thegirl turned a few shades of red before unbuttoning her blouse. She pulled itopen to reveal two pert nipples atop budding breasts. But what Jon-Tom reallynoticed was her ribs clearly visible under her pale skin. It nearly broke hisheart.He sat up. "I'll make you a deal. We get some food in you,get you cleaned up, and have a good night's rest. Then we'll see what tomorrowbrings." The thought of food made her swoon. "Oh yes sir. But there is no foodhere

worth eating. The soldiers have ate what was good." He winked at her. "AmI magier, or am I not?" She grinned. "You are magier!" He clamped his handsover her eyes. When he pulled them away, there was a small feast on the table.She squealed with delight and jumped up on the table, tearing into everythinglike she hadn't eaten in days. She hadn't. Jon-Tom pulled her off and sat heron a chair. "It's not going anywhere dear. Take your time and don't makeyourself sick." She slowed down, but with such an exertion of willpower shedidn't know if it was worth it. But she was glad he had forced her to. Shefilled up to the point that looking at the rest made her feel sick. He gave heran I-told-you-so look."Well my young child, shall we get you set for a bath?" Shebelched quite loudly. "Sir, you are a good magier, but this house has no bath.A bath is for rich folk in the cities. Here we wash in the stream. It's gettinga little late for that, even if I could stand dipping into that cold water." Hedragged her by the hand to the door. "Lead on, little one. I said food, bathand sleep. I intend to keep my word." They walked down towards the vale,attracting a few of the wolves. Remembering his promise of food for them, hespelled up a pile of lizard steaks on the flat boulder overlooking the vale.The smell brought them out from every corner of the property.He and the girl walked a few dozen more yards to a clearpool. His clothes, if that's what you could call them now, were filthy from themud of the road. So was much of his exposed skin and hair. He hadn't botheredspelling it off during his transformations. He dropped his now tattered cloak,his shirt and his pants and climbed in. It was cold, as mountain streams are,but he took the chill off until it was comfortable. He turned to look atSybeele, and found she was staring at him, mouth agape. He winked at her. "Thedirt isn't going to clean itself, you know." She finished unbuttoning herblouse and drew it over her head. The skirt was dropped at her feet. She waspainfully skinny, but definitely quite lovely. And dirty. She put one foothesitantly into the pool. Finding it warmer than expected, she dropped in likea stone, leaving only her head above the water."You're a funny girl, you know that? You offer yourself tome, then act as coy as a nun." She looked at him quizzically. "What do you knowof nuns?" He laughed. "Not much, I can honestly say. All I know if that they'rea hard habit to break!" The girl looked at him, the lack of comprehension quiteevident. "Never mind," he answered to her look. She paddled around a momentbefore looking to the sky. "It will be dark soon. Are you sure we should stayhere?" He flicked his wrist, sending up a spray of water that turned to

sparks.The sparks became fireflies, who settled on the nearby vegetation until thearea was bathed in a warm glow. "Is that better?" She relaxed and allowed herbody to float to the surface. "Much better magier. I don't like the dark."He pulled a bottle of shampoo from out of thin air, but waswise enough to cloak it in the appearance of a clay bottle. He waded over tothe girl, sat down on a submerged rock, and pulled her onto his lap. She tensedup. "Calm down girl! I'm going to get you cleaned up. I already told you thatnothing was going to happen until tomorrow, if then. But you're a mess, and Iintend to do something about it." He lathered her hair, feeling the mud and thesticks loosen as he did. He had her dunk her head, and he repeated it again andagain until the water flowed clear. With his hands, he took some of the latherand washed her body. As his hands crossed her nipples, they hardened to littleknots. The girl drew in a sharp breath with each pass. He worked his way downher belly, scrubbing away the grime. By now she was floating across his lap. He worked his handsdown her crotch. She was nearly as dirty here as anywhere else. He had neverseen such a condition before, He was glad the world here had developed so muchover the intervening four hundred years, though it was still far from perfect.This poor hygiene was uncalled for. As he scrubbed, he gently worked a fingerinto her slit. She didn't resist. He rubbed the area clean and made sure theclear stream water carried away both dirt and the soap. He played his fingeracross her clitoris. She arched up into his finger. He played for only a moment,and she let out a disappointed sigh when he let up. "Child, tomorrow is anotherday. Let's get you finished." He rolled her over and washed her back. The dirtthere was nearly able to be peeled in layers. He scrubbed her butt, spreadingher ass cheeks and making certain she was clean. She wiggled her rear into hisscrubbing hand. When he was done he stood. She lay there relaxing in thewater. "Are you done already sir? It was feeling so good. I've never hadsomeone to give me a bath before. It's rather pleasant." He patted her head."Yes it was, wasn't it? But now I think it's time for bed." She climbed ashore,dripping water off of her squeaky clean frame. She gathered her clothes butcarried them instead of wearing them. "They're dirty. I am clean. There's nopoint in putting them on." It was logical. He carried his as well. As theyheaded for the house, Wrrr came up and sniffed them. "What is the point to thisactivity?" He returned an answer in wolf talk. "It's healthy to clean oneselffrom time to time. Even your kind does it." She gave a half-hearted growl."Yes, but we don't smell like flowers when we're

done!"He ignored her snipe and concentrated on the girl. Even inthe dim light, she had an attractively nubile figure. She stepped into thehouse, and he followed, shutting the door behind them. Wrrr looked on for amoment before shaking her head. Whatever this being was, he was going to makelife much more interesting in the woods for anything that happened to livethere. This human girl might find she bit off more than she could chew. Thenagain, so might Wrrr, the Alpha female. This oborotnya could very well benothing more than a trickster. She only hoped that she might trick him intosomething she wanted badly enough to raise her tail to get. If anyone couldgive it, it was him.Inside the house, the man and the girl climbed into a bedtogether. Jon-Tom had to use his power on it, for it was filthy and crawlingwith bedbugs and other vermin. The entire bedroom was magically refurbished inclean linens, unbroken furniture, and intact rugs. It was homey without beinggaudy. The girl dropped her clothes on the floor and ran her hands over thesheets. She pulled the top one back carefully and slid in between it and thebottom sheet. Her new male friend climbed in the other side. "Jon-Tom?" He puthis finger to her lips. "I hate to do this child, but from now on, I think itbest if you call me Peter." She frowned a little at that. "My father's name wasPeter. Are you pretending to be him?" He patted her hand. "I'm sorry. I didn'tknow. I chose the name to give to Wrrr. It dawned on me that what I do here mayhave consequences. I do not wish for history to remember me for who I reallyam."She thought about it. "That makes sense, I guess. A magiermay do as he wishes. If you prefer Peter, then Peter it will be. For those whodo not know my father is dead, this will be hard to explain to them. You hadbetter hope we meet none of them. It will start them talking. Talking attractsattention. I should prefer to have no one know we are here. It will only bringback the soldiers." He settled down into the feather mattress. Her father musthave done well before he was killed. Not many avians would forgo their ownfeathers to someone else's use. Sybeele settled down next to him. The feeling of bare skinagainst hers made her flush with excitement. "Jon-Tom...err, Peter?" He lacedhis arm under her shoulders and rolled her in towards his body. "Yes my dear?" Shehesitated before speaking."Do you like me? I mean, I like you. This is theclosest I've ever been to a man before. I thought it would terrify me. But thisis very peaceful, though for some reason my heart is racing." He could feel itclicking along like a ticker-tape on Black Friday. "Your excitement is natural.We are often frightened of those things we have no experience with."

She kissedhis chest, her wet hair sending chills along his arm. "Can you help me to beless afraid?"He sighed. "I thought we were going to get some sleeptonight, and deal with that in the morning?" She kissed his chest again, thistime with a bit more assurance. "I suppose. But I would sleep better if youshowed me something to pave the way. My mother died a few years ago, and shenever gave me the lessons I should have learned." He pulled her in tight."Alright dearest little one. But we're doing this by my rules. When I stop, thematter is done for the night. Agreed?" She kissed him again. "Agreed!"With his free hand he slid across her nipples again. Shesucked in air as he did. Rolling her a bit more, he got one to his mouth andran his tongue across it. She let out a little moan. He pulled it between hislips and rolled it gently, then firmly, causing a stronger groan to escape herthroat. He relaxed his grip, allowing her to roll back onto the bed. He shiftedout from under her. He now had full freedom of movement. With one hand he slida finger to her cunt. It was wet, and not from the bathing they had just had.His mouth jumped from nipple to nipple until both were as hard as walnuts. Thefinger worked itself in an inch or so before encountering her hymen. It wastough and unyielding. This would probably require either brute force or acareful application of magic. But that would be later. He pushed back thesheets and slid down the bed. He put his face over her crotch and explored theregion with his tongue. Her fingers dug into his hair when he passed over herclit. She brought up her legs and locked them around his neck."Oh God sir, don't stop!" In his mind all he could picturewas his wolf daughters. There was something about this developmental stage thatbrought out the primal sensuality and sexuality in a female. He worked histaste buds across her pink glistening flesh. She was clean and she tasted sweet.There was the beginning of slick moisture, though he was certain there was abacklog stuck behind her hymen. He sucked her little mound of flesh and rolledhis tongue to engulf it. Her nails dug into his scalp and her hips arched upinto his face even harder. With a rapid sucking motion, he worked her clituntil she screamed. Her nails drew blood where they were imbedded in his scalp,and her hips cracked from the tension they were under. In a moment she fellback, satiated and completely relaxed. She tried to talk, but her breath wascoming in gasps. As her lungs slowed, and her breathing eased, she found thewords she wanted. "Thank you so much sir, for being so kind to me. I only hopethat come tomorrow, you have more to show me. May it be as pleasurable as thiswas." She snuggled in close and fell asleep. Jon-Tom wished

he could have doneso with such ease. He had a raging hard-on.With nothing else he could do for the night, he lay therelong enough for her to be sound asleep, then vanished from the bed andreappeared outside. He changed to his Dire Wolf body, cursing himself forforgetting to correct the stump on his arm. Oh well, it made him look tougher,he supposed. He howled into the darkness. Wrrr disengaged from the shadows andjoined him. "What is it, my new mate?" she growled out. Her nose was sniffingthe air. His smell gave away his present condition. She hiked her tail high. "Itake it the girl is too young, even by human standards?" He growled back. "Sheis too young by my standards, though apparently not as young as I would like tothink. But I told her that I would do nothing until tomorrow." The she-wolfturned her ass towards him. "This means I get to have you for tonight. Good.I've never considered I'd get a chance at having pups with a supernatural being."Babies weren't on his mind, but if she wanted to have some byhim, who was he to argue. Again, perhaps this was one of the things he neededto do; boost the intelligence of future generations of the species on thisworld. It was hard to think that doing the entire planet was going to be alittle job, like Eve made it sound. Then again, this place was kind of funny.Maybe it was some remote corner he had never heard of. Perhaps he needed tofocus his power here to correct its backwardness. Speaking of backwards, Wrrrwas backing towards him, tail high and quivering. He dropped down to a regularwolf, leastwise, what he now thought of as regular. It didn't faze her one bit.He had his cock standing at attention, and without so much asan ounce of foreplay, drove it in. Wrrr braced her paws and pushed against him.Since she had never had the joy of experiencing sex with him, he upped the anteby pushing in some raw power. Her body went limp. She lay there gasping. "Whateveryou just did, you do it over and over again until the day I die!" She tried tostand, but failed. He had applied a little too much. He changed to human, sinceshe had slid off of his cock, and rolled her over onto her back. He pluggedhimself back in. She growled with just an edge of sarcasm. "I don't want humancubs!" He hushed her. "If you want cubs, you can have cubs. But since you can'tstand, we'll have sex my way." He started pushing in long deep strokes. Theshe-wolf had never had sex on her back. It didn't work that way. But with thishuman, it did. She quickly got into it. Her tail could relax out of the way,and it was rather pleasant to look upon her lover, even if he did have ahuman's face.She could feel the heat rising within her, and his movementsindicated that he was going to cum soon as well. She

kept waiting for the knotto stimulate her climax. But he was human, and the longer he worked, the moreintense the feeling grew inside her. She needed to release, but the catalystfor it was gone. He must have recognized the problem, for she felt a suddenbulge grow inside her cunt. It kept growing until she was ready to yelp. Butthe next instant, her orgasm took her over the edge and the discomfort wasabsorbed by her pleasure. She could feel him blow his seed, where she hoped itwould grow and flourish. She was surprised when his knot shrunk so quickly. Shewas even more impressed when he started thrusting again. A wolf might mateseveral times in one day, but not one right after another.This time he came first, way before she was ready. She wasjust getting into it. But he didn't withdraw. He kept going. And going. Andgoing. Apparently he was untiring or very worked up. Then she got a wolfishsmile. Maybe a bit of both. She didn't mind too much; however, if he kept goinglike this, she was going to have trouble, come morning, keeping up with thepack. Those thoughts faded as her own orgasm rose up, shaking her from nose totail. She could feel his third dose of fluids forcing their way into heruterus. He was making certain she got the cubs she wanted! She laid there, herlegs all akimbo; her belly full of him, thinking what luck had granted her. Shewas one of the last of the theolykos. Perhaps now her line would return to itsvitality. Her once great race was nearing extinction.The human had pulled out and was lying beside her. She wascurious. "I would like to ask you something oborotnya. How did you happen tocome here? And why can you speak both human and wolf words? No one can dothat!" He changed to wolf. "I was unaware that this world had differentlanguages. Then again, I have been thrown into the past. Perhaps I am to fixthis problem. I really don't know my mission this time around." Wrrr licked hisface. "Who sent you?" This caused him to snort. "I don't know that you'llbelieve me, but I call her Eve. She is a goddess." The wolf absorbed that. "Thegottin sent you? Then perhaps my waking dreams have been answered!""Gottin? Oh I see: goddess. Do you have a name for yourgoddess?" he asked. She rolled a name off of her tongue. "Sin-gen-fell. She isthe first of us, and she will be the last of us. Is this who has sent you?" Itwas the clearest she had pronounced a name yet, perhaps even her own. He did ashrug as best he could in this form. "She goes by many names and many forms.Singenfell is not one I've heard of, but this is a long ways in the past." Shelooked at him sharply. "You say past. What do you mean?" He licked her nose. "Imean I am from your future. I was sent back to make some kind of amends, thoughI am

clueless as to what those are supposed to be. Perhaps giving you cubs waspart of it. But I figure, whatever I do, it was supposed to happen. It's workedthat way so far."It was his turn to ask. "Wrrr, what is the deal with yourbodies? In the future, you walk like my other forms, and you talk just like Ido. The horses I met were nearly as brainless as a rock." She licked her lips."Horse meat is good. Horses are very dumb, as you justly say it. I have nevertried to carry on a conversation with a horse. Nor a human for that matter.They do not understand anything but their own words and their own weapons. I donot know why this is so. Legend has it the wolves were once as you say; talland wise and kind. Now we are on all fours, and we only hunt and breed and tryto stay alive." He turned back to human and gave her a hug. She rather likedit. "So Wrrr, where is your kind from?" She relaxed into his embrace. "Thelegends say from a land very far away. A land of snowy plains and low hills,with plenty of game and no humans. But they are only legends. But if you giveme cubs, perhaps the legends will live again."He rubbed her belly. Her leg kicked uncontrollably. When hespoke, it was with utmost kindness. "You will have cubs. They will grow strong.They will be able to do things you cannot. The only thing I cannot say forcertain is that I will be here to help raise them. When I am done, I must go.There is no choice in the matter." She wiggled until her cunt was under hishands. "I understand. Life is comings and goings. And speaking of cumming, canyou make me do it again. I have never felt such pleasure before!" He complieduntil the morning sun was just peaking over the horizon. Then it was back into the bed. Sybeele was still sound sleep.It was probably the best she had slept in weeks. He kissed he temple, left herthere and went about the house, restoring it to its former state. He "prepared"a breakfast, spelling a loaf of bread, some ham (or a close facsimile thereof)and a bowl of fruit. What he found he had a personal taste for was coffee. Thatwas one thing this damn planet didn't have. He spelled up a pot full, andpulled a mug from the collection above the mantel. He sat down and wonderedmore about this place. This world was a tough enough location, as planets went.Eve was having him trying to clean it up, but this job seemed awfully twisted.But then, maybe it was the way he was handling it. He was pouring a second cup when he heard feet shuffling onthe floorboards. He didn't even look up. "Morning Sybeele. Did you sleep well?"She came up behind him and gave him a hug. Then she crawled in his lap, hereyes on the food. His eyes were on her. She was still stark naked. "I sleptjust fine, Jo...Peter, thanks to you. I

would like to keep you around, ifthat's alright. I miss my father and brother very much, but you fill the voidvery nicely!" She was reaching across the table, grabbing for the various bitsof food. Her wiggling was waking up his cock. After his eventful night, itshould have been down for a few more hours. She leaned back into him. Shecouldn't help but notice."I see you like me. I figured you did, otherwise you wouldn'thave been nice to me. We can do it now, if you like. I trust you to make it agood experience for me, unlike what I would have gotten from those soldiers."He rubbed her shoulders. "Eat. Then we will see. If you want my honest opinion,you're a little young to be taking a full sized piece" She wiggledsome more. "You won't know until you try. I'm willing if you are. You were sokind last night, in making feel so good. I should have returned the favorsomehow." He kissed the back of her head. "I was fine child. You need not worryabout me." She swallowed some food before answering. "You're strong, and youhave great power. You are right not to worry about yourself. I am still veryglad you chose to help me, and as I have very little to give you, I intend togive you what I have."He realized that this conversation was going nowhere. Eve hadtaught him that willingness mattered more than age. He was still wavering overthe idea. His wolf cubs, four hundred years in the future, had been excessivein their willingness. Even after their lessons had been over, he was constantlygetting ambushed by them in the dark corners of the palace. He eventuallylearned to avoid these areas. Even after the girls came into their first heat,they were still trying to coax him into bed. He had been too good of a teacher.But they had all found suitable mates, and so it worked out well in the end.This girl didn't necessary fit that mold. She was young, too young to marry. Hereally hoped he wasn't going to be here long enough for her to mature. She wasgoing to be a problem unless he could get her to her grandmother. Still, whatwas an old woman going to do with her?"Fine Sybeele, if that's what you want. But I want it clearlyunderstood that I am expecting nothing from you. If it were up to me, I wouldsimply get you to your grandmother's house and go on with what I'm doing here.I'm beginning to think it has to do with the wolves. It might account for myprevious, err...duties before I came here." The girl was still wiggling on hiscrotch. "And what duties were those great magier?""I was the Alpha Male in a place called the EastfallonStretches. I saved a she-wolf named Orath and helped her get her kingdom back.I stayed with her for many decades before we both died." The girl slid off hislap. "Are you telling me that

you're untoten?" He ran his brain around that andlaughed. "No, quite the opposite. I'm now fairly eternal. I find it a realbummer. It makes life a little less interesting when you can't be killed.Still, it makes helping others that much easier. But I like to find a balance.So like I said, you owe me nothing." She jumped back up on his lap, readilyaccepting his story. "And like I said, I must repay you in some way. Unless youcan think of another, all I have anymore is my body. You are welcome to use itas you like."It was time for the truth. "Look Sybeele, I spent most oflast night in the company of Wrrr. She wanted to have cubs by me, and so nowshe will. Any sexual tensions I had built up were drained during the moonlighthours." She thudded her head back against his chest. "Good for her. And goodfor you too. But how clearly do I need to make it known that I want you to bedme? I may be young, but I know what I want, and I know I want you. Like I said,no one has shown me kindness like you have. All the others want to do is killme or probably rape me before doing it. For the first time since father died, Ihave felt warm and safe. Can you think of any better person to lose yourself tothan a person like that?" She had a good point."Oh alright. But we do things my way. Until I'm ready to goall the way with you, we will explore all the other possibilities." She turnedabout and put her thin arms around his neck. "The idea of you exploring me withthat mouth of yours sounds supremely wonderful sir. What say you carry meupstairs and have your way with me right now?" He stood, his hands barelyfilled by her little, creamy-white buttocks. "Certainly my little one. That Ican do." He pushed up the stairs and into the bedroom. The bed was stilldisheveled. He found no reason to make it now. He set her down on the edge,allowing her to scoot back until her head was on the pillows. She spread herlegs and wiggled her ass into the mattress.He started at her mouth, and kissed her with as much passionas he could muster. He had a big heart, but there was no way he was falling forthis slip of a girl. She on the other hand, had no such problems. Perhapsbecause he was her savior, or maybe for no good reason she had managed to fallfor him. Besides, she felt like a queen when she was in his presence. Shewondered if any king ever made his queen feel this way. Her mind drifted towhat he was doing, his lips working along her neck to her breasts. Pleasureshot through them as he pulled them up with his teeth. While they were heldcaptive, his tongue ran across them, sending jolts of electricity runningthrough her body. His hands continued to rub them, occasionally giving them a littletwist in his fingertips, all the while his tongue was

sweeping across her lowerchest and onto her belly.He was shifting his position as he went, from her side tobetween her legs. She was aching to feel him again, down in her privateregions. She had never felt so good, as she had last night. She really, reallywanted him to bed her. But she would take anything he chose to give. She suckedin a deep breath when his mouth left her belly and wound its way lower, acrossher naked pubes and down into her slit. She very nearly wet herself. Thecaressing of his lips, and slight roughness of his tongue, and the warmth ofhis breath pushed her over the edge in less than five minutes. As she lay heregasping for breath, he changed positions, with his head up with hers. His handcrept across her skin until it reached her crotch. Two fingers spread her lips,and the third worked itself in. She could tell, from the discomfort, that he was attemptingto stretch her maidenhead. All she really wanted him to do was to rupture itand take her. But he was so measured, so kind, and it was frustrating. She feltlike a woman inside, but she was only a girl on the outside. And he was a man,even if he was a magier; even if he mated with wolves. It didn't matter to her.But it mattered to him. So she relaxed and imagined what it was like having himinside her body. The finger suddenly ripped her opening wider. The pain wasbrief but intense. She was ever hopeful. "Peter sir. Will you take me now?" Hekissed her lips. "No, not now little one. But I promise you that I will; maybetomorrow, maybe later. But I will give you your wish." He went back topleasuring her, and when he was done, she was floating in her own dream world.Jon-Tom eased off the bed, leaving her in a half wakingslumber. He rooted through the chests until he found some clothes, likelybelonging to her father, and put them on. He could have magically repaired hisown, but this attire would be superior to looking out of place. It was stillearly in the day, and he wished to survey the farm. She had mentioned somethingabout money hidden here. If he could find it (he chuckled to himself; if!) thenhe could take her and the coin to her grandmother and perhaps she would safelyreach adulthood and live a decent life. The wolves he sensed were mostlysleeping. Two remained in positions watching the road. He trotted to theirlocations and bid them to go sleep with their pack. "I can keep watch on myown. Please get some much needed sleep. Your watchfulness has been appreciated."He looked at the barn, the stable, and the muddy yard. If hewas a farmer, and he didn't want to lose his money to bandits, where would heput it? His time with Mudge had made him think a bit like a thief. Jon-Tomwalked to the well and focused on the bottom. Sure enough, lying loose in

thebottom, unseen in the shadows, was a layer of gold coins. Without thinking toomuch into it, he spelled them up and placed them in a small chest. He then madethe chest vanish until such time as they found her grandmother's house. Then hewould make it appear, and hopefully everyone's problems would be solved. Moneytended to be good at that.It was then that he heard the horses. Horses meant men, andmen meant soldiers. And soldiers meant no good was going to come from thisvisit. He was still in human form which meant that perhaps he could talk somesense into them. He leaned against a tree and watched them come closer. Theleader was a fat man in rich clothing. He looked about nervously. Heparticularly didn't like the look of the man standing by unconcerned as a troopof armed soldiers approached. But his eyes could see no other danger. He rodehis horse to the idler."I say, who are you and what right do you have to trespass onthis land? It belongs to the Mayor of Bedburg and the Count of Neuenahr!"Jon-Tom sniffed the air. "It belongs to a mare full of bed bugs and I'msupposed to count my new hairs? Why that's the stupidest thing I've heard inages." The man went red in the face. "I said it belongs to the Mayor ofBedburg!" The idler stepped away from the tree and ambled towards the soldiers,ignoring the fat man. "I say, captain, where might this mayor be found?" Theman pulled his sword and stuck it in Jon-Tom's throat. "The one speaking to youis the mayor. Answer his question!" Jon-Tom turned about and stood, hands onhis hips and spoke. "My name is Peter. I am here because it is the home ofSybeele Griswold. That makes it my home. I know nothing of you, but if you donot leave, you will know something of me!"The fat man sputtered. "I'll have your head for yourimpudence!" Jon-Tom chuckled. "There's a young girl inside who has laid claimto my head. Besides, you're not my type. And since you have the audacity tothreaten me on ground that is already claimed, I must ask you to leave. If youdo not, I cannot, and will not, be responsible for anything else that happens."The soldiers, some of whom had been here before, looked about nervously. It wasdaylight, but they clearly remembered the monstrosity that had driven themaway. The fat man was beside himself. "This property has been rightfullyclaimed by the court of Bedburg. And you are not Peter Griswold. Peter isdead." Jon-Tom picked up a leaf and examined it with minute care. "Yes, he isdead. So is his son. Only his daughter remains. And she will continue to liveas long as I'm around. I cannot say the same for you!"The fat man was nearly screaming. "Kill him! And find thegirl! Kill her too!" It was the last straw. The quiet man, standing therelooking

at the leaf, grew into an ugly, furry, red eyed monster. He wasstanding on two legs, and one paw was missing. Damn, he thought to himself. Ineed to get this change corrected. Too many years of keeping the injury visiblehad resulted in it coming more naturally than an intact body. Oh well, hehardly need two paws to deal with these swine. He waded in and knocked the fatman off of his horse. He hit the ground with a splat. Half of the soldiersturned and fled, not wishing to see this nightmare for a second time. Of theothers, most dropped their weapons and spurred their horses in any directionexcept where he was standing. Only three remained to fight. The Dire Wolf wasin no mood to be kind. He waded in and severed one's head from his shoulders.Another lost a hand, and another a foot before the fight was knocked out ofthem.He immediately felt bad for the dead man, but assuaged hisguilt by healing the others, only leaving them with their new impediment. Theywould have greater difficulty in the future harming innocent strangers. The fatman was wallowing in the mud, too large to get up. Jon-Tom picked him up andgrowled in his face, using wolf speak. The commotion brought out the pack, whogathered around the scene of destruction with stark curiosity. The fat manlooked around, loosened his bowels and fainted in mid air. Jon-Tom threw himonto the road. He spoke to Wrrr. "When he wakes, make certain he heads down theroad the way he came. If he tries coming back, you have my permission to make ameal out of him!"He changed into a human as he walked back to the house.There, standing in the doorway, was Sybeele, dressed in her dirty clothes. Shehad a look of mixed admiration and fear. "Sir, what have you done? That was theLord Mayor of Bedburg. He is in charge of the troops in this section. You havedefeated him with one fell swoop!" Jon-Tom brushed past her and into the house."His lord fat-ass can go to hell for all I care. The pack is under orders toshred him if he ever shows his face here again. I hate bullies. Bullies are allcowards, backed up by a little power. I have taken his power away. There is nowsomething in these woods to fear more than he; me!"It turns out his statement was truer than he could know. Fromthat day forward, the woods around Bedburg were deemed cursed. Stories andrumors circulated about the big beast that roamed there, a beast that held swayover the local wolves. He tore men apart, killing innocents and devouring themin a blood thirsty rage. Even with his single fore-paw, he could tear a horsein half, and knock a man a hundred yards. Thus did the mayor save face in frontof the military headquarters with his exaggerations. There was even a mocktrial held, in absentia, convicting this man Peter of multiple

crimes. Of course,the stories didn't make it to Jon-Tom's ears until later. For now, no one daredstep foot on the road leading past the farm. He was happy enough with theresults for it allowed them to relax a little.He pulled Sybeele aside. "Look girl, I think that this placewill not be safe for long. The soldiers will be prodded into attacking the"beast". The mayor wants this property, and I can see no point in trying tokeep it. You will never be able to run it alone anyway. We must get you out ofhere. Can you direct me to your grandmother's house?" She nodded. "Yes, if wetake the main roads. But it will expose us to dangers. And I would rather havefather's coin to take with me. It will lessen the burden on grandmother withthe addition of another mouth to feed." He patted her head. "You're a goodgirl. Don't worry about the money. I found it and it's safely hidden away. Iwill give it to you when we reach your grandmother's house. As for danger,what's more dangerous in these woods besides me?" She hugged him tight."Nothing is scarier than you magier!"He would have chosen to spell them directly to the house, butshe only knew the way via the roads. He looked at her dirty, ragged clothes."Look girl, I think you need something more cheery and bright. This stuff lookslike it was used to clean the latrine after someone slipped laxatives into apie eating contest." She gave him the oddest look. He told her to strip, whichshe did willingly. He looked her over. "I'm no expert on style and fashion, butlet's try this." He was suddenly holding a crisp white blouse, a neat brownskirt, a pair of leather shoes and a burgundy cape. He had a fondness forcapes. She was delighted, but didn't put them on. "I thought perhaps we would,you know, get me bedded before we left." She was nothing if not persistent. "Fine! You seem to be dwelling on getting yourself off of thevirgin list. We'll leave in a few days. Tonight I promise you an evening toremember." She sighed and pulled the skirt over her head, gigglinguncontrollably as the waist band rubbed across her nipples. She stood there, inthe skirt only, rubbing her nipples with her fingers. Jon-Tom pulled her handsaway. "Get dressed Sybeele. There will be time for that later!" She pouted abit, but pulled the blouse on and wrapped the cape about her shoulders. "I wishI had some way of seeing myself." she said to no one in particular. A fulllength mirror appeared. She was getting used to magic, so she didn't even freakout. She walked in front, and with a whirl of her skirt, turned for a fullview. "I like this very much magier. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"He was looking at her, his heart full of kindness and pity.She was a lovely little thing, hardly someone he

should be considering forbedroom duty. But Eve had taught him well. If this is what the girl wanted, itmattered not what he thought. He was to comply. It wasn't going to be thetoughest thing he had ever done. He just didn't like feeling so pleased withbeing able to do it. He still had a shred or two of his old morals to keep himin line. Besides, she could just as easily have been his daughter, in anotherlifetime. She watched him watching her, smiled and with a suddeninspiration, turned and ran to the corner. There, along the wall, was a carvedpanel of wood. She pulled it open and extracted a small item. She slid thepanel closed and ran to him. "Her Jon...Peter. I made this for my father, but Iwas never able to give it to him. I think that you should have it. It seemsmuch more in your line than his anyway." He took the gift. It was a coiledpiece of leather. He unrolled it to find it was a beautifully worked belt. Shehad painstakingly engraved the leather with a scene right out of the woods.There were trees, wolves and a little cozy house. It was amazingly detailed."Sybeele, this is lovely. I can hardly take this!" She pressed his fingersclosed around it. "I insist. I'm sure father would not mind. If it weren't foryou, I wouldn't be here to give it away."He pulled the belt out to length. Without another word hewove it through the loops on the pants and cinched it snugly in place. "Howdoes it look?" he asked. She ran up and hugged him. "It looks great. But thennext time it comes off, I expect you to keep your promise to me!" There shewent again. He was getting tired of hearing it; almost enough to take the beltoff and put her over his knee. He couldn't help but smile though. He wouldnever harm a hair on her head, much less paddle her. And there wasn't an iotaof doubt in his mind that she was ready and willing."Yes little one, I will keep my promise. But what say you andI go for a walk. We'll be leaving this place soon, and I haven't even gotten tosee what it's like." She grabbed his hand. "You saw the stream, the wolves andthe soldiers. Do you think there's anything more interesting than that?" Hechucked her chin. "Besides you, probably not. But I would still like toexplore." She giggled and pulled him outside. The sun was filtering through thetrees. There were butterflies and bugs and something was bothering him. Hecouldn't place what it was. This place was different. She had told him where itwas, but the names didn't ring a bell. "Sybeele dear, is there an ocean nearhere?" She pulled back against his arm and peered at him. "An ocean? There isone, they say, to the north. I have never seen it. Why do you ask?""I'm trying to figure out where I'm at on this world. I'veseen a lot of it, and this

part is completely foreign to me. It doesn't evenseem to smell right." She sniffed the air. "It smells like home to me. But youhave traveled back in time. Time may have changed much, even the way this placesmells to you." He pulled in a lungful of air. It smelled familiar, yetforeign. When he got back from this mission, he was going to go to where everthis place was and see if it was still the same. He hoped not. He had gottenused to the way things were in his time. This one was rather unsettling.He resumed his conversation. "I have been on the ocean. Ieven once spelled up my own boat on more than one occasion. That was back whenI had to use my duar to perform magic." She squinted up at him. "What is aduar?" That set him back. "A duar is a sort of stringed instrument. It's hardto explain." She frowned a little and then brightened. She ran back to thehouse. He could hear her cry in triumph before she came running back out. Shehad a stringed instrument in her hands. "Here sir! This is a quinterne. Ithought maybe the soldiers had smashed it. Perhaps they had, and you fixed it.It's yours if you like." He held it to his chest and ran his fingers across it.It wasn't like his duar, in fact, it was more like the suar he had oncepurchased when he needed to have the other repaired."Thank you dear!" He walked along strumming the strings,tuning it as he went. He felt more like a wandering minstrel than he ever hadbefore. That was as far as it went. He knew no medieval style music as seemedto befit this time and place. That stuff hadn't been Top Ten for centuriesbefore he was born. He could pull a few Tiny Tim songs, but figured they wouldsound harsh on her ears. He finally settled on a Duran Duran song. He mighthave to provide a little magical accompaniment, but hey, who was there here tostop him? The initial notes flew off the gut strings and captured herimagination. The first line and chorus brought out the pack. The two humanswere surrounded by the entire assemblage of wolves. Jon-Tom could almost heartheir stomachs growling. They were indeed, Hungrylike a Wolf! He acknowledged their presence, and with a simple thought,provided them with sufficient sustenance for the day. They amazed him by not going after the food, but remainingand listening to him play. He hadn't had an audience in what seemed likeforever. He sat down on a stump and played for hours, until the sun set and theair grew chilled. Sybeele was intent on memorizing every song he played. "Sir,these are lovely and unusual melodies. Where forth do they come from?" Hecleared his throat. "Most are songs I grew up with, from my homelands. A few Iwrote myself, mostly so that I could perform magic. But I outgrew the need foran instrument. I had

failed to realize how much I missed playing. This was a thoughtfuland meaningful gifting my dear!"He bowed to the wolves, and spoke to them so that they couldunderstand him. "I hope you liked my singing. It does not compare to the packin harmony, but I think it has its own merits." Wrrr growled at him. "You are avery talented oborotnya. I did not understand your human words, but the soundsfrom that thing you carry are pleasant to the ear. I look forward to matingwith you again. Perhaps you can howl a melody or two at the moon in my honor."He chuckled and ruffled her fur. "Next time I might just make you howl amelody or two to the moon. You haven't even had a taste of what I can do." Shelicked her lips. "Then I will await you expectantly!" He ruffled her fur somemore. "Yes you will. I have promised this little one those services tonight."The wolf looked in her direction. "Her? Then I wish her luck. What you stuck inme was about as much as I could handle. For her, she will howl louder than thepack combined!" With that she slunk off into the shadows.He walked over to Sybeele. The girl watched the wolfdisappear into the darkness. "What did she say?" He put her hand in his. "Shesaid that she wished you all the luck tonight. She also said that you would behowling to beat the sound of the pack combined." The girl's eyes went wide."You told her what we were going to do?" he shrugged. "Secrets rarely staysecret. I prefer things out in the open. Besides, she wasn't judging you. I thinkshe was jealous of you." Those words made her think. "But you said she alreadywas carrying cubs by you. What else could she want?" He patted her hand."Remember my mouth and my tongue and ask the question again." She thought. Shesmiled. But she didn't need to say it aloud. She just pulled him into the houseand locked the door.Once inside, she made short but careful work of slipping outof her clothes. Jon-Tom on the other hand didn't budge out if his. "Look mylittle scrawny child, you need to eat something first." She continued to stripuntil she was naked. She was quite fetching in the thin moonlight coming in thewindow. "Yes sir, I need to get something into me for certain." She undid hisnew belt, pulled down his trousers, and ran her fingers across his cock. "My,it is a big one, isn't it? Father's was much smaller." Then she looked up,embarrassed. "I used to spy on him when he relieved himself. I was alwayscurious about the differences between men and women." Then she turned herattention back to his cock. "You might be right sir. I know nothing of wolves,but I would think this would be better suited for the horses."Just that quickly, it reduced in size. It went from requiringtwo hands to get around it to

fitting nicely in her right hand, leaving herleft one free. She cupped his balls, feeling them as they moved of their ownfree will. She giggled nervously. "You seem to have some beasts living insideyou. Or are they babies waiting to be?" He tousled her hair. "Maybe a bit ofboth Sybeele!" She ran her fingers over the head of his cock. "I'm too youngfor babies, but I'm not too young to learn how they are made. It's time yougave me what you promised!"He pulled off his clothes, and was soon standing equallynaked. She pulled him to the bed, drew back the sheets and dragged him onto themattress. It seemed funny to him to be led in this way by a cute little waif.He had every intention of being particularly careful with her. It was one thingdealing with the maturity differences with other species. She was of his own,and he wanted no part in traumatizing her unnecessarily. She might be the sizeof some of the adults on this world, but she was still a child.The problem was, at the moment, she wasn't acting like one.She might have no experience, but she certainly knew what she wanted. He had nointention of rushing into this. His finger had barely made a dent in her hymen,though it had broken it a little. He was torn between doing it the oldfashioned way or giving her a little added boost in the pleasure department. Hechose the latter. There was little point in making it too easy. There wasalways a price to pay for the first time. It was discomfort, and it was blood.She would have to deal with that, just like any other female. She seemed tosense this, and it made no difference to her.He was on top, supporting his weight with his hands and hisknees, straddling her protectively. He leaned down to kiss her lips. She flungher arms around his neck and pulled herself up and into a tight embrace. Herlips ground onto his with the passion of a much older woman. When she let go,she dropped into a moonbeam throwing its pale light across the bed. The glowmade her dilated pupils stand out like bottomless pits of emotional yearning.When she spoke, it was as a husky whisper. "Whatever you do sir, please don'tstop. You have made me feel like I have never felt before, and if you can topthat, I'm all for it. Even if I cry out, please don't stop."It was hard to argue with a request like that. He kissed heragain, and lowered himself, with her clinging tightly again, down onto the bed.He hissed her neck, her nipples, and her belly; all the while she was squirmingdelightfully under him. His cock was ready for action. But he kept going,getting down between her legs and making certain her body was prepared to beinvaded. He spread her legs wide, but the moment his tongue got to work, theywrapped themselves around his head. For a skinny girl, she

had strong thighs!He worked his mouth over her cunt until she came, which was thankfully in a fewmoments. He was ready to dive in. She fell unconscious so he unwrapped her legsand positioned her for the defining moment. He willed her awake, causing her toopen groggy eyes to look up at him. "I'm ready!"He kissed her again. "I hope so little one. This is the pointwhere there's no turning back." He got down on top of her, trying to keep hisweight from pressing down too hard. She would have none of it. "Please. Don'tthink that you'll hurt me. I know you won't!" He allowed his hips to rest onhers, and she buried her face in his chest. She could feel the tip of his cockresting against her opening. She geared up for what was to come next. It wasn'twhat she expected. She could feel a warm sensation spread across her body,creating little eddies of pleasure inside. Then, with a firm pressure, shecould feel him push. The pressure increased, and she could feel his cockadvancing slowly. It was getting difficult to bear, even with the warmthinside. Then, with a pain like a knife into flesh, she tore and he was engulfedby her body. She bit her lip, and despite her bravery, she cried out into thenight.He held still, allowing her to whimper a bit. "Sorry littleone, but I told you you were too young for this. I can make the pain go away ifyou like." She sobbed a bit more, but she held on tightly. "No. If anyone elsehad taken away my maidenhead, they would not have been so kind as to care how Ifelt. I want to be grown up, so I will take it like I am a woman." He waswilling to comply with her request, but unwilling to let her suffer. He pushedsome healing power in, watching her face relax as he did. She wiggled underhim. "See sir, it's already more tolerable. I told you I could handle it!" Helaughed quietly to himself. "OK little one. Let's see how much you can take!"He started slowly, pushing his cock ever deeper. He didn'thave far to go. With his present size and length, he had an inch or twosticking out when he hit bottom. She was well lubed, but he knew that a goodpart of that was blood. Sitting up, he placed his hand over her belly, feelinghis cock moving inside. Before he left this temporal time zone, he was going tosee that she was fattened up a bit, even if he had to do it magically.Withdrawing his hand, he could actually see, by the dim light, his cock movingback and forth under her belly. He could certainly feel her insides, for theywere as tight as a freshly made bunghole in a keg of ale. Sybeele was lying there, feeling so many emotions she couldscarce keep track of them. She was in love, she knew. She was floating in a seaof pleasure. Even the discomfort he had caused had faded to nothingness. Shecould

feel him inside, a hot piece of flesh cauterizing the bleeding sheunderstood was happening. When he pushed hard enough, she sensed that herinsides were shifted to and fro with the passing of his cock. She was thankfulfor his consideration and his ability to change his size. He was a wonderfulmagier to take her tender body into account.The warmth that had precipitated their intercourse was nowworked into every corner of her body. She was lying there, drifting in betweenpleasure and ecstasy. She planted her little feet and pushed again his thrusts,desperately trying to squeeze even more pleasure from their sexual act. Hesensed her urgency, and grabbing her shoulders, he pulled her to a sittingposition, still attached snugly to his cock. She now had freedom to move as shepleased, within the limitations of his tight fit inside her. She took off,rising and falling like the tide, gaining speed, until with a cry, she camehard and long. She never passed out, instead hanging onto him, quivering andshaking, but not once losing her grip. He had the indentations in his flesh toprove it.It was now his turn. He cupped her ass, and as gently as hecould with the urges boiling up inside, he took over her motions, lifting andlowering her in a steady rhythm. It picked up speed with each pass, until shewas a vibrating blur on his lap. She came again, spilling out a series of criesthat reached a crescendo as he came. She could feel more heat, of a differentkind, flood her insides and fill her up. She knew it was his seed, and she hadthe presence of mind to pray to the great god that she would conceive his childthis night. Then she lapsed into unconsciousness.It was not until morning that she regained her wits. Thesunlight brightened the room and her thoughts. She could see the light throughher closed eye lids, and could feel the warmth of it on her face. Her nosesmelled flowers. She ran her hands over her body. She was still naked. Shewondered to herself how badly messed the bed was. Her fingers ran along herhips. The sheets seemed clean and soft. That got her attention. She opened hereyes to the glorious sunshine. The room was a rainbow of color. All about theroom were vases and vases of flowers. The room was literally alive with them.She sat up, pulled back the covers and looked down at herself. There was noblood, not on her nor on the mattress. The only evidence of her experience lastnight, besides her memories, was the puffiness and soreness of her privateregions.She swung over the side and tried to stand. Her hips feltlike the time she had ridden their horse all day. They were aching andunwilling to support weight. Just then, the magier came in, holding a tray offood. His eyes held such kindness she nearly melted on the spot.

"Good morningSybeele. I trust you slept well after our love making?" She fell back on thebed, scooting up on the pillows and making room for him beside her. She waswatching him intently, for like her, he had on no clothes. She was staring athis cock. "I'm fine, thank you, if feeling a little saddle sore." She let loosea giggle. "But then, I was ridden hard and put away wet, no?" He shook his headwith amusement. "Yes, I suppose you were. And what a ride you were!" She knewhe wasn't appeasing her ego, for he was getting hard while he was talking. "Isay magier, the food can wait, if you'd like. I see your cock is excited to seeme this morning. I am sore, but Iknow how to welcome guests to my house!" She pulled him down, nearly causingthe tray to upset.He put it down on a small corner clear of flowers and joinedher. She was feeling more empowered today, and stroked his cock with her hands.She wavered a moment, then moved her head to his lap and put her lips on it.Her tongue tickled its head, running roughly across his urethra. She drew onher knowledge of what felt good to her and sucked, pulling in as much of hislength as her mouth would allow. She tried so hard she deep throated him, justfor a second, before her gag reflex took over. She spit him out, choking."Sorry magier. I'm inexperienced," she apologized when she got her breath back."Don't worry little one, experience comes with practice. We have a few moredays before I feel we need to leave. There will be time to learn all sorts ofthings.""For example, here is another thing you can learn. If youdon't like it, just tell me." He laid her back and ran his head to her crotch.She already knew she liked that. But he grabbed her feet and pushed them farforward. His mouth was on her back hole. She went to protest. "No magier,that's where..." She didn't finish. He had to know what that hole was for, butwhat he was doing sent shock waves through her body. She had never consideredthat there was more use for her rectum than that for which she regularly usedit. His tongue bore a hole, pushing aside her sphincter with as much ease asshe might pluck a flower. It took only a few minutes for her to understand thathe intended to stick his cock I there. She had an orgasm at that realization.The next one was when he pushed his head in. He had rubbed itup and down her cunt, catching the juices running freely from that hole. Hishead was slick, and it popped in her ass as easily in this hole as in the other,maybe even easier. He worked it in a little at a time, stretching her musclesuntil he had his whole length in. She was ready for anything after that, shethought, but then he slid a finger into her front hole. She could feel both ashe worked away. Her last

orgasm that morning was with his first. Her screamswere so high pitched one of the vases shattered from the shrillness of it. Hefilled up her ass with enough fluid that she had to hit the latrine twicebefore it stopped leaking out.When she came around yet again, the food was still therewaiting to be consumed. He was beside her, stroking her hair. She smiled andpulled herself closer to him. "You are amazing magier. I would never haveconsidered having a man up my ass. Does it feel that good all the time?" Hegave her a squeeze. "Not necessarily. I can make anything feel good. But quitehonestly, I did that for me. For some reason, you really turn me on. And I'vehad experiences with over a hundred different species." She made a face."Really? I didn't know there were that many. But then, I live an isolated life.It would be great to explore this world." He nodded. "Well, I'll see what kind ofdeal I can make with Eve. Perhaps she'll let me take you forward with me. Ican't see where it would cause any harm. No offense, but you seem prettyinsignificant to the timeline."Sybeele debated on taking offense at that. She decidedagainst it, if it meant she could be with him. "Who is Eve?" He rubbed hercheeks with the back of his hand. "She is the goddess of this world. I releasedher some time back, and she has had me on missions ever since. That's why I'mhere." The child's eyes grew wide. "Magier, here is only one god. He is not ashe!" He gave her nose a tweak. "Have you ever met him?" She shook her head;no. He countered with, "Well I've met the goddess, and if you're lucky, youmight get to meet her too. She is very kind and loving, and very sensual." Hereyes got even wider. "You bedded a goddess?" He leaned back and relaxed. "Yes Ihave. But if you want to know the truth, I like keeping things simple. I happento enjoy many different creatures. Each one is ingrained in my memory, and eachone is special in its own way."Sybeele's heart began racing. This man was a consort to agoddess, and she had the audacity to ask him to bed her. It was a wonder shedidn't burst into flame. She was full of contradictory emotions right now. Anymagier capable of bedding a supreme being was beyond anything a mortal couldcomprehend. And she had asked the god that she might bear his child. A childfrom him might very well burn away her womb before it was born. No wonder hehad no fear. No mortal could touch him. She should never have touched him!"Magier, I am so sorry. I never should have forced you intosuch a position. I am so, so sorry. Please forgive me!" The kindness in hiseyes tripled while she watched. "Have no fear child. I do what I wish to do.That includes doing no harm. Just because I have lain with many others does notmean I felt forced to do so with you. It was what you wanted, and I'm sure youunderstand that it was something I felt compelled to do by my own emotions. Iwill repeat my actions as much as you desire between now and when I must go. AsI said, we have several days, though I must keep up my responsibility to thepack as well. I think they will come in handy when it comes time to travel. Inever like showing more magic than a situation calls for."She wisely held her tongue, putting it to use on the food. Hehad been right; she really did need to eat. She must have burned through aweek's calories last night! He watched her devour the proffered items, hehimself abstaining. She shoved a chunk of bread in his face. "If I must eat,you must eat. Even a magier cannot live on magic alone!" She had no idea howcorrect she was, though in his present form, it really was optional. He chewedand swallowed, to which she shoved another piece in his mouth. It was now agame with her. By the time it was over, the food was gone and both of them werestuffed. She went to get off of the bed and found her hips were still too soreto walk, not to mention a few other places. Without a word, he touched her bodyand the pain left. She never wanted him to leave! Everyone else around hereseemed to delight in giving pain. He delighted in removing it. He was a rarityindeed. She lay back and relaxed to near unconsciousness."Sybeele?" She was laying there, half dozing. She came tofull alertness. "Yes magier?" His tone indicated curiosity. "Tell me about yourgrandmother." That was a question she had not been prepared for. "GrandmotherRina? Like I told you, she lives a ways away. I have not seen her in a coupleof years. I used to see her more often, but that was before momma died and thesoldiers began attacking whomever they pleased." It wasn't much information."Is her name just Rina? Or does she have a last name, like you?" The girlbrightened. "Oh yes. Momma's maiden name was Trumpen. That is grandma's nametoo. I never really knew grandpa Trumpen. He died when I was very young." Trumpen. It was a weird sounding last name. Not too many onthis world used them. Leastwise, not that he knew of. Mudge was just Mudge, andhis wife Talea had just been Talea. He never thought of asking if they carrieda surname. "What's your grandma like? Is she nice, or mean?" A mean old womanmight be a better protector than a kind sweet one. She made a face at him. "Mygrandmother is a kind woman. You would find her interesting, for she is avedma!" "Vedma?" He cudgeled his brain for what that was. "Your grandmother isa witch?" She made a face again. "She is a healer. She makes potions. But shehas none of the power you have. Compared to you, she is as much a child as Iam.

I have never seen her perform magic like you do magier!" He was nowcurious. Another wizard might help him sort things out. At least the girl wouldbe safe once he was gone."You're right my dear, for I'm certain I'll be interested inlearning all about your grandmother. With her age and wisdom, I'm positive she'llbe able to look after you when I'm gone." Sybeele got a tear in her eye, but saidnothing. She distracted herself by going from vase to vase, smelling thebouquets and burning the memories into her brain. He left the room, heading outinto the open air. He let out a howl, which was answered by a sleepy one inreturn. Wrrr came out, her eyes bleary. "It is too early to be awake oborotnya.What do you want?" He knelt down and gave her a hug. She could feel energyrunning through her fur, into her skin and sinking into her bones. She let outa yip. "Ouch! Didn't you get enough with your little human female?"He was to the point. "No I didn't. She can't take what I haveto give. I was hoping you might be up to it today." She was wide awake now. "I'mat your disposal, to do with as you direct. But take away my duty to the Alphaand you will find me willing any time of day or night!" She turned, lifting hertail high. He grabbed it and pulled it back down. "Not here. I want to trysomething different. Of course, I'll allow you the final say in whether or notwe do it. For some reason, I'm really, really worked up, and I need to get somerelief. If I try taking it out on the girl, I'll end up doing her some harm."Wrrr looked at him with a wise look. "And of course, you can't do me any harmbecause...?" He yanked on her tail. "Because you are mature and more worldlyand if things get out of hand, I expect you can handle it better than shecould." The she-wolf sighed. "When you put it that way, how can I resist? So,are we going somewhere special?"He looked around the farm. "I have no familiarity with thisregion. I would prefer some place away from prying eyes." The she-wolf laugheda throaty chuckle. "Privacy? For that, you might as well use the man house." Itwasn't a bad idea for what he wanted, but Sybeele would take offense. Unless,this is, he put her to sleep. With a thought, she was out. "OK Wrrr. I'll takeyour suggestion to heart. The house it is." The wolf jumped a little. "I wasonly kidding!" "Well I'm not. The girl is asleep. She'll not know of your visitunless I tell her. So unless you have a reasonable objection...?" She didn't.She followed him inside, sniffing intently. It was the first she had been inone of these things. It was strange in many ways, but it had a comforting feelto it. It sure beat a den in the ground.He went upstairs. She followed. The female girl was snoring,so relaxed that when he

picked her up to move her, her limbs draped over eitherside of his arms. He moved her to another bed in another room and returned. Theshe-wolf looked to him for instruction. "Ok Wrrr. How would you like toexperience the oborotnya in a manner you will never forget?" She licked herlips. "I already have. If you are offering more, I am willing to try anythingat least once!" He patted the bed. "Then get up here." She looked at thesheets. "I will get them dirty." He patted the bed again. "No arguing!" Hertail drooped. "If you insist." She was up, turned a tight circle, and lay atthe end, nose to tail."Are you ready?" he asked. Her head came up. "For what?" Hereached across and touched her nose. She felt electricity run through her, likethe time the sky opened up and struck a tree during a storm. Her body felt likeit was on fire, both then and now. She was shaking, and her vision when awry.It lasted only a few seconds. "What the hell did" Her voicetrailed off. She was looking at her hands. Not paws; hands. The nails werepathetic and the fur was gone. She used to have sharp teeth, but putting her"paw" to her mouth, she found only blunt ones behind her lips. He pointed to amirror propped against the wall. She didn't know what it was, so he had to takeher to it. She gasped. "Is that me? This is...unusual." She trailed off. Shewas modeling in front of the mirror. "So this is what I look like as a human? Verycurious indeed." She whipped around to face him. "I'll play your gameoborotnya, but when we're done, you turn me back!'He picked her up effortlessly and carried her back to thebed. She still had her wolf eyes, and her hair was brown shot through withgray. It was short, much like her fur, and she had an identical patch over hercrotch. It gave her a mature appearance which he found comforting. He reallydid like Sybeele, but her young age kept nagging at him. Wrrr on the other handjust oozed with assurance and strong female character. At the moment, however,she was reveling in the feel of the sheets on her bare skin, and eyed his cockwith just a touch of drool running down her chin. Of course, that could havebeen because of her new form. It really didn't matter.But what he did next shocked her. Wolves might engage in somelicking and sniffing, but he got his face down between her legs and went towork like he was going to eat her alive. If this was what cannibalism was, shewas completely into it. She always enjoyed having her mate mount her, even atthe times when she was not in heat. But in this body, and with what he wasdoing with his mouth, she didn't want him to stop. Also, because of this newform he had given her, she hardly knew how to react. She finally relaxed andlet her brain take

over automatically. The first thing it did was groan. Thesecond was moan. The third was to grab his head and force it up and down, likehe was already doing, but harder. If this was all he was going to give, shewanted more. He got the idea.He concentrated on one spot, which from what she could discernwas a piece of tissue. The concept of clitoris was new to her. She hadsensitive spots, but this bit of flesh seemed to be the focus of ten millionnerve endings. He was activating ten million and one of them. She could go onforever like this. Then she felt his fingers slid up into her hole. Make thatholes. He had lubed one in her cunt and was rimming the outside of hertailhole. All at once, both fingers were pushed in deep. Her ass wasn't used tobeing invaded, but the sensations were all blending into an orgy of delight.She could feel heat spreading through her that seemed to come from thoseexploring digits. She soon felt feverish.Jon-Tom was going at her like he hadn't just had sex. But inhis mind, he worked out the reason. Orath and he had grown old together, andthough he could have adjusted the length of her life, she had wisely refused. So for thelast 15 years, she had felt no urge to mate. He had felt no urge to push thematter, nor go outside of their relationship to find relief elsewhere. Now, hewas suddenly free to do as he pleased. Sybeele was nice and cute and young; andlike he told Wrrr, there was no way she could handle him if he cut loose. Heonly hoped the she-wolf could. He withdrew his fingers and slid his cock into place, pushinginto her cunt. She grunted. It was bigger than she remembered, or else thisbody was smaller. She decided the cock was bigger. It was as she might imaginehaving a wooden club shoved up there. It was about as hard and unyielding asthat. He shoved it in deeper and deeper. She could feel every millimeter of hislength as it passed her painfully tight lips. One thing was certain. She wouldpity any female if he ever felt the urge to breed against their wishes. He wasstill pushing, eliciting a squeak from her throat as his head hit home and hisbase stretched her to the maximum. Then it eased a little. "Sorry Wrrr. Ididn't hurt you, did I?"She ran a hand over his face. "Yes you did. But in a goodway. When we're done, and you have placed more seed into me, I want to see justwhat kind of tool you used to do it." He started moving. With each push it feltlike having a pup, only in reverse. On the pull, she could have sworn he wasmagically pulling out a rope. And then back; and forth; and back again. By thetime he built up steam, she was certain she wouldn't survive the experience.His motions decreased and came to a near stop. He had created a knot again, andthe pressure points it hit

drove her over the edge. And this was a human body!Her fingers clutched the sheets, tearing holes into the fabric. When shefinally relaxed, some ten minutes later, there were feathers under her nails.But between that realization and her coming down from herorgasm, the human was pounding away furiously. Even after she came, he wasgoing full tilt. He was threatening to break her, with her muscles tight fromher recent thrill. It was pain and pleasure, something she was used to as awolf, but both were reaching critical levels. When he came, it was such arelief for her that she howled just like her normal form. Again her musclestightened, but just barely. There was no room for constriction of any kind. Ifhe did this with every female, they were either all very tough or completesadists.He pulled out, leaving her feeling like he had removed mostof her insides. His cock was massive, and lightly tinged in red. "You bad manyou. You've gone and ruined me for any future use!" She was pressed her abdomenlightly. Her insides felt soft, like the moss that grows along the stream. Hemoved her hands and kissed her belly. The emptiness drained away. He moved toher crotch, and at once it felt firm and taut. She literally purred; a very un-caninething. "At least you fix me when you're done. How many more times do I need togo through this?" His answer was simple. "How many times can you take?" Shesmiled as his lips found her clit. "Oh, as many as need be, I guess."He got her off again, and then climbed up with her. "Thankyou Wrr. I really needed that." She ran her fingers over his flesh. "You knowoborotnya, the way you say my name now sounds funny to these ears. It'spronounced Weerre. And my former mate was Gerrew." She repeated the namesseveral times. "It is no wonder we cannot talk with humans. Things sound verydifferent from this perspective." He hardly cared how she pronounced her name."So how do you wish me to address you? Wrrr, or Weerre?" She grabbed his headand kissed his lips. "You may address me any way you like, as long as you comebearing gifts!" He pulled back in mock anger. "What? Children aren't enough?"She wiggled under him very seductively. "By no means - no!" It was hours laterthat he felt some edge taken off of his desires. By this time, any regular wolfwould have expired. Wrrr was wobbly on two legs, so he changed her back tofour. That doubled the problem. A judicious bit of healing put things to right,and off she went.It was late, so late it was early morning, just beforesunrise. Sybeele had been in a magically induced sleep for many hours. Healmost felt bad about it, but then figured she could use to forced vacation. Hetouched her lightly, pushing in some healing onto her too. She was filling

outa bit, but she had a long way to go before he was what he would consider "healthy".He then went to the fireplace and sparked a flame on the logs. He wasn't coldprecisely, but the heat gave him comfort. He propped up his feet and fellasleep. For someone who didn't need it, he needed it right then.He awoke to a weight on his lap. His knees were stiff fromthe extra pressure. Sybeele was stretched over his length, her head against hischest. She spoke when she felt him move. "Morning magier. I expect you had aneventful night without me. One moment I'm wide awake and the next, I'm wakingup alone in bed." He sat up, one arm latched around her waist. He couldn't helpbut notice she was naked. "Yes I did. Even after the enjoyable time I had withyou, I found I still had a lot of pent up energy inside. I didn't think it wasright to subject you to what topping it off might entail." She leaned back,pressing against him and wiggling her butt. "I'm not one to think you a liar,but you don't sound completely honest magier." He sighed. "So maybe I stretchedthe truth. I happen to like you very much, but I still can't resolve myinternal debate over your age. If I had done to you what I did to Wrrr lastnight, you might have welcomed the soldiers!"She turned and slapped him. "I would do no such thing! I am achild. I have come to grips with that. But don't tell me what I would or wouldnot like. I happen to love..." She trailed off. "You happen to love me. That'sa pretty short amount of time to come to that conclusion." She shed a fewtears. "But I do love you. It rips me up inside knowing that you will leave andI may have to stay here. You are maybe as old as the stars in the night sky,and I am only twelve years and six months, but I know how I feel! And besides,in a few more years I will be able to bear children. Then I will be old enoughin your eyes!""That's the trouble Sybeele. I am not as old as the stars,though I regret to say I may now outlive them. And you are old enough,in your heart. But magier or not, I grew up with a moral code, which I havebroken many times in my duties." She stuck her chin out in defiance. "Have youever caused harm magier?" He shook his head sadly. "Many times child. Have youforgotten the soldiers already?" She spoke even more defiantly. "I am nottalking about harming bad people. Some people deserve punishment. Have you everharmed an innocent person?" That got him thinking. "I thought I did. She was alot like you, in some respects." Her chin relaxed. "What was her name?" Hesmiled, remembering that he still had a family with her to raise. The thoughtalso seemed to tire him. "Her name was Greta. She was a kind and consideratebear." That got her attention. "And like me, she

was young?""Yes little one, she was very young. But as you can imagine,she was big. I had no idea she was young at the time. I equate young withsmall." Sybeele got a crafty look on her face. "But you bedded her anyway. Andall because she insisted. And when you were done, you felt bad because youthought you had broken your vow or something like that." He nodded. "Yes,something like that. Only, the goddess sent me back, so that she could havecubs; special cubs." The girl's eyes lit like they were on fire. "And what wasso special about these cubs?" The magier actually looked sad. "I don't knowprecisely. I haven't been able to return to her time to help raise them."Sybeele felt a pang in her heart. "That's awful! I lost my family, so I knowhow hard it is not to have someone around that you care for. And you have toexperience it on a worldwide setting. How many loves have you lost?"It was an astute question. "I don't count them. You need tosee it as I do. At some point in time, they are always still alive. Therefore,I never ever lose them. I just can't always be with them." Her jaw dropped. "Iwould never have dreamed such a thing. If you came back for me in a few years,then I would be old enough for you, wouldn't I?" He pulled her close. "You'realready old enough. You proved that beyond a doubt. However, whether or not Ican take you forward in time isn't up to me. I can do a lot, but I can't timetravel on my own. I need Eve for that. Therefore, I would suggest that we useour time wisely while I'm here. It's the only guarantee we have."The girl brightened; her demeanor suddenly happier. "Nowyou're talking sense. Therefore, I will hear no more of me being too young, ortoo this, or too that. If I find favor in your heart, then do me no disfavor bytelling me otherwise. I feel the same way about our bodies. I find favor withyours. If you find favor with mine, then treat me as you would any other lady,since it pleases you to think of me as one. Child or no, I know what I want,what my heart desires. It is you. I cannot begrudge you what you think you needto do, such as with that nice wolf lady. It seems to be part of your existence.If she can handle you and live, then so can I!"She was getting very well versed in expressing herself. Hehad a feeling it was a side effect of him using his magic. It seemed that bothshe and Wrrr were evolving. It would take some time before he could say if thatwas a good thing or not. In the wolf's case, he was purposely pushing herlimitations. He wasn't consciously doing so with Sybeele, but he knew himselfwell enough to know that he might be doing more on an unconscious level. Hereally did like the girl. There was something about her that reminded him ofhis own childhood. He

just couldn't put a finger on what it was."You have defended your position very well little one. SinceI can adjust myself in many ways, I will do you the favor of making only theminimal amount necessary for us to be compatible, as I have already done.Additionally, I will plead your case before the goddess. But you mustunderstand that if your presence here in this time and place is necessary, noamount of begging will do. She will not risk the timeline." Sybeele was notdeterred. "She will listen. She must. If she loves you, then she will know thatI love you as well. She will not separate us!" Jon-Tom sat up a littlestraighter. "What makes you think she loves me little one?" Her smile was big,and warm, and genuine. "Because she would be a fool not to!" By now, herpersistent wiggling had rubbed his cock hard. It was the end of theirconversation for the next hour or so, while she delighted in learning newpositions, and feeling new sensations. She treasured every one.The next few days passed pleasantly enough, with Wrrr teasinghim about abandoning her for the human girl. He reminded her that he didn'twant the duties of Alpha Male. She countered with the fact that he hardlyseemed disappointed in getting her with pup. He countered...well, you get theidea. No one was really upset. But he was growing uneasy. He knew the soldierswould be back, and in greater numbers. It was time to either make a stand,which meant a lot of killing, or confront the enemy in their own stronghold.He was giving the she-wolf a dose of his maleness the daybefore he felt they needed to leave. He had gone one step further in hertransformation and modeled her much like Orath. She was essentially a bipedalwolf. She might very well be the great, great, great, great, etc...grandmotherof the entire wolf clan as he knew it. She was as lovely in this form as in hernormal one, or her human one. He decided to make it permanent. "Wrrr, I amgiving you the power to change between these three forms. You shouldn't have torely on me if you wish to change." She exercised her power briefly. Shereturned to the middle stage. "Thank you oborotnya! This may ostracize me fromthe pack, which will be difficult, going it alone. But I have aspirations, andyou are the only one who can help me achieve them. She tried out this form onhim, taking out her own deeply buried desires. She had no idea the depths theyhad reached. When she was done, she was horrified at the damage she had donehim.He was a mass of bites, claw marks, and blood. She had gonethrough a series of raging hormonal imbalances as she adjusted to her newbodies. She gasped when she became aware of what she had done." Oh oborotnya! Iam so sorry! I have disgraced myself!" He shifted his body slightly. Shewatched as a wave passed from his head to his toes. The blood flaked off,exposing clean, undamaged skin underneath. "Relax girl! I can take a hell of alot more punishment than that. It's always my partners I'm concerned about. Ican fix physical damage. The mental damage is a lot more difficult to correct."She was shaking with embarrassment. "But look at what I did to you!" He lookeddown. "And I went and ruined it. I guess you'll have to start all over again!"His candor made her mad. His idea didn't sound like a too bad to her at themoment. She took him up on his offer. Twenty bites, forty three scratches, andthree bruises later, she was satiated. The day came for them to leave. There was no sign, only adecision Jon-Tom made to go. There was no arguing about it. Sybeele wasprepared, having gathered a few mementos from her home in a basket. Wrrr wasready to travel at any moment's notice, and the pack agreed that a change ofscenery, and game, might be in order. So off they set, heading toward Epprath,and Bedburg, and the regions past those villages. He had no direct plan, otherthan to walk, seeing as the girl only could find her way using landmarks.Jon-Tom had once had a mentally accessible global map, but it had faded fromdisuse. Now, if he tried to look, he would see nothing more than how the worldlooked from above, without the benefit of knowing what he was looking at. Thatwould be a waste of time.The road was still soft, hoof prints clearly visible from therecent activity of the soldiers. All they needed to do was follow them. Jon-Tomled the way. Sybeele was hanging on one arm and Wrrr, in human form, hanging onthe other. She would have preferred traveling au natural, but the girl hadfound a dress that had belonged to her mother. It fit tolerably enough that Wrrrdidn't make too much of a fuss. She found the human sense of morality funny."We are born in our skins, and we die in our skins. There is no need for extracoverings!" What she didn't tell them was that, like the bed sheets, she likedthe feel of the material over her now predominately bare skin. The pack, having accepted the novel and strange things comingfrom their new leader, took to the woods, following them in the shadows of thetrees. Jon-Tom himself wasn't concerned, but the less attention they drew ontothemselves, the easier their travel might become. It was easy, for the firstleg of it. He walked along, strumming songs and feeling rather spry. He thoughtto himself as he played, that he was doing pretty good for a guy now well overa hundred years old. He would have to sit down one of these days and figure itout to the day. He switched to a Beatles classic, wondering out loud; "When wasI Sixty Four?"As they approached their first intended

destination, a sentryon horseback spotted them as he rode in their direction He drew his sword,advancing menacingly. Jon-Tom kept walking. In three steps he was his Dire Wolfform. Sybeele was holding his stump. She nearly recoiled at the sight of it.But his change did as he intended. The man reined in and turned, making hastethe direction he had come. It wasn't long until the trio saw the outskirts ofthe first community between them and the Blood Woods. The village of Epprathwas more of a dump than many of the villages in his day. The "street" was mud,like the road, with dung and flies and stink. In his time, streets might bedirty, but someone was responsible for keeping them half ways decent. The place was eerily quiet. He assessed, from the lack ofactivity, that the soldier had likely screamed a warning to them as he passedthrough. Jon-Tom found he was mildly annoyed by the townsfolk's fear. What abunch of superstitious babies! Oh well, if nothing else, it meant that thegroup would find no hindrance in their passing. With a firm step, he pulled hiscompanions forward. Out of the corner of his eye, he found that the pack hadgathered in a file behind them. Maybe it was a good thing the folks wereinside. It was a pretty scary looking sight.They reached the outskirts after a few hundred yards ofmarching. As places went, it wasn't much. In his day, it might even be gone,destroyed or having faded to ruin. He picked the girl up off the ground andswung her down in front of him. "So Sybeele; how far is it to Bedburg?" Shepointed up the road. "It is some miles magier. We just keep to this road, forthere are no forks between us and there." He pulled her up and dropped her backto his side. He could feel her fingers dig into his own. He felt like part ofthe cast from The Wizard of Oz. He was only stymied as to who was whichcharacter. Wrrr might be the lion, but she was far from cowardly. Sybeele mightvery well be Dorothy, but he himself was obviously the wizard. He hoped theydidn't pick up more strays before reaching their destination. It was cozyenough a group as it was. They needed no tin man or scarecrow.Bedburg, it turns out, was visible well before they arrivedat its limits. The welcoming committee was also highly apparent. There were agood one hundred men standing watch over the bridge leading into the city.Movement could be discerned inside the city proper, if one could call it aproper city, but it was mute and furtive. Everyone could sense a storm wascoming. He was fine with it, but his companions began to drop back. Wrrr put itsuccinctly. "You cannot die oborotnya, but we can. A few soldiers are onething, but this is more than we can handle." He just kept walking. "I have nointention of letting some bullies block

my way. If they want a fight, I'll givethem a fight. But I will not attack first. If they choose to remain once I havehad my say, they I will make them regret it!"He walked forward purposefully. Wrrr ran up and grabbed hishand. "I will go where you will go!" Sybeele ran up to, not wishing to bethought a coward. He pushed her back. "Wrrr has fighting experience. You donot. You are the one I am trying to protect. I cannot do that that if you're inthe middle of the fray. Don't worry little one, I know you're not a coward.You've done more brave things in the past few days than many creatures do intheir entire life. No everyone would lay with a magier!" She blushed andstepped off the road, hiding in some bushes. She silently thanked the god, orgoddess, for him allowing her to remain behind. She was scared out of her headright now.Jon-Tom strode right up to the bridge. He was faced withabout twenty pikes leveled at his heart. Wrrr edged behind him. She was brave,but not stupid. The captain, who had made an appearance on the road with themayor, came forward. "You will not enter this city, by order of the Count ofNeuenahr!" Jon-Tom picked his nose, scratched his butt, and made a motion offlicking whatever was on his nail at the captain. "Look here my fine armored patsy,if you and your men don't get out of my way, I'll lose my patience. I'mnormally a pretty even tempered fellow. But I do get angry; and you won't likeme when I'm angry!"The only reason the captain was here was because if he didn'tface this stranger, or creature, or whatever he was his own head would roll. Hewas shaking in his leather boots. "I gave you an order!" he roared, his voicetrembling. Jon-Tom stood his ground. "And I have chosen to ignore it. It seemsto me, the only way you can enforce it is by brute strength, and I assure you,you have insufficient power to back up your demand. So I will tell you oncemore; get the hell out of my way before I really get pissed off!" A few of thesoldiers lowered their pikes and stepped back, uncertain what to do. This manseemed to exude power, and they could feel in their bones that this was not agood day to die.The captain, despite his fear, stepped forward and grabbedhis quarry's left hand. Wrrr let go and backed up, changing as she did to hertwo legged wolf body. Jon-Tom smiled at his accoster. The man shrunk away, butstill kept his grip on the arm. In a second, the man he was holding was gone,replaced by a huge demon-eyed beast. The captain could feel the wrist bulge,and fur sprout from under the skin. He let go finally, seeing for the firsttime the ugly stump where a hand, or paw, should be. The beast roared, then didan extraordinary thing. It spoke. It only had one word to say; "RUN!" It wasunnecessary. Men had seen both he and his lady transform. It was enough forthem. They dived into the water; ran back into the city; anywhere but where hewas. The sound of weapons hitting the ground was momentarily deafening. Thatleft only the captain, who knew he was dead either way.The beast picked him up, roared, and threw him into theriver. The weapons he gathered and methodically broke, until every last one wasuseless. By this time, the pack had been drawn out of the surroundings to bearwitness to his destructive rampage. If they had any doubts about his ability tolead, they were gone. Not a single one had any thoughts about challenging himfor the role of Alpha. Part of it may have been the smoke rising from his body.Jon-Tom stood there, barely under control of his feelings. He so hated bullies.It had been in him to wipe out the whole lot of them, but he knew in his heartmany were just following orders. He gave them a chance to save their lives.They had chosen wisely.He considered reverting to his normal self, whatever that wasanymore, but opted instead to remain as the Dire Wolf. He made certain to growland roar. Wrrr joined in with him, as did the pack. The cacophony washorrendous. It was certain to keep the good creatures of Bedburg inside wellafter he and his companions were gone. Too bad they hadn't seen the defeat ofthese cowardly bullies. Perhaps it might give them good cause to rise up anddefeat these piggish humans who seemed to delight in terrorizing everyone else.It would serve them right!The lands outside of the city were much like those before;deep woods, with clearings here and there holding small cottages and farms.Jon-Tom reverted to being human. There was no point in antagonizing the localswith his appearance as a wolf, especially one on two legs. Wrrr followed hislead. This made their journey peaceful for the rest of the day. Come nighttime,he created a simple shelter suitable for the three of them. The pack simplysettled down around them. He provided food for all, and they ate in silence,not wishing to disturb the denizens of this section of woods with unnecessarynoise. Even wolves weren't stupid. When treading on unfamiliar lands, treadlightly.Wrrr and Sybeele huddled up close to him. The girl wasemotionally drained from watching him handle the garrison at Bedburg. She foundit hard to resolve what she saw and what she knew of him. He seemed to harbortwo different personalities. But he was magier, full of power. She had no rightto judge. Wrrr, on the other hand, did so because she was cold. She liked thisnew body, but it was woefully thin on fur. She transformed to the in betweenstage. It was better. She cuddled close to her Alpha mate, wondering at thesudden changes that had come into

her life. She was so happy right now, shedidn't care that she had to share him with this cub of a human. She would haveto try to talk with her some time and see how she felt about him. Perhaps theycould work out a deal.But this night, it was all about sleeping. He made it clearbefore he settled down that there would be no sex for either of them. It meant forhim choosing both or choosing neither. Neither was easier, he said. It madethem both angry at him, and not at each other. It was imperfect, but he couldlive with it. Then he considered his actions a bit too harsh, and pulled themclose. Through his contact, he let a little warmth flow, both to relieve theirchill, and to give them something to satisfy their other needs. He heardsimultaneous sighs, and the two females buried themselves into his sides. Hecould live with this too. Soon, peaceful snores echoed from their inside littleenclosure.The morning dawned brightly. The air was chill, but notuncomfortably so. Leaves had begun falling from the trees. He assumed it mustbe autumn here. He hoped he wasn't stuck here when the snows fell. He hadenough experiences with snow. Then he chided himself for his mental whining. Hecould handle the fires of hell itself, if he had to. He was just feeling oldright now. He longed for a rest; some time away from "duty", no matter howfetching or sexy that duty was. He hoped Eve was watching him and giving himgold stars for all he was doing. That got him thinking that he had to be doingsomething right, for not once since he came here had she interfered. Either hehad gotten the hang of things, or she had learned her lesson about meddling inhis missions.Speaking of which, it was time to get up and get going. Heheard a stomach growl. He occasionally forgot about eating. A normal bodydidn't. He hardly wished to demonstrate his power overtly, despite havingalready done it a few times, but he wanted to be on their way. In an instant,there was a long table spanning two large trees, with stumps for seats. It wasladen with meats and breads and cheeses. There was clamor of amazement, withgasps of wonder. Everyone, down to the last wolf, was parked on either side ofit, taking what they could reach. The magier/oborotnya sighed. "Give them a showfor few days and they suddenly get jaded. The honeymoon is over!" He sat downand dug in like the rest before it was all gone.When everyone was full, he magicked all that remained backinto the aether from whence it came, continuing on their journey. The pack wasparticularly growing fond of him. They felt safe, even safer than merely bytheir strength in numbers. And food came easy. They liked to hunt, but hunting was dangerous. For now, they vowed tokeep their alliance with him. This made Wrrr

very happy. She didn't want tolose the support of her friends and pack mates. She was afraid that they wouldjudge her a freak by what the oborotnya had done to her. What she failed to perceivewas that they were glad it had happened to someone besides themselves. Theydidn't so much shun her as pity her. It had to be terrible being forced intostrange shapes. If they had been able to feel what she had felt, andexperienced what she had gone through, they would all have been clamoring forthe power to transform. So overall, it was happy group who made their way throughpuddles and ruts. Sometimes they were one and the same. Here and there, in thedistance, they caught glimpses of movement, but if they were friend or enemy,they could not tell. Jon-Tom was curious, and snooped with his power. All theyseemed to be were frightened peasants who wanted nothing more that to be leftalone. As he was mentally surveying the landscape, Sybeele pulled on his shirt cuff.He withdrew his mind and focused on her. "What is it little one?" She pointedto an old worn stone. It looked like it had once been carved with some kind offigures, but it was crumbling now. "This magier, is an old marker. It means weare close to the last two villages. After that, we will find my mother'smother, and you can leave.""Well, that's a bit terse, don't you think? You seem to thinkthis mission has been just for you. For all I know, it might have been todefeat the mayor, or save Wrrr and give her a better life. Or maybe I am tosave you. But I will be done when I decide I'm done." Her hand slipped intohis. "I would like you to stay magier. I really do love you." Wrrr turned andgrowled. "Love? What do you call love little one? A feeling in your belly? Inyour chest or head? What you feel is gratitude, which you mistakenly calllove!" Sybeele let go of his hand and stood in front of the she-wolf. Wrrrlooked less scary as a woman. "Don't tell me what I feel in my heart. I have had greatsadness, and this man, this magier, has saved my life and brought me happiness.How would you, a wolf, know of love? You abandoned one mate to take up with themagier. And why? Because he defeated your old one in battle or was it becausehe gave you cubs? Are you filled with gratitude, or do you call that love?"Wrrr smiled weakly. "I call it love, gratitude, and...jealousy. I am grateful forthe gifts he has given me. I am jealous of you, little female. We seem to bothsuffer from the pangs of love. I do not know if it is a reflection of us, or ifhe does this on purpose. With his magic, most anything is possible." Theyturned expectantly to him."Whoa, you two leave me out of this. I have emotions to goaround, but that doesn't mean I purposely set out to sabotage your own. I do

mydamnedest to keep females from falling in love with me. Despite my bestefforts, I seem doomed to failure in that department. Over the course of time,I have accumulated a lot of mates. It's very hard to turn down a person youhave feelings for, not matter how seemingly insignificant they might appear.But if you think I can take you both as partners, you need to think again. WhenI return to my time; even if I could bring you both back, I have a busyschedule waiting for me. There simply won't be room for you in my life, duringthat time. Even if I stay here, and see you through to the end, I would stillbe splitting my time between two of you. You need to get that through yourhead."His words had the effect of shutting down the debate. It alsohad them mad at him again. Oh well. Life was tough all over. He tapped the girl'sshoulder. "Sybeele, if we are getting closer, is there a way around thevillages? I would prefer to avoid further trouble." She harrumphed, pouted, andthen turned down the road, pointing. "There is a small juncture ahead. It ismore of a trail, along the river and through the most heavily forested parts.It is used by wood cutters and mushroom hunters and few else. These woods aresaid to be haunted, so no one enters alone. Even then, tales say people gomissing and are never heard from again." "Good! Since we have nothing to fear, it sounds like the bestroute to me. The sooner we get you to your Grandma Rina's house, the betterI'll feel." She started to pout again, in response to which he got a bit angry."Look child! I can't say what the future will bring! If you can't go forwardwith me, this will be the best place for you to stay. You know it as well as Ido!" He felt bad for her as it was, so he really didn't need the guilt trip.She pulled herself together with an effort. She led the way to the trail, abarely visible path over rocks, logs, and through brambles and thickets. Thegoing was slow, but like he predicted, they saw no one during their travels. On the other hand, Sybeele brighten as they walked. "Iremember this tree," she said, pointing to a gnarled old oak. "I used to climbup there to steal honey from the bees." Sure enough, there was buzzing activityaround a hollow knot hole about twelve feet up. Farther along she kicked atsome rocks. After they were loose, she pulled them up and dug under the dirt.With a cry, she pulled up a few coins. "I buried these the last time I washere. They are only copper, but I valued them very much. Now I can use them tobuy something special!" He hated to tell her, but the coins he had saved fromthe well were a thousand times more valuable. He hoped so anyways. They weregold after all. It was two hours later, after much climbing and crawling andhiking, that they reached a clearing. There, set back against an huge outcropof rock, was a quaint little house. Jon-Tom looked it over with a jaundiced eye. It was solidlybuilt of stone, with a thatched roof. Moss draped the top from peak to eaves.There was a well, and a withering garden. Outside of that, the place was notimpressive. He mentally kicked himself. What was he expecting? A fortress?Still, it was solid and hidden away. With any luck, no one would ever know shewas here. That's when he noticed Sybeele. She ran ahead and was pounding on thedoor. "Grandmother! Grandmother Rina!" The door flew open. "Oh my littleSybeele! You are alive after all! I so feared the worse when I heard news ofyou father and brother!" It was a tearful reunion. Jon-Tom would have preferredto stay out of it, and let them get their tears drained, but two things happenedto prevent it. The first involved his eyes. They were glued on "grandma". Herewas this lady, living in the middle of nowhere, all by herself. He had wonderedhow an old lady could survive living like this. She could if she appeared to be no more than about forty tofour five years old. Sybeele was twelve. Her mother must have been not mucholder when she conceived. The same went for Rina. She had to be very young whenshe had her first child. He couldn't help notice that she was fit and trim andquite a beauty. He could see where Sybeele got her looks. Of course, to someoneyounger, she might seem old. But to a being now well into three digits, shelooked great. He remembered when he was that age he still found Taleaattractive. This lady looked like she had the same spunk as his first wife.She proved it beyond a doubt. As her gaze left hergranddaughter, she saw the strangers, and then immediately after that, the packof wolves. She picked up Sybeele with one arm and threw her inside the door. Inthe next motion, she pulled up her skirt and withdrew two stilettos from thestraps on her calves. "Who are you and what are you doing here!" The door tothe house fell open with such a bang it knocked her to the ground."Grandmother! These are my friends. They helped me to get here!" Sybeele ranpast the prone figure of her grandmother and stood in front of Jon-Tom, like heneeded protecting. He stifled a grin.The lady got up, picked up her daggers, and cast a balefuleye on the grouping. She assumed her granddaughter was under some sort ofspell. She would never allow this to continue. She stepped forward, daggersextended at arm's length. When she reached Sybeele, she pushed her aside andconfronted the male. "I don't know who you are, or what you're about, but Iwill not have you harming the child of my child." He let out and exasperatedsigh. "Madam, I did not come here to argue or

cause a fight. I have brought herhere so that she might have protection from those who wish her harm. If thatmeans that I turn around now and leave, then that is what I'll do." Sybeelewould have none of it. She pulled her grandmother away. "You'll not leave! Ifthis is the welcome my saviors get, then I will leave with you!"The woman wavered. "Child, are you speaking the truth? If so,why are there wolves here? A wolf cannot be trusted!" The other woman, with theexotic hair, came forward. "Nor can humans be trusted. They killed one of yourgrandchildren, and this girl's father. From what I have seen, they have triedto kill her too. So it seems to me, trust is where you place it." Rina easedup, lowering the daggers. "Wisely said woman. But I have yet to have reason totrust you." The other let out an irritated growl. "We bring you your soledescendant, alive and unharmed, and you claim there is no reason to trust us?"Rina stood tall. "My granddaughter I know. You I do not. Out here, a persondoesn't survive for long trusting strangers."Wrr stood equally as tall. "I believe you are correct.Perhaps you should know completely what you're dealing with so you make yourdecision." With a convulsion, she shifted to her two legged wolf form beforedropping down to all fours. Rina freaked out. She pulled the daggers up andlunged. The blades sank into flesh. She stood back horrified at what she haddone. The male, who had been fairly quiet this whole time, had interposedhimself and had taken the blades in the chest. His eyes were pained. "Looklady, I get it that you're suspicious of everybody. I know the feeling. Butright now, you need to have a little faith." He put a hand on the hilt of eachweapon and pulled them out. Little rivulets of blood dripped down his shirt. Heturned them around and handed them back to her, handles first.She reached out and grabbed them, her eyes never leaving thespots he had just pulled them from. The bleeding had stopped. She fell to herknees, dropping the blades to the ground. "The legends are true. The untotenhave risen!" Sybeele actually kicked her grandmother in the ass, sending hersprawling. "He is not untoten! He is magier!" The woman rolled back to her feet,so amazed she didn't even take offense. "Magier! That is impossible!" The girlstuck her tongue out. It was rather cute, Jon-Tom thought. "He is magier; justlike you are vedma!" The woman stood and dusted the debris off of her skirt."Child, I am not vedma. Everyone calls me that. I am a simple healer and potionmaker. Everything I do is what anyone could do if they had half a mind to doit." The man spoke up. "From what I've seen, most everyone here has only half amind, maybe less."Rina stood before him, her fingers tracing

the path of theblood down his shirt. "If you were dead come to life, you would have no blood.Your skin would be pale, your eyes sunken. But if you are magier, you must havegreat power." Then she glanced at the she-wolf, standing there on twolegs.  She gulped a few times, sizing upa creature she did not even know from legends. Then she took in the pack again,who were seated in a semi circle, watching like this was some sort of drama.Not once had anyone made a move towards her, not even after she had provoked anattack. Whoever these creatures were, they were beyond her ability to comprehendor defend against. If they had wished her harm, she would be dead, likely tornto shreds and devoured. She bowed. "Please forgive me. You are wise beyond my abilityto comprehend. People are, as you say, dimwitted fools who follow their leadersblindly and accept more what they are told than believing in what their eyes cansee. They come to me when they need healing, or a potion, or advice. No onecomes here to visit, because if they are caught, they are punished." Jon-Tomhad already come to that conclusion. No one came to a wizard unless they weredesperate. Lorissa was a case that came to mind. "Well Rina, what say we startover. "My name is Peter." Sybeele kicked him. "You want to start thing right,tell her your real name. There is no need to hide your true self from her. Asyou can see, no one visits her anyway. Who's she going to tell?""Very well little one. I apologize for that. I am from your future, and I must keep my trueself obscure. My real name is Jonathon Thomas, but people usually just call meJon-Tom." He stuck out his hand. She stared at him with sharp eyes."From...the...future? I find that hard to believe." He just shrugged. She didn'thave to believe him. He just had to tell the truth. She watched him, lookingfor any clue that he was what he said he was. But the closed wounds on hischest spoke volumes. "I am Katerina Trumpen. And as I live and breathe, I neverdreamed I would live to see the day legends came to life, much less have themdragged into my life by my little Sybeele."She was still wary of the wolves, which seemed to have narythe slightest interest in her. And that strange creature, that luder, orwhatever she was. The lore never spoke of such a thing. She had to know moreabout her. She stuck out her hand to her as well. A paw shot forth and graspedhers. "I am so sorry for attacking you. I fear that I have allowed fear to rulemy life these past few years." Wrrr changed to a human. "Fear is the greatdestroyer. Destroy fear, and you gain back your life! I am Weerre!" The wolfthing did a courtesy of sorts. Rina did one back. The tensions, what were leftof them, drained away."Please, come

in," the older woman pleaded. "I must makeamends for my inhospitality." Then she looked at the pack. "They are welcometoo, but I believe the house will not have room for such a group." Jon-Tompatted her backside, making her jump. "They will be fine outside." He mentallycalled to them, and directed them to where they would find their next meal.They were gone in a flash. "There," he said to no one in particular. "They havegone hunting. They will do as they normally do and be of no bother to you."Rina stifled a sigh. It would have driven her crazy having a pack of wolves inher house. Now she could concentrate on the strange beings that had steppedinto her life. They were already more than her mind could handle. But if hergranddaughter accepted them as completely as she did, what choice did she have?She found seats for four, and hurried to put on a pot ofherbal tea. While she hurried about, Jon-Tom did a mental overview of thehouse. Besides the room they were presently, which seemed to serve as kitchen,dining room and living room, there was a modest pantry, a root cellar, andthree rooms upstairs. Despite its old and worn appearance, it seemed fairlysolid. It wasn't an inter-dimensionally expanded tree, but it was cozy. If hewas going to be leaving Sybeele here, he might as well give the place a boost.When he was done, not a single change could be detected. But he was fairlycertain they would be appreciated. He pulled his awareness back the room, thegirls, and their hostess.Wrrr looked at the mug of greenish fluid and looked to himfor advice. He blew on the hot beverage and pulled a sip. It wasn't half bad!It was mint, mixed with something. A little sugar would be nice, or honey. Hedidn't think it rude to ask. "Rina? Do you happen to have any honey. I mustadmit to a bit of a sweet tooth." She frowned. "I am out at present. I waswaiting for the cold weather before attempting to gather any. Little Sybeeleused to be a dear and risk getting stung to gather combs, but I rarely leavethe house now." He sighed with practiced ease. "Nothing in your cellar Isuppose?" Rina glared at him."How do you know I have a cellar?" He shrugged andsipped his tea. "I assumed all houses had a cellar. Forgive me for assuming."The girl hopped up. "Don't pay any attention to grandmother.She keeps her most valuable dried herbs and spices down there. Since I know youhave no intention of stealing them, I will go down and look!" She gave hergrandmother a defiant stare before marching off.  The sound of a trap door opening was audible, as was the crythat came a few seconds later. Rina jumped and was to the opening first,followed by the other two. Jon-Tom was hardly concerned. But Rina dropped downinto the hole. "What is it child...?"

The light coming from above was hardlyenough to see by, so the girl had grabbed a lantern. The light it threw offcreated stark shadows.Rina put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "What is it Sybeele?"The girl pointed down the way. The light faded of into the distance. Thedistance! Rina grabbed the lantern. She held it as high as she could in the lowconfines of the cellar. She stepped forward, spilling light hither and yon.After twenty feet she stopped, shivering. "This is impossible!" Jon-Tom droppeddown lightly into the hole. "Not impossible. Just highly improbable. I foundthat there was a cavern that ran close to your house. I simply connected them.Now you have plenty of storage space." Rina all but ignored him. "Space? Yes Isee. But where did all this food come from?" He was non-committal about it. "Ifigured with an extra mouth to feed, you might need a few extra supplies." By"a few", he meant shelf after shelf of preserved meat, dried fruit, and jars ofhoney. Waxed bags of flour lined the floor. She could feed an army!Rina turned and fell at his feet. "To think I tried to killyou! I am so very sorry for what I have done." She was crying. He hated crying."Get up damn it! You tried to kill Wrrr, not me. I kept you from carrying throughwith it. If you must apologize, do so to her. I'm pretty hard to offend anddamn near impossible to kill. I do what I feel needs to be done, and I do itwithout consulting anyone else." Sybeele meanwhile had abandoned them, walkingfarther down the dark tunnel. Jon-Tom pushed Rina aside and went after her."Look little one, there will time to explore later. Besides, it's a long waysto the bottom and I don't want you getting lost. If the lantern goes out, I'llhave to search for you. He could hear the humor in her voice. "Hmm! You makethat sound like a bad thing magier. I'll bet we'd have a lot of privacy downhere!"Her grandmother heard that, but held her tongue. Whatever hadtranspired between this man and her granddaughter was beyond her control. Lifewas suddenly out of her control. She was torn between gratefulness and fear.This man, or magier, as her the child called him, had power beyond her dreams.He could rearrange the world to suit his needs, yet he maintained an ordinaryappearance. She had no idea why he was here, but she quickly made up her mindto treat him with respect, in the hope that he might see fit to forgive her forher indiscretion. And then, if she could persuade him, maybe he would performmore magic; for something she desperately wanted.All three climbed back out into the house proper, Sybeeleholding a jar of honey. By this time the tea had chilled. He dipped his fingerinto each mug and brought it up to temperature, as if it was an everydayoccurrence.

Rina kept her comments to herself. Whatever he was, he did seem tobe something from outside this world. She would have to pull her granddaughteraside and find out more, especially concerning what seemed an obvious physicalrelationship. The girl was nearing her first blood. Rina herself had been onlythree years older when she started having children. But too young was tooyoung. Then she laughed at herself. Here she was, mentally giving advice to agirl who consorted with the supernatural. She shook her head at her own foolishnessand drank her tea.She would have loved to have learned all about thesestrangers. Since neither of them opened up a hole for her to ask, she decidedto let the matter drop until morning. She excused herself and headed to herbedroom. Sybeele snagged her skirt. "Grandmother! Are you going to show yourguests to a room, or shall I?" The lady looked ashamed of herself. "I am sosorry. My manners have fled, driven away by the strangeness of the day. Pleasefollow me." They followed her up the stairs, through a door and into a room.Off of that were two more doors. "I sleep on the right. You may chose amongstyourselves who sleeps where; either here," indicating a bed, "or in there,"motioning to the other door. "Or if you wish, you may sleep downstairs in frontof the fireplace. I do not know how to accommodate someone who can changereality." Jon-Tom got a wry look on his face. "Is that so?" She got his meaningand went red in the face. Before she could sputter out something embarrassing,her granddaughter grabbed her hand. "He really is a good lover grandmother. Youshould try him out. How long has it been?"Rina nearly choked. Such directness and candor from a child!Her fears concerning her virginity status were answered in the worse possibleway. Yet the child seemed happy, pleased even. There could have been no forceinvolved. She remembered her first time, and quickly shoved the thought downwhere it belonged. It was too horrid to relive. If the girl had been luckyenough to have an experience to treasure, then good for her. But for her, amature woman, to dare bed this magier; it was too much to hope for. If he couldchange the solid rock beneath their feet, and travel through time, then itwasn't beyond hope that he could grant her wish. It was now or never."Sybeele! What you do with him is your own business. You neednot bring it up in mixed company!" The girl grinned. "Mixed company? Wrrr isexpecting pups because of him. I would like to have a baby with him, but I'mnot old enough. And you're too old grandmother, so what concern would you have?It has been a long time since grandpa died from the black fever. Maybe youshould live a little!" Jon-Tom stepped in. "Hush little one. That is no way tospeak to your elder. You still have a lot to learn in regards to other people'sfeelings. Can't you see your grandmother has had a traumatic day, dealing withall of this unusual activity? I'm sure she would like to just go to bed and geta good night's sleep."A cough made him turn. Rina was standing there looking rathersheepish. "She is right you know, about me needing to move on. It has been along time, and since you have no fear of me being vedma,' she chuckled at theword, "and since you are magier, perhaps I should take her advice, if you arewilling." He rolled his eyes. First the wolf, then the girl, now thegrandmother. If he ever returned to his own world, he was going to settle downand write a soap opera. What could it hurt, he mumbled to himself? If the girlwas willing to forego any sexual activity tonight, and as Wrrr was alreadypregnant, it seemed that his duties had now shifted. It was a far cry from afew hours ago, when she sank two stilettos into his chest. Now he would besinking his into her, well, you know.He made a bow, sinking to one knee. He figured he might aswell pile on the charm. "My lady, would you do me the favor of allowing me toshare your bed with you this evening, with the promise of a night that willeclipse all others in your memory?" Her jaw dropped. She looked to her granddaughter.The girl giggled. "Do it grandmother! You'll not regret it!" He reached out andheld her hand. She felt a warmth spread through her fingers, up her arm, anddown into her body. She felt a dampness that hadn't been there in more than afew years. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Again, he rolled his eyes. There wasnothing like a little demonstration to break a female's resolve! She grabbedhis hand and pulled him into her bedroom. That left the girl and the wolf.Sybeele smiled to Wrrr. "It seemed the best solution for the night. We bothcan't have him, and grandmother probably needs it worse than either of us."Inside the bedroom, Rina was suddenly feeling rather coy. Noman had entered her house for years. Any who came for healing usually refusedto go beyond the outside steps. She had dreamed of meeting another man to liveher days out with. Her first lover and husband, Sybeele's grandfather, wasn'treally a good man. He wasn't bad overall, but he was loud, smelly and boorish.This magier smelled clean, was polite, and seemed to ooze charm and charisma.That was a clue right there that he was not from this world. The folks heretended to be oafish and ignorant of personal hygiene. But now that she had himin her grasp, she quailed. What if he didn't like her? What would lying under amagier be like? What if she didn't survive? Then she recalled hergranddaughter's face. It had a happy glow. She had survived and apparently

didso with relish. What could she, a grown woman, have to worry about?He, on the other hand, seemed to take this all in stride. Inthat way, he was all male. Well, maybe not completely male. He was strippeddown, placing his clothes over a chair. Most men pulled them part way off, didthe deed, and when to sleep, pants still at half-mast. Whatever he had instore, he meant business. That's when she learned he could read thoughts. "Whenit comes to pleasure, Rina, you'll find out rather quickly that I do indeedmean business! As for what you need to worry about, it is whether or not youhave the courage to go through with this. It wasn't my idea. And I can give youwhat you want. But I'm not likely to acquiesce. It's nothing personal, butunless you can give me a damn good reason, I won't give you a child. You are..." She put a finger to his lips. "I know. I'm too old. I waitedtoo long to find another husband. Thank you for even considering it." He stoodback, observing her curves. He spoke rather sharply. "Get undressed!" She wasmildly shocked at his tone, but then, she did want to be naked with him. Thatbit of power she felt had turned her body alive. Her simple dress was up andover her head. She clutched it to herself for just a moment before placing itwith his clothes. She shivered just a little in the chill of the evening air.She could see his hand come up, and a glow surrounded it, filling the room."That's better!" He placed his hand to the ceiling, where the glow ran and wasabsorbed by the rough hewn boards. It was like early morning, with just enoughlight to see by.And he was using it to inspect her. She knew that shecouldn't compare to the youthful bud of her granddaughter. She was twogenerations older. No man wanted someone like her, no matter how well she hadtaken care of herself. She heard him snort, holding back a laugh. It wasembarrassing. She was ready to pull the dress back over her head and leave."Leave?" he asked, "Why would you want to leave? I was just finding it a bit amusingthat you have spent so much effort on appearing well groomed for a man, butthat you never went looking for one." Her head jerked up. "Whatever do youmean?"He came up and ran his hand over her crotch. "You pubic hairdidn't grow in a heart shape, now did it?" She had nearly forgotten about that.She had painfully endured plucking those hairs for years until they gave up andrefused to regrow. Now she had a cute patch that was indeed heart shaped. Sheturned red. "I'm sorry..." He held her hand. "For what? Hoping? Wishing? Thoseare both nice, but they never get the job done. If you really want your wish tocome true, you need to work at it. If I find you worthy of what you ask, Imight be induced to give it to you. But

everything has a price. And no, it'srarely what you think you'll need to pay. Leastwise, that's the way it workswith me. I often give you what you need, not necessarily what you want.""What does that mean? I'm too old to have children. I'm noteven certain I'm good in bed after all these years." He wasn't about to let herwallow in pity. "Too old? You said that, not me. You're only as old as youfeel. So here is your first lesson; let go of whatever concepts you have ofreality. Come morning, tell me again that you're too old. If you can tell methat again, I won't argue with you." She sighed. "But magier, I am too old! I haven't had my blood intwo years!" He put his mouth on hers, effectively shutting her up. Shesuddenly, desperately wished she was young enough.He picked her up and carried her like she weighed nothing. Inhis arms, she did seem as though she was floating. He set her gently on thebed, allowing her legs to drape over the side. She was about to pull herself upand back on the pillows when he stopped her. Without a word he did something noman had done to her before. He got down and licked her crotch! She had fingeredherself a great deal, and knew the pleasure she could produce that way. Thiswas well above and beyond that. But she had never had a man do this; treat heras a woman. All they ever wanted was to satisfy themselves and leave. She triedto sit up and push him away, but found she was suddenly paralyzed. He stoppedlong enough to explain. "You will lay here and take it. I will stop only when Ifeel you've learned your lesson. I will do you no harm, but I will only stopwhen I think you've learned what I'm about to teach you!"She had no choice. Her arms and legs felt like lead. The onlything working was her vocal chords. She heard a moan escape. It sounded muteand distant. His mouth was working over her crotch like a storm wind throughthe trees. His lips latched on to one spot, threatening to uproot it with theforce of his "wind". She had rubbed this spot many times, but it never everproduced sensations like those coursing through her now. She could feel tinyjolts of electricity shooting up and into her body with every pass of histongue. She was getting so wet that she could feel the moisture trickling downher crack and onto the bed. She wanted to scream; she wanted to grab his headand forced it down even harder; she wanted so bad to release. But she couldn't.Whatever he had done to her, she was building up inside likethe heat in her teapot. She felt the steam gaining pressure, needing a place toescape. But he carried relentlessly, pulling, licking, sucking, and at times,seemingly devouring her cunt with his persistent actions. She was wishing shecould pull her hair out, anything painful that

might counter the pleasurebuilding up inside. Then, with a barely perceivable push, she felt him nudgeher over the precipice. Her body began to shudder uncontrollably. She felt likeshe was giving birth again. Her insides contracted and relaxed in a growingrhythm of what was to be the first full orgasm she had ever had. When itreached its crescendo, she felt her body freed of its constrictions. Shegrabbed instinctively for his head, and let loose a howl that would have put awolf to shame. Outside the room, Wrrr's hair stood on end. Sybeele ran out,sleepy eyed. Then they smiled. "Grandmother has found the same delight in themagier that we did. Good for her!" Back inside the bedroom, Rina was gasping for breath, herlungs unable to keep up with the need to oxygenate her blood. She was nearlyhyperventilating. So when the magier kissed her, she thought she would passout. She returned the kiss anyway. Again there was a flood of feeling. Herbreathing eased. She opened her eyes, but everything was blurry. "You have moremagic than I could ever dream of. I swear you were trying to eat me from theinside out!" He grinned. "I was. You're quite delicious! But I think you need adrink before we continue." She contemplated that. Her mouth was dry. Butcontinue? She barely survived this encounter! She had no time to think aboutit. He handed her a glass filled to the brim. "Drink! You'll need every drop ofliquid in this glass for your dreams to come true. Besides, you'll getdehydrated otherwise." She drank it down, lay back, and said a prayer.She could feel the power he had pushed into her still workingits way around her body. Tingles erupted here and there, her muscles twitched;even the roots of her hair seemed to crawl with a life of their own. Whateverhe was doing to her, she didn't want him to ever stop. She had even lost herconcern about the size of the cock he had. If little Sybeele could somehow takenit, so could she. She belatedly wondered if the little girl had experienced thesame sensations as this. She reached down and found his cock. It was big; butnot as big as a baby, and she had passed a few of those. Sadly, they were allgone now, dead from disease and other equally repugnant things. Maybe, if shewas lucky, he might pity her enough to grant her wish. If not, what he wasdoing now would be a sufficient second prize.She stroked his cock, using both hands to pull him up onto ofher. He didn't resist. She wondered if, after all these years, something thisbig would fit. She was wet enough, that was undeniable. The bed felt like shehad wet herself in her sleep. But he had gone out his way to please her, so shehad no compunctions about doing the same. She kept pulling him forward untilhis cock was at her mouth. He reached

forward and pressed his hands against thestone wall for support. She licked the end, sizing it up, literally. She hadnever seen one so big, even with all of the unfaithful husbands who came to herfor treatment of their indiscretions. Venereal disease was never sufferedlightly. But not one had anything to compare to this. The idea of having itbetween her legs was both terrifying and exciting.For now, however, it was in her mouth. She remembered quitewell what the men liked. She got the head in her mouth, moved her hands to hisass, and pulled him in. She sucked on his head, pulling off occasionally to runher tongue the length of his shaft. Never had it had to travel so far! Shekissed his balls before traveling back up and over his head, this time suckingit in farther. After three such trips, his cock was tickling her uvula, nearlymaking her choke. She relaxed and shoved, slipping in his entire length down intoher throat, his base pushing her jaws apart uncomfortably. She ignored thediscomfort. She had stabbed him with two daggers; she could handle oneoversized cock.She waited for him to grab her head and pump his hips. He didnothing of the kind. So she worked herself back and forth, feeling the head ofhis cock burying itself in her esophagus. The longer she did it, the easier itgot. She unconsciously dug her nails into his butt, trying ever so hard to gethim to blow. It seemed like ages before she sensed the telltale signs. His backstiffened, his cock hardened even more (a near impossibility, she thought) andhis balls tightened up in his sack. She was prepared and waiting for it. Therewas nothing that prepared her for the flood of fluid that drove itself down herthroat. She dug her nails in fiercely, feeling his skin split under theirpressure. She prayed he would forgive her again, but she couldn't help it. Shewas hanging onto him, wrestling with her own body as it tried to cope with therush. As soon as he was finished he eased out of her abused throat, dribbling abit on her chin as his head cleared her mouth. He might be many things, but anormal man wasn't one of them.She swallowed, feeling the fluid hit her stomach. What aload. The only thing she could picture was a stallion. They were prone togushers of the white sticky liquid. Any mare would have been glad to acceptwhat she just took. She suddenly felt proud of herself. She had returned thefavor! Too bad he would be done for the night. It was later, about six in themorning that she remembered thinking that. She had never been so wrong in herentire life.He had settled down on the bed next to her, his cock wet andslick, draped partly across her hip. One hand dug under her back until he had atight purchase. Then he pulled her close. With the other, he caressed

hernipples. As he did, she could feel them respond, tightening up into littlepeaks of pink flesh. He whispered in her ear. "You seem to have some definitetalents of your own. You would make any man deliriously happy. So why haven'tyou attracted one, even at your age?" She sighed wearily. She went to speak.Her throat was a little raw. She cleared it and tried again. "I haven't gottenclose to any in years. Everyone who comes to me is either married or not worthmarrying." He chuckled. "From what I've seen of the men around here, I trustyour assessment. What was your husband like?"She draped an arm over his side and snuggled closer. It feltnice. "My husband was He was fifteen years my senior, and no differentthan most. Out wedding night was horrid. I still try to block it out of mymemory." She shuddered. He ran his hand across her face. "Poor little Rina.What would you say if I did just that for you? Drive that horrible memory rightout of your head that is." She kissed him. "Magier, I have seen what you cando. If you would do this for me, I will forget I ever asked you for theimpossible." He hugged her tight. "I like you grandma! But you have a lot tolearn, and now I guess, to forget!"He rolled, pulling her along with him. She was now on top, asexual position she had never been allowed before.  She was uncertain what was expected of her.Jon-Tom didn't want to push her, or make her do something that was too unfamiliar.When she hesitated, he stepped in figuratively. He grabbed her and pulled herdown to his chest, then swung around and stood at the bedside, her legs nowwrapped around his hips. He pulled her butt up, positioned his cock and droppedher down easy. She wiggled as she felt his cock hit her hole, the first time amale had been there in forever. His head was big, but it slid in easily. Shewas marveling at his strength, for she wasn't big, but she was nothing like hergranddaughter. For him to hoist her up and haul her around, especially since hedidn't appear like a muscle bound brute, was simply amazing.She got a solid lock around his neck, and her legs wrappedaround his waist, and pushed down onto his manhood. It pushed apart her passageand reached depths she knew had never been breached before. She pressed down ashard as she could, knowing full well she couldn't take any more of him. But shewanted more. She wanted to pull him inside and keep him there. She was socaught up in the moment she failed to notice that he was trying to move her.She relaxed as he took over, lifting her high, and dropping her back down.After a few minutes she got caught up in the flow of things, rising and fallingunder her own power, without realizing it. Her eyes were closed, and shepictured herself as she was when she

was younger; a much more innocent time.She could feel the heat from his body, the tightness of her cunt as it traveledthe length of his cock. This was how her first time should have been. Sheworked it slowly, reveling in the feel of a real man inside her. There was atime when sex would have been over by now. But he was patiently standing thereholding her as she was absorbed by the sensations he was giving her.She wisely chose not to waste her time. She squeezed hermuscles, finding that they still responded to her control. He pushed his hipsforward in response. She pushed down even harder, making him grunt. But henever lost his grip. She could feel his finger tighten up on her ass, and hopedhe didn't abuse the tender flesh as she had done to him. His grasp was firm,but not painful. She found that she could remain in his hands forever, if itwas this pleasurable. She rose and dropped, repeating it for what seemed likean hour. Not once during that time did he even shift his weight. But thefeelings were catching up with her. She quickened the pace, dropping down evermore firmly. His head kept crashing into her womb, his shaft rubbing her wallsraw. Without warning, a wave hit her, and with an arch of her back and a screamfrom her throat, she went into a bone wrenching climax.When she was done, she lost her grip on his neck. Luckily forher, he was still maintaining a strong hold on her ass. He moved across theroom, when all of a sudden, she had a cold wall on her back. Thus firmlypressed against an unyielding surface, she found that their sexual union wasnowhere near done. He unleashed a flurry of thrusts that threatened to dislodgeher uterus right up into her chest. She could distinctly feel his head rubbingacross her cervix. Each pass drove her crazy. He was soon moving so fast thatit became a blur of sensation. Her muscles were now so tight it was beginningto hurt. Then, out of the blue, he blew his load. She could feel the pressureof it built inside her until it leaked out the opening. No mare had ever takenthat much!She was glad he had control of their bodies, because she lostall ability to function after that. He turned and sat on the bed, rolling ontohis back, keeping her firmly snuggled next to his body. She was glad he wassatiated because she...was..." She noticed that he was still hard. Her eyes filledwith concern. He just might tear her up. She was prepared to voice her concernwhen his hand snaked out and snagged her hair. He pulled her head up so that hecould see her eyes. "Are we feeling a bit abused? I hate to tell you this, butwe've only just begun!" She gulped. He couldn't help but laugh. "Oh Rina,you're as precious as Sybeele. Here!" She could feel a tingle coming from hisbody, and the soreness and aches

vanished. "I have no intention of hurting you,but I think you really need a heavy dose of loving. I promise you we'll be doneby morning." She considered that proposal. "But magier. Do you mean morninglight or before noon?" He roared with laughter at that. "Oh my dearest,wonderful Rina. You see, already you are forgetting about your cares. Since youkindly asked, I will let the ending point be your decision. I promise you, thatif you wish it, we can go on until noon and then some!" She shuddered. "Magier,I don't think my body could take it for that long. Maybe if I was younger..." Shesighed. He pulled her face to his and kissed her with such passion that shemelted. "Oh magier, I hope that I don't disappoint you, but..." She didn'tfinish. He pushed her body down against his cock, driving it in deep again. Shegasped. She loved the feeling of his body in hers. She had heard tales ofheaven. If it even compared to a fraction of what this, she hoped to go therewhen she died. She found her arms worked, so she put them on his chest,pinching his nipples in between her thumb and forefinger. He arched his backoff the bed, his buttocks leaving the mattress. That pushed him into her evenharder. She repeated it, then leaned down and licked them. If she was going to ridden the entire night, she intended toreturn what he gave tit of tat. She moved her feet, getting her legs under herin a crouching position. Now she could move with freedom. She slid forward andback, thankful for the healing he had done. She had every intention of needingan additional dose before morning. She sighed a little, recognizing that hercunt had stretched to accommodate his size. He heard her. "What's the matter?You sound disappointed." She got a wan smile. "I don't mean to whine, but youwere such a nice tight fit. Now it's not so much." He grabbed her hands andpulled her down to his mouth. When he let go, she felt like he had grown. Hewinked. "How do you think I was able to bed Sybeele? Not with my normal size. Ihave the enviable ability to adjust myself as the need presents itself. Theneed has just presented itself."She just stared at him as she tested it out. It was now eventighter! She thanked her lucky stars for the lubrication making this possible.She rode him hard, hoping that if she managed to hurt herself, he would bethere to fix it. She pounded him for the next hour, though she lost track oftime. When she came, it was so nearly a painful thing that it left herbreathless. Her body was in the throes of a near convulsion of pleasure. All atonce she felt that warmth spread through her and her rigor eased, but thepleasure increased making her bite her lip until blood flowed. Her abdomen wasbeating like her heart. She swore that she could fell

every muscle in her lowerbody pulsing in time to her orgasm.She hadn't fully recovered yet when he slid out from underher. She flopped down onto the mattress belly first, too weak to move. Heclimbed on top, his cock sliding between her butticks. She suddenly panicked."Magier no!" He lay down on top, his mouth by her ear. "No? It's not what youthink, though we will reach that stage before morning." He slid back andgrabbed her hips, pulling her ass into the air. He plunged in, pushing his fulllength into her in one try. She drew in a sharp breath. He was soon going atfull speed. She dug her nails into the sheets. It felt just like he was pullingher insides out every time he did a return on his thrust. She knew he wasplaying with her when she felt the head of his cock ram up against the insideof her opening. It was now so large it would never have fit through from theoutside. She was set to complain, but decided to wait until he was done. When he came, it was with such force that she dug her nailsright though the material and into the mattress. He slowed his pumping until hewas doing delicate little movements. She relaxed under these ministrationsuntil she was drifting off to dream land. She lay there as he kept moving,marveling at his endurance. She could feel his cock running deep inside, andsuddenly was aware of another sensation. She pushed back in a panic. He softlypushed her back down. "Rina, tell me about your first time." It was more of anorder. She searched for the memory that had so haunted her. It was gone. It wasgone! She knew it had happened, but she could no longer remember the horribleevent. All the while, she could feel his finger in her ass. She should havebeen scrambling to get away, but he was generating an awful lot of pleasureright now."My first time is now." She said with complete seriousness."I only wish you had been there in the beginning magier. But you are my firsttrue experience worth keeping as a memory." She felt him slide out, and hishead pressed against her ass. She tightened up, and then forcibly relaxed. Hepushed and it slid in. She fought the urge to scream and tighten up. He presseddown against her back and kissed the nape of her neck. Electricity ran down herspine and negated whatever autonomic control she had over her lower body. Herass eased up and he slid in to the entire length of his cock. It didn't hurt abit. She couldn't remember the details, but the first time had been a dryinsertion that had left her bruised and bleeding.Her ass was still up high. He had his hands pinched tightlyon her hips and was driving his meat home like he hadn't yet blown severalloads inside her. At the rate he was going, the stuff she swallowed early wasgoing to meet the stuff she knew he

was going to blow deep in her bowels. Theworst part was; she didn't care. He was generating more pleasure in her assthan her now dead husband had been able to do in the normal spot. She found hisrhythm and began driving her body back into his with more force than she thoughtpossible. With a sudden inspiration, she reached back and found his hands. Shepried them off of her hips and grasped them with a fierce strength. She was nowramming back with such force that hegrew nervous. He pushed in some small bit of added pleasure, a larger dose ofhealing, and let her go. By the time she was done, a mere five minutes later,she knew she wasn't going to want to use the privy any time soon. But the burstof raw ecstasy that came with her next climax drove her completely out of hermind. With a scream she fell down on the bed.He next cry was when he pulled out of her ass. Her crack wasspilt, her sphincter bruised, and her bowels turned inside out. Yet she feltlike she was floating on a cloud. He ran he lips down the middle of thebuttocks and onto her rectum. The pain stopped as the damage healed. "Magier?"He was up by her head. "Yes?" "Magier, what is going to become of me? You come here;you pleasure me beyond anything I can imagine, then what? I don't know what youintend for me, or why you're here, but thank, oh thank you for this smallreprieve. If there is anything I can do for you, please ask." He rolled herover and kissed her forehead. She felt a thrill run through her body. "Yesthere is!" She jumped at his words. "What is it - anything!" He kissed heragain. "Stay awake for the rest of the night. You won't want to miss a thing!"She fell back with a sigh."Oh lord, magier, I don't know that I'll live thatlong!"The next morning, around nine, and after about two hourssleep, Rina reluctantly got out of bed. Her bladder was screaming to beemptied. Without thinking she slipped out of the room and headed down thestairs. When she got to the bottom, she was confronted by two other females.Sybeele looked at her with wide eyes. The wolf lady did the same. For her part,Rina had forgotten they were there. "Grandmother! Apparently there was moregoing on up there last night than just sex!" She stood there trying to figureout what the girl was talking about. The cold stone floor was causing herbladder urgency to increase exponentially. She did a little dance, ran outsideand into the outhouse, slamming the privy door. She pissed away what felt likea gallon before her belly came down to size. She went to wipe with a clean rag.Her crotch hair was all perfectly matching in a soft brown color. She stoppedin her hygiene. There had been a lot of gray down there yesterday. And the daybefore, for that matter.Then

something else dawned on her. She had come down thestairs, as she might normally, without a stitch of clothing on. She wassuddenly appalled at herself for not thinking. She cracked open the door to theouthouse. She hoped no one was about. No such luck. The magier was standingthere, smiling at her quite warmly. In his hand he had a robe. She stood andstepped out, allowing him to wrap it around her shoulders. "There! Fit for aqueen!" She made a face, but pulled the warm and lovely material around hernude body. "Thank you, you wonderful man you. You make an old lady feel youngagain." He laughed so hard he started hiccupping. She was at first amused byhis seemingly erratic behavior. It quickly became irritating. "What is sofunny? I hope you're not mocking me!"By this time the other females came out of the house. Sybeelewas holding something in her hand. "Here grandmother. You need to see this tobelieve it for yourself." The girl handed over a mirror she had snatched fromthe dresser. Rina took it and held it up to her face. She dropped it. Sybeelewas fast enough to intercept it before it hit the ground. She handed it back.Rina stared long and hard at herself. She was looking into the past, maybe tenyears of more. The wrinkles that had started to appear were gone. He skin wassmooth and unblemished by even a single age spot. She whipped around to Jon-Tom."What have you done to me?" He shook his head in amusement. "Just what it lookslike I did. I took about twelve or fifteen years off of your age. You're back intoprime breeding shape!"Heedless of her surroundings, she parted the robe and searchedher body with her eyes. Her breasts were a little firmer, her nipples perkier,her belly a little flatter, and her crotch, as she observed first, was withouta single gray hair. She closed the robe, licked her lips and jumped up ontoJon-Tom with the abandon of a school girl. "I knew you could make my dreamscome true! But how did you do this? This is impossible magic!" He actuallydownplayed this latest miracle. "For this magic you will need to thank thegoddess. This is some of her power, which I happened to borrow for just such anoccasion." He did a flip of his hand, and there in his fingers was a small vialof clear liquid. "This is water from a Fountain of Youth." Rina kissed him evenharder. "Then I must thank Ostara with all my heart for ever doubting herexistence." Ostara? That was yet anothera new name for her. But then, he calledher Eve, so what was in a name?She was suddenly suspicious "But I drank from no vial!" Shewas peering at the small glass container through narrowed eyelids. "No, youdidn't," he replied, "but you did drink a large glass of water. This stuff hasto be diluted or you could have ended up

younger than Sybeele. Then we'd be inan awful fix!" She remembered the water, and how it seemed to take forever todrink it. And the overwhelming need for the privy. Magic indeed! "So magier,does this mean that you and I are going to make a child together?" He wasalready expecting that question. "We'll see. If nothing else happens, I'll doit. But before, when you said you were too old, it was not what I was going tosay. I was going to point out that you would have to do it alone. Regardless ofanyone's desires, the time will come when I must leave. I won't impregnate youwillingly, knowing that will be the case." She leaned back in his embrace andlooked in his eyes. Then she leaned forward and whispered in his ear. Hegrinned. "Now that; that we can do." He marched back upstairs, locking the doorbehind them. They didn't come out until well past noon.In the meantime, the girl and the she wolf fixed themselvessome food. Wrrr was no good at it, having to normally do more work in catchingthe meal than in eating it. Sybeele went into the cellar and procured enoughfor ten people, and set the table. Wrrr found she liked smoked meat, especiallythe fish. The girl chortled as the other ate it bones and all. "Wrrr, there'smore to eat. Don't gorge yourself on the nasty bones." But then she rememberedherself when the magier found her. She relented. "Just don't get stabbed. Thoselittle bones hurt on the way down!" More tea was served, and a loaf of breadbroken, and by the time her grandmother came downstairs, they were plenty fulland lounging in front of the fireplace. Sybeele stuck her tongue out at hergrandmother, who happened to be in the magier's arms as he came down thestairs."What's the matter? Did he sweep you off of your feet, ortire you out so much you can't walk?" Her grandmother took no offense. "Bothdarling child. You should know!" That shut her up. Jon-Tom set her down, whereshe wobbled a moment before finding her center of gravity. "Young lady, I'llhave you know that this man, whatever he is or from where ever he is from, ismore a man than anyone in the region. You should consider yourself privilegedto find your first bedding by such a male as this. He has the power of theancients, with the gentle soul of the lamb. Not to mention the ferocity of thebeast in bed." She tuned and planted a kiss on his cheek. "You can do what youjust did to me a hundred times over magier without it ever getting old!"Then she saw and smelled the food. Sex was driven out of hermind. She needed to recharge her batteries, so to speak, and she found she wasshaking from the lack of energy in her bloodstream. He guided her to a seat,and piled food high on a plate, fixing one for himself and sitting next to her.Sybeele came and sat

next to him. "What did you guys just do?" she asked. "That'snone of your business little one. I didn't talk about my time with you, andI'll not discuss what your grandmother and I did either!" Sybeele didn't likebeing left out. "What if I tell her what we did?" He swallowed his food. "Thenyou'll have told her what we did. But unless she tells you, I'm keeping mymouth closed on the matter." Wrrr growled out, feeling she was being ignored."What if I tell?" Rina was curious. She had seen the woman change, but therehad been so much going on, she forgot all about her.Therefore, she asked. "Yes, what about you?" Wrrr changedinto a wolf, and made growling noises. No one understood but Jon-Tom. "YesWrrr, but it might be easier for you to go through your changes and then revertto being human. It will be much easier to carry on a conversation that way."She went from four legs to two legs to being human again. "This wonderfuloborotnya, or magier as you call him, gave me the power to change my body. Andhe gave me pups." Rina's eyes went from the she wolf's belly to her own, thento Jon-Tom. You give them to her, but you waver on giving me one?" He pattedher back. "Wrrr has the pack to help her look after them. You presently have noone. If that changes, then we'll see." Her eyes narrowed again. "Are youtelling me the truth?" He kissed her head. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am."The next few days passed by quite peacefully, outside of themoans, groans, screams, and shrieks that filled the house from sun up to sundown. Three females shouldn't have required this much work, he thought as hewas screwing Wrrr for the fourth time in a row one fine morning. She was inwolf form, mostly because she found the disparity in their respective speciesto be erotic. He found it to be a lot like bestiality. The mere idea meant hewas getting jaded himself, for he rather enjoyed it himself. If it hadn't beenfor the intelligence behind the canine face, he was certain he would never havedone it. She however, had no qualms, and even changed under him from time totime, to keep it real. A few instances he did as well, including that hulkinglyhuge thing he called a Dire Wolf. His missing paw was hard to deal with, butthe rest of him turned out to be raw sensuality. She wished he would stay tolead the pack. Not because she felt any real concern towards the rest, butbecause she was presently Alpha female, and he was her mate. But as oborotnya,she knew he would never stay. It was certainly nice while it lasted.Sybeele took to their love making session like any girl herage did to something new and fun. She tackled it with gusto. She had filled outover the past week, so her ribs weren't as evident, her ass had a little moremeat on it, and her eyes,

which were a bit haunted looking when he first found her,were now bright and fresh. Her cunt was still tight as a bung, and he kept itthat way, keeping his size appropriate for her smaller body. But within thelimitations he set, over which she had no control, she tackled him as well asher grandmother, pushing him to show her new things. She was neverdisappointed.The fun came to an end one day with the arrival of horses.Jon-Tom used to delight in hearing hoof beats approaching. Not now. This dayhad dawned a bit unusual already. Rina was surprised by a knock on the door.Outside, leaning heavily against a post, was a man. He was tall, with a fullbeard, big arms, and a bloody leg. Rina came out and put an arm around hiswaist and helped him into the house. She thought she recognized him. "You areAldo, yes?" He made a pained expression as she peeled back the stiff materialadhered to his leg. "Yes Mrs. Trumpen. I am Aldo." He was younger than her by adecade; one of the local lumber jacks who felled trees for a living. His injurywas rapidly becoming apparent. His axe had slipped and dug into his leg. Therewas an active infection going on. The wound was purulent and heading towardsgangrene.She pulled Jon-Tom aside. "I can't heal this. He will surelydie if you don't help him!" He looked to the injured man. "No. You will helphim. You claim to be a healer, so mend his wound." She had no idea why he hadsuddenly grown harsh. His power could as readily heal him completely as he hadtransformed her to a younger woman. But there was no sense arguing with him.For some reason, he was refusing to help. Aldo was no bad man, even if he hadhis faults. He had once been followed by all the young ladies, but over time,they drifted away, leaving him by himself. Rumors said he was not interested,but the few times he had come to her for help, his eyes always watched her witha fervent eagerness. She knew he liked females.She washed the wounded leg, clearing out dirt, sticks, barkand a few maggots. Despite how gross the little pale grubs were, her learninghad taught her that they often saved lives, rather than caused death. Thehorrid looking things ate away the dead flesh. When she was done, she wrappedit up in gauze and made him prop it up. The smell was close to nauseating. Rinapulled the magier aside. "I will make you a deal. I will forgo a life in mywomb if you spare this man his. Unlike so many, he is quiet, kind and peaceful.He has never done any harm that I have ever heard talk of, and he keeps tohimself." Jon-Tom nodded. "Those are all good qualities. But I will not helphim. But you can have what you're willing to give up, and have something you'reonly now considering, if you perform his rescue yourself."She brightened. "Do

you mean...?" He smiled warmly. "Look Rina,you've been a lot of fun. But I told you, I cannot stay. You praise this fellowso highly. It seems to me he would suit you just fine. Therefore, go heal him."She was getting frustrated. "I don't have that kind of power magier! You of allbeings should understand that!" He reached out and pinched her ass. "Don't tellme what I understand; you have no concept of what I understand, or know, orthink. Now go over there and heal that leg!" Her shoulders drooped in defeat. Thisman was going to die. Her herb-craft was insufficient to turn back an infectionso deep. She sat down beside him, and ran her fingers through his hair. "SoAldo, how did you do this?" The man shifted himself and spoke. "I was cuttingwood a few miles away. It was a stupid accident. The axe glanced off a knot andstruck my leg. It took me two days to make it to you. I think it was too long."He had no qualms about his condition. She was furious thatthis magier, who had no problem bedding her for a week, now wouldn't lift afinger to help someone else. She felt heat flush her cheeks. She laid her handin his bad leg. "It is bad Aldo. I won't lie. The infection is spreadingrapidly, and nothing I can do will help. I will make you comfortable, but thatis the extent of my power." She turned to glare at Jon-Tom. Her anger welledup, and she could feel the heat grow inside. Why wouldn't he help? Aldo let outa groan, which grew into a scream. She turned and ran her hand over his head."What's wrong?" "My leg, my leg is on fire!" She looked and saw nothing. He wasfrantically scrabbling to undo the bandages she had just put on. "Aldo, youmust leave them alone!" But he was ripping them away as best he could.When he had them at least slid down, both he and Rina staredat the wound. It was gone. The bandage was coated in blood and pus; however theskin and muscle were restored to normal. He looked her in the eye; "They saidyou were vedma, but I never believed it. Thank you so much for my life. How canI ever repay you?!" She immediately thought of a thousand ways. But she ignoredhim for a moment. She instead turned to the other fellow in the room. "You! Youare a great, terrible, awful, conniving, thoughtless person magier, and I thankyou from the bottom of my heart!" She sprang forward and kissed him. Then shewhispered in his ear. "So whose child will it be, yours or his?" He swattedher. "I would not make another man watch after my child. But a little warning.I did a physical on him, while you were tending to his leg. He's presentlysterile. So I would suggest that when you two hit the sack, you give him someof what you gave me, and heal his balls when he isn't likely to notice. Thenhow many children you have together is

completely up to you!"It was about then that they heard the horses. Everyone prettymuch had an idea what it was all about. The question was, how did they trackthem here? The horses weren't equipped to handle the foot path. Sybeele knew."Everyone knows my grandmother is the vedma around here. They know I am thegranddaughter of the vedma. They have come looking for me." Rina mussed thegirl's hair. "But why are they still looking for you darling? It seems theymust be fools to tackle your friends here." It was then that Aldo caught aglimpse of the other female in the house, who had been content to stay out ofthis business. But horses meant that her help might be needed to handle thesituation. She winked at the woodsman and stood next to Jon-Tom."So, you think it's your friends from Bedburg? After what youdid there, I was of the opinion they would still be running. Apparently thismayor fellow or his pack leader must have some hold over these fools." Henodded in agreement. He watched Rina step outside to greet the newcomers. Hepeeked out the crack in the door. Sure enough, there was the fat mayor sittingon a horse, trying his best to look brave. His eyes gave him away, as theydarted from shadow to shadow. Then he spoke. "Do you answer to the name ofKaterina Trumpen?" She did a polite nod. "I do." "Are you the grandmother ofthe girl known as Sybeele Griswold?" Again, she answered politely. "I am." Thefat man relaxed. "And so you know the whereabouts of this girl?" She flared herskirt and bowed. "My lord mayor, yes! She is inside the house at this moment.Has she done some horrible crime that you come armed with many soldiers, justto take away a little child?"He frowned. "She is charged with consorting with evilspirits, threatening the lord mayor and his men, and giving aid to vilecreatures spawned by the devil!" Rina sat down on the stoop. "Evil, milordmayor? That is a tricky word. What is evil to you may be good to someone else.But I digress. My granddaughter is just a girl. I can see no way in which shewould be able to help any evil spirit, who by definition would have its owngreat power. What are you really after?" The man sat higher in his saddle. "Sheis also charged with stealing coin rightfully claimed by the mayor of Bedburg.We have searched the farm and there is no sign of it. She will either hand itover or tell us where it's at, or we will kill her."'The woman stood back up. "It seems to me you'll kill herregardless of what she does and in the same manner which you killed myson-in-law and my grandson. But know this. This is my property, and you have noright to be on it without my leave. By the laws of this land, I therefore havethe right to defend it against your intrusion." The mayor

laughed, and his menchuckled grimly. "I see one woman in a dress. Behind me I have a hundred men.Do your worst!" She turned and pulled the door open; out stepped Sybeele. Shesaid nothing, but stuck her tongue out at the fat man. Then another womanstepped out. A few murmurs of recognition passed amongst the men. But not asmuch as when the tall man stepped out. Thirty men broke ranks and fled. Themayor blanched. "Not you again!"There was something about the smile that crept across thisman's face that foretold how their foray was going to end. "Well, well, well.If it isn't the Mare of Bed Bugs! Still attacking little girls and trying tosteal money. That even makes you lower than low by political standards." Hemade a motion in the air. A small chest appeared. "This is the money you seek.All you have to do is pry it from my grasp." He made it vanish again. IT wasnow sittingon the table inside. "Oh, and by the way, I don't like you. I warnedyou once. You have ignored what your eyes have told you. So I will sayagain...RUN!" As he spoke the man morphed into a huge hulking monstrosity. Hisleft paw was missing, but it only made him look more terrifying. Beside him,the other female changed too, turning into a smaller, but equally fearsomecreature. They took about five steps towards the group before complete panicensued.But even as the soldiers were trying to turn and run, Aldocame out of the house bearing an axe. His eyes looked to the terrible creaturesstanding between him and the soldiers. He had no idea who to attack. He heldthe axe menacingly, pulling Rina and Sybeele behind his body. Rina kissed him."Put it down, you fool. It'll do no good against either of them. And if you haven'tfigured it out already, they are already protecting us. Leave them alone!" Helowered the blade, allowing it to hit the stone step with a clank. He took inthe whole battle, which was happening without an ounce of blood being shed. Thehuge beast simply roared a sound so fierce it made the woodsman's blood curdle.The she-wolf creature answered in return, and a few seconds later the clearingwas filled with wolves. He was never so glad to see something so dangerous, yetso comfortingly familiar. The wolves snapped at the heels of the horses,spurring them to greater energy in their departure. Even the fat man's horsewas galloping at top speed. And then there were none.The huge wolf thing turned and eyed him holding the axe. Itspoke. "You've already had one mishap with that. Don't make it two." Then hechanged back to a human. It was by far the strangest thing he, Aldo, had everseen. The wolf lady thing changed as well, only now into a regular wolf. Sheseemed to confer with the pack, which then drifted back into the woods. He wasnever

going to view the forest in the same way ever again. The wolf melted andgrew into the form of a human female. It was too much for his brain. He passedout. Jon-Tom stood over him. "He's a nice enough guy, but he really needs toget a spine."When Aldo came to, he was lying on a bench in the house. Rinawas sitting next to him, and the man and strange woman were sitting at thetable, laughing with the girl. He rubbed his head. "What happened? I had thestrangest dream!" Rina kissed the bump from where his head met the corner ofthe step. "It wasn't a dream Aldo. It was all too real." He rubbed the spot andlooked back at the table. Sitting there now was a huge monster and a smallermonster. "What is going on?" The big monster opened his mouth and spoke. "AsSybeele has called me, I am magier. I am here to help correct some wrongs. Sofar, I think I'm doing a pretty good job. Of course, if you would like, I canput your leg back the way it was...?" He rose and defensively stood in front ofRina. "This woman healed my leg, not you!" Jon-Tom chuckled. "Oh, that's right,she did. Sorry. In all of this excitement I had forgotten."Aldo turned to Rina for support. "You did heal it, didn'tyou?" She kissed him on the cheek, and he drew back surprised."You...did...didn'" She shrugged. "Any power I now have is thanks to themagier. Don't tell me you don't trust him, for without him none of us would bestanding here even discussing it. He has great power, and great compassion. I willnot even tell you of all he has done, for you would not believe it, even withyour own eyes." The woodsman stepped forward to the magier. "I am not afraid ofdeath, but I prefer life. But if she speaks truthfully, then I can touch youwithout burning." He said it more to himself, but he moved forward and pressedhis fingers against the other man's chest. Nothing happened. Well one thinghappened. The man blinked. "What were you expecting; something too horrible to behold,or too terrible to endure? Something from your darkest nightmares? UnderstandAldo that I hold no grudge against you for not believing your own senses. Onthe same note, you need to come to grips with the fact that for the rest ofyour life, your perception of reality will be forever altered. You have a lotto learn. I would highly suggest to you that you take on Rina as a teacher. Whoknows what sorts of things she can teach you!" The man was dense, but notstupid. He saw her smiling face and felt a stir in his loins. Jon-Tom sensed it.It was a start.He remained at the house for a period of weeks. Now thatthings seemed straightened out, he kept expecting Eve to pop up. He waspatient; heck, he had just come of a multi decade stint. A few months ofpleasant relaxation would do

him good. Wrrr had gone off with the pack, thoughshe promised to look in on him, assuming he was still around when she returned.That left him with Sybeele. That was no bad thing. The girl delighted in havinghim to herself. They would often walk together through the wood and themeadows, though with winter approaching there was less and less to see. One dayshe dragged him into the cellar. "Magier, can we finally explore the caverns?"He found it an excellent idea. "Certainly little one. I'm as curious as you areto what lies below.She went to grab a lantern, but he put his hand against hers."Don't bother. I think I have this covered. He touched the walls. His hand litup, followed by the very rock. Soon she could see as if daylight was spilling intothe ground. It was a wonderland. The earth had spent countless millenniasculpting out marvels from the pure rock, and then overlaying it with layersand layers of colored minerals and fancy drippings. She found a chamber to oneside, small, but roomy enough for two. She suddenly felt mischievous. "Magier,do you think you could turn this into a private room just for us?" He peeredin. "I think you have an excellent idea. In the time it took her to blink, theroom was refitted into a private and cozy room. She couldn't help but noticethe bed. "Magier! How thoughtful of you!" She was soon absorbed in a whole newset of wonders, which didn't abate until she fell back against the pillowsexhausted.Despite the joy he was having, he was growing more concernedthat he had missed something important. Eve should have popped in. She alwaysdid. He was beginning to wonder if she or Rina was supposed to have a child byhim, and that he had messed it up. Grandmother was now quite content with hernew man, even if he wasn't a magier. Sybeele wanted very much to stay with him,and the longer he stayed, the harder parting was going to be. He was lying inbed one night, having tired the poor girl out of her senses, when he heard atenuous voice in his head. It was like listening to a radio station that wasnearly out of range. It was Eve. He picked up the voice and amplified it,broadcasting back along the line. The first thing he heard clearly was, "Ohthank the stars!" He sighed. "What is it Eve? I've been waiting to hear from youfor a while." She came through stronger now. "Jon-Tom, I need you to come backnow."He put his arms behind his head. "I'm not certain I want to.This has been a very nice mission, as far as they go." He could hear thetension in her voice. "YOU NEED TO COME BACK NOW!" "Oh all right. Let me wrapthings up here." He kissed Sybeele and impressed in her mind what was going on.He had no idea if he would return, or if she would be allowed to come forward.He made her a gift

and tucked it into her small hands. He kissed her one moretime." "Ok Eve, I'm ready." Her voice was still distant. "You must meet mehalfway with your power." He concentrated, finding her mind and powering itwith a boost of raw energy. All at once he was flung into that iciness, held tightfor half a minute until he was suddenly back at the palace. He turned to Eve and stopped. She looked like shit. "What thehell happened to you?" She fell to the floor in a near faint. "Don't ask methat right now. I need to know what you did while you were gone." He sniffed."Boy, you're getting a bit personal, aren't you?" She wasn't in a good frame ofmind for his humor. "WHAT DID YOU DO? DID YOU USE MAGIC?" He was taken aback byher demeanor. "Of course I used magic. I'm essentially made of magic now. Yousent me back to use magic. Why the hell are you suddenly on my back?" Shestood. "I need every last scrap of magic you can part with. I need you to stayhere as my anchoring point on the tether. And whatever you do, don't you dareleave this room, or talk to anyone. Do I make myself clear?" He nodded numbly.She smiled thinly and kissed him. "You have an extraordinaryability to make things work out. Despite this, I have a bad feeling you havemessed something up beyond repair. I must go and see if I can undo it beforeany harm befalls the timeline." Without another word she vanished. He sat down.He had a sudden wish to be with Sybeele again. She might be young, but she wasfun and unencumbered by magic or any of the problems that went with it. Now he wasback here in the highlands, and from here to another mission. Then again,whatever Eve thought he had done in the past might nix further forays into thetimeline. He figured there was a paradox in that statement, but right now hedidn't give a damn. He propped his feet up and stuck his hands in his pockets.He felt a cold bit of metal. He pulled it out and turned it in his hand. He lookedit over and over and over, reading the inscription. He suddenly felt very sickto his stomach. Eve was right. He might have messed up big.It was days before she came back. By then he had pieced someof it together. When she appeared, she was looking pleased. "You! You are themost...amazing...I don't know what I want to say right now!" He tossed her thething from his pocket. "How did this happen? I thought that we could onlytravel along your timeline." She looked ashamed of herself. "I did not accountfor all of the variables. I made more mistakes than you did, though I wondernow if that's the proper term. There was a solar storm, and as you shouldrecall, there are several connections on this world that link with your own.That, plus your affinity for your home planet, well...""Eve; where did I end

up?" She twisted up her lips. "Youended up just where your little friend told you you were; outside of thevillage of Epprath." He sighed. "And then Bedburg and a few other towns. Whereare they?" She drew in a breath. "You would best know it, I think, as Germany,though this area was Rheinland back in the day. Do you know what happens to befamous about Bedburg?" He spread his hands, assuming he was about to find out."Bedburg was famous for the trial of Peter Stumpf, aka Griswold, who wascharged with being, get this, a werewolf. It was said that he had a magic beltwhich allowed him to transform into this terrible beast, which, by the way,only had one front paw. Does this sound familiar?"He choked. "Sybeele gave me that belt. It had about as muchmagic in it as her fingers did, for she made it herself!" He pulled it off and showedit to her. "Yes Jon-Tom it's very nice. But then there's your other friend.That was a piece of work right there. Whatever gave you the idea of turningWrrr into a human?" He shrugged. "I thought she might be the predecessor of themodern wolves here. How was I to know I wasn't on this world anymore?" Eve gotexasperated. "How many other forms did you see? Humans, horses and wolves. Oh,and some livestock which should have gotten your attention. You put your ownexpectations into the wolf pack, enhancing their normal intelligence. Wrrr,however, is an exception."  'He waited for the other shoe to drop. "Wrrr, or Weerre, is adescendant of the wolves from this world. The bridges between the planetsoccasionally align to open wider. Some time; a long time ago, a few of mychildren unknowingly crossed the barrier and were lost to me. Wrrr is the lastwho has knowledge of her ancestors. And now you went and returned her heritageto her. She is a misfit in your world. She would have been better off dying asa four legged creature." He sat upright. "Then we must go back and get her. Notonly did I give her the ability to change, I gave her pups that will have thesame ability!" Eve glared at him. "I know, Jon-Tom, I know. It has been takencare of the only way I knew how." He stood up. "Eve, what did you do?"What I did is none of your present business. Do you realizethat her name has been permanently affixed to the Earth superstition you justcreated; Were-wolves. You and your wolf lady just started a new trend on Earththat you yourself are fully aware of. How did you manage this without causingthe timeline to implode?" He was sitting, absorbed in his own thoughts. "I canonly think of one thing really." Eve was all ears. She even took a rabbit'sform. "Do tell spell singer extraordinaire!" He sucked in a breath beforebeginning. "There was no problem because it happened just like it was supposedto happen. I'd still like to know what you did to poor Wrrr. She deservedbetter, I'm sure, than whatever she got. It was no fault of her own that shegot tangled up with me.""Indeed!" He heard the voice behind him. He whipped aroundfast. "Wrrr!" He jumped up and gave her a hug that nearly broke her ribs. Thenhe remembered the belly. But there was no belly. He turned angrily to Eve. "Youhad no right to..." Wrrr grabbed him, turned him about and planted a kiss on hisface that spoke volumes. Behind her were two young wolf cubs, both standing ontwo legs and looking very much like his six kids from Eastfallon. Then hementally slapped himself. These were his kids. Wrrr pulled them forward."Lawrence; Talbot, meet your father!" The boys did a handsome little bow."Hello father! We've heard so much about you! It's an honor to finally meetyou!" He about fell off his chair. That would have been a trick as he wasn't onit at the moment."Hello boys! My but aren't you handsome creatures! And whatwonderful, if unexpected names you have." He looked to Wrrr for an answer. Eveanswered instead. "Jon-Tom dear, I'm ashamed of you. I recommended the namesafter I searched the timeline for damage. Lawrence Talbot? I thought you mightfind it mildly ironic." He ran it through his head. Eve knew him well enough toknow his sense of humor. Then it struck him. "Lon Cheney Jr. in the 1941classic The Wolf Man!" He was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes. "I'msorry boys. I'm not laughing at you, or at your names. I will have to show youa bit of magic involving moving pictures, so that you can see your namesake!"To Wrrr, he hugged her again. "How long has it been since I left?" She wrappedher legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. "Eve says it was twoyears. " Eve herself cut in. "I had to check the entire timeline forruptures, and I had to do it on another world. It took time to figure thingsout. She had gone off with the pack, and I needed to make certain the timelinewas intact. I had to follow it to the present time. By the way, your world isvery different from mine. I'm not certain I like it." He shrugged. "That's whyI'm here. But then, what of Rina and Sybeele?" Eve grew quiet. "Rina marriedAldo and they had three children together. If I had known you were trollingaround the timeline with youth water, I would have knocked your teeth in. Thatstuff is not to be used lightly!" He stuck his tongue out. Wrrr and the boysgrinned. "So, what harm did I cause by using it?" That question got her goateven more. "Nothing."He was nodding his head. So everything worked out in the end."Wait, what of Sybeele?" Eve looked pained. "What of her? You told her thatthere was a chance of allowing her to come

forward to the future. I broughtWrrr because otherwise she would have been hunted, killed or treated like afreak, just like her early ancestors. That's why they had chosen to live on thesteppes. Few humans ever came there. That gets me back around to you. You neveronce thought it weird that the usual species weren't running around?" He made awhat-was-I supposed-to-think look. "Look Eve, You threw me four hundred yearsinto the past. I had no idea what this planet was like. I sure as hell didn'tthink I was back on Earth! I thought I was in some area I had never been tobefore."Eve relented. "Overall, you did well Jon-Tom. Since the areayou affected was so small, the waves just comingled with the rest of thestirrings caused by the passage of time." She pulled out a few old books and asmall booklet. She handed them over to him to read. "Read the small thin onefirst." He was almost afraid to touch it. It looked old and fragile. On thecover it read; An account of the crimesand trial of Peter Stumpf, with illustrations of his punishment and that of hisAccomplices. She watched his face. "No Jon-Tom, read it out loud just asit's written. He had no idea why she was asking, unless it was for Wrrr'sbenefit. "Ein Bericht über die Verbrechen undVerurteilung von Peter Stumpf,mit Abbildungen seiner Bestrafung und die seiner Komplizen." He did a double take. "I can't read German!"Eve corrected him. "You couldn't read it until you tapped into Sybeele's headand got the basics you needed to communicate with her. The same goes for Wrrrhere. She understood a totally different communication set. It's not like onthis world Jon-Tom; on your own you did the impossible, if it weren't for magic."He considered that for a few moments. He assumed that backthen people on this world didn't speak the universal tongue he had come toexpect. Now he felt pretty stupid. On the other hand, it wasn't something thathad ever come up before. And once he was speaking German, it had never occurredto him to think about it, except in regards to Wrrr. He went back to readingthe book. He began voicing his objections. "Peter Griswold was murdered beforethis trial even took place!" Eve agreed. "Yes stupid, that's why the man is referredto as Peter Stumpf. It refers to your lack of a paw in your Dire Wolf form.Stumpf is their word for stump. And since you used the name Peter, the same asSybeele's father, they ran with it. I'll have you know I sat in on thetrial.  The poor man they ended upkilling in your place was the poor captain of the guard."Jon-Tom momentarily felt bad. But then, the captain wasn'tmuch of a nice person anyway. He kept reading. He came to a part about hissexual relations with his daughter (not

hisdaughter) and his killing of his own son. Nice! They covered their tracksnicely. He apparently had relations with a succubus, which as Eve explained,was most likely a reference to Wrrr. The wolf stood a little taller as sheheard this. "I ended up in the history book? How intriguing!" Jon-Tom was stillreading. Apparently he had sexual relations with a relative by the name ofKaterina Trumpen. He wasn't related, but they did have relations. Overall itwas a kangaroo court kind of document. He almost felt bad for the poor captain.The mayor would have served far better under the torture devices of the day. But it was all history now.Except for... "Eve, you never told me what became of Sybeele. Whathappened to her?" The goddess sat down beside him. "Jon-Tom, do you rememberwhat you told her? That bit about all of your loves always being alivesomewhere along the timeline? Well keep that thought close to your heart. Iwill not answer that question, other than to say she intended to wait for youuntil the end of time. She was a special girl, and I would willingly give youup to her if it was presently possible. But it's not." He twitched his nose."Look Eve, I knew I'd be giving her up the moment I met her. I just wish you'dtell me what happened to her." She reached for the books and pulled out anotherone."I was given this by Jacob and Wilhelm personally. Luckilyfor you, by the time the story made it to them, it had become turned about fromhow it originally happened. That was part of the temporal ripples erasing theothers over time." She handed him the old appearing, but neatly preservedvolume. He read the cover. "Kinderund Hausmärchen, or Children's and Household Tales." He opened itup, finding that he could readily read the old German print. He flipped throughit until he came to one story. A small smile graced his mouth as he read it. Hefinished and read it again. When he was done, he closed the book and looked upat Eve. "So they gave you this personally? That means you did some timetraveling without me. Did they charge you, or did they give it to you fornothing?" She threw the gold groschen coin he had found in his pocket back athim.She picked up the book and flipped through the pages. "TheBrothers Grimm were entertained by some of my own tales, and in thanks theygave me a copy of this, their first edition. I thought you might like to seehow Sybeele turned out." She closed the book and set it down. He was quietlysatisfied with what he had read. "Stories have a way of getting twisted don'tthey? This one is full of half-truths and alterations. For example, it wasburgundy, not red. There's a big difference!" Eve smiled. "Yes there is, Iguess, but then the title would have been a

bit awkward, don't you think?" Herelented, but just a little. "I suppose so. Little Burgundy Riding Hood doesn'troll off the tongue nearly as well. And I'll have you know that I didn't just"eat" them. There was plenty of other sex going on. And boy was it good!" Hesighed and closed his eyes, thinking back over his past few weeks. He hadn'tconsidered that he was making history. It made him feel kind of proud.

Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 9

     His return to Eastfallon was heralded with a full blown honor guard. He wasembarrassed by the attention, and did his best to push forward those who hadserved under him, and whose lives had really been at risk, into the limelight.It was nice to be...

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Taking back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 8

  Things in the house never reallysettled down after the cubs got their lessons. From then on, they were tryingto engage him in the same manner as often as they could. Luna was practicalabout it. "It's like eating papa. After a while, you just get...

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A Die-Hard Cubs' Fan, or Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 7

There had now been several years of peace in Eastfallon. Word had gottenaround that the present ruler was not someone to be trifled with.Tales were told over and over until they were exaggerated in everysideways direction. The truth needed no...

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