Into the Night Like an Assassin

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#7 of The Otterly Sinful Stories

A continuation

In an unnamed town, onan unnamed street, in a filthy gutter lay a drunk otter. Had he beenable to see himself, he would have been disgusted. His clothes weresoiled and his green Quetzel feather, which had cost him a prettypenny, was broken and ragged. His hat in general had fared no better.How he ended up in such a disgraceful position was quite a storyindeed. In truth, the town didhave a name. At this stage he was so drunk he couldn't recall it.Westrune was the common name, though all these old places had morethan one. The street was Kettlebottom Alley, and the gutter, well,that was just a gutter. The water in it was disgusting. Mudge had come toWestrune for the usual reasons, thieving, whoring and drinking. Hehad been to several places on his way back home from Rockhaven, andhe chose this one for the sole reason that he had yet to visit it. Hewasn't impressed by it, but he wasn't depressed about it either. Itwas a not-so-special little spot full of not-so-special people. Butthe girls were clean, and the booze was fairly undiluted, and theyaccepted his money like they would from any other. It would do untileither his money ran out, or they caught on to his stealing and ranhim up a tree or out of town. The inn he chose servedgood booze, and they brewed their own ale. Since the place was clean,he figured it was safer than most. He paid for a room a week inadvance, which earned him a line of credit with the owner. All thebetter for him. He was sitting at the bar one evening, debating ongetting a girl and going back to his room. The night before it hasbeen Shara, a cute little gopher girl. The night before was a bitmuddy in his memory, but he felt certain she was a hare. Yes,definitely a hare. He remembered the ears. As he turned to go, hissharp eyes caught sight of a group of girls sitting in the back ofthe dining room. They were drinking and talking quietly. He chidedhimself for not noticing them sooner. He could have been fillingtheir glasses all along. Then they might feel obliged to reciprocate.Oh well. Before approaching them,he assessed them. One was a lemur, not bad looking, one was amacaque, also quite attractive, and the last stopped him dead. Shewas gorgeous. Her fur was well brushed, her eyes sparkled and hersmile was contagious. When she saw him approaching, she grinned,showing pearly white teeth. Her companions looked up and nodded tohim. That gave him courage to speak. " 'ello ladies. I couldn't'elp meself. I 'ad to come over and tell yous 'ow lovely you all is!"There were a few titters from the table. The lemur shifted to oneside. "Come on my fine otter. Flattery just might get you to whereyou want to be." His eyes lit up. "And what iffing that might bein bed with the likes of you?" She leaned into his face. "Like Isaid..." He removed his cap anddid a pseudo-bow. "Me names Mudge. Might I ask you for yours? Itseems the best way to start a friendship is with knowing what to callme new friends." Smiles sprung up from around the table. "I'mLoiras," said one. "They call me Moria," said the one to theback quietly. "And I'm Jante!" said the last of the trio. Heplopped back down. "Well ladies, can a fellow buy yous all adrink?" Nods showed that his offer was acceptable. Four glasses anda big bottle of liquor were brought to the table.  Mudge figured ifhe played it right, he would be all set; three ladies for the priceof the alcohol. It wasn't free, but it was a good deal! He was itching to hitthe bed, but was wise enough to play his cards smoothly. Small talk,chitchat and then, if they were willing enough, or at least drunkenough, a night of glorious sex. "So me ladies, what is the lovelylot of yous doing in a place like this?" Moria choked back a laugh."I say otter, that's not a very good way of starting aconversation. A person such as yourself should know better than toask a lot of questions." He squinted at her. "I say there, whatdoes ya mean by that?" She chuckled in a way that made his heartjump. "I mean that a professional thief should know better than togo asking personal questions. Those asked may take offense you know." He sat a little morerigid and upright. " 'ere now, why did ya go and say a thing likethat?" She smiled. "Because it's true. You may have not workedyour trade for a while, but you're still a thief. I'm not judgingyou, just pointing out the obvious." He choked back some mixedemotions. "So you can tell what a person is by just lookin at 'em?"She was having way to much fun with him. "Yes little otter, I can.It's been part of my job for a long time. What's in a person's heartis more important than what's in their head or their purse. If youknow the heart, the rest is easy to read." Mudge was beginning todislike this gal. She was making him feel very uncomfortable. It wasthe same feeling he got from that damn ferret. Pay it forward indeed.He had tried to be nice to that badger girl and he could've lost hisballs over it. Then he grinned. Oh, she had been a nice one. Then hecame back to the present. "Oh, fine. Yes, I'm a thief. It weren'tby choice though. And yes, I  'aven't had to pilfer nothing for awhile thanks to a dead friend. Left me a bit of gold to tide me overin these 'ard times. You shouldn't fuss none; it's bought yourdrinks!" Moria held up

her glassin a toast. "Well then, to dead friends, who just might be betterthan  living ones. They can give you money, but they can't take itaway!" The other ladies chuckled and clinked glasses with her.Mudge was a bit put off. This gal might not mean offense, but hedidn't like anyone making fun of Brute. She might have been a lot ofthings, but she was still special to his memory. He gulped from hisglass and refilled it. "I'll 'ave you know me friend was somethingwonderful. She was..." Moria cocked her head. "She? Fascinating.Such camaraderie is usually reserved between males, not between thesexes. You must have held this lady in high esteem." He growled alittle. "Yes I did. She was me pal and me bedmate for a long time." Moria pushed matters."So then, you were lovers. I get it. So what happened to her. Iassume you would have died for her?" He glanced up and glared. "Youmight be right there. But the fact is, she felt she needed to die. Ina normal person I'd say it was dumb, but for 'er I got it. There'ssuch a thing as livin to long." Moria tapped her fingers on thetable. "Too long? You loved a crone?" He stood and pulled out hissword. The tip was at her throat. "Look 'ere miss. I know yous isspeaking out of ignorance, but don't go insulting me gal friend. Shewas affected by a spell, she was, and it kept her from dying. Shewent and got the damn thing removed from the same wizard what put iton. I didn't even get to say me a proper goodbye. I left and 'avebeen trying to forget 'er ever since." "Hmmm. Interestingstory. I'd be tempted to call you a liar, but you're telling thetruth. I can hear it in your voice. So again I say, a toast to goodfriends!" She took a pull on her glass. So did the others. Mudgesniffed back a tear at his memories and downed his. "You knowladies, I think I've lost me appetite for sex. If you don't mind,I'll be goin to me room and having a good cry." He stumbled upand headed for the stairs. "Wait!" It was the lemur, Lorias. "Wenever meant for you to be sad. We were just trying to get to knowyou. We drew quick lots and I won. I think it's only proper for me tohelp ease your pain. I can't replace your friend, but I can make youthink of other things for a while. What do you say?" He wasstanding there, listing to one side. "Oh, alright. I'd be a fool toturn down an offer like that with a lass like you." Upstairs he pulled openthe door and fell inside. The lemur followed. The door closed and thelatch was locked. He rolled over and looked up. She was holding outher paw. "Come on Mudge. The bed will be more comfortable." Hegrabbed a hold and wavered in his upright position long enough tomake it to the bed.

Damn, he thought, I really need to watch what I'mordering. That stuff was potent. But she helped him with his clothesand stripped herself of hers and climbed up with him. There was noquestion of her willingness. The problem was the drink in his systemwas rapidly making him unconscious. He wondered that she wasn't halflooped as well. He watched as she pulled out a small packet. Shestuck in a finger and dabbed a small bit on its contents on its tip.She stuck it between his lips. It took him a moment tofigure she was trying to poison him. He went to struggle as the stuffburned his mouth. In the next instant he was nearly fully awake."What the 'ell was that?" She grinned. "Cordelian cactus dust.It counteracts all sorts of poisons, even alcohol. I have nointention of screwing a limp otter." He was all atwitch. Even hiswhiskers were vibrating. Powerful stuff, that was! His heart wasracing, but his head was clear and his cock was in a fighting mood. "'ey there, is that something I can buy in the chemists shop?" Shethrew her head back and roared with laughter. "Hardly. An overdoseof this will just as easily kill you as whatever poison you're tryingto counteract. Outside of Cordelia, there is only one place you canget it." He waited. No answer. "And that would be?" Shegrinned. "The Assassin's Guild." He suddenly wished forhis fogged brain back. "You mean you three is from that guild? Thenyou already knew about me friend, didn't you?" She smiled. "Yesotter, we did. We've been looking for you for some time. You see, wereceived letters from our mutual friend telling us to look after youfor a bit. The problem was, by the time we got them and tried totrack you down, you were gone. Word had it you were in Rockhaven, butthe guild there could find no word of you in the local brothels -no offense. We were to understand that was where you would be. Afterno luck, we got word of an incident at the hotel which seemed to fityour handiwork. From there, it was tracing you on the backward route.Brute made it clear you might be hard to find." He growled deep in histhroat. "Not that 'ard apparently. A couple of your goons saved meskin before I even made it to Rockhaven. I'm surprised they didn'treport in." This unnerved her. "Members of the guild who did notreport your whereabouts? That is serious. Who were they?" Heshrugged, feeling this heart still racing. "Don't rightly know.Both ferrets, both with daggers. Knocked out a puma who was after memoney and told me to "pay it forward" or some such nonsense."The lemur sat back on the bed. "Doesn't sound like our people. Theywould have killed your assailant without thinking, if it meantprotecting

you." "Protecting me? Whythe 'ell do I need protectin?" She shrugged. "Orders. You were tobe looked after for a length of time, then you're on your own." Hewas getting upset. "I don't need no babysittin from no gang ofkillers; no offense, of course!" Her looked was all business and nopity.  "Look Mudge, I'm not questioning my orders. If I were you, Iwould take advantage of this situation for as long as it lasts. Younever know when the day might come when someone sics us onto yourtail. If that day comes, you'll wish you hadn't wasted your timenow." He  contemplated that sobering thought. That old badger fromRockhaven was pissed enough to do it. "You make a goodpoint. Besides, even while we've been sitting 'ere chatting, memanhood has been aching for some action. And seein' that I'm alreadyrunning at top speed, I guess I had better let the lad loose to dohis duty!" The lemur put it more succinctly. "Oh shut the hell upand fuck me dammit!" He pinned her to the bed, knowing full wellthat she was letting him. These assassins were a wily lot, but if shewanted to play, so would he. She soon had her tail entwined with his,and his cock was buried in as deep as she might sink a dagger into amark's back. Hopefully, she was enjoying his "weapon" better thanthe hypothetical mark might. The sounds she wasmaking and the grip she had on him seemed to push his guesses intothe "oh hell yes" category. He silently thanked Brute for thecontinued benefits she had seen fit to bestow upon him. This girl wasacting like she hadn't had a cock in her in ages. Of course, theseguild girl's generally didn't go out of their way to make friends.You never knew when you might have to kill them. The thought ofscrewing a killer seemed to excite him even more. He knew that Brutewas one at the time of their mutual company, but they had been onsuch close terms that he had ignored it. Anyway, he was giving thisone quite the thumping right now. She was taking every bit of it.When she came, it was so squeezingly tight he couldn't help but blowin conjunction with hers. His whole body was tingling. He wasn't sureif it was the sex, the drugs, or both. The two collapsed on the bed,and fell fast asleep until morning. The next morning foundhis bedmate dressed and sitting in a chair, sharpening her blades. Hewas nervous at first, but decided that if she had wanted to kill him,he would already be expiring on the sheets. He coughed and nodded inher direction. She gave him a wink. "Morning Mudge! I have to say,I can't wait until it's my turn again." He slid off the bed andstarted dressing. "Again? 'ow bout now?" She rubbed his head."There are three of us total. Everybody gets a turn. Moria saysthat she will go last. She's got something special lined up for you."They opened the door to find the others out there waiting. Mudge'seyebrows went up. "Oi! You two been there all night?" Jantelaughed. "Yes we have. Rules are rules. And now I'll get some sleepwhile Moria watches, so that you two can enjoy some breakfast." The two went to thedining room and found the owner had already laid out a table. Therewere fruits and cooked tubers, not to his liking, but apparently tothe other's tastes, so he dug into the broiled fish like a minerlooking for gold. He always had an appetite, but for some reason hislibido had drained him last night. Then he remembered the drug. "Oi!Lorias!" She swallowed a mouthful of food. "What is it, my littlelover boy?" He grimaced. He never did like cute diminutive names."Is there a chance of getting a bit o' that drug? It might be 'andynow and again." She bit another chunk off of the fresh warm bread."Not a chance otter. I told you last night, it's not for theuninitiated. There's a two year course in learning its uses. If youwant to go the the guild and learn..." She let her question trailoff. "No, no thanks. It'd be a waste of me time." She rubbed hisleg with her foot under the table. "Wise choice!" Since he wanted toexplore the town, Lorias relieved Moria so that both girls couldcatch a few winks. Mudge walked out into the humid air and breathedheavily. The damn place smelled like most towns; of body odor, fecesand piss. He would take the country air any day if there was agreater diversity in the booze and ladies and thieving available. Butin this world you either got one, or the other. He walked past thelocal equine houses, past the avian delivery building and past themayor's office. He ducked his head at his point, not for anyparticular reason other than keeping his face hid to make him harderto recognize if he got into trouble. Overall the place was like everyother, except that back at the inn, he had three females who were allhis; leastwise for a few days. That made this place tops on his list. After making his rounds,he returned to find Lorias still standing guard. He pulled out hissword. "I'll take over if ya like. I'd tell ya to get some freshair, but like most towns, this place stinks; even worse when the sunshines. So maybe you can just stretch out downstairs." She lookedover the railing to the room below. It was empty. She looked at theotter. Dropping down in front of him, she undid his trousers and puther mouth over his cock. He was prepared to complain before realizinghow stupid that would be. He wisely sheathed his sword, lest heinadvertently drop it or worse. She was good. He had ahold of her head to keep himself from collapsing. Her mouth was like,well it was like her lower regions, only with a tongue. He failed torealize the noise he was making until the door opened. Moria lookeddown at the scene. "Really you two! I don't care what you do, justdo it quieter!" She closed the door again. Despite theinterruption, he came, and a lemur got a throat full of his sperm.Only then did he fall to the floor. "Assassins have more ways ofdropping a fella than I ever knew about!" he said with a happygrin. The other girls vacatedthe room after another hour, claiming they were rested enough. Theygathered down in the dining area, taking the table in the backcorner. "So Mudge, we all understand your loss, but we werewondering if you could tell us some stories about Brute. Ourinformation says that you were the last one to be with her before shefinally died and none of us really knew her that well." He calledfor beer. Only when he had a mug in front of him did he talk. "Brutewas my friend. She's the closest I ever came to droppin on me kneeand proposing marriage." Moria leaned forward. "Do tell! Fromwhat I know of the assassin, she was too far removed from life toconsider accepting that kind of proposal." Mudge poured back hisbeer. "Look 'ere! She was a kindhearted, fun person. I know shewould have me guts for garters for saying this, but she was lovely inher own way. Oh sure, she had half her tail missing, and she hadplenty of scars, but there weren't another like her in all metravels. And that goes for you, miss fancy pants. You ain't even gota nick otta yer ear or a scratch on yer face!" Jante posed herquestion. "They say she was over a hundred years old. Is thattrue?" He choked in his beer. "True? Truth is darn slipperystuff. She told me she was, and her word was good enuff for me!"Moria interceded. "According to guild lore, Brute was indeed wellover one hundred years old. It is said that she killed upwards to ahundred hits a year, spread all over the land. She earned so muchmoney that she was worth more than the guild itself. And of course,there is the legend of her immortality." Mudge grunted. "Oi! Icans attest to that. Saw a sword stick in her lungs, but not beforeshe killed she that killed her. Damn if she didn't get up later andwalk it off, if yous gets my drift." Jante whistled andLorias sucked in a breath. "You actually saw her die?" He gruntedat the painful memory. "Oh yes, yes I did.  'ad a bit to do withher recovery, but that ain't open for discussion. She went to awizard for one thing, and ended up with an errant spell that kept

herfrom dying permanently. That is, until she 'ad it removed. Can'timagine what she looked like after that. An extra eighty or so yearstacked on can't be good!" They sat and drank andate and talked for hours. Mudge found it soothing. It was nice totalk about the old girl with someone who could appreciate it. Of thethree, Moria seemed to have the most knowledge concerning her. "Brutebecame a living, or maybe I should say, an undying legend. She killedonly those she felt were deserving of death. She had her ownmorality, and it was not unknown for her to take money for a hit, andturn around and kill the one who ordered it. She killed all kinds,from officials to low criminals. Her only requirement was that theyhad done something horrible that the regular law didn't see fit topunish. That's why the guild hated her; she once slit the throat ofthe Grand Master, after she found out he was abusing young girls inthe dark passages of the hall. No one saw her do it, but they allknew what he had been doing, and that the only one skillful enough tokill him was she. The attempts on her life never ended after that." Mudge was nodding,wiping away a few tears. "She was a gal after me own heart. Like Isaid, she had a lot of good in her. Her body may have been roughafter all those years, but her insides was still as sweet as honey,and as bright as day!" Jante put an arm around him. "Sounds likeyou had a good lover in Brute. I'd like to think she had the same.It's too bad about her feeling the need to go off like that. Sheprobably felt it was best for both of you. She might not die, but sheknew you could. Being near her was dangerous, and every day youstayed together was even more so." He downed more beer. "Isuppose so, but I would've taken me chances. I ain't no slouch withme blade." But he remembered getting his "jewels" kicked in bythat little slut that done stuck a blade in his Brute. They wereright. He would never survive in their guild with his penchant forlaying with the girls. Which made him leary of this lot. "Say now!Just why are you 'ere again?" Moria gestured to the rest. "Pullout your letters." They each unrolled a small scroll and handedthem to Mudge. They were identical. He stared at them for a bit.Jante couldn't help asking. "Can you read otter?" He hissed ather. "I ain't stupid. Yes I cans read. Not much use for it, but Ican do it." This is what they said. To the receiver ofthis message. Please meet at the Roc and Rock Tavern, in the town ofHorthgut, on the sixth of next month, to meet two others that you ormay not know. Your job, which will be  paid for in full, to theamount of twenty gold pieces, will be

to entertain and protect theotter known as Mudge. This is as a favor to  the Brute, and shall becarried out like regular guild business. You will be notified whenyour commission will end, at which point you will depart and neverspeak of it to anyone ever again."Janteclued him in. "We met, the three of us, and found that only Janteknew me, and I knew her. Moria here knew neither of us, and we didnot know her. But we all have the assassin's mark and the assassin'sdaggers, so that settled things well enough in our head. Then therewas you. We only found out from Moria about Brute and your connectionwith her. Then it was finding you. You're slipperier than the truth,as you remarked earlier. You're well known my friend, and not in agood way. We knew what you looked like from a few wanted postersstrung up in the Bellwoods and the Needlehair Pass." She pulled oneout and unrolled it. It said, and I quote, Wanted, fordebauchery, thievery, drunkenness, and general lawlessness. Answersto the name of Mudge. Contact your local Constable.The likeness was pretty good. Then again, otters looked alike to somefools. Hewent to hand it back. "Keep it. I used it to find you. If I weren'tbeing paid so well, I might turn you in myself." His hand went tohis sword. She choked in her beer. The sound was laughter. "Otter,I'm only kidding. Besides, you can't be worth that much. There's noprice listed for your head!" He looked at the poster again beforethrowing it in the fireplace. Jante patted him on the back. "Wellotter, no insult was intended. But if I need to make it up to you,lets say you and me go upstairs and see about making some seriousamends!" He was all over that idea. Itwent on like this for a few days, and he was having the time of hislife. The only odd thing was Moria. For some reason, she never cameto bed with him. She ate and drank and talked, but she allowed theothers to take her place when it came time for sex. He wondered aboutit, but figured she had her reasons. Since she was under noobligation, as far as he saw it, he was fine with it. The remainingtwo were more than enough to keep his paws full; of their hip fur, ashe slammed away with wild abandon. Itwas a week later that messages came. Their duty was now done. Janteand Lorias packed their meager belongings, kissed him soundly, andwent out the door. Mudge was caught between being sad, and glad hehad lived out the week after screwing two assassin's to exhaustion.That left him with Moria. The ate their dinner that night together atthe same back table. "Mudge, I hope you've not taken offense at mylack of participation, but I wanted to wait until the

others left. Iknow it's not in accordance to the rules, but I hoped that perhaps wecould overlook that and consider this something just between the twoof us." He gazed at her over the top of his mug. " 'ere now, Iain't averse to a little friendly partnering, if you gets me meaning,but I'd like to know why yous is playing at all this secrecy." Shemotioned to the barkeep. "A bottle of the best please, and twoclean glasses." Mudge'seyes widened when he saw the bottle of Lythgoria brandy. The cap andseal were unbroken. "Oi! I didn't think this hog-swill town knewwhat that stuff was. Ain't no tavern I've been in lately that hadthis quality of hooch!" Moria broke the seal and  poured out agenerous glassful for each of them. She held up her glass. "A toastto Brute, may her name rest in peace. Never will there be an assassinlike her again!" " 'ere, 'ere! I'll drink to that!" Heswallowed the contents and made a face. "Oi that stuff burns! ButI'll swear 'ere and now that there's no better memorial for my Brute.She could drink this like water!" Moria chuckled. "She's not theonly one Mudge." She poured back her glass and slammed it on thetable. "It takes some practice, but if you keep it up, you canmanage a straight face when your done." He leaned back and lookedat her glass, then her face. "You've got more similarities to herthan your mere looks girl. Shall I see what you've got in the bedroomqualities as well?" She poured back another shot. "Why not?" Theywent upstairs and bolted the door. Mudge was out of his clothes andon the bed, but Moria wasn't moving so quickly. She pulled off herweapons first, dropping them into the chest along the wall. She undidher belt and draped it over the chair. Her shirt came off, followedby her silk pants. She was moving with the grace of a dancer. Herlong tail was moving like a hypnotized snake, following herundulating movements in time with her hips. Her face was perfection,something he marveled at, for  usually an assassins had scars, iffrom nothing else, their training. She was as lovely as a harem girl,and better looking than many of the whores he had seen in his manytravels." Shewas up on the bed with such grace that he felt nary a fiber in themattress shift under her weight. She was definitely from the guild,and top of her game. He shuddered to think of the quiet death shecould deliver. But her eyes told him that death was the furthestthing from he mind. "Mudge honey, do you have any special requests?I can't say that I know everything a man likes, but I've been aroundthe bed my share of times." Mudge puled her close. "Oh, I say wejust does what we likes and see what 'appens. Some of

my bestmemories came spontaneously." She jabbed his ribs. "That's a bigword for you, isn't otter?" He poked her back. "Like I said, Iain't stupid. Just don't need big words when small ones do just aswell." She lay down on top of him. "Well said, otter, well said." Sheslid down on top of him like a pro. It reminded him of past times;better times in its own way. Moria was good, she was tight, and shedidn't talk much, leastwise not during it. It was only after the factthat she opened her mouth. "Mudge, how was your early life? Was itgood?" He picked his nose and handed her the contents. "Prettymuch like this, only more like what comes out your backside. Didn'tknow me parents. Lived in an orphanage until it got to be too much.You? What was you're early life like?" Shesettled into the mattress. "Oh, it started out well enough. Myfather was Portun, of the House of Doichel, well known shippingmerchants." She got dreamy eyed, thinking back to those days."Iloved my father very much. He rarely called me by my given name. He'dsay, come here my little wee girl!, or when I was older, he'd justcall me his wee gee. We lived down by the ocean, and I used to playin the water with my friends. It was a good life. One day the townwas over-run by pirates. Father was killed, and I was lucky to escapewith my life. Many of my friends did not. From that day on, I swore Iwould get vengeance on those who wronged me. But I soon found outthat there is much wrong in this world. So I joined the guild. Itrained. I overcame. I was the best. And only then did I set out tofind those responsible. It was too easy really. I found them anchoredin a port. One night, after silently killing the sentinels andletting go their prisoners, I set sail in their ship, with them stillon it, and I set it on fire. I dropped all the lifeboats but one,which I took for myself. They never made shore again." "Withthat out of the way, I chose to do some good with my skills. Like allassassins, I made my way from assignment to assignment. Like ourmutual friend, I found that there were tasks that I could not do asdemanded. It became difficult to take money for the perpetration ofmore pain and suffering. I have had many assignments, but none ascryptic and interesting as this one. It will be my last. I have anoffer that I cannot refuse. There is no time constraint on acceptingit, but I am expected to leave within a few days. I wanted to spendthem getting to know you a little better." Herubbed his head. "I'm flattered, I am, but what interest can you'ave in me?" She took his hand and held it. "I've been watchingyou. You're no great creature, holding yourself higher

than anyoneelse. You have a good heart, even if you're a bit selfish. I'm akiller, plain and simple. My entire life has been nothing but death.I can see why Brute thought so highly of you. You are true toyourself. What people see is what they get. Before I go, I would likefor you to be able to call me friend as well. I already feel I cansay that about you." Theotter was far from an emotional sort, but this here gal was makinghim feel all mushy inside. He hadn't felt that since he left Brute atthe wizard's tree. "Look 'ere girlie, don't go making me cry. Itain't good for me to go showin no emotions like a silly mewling cub.I like you, I suppose, but I ain't interested in forming nopartnerships, if you gets me meaning." Moria ruffled his fur. "No,I suppose not. Besides, we're of two different kinds otter. I'm notsaying I want kids, for what kind of life would they have. But I'dlike to think you'll want some in the future, assuming you find theright otter girl." Hespit to the side of the bed and swore and oath. "I ain't 'aving meno cubs. My luck they'd end up just like their father." Moriapushed him down. "You are what you make yourself otter. You arewhat you believe yourself to be." He snorted. "Oh, and what doyou believe yourself to be!" He was all impudence. She contemplatedhis question."I believe... I believe that I am still horny!" Shetackled him, held him down, and made him very happy. It was ahappiness doomed to dissipate with time. Severaldays later she made her announcement. "Mudge, I need to be going. Ihave been told to pack." He looked around the inn. "By who. Ain'tno one 'ere!" She sighed. "They will be here tonight. It is alsomy understanding that you have already met them." That didn't tellhim much. "Well, lets see, there's Litra, and Gherty, and Borik,and..." She stopped him. "Who is all of that?" He stopped andturned to her. "Thems the beginning of everyone I know. You needsto be more specific than that." She pinched his butt. "A coupleof ferrets?" "Oi!Not those pain in the backsides! I can't say nothin bad, cause theydid save me skin, but I wouldn't trust them an inch." She let herfingers travel to his crotch. "Well I trust them. They've made mean offer I've decided I'd be a fool to pass up. It'll eventually getme the only thing in the world that I want anymore. If I pass it up,I know that I'll be sad for the rest of my days." He got a seriouslook on his face. "You mean you'll take two strangers at theirword? You're a bigger fool than I took you for." She smiled thinly."Yes, I suppose so. They say the biggest fool is a fool in love. Inow understand what

that means. I will be placing my life intosomeone's, a complete stranger's hands. The funny thing is, thisfellow ferret seems to know a lot about me. If I didn't know better,I would say he was some friend of yours by the way he acts." Mudgecrossed himself. "I ain't no relation to no ferret, not even on memother's auntie's side. And if this fellow is the same one I saw, Iain't making no excuses for his actions. I think both of them arenuts." "Perhaps," she said, uncertain of herself. "I'll agreethat they are an odd couple, but I'm going to stake my future on whatthey're offering." He cracked his knuckles. "Well, if you'vedecided, then what else is there to do.?" She grabbed his cock."I'd say make the best of what time we have left. I've got ahankering for something naughty." Sheshowed him everything she had, from her nimble fingers to her tightass. She was unrelenting, hardly giving him time to catch his breath.Once, a few hours in, she even touched that powder to his taste-buds,hitting him with a dose of energy he thought might escape from hisbody and bound around the room. The otter could only wonder that ifeach of his session was like this, he would have burned out hislibido years ago. It wasn't a complaint exactly, merely anobservation. Only a fool complained about sex of this quality.Finally, on what he had to assume was his last orgasm (he rememberednothing else after it) he fell into a long and deep sleep. Mudgecame down in the morning, holding his head and wobbling on his feet.He sat down at the bar. "Oi! Get me a drink, and makes it strong. Ineed to nip this 'ere 'eadache in the bud." A glass of the best waspoured out for him. After sipping half, he asked the barkeep of thewhereabouts of his lady friend. The keep poured himself a glass. Hepicked a flea from his fur and crushed it. "Your lady friend, asyou call her, left in the night. It isn't my duty to monitor thecoming and going of the owner of this place, not if I want to keep myballs intact. She may look like a lady, but that spider monkey has awicked legend surrounding her. I just do what I'm told. And speakingof which,  she did give me this to give to you. The barkeep handedhim a scroll. It was surprisingly long."Dear Mudge. I wanted to tell you in person, but I found I lacked the courage to doso. I had hoped you'd put two and two together, but I guess that wasasking for too much. All my life I relied on brute strength to see methrough, so subtly is not my specialty. I am who I said I was, Moriaof the House of Doichel. I combined my names a long time ago toMordoi. What you saw and experienced for the past week was me,

Brute,before life took its toll. That wonderfully stupid wizard removed thespell in the only way he knew how. He literally rolled back theyears. He didn't kill me Mudge, as much as I wished he would have.But he did kill the assassin. He did me the favor of spreading thathalf-truth, for I refuse to kill another being for as long as I liveunless my own life is in danger. I am going to a place where I canstep off this world, catch my breath and then step back again andfind love. I have been told my partner is out there somewhere, justwaiting for me to find him. If its true, then my entire miserablelife will finally have meaning. I hope that when the time comes, thefates grant you luck in finding an otter lady you can love. It'severything your heart deserves. I only hope that I find someone asspecial to me as you have been. SincerelyMoria of the House of Doichel.Adhered to the bottom was a little packet of white powder. He nearly upendedit into his throat. Instead, he stuffed it in his pocket. All thattime he had been with Brute and he hadn't recognized her for who shewas. What a fool was he, to let his lovely lady go without oncecalling her by name. He went upstairs and gathered his belongings. Hecame back and ordered more brandy. An hour later he was insensible,muttering and picking fights with the furniture. He was shown thedoor, which hit him on the way out. He stumbled and fell, only topick himself back up again. He made it as far as Kettlebottom Alley,behind the stables, when his strength gave out. He lay there for afew hours, sadly attracting little notice from the locals. He was amess, and his favorite feather was broken. But the little packet ofwhite powder was still safe inside his pocket. He slipped in a fingerand dabbed some on his tongue. It was enough to sober him up. Hedecided it was time to skip this sad little town whose name he neverwanted to remember. It was the second time he lost his love. Therewould be no more chances in the future. Love was staying wrapped uptight inside his body, where it belonged.

Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 6

The old soldiers werepicking their way across the igneous flow, still too hot to walk onwithout thick soled boots. They had undertaken the task of removingthe bodies of the fallen, though it was less odious than it mighthave been. Most of the red...

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Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 5

So it was that achallenge was given to the Red Wolf usurper, Shrupel. Jon-Tom wordedthe message carefully. "To the present and unlawful lord of theEastfallon Stretches. If it pleases his majesty, a challenge to thethrone is hereby presented in the...

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Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 4

"Jon-Tom, why did youtask those old wolves into fighting for me?" He was comfortably inbed, looking up at the ceiling thirty feet overhead. "Yes Jon-Tom,why did you ask them? They can hardly help." This from Sfyri, whowas in the bed to his right....

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