He Otter Know Better

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#6 of The Otterly Sinful Stories

A continuation.

Mudge was sitting at thebar. He normally chose a table in the rear with at least one wall tohis back, but today he didn't care. Besides, he was able to get hisglass refilled quicker here. That was part of the reason his swordwas laying out. He could easier get the bartender's attention withits point. The man had learned quickly and wisely placed two glassesin front of him at a time, but not before receiving payment. Theotter had money for now, thanks to Brute, may the gods rest her soul. He turned, bleary eyed,and peered over the crowd. That made the place sound busy; crowd.There wasn't more than a dozen in the room; an old porcupine missinghalf his quills, a pair of ferrets secretly wearing daggers(obviously assassins), a puma in royal guard colors, a wombat dressedlike a merchant, a pica that looked like a scribe, and a few in theback he couldn't readily see. Except for  one of the ferrets, theywere all obviously male. He would have asked the ferret to bed, buther partner might not like it, and Mudge was too drunk to fight withhis normal skill. Besides, it was never good to mess with trainedkillers. He remembered how quick the spider monkey had been. Heturned back to the bar, finished his last drink, grabbed his swordand teetered out into the street. It was time to find a brothel. He weaved and bobbeddown the dirty cobblestones, occasionally running into a cart here,or some boxes there. He would let loose a curse or an expletive, thendoff his hat and apologize to the offended object. His purse jingledand his boots slapped the pavement like seal flippers. He was, as heremarked later, the perfect mark. That didn't mean he wasn't payingattention. The second he had heard the tavern door open and closebehind him, he was alert. Drunk; but alert. He turned to see the bigfellow in the uniform head the opposite direction, so he relaxed. Hismistake. The fellow was watching him too. He whirled with militaryprecision and snuck up on the otter. His big paw snagged him frombehind. "So you little waterrat! I think that I'll relieve you of your purse. Call it acollection for the poor; poor me!" Mudge swung and kicked, but thepuma's reach was too great. He struggled anyways, trying to  fighthimself loose and in a position to protection himself. A small voice echoed out of the darkness. "Drop him!" The puma hesitated rightup until he felt a dagger pressed against the small of his back,right by his kidney. He dropped Mudge. In the next instant he turnedand sliced through the air with his own weapon. It cut down nothing.Instead, he was left staring down at a ferret. Her voice was allflowery. "I say, you are a stupid one, aren't you?" The pumagrowled in

anger. He was too distracted to notice the quarterstaffcoming down at his head from above. He hit the ground like anavalanche. The other ferret dropped from his perch and examined hiswork. "Good night my friend. When you wake up, may your head feellike a split pumpkin!" Mudge had gatheredhimself up and had his sword drawn, pointing it back and forthbetween the newcomers. ""ere now! Whats up with you two? I'dthank ya if I knew what you were about." The lady looked at thefellow and shrugged. "We were leaving the bar and saw what washappening. If you would like, we can hold you down until this snoringfeline awakens, and allow you two to resume where we interrupted."The otter looked down at the puma. He so wanted to kill him, but ifhe did, his life was forfeit. He looked at his saviors instead. "Iain't meaning no disrespect, for I kinda value me own skin. Butwhat's your game? Ain't no one helping no one in this world unlessthere's somethin in it for themselves." The lady ferret put herdagger away and stood in front of him. "You're right. My price forsaving you is way higher than you'll ever want to pay." He blinkedhis bleary eyes. Damn she was fine looking. But what price did sheexpect him to pay? "Look 'ere girlie, I've only got so much money.Seems to me there's no point in giving it to you, even if you didsave me skin. It could 'ave just handed it over to big and stupid'ere." The lady ferret had thetemerity to get in his face. "I don't want your money. I don't haveany use for your money. What I want from you is to pay it forward."He blinked. "What the 'ell does that mean?" She grabbed hiscollar, mostly to keep him upright. "It means that at some point intime, you'll do something good for someone for no reason whatsoever.It means that you'll take no money, or goods, or services. You helpand you'll leave. Period." He considered it for a moment beforelaughing. "Like 'ell I will. No one 'as ever done nothin for oleMudge!" She had her dagger out and sticking in his guts. He couldjust feel the tip. "Think again otter. We just did. And I believean old friend of yours gave you the money, no strings attached; moneyyou've been so very free with. So I tell you again, pay it forward!"The dagger was withdrawn and the ferrets faded into the night. Theotter patted himself down, found he still had his coin, and proceededto the whorehouse.  He wondered how the hell they knew about Brute.But then, they were assassins. Why not? Then again, maybe it was alucky guess. Needless to say, he didn't dwell on it. He promptly fellasleep and wasn't worth a damn until morning. Come sunrise, he made upfor lost time. His bedmate was a feisty red

squirrel whose name hehad been told, he knew, but what it was was presently not in theforefront of his thoughts. His cock, however, was in the deepestnether regions of her belly. He was showing her what an otter coulddo that her male counterparts couldn't. True enough, he had beengraced by his species with a fluidity hard to match. She was all intoit. Besides, she was getting paid too, and for only half a job. Shedidn't mind a little enjoyment in the process. He proceeded to get areturn on his money, however, for he never lost his libido right upuntil noon, when his stomach overrode his genitals. He dressed,leaving the poor squirrel feeling like she had just taken on theentire squadron of royal archers. He dropped an extra coin at thebedside and went downstairs to pay his bill. From there, it was offto the lake, where there was a wonderful little shoreline restaurantthat served seventeen varieties of fish. He intended to try them all. He was well into hiseighth dish, Verias Pike, when he recalled the strangers from thenight before. At the time, the whole thing seemed surreal. He wouldrather have tossed them a coin than listen to that female patter onabout paying it forward. He went to dismiss the idea, but found ithad lodged in his head. It was kind of like hearing your favoritesong playing continuously inside your brain. The harder he tried toget rid of it, the more it seemed to stay. In the end it put him offhis food. He left the bones of the pike on his plate. Mudge neverleft scraps. He wrapped up his visitand left town. He had no idea where he was going to go, but he neededto get away from here. He traveled for miles, relaxing in thesunshine. Once in a while a thought surfaced about Brute, and hepushed it back down. She had been wonderful to him and he missed herso very much. Now he was back to being alone. Oh, he could go look upa few of his ladies, but for some reason he didn't have the heart tosee anyone from his past right now. He needed some new memories tohelp blot out the old and uncomfortable ones. He decided, since he washeading in the right direction, he would travel to Rockhaven. He wasalways a little nervous traveling under the jurisdiction of the birdcity, but the few times he had been in that valley, no one had somuch as winked at him. He had seen the birdies flying high, catchingthe thermals, but none of them paid him any heed. It was just aswell. The otter had no wish to quarrel with someone equipped withsharp beaks and strong talons. Rockhaven was a lovelycity butting up against one of the mountains that surrounded thevalley. This particular chunk of stone had been called Gorol's Rockwhen the place had been founded by those previously mentioned featherfolk. There had been a falling out, so the ground dwellers took overthis one, and the birds had retreated to the higher one, Godswind. Healways wanted to see that place, but only those with wings wereallowed there. He had no plans of sprouting any anytime soon. But thevalley itself was a nice enough place. There was plenty of foodavailable; lizards and fish abounded in and around the meanderingstreams. Mudge wasn't much on aesthetics, but he had to admit it waspretty too. Rockhaven was moresuited to his tastes, for it had a nice assortment of bars, brothelsand hotels. Those were more to his liking. It also had one of themost closely guarded walls he had ever seen. If the archers weregiven the order, any one attempting to enter would look like aporcupine during mating season. But they were always watching theskies. All the better for him. For one thing, few had caught on tohis thieving in years past. That meant he wouldn't be recognized. Ifthings got to hot he would slip out again and return in a few years. It took him weeks to getthere. It was no lighthearted task. But the otter preferred fish asfood, and traveled alongside streams as much as he could. He hadlittle company on his journey. Here and there he ran into bandits andruffians, but as he was a thief-in-good-standing and knew thepasswords, they all left him alone. What he really began to miss wasfemale company. He couldn't help but think back to Brute. She hadbeen rough in the looks category, but heck, after one hundred andtwenty seven years, who wouldn't? She had been willing to travel andmake love any time and never once complained about him whatsoever. Inhindsight, she was perfect. For her memory alone he would never evermarry a female unless she had the same qualities. It would also helpif she ended up his species. But he wasn't holding his breath! He entered the valleyand worked his way towards his destination. It was a good twenty fivemiles, nothing compared to his trek here. There was a fairly decentroad once you got closer to the city, but he chose the darker, morehidden routes. He never liked to expose himself to any more dangerthan was necessary. Besides, he was hungry. He found a clear streamand followed it to a pool he recalled. It was teaming with colorfulfish found only in this valley. The locals called them Frouden. Theywere pretty, but hardly a proper meal. He worked himself along untilhe came to another pool. There were no schools here. That meantpredator. He stripped and piledhis cloths on a log. He stuck his head in, searching the premises forhis quarry. Nothing. He dived

in and searched. There, to one side andbetween a rock and a tree root was a hole. All he needed to do wasentice the fish out and he had his lunch. He turned to leave, hopingto make a fishing pole or spear, when something latched onto histail. He yelped. It was a grave mistake, That cost him his air. Hetried to turn and had just enough flexibility to see what had him. Itwas his prospective lunch. It was that damn biggest Steeljaw he hadever seen. And it felt like a serrated knife on his poor tail. Mudge was not small, butthis fish was definitely huge. No one swan around Steeljaw territory.They would attacked anything. Mudge had no weapon, no air, and nochance. The fish was dragging him backwards towards its lair. Thebest the otter could do was to grab the sides long enough to slow thebeast down. Then he would succumb to asphyxiation. His mind rebelledagainst the thought. An otter than drowned to death. It was unheardof. He was ready to meet Brute in the great big universe whensomething unexpected happened. He could feel the fish change in itsbehavior. It started thrashing around. Their direction changed too.They were moving, nay, being pulled towards the shore. Mudge gave aterrific kick and made the surface, sputtering and gasping. He tried to hit theshore, but the damn fish had a death grip on his back end. It hurtlike hell! Besides, he was still being pulled in a sidewaysdirection. He cleared his eyes and saw a line taut in the water. Hefollowed it up and saw her standing on shore, fighting her load butbeaming like a fool. He changed course. Might as well help in hisrescue and not hinder it. When he reached shallower water, he stoodand continued to drag the now limp fish behind him. His rescuer randown, reeling in her line to keep it tight. Mudge gave her a onceover before opening his mouth. She was young, but despite this shewas his size. She was gray and striped and probably bad news. Shewas...a badger. For the moment she washardly paying any attention to him. She ran to the fish. It was thenthat she saw it was still attached to the otter's tail. "Heymister, thanks for being bait. You have no idea how hard it's been toget this fellow out in the open for a shot!" The otter glared ather, water running off his naturally waterproof fur. He looked downand back to see a trail of pink coming from around the monster'steeth. He was losing precious blood. "He missy! I don't want tosound ungrateful, but ya don't "appen to "ave a prybar, doesya.?" She assessed the fish and his tail. She pressed her fingersalongside the fish's jawline and found the joint. She reached aroundand pressed them simultaneously. The jaws popped apart. Mudge

yankedhis tail free and jumped away. She released he grip and the jawssnapped shut. Wicked teeth protruded from the top and bottom. He waslucky he hadn't lost his tail completely! The badger girl tied herline to a stump, stripped off her skirt and tore a length of materialfrom the bottom hem. She used this to tourniquet his bleeding wounds."Ow! Watch it youngster. It's already sore enuff!" But all thewhile he was eyeballing her nude torso. It was enough to distract himfrom the pain. She stood back to admire her work, giving him a farbetter view. She noticed his front, which was showing signs ofincreased blood flow and blushed. "Say mister, maybe we had betterget dressed. I wasn't thinking when I stripped." Mudge mumbled anapology and went and gathered his clothes. He hardly wanted to putthem on, as he was still damp. But it was better than walking aroundwith a highly visible erection. When he returned, shewas trying to haul her catch out of the water. She saw him andsmiled, indicating that she wasn't put off by his recent display."I'd ask for some help, but I don't know your name!" He did apolite bow and replied, "Mudge; at you service!" She motionedtowards the fish. "This fellow is a lot bigger than I figured.Would you mind helping me get him strung on a pole and back to thecity? There's a reward for him! Oh, and my name is Anakuma!" Theotter looked at the fish, and then to the badger. He knew the citywasn't all that far, but carrying this monster wasn't going to beeasy. "Oh, alright lass. After all, yous did save me skin. It seemsthe least I can do." Using his sword, he  hacked a sapling andtrimmed the branches into a suitable pole. From there, it was amatter of tying its tail to one end, and stringing the other via thearrow sticking clear through the head." They hoisted it up andtowards the road. Mudge was unsure if he should engage her inconversation or not. Besides, being in the rear, he had a deliciousview of her backside as they walked. But she had to ruin it byopening her mouth. "So Mudge? How is it  that you, a water dweller,didn't know about the warning on that pool? That fish has been aterror for months since it washed downstream during the springfloods!" He got his dander up. "First of all, I ain't no "waterdweller!" Just because me kind "appens to like swimming in thestuff doesn't mean we likes living in it. Second of all, I ain't fromaround these parts. I'm just here visitin, so to speak." Her voice carried back."Visiting huh? Well, you just about made it a short one, or else, Isuppose, a permanent one. Steeljaw aren't known for theirhospitality." He grunted in answer to her taunt, if that

what itwas meant to be. "Look here miss, I've been in this valley before,and hadn't heard of no Steeljaws in the waters 'ere abouts. Trust me,every otter knows to keep clear of the bastards!" She stopped andlooked back at him. "No need to get mad. I just assumed everyoneknew about this one. He's wiped out a ton of other fish. No onewanted to tackle going in after him though. Until you came along,that is. Saw you dive in and figured you were a fool after the money.I guess I was wrong, but I'm kinda glad ya did.!" He snorted. "And why'sthat?" She turned away. "Because if you hadn't I wouldn't havegotten my fish or met you!" He stood there for a moment beforefollowing in step with her. It was hard to lug a fish if bothcarriers weren't doing a equal job. When the two made it to the citygates, there was much fanfare. True, it was an impressive fish,nearly six feet long, but Mudge had no idea how despised the thingwas. Usually they lived in the deeper lakes where no one would everbump into them. This one had ruined a perfectly good fishing hole.Later, he was to learn that several fishermen had chunks taken out oftheir hide by this beast. Their pack animal statusceased at this point, for a cart was brought for the journey to thebounty office. Mudge knew all about those places, but as he was underthe radar here, he felt it was safe to accompany her that far. Thenhe would sneak off and have some fun. For example, a drink or fivewould help him forget his aching tail. It was ten blocks to theoffice, where Anakura was paid the sum of 20 silver pieces. Mudge'seyes lit up. That much for a fish! Hell, for that price they shouldserve it to the higher ups and get their money back! The badger left,grabbing the otter by the arm and dragging him out too. Once outsideand after parting the crowd of onlookers, she pulled him aside. "Heremister. I figure you got the worst end of the deal, but I did saveyour life. Here's half the money." She had ten shiny coins in herpalm. It would buy a lot of drink, he thought. But then, he still hadmoney. " 'ere now; you don't owes me nothin. Likes you said, yousaved me skin, and that's worth more to me than money." She giggled and grabbedhis paw again. "Look here my friend, I owe you something. Since youwon't take my money, the least you can do is get yourself a bottle ofheal-all and get yourself numb. That backside of yours has to smartsomething awful!" He sighed. Well, what ever the ferret hadexpected him to do, he had tried it. No one expected something fornothing. "Alright lass, I'll take you up on your offer. But youshould keeps track of your money better. It's not every day someone'ands you over that much cash for

a bloody fish!" She dragged himto a tavern and handed him a coin. "That should be enough,shouldn't it?" He took it and nodded. "You'll get some changeback, I promise." He went in and came backout in record time, holding a big bottle of the local whiskey. Hedropped a few copper coins into her palm. "I thank ya,  I does. Tisjust the thing for what ails me. I think that you've paid me up wellenough, and its time to go our separate ways." She looked sad, butperked up. "So, where are you going to stay Mister Mudge?" He hadseveral of the whorehouses in mind. "That's none of your need-know.I have enough cash for a room." She pulled him in close, giggling."What if I showed you a place you could stay for free?" Free wasgood, but Mudge was wary. "Just what do ya 'ave in mind? I ain'tmuch looking to get into no trouble." She giggled even more."Oh, I don't think there will be any trouble, not if we work itright. I've got just the place. And I can get us in with no problem!"He shrugged. "Lead on my little lady!" She pulled him up thestreets, heading farther into town, towards the face of the mountain.There, sitting in the highest spot, was it. Mudge knew the place; theHavenhouse. "Uh, we ain't going in there, is we? Cause if that'syour plan, I'll spend me money and not get me butt booted for it"She yanked him even harder. "Look mister, I know the owner, and Ialso know that this is the slow time of the year. There are roomsgalore that are empty. All you need to do is sneak into one and yourstay is free!" He liked the way she thought, but this hotel wasfancy. They used people like him for cooks and cleaners, not guests. "What makes you sodarn sure I wouldn't get caught?" She frowned a little. "NothingI guess. So I might recommend you chose a room with a balcony, sothat you'll have a way out if you're caught." He stopped and pulledhis paw away and planted both of them on his hips. "'Ere now! Isuppose you have some way of knowing which room is the best then?"She grabbed his paw again. "Oh come on. I work in thereoccasionally. I know the perfect room!" She shuttled around to aside door, pulled out a key from around her neck and quietly turnedthe handle. "Shhhh. Just follow me." He slid inside and closedthe door. He was growing even more nervous. She tiptoed past thekitchen, where the staff was idly sitting around, waiting on foodorders. Just past there was a service stairwell. She led him up this. Five flights later theywere standing in a deserted corridor. "You see, like I said, no onehere. Heck, even the cleaning staff won't bother coming up here, forthere's nothing to clean." She went to one room, tried her key

onthe door. "Oh crap. I didn't think of that. My key only fits thefirst two floors." Mudge let out a little low growl. "Dammit itgirl. You bring me up here and then you can't get in the room? Standback!" He pulled out a stiff pin from his hat and in less than twominutes had the door standing open. He peered inside and whistled."Oi! This place is fit for a king! I ain't getting my neck strungout over this place!" Anakura pushed past him. "Really. I'd thinkthat if you were going to get hung over something, it might as wellbe something big!" He cast a sour eyetowards her. "Listen missy, I ain't no fool. But I guess maybeyou're right. I ain't never lived like no king before!" He wanderedaround the room, looking at all the art and sculptures and finelinens. He hopped up on the bed and sighed. "Oh alright. I'll stayfor a few nights. But don't expect too much from me in the way ofthanks. I'm gonna be holding me breath the entire time I'm here!"Then a thought struck him, just a heartbeat after his stomachgrowled. "Hey! Whats a guy supposed to do about food? It's not likeI can leave and get back in the way you used." She smiled and did alittle curtsy. "Ask and I can have the staff whip up anything."She could tell he was going to ask why they would do such a thing."They'll do for me because they all like me so much!" He relaxedback on the bed. "Oh fine! I'll eat about anything right now." She came back an hourlater with a variety of foods piled onto a platter. It smelleddelicious. He had hit the bottle while he had waited, downing a goodthird of it. He still had room for food. He jumped into the roastedmeats and vegetables like a fasting acolyte. Anakura watched himgorge himself until she nearly felt ill. "Hey! Where are youpacking all that away?" He burped. "Oh, I have spots here andthere. I always have room for food." He looked at the bottle. "Andliquor too!" Whether or not it was from self-consciousness or not,he pushed the food away. He was feeling pretty good about now.Without further concern, he stripped off his boots and shirt, piledhis vest and trousers on top and climbed under the covers. He assumedshe was going to head home. Nope. The next thing heexperienced was her clothes sailing onto his pile, and she was underthe covers with him. He wasn't certain he was happy about it.  "Heynow! Do you think this is a good idea and all?" She kissed him."No. I think it's a great idea. It's about time I get to have alittle fun. And now I've got you, and we're up here where no one willdisturb us. I can't think of anything better!" He pondered it amoment. One thing a wise man never did was pass up free booze, freefood, and free sex. He just might leave this valley with his purseintact. "OK Ana! I'm not feeling like fighting right now. I guessthat leaves lovin. Got any requests?" She giggled. "Yes, moreaction and less talk!" He rolled her over andplayfully pinned her to the mattress. She didn't fight, but insteadleaned up and nibbled his nose. He dropped his hips onto hers andfound the spot he was looking for. He made a quick stab, which gothim a harder bite on the nose. She apologized. "Sorry about that!"He ignored the sting and pushed again, feeling as he did a slighttearing. He was drunk but not stupid. "Girl are you a virgin?"She was making a bit of a pained face, but managed to smile. "Notanymore I'm not!" He was torn between pushing her away andsatisfying his own needs. Figuring that the deed was done, he went towork. He only hoped that she knew the folks in the laundry room aswell, because these sheets were going to be a mess by morning. It turns out it was agood thing they were alone on the fifth floor. She made enough racketto wake the dried bones buried in the catacombs of Mythrios. He wasall for enthusiasm, but this girl was like a rabbit on stinger dust,with the vocals of a love sick howler monkey. At one point she rolledthem and pinned him down, showing great strength for a girl. Then hisbrain reminded him that she was, after all, a badger. An adult onewasn't someone you wanted to have angry at you. They were related,otters and badgers, but otters had gotten the fun end of the stick.The only thing less cheery than a badger was a wolverine. But thisgirl hadn't had the fun trained out of her just yet. Lucky him! Sure enough, comemorning, the sheets looked like he had murdered her in the night. Shejokingly told him that she had been repeatedly stabbed. He stifled alaugh. "Look at the two of us. Neither of us is going anywhere. Iwishes this suite 'ad a bath or somethin." She giggled and pulledhim to the back. There, behind a door, was a sumptuous bathroom. Sheturned a handle over a large basin and he watched as water ran out ofit. She explained. "There's a reservoir at the top and the mountainwhich has pipes leading straight into the hotel. It's cold, but then,I don't think that'll bother us." He was impressed. "Alrightythen. We wash until the water runs clear!" She had been half right.He was used to cold water, but it was a little much for her. By thetime they were done, she was shivering. He grabbed a blanket thatwasn't to stained and curled up with her under the felt. "You know Mudge, thatwas a lot of fun! In case you haven't figured it out, I don't get outas much as I'd like. Going after that fish has been the

mostadventure I've been allowed. Now that I caught it, thanks to you, Iwon't have much to look forward to. Is there any chance there's roomin your plans for a girl like me?" He gave her a squeeze. ""erenow. I don't rightly know 'bout that. I prefer to travels alone, andif not, with someone who can 'andle themselves." Her paws strokedhis cock. "I can handle myself just fine!" He pushed her pawaway. "Sex is sex. Living in the great outside is another story.Camping out waiting on a fish when you gots the whole city in yourbackyard isn't the same. I see you're passable with the bow, but Idon't take no one I 'ave to protect. I've got enuff saving me ownhide at times." She sat and thought asher shivering subsided. "Maybe your right. Maybe I had best stayhere, though I would so love to see the world. But that means I getyou for the rest of your stay. How long will that be?" He pulledher close. "That depends on 'ow soon you gets sick of me!" Later,they dressed and made their way out into the city. She recommendedthat they split up and meet outside the gate. Her explanation wasplausible. "I don't think I should be seen in your company toooften. People talk." He agreed. Nothing marked you as trouble likehanging out with a local girl. You always tended to piss of someone.If she had suitors, they would eventually be pissed that he haddeflowered before they could. Best to keep low. Outside the city, theystruck off for the woods. From there, they walked along the streamand talked. "Mudge, where are you from? What's it like to travel?Have you ever met a unicorn?..." Her questions were never ending.He would have told her to cap it, but she had saved his life and hedid like talking about himself. So they walked and he talked untilthe sun was high overhead. They were in a meadow full of tall ferns.All at once she stopped and stepped out of her cloths. He got thehint. Talk time was over. For the next hour, all that could be seenof their activity was the sway of fern fronds. When they were done,an area the size of a cottage was flattened to the ground. And so the next weekpassed. He had to admit, this was a great time he was having. He hadeven managed to not think about Brute for most of it. This girl was adynamo, not like half the working girls would have been. It was hardto find a good whore; you needed one in it for the fun as well as themoney, and one who hadn't been doing it for too long. This here lasswas all fun. She would pull him into an ally, or in the bushes in apark, or wherever she seemed to want it. He had no reputation tolose. If he got caught, it was back on the road for him is all. What turned out to betheir last night together had started off wonderfully. The light wasfading and she had dragged him out on the balcony. She grabbed therailing and bent over. "Hey Mudge, give this spot a try. He hadthought she meant the balcony, but when he sunk into her cunt, sheshook her head. "No, you wonderful fool. The hole above it. "Youhaven't tried that one out yet." He leaned in to her right ear."Ana, I don't make a habit of picking the lock on the backdoor. Itbrings up bad memories" She wiggled her ass, enjoying the feel ofhis cock. "Mudge, just make believe its my cunt. I want to knowwhat it feels like!" He sighed. Oh well, onetight hole or another; didn't matter to him. Brute had liked it wellenough. He slid out and aimed a bit higher. Despite the lube, he hada tough time getting in. She drew in a deep breath and commanded him,"Push!" He did and she yelped. He now had broken her virginity intwo holes. He hoped there was no blood with this one. He started tomove, but she motioned for him to wait. "Sorry otter. I didn'trealized my ass was going to be so tight. The gals in the kitchentell me they do this all the time, but I guess it takes practice!" He was gettingimpatient, largely because he had the terrible urge to screw hersilly. That meant either giving her pain or pulling out and hittingthe hole below. The problem was, he tried pulling out and hecouldn't; she was that tight! She had an idea what was happening. "Ohgo for it. It's not like I can't take a little pain. If nothing else,I'll know never to try it again!" He wasn't going to argue. Heliked her and all, but she had asked for it, not the other wayaround. He grabbed her hips tightly, and pushed with all his might.She screeched but he managed to  bury his cock right up to the hilt.Out of kindness, he waited. She whimpered out, "Maybe I wasn't soready." He stood there, feeling her muscles stroking his meat. Hehad been on the receiving end once, so he had no intention of hurtingher unnecessarily. The spasms died down,and he tried a little stroke. She didn't protest. He did them alittle longer and deeper, and only heard a tiny ouch. He kept thestrokes short, but after a while, he had to let go. He hoped hewouldn't hurt her too badly. His fingers found purchase in her hipfur, and he was pounding her like a blacksmith at his anvil. All atonce he exploded inside, his crotch pushed up tightly against herass. When he came to hissenses, he knew he had better get out before he gave her any morepain. The problem was, she was so tight, his cock was still hard. Anyattempt to remove it proved futile. She turned to look at him. "Sorryotter. The girls told me it

happens sometime. As much as it pains meto say it, your gonna have to soften that hole up before you can getout. Better now than later." She turned and gripped the railinghard. He hated to do it, but just forcing it out would be just asbad. He started thrusting again, caught up in the feeling. Sadly forher, having just blown a wad, he wasn't going to cum again for awhile. By the time he did, she was certainly softened up.  He pulledout and she collapsed on the balcony. He pulled her up, no easy task,and dragged her to the bed. She smiled, restless onthe sheets. "Sorry Mudge. I had no idea. No offense to you, but ifthat's the last time something goes in my ass, than all the betterfor me." It was obvious her butt hole was burning something awful.He could sympathize. "Well missy, mayhaps I could go out and getyou a balm? I hate seeing ya here in pain." She cupped his chin. "Ithink that would be wonderful!" He dressed and as just tying on hissword belt when the door to the room flew open. The hotelowner/manager and father of Anakura stormed into the room. He tookone look at his naked daughter, and another at the otter andbellowed, "I GONNA KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD!" Mudge was glad he hadgotten dressed. His mind was racing; he should have figured there wasa catch with this girl. The otter had theadvantage of having his sword handy, but a sword against a pissedmale badger was questionable. His chances against a pissed angry,foaming at the mouth badger-father was zip. He glanced at the doorand found several of the hotel staff standing there, so his exit wasblocked that way. He made the only sensible decision and ran for thebalcony. If he was lucky, he might made the next floor down withoutbreaking a bone. He went over the edge and was gone. As he told his fellowdrinkers at Preshalm a few weeks later, he should have investigated alittle further into matters before getting involved. She had seemed abit cozy running around the hotel. She had time to camp out and waiton spearing a fish. That screamed  a posh lifestyle. Likely, herdaddy had been keeping her pure, and had warned every male in thecity away from her. She found what she needed in an out-of-towner. Afool named Mudge. "But gents, I says this; she was the finest pieceof badger ass I've ever had, and just as likely the last I'll evertry. The problem ain't in the girl, it's in her daddy!

Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 1

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Parting is Never Sweet

It was a whole week before they returned. Rose was mildly concerned right up to the point they entered her chambers. One look at the way they were walking said everything she needed to know. She gave them hugs; mostly to finish dispelling any bit of...

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A Father's Dedication

  Now was the time that Jon-Tom, or as everyone now knew him, Dasher, had feared would come. It wasn't that he didn't find the girls attractive, because they were young replica's of Rose. He was still dealing with the fact that somewhere in all this he...

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