All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 6 - Twenty Percent Cooler

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#22 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 15 - Silent

...what the fuck just happened?

Silent Hill series copyrighted to Konami, Pinkie Pie and MLP:FiM to Lauren Faust and Hasbro

The Regal Dream to James Corck, Cupcakes to Sergeant Sprinkles, Le Petit Four to myself and James Corck

Silent Ponyville to Jake Heritagu

Fallout: Equestria and Little Pip to Kkat

And finally, FinalGamer to me.

_How to Unlock - In a second playthrough, find the following items, then enter the Chemistry Lab in Alternate Midwich Elementary School.

  • The Regal Dream DVD in Room 209 at the Woodside Apartments
  • The Cupcake Flyer in the confectionery stand at Lakeside Amusement Park
  • The Pegasus Picture in the Director's office of Alchemilla Hospital
  • The Little Pip Action Figure in the Antique Green Lion_

Stepping through the gap in the wall, somewhat perturbed by the absurd clock puzzle he had just dealt with, he saw a key upon the bed. A small bronze key, with a rose imprinted upon its transparently thin handle. With a shrug, he pocketed it and was about to leave what he soon found was Room 209, when he noticed something else. On the bedside table, marked out colourfully from its damp surroundings, was a DVD case. He examined it carefully, the front cover's picture completely gone. All except for the title and the blurb upon the back of the casing.

_The Regal Dream

In a world where one ruler fails to awaken from her deepest dreams, a highly skilled sorceress is given her greatest challenge, to learn her toughest lesson yet. The inception of the regal dream._

"This...sounds kind of awesome." He smiled softly and pondered on whether he would still be able to watch it. The DVD inside looked apparently readable, and he decided to put the whole thing into his satchel before heading on. If he found a DVD player, he would try to see if it still worked.

Trying to escape the monster's chase as he scarpered into the amusement park, he ducked into a concession stand to hide himself. He hoped the smell of stale popcorn and candy floss would keep it away as it traipsed past his location unawares. After several minutes of its thunderous feet disappearing into the darkness, he gently stood up once again. But then he felt something gently crumple underneath his feet. A discarded flyer, with the most incredibly garish pink he had ever seen, as well as a magnificently rainbow-coloured cupcake upon it. It read out:

HEY! Wanna cupcake?! Sure ya do! Then come on down to Sugarcube Corner where you can come and play! Any flavour, any colour, any way you want! We won't take no for an answer, we'll make anything ya want from making your cupcakes 20% cooler to sprucing up the fanciest le petit four! Come on down today and get a free cupcake to try before you buy!

"...huh. You know, I haven't had cupcakes in years. Maybe...hmmm...I guess it wouldn't hurt...I wonder where Sugarcube Corner is?" He gently wrapped up the flyer and put it in his satchel, the smell of stale candy making him long for the taste of some sweet delicious freshly-made cupcake. If he found a map again, he'd try to locate it.

The director's office shared the same musty air throughout Alchemilla hospital, which James had barely noticed after having gone through enough fog to last him a lifetime. On the director's desk, beside various medical notes, was a small picture frame that had been planted face down. What marked it out even more for James, was the fact that it was freshly disturbed, without the slightest touch of dust upon it. On the back of it was the words:

You're not a monster - RD

He gently picked it up in his hands to see a rather unusual picture. A cartoon picture of some sort. Two strangely cute horses with soft-looking snouts. One had a humble smile, her coat coloured yellow like butter. The other was blue with a shocking rainbow-coloured mane, sporting a cocky grin. "Huh...not bad but...what the hell's it doing here? I mean it's really cute and all but...why would anyone have a picture like this here? Wait...these look kinda familiar..." Despite his words, he tempted himself to take it, finding it too adorable to resist. The yellow pegasus in particular made him smile warmly.

Amongst the clutter of the antique shop, with various knick-knacks and sundries disregarded among several heaps, one particular little box stood out to him. A rectangular plastic box of gun-metal grey, with a toy inside of it. The toy was a little snub-nosed unicorn, with brown realistic-looking hair and a blue jumpsuit covering all but her rear. Her flank had an odd little green device painted on it, similar to the wrist-machine on its front leg. The box came with a description of its contents.

_My Little Pony: Fallout Special! When all hope is lost in the apocalyptic wasteland of Equestria, only one pony is brave enough to stride out into the barren lands and save the world (or at least do the best she can!)

Little Pip is: Strong, Perceptive, Enduring, Charismatic, Intelligent, Athletic, Lucky!

The world need never fear! If one little pony can save the world, then so can you!_

James was rather confused by the entire thing. On the one hand, it was clearly a girl's toy, being that it was just a little plastic horse with short brushable hair. On the other hand, the box was clearly aiming towards another market. Yet something about her appealed to him. Her implied determination, resolute within her eyes and cute little nose. He didn't take it out of the box, but instead put it in his satchel, seeing that nobody else wanted it. "Maybe you can help me a li'l...least I hope so."

Making his way towards the music room of Midwich Elementary, he saw the chemistry lab had been given a new feature. Three balloons tied around the handle, of yellow, blue and pink. He tried the doorknob, finding it to be unlocked as he stepped inside, somewhat fearful of what he would uncover inside. What he found was a whole other world unveiling before him, through a large screen. An enormous television was playing some sort of brightly-coloured children's show, with what appeared to be a lot of ponies on screen. He looked to his satchel, familiarity hitting him like a brick. Now he knew where they were from, despite having never seen such a show in his life. But It didn't help matters when he saw one of those very ponies sitting in a chair, laughing happily with a bag of popcorn. She was pink all over, her mane and tail resembling candy floss. "SNRK hahahahaha, oh Trixie, you so boasty!" "U-uhm...hello?!" "Hmm?!" The pony turned in her swivel chair, then gasped. She had eyes as blue as the sky, and her limbs ended in soft-looking hooves. A look of surprise and awkwardness came over her that passed quickly as she hopped off the chair, landing on all four hooves. "OH, um, whoops! Hope ya don't mind, just usin' a bit of yer universe space to get some peace! I mean it's tough bein' Pinkie Pie all day, I gotta go allllll over the place all zip-zoom-zang! Not many ponies can do that so I gotta take a break, and boy lemme tell ya, this is a GREAT place! I mean nopony EVER comes in here, well except fer you but yer technically not a pony so, still counts, hehehe!" James looked down weirdly at her, the pony's height only reaching up to somewhere just under 5 feet tall. He tried to get his thoughts right before trying to ask her his first and biggest question. What the fuck is this town doing to me now?! Is this a test or something?! "W-wha...who are you? What's with all the ponies and this stuff I-" "OH YEAH! I'm Pinkie Pie! Pleased to meet you!" She bounced over towards him like a cartoon, immediately shaking his hand with the speed of a blender, making him shake. "W-w-w-wha-a-a-at the-e-e-e he-e-e-e-ell a-a-a-a-are you-u-u-u-u?" "Oh I'll tell ya later, come on in an' watch with me! You seen this episode?" "I...don't know this show but aren't of them?" "Yep, sure am! But I'm not in this one so it's okay, nopony'll notice!" "Uh...okay? Hey uh, since you're a...pony, can I ask about these?" "Hmm??" He pulled out one of the pony-related items from his satchel, but barely had the chance to show it before she immediately dug into his satchel with both hooves. "OOH you found stuff?! Lemme see!" "H-HEY, what the-hold on dammit!" "Oooooh you got a lotta stuff, don't worry, I just wanna-AAAAA-HA!" She grabbed the satchel entirely and upended it on a table nearby that James had not noticed before. The DVD, the flyer, the picture and the Little Pip toy were all lined up for her to examine, as she pushed all of his other items to one side with a giggle. She picked up the DVD cover first.

"Ooooh you got a copy of The Regal Dream?! I loved that, it was so fun, it's a lot like this movie called Inception but like, twenty-percent cooler! Hehehe, awwwww the cover's gone! Thassa shame, but maybe a good thing fer you! The cover's pretty clever too, I mean, how do ya hide a spoiler?! Put it right under their noseys!" "Uh...w-what are you talking abou-" "OOH and this flyer!" She whipped out the Cupcakes flyer, spreading it out before her with a rather perplexed expression. "Where didya find THIS? I didn' post any in this town...did I? I don't even remember making a flyer about cupcakes...dohhh I dunno, I'm such a silly filly, but yanno what, if you wanna cupcake, you can TOTALLY come to my place an' eat some! Nothin' but sugar in 'em!" "Wait this is yours?! But how did you-" "And this!" She picked up the picture frame of the two pegasi, a warm smile coming to her heart as she hugged it tightly to her chest. "Awwwwww they look so CUTE together! But...I don't remember Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash posin' fer a picture like this! Maybe they're not tellin' me somethiiiiiing?" "W-wait who's Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash?" "OH, they're my friends, see?!" She flashed the picture at him before turning it back to herself. James recognised the rainbow-maned pegasus on the TV screen, currently arguing with a darker blue pony in a robe and wizard hat. "They make such a cute couple," said Pinkie, "but only cuz of those SUPER-cute wings! Oooh I just wanna rub 'em!" "Well uh...Fluttershy does look pretty cute I admit." "And-" Suddenly, she let out a violently huge gasp, as if she just had a heart attack. "OH. EM. CEE, a Li'l Pip action figure! How didya find these, they're like SUPER rare cuz they're like alternate continuity an' stuff, I mean do you know how rare this stuff is?! It's like G2 rare!" "Wait wait wait wait what?!" "I loved this series, this is like the best series EVER MADE! I mean who the hay woulda thought it could even WORK, it's crazy! But it did so there ya go, the best things are always surprises right?!" " so?" "OH YEAH, I never knew yer name, what's yer name?!" "Uh...James. James Campbell." "I'm Pinkie Pie, oh wait I already said that but now it's formal! Now yer my bestest friend here!"

She hugged him tightly, tight enough to hurt a little. The hug was incredibly warm, and her candy-floss-coloured mane was soothingly soft. He tried to gently extricate himself, grunting with some effort. "U-ungh...pleased you but uh...I should reaaally get back to this other thing I have to do-" "Oh, you gotta go somewhere?!" "Yeah I just have to-" He turned around to find the door completely gone. Nothing but completely black wall, the TV and the table the only thing illuminated within a pool of light. Now he was scared at the thought of being trapped with a pink pony, forever. "What's wrong James?! Ya lose sumthin'?" "Uh...the door's disappeared...I uh, how do I leave?" "OH, uuuuuh, oopsie!" "Oopsie? What oopsie?! I don't like oopsie!" "Well this is kind of a pocket dimension an' it's a liiiii'l bit unstable so it kinda tends to fade in an' out of existence." "WH-WHAT, you mean I can't go back!?!? OH GOD NO!" "Don't worry! Yer not trapped here forever, you can come with me!" "Uh...come with you? Wh-where to?" "Ponyville of course!" She pointed happily at the TV screen, a crowd of ponies gazing towards the viewer. The raptor's eyes widened with fearful confusion. "Ohhhhh no no no I don't think tha-" "Sure ya do, come on, you can be a brony!" "I-i-i don't think-" "Don' be silly, come on join the herd!" Pinkie Pie grabbed all of his stuff and stuffed it back into his satchel, quickly reattaching it to James before she planted her hoof straight into the TV screen. It soon slowly started to cave inwards and open around her hand, smooth and amorphous like jelly. He could hear the sounds of this other world bleeding out into the pocket dimension they inhabited, the dialogue from the ponies turning louder. James tried to back off, but was grabbed by the pony's suddenly impossibly long reach, her forelimb wrapping around his waist as she dragged him in. On the one hand, anything was more preferable to Silent Hill. On the other hand, ponies. Ponies he had no idea of and what sort of crazy world they lived in. "Here we gooooooooo!" "H-hey lemme go! Wh-where the hell you takin' me!?" "Come on, be a brony! You can have lotsa fun in Ponyville!" "What the hell's a brony, can't you EXPLAIN something for once dammit?!" "Hey, don't knock it 'fore ya try it! You can even meet Fluttershy and she can be yer waifu!" "Wh-why would I want that?! What do you mean waifu, I can't marry a pony!" "I don't mean THAT silly, just come on! You can make lotsa new friends and be happy!" "PINKIE PIIIIIIIE!" And so the FinalGamer was sucked into a whole new world, another world far far away. The pony-related items he had collected were all laid out upon a table, somewhere yet nowhere. And he was never heard from again. In a good way.

All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 5 - Welcome Home

_How to Unlock - Examine Sarah's records in Alchemilla Hospital but don't examine the Delaney files in the Police Station, don't meet Sarah in the Cafe Sun, but meet Tara in the Balkan Church for the last time._ * * * Tara's reunion with her...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 4 - And Then There Were Five

_How to Unlock - Keep your health as low as possible, don't discover Dar-Ma's journal, find the Revolver in the abandoned car on West Sandford Street and then the single Revolver Bullet on Sarah's corpse._ * * * The car and its occupants remained...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 3 - Fever

_How to Unlock - Die while fighting the Degenerator._ * * * He had struggled to fight the monstrous machine more than he should have. The nightmarish seizures he experienced from the serpentine coils became almost too much for him. He barely...

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