Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 4

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#10 of The Goddess Files

A continuation

"Jon-Tom, why did youtask those old wolves into fighting for me?" He was comfortably inbed, looking up at the ceiling thirty feet overhead. "Yes Jon-Tom,why did you ask them? They can hardly help." This from Sfyri, whowas in the bed to his right. Orath seemed to have no problem sharing.Like she had said, he wasn't the Alpha Male yet. Besides, if hisother wives could share him, why couldn't she? "Well girls, theywon't necessarily be fighting for you. As you know, Orath has to dothat herself. But a few honorable wolves that remember the old waysand the old values will help rebuild the necessary staff to run thepalace and govern the outlying lands. Otherwise, there will be a hugevoid once the Reds are gone." Sfyri chided him. "Yousay that like its going to happen for sure. My poor cousin coulddie!" He tousled her fur, further disturbing her. "Look my littlelady, she may indeed die. But I think you need to have faith in herabilities. Even if you still think that I am the Antochi ton Ilikion,I did not come here to destroy, but to rebuild." She ran herfingers down his belly to his crotch. "Rebuild huh? You just abouttore me apart last night. Are you willing to give it a go again?"Orath snorted. "Look Jon-Tom, you have another follower. At thisrate, you'll have half the kingdom clamoring for a child by the greatLobo!" He pulled her cousin ontop. "So, you think I tore you up last night? Just when the hellwas the last time you got laid? If you've been incognito as a cronefor all these yeas, I'm guessing its been a while." She slippedover his cock without so much as a grunt. "It has been far toolong. And as long as my cousin is sharing you, I intend to get mysatisfaction even if it costs me my sanity!" The fact was, she wastight for even a regular wolf. It was obvious her cunt hadn't beengetting much attention as of late. He was using a smaller size tokeep from doing what she had jokingly accused him of, tearing herapart. Orath joined in by sliding over his face. He rolled his tongueand went to work. She was over the edge in minutes. He had to keeplapping to save his face from getting flooded with her lubrication.Sfyri came later, but she shuddered like an earthquake before she wasdone. It was then on to other things. The enlarged room wasthe wonder of the town. Everyone had to see it. Orath made good useof the open space he had created, training during every waking hour.He even had to make her take breaks. "Remember, you're with childnow. You can't over do it." She yanked his tail. "Maybe so, but Iwould recommend that we either do this now, or wait until I deliver.I'm going to be no good if I'm bloated like a hippo when I'm

tryingto fight. Right now, I'm not even showing!" That gave him pause towonder, should he have waited to give her cubs? Too late now if theanswer was no. Perhaps they had best go forward with their plans. They set off, one DireWolf, one pregnant female, and four old soldiers who had remarkablepep in their steps. They headed off for Sidí?rupetra, the capitolknown to the outside world only as Ironstone. Jon-Tom, now going byLobo again, was wearing what he had always been wearing, a roughcollection of leather armor and spikes. The soldiers had nothing buttheir old soiled clothes until they went to depart. There, by theirbedsides, where clean and neat uniforms, complete with weapons. Orathsimply woke up to a horny mate. It was good enough for her. She had tried to get himto spell them to the city. He refused. "The people need to see thatyou're alive. Only then will the rallying cry be taken up by all.Even better if they know you can bear children. You have to trust meon this." It seemed he was correct. In the other small villages,the people came out to see the procession. From each one, Jon-Tomchose a few soldiers, healed their old wounds, and "found" themuniforms. And as they left, the villagers found hidden stores of foodthey never knew they had, and coins secreted in places they didn'tremember putting them. It was taken as a good omen. Jon-Tom knew thatsome of the best magic was the simple kind. News of their comingsoon made it to the capitol. The renegade king, one Shrupel, listenedto the tales coming from the outer lands. He knew who Orath was, butnot how she was still living. He had thrown her to his henchmen yearsago. As far he knew, they had used her up until there was nothingleft to abuse. Somehow she had escaped and no one had told him aboutit. There would be hell to pay. More troubling was the giant whotraveled with them. He was described as having an unworried demeanor,like no one in the world could touch him. The rest of the group,which grew with each report, was made up of old derelicts past theirprime. It was an odd grouping, but he trusted it not. Therefore, he gatheredhis red wolves and coyotes. His orders were succinct. "No one is toget into this palace. If you have to die defending this place, thenso be it. If anyone gets in past your living body, I'll kill youmyself." The native citizens of the city grew nervous and beganleaving, or else began locking themselves in their houses more oftenthan they had already been doing. A silence fell over the capitol,like the calm before the storm. But between open windows, and  overbeers in the taverns, word spread that they who were coming includedthe rightful

heir to the lands, Orath Thunderheart. If it was true,then the people were ready to stand up to the ruffians who had laidclaim to all that was truthfully the property of the grays. This is what Jon-Tom hadhoped for. Orath needed a kingdom to stand behind her. Only when theentire populace rose up would it be safe. She might be the head, buther future subjects were the body. One could not survive without theother. Each stop reinforced her standing in the people's eyes. Eachstop gave them hope. It was part of the reason he had taken ameandering route. They would reach their destination in  good time,but with a force that was formidable to see. Jon-Tom felt justifiedin expending his magic in the ways hat he did. Healing people,feeding  people, clothing people, even wolves, was a worthwhilegesture. When it came to Orath, there is when he had to stay out ofthe way. They had a discussion over it. They were staying in one ofthe local inns at the time. "Jon-Tom? I wish todefine my role in all this. As I understand it, you have no intentionof interfering in my part of the battle. What kind of support can Iexpect from you?" He pulled her close. "I give you my fullemotional support. You must recognize that I wish you the best. Youcarry my children, so I would prefer to handle this myself. It wouldbe much easier on my heart to know you were out of danger. But itseems fated (he hated the thought) that you preside over this battleby yourself. I can offer neither arms nor strength nor cunning. Inthis you must stand alone." She slid her paws down to his crotch."No my mate. If you lend me your emotional support, then you willgive me all that I will need." His eyebrows went up."Only that? I have a lot more to give, something I know will leavean impression on you!" She moved over him like a creeping fog,enveloping as much of him with her body as she could. He could feelthe slight bulge in her belly. "Yes Jon-Tom, I know you do. And Iintend to partake of it every chance I get. I look forward towinning, but I accept the fact that things as you know them havepossibly been altered. I do not hold you responsible for the future.What will be, will be. But if I can ask just one thing of you, itwill be this. If I die, please let me go. I know you'll try to saveme, and I know you can. But if I cannot do this thing, then I perhapsI should go. Fade Away. I ask only that you save our children.Perhaps they will have a better chance when they grow up." He growled, a deep nastynoise from deep in his throat. "I'll not let you die! I will notallow it!" She slid over his cock. "Jon-Tom, would you rape me?"His eyes got huge. "How could you ask that?

Of course not!" Shesmiled and ran her fingers across his face. "Yes, I know. Youcannot because it would be against my will. Saving me will be againstmy will. So save our children if you must do something. Pleasepromise me!" What could he say. Shetrapped him with his own, ever-present morality. "Fine. I promise.But remember, I am always here for you!" She nearly purred. "Iknow you are. Anyone who would tell the goddess herself to leave,someone who is willing to spent decades with me; now there is someonewho is formidable indeed. With you in my corner, how can I lose? Youjust stick around mister. I'm sure you'll find yourself useful insome small way." She was grinding her hips, the feeling of whichwas quickly overshadowing the desire to talk. She drove down hard,and he knotted up. She let out a gasp of pleasure. "Mmmm. I love aman who conforms to my needs." Then she did a double take. "Thenagain, I just happen to love a man." Jon-Tom sighed. Hefigured it was going to happen. It was why he chose to stay inadvance of this situation. She was something special. He had love togive, but he felt she was getting short changed.  He had lied before,when he told Talea he loved all his loves equally. Roseroar wasalways his first. That made her the bar with which all others weregraded. Orath was a fine person. His love for her was far differentthat that he had for the tigress, or for anyone else. It was stillevolving, and he was watching it with fascination. If nothing else,it made the situation worse. She had to know that he wouldn't let herdie, even if she commanded him so. But that still didn't mean that hewould help her win. He had every intention of following through withthat part. She either did it herself, or not at all. He had beenrepeating that mantra for some time now. But there were simplerthings, more pleasant things to be enjoyed right now. Making love toher was different than doing so to a feline. Or a human, or any othercreature. She smelled musky, not a heady musk like a tiger, butstrong in its own right. And like her cousin, whom he had teasedunmercifully about her tightness, Orath too remained as firm as thefirst time they had joined. It had nothing to do with his ability tochange his size either. He had refrained from gratuitous magic asmuch as possible, in regards to his endeavors. What he had used, hehad used quietly. It was like in the older days, before life explodedinto its present, out-of-control form. He could feel herinternal ridges as they back and forth across the head of his cock.It was nice to just lay here and have her doing the moving. As usual,he was nervous about harming the unborn cubs, though

he knew he wasbeing silly. Still, he was most comfortable with his old ways.Caution never hurt anyone. Eve could have used a dose of it beforeshe went and got foolish on him. Eve needed to act more like amortal. She might find that there was something  wonderful to befound in some of the smaller things. A tiny flower might have morebeauty than a enormous one. A simple wolf might have more to offerthan a goddess. He wrapped his arms around her, giving her a squeeze.She pushed back and looked at him. "That was unexpected, I think.Is something up?" He pushed a bit againsther thrusts. "That's a stupid question. I'm up...yours!" Shegiggled, a sound which he found he liked. "Besides that, I wasthinking that spending a lifetime with you would be an interestingexperience, assuming you live long enough for me to take advantage ofit." She nibbled on his ear. "Are you trying to tell mesomething?" He nibbled back. "Yes, I think that I can say that Ilove you too. I would say it with more confidence, but my perceptionof the emotion has gone askew lately. I'm sure you've seen it in myhead." She kissed him. "Oh yes I have. And if you have room tolove me even a little after all that, I will be proud to take it. Ihope to get great use from it." She popped off of hisknot, no easy thing, and then off the bed. He watched her move with agracefulness she never showed at the Thieves Guild hall. "Well comeon." She bent over the foot board and spread her legs. "I likebeds and all, but soon we'll be camping out on the EastfallonStretches. There will be no beds. And the hell if I'm giving up thisjust for lack of a mattress." He slid off and came up behind her.His paws gently latched onto her shoulders, and his cock found whereit had just been. Now it was his turn to do the work. He allowed alittle extra length, which she noticed with a happy growl. "Oh yourstick reaches the itch. You make this girl one happy bitch!" Shecouldn't help but chuckle. Then he hit that certain spot and hervoice dimmed to silence. That lasted about tenminutes. The howling coming from the room would have embarrassed evenhis old friend Mudge. If they disturbed anyone with the racket theymade, no one dared to come forward and complain. Everyone was toohappy she had returned. If she was happy with the looming beast of aman-wolf she had found, they were just as happy for her too. They stayed several daysin the village, still some thirty miles from the capitol. Food thatwas already in short supply seemed to magically appear; flour, driedmeat, and even dried fish came to light. Sometimes it was on anincoming cart born by a traveling "merchant", and at others

in"forgotten" basements and storerooms. Jon-Tom did his best tokeep it looking natural, but the people weren't stupid. But they wereignorant of him and his power. True, the new honor guard had an idea,but they were loyal to Orath and to him. They never once opened theirmouths. He had chosen them well. And his name was back to being Lobo.He hardly needed his true name popping up in the histories. But theytruly only had eyes and ears for their lost princess. It was now that he begansensing the presence of red wolf scouts. One of the old soldierscaught one on the outskirts, peering over the outer wall. By the timethe poor fellow had been brought to Lobo and Orath, he was bleedingto death from having his sword paw severed. War was hell. He strodeup and looked the fellow in the eyes. He grabbed the stump andsqueezed. The wolf howled in agony. "Look my friend, I think haveonly one choice. I must kill you, for then I will have one less enemyto contend with. Unless you would prefer to live. That choice I willleave with you." The terrified lupine soldier tried to answer, butall that came out his mouth was a scream. The spell-singer let go.The wolf instinctively grabbed his stump, looked down in dismay andfainted. "Huh! You fix hismissing paw and all he gives you as thanks is to faint." It wasRethes speaking. He poked the unconscious scout with his boot. "Notmeaning no disrespect sir, but why did you bother? I though we wasall set to kill every last one of these bastards!" Lobo shook hishead; no. "My friend, killing is easy. Pain and suffering are easy.Life is precious. I'd put good money that this fellow here wouldrather he was home, his home. All you need in this world are a fewwrong thinking minds and it goes to hell faster than a greased demon.I want him alive, because when he wakes up, I'm sending him back." Rethes had couragealright, for he stood in the face of his much larger commander. "Lobosir, we can't let him go. He'll report back to his filthy king." Adeep voice boomed out,  "Yes; yes he will. And he'll tell everyonethere how his paw was severed, and that the huge black bastard thattravels with the army made it grow back. He'll report that there mustbe some kindness in this camp, for they let him go with his life.That will get the other wolves thinking. A soldier who thinks is adangerous wolf to have on your side, especially if your side startsto lose." The old man stood down. "My lord, you are wiser than I.It will be as you wish." That night Orath was allover him again. "Jon-Tom, you do the most unusual things. Youreally would prefer to have no bloodshed, wouldn't you?" He agreed."Yes, I

think that every drop spilled is a drop wasted. Killingaccomplishes nothing very constructive. Its very nature is theopposite." Her paws were stroking his cock. "Then if you feel sostrongly about it, magic them back to their lands. Then I can step inand we can rule together without bloodshed." The girl was damnlogical. "Orath, just because I can do something, doesn't mean Ishould. There would be no lesson learned, not for you and not for theintruders. They, especially they, need to know that to try this everagain will bring ruin on their kind. You need to teach your wholekingdom how to fight. Only then will it be safe." She quit arguing, as didhe, when she pulled his cock into her mouth. One advantage to havinga wolf for a lover was that her muzzle was longer than others. Thismeant, in his case, that he could coax a little extra length out ofhis cock for a bit more pleasure. She had mastered the deep throatearly on, and had several times ended up with a stomach full of hisfluids. She liked it when she made him feel good. She knew he hadalready lived a full lifetime. If she could keep his interest afterall he had been and all he had done, then she was doing somethingright. She reflected on all of his lifetimes. He was about to embarkon yet another one. If, that is, she managed to successfully fightoff the heretic king, the red wolf that had set his men on her. Bloodspilled was blood wasted. They had spilled her blood first. Paybackswere a bitch, and that bitch was named Orath. But for now, there wasonly Jon-Tom. War would breakout soon enough. She worked his cockuntil he groaned, coming in a rush. She sucked every last drop outuntil he was squirming from the suction. She would have smiled, buther lips were too taut. It was nice to be useful in such small ways.It seemed that, compared to him and his power, she was nothing. Thenshe remembered the first Jon-Tom, the one in the hall. He had grownconsiderably over the decades. Perhaps she would share the same fate.A wise man once told her that the only truly dead folks are thosethat quit growing. If she survived this affair, she would ask her newmate how to go about reaching the heights he had. The next morning he wasup early. "Orath, I think we had better move this little ragtagarmy to the fields outside the city. We need to make our intentionsquite clear. I would prefer to draw them out, but if this guy issmarter than I hope he is, he'll say holed up in the city. That wouldmake us have to take the fight to him." He paused in his talking.He pondered for a moment. "Hey Orath, do your people have have theconcept of champions?" She pulled out her swords. "You mean abattle between two to decide for

the whole? Yes. Father won many suchbattles in such a manner. It was his nobility that got him killed.This bastard on the throne had an arrow put in his back. So I doubthe'll be stupid enough to take up such a challenge." That left few otheralternatives. He didn't want Orath taking on several hundred warriorsat once. The odds were hardly in her favor. She had a courageousheart, that girl did, but it wasn't up to slaying a small army. Evenhis Rose would have been overwhelmed after a hundred. It was going tobe a conundrum worthy of his full mental powers. A day later he wasstill stumped. Outside of breaking his word, the bets were againsther. There was nothing he could do. Whatever happened, it wascompletely in her paws. But for now, he wascontent to watch her practice with her weapons. She now moved withthe grace of a dancer, twirling her swords until they became a blur.All he could picture in his mind were airplane propellers. She couldeven do the same with her body, spinning so fast she was hard todiscern until she stopped. She maintained tight fitting clothing, andhe could see why. Flowing robes and dresses would only hinder hermovements. After each day, she still had enough energy to practicesome more in bed. If anyone deserved her rightful place back, it wasshe. "Well Jon-Tom, I thinkthat we had better press matters within the next day or two." Shewas underneath him this time. He was pushing himself up, so as not tolay to heavily upon her. She would have none of it. She pulled himdown and dug her claws into his sides. He complied and replied at thesame time. "I suppose you're right about that. The stories as Iknow them never said when exactly, so I believe there is some leeway,but sooner would be better then later in my opinion." He could feelthe bulge growing in her belly. She sighed. "Yes, Sooner would bebetter. I would still prefer there to be an easier way of doing this.What I have planned will not be easy." He held her close. "No itwon't; nor for myself as well. I will not feel at ease until this isover." She pulled him into position between her legs. "No, thiswill definitely not be easy on you my love." By the time she wasdone, he was unclear if she meant the upcoming battle or what she didright then and there. If he had been any other man (or wolf) shewould have broken him beyond repair!

Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 5

So it was that achallenge was given to the Red Wolf usurper, Shrupel. Jon-Tom wordedthe message carefully. "To the present and unlawful lord of theEastfallon Stretches. If it pleases his majesty, a challenge to thethrone is hereby presented in the...

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Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 3

Orath the Thunderheartwas feeling more and more like her name. She was a far cry from a fewweeks ago. Of course, she had seen some serious shit since then. Ifthese two beings (she still found it hard to imagine that gawky humanand this fellow were the...

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Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 2

They lingered for awhile at the pool, finally shaking off and lying in the sun untilthey were dry. From there they headed to Vortenhall, where he allowedher to get herself roaring drunk. It was going to be the last time.Sadly for him, he really...

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