Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 9

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#15 of The Goddess Files

This is not the end story as I hoped it would be. I have too much to write to finish it. I hope the format is a little better, but I won't know until I save the file. What will be will be. Anyways, the next one may finish the series, I can't yet tell.

     His return to Eastfallon was heralded with a full blown honor guard. He wasembarrassed by the attention, and did his best to push forward those who hadserved under him, and whose lives had really been at risk, into the limelight.It was nice to be appreciated, but he wanted those who had put their existenceon the line to get the respect they deserved. Few in Eastfallon knew he waspresently indestructible. But at each stop, he had to regale everyone with howhe had lost his paw, and why he fitted his stump with an axe blade. Despite thegruesomeness of his appearance, he grew to be a favorite with the lady wolves,who seemed to have no qualms about trying to bed their present ruler.      His dedication to family was the only thing that prevented him from taking up on somany enticing offers. Luna herself tried to get him to comply. "Go on papa! Acub for each would be a wonderful memento to leave behind for them," she said,speaking of the ones making the offers. But he refused. "I saved your mother sothat she could save this kingdom. I didn't do it for personal glory nor for myown selfish needs. My morals might not be what they used to be, but they stillexist as some small kernel deep inside my soul. I will stand by my family andmy mate."

      Luna loved her father, as did all the cubs, but she couldn't understand why hedeclined in something any male would jump at. She pulled him aside andconfronted him about it. "Papa, you're the Alpha Male. You can do anything youwant. I know you would do it in a second. So why aren't you?" He sat her on hisknee. "Luna darling, are you going to tell your new and prospective mate aboutour times in bed together?" She gulped. "No papa." He nodded knowingly. "Andthe reason you're not is because it's none of his business unless you make ithis business. But once you're paired and mated, how would you feel if he wentaround bedding other ladies and having cubs with them?" Her eyes betrayed herfeelings. "Not very good I guess."     "Right. So if nothing else, I am teaching fidelity to your prospective life partners. Ihave been around a long time young lady and I've seen and done a lot. I look atthe things that don't make me proud and I do my best to avoid doing them again.You know I love you very much, but I would never have bedded you and your sibsif this had happened decades ago. For that matter, I passed up an opportunityto bed your mother during my first incarnation to this world, something I cameback and fixed with a vengeance. But if you make a pact with someone, stick toit until the end. On the other hand, if your situation doesn't work out, doyour best to sever your ties amicably. Nothing in life is set in stone,

noteven the Gate. But you must try to make things work. Remember, your new mate,regardless of who he is, will never be me. You can't expect him to be."

      She pondered that for a moment. "Metagh is a good fellow, papa. But he will neverbe you in bed. Do you think that will adversely affect out pairing?" He noddedknowingly. "It may, if sex is all you base your pairing on. There are strongerbonds. If you two can find love, then little else will matter." She made aface. "Sex won't matter? I highly doubt that papa!" He chuckled and pinched herbutt. "You'll remember my words far in the future when you get old and yourbody wears down and the hormones stop flowing." She leaned up and kissed him."It hasn't happened to you yet!" He kissed her back. "No, but then, anymore, Iseem to be stuck with an adolescent libido. It might have something with beingeternal. Whatever the reason, I'm fairly stuck with it, outside of continuallyforcing it down. So don't try using me for a comparison; no one can stand up towhat I am anymore. It's actually kind of depressing."     Luna spread the words of their conversation around to the others. Such wisdom comingfrom a huge mangled old oversize monster of wolf were well heeded. In the end,all six paired and mated for life. But in the present they were still making their way back to the capitol. Woulla came forward after hearing of theirconversation. "Your Lordship, I would..." He interrupted her immediately. "Callme Lobo. I do not dwell on formalities. In battle, your enemy can take off yourhead just as easily with or without a title." She started over. " Lobo sir, didyou mean what you said about love?" He chuckled. "I've said a lot of thingsabout love. But when it comes down to it, there is nothing like love to keepyou going. If you have love rooted deep down inside you, nothing will ever tearit loose." She looked impressed. "Then if I told you that I loved your son, youwouldn't mind?"

      He jumped up, scaring the crap out of her. In one move he pulled her in and gaveher a hug. "Mind? You're a funny person Woulla. I assume that you two havealready been trying out how much fun you can have together?" She immediatelylooked embarrassed. "Well, yes, but that is sex, sir. I was speaking of love."He knit his eyebrows in confusion. "Sex. Love. You seem to be trying to tell methere's a problem." She hemmed and hawed for a bit. "I love Suffie sir. Iassumed that you were only interested in having me around to entertain yourson." He pushed her to arm's length. "You have a definite inferiority complex.I didn't save you to make you stick around as my son's plaything. If you don'tlove him, fine. If you love him, all the

better. Suffie has a good heart, buthe has an interest in sex that goes beyond the scope of heterosexuality. Youfit the bill perfectly. I noticed the difference in your body when I healed youon the field. I saved you because you deserved to be saved, not because Iwanted you to feel indentured for the rest of your life."

      Her eyes lit up. "Really sir?! Do you mean it?" She was so excited he nearly busted agut. "Good gracious Woulla, do you really think that I would go out and helpsave the world just to turn around and be cruel to the ones I saved? I may lookterrible on the outside, but I like to think I'm pretty good on the inside."She had tears in her eyes. "Oh thank you sir, thank you so much. I don't knowwhat I would have done if I had to be separated from Suffie. This makes myheart feel so light and free!" He pressed his hand against her chest. He couldfeel the joy welling up. He could also feel something else, something that hehad missed before. He chided himself mentally for the lapse.     "Woulla, are you aware that you're sterile?" She nodded. "Yes sir, but you said thatonly love mattered. Does this make me unfit?" He pulled her close. "No it does not. But I couldn't let something likethis that I can fix go by unrepaired." She could feel heat rising in her, andher belly began to burn. Then it stopped. She pulled back, running her handsover her stomach. "Sir, what did you do?" He laughed. "I fixed the defectkeeping you from having cubs of your own. I've done it before, and I'll likelydo it again. There is no reason to have power if I don't use it when it needsto be used." Her happiness was boundless, "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you,sir!" He gave her another squeeze. "You're welcome Woulla. But there is acost." She sobered up. "What's that sir?" He patted her on the head. "You needto quit calling me sir!"

      Once back to the palace, Orath nagged him forweeks to restore his paw. He refused. "My dear, I will wear this as a symbol ofthe battle which cost so many more their lives. Be thankful that most of thosefrom here survived, including our children. They were never supposed to come."Orath growled out, "Maybe they weren't and maybe they were. They at least gotto mingle with others of their kind and of a similar age. It made for sixpairings, and everyone seems happy with who they have chosen." He had chortledat that. "Yes, right up until they saw who their significant other's fatherwas. The exception is Woulla. She is an extraordinary wolf, perfectly suitedfor Suffie." Orath acknowledged he was correct. "Yes, they are perfect for eachother, though for some reason, she really seems to have a crush on you

too." Hecouldn't think of a reason why that might be the case!     Eastfallon finally found total peace and tranquility, which for a land inhabited bywolves, meant boredom. Drawing on his knowledge of medieval times, Jon-Tominstituted games of challenge to keep their subjects active with their fightingskills. He himself stayed out of them, knowing full well that no one could beathim unless he allowed it. Besides, no one was stupid enough to challenge him.He now presented the most awesome looking appearance any in the land had everseen. His grizzled fur, his piercing eyes, and the attachment to his left wristmade him the most daunting figure in Eastfallon. The fact that he had suchbeautiful and handsome children, in counterpoint to his mate's loveliness, madefor constant gossip. Only a few knew the whole truth, and he kept it that way."Let them keep guessing. Better that than a truth they'll only deny."

      And so it came to pass that the land settled into prosperity. With Orath on thethrone, seemingly happy to handle the dull routine of listening to supplicantswith their "problems", he took to wandering the land, exploring and learningthe details of the terrain. It wasn't necessary, but it was fun. On one ofthese excursions he ran across a lovely lady wolf who was doing the same thing.She wasn't put off by his looks, recognizing him right away as the Alpha Male."My lord, what brings out to the farthest corners of Eastfallon?" He waslooking her up and down. She was quite pretty. "If I wasn't mated, I might betempted to say I was looking for you. " She giggled and blushed. "That's sweet,your lordship. But we are already mated, so that hardly matters!"     It took him a second to get her meaning. "Eve?" She dropped to the ground in mirth."You assumed I was going to pop in sooner or later, didn't you?" He picked herup and gave her a squeeze. "It's good to see you after all of these years." Shesmiled. "For me it's been a few minutes you silly man. Remember the timedifference. So, I see you returned to the Gate. I was unsure if that was a goodidea, but again, you seem to have managed to slip through the time streamwithout disrupting anything. I was concerned that having two of you there mightadversely affect the outcome, but you did well. And I see that your family hasbecome quite the pack." He stood a little taller. "Yes they have. They foughtbravely and at the same time managed to find mates. That saves me a lot ofheadaches." She slapped him.

      "Which head are you talking about Jon-Tom?" He stood there confused for a momentbefore blushing himself. "Very funny Eve. I did as I was directed by a female,just like I was

taught by a female!" Eve hugged him hard. "I was just ribbing youJon-Tom! I did a little snooping on my own and found everyone in this kingdomseems to be at the least pleased, and at the best ecstatic. Orath is morethankful than I think you will ever know. She never expected to be saved, muchless restored to her throne. As always, you have done some extraordinarythings. And speaking of your power, why are you still going around with thatstump?" He shrugged. "The people need to feel that I'm mortal. If I go aroundshowing off my power, then they will assume that they have nothing to fear andwill become lax. I want them to assume that I'm mortal and as much like them asI can. That means dying. When the time comes, I will be buried alongsideOrath."      She held his arm and looked at the stump. His axe was not presently attached. "This isugly!" He made a face at her. "It's the price many paid for going to war. Manymore paid with their lives. I will keep it until this mission is over. Onlythen will I forego it." She was going to continue the argument, but wisely gaveup that course of action. He was making sense. His other moral choice was toheal his own and any other creature so maimed, and that would expose who he wasto this time frame. That was not something she wanted him doing. It would causestirs in the flow of time that might not get erased soon enough to avoid aparadox. She changed the subject instead.

      "So big tall and ugly, what say you and I get a little re-acquaintance going? It hasn'tbeen long for me of course, but you, you've been away a while now." He lookedhe up and down, thought about it, and declined. "Eve, I know it's not improper,since we were together first, but while I'm here, I'm Alpha Male, and as such Ineed to live up to my standards." She frowned, then brightened. "Ok. I get it.As the Alpha, you must set a standard higher, for the rest to try and meet. Iwould say that no one would know, but you would, and that's enough. So howabout this? I'll change," which she did, into a snow white ermine, "and you canchange too. Then we won't be who we were, and you can't get into trouble forbeing unfaithful!" He considered it for a moment. It was crazy enough to work!     He changed back to Jon-Tom, for he remembered this lovely little vision quitewell, having seen her doing a lithelittle strip tease back in his early days, around the same time he had firstseen Orath as Wurreel. He had pushed down feelings then, but today they sprangto life. But Eve was clucking her tongue. "Do I really have to make love to youwith that ugly stump?" He looked at it, and indeed it did look even worse nowthat he was a human. He willed the hand back,

wiggling his fingers. Eve sighed."That's much better!" He used it to tweak her nose. "Maybe, but it's going backthe way it was when I'm done!"

      It wasn't the only adjustment he needed to make. His cock was way too big for thelittle ermine, which proved in his mind why it was a good reason he hadn'ttried anything in his early days. Eve told him to shut up and screw heralready. It was an order he could deal with. Just like he remembered with theermine, Eve was able to contort her body in all manner of positions, andprobably unlike the ermine, she was able to take way more of him thanphysically seemed possible. Her fur was so damn soft against his skin, and herbody so warm around his cock, he forgot about his present cares. Eve was movingup and down with such fluid grace and unbridled passion that there was nothingbetter he could but lay back and enjoy it. Her tail kept tickling his balls,which was nice on its own.     It had been a few years, his time, since he had had a chance to have sex with thegoddess. She knew what he was feeling, being able to ascertain his thoughtswhen they were connected like this. She did feel bad for him, being pulledacross the years, bouncing between times, but she intended to make it up to himwhen it was over. He was well beyond his original capacity, expanded now tonear infinity, should he choose to invoke it. But he remained simple in histastes, kind in his actions, and loving in his ways. He was too good to betrue. She shuddered, thinking back to the beginning of this affair when shenearly blew the whole thing. Somehow he had made it work out. If she was indeeda goddess, then he was a god.

      She was doing to him what he did to her and others, pushing in some power to ramp uptheir experience. She was tempted to crank it up to the next level, butremembered that going overboard was rarely the best way of doing things. So shekeep it low key, but enough to drive him over the edge. She could feel himstiffen up and was prepared when he blew. It was a wonderful experience. As herelaxed, she debated broaching the subject of their pending child. He had notnagged her about it, which she appreciated. But the truth was, she wasunprepared for the experiences of a real body at the time and had failed tostop it. It wasn't that she didn't want a child, it was that she had no ideawhat life would be for it. She hated using the non gender pronoun, "it", butshe had halted progress right after conception. She could be anything in theuniverse, and so could Jon-Tom. But what did that leave for their childtogether? A child needed to have an identity, something to fall back on when itwas grown.  And once grown, what kind ofpower

would it have, and what kind of existence would it lead? She had seenwhat unleashing Jon-Tom's darker side had been like. A being with untamedemotions could not be let loose upon this world, or any living world in thegalaxy.

      She felt a nudge in her senses. "Eve, did you forget I can hear you too, when we'reconnected like this? I think that this is as good a time as any to discuss ourpresent predicament." She sighed. "It's not a predicament." He sniffed inderision at her comment. "If it wasn't, you wouldn't have a problem with it.The fact that you have a problem with it means you do find it troubling. Solet's talk." She blanched at the idea of discussing this tiny speck of lifewith such huge potential so casually. "Jon-Tom, you should have warned mebefore you did this. Once it was there, it had to remain, for I will destroy noinnocent life. But what should the child be born as, boy, girl, both, neither?What species should it be; human, tiger, wolf, or what?"     He was half tempted to get upset, but when a soft and warm ermine is stretched outover your cock, it tends to soften your demeanor. "Eve, what kind of stupidquestions are those? Let the child grow and develop as it will. That's whatevery other creature does. What it looks like will depend on it. It may be bornas a human, and sometime during its first day of life it my change a hundredtimes. I don't know and I don't care. But you must let it go. You must stoptrying to control it. Trust me, outside of using pure magic to corral it andmade it grow and do as you wish, there is no perfect parenting. Believe me, ifwe can't do it, no one can. But this is one time where you will have to let go,and see how it turns out. It may not turn out like you think it will, but itwill work out over time. You surely must know this to be true."

      She sighed. "Yes, I suppose so. But I will wait until you are done here inEastfallon. It's not like we don't have all the time in the world to see thisthrough." He cupped her chin. "Indeed. But I believe there are other people outthere waiting on me as well. Don't go heaping my plate too full or I'll run outof time regardless. I still have Greta to look after, and all of my cubs backat the highlands." Eve corrected him. "You seem to have forgotten, my wonderfullover that you are now in two places at once. Or did you forget yourdoppelganger?" The truth was, he had. "You know, I forgot that I did that. Iwonder how things are going for him...me?" Eve laughed. "He is doing fine, for heis you, minus your incredible power. He seems happy, perhaps happier than you.When we return, you two will need to touch base and exchange memories. But youwill be stuck making

a tough decision; will he stay as a separate entity orreturn to being part of you?" He had never bothered with that moral issuebefore. It made him wince.

      "I hadn't considered it at the time. It was expedient. If he is happy with whathe's doing, then why should I interfere?" Eve agreed. "He is an extension ofyou, with all of the memories you had when you split him apart from you. He hassome now that you do not have, and you have plenty he will not have. But youtwo will need to settle this amongst yourselves. I will have no part of it." Heassented with her decision regarding his double, and reluctantly agreed withwaiting with their child. It wasn't like it was going to come to any harm. Hewas growing tired of these missions she kept finding for him, but as it seemedthat he was an integral part of each of them, what was he to do?     She was sensing his wavering conviction to what he was doing. "Look Jon-Tom, we bothknow that we are doing things that are at times, seemingly contrary orinexplicable. But I believe you said something of the kind to me once. So let'sjust follow our heart in doing what we feel is right. Eventually it will all becaught up and we can have a life like anyone else's." He rumbled with the ironyof it. "A life like anyone else? I don't think so. You and I can go cruisingthe stars, hide in the past, use moons as balls, and destroy planets with athought. We will never have what I would call a normal life. It will neverhappen."

      "But Jon-Tom, we have to try!" He grabbed her, feeling his cock hardening up. "Eve,what say we both shut up, fuck each other silly, and let me get back to doingwhat I'm doing here in Eastfallon. I've got the rest of my life to figure outthese other problems, and since I'm practically eternal now, that means I havea lot of time to deal with it. Orath has infinitely less time than that. I willfulfill my duties to the kingdom, and I will make her as happy as I can untilshe dies. You can go back to the highlands and pop back to the day we areburied, and it will seem like nothing to you. In the meantime, I have to countthe minutes, the hours, the days, weeks and years until that day finally comes.So before you go, I want the satisfaction of screwing the daylights out ofyou." It took a long time before her sun went out!     When he returned to Orath, she could sense a melancholy change in him. "What is itdear?" He wasn't one to lie, and as she knew more of the truth about him thanshe should have, he told her all about his contact with Eve. "Oh ho! So thegoddess came back for what is rightfully hers?" He swatted her butt. "I belongto no one, though at the same time to many. She

knows she will have to waituntil the end before she can have me back." Orath was pleased and impressed."Only one with great power dare balk the goddess, and only one with greatconviction would bother. Thank you so much Jon-Tom!" She showed him howthankful she was that night in bed.

      She had never asked him if they had been intimate, he and the goddess, but she assumedthat they had. She, Orath, had no right to complain. She felt that Jon-Tom wasat best on loan to her, but he took it seriously, his duties, and she felt thatsomewhere inside he did feel love for her. She certainly did for him. He hadpulled her up and out of a miserable life to give her back her kingdom. He haddone it for others, but for her it was as though only she counted. She wouldhave freely given him up now if he had to go, but he refused when she offeredit. "Look Orath, as I see it, I have all the time in the universe. I willgladly give some of it to be with you until your death. If I was a real wolf,and as such, mortal, I would do no less." She swooned.     He grabbed her up and threw her on the bed. Before she could react, he was human,and had dived between her thighs with that talented tongue of his. Over theyears she had freaked whenever he was done and came up bloodied, not from hercrotch, but from her nails in his skin. Every time he shrugged it off andhealed himself. If he had been a mortal wolf, then he would have looked worsethan his Dire form, with or without a paw missing. She was hard on him, andeach and every time he took it, always ready for more. This time was nodifferent. He lapped her crotch like a thirsty lupine would fresh clean water.She grabbed his head and forced it into her cunt so hard her arms hurt. By thetime she came, he had licked her raw. Her clitoris felt like he had tried topull it loose. Her ass was wet with the moisture she had leaked out like aflood.

      He had stopped, but then leaned in and kissed her once, causing her to jump. At thesame time she could feel his healing power right the abuse to her soft andtender tissues. That was good, because she knew what he was capable of once hegot started. He climbed up and spread her legs again, a bit forcefully, sinceshe was reluctant to open them in her post-orgasmic state, and positionedhimself for entry into her well-lubed hole. She could feel he was his normalsize, which was as much as a she-wolf should be expected to take. His head slidin, making her bite her lip, which she did even harder when he pushed all theway in. In the past she had sworn openly, and in front of him that when he didthis, she felt like she was giving birth backwards. She also followed that upwith the fact that he should never

stop. She knew she would never find a loverof his equal and intended to get as much out of him as she could. Time wasprecious.     He pounded away, churning her insides to butter, and driving her out of her head. Shecould feel him pressing against her cervix, threatening to push all the wayinto her womb. It was so intense she placed a paw against her belly, feelinghis cock move in and out. She opened an eye to watch her paw rise and fall intime with his thrusts. How he fit that much cock into her hole would have beena mystery if it wasn't for that fact that she was aware of his abilities. Heoften did increase his size, or his shape. But each and every time it waswonderful. This time was no exception. She could feel him change inside, and suddenlyshe could feel a knot growing. Despite the pleasure he could bring to her,nothing got her off like a good ole old fashioned knot. This one threatened tospread her hips a little wider at the rate it was growing. But it hit hertrigger point and off she went into that lovely land of insensibility.

      The next day it was back to the routine of ruling, and then that night, a full andrelaxing spa treatment, were she got the kinks worked out from head to toe,inside and out. Thus passed the next year, from day to day and night to night.  It seemed to Orath that she could never havebeen happier. She was in for a surprise. Jon-Tom called the children and theirrespective spouses into the throne room one day for a private audience. Theywere six lovely couples, each potentially competent in the ways of handling therule of the land. Eventually, there would be a need to pick just one pair, whowould become the new Alphas.     "Children; today will be the dawning of the next age of rule here in Eastfallon. For onemonth each, you will assume the duties of leadership." He held out his clenchedfist, which had in it six straws. "You will pick a straw, and by the length,you will know your position in this process. The longest straw starts, down tothe shortest, which will go last. You will be in charge, you will make rulesand decisions, and you will put forth your best effort. At the end of it all, Iwill allow the wolves of Eastfallon to vote for who they felt did the best job.You may be the children of the present rulers, but in my opinion, those overwhom you rule should have the choice in whom they will be ruled by. Your motherand I are at odds over this, but in the end, a ruler who doesn't have thegoodwill of his or her people is no ruler at all." 

      The straws were drawn and Peppy and his mate Uthyllo were to go first. "But papa,what will you and mother being doing while we're in

charge?" Orath was eager toknow too. Boredom wasn't high on her tolerance list. "Your mother and I aregoing to explore this world. It seems to me she needs to see that there is moreto this planet than her kingdom. We shall visit faraway places, meetfascinating creatures and have a wonderful time away from the cares of ruling.One of you will be in charge eventually, so why not start now and get thematter straighten out?' So it was settled.     The first matter was where the couple was going to go first. There were a lot ofplaces he had already been, and just as many that he had not. Since gaining allof this power, he had no time to explore. Certainly he had seen a lot of thisworld, but there was much more. Orath was largely ignorant of the world atlarge, and told him to pick their destination. That got him thinking. He wouldneed to evaluate the present time frame to make sure he didn't interfere withhimself or any of his previous contacts. Then again, if he was careful, no onewould know him as anything other than Lobo the Axehand. It was sure to get himfree drinks where ever he went. Orath wasn't much of a drinker, but maybe itwas time to teach her a thing or two about alcohol.

      He was at first tempted to spell them from destination to destination, but he recalledhow some of the more interesting things had been discovered en route to variouslocations. No point in missing the scenery. Then he changed his mind. He had toldthe kids six months. There was little point in allowing the time to fly by,wasting it on traveling. He thought about possible objectives. His first choicewas to go the Rockhaven. There was alsoGodswind, but at this time there was no Mel-aura, no Aerie, and no one whowould even know him for who he really was. Entering the city as two wolveswould bring out the guards and the suspicions. It would be a far better idea togo to Rockhaven and perhaps spend some time at the Havenhouse Hotel. He knewfor a fact it was a fine establishment.     With a mere thought, the two of them were standing in a lovely valley. They weresurrounded by ferns and flowers and towering trees. Jon-Tom guided them to theroad and turned towards the city at the end of the valley. Jon-Tom chuckled tohimself that he was visiting it for the third time, but earlier than hisprevious visits. Time travel was a freak of nature! The valley was largely ashe remembered it should be, minus those lovely little flowers for whom hislover Mel-Aura was named after. As they approached the gate to the city, Orathnoticed, with proper caution, that the wall was filled with archers. He had toexplain that to her, and how it wouldn't be fixed for some years to come. Sincethey paid them little

heed, they continued on through the gate into the city.It was here that they were stopped.

      A formidable looking wolverine, dressed in the rank of captain, stood in theirway. He said nothing, but appraised Jon-Tom from head to toe. "Sir," he saidwith respect, "We don't normally allow visitors to the city to openly carrysuch dangerous looking weapons," pointing to the axe, "but unless I ammistaken, you are Lobo of Eastfallon?" His voice carried hope in it. Jon-Tomdid a bow. "I am. I carry this as a symbol of the cost in lives at the Gate.And you are...?" The wolverine straightened his back and stood rigid.     "I am Prodolis, son of Hadron. I led the attack on the north flank. I heard tales ofyou sir, but I never thought I would get a chance to meet you in person. Andthis, I assume, is your mate?" Orath stepped forward and extended a paw. "Iam." He smiled and kissed it. "How might I address you madam?" She put on a coyact, blushing and looking quite fetching. "You may call me Orath." He steppedback, his eyes huge. "Orath of Eastfallon? The She-Devil?" Jon-Tom aboutchoked. It was an accurate description put out by some of the bards. Shetwisted up her lip. "She-Devil?" The wolverine lost his nerve and apologized."I'm sorry if I offended you madam. I assume then that this is your mate, and Idefinitely didn't mean to offend him!"

      Orath looked at Jon-Tom, and they both broke out laughing.  Between the two of them, they seemed to havegotten quite the reputation. The wolverine sighed and eased his defensiveposture. Jon-Tom was nearly in tears. "Oh Prodolis, I'll have you know she canbe a she-devil in bed, but you had best let me be the one to call her that.Unless, that is, you wish to experience her for yourself?" Orath kicked him inthe nuts. It didn't faze him one bit. The wolverine gulped and back up a footor two. "Uh, no thanks. I like my balls round like their supposed to be.Pancakes aren't one of my favorite things!" Orath sighed heavily. "Males. Youonly protected your balls because you think with them. The exception seems tobe my big lunk here, who seems to rarely think at all."     The captain decided it was time to change the subject. "So, what are two heroessuch as yourself doing here? Please tell me it's not to stir up trouble."Jon-Tom smiled a toothy grin. "We are here to enjoy a vacation. The kingdom isbeing managed by our children while we see the sights." The wolverine lookedhim up and down. "Sir, the moment you walked through that gate, you two becamethe most fascinating thing in the city. If you will give me a moment to addressthe city council, I think that you will find your stay here

will becomplimentary in thanks to your great sacrifice at the Gate." He turned on hisheels and was gone, leaving the two wolves standing there alone.

      Orath looked smug. "She-devil? I guess that was a pretty terrible thing I did backthen. I hadn't realized that the news of it extended this far out into theworld." He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Many creatures came tofight at the Gate. Many returned home with stories from the far corners andreaches of this planet. You might be surprised to find that ours are some of thefavorites. After all, a Dire Wolf hasn't been seen anywhere for a few thousandyears, and you; you turned into the very essence of a soldering demon. I have afeeling that we will be wined and dined until we'll want to leave." He wasright.     When Prodolis returned, he had in tow three very rich and dignified looking membersof the council. Jon-Tom recognized the youngish looking badger right away. Thewolverine introduced them. "This is Kityok (a wombat), this is Jietra (a howlermonkey) and this is..." Jon-Tom couldn't resist. "Gripsol, of the Havenhouse."The badger's eyes grew big. "That's right! How do you know me sir?" The bigwolf shrugged. "It doesn't matter. The fact is I am aware of you and yourreputation for having a first class establishment. My mate and I are here forsome relaxation and it was to you that I was ultimately coming to see." Thebadger did a bow. "Look no further. I have already sent word ahead to open upthe top floor, and to air out the upper suite. It is yours and your lady's foras long as you wish to stay."

      As they followed Gripsol up the streets to the hotel, with the others in tow, Orathlooked up and whispered to Jon-Tom. "Are we really that famous?" He kept astraight face, but whispered back, "Yes. Funny thing is, Lobo is more famousright now than Jon-Tom the Spellsinger. Few seem to really know about whattranspired when I called forth Menexma and thwarted the Plated Folks dangerousmagic." She looked askance, her eyes questioning. He looked down and saidquietly, "I'll tell you about it later. Going through the battle twice isenough, repeating the story gets a little hard. I have a feeling I'll be doinga lot of that while we're here, so there is no need to work it over more timesthan is necessary."     Once they were at the hotel, Orath was quite visible in her assessment of the place.It was a palace in its own right and much higher than hers back in Eastfallon.She was even more impressed when they climbed the long flights of stairs untilthey reached the secluded top floor. They were greeted by the staff, who hadhurriedly dusted and aired out the

spacious quarters. Fresh flowers adorned thetables, and the doors to the balcony were wide open. Orath hugged Jon-Tom in arib cracking embrace. "You really know how to treat a lady, don't you?" He madea sweeping motion with his good paw. "Did you have any doubts up to thispoint?" She stuck her tongue out and gave him a raspberry. "No Jon-Tom, I didnot. But I was expecting to be roughing it." He shrugged. "There is plenty oftime for that later. Once the kids get a taste of ruling, we'll figure out whogets the spot and we'll travel to our heart's content."

      She liked the idea. She had set out to save her kingdom, which with his help shedid. It was time to enjoy life and get the most out of her mate. The yearswould run out quickly enough. She was pulled out of her thoughts by Jon-Tom steppingout onto the balcony. She followed. She looked over the edge and reeled awayfrom the railing. "That's a long ways down!" she cried. He agreed. "Yes it is.I have a friend who climbed down this face of the building once." She wascurious, but reluctant to come closer. "Oh? When was that?" He thought about ita moment. "I'm not certain right now, but sometime in the future. Gripsol ispretty young right now. I doubt the girl Mudge had trouble with is even born,or if she is, she's a mere cub. Anyway, it was when I first found Mel-Aura, thelost princess of Godswind."     "Now that sounds like a story you need to fill me in on," commented the she-wolf.Jon-Tom wasn't in the mood. "Look Orath, I have a better idea. If I tell youstories of my various loves and the situations my entanglements with themproduced, it could take days. Why don't we just concentrate on creating somebetween us, so that when you finally look back, you will have fewer things toregret?" She was offended. "What gives you the right to decide if somethingcauses me regrets?" He cupped her chin. "Trust me, there is no perfect life. Wewill all have regrets when we are done. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but itis a thing that will arise at some point. I have found it best to keep it to aminimum." She considered his opinion for a moment, recalling how old he wasnow, and all the things he likely had done in his life. It was probably thebest advice she had ever gotten. "OK Jon-Tom. I'll take you advice. I seem torecall seeing a really big bed inside. What say we try it out?" They did;repeatedly.

      Jon-Tom chose not to overstay their welcome, whereas the city fathers intended to doeverything in their power to keep them. Hundreds of citizens wanted to meetthem, as they were considered to be living legends. Orath had mixed feelingsabout this. On one side she was glad to have developed such a

profoundreputation. On the other hand, being known as the She-Devil of Eastfallon was alittle hard to bear. Not only that, it was bloody difficult to reproduce. Itcame out in conversation that many wished to see her as she had been during thebattle with the reds; smoke, fire and brimstone. She demurred, claiming thatsuch a performance would not be in the audience's best interest. But deep inside,she knew she was unable to do it again without something Jon-Tom wasn't aboutto give her, and with good reason.     Therefore, she was greatly alarmed when he stepped in and offered for her to give them ashow to remember. She stomped on his foot, knowing full well it wouldn't fazehim in the least.  When they were alone,she grabbed his shirt and growled at him. "What the hell do you think you'redoing? You can't unleash that side of me again!" He kissed her soundly.  "Someone on my world once said; Give themwhat they want and they'll come out for it. You won't be fighting anyone, soall you need to do is look the part, not be it." With that he touched her. Shecould feel herself expand and grow. She ran to a mirror in time to see her eyesglow, and smoke rise from her fur.

      She gasped.  "Is this how I looked that day?"He sniffed indifferently. "Maybe. To be honest, I don't think the good folkshere could take a full gander of you in death mode. The heat alone that youwere throwing off was enough to melt holes in the solid stone, if you willrecall. This will just be for show. Sort of like my missing paw and thereplacement axe blade. It's all for show. But if you think about it, the moreeveryone learns how tough you are, the safer the kingdom will be for years tocome." She turned back and forth, viewing the monster in the mirror. "I guessso. But you had better make it worthwhile." He arched his brows in question."How am I supposed to do that?" She motioned to the bed. "This body is on parwith yours. It needs to go through its paces, don't you think?" It turns out hedid.       He had heard the term "a smoldering love", but this was carrying it one step forward.She wasn't actually producing heat enough to cause the smoke, but she was hotand ready and her cunt was sending out wisps of steam. Again, it was more show,but what a show it was. Her voice had lowered to a husky grow and she used itwell. "Come here, my mate. I'm in "dire" need of getting my brains fucked outright now and only you'll do!" Her clothing was off, and she was doing her bestto remove his intact. He assisted by spelling it off. She pulled him to thebed. "Look lover boy, this body is in overdrive. It ever there was a time youwanted to cut loose now is it.

Give me all your rage!" He was past thatdangerous part of his life, but the offer was not to be turned down. He let goof his emotions.

      Picking her up, he threw her on the bed and pinned her. She let out an amorous growl. "Oooohyeah!" But instead of laying back and taking it, she played hard to get. Sheclamped her legs together tightly. "OK big boy, you want me, you have to earnme!" He growled from deep in his throat. "Careful what you ask for!" With onegnarled knee, he jammed between her legs and drove it up to her crotch. Shegrunted but remained steadfast. "Oh no, my lover, it's not going to be thateasy!" She leaned up and bit his shoulder, drawing blood. Ignoring the pain, hedrove his other knee between her legs and forced them apart. All the while,Orath was doing her best to force them closed. This was fun!     Of course, in the back of her mind, she knew she should be appalled. This was abit like how she felt during the battle with the reds. She was full of rawpower with a need to use it. Here of course, no one was going to get hurt permanently,so it both took the edge off and at the same time made it more fun. She knewthat to satisfy this body it was going to take more than any normal creature couldsurvive. Jon-Tom was far from normal. As he drove her legs apart, she couldalready feel the tip of his cock at her hole. She got in a quick glance longenough to see a horse cock erupting from between his legs. That was good.Anything less she would have scoffed at.

      The head of his cock had to force its way in, largely because she clamped down her musclesto make it more difficult. It also made it feel a whole lot better. The flaredtip felt hot, like a sword just out of the forge, and it forced its way pasther defenses like a well trained assassin. She could feel his length travelingup her cunt, forcing open her last line of protection, her taut muscles. Shelet them unclench, knowing full well that he could rip them open if he wasn'tcareful. He would repair them, she knew, but she wasn't inclined to be a total masochist.As it was, when his tip hit her uterus, she swore it just kept going. There wasno way she was going to take the whole thing, but it just kept coming. When shefelt his crotch grind up against hers, she understood that he either adjustedhis length, of modified her to take it all. She didn't care. All she wanted himto do was drive that thing home until she cried for him to stop.     Jon-Tom, despite the show he was putting on, was still treading lightly. He hadtoughened up her body, not wishing to do her a single bit of harm. But heroffer was not going to be shunted aside . A good cutting loose was what heneeded.

Screwing with the kids had been fun, but always he was cautious. Now hehad an open opportunity to fuck with unbridled passion and fury. He only hopedthat she would forgive him when he was done. His drove his huge cock in,feeling her strain against his intrusion. He might as well be screwing a ratwith his normal body's cock. Any other creature would have been catatonic bythe time he sunk it home, but not Orath. In her present state, it was onlyforeplay.

      She was hot, a good ten degrees hotter than a normal body could survive. The smokerolling off of her was tinged with her scent, a perfumed vapor that was diggingat his nostrils and fogging his brain. He pushed her arms back against the headboard,and when he let go, she found she was now bound by heavy ropes. She smiled. "That'snot fair, lover!" He growled out, "Like I care. If you wanted me to play fair,you should never have suggested this. Now you're in it for the long haul!" She archedher hips. "And what a long haul you have darling. Give me everything you'vegot, and don't be stingy." He assaulted her cunt with about as much compassionas a slave master. With a solid grip on the headboard, he pounded away, causingcreaks and groans from the old wooden frame, and from his mate as well. He wassoon ready to blow, but forced it down and continued for an hour longer, untilher eyes were tearing and his balls seemed ready to explode. When he let go, itwas with the force of a cannon. Her belly bulged from the load she took. Whenhe pulled out, it was with such a gush it flowed over the sides of the bed.

      There was blood on his cock, and a little red tinged the sheets under her. But thelook on her face said it all. She was staring dreamily at the ceiling. "Youknow lover, what you just did was far worse than anything those reds did to meas a kid, but for some reason, I want you to do it again and again and again."He lay beside her on the now sticky mattress. He whispered in her ear. "I could get used to this, which is all thereason to get it out of our system now. I don't want to develop a taste for thenasty and perverse." She would have hugged him, but the ropes binding her pawswere still in place.      "Look Jon-Tom, there is no need to get scared of a little pleasure, even this type.You can't rape someone who wants what you're giving. It seems to me that youneed this vacation more than I do. So while we're out and about, get whatever iseating you off your chest. It'll do you good and me even better!" Withoutanother word, he undid the ropes, and before she could relax, flipped her overand re-secured them. She felt his cock flop the length of her ass crack andgulped. Taking that monster up her ass might be more

than she bargained for.Still, she trusted him not to do any damage. The thought didn't help when he crammedit in. He sphincter felt like someone had dosed it with pepper oil.

      Her eyes watered up again, but somewhere deep down inside a pool of pleasure wasgathering. She remembered back to the time the goddess had unleashed his innerdemon, and wondered if she would have survived him then. Now he was in control,but was going outside his normal boundaries. He pushed in so hard that sheswore his tip was going to come out her mouth. He was straining against her buttocks;trying hard to climb inside her body. She could feel his circumference growuntil her rectum was stretched to its maximum without ripping. Then she felthim push in some of his power, replacing the pain with blatant bliss. Thesudden influx tipped the scales, causing her to orgasm something fierce. At thesame time he pumped her ass like mad, driving his cock into the deepest reachesof her body. When he came a few minutes later, she knew that it would take daysfor his cum to work its way out. She could almost taste it.     She fell asleep despite the mess she was in. When she awoke a while later, sheremembered her situation and delicately tried to move. There was no pain, nomess, and the aroma of food wafted to her nose. She sat up, and sniffed the air.Whatever it was, it smelled delicious. She put her hand to her crotch, feelingher cunt and her ass. Both were back to being nice and tightly closed. The bedwas clean and dry. Magic was so nice sometimes. She searched the room, finallynoticing the balcony doors were open. She went out them into the fresh air. Hewas standing there leaning against the rail. She joined him.

      He smiled warmly, but got a sparkle in his eye. "I thought you didn't likeheights?" She leaned over the edge and gazed at the city below. "I guess it'snot so bad. With you, Jon-Tom, I can tolerate anything, and there's a hell of alot that I can now enjoy thanks to you." He pulled her close. "That was fun,but I would suggest that we not get too freaky too often. I'll eventually bemoving on, and I don't want the next poor soul to get stuck with a power hungrypervert for a mate." She stomped on his foot. "You're not a pervert anymorethan I am!" He stared at her for a moment before laughing. "Then we both are,because I know for certain that I fit the description quite nicely. I wouldhave killed a normal wolf with my antics; hell, I would have decimated a hippo'scunt with what I was doing. Be thankful I am who I am, my fine-furred wolfette."She kissed him. "I am thankful every day of my life that you came back to me. Iwould still be nothing more than a sad excuse for a whore." He

kissed her,holding it for a long time. "You are no whore Orath. You are my mate and my queen."Her knees gave out. He had to carry back inside.

      They ate the meal provided by the hotel and went down to make an appearance to thecouncil and those who wished to witness the "Wrath of the She-Devil". She put on a show, thinking back to the nightbefore and their love making. That was nearly a mistake, because in her wildabandon, she over did the power he had given her. The smoke rising off of herbody was accompanied by a temperature he had not purposely put in there. It washer own unbridled passion flaring out. Gripsol had the tip of his nose scorchedbefore he managed to get back a safe distance. Jon-Tom grabbed her up,absorbing the excess into his own body. He whispered to her, "Keep the flame onlow my love, or you're going to toast your audience. That would be impolite andimpolitic." She glanced down at the ground, noticing that were she stepped, littleglows of red appeared. "Sorry Jon-Tom. I was thinking about you and me and lastnight. I got a little carried away."     She finished up her "performance" with a bow. By now, everyone was standing about ahundred feet away. Silence filled the air. All at once, applause broke throughlike a storm wind. Gripsol came forward holding his nose. He sounded congested."We tank you ever so buch for the performance. I will be the first to say thatI doubted the stories, but after witnessing you in action, I would hate to tinkwhat you might be like if angered. If it pleases you, I would like to committhe whole city as being your friend." Orath laughed, and as she did, shereduced in size until she stood there looking lovely, and beautiful, and hardlythreatening. "Grispol my friend, I will accept your friendship, and that of thecity, and at the same time offer my kingdom's friendship with you!" The badgerlet loose a sigh of relief. So did everyone else.

      Back in their room later, she remarked to Jon-Tom. "Did they befriend us on account ofmy demonstration, or out of true friendship?" He shrugged. "Does it matter? Ithink that they value us as allies, but a demonstration of the power rumored inthe tales was enough to tell them we weren't frauds. I get the idea that theremay be a little fear influencing their decision, but if we show them that we believein kindness over violence, then the friendship will be even stronger." The Alpha Male and the Alpha Female of Eastfallon stayed in Rockhaven for twoweeks. During their stay, they visited every corner of the city. Jon-Tom exertedhis power in subtle ways, healing a cripple here, a blind puma there, andoverall showing them their good side. At night, if she

wanted it, he let outthe "bad", until such time in the early morning hours when her body, mind andsoul couldn't take anymore, after which they would fall asleep. She soon forgotthat she even had a kingdom to return to. He was right. There was a lot more tothis world than just her little chunk of land. She wanted to see it all and shewanted to see it with him!


Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 10

  They left Rockhaven at the end oftwo weeks, promising that they would do their best to return in the future.Jon-Tom knew it wasn't a lie, for he at least did make it there in the upcomingyears, just not as Lobo. The next leg of their journey was to...

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Taking back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 8

  Things in the house never reallysettled down after the cubs got their lessons. From then on, they were tryingto engage him in the same manner as often as they could. Luna was practicalabout it. "It's like eating papa. After a while, you just get...

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A Die-Hard Cubs' Fan, or Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 7

There had now been several years of peace in Eastfallon. Word had gottenaround that the present ruler was not someone to be trifled with.Tales were told over and over until they were exaggerated in everysideways direction. The truth needed no...

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