Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 2

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#8 of The Goddess Files

A continuation

They lingered for awhile at the pool, finally shaking off and lying in the sun untilthey were dry. From there they headed to Vortenhall, where he allowedher to get herself roaring drunk. It was going to be the last time.Sadly for him, he really couldn't get drunk, not unless he absolutelywanted to. Then, he could do it without imbibing a drop. It was amatter of applying the correct spell. The fun in getting wasted wasnow wasted on him. It just didn't appeal anymore. When one couldactually fly through the cosmos, getting there via drugs was thirdrate. Whirly drank and drankand drank. She was so out of it, he didn't even feel right taking herup on her sexual offers. Right now she really needed to get herimmediate past out of her system before she could begin relearningher old teachings. She was well trained, Jon-Tom knew, because thestories said she was. What those tales lacked was what had happenedto her in between being exiled and returning triumphant. She had losthope and faith and self esteem. His job was going to  be in buildingthose back up. He had a faint idea what it was going to take. He hadplenty of what she needed. It was going to be a matter of heraccepting it. He was sitting on thefloor, watching the she-wolf snoring away. A tingle in his sensestold him that someone was in his immediate vicinity. Since the doorwas locked, that meant, more less, only one person. "Hello Eve.Have you come to watch me stumble through another mission in acompletely clueless manner?" She came from behind him and crawledinto his lap. It was easy for her as she was still that little creamcolored canine she was recently favoring. "My dear cynical husband,why ever do you say that? I know for a fact that you have alreadylaid out your plans for her. I am here to inform you that you leftout something very important." He growled halfheartedly. "Andwhat is that?" She didn't answer himright away. She was busy trying to undo his trousers. When shecouldn't fumble the tie loose, she let out an exasperated snort andmagicked them gone. She wasn't wearing anything herself, so her barecrotch was over his cock. His manhood accepted it as a challenge androse to meet it. Eve was delighted. He didn't bother trying tooversize it, for she could just as easily adjust her own proportionsto take whatever he had, within reason. Since he wasn't in the moodto play games, and he was rather horny, he compromised and they metsomewhere in the middle. She finally decided toanswer him. "You forgot to include me. You see, once this is saidand done, she'll assume that you're going to stay with her, eventhough you're going to teach her what she needs

to be able to standalone. You're going to need me to negate her attempts to coerce youinto staying. You'll thank me for it later." He grunted as she sliddown across his meat. She had tightened herself around him mostnaughtily. He grunted out, "Fine. I'm tired of arguing about thisstuff. Do what you need to do." She giggled and made her movementsmore rapid. When she came, it was in a series of high pitches yipsand coos. Before he could blow, she clamped down hard. "Not yetmister!" She slid off and worked his tip into her ass. She couldfeel the hole stretching taut, and while she could have made iteasier on herself, she instead wanted to she how much she could takeon her own. She about screamed whenhis head popped in. She could feel him shrinking down and grabbed hisshoulders. "Don't you dare. I want to see what this body can takewithout assistance. I've been thinking that I might have it too easy.All of my worldly children have no such powers as I do. I want to seewhat it's like to be like them. If they can suffer through this, thenso can I." Jon-Tom was thinking she was being stupid, but in partof his mind, realized that the word suffer was probably more correctthan he could assume. There was a lot of suffering on this world. Hehad simply tried to avoid being any part of it. From his perspective,there was no present suffering. The head of his cock was wrapped insoft pink rectal tissue, which as this moment was spasming in anintriguing way. While it felt good, he disobeyed his orders andreduced his size. Eve bit him. "Husband, I was doing anexperiment." He pushed her back so that he could look at her."Experiment? In what, death by salami?" It took her a moment toassess what that meant. "Yes, sort of.  Orath-upeina was violentlyraped and nearly killed before escaping. I saw it happen. I waswondering what it had been like for her. And I figured you shouldknow about it. It somewhat accounts for her present  mentalcondition. I know you're a gentle soul, but still, don't be too hardon her. She really has had a rough time of it." That gave him pause (notpaws) for thought. He did have absolutely no back story on theshe-wolf; only her after stories. He had seen the damage this worldcould do to a person. He knew what it had done to him. But his mindwas getting off topic. Eve was distracting him with her "experiment",so he lost his train of thought. "Husband, I know your answeralready, but could I talk you into changing to a regular wolf andraping me?"  He knew that he could do her no harm, but he mightvery well do his psyche some permanent damage. Still, he shrunk hisbody down to a regular wolf's size. "Look Eve, I get it, I

reallydo. But you want me to get all bezerker on you? Just for the sake offilling someone else's shoes? Your intentions are good, but I don'thave it in me to  do what you ask." She sighed, pushingherself down over his cock. She could manage more up her backside,but he was too kind to force the issue. Emotions as he felt them werenew to her. She had them, but not in the same manner. It was the mostwonderful part of being physical. The ones that they had beenavoiding were the darker ones, hate, jealousy, and anger among them.She did not yet have them in any form other that prototypical. Theywere crude and rudimentary. From what she had seen, and with hergreat power, she found it best to approach them with caution.Otherwise, she might very well disrupt the timeline in a rage,removing those who had dared inflict misery on others of this world. She knew Jon-Tom harbored such feelings in some small way. She wantedto tap into them. He kept them containedthrough his sheer force of will. He would never willingly hurtanyone. But she needed to know about them so that she could gauge herfuture actions. She reached into him, literally, for her hand wentinto his chest, and she pulled out the partition between his moralityand his primeval urges. It was one of the most stupid things she hadever done. It was like pulling the cadmium rods from a nuclearreactor. He suffered a melt down. Until that moment, she had no ideawhat he had been keeping back. His eyes grew fierce andtheir red color turned to glowing. His skin rippled and smoke rosefrom his fur. She could feel his cock enlarge. He looked down at her,every ounce of pity and compassion gone. His voice was demonic. "Idon't know what the hell you just did, but boy did that feel good! Ihate having to decide moral issues. Blah blah, blah, always somelittle shit trying to get this or get that." His eyes narrowed."Kind of like you. I went out of my way to save you, and then allyou do is drag my ass around from place to place helping people out;LIKE I'M SOME KIND OF GODDAM BOYSCOUT! Well I'm not a boyscout. I'mnot half the things people think I am. I try to do good, but what'sthe point? No one seems to remember it for long!" She would have saidsomething but his paw was around her throat. While he couldn't killher, he was making no attempts at letting her go. His power was equalto hers, but in different fashions. And right now, no matter what shetried, his grip was immovable. His face got into hers. "You want toknow what it's like to be raped. Me too! I've never done it. I can'tfigure out why though. It's not like anyone ever stopped me. Oh,that's right, I stopped me. But now I don't have to

listen to thatside of this weak-assed son of a bitch. You know sister, if itweren't for me, this skinny shit of a human would have failed a longtime ago. Without me, he would have had no comparison to lean towardshis good side. But screw that. I never got any credit. I think it'stime to get paid up!" He let go of her throatand grabbed her shoulders, pinning her arms to her side. She wasalready on his cock, which he had made uncomfortably large. She wastrying to expand her hole to accompany it, but his power was blockinghers. She suddenly felt a new emotion: terror. She might not die, andshe might not suffer permanent harm, but she was definitelyexperiencing some severe pain. She couldn't change to an etherealform. She was stuck just like a real creature. A saying from hisformer, sane self rang in her head. Fools rush in where wise men fearto tread. His cock was growinglonger. She had no idea how long, but her ass felt like she wastrying to pass a tree branch. He moved her up and rammed her down,repeating the motion with obvious relish. "God! This is great! I'vefinally got a good use for you. I can keep this up for days on end,and I know I'll never ruin you. Hey, even better, I can ditch you andhit that bitch on the bed. I bet that would wake her up from herstupor!" Eve was channeling all her power into keeping her body inone piece. But if  he went for Whirly, then there was little shecould do to stop him. She had to keep him interested in her and awayfrom the wolf. She had very few ideas as to how to accomplish that. For starters, she beganscreaming. This was, after all, a personal look at rape. She might aswell go with it. Sure enough, it seemed to excite him more. All thebetter to distract him. He was growling with glee at her pain.  Hewas soon ramming her down with such force a normal mortal would havesplit in half. He came with the force of a geyser, nearly rupturingher colon. She didn't know how much of this she could take, even withher powers. She tried to reason with him "Look husband..." Heroared. "Husband? Big deal. Do you know how many bitches there areacross this world that can say that? And only one of me! I'm tired ofhearing it, and I'm tired of listening to you!" He pulled her offwith a pop, making her gasp in pain. In the next instant she wasflipped around and his cock was shoved in her mouth. It was a goodthing she didn't actually need to breathe, because that big tool wasso far down it blocked her windpipe. Like before, he held her tightand pleasured himself. For good measure, he dug in his claws, tearingopen small wounds in her thighs. She would have screamed again, buthe had made sure there was no chance of

that. But he was making enoughnoise for the two of them. His roars and grunts filled the room. Hehad unending strength, meaning that this could go on forever. She hadresigned herself to hours of agony when he went rigid. She thoughtshe heard a noise underlying his ranting, but it didn't registerright away. Then it repeated itself. And again. His grip slacked offand she was able to wiggle loose. At the same time, her powersreturned, so she spelled herself off of him and into a corner, hereyes watching him warily. He stood, tottered and fell to the floorlike a boulder. Standing behind him was Whirly, holding a log fromthe fireplace. The end of it had blood and fur from his head. "Did I kill him?"she said, dropping the wood and backing away. Eve moved forward toexamine his body. He was out. He couldn't die, but if his physicalform took too much damage, it could knock him out for a while. Thequestion was, how long? "Yes my dear, he's alive. And thank you somuch for intervening. I'm afraid I made a serious mistake." She wasabout to explain when it hit her that the partition had disappearedfrom her hands. She had no idea where it went or how to find it. Butthere were other things transpiring. The she-wolf was staring now ather. She spoke like one in trance. "Oh no, no, no, no, no. Thiscan't be happening again. No, no, no!" Eve understood what wasgoing on, She had not expected things to get out of hand. Shetransformed to a ball of light. "Little sister, be not afraid. Iwill tell you what you need to know." She dived into the frightenedwolf before she could escape. Eve stayed in her longenough to straighten out as much as she could. It happened to behours later when Jon-Tom awoke, so befuddled he had no idea where heeven was, much  less the time. The room was unfamiliar. His headhurt, and he wished it would stop. His eye was matted shut, but anyattempts to get his hand to his face were foiled by ropes. Someonehad tied him up. He didn't bother struggling. He put his mind tofiguring out just what kind of party this had been. With his good eyehe saw the booze bottle, and wondered how much he had drank to haveleft him feeling like he had been cleft in two. There was so muchwrong feeling inside him, like someone had put a blender in his souland hit frappe. He didn't like it, nor not remembering why he mightbe feeling this way. His mind was stillfocusing on who he had been with. Oh yeah, that wolf hussy, Wurreel.No, that wasn't right. He had been with, no...he just couldn'tremember. Well, someone must have taken his money and left him forthe fool he was. That was when he looked down and saw he had fur. Andpaws. That's when

he screamed. That brought the wolf to attention, aswell as another who was more black than tawny. He wondered whereMudge was. He was going to need his help. The darker wolf got downinto his face. "Jon-Tom honey, are you alright. You've been througha bit of trauma I think. Poor Orath-upeina did the only thing shecould think of. She did her best to crack open your skull." Honey?What the fuck was she talking about. He had a very bad feeling aboutthis. Well, the crack on the skull explained the headache. "Who thehell is Orath-upeina?" He looked at the wolf. "I recall yourface. I thought you said your name was Wurreel?" Then he got ahorrified look on his face. "Uh, you and I didn't have sex did we?Is that why am I am I tied up and apparently, uh, something besidesbeing a human? I think I'm ready for that hard-shell wizard to spellme back home!" He started crying. Whirly looked at Eve."You gave me a lot of information, but none of it goes far inexplaining this. This was really the same guy who passed me up in thetunnels? He acts like him more now than he was acting a short whileago. Whats going on?" Eve sighed. "I'm afraid I've managed tobungle the whole thing. I sent him to help you recover your wolf-packrights. He really does have a good heart, despite what you saw himdoing to me. He was only doing that because in my foolishness, Iremoved the barrier between his good and dark sides." Whirlygasped. "You may be who you say you are, but you have a lot tolearn. There is always equal good and bad inside of everyone. Youshould know this. The more good a person does, the more evil there isto balance their soul. And you say he isn't even from this world. Howdid you ever think you would have any control over doing such an act?He looked like he was trying to kill you! You might have died!" Eve sighed. "Well, theday is still young." She looked at Jon-Tom who was still sobbinguncontrollably. "I think my dearest husband has had more traumathan he could handle. Between me letting loose his inner demons, andyou cracking his skull three times, I don't know what to do with him.It's like he reverted back to his other self. I'll need to figure outwhere his memories and powers from the past sixty years have gone."Whirly was impressed. "You two came backwards in time to save me?Whoa! Then I suppose I don't have much of a choice. I'll have tostart training on my own, while you get him figured out. I would loveto help, but I have no idea how to go about doing so. Heck, I'm stilltrying to cope with the past few days." Eve was grateful thatthe wolf had accepted the facts without question. The goddess had totake extreme

measures in relaying the information, which was why shehad gone straight into her head. You see, the wolf was about to gocatatonic upon seeing Eve. She hadn't taken a fox's form like Jon-Tomhad thought she did; that was what the wolf had looked like as a cub.Her eyes had changed over time; muddied by the darkness that had comeover her. Jon-Tom was right when he said the color didn't suit her.Her tawny coat was merely a darkening from the cream she had worn asa cub. Eve was glad that Jon-Tom had corrected her breeding problemearly on. He wasn't in any shape to handle it now. The rest of it wasmere cosmetics. She spoke up. "Mydearest Orath-upeina; I now have two missions. I must assist you inrecovering your kingdom and at the same time figure out what to dowith my husband." The wolf considered that. "I wish to knowsomething. If he is your husband, and I'm not questioning yourtruthfulness, then why do you let him bed so many. An alpha male andan alpha female mate for life. I realize it's just lupine morality,but I would think you would want him for yourself." Eve patted her paw. "Icould pop in your head and give you all the juicy details you couldwant to know..." The wolf put her paws up. "No way! I thank youfor allaying my fears, but don't ever do that again!" Eve sighed.There was no pleasing some people! She looked back at Jon-Tom. "Hedoes the right thing. There are few on this world who do so soaltruistically." She smiled warmly at him sitting on the floor, alltied up, still bemoaning his fate. "And like he has said in thepast (future?), look where it gets him. I'm afraid to untie him, forif he goes off on me again, it may be catastrophic. Even if hedoesn't, it looks like he has lost most of his mind. He seems to haveturned into a blubbering wimp. The wolf got down infront of him. "Look Lobo. I'm sorry about the misunderstanding atthe thieves hall. If I had known the truth about you, I wouldn't havetaken offense." He stopped sniffing. "What do you mean? And whydid you change me into this hairy creature? I never did anything toyou!" Eve came over and looked in his eyes. "Husband, you canchange on your own. All you need to do is draw on your power." Helooked deep into her eyes. "Husband? Oh no! No way! I didn't marryyou! There isn't enough dope on this miserable planet for me to dosomething that stupid!" Then he shook his head. "What power areyou talking about? I don't have any power. That moronic turtle thingfound out his mistake and now I'm stuck here forever. I wish I werehome!" The goddess stood backto appraise him. He was definitely in sad shape. She touched his headand reached out to his mind, only to

have it recoil at her presence.All his power, his memories, his essence had been reduced to hisoriginal form. He was an unripe fruit, an immature seed. Thanks toher mistake, she had managed to wipe him out in one fell swoop. Shewas understanding the term - a sinking feeling. Her guts were twistedup. "Jon-Tom, do you remember anything?" He cringed at her voice."I remember getting in trouble with this wolf over a gambling debt.I remember leaving with Mudge and Talea. I remember that our wagonand lizards had been stolen. I remember...nothing else. What happenedto me?" She kissed him, which freaked him out. "I don't knowdarling. I need to figure that out. But don't worry; whateverhappened is my own fault, not yours. I went too far and now you'repaying for it." She untied him. "You'll have to be a good boy andstick close. Until I figure this out, you had best stay withincalling distance. I'm sure we can work it out." Actually, she wasn'tcertain of anything at the moment. She couldn't call off helpingWhirly, because doing so would upset the timeline. Jon-Tom hadprobably been on the right track all along, and she had messed it up.She would never forgive herself. In his present condition, he was ofno use to her. She had to get his powers back. When she had pulledthat partition in his soul loose, she had really opened the floodgates. Everything that had been him had leaked out. Every importantbit that had been him could be anywhere now. She knew she was in evenmore trouble when he kept trying to escape. He was continuallyfreaking about about being a wolf.  She had put him in front of amirror and watched him pass out. She didn't even try to catch him.She fetched the rope and tied him up. She would worry about givinghim food later. She approached Whirly, as he had called her.. Shecould she why Jon-Tom had started calling that. It was easier to say."I can help you, but my expertise is not near what my husband's is;or was. I can help you prepare, but I cannot do this for you. As Ihave let slip, you are credited with winning a terrific battlesingle-handedly. That excludes my direct interference." Theshe-wolf actually laughed. "How the hell do you figure that? You'vemanaged to completely turn my life upside down and inside out. I'mnot complaining, but what else do you call it if not interference?" She had a valid point.But Eve was still trying to recover her loss of control of thesituation. "Look my dear, I intend to help. But I simply can't doit for you. I'm sure Jon-Tom had something planned, but for theeternal life of me, I don't know what it was. And until I can get himback to normal, I'm stuck." Whirly was surprisingly calm. "Iunderstand.

But if what you say is true, then I will proceed as I seefit. Knowing the future gives one the confidence to step boldly intoit." Eve cautioned her. "It was the future before I messed thingsup. Keep that in mind!" For the next two days,the two worked at their respective tasks. Eve tried everything shecould to reunite Jon-Tom with his memories. Whirly practiced at herold skills, learned as a youngster and never forgotten. They only laydormant. Her skill with a sword was far greater than her skills as acourtesan. As she practiced, her eyes lost their metallic color andreturned to pink. Even her fur seemed to lighten. It was as f thepollution of all those years was draining away. Soon, she was dancingin circles, twirling a sword like a majorette's baton. A few daysweren't going to be enough to win back her birthright, but it wasenough to boost her confidence. The male human, errr,wolf, remained a problem. Right up until the dawning on the thirdmorning. Eve crawled out of bed and went to attend to his needs. Shewas going to untie his bonds, but he growled menacingly; "Iwouldn't touch me if you value your life." He said it with a coolmenace in his voice. She sighed. If the evil part of him had takenover again, it was a good thing his power was gone. "Husband, I wasgoing to let you up to use the bathroom and eat. But if you think itbest that I leave you, I will." His hand snaked out free of therope and grabbed her by the throat. Whirly saw his attack and came tothe rescue. His other hand caught her similarly. "You two girls arein a whole heap of trouble!" It was impressiveseeing his regular wolf form (as opposed to the Dire Wolf) holdingthem immobile. He kept his focus on Eve. He pulled her forward. "Iseem to recall that you had the bright idea of wanting to know whatit's like to be raped." He turned to Whirly. "And you interfered.So what should I do with you now?" The she-wolf was panicking. Allat once he dropped them on their feet. He sat down and cracked hisneck. "You know Eve, You have a lot to learn. If you ever try atrick like that again, I swear I'll put you back where I found you!" She approachedcautiously. "Jon-Tom dear, is that really you?" He growled andsnapped at her. "Fuck yes it's me! The guy who was here before wasme too. Me from this time! The backlash from your tearing apart byinner most being, coupled with those knocks on the head, messed up myplace in the timeline. This me; the experienced, oversexed, powerfulme went into my old form, and his mind was forced here. So there Iwas, waking up in the woods with Mudge and Talea, and trying tofigure out how. I thought what I had done here, that ugly

maliciousattack, was just a bad dream. Believe me, I wish it was." He drewin a breath and said in measured tones, "If you even ever so muchas blink wrong in front of me, I'll show you something worse thanwhat I was doing before. And there are much, much worse things, Ipromise you." Whirly was rubbing herthroat. "But Lobo; or is it Jon-Tom? What of your other self? Whatwill become of him?" He growled at her in measured tones as well."He will be fine. He will blame it on a bad dream." Eve was allup in arms over his explanation. "Are you positive? How can you beso sure?" He pounded his fist on a table. "YES WOMAN, I AM SURE!At least now I know why I had that particular nightmare all thoseyears ago. At the time I blamed it on drug withdrawal symptoms andthe stress of being new to this world. I think I like that ideabetter than the truth! To think that you very nearly unleashed deathincarnate on this world is beyond excusable." Eve stood up to him."There is no such evil inside you!" He dropped into a chair. "Onthe contrary. I have picked up a lot of it, more than any one personshould have to endure. I am unclear if I picked it up from others, orif it's just some monstrous seed that has sprouted and is growing outof control. I do good sometimes for the simple sake of balancingthings out. Pulling out the barrier between one and the other wasmost unwise. I am in control again, but the situation is proving tobe tenuously held in place. There is a chance it will find a way ofgaining its freedom again. If it does..." He let the idea hang inthe air. Eve was silent. She hadno experience with these dark emotions and her ignorance had provendeadly, or nearly so. Jon-Tom had more strength than she had thoughtpossible. If he was really this filled with the dark passions, shehad to figure a way of helping him detoxify. She suddenly stopped hertrain of thought. She had already screwed things up. She had bestleave well enough alone. Now that he was back to himself, more orless, they needed to help the wolf he had nicknamed Whirly. It was aname that didn't make it into the stories. It was likely anothererrant bit that needed to be fixed. He seemed to be catchingwhat she was thinking. He held her gaze. "Eve, I know you meanwell, but there are things you really, seriously need to learn. Iwould recommend you step out of this little problem until it'ssolved. When I have things under control you can return." She atfirst took this as a reprimand, but she saw in his eyes a graveconcern. She sat in his lap. "If you say it must be so, then so beit." She winked out and was gone. He let out a lengthysigh. "Well

Whirly, or maybe I had better just call you Thunder?"She did a bow. "If you don't mind, how about a compromise. You cancall me Orath. It's a name I plan of earning back. But did you reallyneed to send the goddess away?" She pondered that a moment. "Canyou send a goddess away?" He laughed. "Yes, because she knowsthat I'm not in a good mood right now. She means well, but she has asmuch to learn as I do. Sometimes she's just like a child, fidgetingwith things to learn about them. She picked the wrong thing to playwith." The she-wolf took the goddess's place on his lap. "Can Ido something to lighten the mood? I could really get into a little ofwhat we were doing a couple of days ago...if it wouldn't be too muchto ask." He smiled and pulled her around so that she was facinghim. His pants disappeared. For that matter, so had hers. She lickedher lips. "I'll take that as a yes!"


Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 3

Orath the Thunderheartwas feeling more and more like her name. She was a far cry from a fewweeks ago. Of course, she had seen some serious shit since then. Ifthese two beings (she still found it hard to imagine that gawky humanand this fellow were the...

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He Otter Know Better

Mudge was sitting at thebar. He normally chose a table in the rear with at least one wall tohis back, but today he didn't care. Besides, he was able to get hisglass refilled quicker here. That was part of the reason his swordwas laying out. He could...

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Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 1

Jon-Tom hovered over the scene for just a moment. In truth, pulling himself away wasthe toughest thing he felt he had ever needed to do. Eve was a goddess, but hislove for Rose superseded even his love for her. It was something she was awareof and was...

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