Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 1

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#7 of The Goddess Files

A continuation, and the start of a mini series

Jon-Tom hovered over the scene for just a moment. In truth, pulling himself away wasthe toughest thing he felt he had ever needed to do. Eve was a goddess, but hislove for Rose superseded even his love for her. It was something she was awareof and was in no way angry. At the moment, she was with him in the aether,looking down at the horrible event. "I'm sorry Jon-Tom. There was no easy wayof handling this outside of simply yanking you out unseen. That would have leftno closure for Rose and the girls. Trust me. You laid down the law, and fromthis point on, your name has been removed from all official records. But ifit's of any consolation to you, your memory lives on. Just because no onespeaks of it doesn't mean that they ever forgot you.In a flash he was looking down at the cemetery outside of Colivra. He recognizedthe spot that Rose would be buried in, in the future. The place looked barewithout the Tiger Lilies he had called up at her burial. Well, maybe barewasn't the proper word. There was a whole string of felines and other citizensmaking their way through the grounds, stopping for a moment at one small stone.They would stoop and kiss it, then move along. The next instant he and Eve werestanding at the back of the line. He patted himself down, panicking that shehad transformed them into cheetah-form. He could have changed, but not withoutgetting noticed. With a sigh of relief, he recognized himself as a lynx. Evelooked fairly fetching as his cousin species, the bobcat. He was hardly in the mood for words. "Explain." She leaned into his arm. "This isexactly one year later. If you haven't guessed it already, we are in line topay our respects to Dasher, the savior of the queen." He growled a little."Rose was never in any danger that you didn't create!" She hushed him. "Lookhusband, so she suffered a little pain. Big deal. She's a tough girl. You knowdeep in your heart that if matters had been allowed to progress, her life wouldhave been completely ruined. If she found out you were really the father of hercubs, how do you think she would have reacted to the realization that she askedyou to bed them? You gave all three of them great joy. You did as much, naymore than a father could be expected to do, and you did it admirably. If therehad been some way of allowing you to live out your life with her, understandthat I would have done everything in my power to promote it. As it was, Iallowed it to drift too close to the edge. Any closer to the time tether andcatastrophic events may have transpired."He already knew this. He had concluded something of the kind early on. But hisdeparture was so abrupt that it infuriated him. She could read his thoughts. "Asurgeon cuts quickly and neatly. Do you think there was no pain involved

whenyou severed my ties to this planet? But it was worth it. Rose will move ahead,stronger now because of your apparent sacrifice. She will run this kingdom insuch a way as to make everyone remember you, even if you allowed no hint ofyour existence to remain."The line was moving rapidly, for each person spared only seconds to give theirrespects and moved on. When they arrived at the tombstone, it was hardly animpressive memorial. There was no name, only the words, "He saved us all." Eveleaned down and kissed it. "You certainly did." She pulled him along, makingroom for the next in line. He followed behind her, silent as a lamb. Theywalked along the border of the cemetery and out into the adjacent lands. Hefound a stump and sat down. He motioned for Eve to sit with him before hespoke."You know dear, if it weren't for one simple, blatant, glaring fact, Iwould be very angry with you. You put me into this situation to fumble throughas best I could. Even with my powers, which I used as sparingly as possible, Ifound it difficult at times to deal with it. Yet here at the end, this is howit was supposed to turn out. I'm not happy with the end result, but by damn,it's how it was supposed to happen." Eve put a paw on his shoulder. "This isone instance when I'm not so sure I agree with you. What makes you say this?"He pointed back the way they had come. "Dasher's tombstone. I never mentionedit nor remarked on it at the time, but I stepped over it when I sang my partingsong at Rose's tomb. I thought then how odd it was that there was no name, justthose same words; He saved us all." I wondered who it was for. Now I know. Iwas wondering about my own grave. You have no idea how spooky that is.They sat in silence for a while, listening to the wind rushing through the trees andthe insects calling to their mates. Jon-Tom broke their solitude by standingand stating as a matter of fact, "I'm ready to head back." Eve kissed him. Onher release of his lips they were back in the highlands. "How much time haselapsed here?" he asked. She wrinkled her nose. "About three minutes." A minorlifetime in three minutes. Which meant that from this point, he could go backanytime and still be present elsewhere whenever he wanted. If Eve allowed it.Which meant that he wasn't really missing Greta's pregnancy, because eventhough her cubs were presently adults, they really weren't born yet. Timetravel was great, but the fine points were a pain in the ass.Eve was all ready for him to head off on another errand she considered important. "Look mypushy little goddess, it can wait. I am still curious about this last adventureyou sent me on. There's something I need to know." He vanished. For once shehad no idea where he went. Whatever he was

doing, it wasn't going to involveher. She almost felt hurt inside. But then, if she was going to wait, shewasn't going to waste her time in the present. In a flash she was gone.Jon-Tom was back to his human self, not that it mattered here. But his errand was with his firstwife, Talea. She was still in lioness form. He found her with several otherfemales, watching their cubs tumble and roar in mock battles. Kids! When they,the lioness that is, saw him they all rose, which triggered in his memory thathe had a twin running around here somewhere. A quick mental connection found hewas busy elsewhere, so there would be no chance of that secret coming to light.Leastwise, not yet."Ladies." He said politely. He knew they were hoping for a little bedroom time. Heseriously wasn't in the mood right now. "Talea, would you do me a favor?" Shegave him a grin and transformed into her human self. She still looked veryyoung. He would have expected the youth water to have worn off by now. Threeyears or so had passed for him, but not her. He shook his head to clear it.Damn this timeline crap. It messed with a person's perspective. He felt thebarest tinge in his nether regions as he gazed upon her. She might get herwish, but he had business that needed to be handled before pleasure. Then, if shewas lucky, he would show her he meant business when it came to pleasure."Talea, I want you to do me a very big favor." She grinned so warmly he felt his heartskip a beat. "Anything for you!" He pulled her to the side, out of earshot. "Ineed you to call up Roseroar's memories. I'm looking for one in particular." Hethought she might be mad at his request, but if she did she never showed it."Sure thing Jon-Tom. What are you looking for?" He held her hand. "I'm lookingfor mention of her husband." That brought Talea up short. She knew as well ashe did that the tigress had never mentioned a husband. Her only interest hadbeen in her human lover. "Uh, Roseroar never had a husband. She always wanted you, and I latched my clawsinto you before she could. Why do you suddenly think she was hiding something?"He sat down and pulled her onto his lap. She could feel the beginning of a riseunder his clothes. He gave her a proposal. "Look my fine little red-headednymphet, if you look for this for me, I'll do whatever you want for as long asyou want. Deal?" She was no fool. "Deal!" She concentrated on the tigress'memories, which she had gotten on Roseroar's deathbed, the same time she hadgotten her transformation power. She searched through them, rummaging here andthere, but finding nothing. In one corner however, locked up as tight, was agroup of memories she could not access. She told Jon-Tom about them."They're back in the back, hidden away. It's just

like she never wanted them found. Iwish I could tell you more, but maybe this is what you're looking for?" He hadno idea, but it was a start. But how to get them out? "Talea, can you latchonto them and bring them forward? If you can do that, perhaps I can grab themand pull them all the way out." She was confused by his request, but mentallyhooked the load and pulled it as far to the forefront of her mind as she could.He put his hand on her head, and when he sensed they were close to the surface,gathered them in his hand and extracted them. He was left with a ball of darklight in his hand.Talea was impressed. "That came out of my head?" He nodded. "Yeah, more or less. Now Ineed to figure out how to open it." She looked at the ball for a bit beforeposing an idea. "What if you could turn it into something else, like a chestmaybe. Then all you would need would be a key." He looked at her with renewedrespect. "Talea darling, once I do just that, and figure out what's in there,you get whatever you want that I can give!" She took his free hand and placed iton her head. "Grab this!" He extracted another little ball of light. She lookedat him slyly. "When you've figured out both puzzles, come see me." She wanderedoff with a distinct saunter to her step.He applied his power and turned both balls of light into stout wooden chests.Talea's had no lock. That was hardly surprising. He lifted the lid and closedit again, his face split from ear to ear. If that's really what she wanted, hecould deliver! But the other box proved more of a challenge. He ascertainedthat if he simply broke it open, its contents would forever be gone. So he hadto have a key. He had created the box, but he found that a key that simply fitthe hole wouldn't do the trick. He needed a special one. It was indeed apuzzle. He sat thinking for some time, trying different materials. Gold didn'tdo it, and neither did silver. He thought even harder. What was one thing evenmore precious to Rose? With sudden inspiration he forged a key and slid it inthe lock; it opened with a rusty click. Love. Only a key forged from love woulddo it. God how he adored that tigress!The lid creaked open. There were layers after layers of memories in here, stackedlike paper. The last one, laying on top, was of a battered cheetah expiring onthe flagstones of the city of Colivra. As he peeled them back, he could feelthe emotions coming from the sheets. Here was one when they had made love inthe forest and he had talked her into staying as a unicorn. He had shown herwhere a huge cock could come in handy. Try finding a horse that could drive atool that size with that much speed! A few pages deeper and he came across oneof a dinner out on the balcony, under the moon. The wine had gone to

her head,and her head went to his head, and..." He coughed and adjusted his pants. Andso it went. She had locked them away at his request, keeping her love for himpreserved but not exposed. Sometime in the future he would have to look herspirit up again. She was still under the impression that Dasher was Dasher, andJon-Tom was not. He hoped she would forgive him for the deception.He closed the box and made as if to banish it to the outer reaches of space. Hechanged his mind and pulled out his own soul, wrapped it carefully around thebox, and pulled it inside. These were the things that were the most important.He could no more dispose of them then he could of his memories of her. Thosememories always gave him a tickle in his loins. Remembering his crotch, herecalled some others things of importance. One of them was named Talea, andtogether they had some new things to try. Jon-Tom figured she had been aroundthe other ladies for too long. They were definitely rubbing off on her!A day later he left their bed. The red-head was too worn out to move. She wouldhave been too sore to walk too, but he had kindly relieved those aches andpains before he left. A good dose of sleep was always therapeutic, so he letnature runs it course. She would be up and around in about twelve hours. Dariwas happily watching the girls, so there was no rush. For now, it was time tolook for Eve. His mental calling found nothing. He had been without a link toher almost the entire time he was with Rose, but for some reason now he grew alittle nervous. This was, after all, the present time as they knew it. Where,or when, could she have gone?The question was barely off his neurons when a lithe little form popped into beingin front of him. "Hello husband! Did you find what you hoped for? And thusfinding said thing, did it satisfy your curiosity? And thus having yourcuriosity sated to a point quite surfeit, are you ready for your next trip?" Hewas staring at a a luscious little fox. He had no idea what kind she was, butthen, she could make up her own. She was the goddess after all. She had pink eyes,cream colored fur, small rounded ears and was oozing with charisma. And shewasn't wearing a thing. He gave her an appraising look. "Interesting. But I don't recall ever meeting anyone who looked like this. How does yourpresent form tie in with whatever you have lined up for me? I saved one foxalready; twice. I hope there isn't a third time for Preala!" Eve bit him on theleg. "You make it sound like it was a chore! Preala found the right person tohelp her at the right time." His gut dropped to this toes. Before she saw himcoming, he leaped forward and tackled her. "Dammit Eve, you messed with my lifethen too?" She gave him a what-are-you-going-to-do-about-it

look. However, hisire was up. "Eve, I don't believe in torture, but I think that for thatparticularly heinous crime, some kind of punishment is in order." He held herdown and tickled her until she had tears flowing down her cheeks. Her ribs hurtfrom laughing. But she turned the tables by making his pants vanish and pullinghim on top. He reacted by tickling other places not reachable with his fingers.It was a suitable way to wind down.When they were done, they lay there, watching the clouds pass by. "OK Eve, whatsnext on my list." He wasn't expecting much of an answer. She usually kept thedetails to herself. "Jon-Tom dear, do you remember Wurreel?"* He sat up fast."Oh no, don't bring up that embarrassing moment. Now there was something I wishI could do over..." He got his dumb look on his face. "I can redo it, can't I?"She giggled like a child. "Yes you can. It's really a matter of timing. I needto get you into the Thieves Guild just as you and your little friend areleaving, so that you won't cross paths. Then it's a matter of apologizing tothe she-wolf and her little fox handler and you'll make a lupine lady veryhappy!This had been the first time he had been exposed to the possibility of sex withsomeone outside his species. It all started with him winning a load of moneygambling at the guild. Wurreel had been offered, or rather, her services hadbeen offered to cover part of a fox's losses. At the time he had no idea whatthe hell to do with her, and tried to send her on her way. A row broke out overthe matter; something about him tarnishing her honor. In retrospect, he had beenpretty stupid not to take her up on the offer. On the other hand, paw;whatever, he was now more than fit for screwing her lights out and makingsuitable reparations.Eve's skill at dropping him at the correct moment was eerily accurate. Apparentlythose "markers" she left, leastwise since his arrival here, were coded tothings he was doing. Things, it seems, she wanted him to do. There wassomething distasteful about that, but he could hardly complain about theresults. And if he got to bed Wurreel, then all the better. In all his years hehad had little contact with canines, foxes excluded. He was getting himselftied up in knots thinking about. He guffawed. He would have to tell that one toEve.The first thing he did was to make certain his appearance was identical to theyoung and naive Jon-Tom. He hardly needed to go in there looking years older ina matter of seconds. When he was ready Eve kissed him. Like before, when heopened his eyes, he wasn't were he had been. But the tunnel he was in was familiar.He could tell from the smells and the noise that it was the guild. He went towalk towards where he knew the she-wolf would be and came

within inches ofrunning into himself. In a flash he turned and changed species, not eventhinking what it might be. In the next, the human and the otter were gone. Heturned to watch them go, and unconsciously turned the corner and saw Wurreel.Her eyes about bugged out. Even her little friend the fox was slack jawed.Oh shit! He thought. What the hell have I done now to mess this up? All I neededto do was apologize, screw the hell out of her, make her happy, and leave. Alook at his hand told him part of the story. He was no longer human. But then,he rather assumed that. It was a paw. No big deal. Felines had paws too. Butthis one was black, and big, and dangerous looking. There was never a mirrorwhen you needed one. Wurreel was getting her voice to work. "Oh my! And justwho are you?" That was a hell of a good question. He would have preferredknowing what he was first. He figured it was wolf. The species had beenforefront in his thoughts. He had to be bad-ass from the size of his paws. Heput on the charm. His voice was ill-suited for it. "Hello you magnificentmorsel. You can call me Lobo."She was literally drooling. "Well Lobo, you can call me..." He finished for her."...the most erotic thing I've seen in ages." She swooned, forgetting theaffront she had just been given by the stupid gangly human. Before her tonguegot completely nonfunctional, she spit out, "Damn! Where the hell have you beenall my life?" He gave her a toothy grin. "Looking for you apparently." Thiswasn't how he had planned this, but then, his plans rarely worked the way heever hoped they would. But in the end, they worked.Her friend and temporary pimp was Mossul. The little fox so wanted to tell this newintruder to take a hike, as did several in the gambling circle. However, sincehe massed as much as they did combined, the only sound audible was from theirbreathing. Even that was restrained. Jon-Tom let out a grin, showing scimitarteeth. "Well my beauty, since I have only just now found you, what say you andI make up for lost time? It's not every day a fellow like me gets to meet a gallike you." The she-wolf flipped her petticoats and walked across the gamblingcircle, kicking aside the dice. "Lobo honey, I'll gladly take you up on youroffer." She glared at the fox. "It's a hell of a lot better than what'shappening here!" Jon-Tom snickered to himself. This was almost like taking candyfrom a baby!Jon-Tom knew the way out of the tunnels now, something he had no knowledge of when hewas here the first time. But Wurreel pulled him another direction. "Come onhoney. If we're leaving, I'd like to get my effects." He went with her,figuring she was going after more dainties. He couldn't have been more wrong.Her room was filled with clothes all

right, most of it purloined. She went to arack and pulled down a pair of leather pants, a gray cotton shirt and a vestmade to match the pants. She slid out of her blue slippers and yanked the dressoff. The first time he had seen her he had no emotions regarding her sexualitywhatsoever. This time he had a bulge in his own pants. It was the first henoted how tight they were. At least his magic had the sense to put a hole inthem for his big bushy tail. It was then that he noticed the mirror on the wall. He angled himself for adiscreet look and got an eyeful. His appearance was bordering on his namesake.When he had been thinking of wolves at the start of this expedition, his mindhad wandered over a comic book character he had liked. His name was Lobo, andhe was as bad-ass as they came. Now here he was, looking everything like thatdire character, only living and in the flesh. On course, he was personified asa wolf. Heck, he thought, that's what I can say I am if anyone asks. A DireWolf. His fur was black with thin patches of silver; silver, not gray. He wasat least three times Murreel's size. He smiled in the mirror. His teeth lookedlike the inside of a sword smith's shop. While gazing at himself, he noticed in the reflection that the she-wolf was bentover, pulling out some of her things from under the bed. He could clearly see apink patch peeking out from the tawny fur between her legs. If he had not beenhalf the gentleman he was, he would have pinned her right then and there. Shestood and turned, dropping her handful of stuff. "Uh, whatcha doin?" He sniffedthe air. "I was smelling something delicious. Seems to be coming from somewherein your vicinity." She looked from his face to his crotch and gulped. "Uh Lobo,tell me you got a money pouch hidden in your pants." He smiled and reach in hisback pocket and extracted a bag that he had just magicked there for the expresspurpose of showing her. "Sure! You need some cash?!" Her eyes never left thefront of his pants. "Uh, Lobo honey, I ain't sure this relationship is going toget anywhere. I wasn't purposely stringing you along, but..." He winked at her. "Oh come on, Wurreel. Hey, how about I call you Whirly. It flows off thetongue better." Then he looked at her crotch. "I'll bet it's not the only thingthat flows off the tongue!" The poor she-wolf was in a tither. She wanted outof the guild, and this guy was a better choice than many she had made, but shewas wondering if she had made a mistake. She realized she might have bitten offmore than she could chew. He was huge and sexy and a formidable partner if shecould swing it, but the bulge sticking out would choke a horse. She knew her specieswell enough to understand the complications involved in trying to satisfy thathunk

of meat. "Lobo darling, dearest, most wonderful male in this place, if I go with you I'mafraid you'll kill me with...kindness." He raised his eyebrows at herterminology." "Kindness? What makes you think I've got any of that. You madethe offer; are you backing out on it now? Sounds to me like what I overheardyou talking about before I turned the corner!" She remembered the human. He hadnot been interested and turned her down. Now she was doing the same. She satdown on the bed rather heavily. "Oh all right. I can think of worse ways ofdying!" He sat down next to her, hearing the boards of the frame groaning awarning. "Listen my little one, never assume anything in life. Never for onesecond. I'll tell you right now that from this point until we part, you willcome to no harm by me."She looked into his eyes, a pair of glowing red orbs. They looked like hot lava. Inturn he looked into hers, the color of brushed aluminum. They were pretty, butthey weren't quite suited for her. He would have to think of some color thataccented her looks better. Despite the frightening sight his eyes projected,she found only kindness in them. "OK Lobo. I'll believe you for now. I can'tsay what the future will hold, but being with you increases my chances ofsomething better than this dump! Shall we go?" He made a non-committalexpression. "Go where? I just got here. I came for a little rest, relaxation,boozing and maybe, if there was anyone worthwhile, a fight or two."She sighed and looked him up and down. "You're a biggun. There ain't no one here totackle the likes of you. Since you've got money, I know a place or two you canspend it and not get cheated. If you get me drunk enough I might even let youstick that grotesque hunk of flesh hanging between your legs between mine. Butyou had better save some for in the morning, cause I know I'll need it!" Hechuckled inside. He wanted her on her guard, just as he had been when theyfirst met. Turnabout was fair play. "You got yourself a deal. The only questionis, how drunk do you have to be? " She stood and ran her hand over his crotch."Oh honey, I'm gonna have to be very, very drunk!"So it was that the she-wolf took her leave of her former lover in the embrace of the nastiestlooking piece of canine flesh to ever grace the tunnels of the guild. Out inthe sunlight they appraised each other circumspectly. For her part, she figuredshe had done OK. He was huge, but then, that wasn't all bad, if she couldsurvive him in bed. He might even be useful in regaining her position and rank.Then her heart dropped. It was no good. There was one thing he couldn't helpwith.Jon-Tom was more open about his inspection. In the sunlight she was very pretty. Hereand there she had daubs of cosmetic color to

try to enhance her looks in theill-lit tunnels. It would have to go. If she was going to have anyenhancements, they would have be a bit more natural. Like her eyes. They werepretty, but not pretty enough to do her justice. The clothes she had on weremore suited to her looks than that stupid petticoat. Wolves were tough, sleekand wily; not cute, dainty and ladylike. He had a thought that struck him asfunny. His comic namesake rode a cosmic motorcycle. All he could do was pictureWhirly as a biker chick. She would look good on the back of Harley Knucklehead!Thought occurred to him to spell one up, but its presence would only spook her.His present form was enough to that already.They walked for a few hours, heading towards Vortenhall. He knew the route well,though he had never bothered stopping in the little town. But he remembered astream with a waterfall and crystal clear pool. He had made some memoriesthere. Of course, that was a long time ago. But then again, not yet, in thisreality. Suddenly his first time at the pool, time line speaking, was going tohappen now. He was beginning to understand why time travel was so stinkingwrong. Like it mattered now anyhow. Like Teddy once said; do what you can, withwhat you have, where you are. He diverted down a little side path that lead tothe pool. Whirly followed. Once they got there, he dropped his belongings (shewondered how she hadn't noticed them before) and dropped his pants. The rest ofhis clothing came off and he waded into the water. It only came up to hiswaist. He lowered himself in and worked his way to some rocks. Once there heturned and lazed back against them, his head cradled between two smoothboulders.She was hardly the shy type, but his ease at undressing in her presence was alittle unnerving. He had to be awfully sure of himself. Then she reconsidered.Looking like he did, and with his attitude, he probably cared less what anyonethought of him or his actions. She stripped and joined him. Whirly, as he nowcalled her, was never a big fan of water, but the stream was surprisingly warm.Taking the bull by the horns, she swan through the shallow water and pulledherself up on his belly. "Hello handsome," she cooed. He was hardly inviting."Save it Whirly. I don't do flattery; I give it. But for now, I want to relax.However, if you want to relax in your own fashion, don't let me stop you!"She could feel his cock under her belly. For some reason it didn't seem nearly asbig as it looked from the bulge she had seen. There was no liquor available toease her pain should she need it, but she decided to brave it anyway. He madeno move to force her into it, so she eased over the top. The tip tickled heropening in an enticing manner. She wiggled down a little harder, drive him indeeper. She was confused but ecstatic. A harder push got her further along itslength. When she finally could get it no deeper, it was because she could takeno more of him inside. It sure beat what that fox had to offer. All this whilehe was floating in the water, watching her through half lidded eyes. "So my fine lady, are you satisfied I won't break you?" Whirly ran her paws up hischest, dragging her claws through his wet fur. "Yes Mr. Lobo, I think you fitmarvelously. But I swear you had more packed in your pants than what'spresently packed in my cunt." He closed his eyes and concentrated. All at onceshe yelped. He opened his eyes again. Hers were opened wide too. "Hey! What thehell is going on?" He chuckled and reduced his size until he was just a nicetight fit. "Listen missy, I can make myself fit any female on this world. Ihave no desire to give you any pain. I simply wanted to give you a taste ofwhat I have to offer. I never want a lady to not know what she's getting into."That gave her pause for thought. A knot she could handle, but someone who couldchange the size of the whole damn thing was a male to be reckoned with. What hehad inside her was better suited for her than any other she had experience. Shewasn't even certain he could have gotten it inside her at its present size. Butboy oh boy, what a ride. She found it intriguing to be doing this in the water.She had never considered it. He, on the other hand, was laying there like thiswas nothing for him. He must be quite the lady's man to be so casual. But then,at least he wasn't forcing her to do things she didn't like. She had halfexpected that stupid human to want something kinky. Then she remembered whatshe was doing and with whom, and chuckled to herself. He was so relaxed that she felt she could engage him in conversation. "Uh Lobo?Mind if I ask a few questions. After all, I did rather run off in a hurry withyou!" He grunted. "Ask away. The worse I can do is not answer you." Truth was,he was enjoying himself immensely. She wasn't the best he had had, nor was shethe worse. But she was relaxed and being herself. It was probably the firsttime in a while she felt she could. "Well, what kind of wolf are you? I've seenmore than a few in my travels, but none like you." He pulled out the name hehad chosen for his form. It sounded familiar to his ears, but he had never seenanything that looked like he did. "I'm a Dire Wolf. I show up when a lady indistress is in dire need. That appears to be you. So how is your present needcoming along?" She blushed. "Just fine sir. You have a marvelous tool. It fillsthe need quite adequately."He shifted in the water so that he was sitting up. He moved her legs over his hipsso that she was sitting facing his chest. He

pulled her close. "What about youmy little cub, what's your story? Wait, let me see if I can guess." He thoughtabout it for a moment. Knowing Eve's preoccupation with royalty, there waslikely a tie in here somewhere. "Lets see; you're a lost princess who islooking for her way back home after having forbidden adventures!" She leanedback and growled at him. "Are you mocking me! I'll have you know I was expelledwhen my father was overthrown. I was of no use to the new ruler and was lucky Iescaped with my life!" Then she realized what she said and clamped her paw overher mouth.The big wolf didn't even flinch. He would never have recognized these symptoms inhis early years. Now was another story. She was either lying or indeed in needof help. If she hadn't been, Eve wouldn't have bothered setting up this littlecharade. He got his paws under he ass and started participating. "So, what do Icall you, Princess Whirly? Princess Wurreel? Your ladyship?" She bit his nipplein retaliation for what she mistook to be more mockery. He gave her a throatygrowl. "Be careful. I like some of the rough stuff!" She was getting upset withhim and tried to leave. The second she did, she could feel him knot up. "Oh nomy lovely little ball of fluff. You've whetted my appetite for a story. I'lllet you go only after you tell me all about it."She tried yanking loose, but succeeded only in making herself more horny than before. Shecollapsed onto his chest. "Oh fine! My name isn't Wurreel. I've been hiding inthe guild for a year, shacking up with that miserable fox. It's been an awfulexistence, but it has kept me alive. You see, my real name is Orath-upeina. AndI don't have a home anymore!" He ran the name through his memory banks. He hadpicked up some of the old languages during discussions at the Wizard's Guild.Orath. Upeina. It was a name he had heard once. Orath meant, in the oldlanguage of the Eastfallon Stretches, thunder. Upeina translated as heart.Thunderheart! She hardly seemed to be filling her legendary shoes at themoment. She had been a living legend, and her story had been told many times duringJon-Tom's lifetime. If this was her; truly her, then he had met her before allthat had transpired. The sagas had been told of how she had fought for herkingdom and had won it back. No one had mentioned a hulking, black,over-muscled, red-eyed beast in any version he had heard. Looks like thestories were about to change!"So, you want me to believe that you're the daughter of Pack Leader Thy-uralis, theFear-Sword?" The she-wolf stopped dead. She suddenly went very quiet. "You knowof my father? Then you know my shame. Maybe I should just have you kill me now.Perhaps you can find some sport in making it with a dead princess." He

liftedher chin to look at her. "I would just as soon do that as I would go out of myway to cause you more grief than you already have. But you are not a princess,you are Proti? Gynaíka, the alpha female. Your place is to lead the pack. Whatare you doing so far from your lands?" She went limp in his grasp. "My fatherwas overthrown and I was exiled." He was hardly helpful in his remarks. "So you were deposed. It happens. Big deal.What I need to know is why I should help you get your title back for you?" Shegrowled at his question. "I haven't asked you to help me! Who says I want myrank back?" He patted her on the head. "You did. Otherwise you would never havelinked up with me so quickly. You want a protector, because you feel that youno longer have the strength to fight. But understand this little lady; I haveno intention of fighting your battles for you. What I will do is to teach youhow to handle yourself and allow you win them on your own. For if you don't,you will have gained nothing. If you're going to be a leader, then you willhave to start acting like one!"She groaned in dismay. She looked up at him with eyes full of sadness. "I can't goback. I'm sterile. I can never carry on the family line." He figured as much.The pack would never have put their support behind her if she couldn't havecubs. Since the tip of his cock was so close to her uterus, he used this partof his body to focus his power to investigate the problem. His new power atdiagnosis made him the best physician in the world. Not only could he diagnose,he could heal. Her problem was unusual, but hardly major. The term that came tohis mind was unfamiliar to him, despite the fact that he understood it. She haduterine didelphis. In her case, it wasn't that feature that had caused her sterility. It was the fact that there was a thin wall of tissue blocking sperm from meeting egg at the opening to hercervix. With a thought it was gone. Now she could carry on her family line witha vengeance. After all, two uteri were better than one! But he had no intention of telling her that. First off, she probably wouldn't believe him. Second of all, she probably didn't care right now. One thing at a time; pleasure her, and himself, thenbegin preparing her for what it would be required to retake what was hers. Heactively took over their lovemaking, pushing a little extra power into herbelly to spice things up. She could feel the warmth spread through her likestrong liquor. She knew that feeling well. She had never been able tosufficiently drown her sorrows in it, but it never kept her from trying. Thisfeeling was more incipient, like the first rays of light breaking in the dawn.She was correct. When he was done with her, she felt like she was floating onair instead of water. He

gently pulled her off, but only with her protestingthe entire time. "Look Whirly, I'm all for some fun. Butthis isn't going to get you any closer to your goal. Starting today, you and Iwill be working out every day. If you do good, I'll reward you. When you'refinished, your reward will be your kingdom, such as it is. If you fail, youfail completely and utterly. What happens depends on you!" She stood up in thewater, feeling the water cascade off of her shoulders and drip back into thepool. "Lobo? Do you really think I can do it?" He stood up as well, displayinghis now perfectly sized cock. "Not only can you do it, you've already done it.You just haven't done it yet." She scratched her head, opened her mouth to ask,and closed t again. She just wasn't that curious what he was babbling about.She was staring at his cock.

Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 2

They lingered for awhile at the pool, finally shaking off and lying in the sun untilthey were dry. From there they headed to Vortenhall, where he allowedher to get herself roaring drunk. It was going to be the last time.Sadly for him, he really...

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Parting is Never Sweet

It was a whole week before they returned. Rose was mildly concerned right up to the point they entered her chambers. One look at the way they were walking said everything she needed to know. She gave them hugs; mostly to finish dispelling any bit of...

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A Father's Dedication

  Now was the time that Jon-Tom, or as everyone now knew him, Dasher, had feared would come. It wasn't that he didn't find the girls attractive, because they were young replica's of Rose. He was still dealing with the fact that somewhere in all this he...

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