All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 3 - Fever

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#19 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 15 - Silent

You have unlocked the "DREAM" ending.

Silent Hill series copyrighted to Konami, FinalGamer to me.

How to Unlock - Die while fighting the Degenerator.

He had struggled to fight the monstrous machine more than he should have. The nightmarish seizures he experienced from the serpentine coils became almost too much for him. He barely managed to reach the third head in order to deactivate it, before his legs collapsed underneath him. His body twitched furiously, his heart pulsated with a screaming intensity as the electricity blasted through him, like the scattershot of a shotgun. "N-no! N-NOOOO! S-S-STOP IT! PLEASE!" "Stage of obedience success. It has become part of the degeneration." The machine did not listen. It was automatic in its execution, the wires slithering towards the inert velociraptor. His legs refused to listen, giving up before he ever did. He was paralysed. Bloodshot eyes twitched and gazed towards the darkened ceiling to witness a most terrifying sight. Two human faces, wreathed in wires upon the ceiling. One a short-haired older man, the other younger with long hair. The cables wrapped around his body, sinuously flickering their sparked tongues all along his scaled form. All he could do was scream, and plead for Sarah, right when one cable shot into his throat. The shocks were administered directly into his heart, the nanos spasming and screaming for the pain to stop. His blood boiled until it felt like lava. At the apex of agony, at the very height of his anguish when he thought his entire body would explode, everything stopped. The entire world disappeared around him, along with his senses. He fell into a deep sleep, his heartbeat slowing down. The ceiling above him began to brighten, a fluorescent light shining above him. The two human faces began to move and speak of their own volition.

"How's he responding?" said the short-haired man. "Vitality signs are still unstable," said the younger. "He still hasn't woken up." "Any sign when he will?" "Give him another two weeks at least, the subject's suffering a lot of data processing. His REM alone is incredibly high." "Sounds like he's having a goddamn seizure." "Possibly, the finalising of the data rewrite will cause some initial mental aberrations for the subject to experience. ...wait...he's coming round!"

The two humans looked upon the velociraptor, naked and lying upon the operating table. His eyes slowly fluttered into awakening, their green pallour now dulled somehow. The bright eyes of youth had faded, to be replaced with something else. The older man, garbed in military attire, rubbed his buzz-cut blonde hair and sighed. "Jesus, he gave me a scare there. Bastard's been lyin' there for six days, thought he'd be dead by now." "Let me check his responses first, sir." "You better, don't wanna see another few million go down the drain." The younger man, dressed in a white lab coat with long brown hair covering his cheeks, slowly examined the raptor's eyes. He noted each and every part of the subject's body, who did not speak, eyes blank yet still alive. He tapped the knee with a hammer for reflexes, shined a light upon his pupils, then monitored his brain waves and cardio on a machine. "Reflexes are fine. Pupils dilated but conscious. Brain-wave activity...subdued. Cardio is somewhat slowed down." "Is he at least battle-ready?" "I'm not sure...but he's certainly not a failure, general. He'll be ready to be deployed within the day, after his body recovers from the initial shock." "Are the nanos all working?" "They are, I've checked. It's a lot of data to absorb in his mind, it's been six days after all, he'll get used to it once the CPU reaches full capacity." "Good. Will he remember anything?" The younger doctor carefully looked over the raptor. The general did the same, gazing upon his new soldier for any insight into the newly working mind, sculpted into his own design. "There may be some mental damage. Some of his memories will be lost, but it was inevitable considering the set-up you demanded." "Sacrifices have to be made to protect our country, Dr. Anseed. Where he's going, he won't need 'em. It's a small sacrifice for the sake of our new friend, Project FL-GR." "I suppose so." "Can you hear me, soldier?" The raptor did not reply. His mind had been thrown into shock. The last bit of consciousness inside him struggled to murmur his remaining thoughts. This can't be...I can't be back here. Six years...was it even that? Was Glenn real? Was...any of it real? "D..........D-daisy...S-sarah......" "He said something!" said the general with surprise. Anseed checked him over again. "Memory retrieval, he's trying to remember all he can in a distressed state. There is a Sarah King listed in his associates. But no Daisy." "Probably some old girlfriend, doesn't matter. What about this Sarah?" "She's his employer, down at a bar in Canaryville." "Hm. Soon as he's able, have him fitted out and ready to be deployed in the Ukraine. We'll give him a few rebels for target practice." "U-ukraine?! But sir-" The general turned and stared fiercely into the doctor's eyes. The scientist balked noticeably. "Are you questioning me, doctor? You almost slipped up with the cables so I'm being very lenient in letting this whole thing slide for the fact that you managed to finally make this work." "Y-yes...General Guston." "Good. Keep monitoring him and inform me of any further developments."

Guston left the laboratory to attend to his own matters, pleased to see his project finally awakening. Dr. Anseed looked over the raptor, who murmured the faintest little things. All of which were a complete mystery to him, and always will be. The raptor's eyes flickered slowly, as if in a comatose state. He could feel the last six years disappear from his mind, slowly fading into nothing more than a fever dream. "G-glenn...I'm.........f-final...gamer..." The doctor gently caressed the raptor's cheek, softly shaking with remorseful pity. "I'm sorry James...forgive me." The last thing James could remember, before his new life as an enslaved military experiment, was the kind doctor's face. The way his eyes softened and began to turn moist, like that of a father's at the sight of his newborn son. But then he saw something else. Something far more threatening. The ceiling above him began to slither. As if serpents had been embedded within it. They slowly began to form into one shape, moulding their bodies together to create a face.

The face of a raptor, staring blankly at himself. His mouth remained open, yet unable to scream.

All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 4 - And Then There Were Five

_How to Unlock - Keep your health as low as possible, don't discover Dar-Ma's journal, find the Revolver in the abandoned car on West Sandford Street and then the single Revolver Bullet on Sarah's corpse._ * * * The car and its occupants remained...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 2 - Only Love Can Break Your Heart

_How to Unlock - Stay close to Luisa as much as possible and check up on her at least 6 times while in Brookhaven Hospital._ * * * As he roamed the halls of Brookhaven hospital, James started to worry about Luisa. He had barely known her since...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 1 - Start of Darkness

_How to Unlock - Meet Sarah in the Cafe Sun, but don't meet Tara in the Balkan Church, don't discover Dar-Ma's Journal and don't protect the carousel horses._ * * * The six horses screamed all around him as the shadow came upon them. He had tried...

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