A Die-Hard Cubs' Fan, or Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 7

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#13 of The Goddess Files

A continuation, but just barely!

There had now been several years of peace in Eastfallon. Word had gottenaround that the present ruler was not someone to be trifled with.Tales were told over and over until they were exaggerated in everysideways direction. The truth needed no supplementing, but was sohard to believe that storytellers came up with their own versions.They all had the same moral; don't mess with the Grey Wolves unlessyou wanted death to be your only friend.  In the palace however the tales were not so sweet and clear cut. Therewas some definite friction going on. It had to do with a differentmoral, or set of morals. They belonged to Jon-Tom. "Orath, I don'tfind this acceptable. And I don't care what they want, it's not goingto happen." The she-wolf  stood her ground. "I will not let themgrow up untrained. You have shown them how to handle a sword, a pikeand the bow and arrow. You have taught them balance; pushed themuntil they can run like the wind. You have versed them in our lore aswell as that of the lands outside of Eastfallon. Yet you would shirkin this most importance function?"  He was most adamant. "Yes I would. I find the idea outside of myabilities!" She kicked him in the crotch. "Not outside yourabilities; outside your stupid misguided morals. Are you telling methat with all of the children you have, you've never once showed themwhat to expect from a relationship, both emotionally as well asphysically?" He snapped his mouth shut. She beamed triumphantly."Ah ha! I thought as much. So what's the big deal?" He hunkereddown, ready to defend his position. "Incest is liable to cause allsorts of difficulties in the cubs that result from it. I can preventthis, but the end result is too damn confusing relative to myrelationship to them; I would be father and grandfather."  Orath

looked at him like he had gone crazy. Then she fell down laughing

hysterically. "Oh mate of mine, you are too precious! I'm not

asking you to impregnate them, I'm asking you to initiate them.

They're too young to breed now anyways. All I want, and what they want too, is for you to show them what we do together. Trust me, sex is

something you can never be too prepared for. I can't imagine that I

would have survived my ordeal at the paws of the reds without first

knowing what it was all about. Having cubs by your cubs is against

the lupine code, but teaching them how to conceive them is part of

the basic necessities of learning. I know it doesn't seem like much

of a distinction to you, but it is enough."  His resolve was slipping. The "cubs having cubs" part was his bestdefense. Now it was gone. The only thing left inside him, as part ofhis turmoil, was this. It was a desire to perform as expected. Theonly problem was what to do with the boys. "Fine! I'll handle thegirls as gently as I can. But what of the boys? You don't expect meto ream their asses do you?" He sounded upset. Orath wasn't putoff. "A good student asks questions and expects answers. I wouldsuggest you start with the girls, and as you teach them, make surethe others watch. If one of the boys shows an interest in it, then gowith the flow. I happen to like a little back door action, as youwell know. Once you're done teaching them, they will expand on theirknowledge trying things out amongst themselves. What will be, willbe. An Alpha Male mates with the Alpha Female, but should the boys,or the girls for that matter, fall in love with someone of their ownsex, I will not stand in the way."  "How can you be so cavalier? Don't you want the best for our cubs?" Herfoot came up and landed in his crotch again. "Who am I to decidewhat is best for them? I want the best, but it will be up to them tofigure out what that happens to be. Besides, here I am a wolf, savedfrom a dishonorable life by a human disguised as a Dire Wolf, who haswives around this world, and spread throigh different times. Thatmakes you at  best a polygamist, which is against the lupine code.But I know a good thing when my heart feels it. I did the rightthing. Doing so doesn't always make you feel all warm inside, but atthe end of the day, you can say, "I did good. And tomorrow I'll dobetter." He sighed. "I seem to have been defeated. I'll do as yousay, but I'll do it my way." She smiled. "That's all I ask ofyou." Then remembering the pain she had been trying to cause him,she dropped down to kiss the affected spot. The spot seemed to likeher lips, and it all went uphill from there. Hills do rise after all.The next day he assembled his cubs in a spacious bedroom normallyreserved for dignitaries. Since there were none at the palace justthen, it was all theirs. The palace staff were told to only go in iftheir presence was specifically requested, otherwise to leave theAlpha Male and his cubs alone. The message was clearly understood. Onthe other hand, Jon-Tom was nervous about this lesson plan. He stillfelt it was weird, even after doing his tigress daughters for a week.But then, things had been a bit different then. They had no idea hewas their father. Neither had their mother. But this was wide open,in the disclosure department. There was no going back. He had to dothis right the first

time.  "OK kids, listen up. This is going to be a learning experience for bothof us. The most important thing you can do is ask if you have anyquestions." He hoped for silence. He knew better. There was aflurry of shouts from his brood. "Alright!, alright!, one at atime! You, Rocky (nickname for Petra-thrafstira) you go first." Thecub jumped up happily. "Papa, I overhead some of the other cubs saythat you stick your thing in a lady wolf to make babies. Is thatrue?" Jon-Tom grimaced. Nothing like cutting to the chase. "YesRocky, that's right. Of course, what do are calling a thingy?" Thecub stood pulled down his pants and pulled back his sheath, exposinghis little red one. "This!" "And what is your "thingy" called in more proper terms?" The cubpulled his sheath back over it. "Well papa, I've heard a lot ofnames. Respof called it a cock, Poitric said it was a dick, andothers called it other things." Jon-Tom nodded. "Yes, I'm afraidthere are a lot of common names. I don't really care which you use,but for a proper reference to it, we will called it a penis." Thatbrought form a few stifled laughs. Ferra (nickname for  Sídi?ro-guna)chuckled out, "I see why there's other names for it; penis soundsfunny!" She got snickers of endorsement for her opinion. "Yes, I suppose it does. But it seems to be the most valid term around. Butlike I said, you can call it what you will. Naming it does changeit's function." The next question was from Suffie (nickname for Vathiati?n-kardil). "Papa, how big is yours? The other cubs saythat yours must be enormous. You're the biggest wolf in Eastfallonafter all." Now the cubs knew about Jon-Tom's true form. He hadwanted no surprises for them in their later lives if he needed tochange. "Size does matter Suffie, but not as much as you mightthink. And I'm a rather special case. I can change my size to matchany female, from horse to rat." The inevitable was just around the corner. It was Loblia who broached it."I've seen the boys'...cocks," she choked out, "but we've neverseen yours. Can you show us?" He felt like a flasher at this point,but if he was going to be putting it in them, they had the right tosee it first.  He dropped his pants and willed an erection. It washis normal size for this body, which meant is was bigger than hisnormal as a human. Twelve eyes went wide. Lobelia actually let out awhistle. "Whoa! Momma is one tough bitch if she takes that on aregular basis. Heck, I could have come out of there and into herbelly full grown!" The other cubs twittered nervously. Her statement got Jon-Tom thinking. Apparently the kids weren'tcompletely clueless when it came  to sex. Like many other culturesthough, they weren't very well informed. But Lobelia was pretty smartfor her age. "Your mother is an exceptional lady, but I respect thelimits of her body." As they watched, his size shrank to somethingless impressive. He followed that up with changing his body to ahandsome Grey Wolf. "Like I said, I'm an exception to the rule."Lobelia gazed at his new form. "I can see where we got our looks.You should keep this shape papa. It's much more handsomer!" Therest of them agreed. "OK kids, for the rest of the lesson, this iswhat I'll keep...unless someone makes a special request."  There was silence for a moment, until one of the cubs looked around, andfeeling that no one else was going to ask, she raised her paw. "Papa?What is sperm?" He nodded knowingly. Girls were more interested inthe biology than the boys. "Well Ferra, sperm is what the maleproduces that goes inside the girl to help make babies." She pursedher lips. "Which is why the boys have a pe-nis. So that they canget the sperm to our eggs" He clapped proudly at her assessment."Yes, very good. Ferra is of course correct, which leads us toanother part of this lesson. Why don't siblings engage in sex afterthe females come into heat." Ferra raised her paw again. "Youmean their first blood? Because a brother and sister having cubstogether is against the pack law! And the pack law is never to bebroken!"  "Yes dear, that's correct. But do you know why that law is in place?"There was silence from the cubs. "I thought as much. You seechildren, breeding between siblings will lead to a weakening in theline. Eventually, the Alpha pack wold become the Zeta pack, givingbirth to babbling idiots. That is why when you're of age, you searchfor a mate with good qualities outside of your own family. Sometimes,if you're lucky, you can find someone that has these qualities thatyou love, and who loves you in return. But you must look to thepreservation of the kingdom first. One of you will rule in thefuture, after your mother and I pass into the next existence."  Peppy (nickname for  Peplo-nychta) got a concerned look on his face."You're not dying are you?" Jon-Tom smiled. "No Peppy, I'm notdying any faster than anyone else. Probably less so. But everythingis meant to die. We're born, we live out our life, and then we die.Conception and birth begin it, death finishes it. The important partis what you do in between." Luna (nickname for  Fengara-dori) letout a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad papa. I like having you andmomma around." He patted her head. "Thanks for the vote ofsupport Luna. I like being around to be with you. You're a greatfamily and I'm proud to call you mine!"  Lobelia raised her

hand.  "Papa, can I ask another question?" He smiledbrightly. "Yes you may." "Papa, what is a cunt? I heard one ofthe cubs calling another of the cubs a cunt, but Luna says that'swhat this is." She had her skirt up and had a digit pressed intoher crotch." Jon-Tom sighed. He was beginning to feel that theactual sex part was going to be easier to handle than all of thisverbal bantering. But it was necessary. "The part of the bodyyou're indicating is properly called a vagina. It is slanginglyreferred to as a cunt. On the other hand, someone who is mean ornasty, particularly a female, is sometimes called that too. If youwish to call your vagina a cunt, or love tunnel or a snatch, orwhatever, it's your choice. But keep the term from leaving your mouthin reference to anyone else. You're better wolves than that."  Luna raised her paw again. "Papa, does the first time hurt? I would havetried it already but one of the older girls said her first time waspainful, and that she'd never do it again." It was a good question."Yes Luna, for a lot of girls, the first time hurts. Just be gladyou're not a feline." Since he didn;t elaborate, she bit. "Whynot? I mean, I like being a canine, but there's nothing wrong with acat...is there?" He changed his cock to a male tiger's. The kidsmoved in a stared. Luna gulped and said, "That's gross! All thosespines! That would hurt anytime it was inside!" He changedback to a wolf's. There were audible sigh's of relief. "Everyspecies is different. I tend to favor my own, which has received zerocomplaints in all the years it's been in use." His cock changedagain. It was no longer red an thinly veined, but tannish pink. Lunacooed. "Now that looks like it'd be fun. Have you ever used it onmomma?" No point in being coy now. "Yes dear, I have. But your mom's atraditionalist. She likes taking the knot." Rocky jumped into theconversation. "Yeah, what about that? I get a knot and then it'shard to get my cock back down to size." His father nodded. "Aknot is a canines way of making sure the sperm gets to where it needsto go by not allowing withdrawal of the cock from the vagina. Call ita survival strategy. On the other hand, some females like the feelingof having a huge hard bulge inside them. You'll have to find out onyour own." Luna had her paw to her crotch, rubbing it vigorously."Papa, can you do me first. I'm really getting all wet. That's agood sign, isn't it?" He looked at her lovingly. "Yes Luna darling, that's a good sign.Something I've not yet mentioned, but it's some of the best advice Ican give, is that you can never have too much lubrication. That's whyyou're getting wet. To make it easier for me to get my cock

insideyou." The cub stripped off her dress and was up on the bed, stillrubbing herself. "Please papa! Can we do it now?" The other cubswere watching her with morbid fascination. Lobelia said, in a mildlyshocked tone of voice, "Can she do that?" Jon-Tom cocked hishead. "Can she do what? This is supposed to be a lesson." The cubmotioned towards the bad. "Can she rub herself like that. The othergirls said that was bad." He shook his head. "Sometimes you justhave to do what you have to do. If you need relief, and you're theonly one who can scratch that particular itch, than do it." Hereyes grew wide. "You mean I won't get in trouble for doing it?"He scratched her behind her ears. "Not from me you won't. Just keepit in private though, shall we?"  He finished stripping and climbed up on the bed. There was a damp spotunder Luna. He pulled her paw away from her crotch. "OK honey,we'll get on with the lesson." He motioned for the others toobserve. "This is a visual lesson for you. And there will be a testwhen we're done." He got down and put his face in her crotch. Heextended his tongue and began lapping over and between her lips. Thecub groaned and raised off the bed. He worked the tip in, pushingapart her soft furry labia. She was literally streaming moisture. Hegrabbed her legs and pushed them forward, exposing her ass as well asher cunt. His tongue traveled up and down, from navel to tail, untilthe girl was desperately trying to wiggle out of his grasp. All atonce she cried out; a mini howl, and convulsed in paroxysms ofpleasure.  Jon-Tom eyed the others to see three boys with their paws on their cocks, andtwo girls with paws at their crotches. Apparently it was a good show.He surveyed his audience. "Any questions?" He heard one smallvoice coming up from the bed. It was Luna. Her voice was quavering."Yes, I have a question. Why did you stop?" He nuzzled the fur onher belly. "Because, young one, there is more to learn besidesthat. Are you ready for the whole thing?" He head bobbled in anaffirmative motion. "Yes papa! If that's just the beginning, Ican't wait to have you inside me!"  There was nothing more that needed to be said. Despite his reservationsabout this, he was horny. He lifted her legs and got into position,placing the tip against her hole. She whined a little. "Now Lunadear, if this hurts too much, let me know. I can shrink down to makeit easier on you." She opened one eye. "Can momma take it?" Henodded. "Then I can take it. I'm already half grown.!"  He pushed the tip in, forcing her lips apart. She was wonderfully lubed,and he just kept applying constant pressure. She shifted her hipsone, then twice, and on the third

time used her forepaws to pushagainst the bed and into his thrust. With a pop he was in. She letout a little whine, but defiantly pushed down hard against him. Heleaned down and kissed her forehead. "Are you doing alright Luna?"She rumbled deep in her throat. "I love you papa!" He took thatas a yes, and pushed in as far as he could go. There was to be nolengthening today, for she was a very snug fit. But he did expand hishead just a little, sort of a reverse knot, to keep him from sidingout if things got vigorous. It was a trick that had worked wellbefore. She could feel the swelling inside and gasped, "Oh my!"Of course, no else knew what was happening.   He started gently enough, allowing her body to adjust to the suddenintrusion of an organ heretofore foreign to it. Her walls weretwitching, trying both to expand and at the same time trying to cramparound his cock. He was ready to reduce his size when she grabbed hisarms and pulled herself up. Her legs went around his ass and with asolid purchase against his body, she took over. She was pumping likethe piston of a race car, driving herself down, and then up, withincredible speed. All at once she cut loose with a scream/growl/cryand went rigid. He grabbed her sides and took over, finding himselfready to blow. His actions extended her orgasm until she wasliterally babbling as he came. His fluids, while mitigated by his ownpurposeful actions, still bubbled and overflowed, pushing violentlypast his cock and onto the bed. This moment was not missed by therest of the cubs. Jon-Tom went to pull out and give her some breathing room, but she stoppedhim, but not before he was already out. "No papa, some moreplease!" He was ready to tell her no, but reconsidered. She was alittle fireball, sexually charged and ready for action. Perhaps theycould keep going with the lesson. "Alright my little moon, but thisnext one may be not to your liking." He slid down to her littlepink ass and wiggled his tip, tickling her rectum. She wiggled rightback. There was more than enough lube, so he pushed as gently as hedid her other hole. He was surprised when he slid right in. She letout a grunt and tightened up around him. "Ooooo. I like this too. Inever would have thought of using this hole for fun!"  He gently extended his length until he could felt resistance, thenbacked it off an inch or so. With that done, he pulled back until hehit her sphincter, then pushed back in the full length. She grippedhis arms tight enough to dig her claws into his flesh. He stopped,thinking he was hurting her. She forced open one eye. "I didn't askyou to stop. I'm not going to ask you to stop. So don't stop!" Shehad some of her mother's spunk, that

was certain. He glanced at theothers. They were watching intently and still fingering themselves.One of the boys had reached down between his own legs and was rubbinghis butthole.  Luna was impatient for him to start moving again. She never released hergrip on his arms, and used the resulting leverage to start thrustingher hips. She followed his pattern, carefully pulling nearly off, andthen pushing back down hard. Jon-Tom felt the urge boiling up insidehim, not so much from the physical sensation as it was the eroticismin her behavior. After all, he had just blown one load. But his nextwas quick to follow, and his fluids filled her up with little room tospare. That only added lubrication to her ass. She put it to gooduse. She rode his cock like her life depended on it, relaxing themuscles to make it easier. But only a few minutes in they tighten oftheir own accord, forcing her nerve endings into such close proximityto his cock that they overloaded her senses. She yelped just as theorgasm hit, and was out in thirty seconds. Jon-Tom carefully slid heroff and kissed her cheek. "My my, dear child, but you have grown upfast!"  He turned to the rest. "So? Who wants to be next?" Lobelia was outof her own dress faster than the eye could behold. "Me papa! Me!"She went to jump on the bed, but was held off by her sister'spresence there. She looked to her father for help. "Well darlingLobelia, there are other places besides the bed. Let your poor sisterrest. Her lesson for the day is done." He pulled out a large wellpadded chair. "Sit on that." She jumped up, little drips ofmoisture hitting the floor. She was ready too!  "Lean back and relax," he ordered.  She did the best she could,considering the excitement running through her veins. Jon-Tom changedto human form, despite his earlier words. This position required adifferent style body for ti to work well. He grabbed her feet andpulled her legs apart, setting them up on the arms of the chair. Hegot down with his face right into her cunt. It was just peeking openfrom between her creamy furred lips. His tongue came out and workedit open wider. He found a little pink bit of flesh, one which, whenhe passed across it, she sunk her nails into the armrest.  He drew itinto his mouth and applied some suction to it. She went wild. He keptit up until she arched back in the chair and convulsed in the throesof pleasure. A wet spot grew under her.  He pulled her down a little, draping her tail over the end of the chair.He thrust a finger into her cunt, and like her sister, he worked oneinto her ass. She let out a yip, but relaxed almost immediately. Shewas still tight from her orgasm. As with her sister, he worked thetissue between his fingers until she was nearly squirming off of thecushion. He corrected her descent by pushing harder still. It had theadded benefit of driving her over the edge a few minutes later.  As he removed his fingers, she slipped off, but he caught her before shehit the floor. He gave her a hug, and then turned her about so thatshe was now bent over the seat. He lifted her tail and got intoposition. "Lobelia dear, are you ready for the next part?" Herhead made a barely discernible nod. Lining up  he pushed in. She letout a squeak followed by a sigh. "Go on papa. It'll be fine." Hepushed harder, forcing in ever so lightly. There was a slight tearingand he slid inside completely. Her grip on the chair increased, buther vocal chords remained steadfastly silent. He pushed in deep,penetrating her recesses to the maximum depth he could reach withoutcheating, though he did add one tiny enhancement. He ribbed his cock.There weren't any species on this world who had one just like this.He had often wondered why. It set the girls on edge before droppingthem over it. Every fashionable male needed to have one.  It was soon apparent he may have overdone it. Her face was buried in thecushion, but her howl was forced, and crisp, and distinct. Her clawsshredded the upholstery. But the moment he stopped, her head came up."No, no papa, don't stop, not now. Keep going!" So, apparently hewasn't hurting her, which he figured, but she was about to lose hermind. There was nothing wrong with that. He could always help herfind it later, if it was necessary. He returned his hips to theirformer motion, grinding in as far as he could. She let out a tinywhimper and pushed back harder, flexing her hips in an attempt togain further pressure. He added an inch to his length, feeling itpressing on her cervix. He widen the base just a bit, feeling herlips stretch ever tauter. On the other end, the one buried in thecushion, a little blood trickled down from where she bit her otherset of lips.  Jon-Tom was ready to blow, despite the recent releases in that department.She was incredibly tight, and seemingly willing to take even more.But he had no desire to hurt her, and left it as it was. His motionswere more measured, so that he didn't inadvertently rip her open. Hecould readily fix it, of course, but why give her any unnecessarypain? As it was, the chair was going to be a total wreck by the timethey were done. Of course, he could fix that too. That is, when theywere done. It seemed like it might be soon, for she suddenly askedfor him to stop. He did.  She strained to turn in place, without success. "What's the matterdear?" He asked worriedly. "Nothing papa. I want to changepositions!" Not knowing what she wanted, he stood, lifting her withhim. In one swift action, and never losing her spot on his cock, sheturned until she was embracing him. His paws went to her ass. "OKPapa, that's good like this. Now you can lift me, and I can pushdown. Let's see how fast we can go!" The girl was brave, he had togive her that. She had her arms around his neck, nuzzling his chestand neck. He could feel her ass harden up as she clamped her feetagainst his sides. He had a feeling all he would need to do is toremain upright. He was correct.  She started slowly, but in a matter of seconds abandoned it as a badidea. She went full tilt and head long into pile-driver mode. She wasgoing at it with such fury as he would never have tried on her. Eachof her downward drives was enough to make him sway in place, so  heended up leaning against one of the bedposts for support. She wasriding him hard, and making all sorts of vocalizations, some of whichdid not sound very wolfish. They peaked into a scream/howl thatrattled the windows. He couldn't help but join her as his orgasm cameto a crest, and with a gush, spilled over into her insides. Despiteher internal constrictions, she was still driving down hard,apparently extending her climax. After five or so minutes of this, hefinally whispered in her ear. "It's time to give it up, young one.No need to ruin your future experiences by making you first oneimpossible to top." She gave up moving, but rested down solidly onhis cock. He could feel her muscles wrenching tightly around hismeat. Her feet were still planted in his sides, their claws digginginto his ribs. She refused to budge until her body stopped twitching.He stood there nearly thirty minutes.   In the meantime, Luna grabbed Rocky. "Do me!" The boy was floored.But he had watched his father, and his cock was so hard it wasaching.  She didn't give him much of a choice. She pulled him down onthe floor. After having her father's cock inside her, getting herbrother's in was no problem. Rocky went to it with relish. Ferragrabbed Peppy. There were no words necessary. They were rolling onthe floor. The only one with a partner was Suffie. He didn't seemoverly concerned. Jon-Tom carefully pulled Lobelia off and laid heron the bed. Her lungs were still working like a blacksmith's bellows.Suffie came up to him, ran his finger across his father's cock."Papa, do you think it's lubed enough for you to try me? If thegirls can do it, I think I can too!" Jon-Tom hesitated. He hadnever before done anything remotely homosexual. But this was alesson. If Suffie wanted to try it, what could he do but provide it?  "Sure Suffie. It won't be much different than with the girls." He

satdown on the now mutilated chair and patted his lap for his son toclimb up. The boy wasn't going to be deterred by the confines of"normal" sexuality. He put his ass on his father's chest, wiggledhis tail in his face, and then slid down. This got his tail out ofthe way. When his rectum hit his father's cock, he stopped and thenpressed down. He was nervous, and tight. Jon-Tom reached forward andstroked his cock. The boy groaned. As he arched forward, engrossed inthe feeling, his ass relaxed and the tip slid in. He yipped and bithis lip. But in the next instant he reached down and grabbed hisfather's hips. A second after that, he pulled himself completed downover the intrusion in his ass.  "Papa!" he gasped, "Can we just stay like this for a moment. It feels goodwhen I'm not moving." Jon-Tom leaned down and kissed his head."This is all you son. Take as much time as you want." But it wasa bit of a lie. Jon-Tom could feel his loins ready to explode, whichthey did without further prompting. His son could feel it too, andguessed what was happening. He braced himself for pain, but waspleasantly surprised by the flood of warmth in his belly. He waiteduntil his father's contractions had stopped before trying to move onhis own. The passage was now much more slick, and it allowed him tomove with greater ease. Little bits were leaking out as he moved,rising and falling in time with his breathing. As his breathingpicked up pace, so dd his movements, until the movements resulted inhis cumming, including a series of spasms in his bowels that lit himon fire. Leastwise, he though he was. When he was done, he sat there in is father's lap, a big ribbed cock stillhard in his ass. "You can do me again if you like Papa. I can feelyou're still hard." Jon-Tom was loathe to admit that this waspretty enticing. He resized his cock and reshaped it to a wolf's. Hisson might or might not be gay; that didn't matter. But he was mostlikely to find a mate within his own species. Better show him what hehad to look forward to. Suffie wiggled as his father's cock changedinside him. Then strong paws gripped him under his arms. He waslifted up, and then back down. More fluids leaked out. His fatherpicked up the pace, and was soon nearly slamming him down. He couldfeel the heat rise to his cheeks, and feel his ass stretching tight.All at once, the feeling in his ass doubled in size, and his eyeswent wide. His father had shoved in completely, including his knot,which was now locked tightly in place. Every move up pulled hismuscles against this blockade, and every push down pushed it inmarginally farther. He dug his claws into his father's sides, and hisfather tightened his grip on his chest. They came together

in a clashof bodies the forced a howl from the cub's lips. Then he passed outand went limp. When he came to, his brother's were staring over him. He blinked his eyes.Rocky was the first to speak. "Whoa dude. You took it like a pro.Hell, Respof's sister screamed the entire time, her first time. Andthat was with her cousin of the same age. You took Papa's full size!Dude, you are so rad! I sure as hell wouldn't have tried it!" Lunawas smiling down at him. "Yes, you are very brave. Girls are morestretchy; I know cause momma said so. Course, papa can make it easieron us. That's better than most others." She got down in his face."Was it good?" He allowed a smile to spread across his face. "Ihaven't tried sex with you yet, but if it's anything like what I justhad, I think I have a new hobby!"

Into the Night Like an Assassin

In an unnamed town, onan unnamed street, in a filthy gutter lay a drunk otter. Had he beenable to see himself, he would have been disgusted. His clothes weresoiled and his green Quetzel feather, which had cost him a prettypenny, was broken and ragged....

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Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 6

The old soldiers werepicking their way across the igneous flow, still too hot to walk onwithout thick soled boots. They had undertaken the task of removingthe bodies of the fallen, though it was less odious than it mighthave been. Most of the red...

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Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 5

So it was that achallenge was given to the Red Wolf usurper, Shrupel. Jon-Tom wordedthe message carefully. "To the present and unlawful lord of theEastfallon Stretches. If it pleases his majesty, a challenge to thethrone is hereby presented in the...

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