All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 1 - Start of Darkness

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#17 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 15 - Silent

You have unlocked the "EVIL" ending.

Silent Hill series copyrighted to Konami, inspired by the "alt endings" of Silent Ponyville by , FinalGamer to me

How to Unlock - Meet Sarah in the Cafe Sun, but don't meet Tara in the Balkan Church, don't discover Dar-Ma's Journal and don't protect the carousel horses.

The six horses screamed all around him as the shadow came upon them. He had tried his best to save them, but something made him hold back. He didn't know why, he could not even recognise it as a conscious action. The terrible figment of darkness that had taken his own form soon set upon the seemingly half-real horses. The white unicorn with a purple mane begged for mercy, her plastic mane torn off with her horn coming after. Her horn was sharp enough to drive deep into her gut, screaming with anguish as James could hear blood drip thickly in heavy splatters. Yet he saw nothing. The yellow pegasus seemed to call out to him. "S-stop him! Please, STOP HIM!" And yet he did nothing. He found himself paralysed with fear and some other hidden emotion he could not comprehend. The white unicorn soon gurgled a soft mewling whimper before it apparently ceased to be. But what hurt James even more, was when the shadow lunged for the pegasus model. The screams of that same pitiful voice rended his heart in two. He could barely focus as they tore at his mind. She screamed for her friends to be saved, to stop this horrible creature eviscerating her, of which James could barely see. The shadow loomed upon the pegasus, breaking the wings with solid bone snaps, before shoving the bones themselves inside the horse, stabbing it with its own wing stubs. The ribcage cracked and buckled, the body snapping on the inside as the sweet frail whimpers of a winged horse faltered in death. With each sound that came to him, his vision blanked out further from mental anguish. The last thing he saw was the pink horse, staring at him with a plastic eye. As the shadow claimed its final victim of the carousel, all he could hear was a most terrible giggling. A giggling of anxiety, of fear, of panic. The shadow fell across James in its warpath. A new voice came to him. He could not understand its words, yet they tugged at his heart with a most terrible heat inside.

When he awoke, the shadow had disappeared, and the carousel was now desecrated. Blood covered everything but himself, cooling red ichor which had long stopped dripping. The horses were beyond saving. Necks twisted, bodies snapped, eyes torn from skulls. The remains of the pegasus laid before him. Ripped halfway from her pole, broken in two like a tree after a storm. Words had been carved upon her body.

Chaos is a wonderful thing Don't worry, I opened the gate You can thank me later

With fear rising in his chest, he walked back towards the direction of the rollercoaster, and found the gate indeed to be unlocked. He wondered who was the person he had to thank, his heart sinking with sorrow at the state of the carousel behind him. But then he remembered himself, and shook his head hard. Come on James get over it, they're just toys. So what if they're broken? Just like everything else here. With that thought in mind, he headed towards the looming silhouette of the rollercoaster tracks, high above the fairground.

Awakening from the battle against "Daisy", he looked around himself to feel the town's fog still as thick as ever. Despite what he had just been through, the pain in his chest still had not lifted itself. He saw no way out of the town, even after everything he had done. His fingers twitched, and his throat shuddered with an emotion he could not fully comprehend. He felt as if he had no way out, nowhere he could run. He had fought against all the town had put him through, and still it was not satisfied. Turning away towards the stairwell, a note had been taped upon the door. The handwriting was of Daisy's, but unlike the last time he had seen a note from "her", it was in a viscous red ink. Half of it seemed to shift into another woman's handwriting towards the end, one he hadn't seen in years.

_the darkness is your only ally now and you shall become its shadow

you never seem to learn your lesson, James so now you never will

you had your chance but you were too selfish

the only gift i can give you here is the anger you carry in your heart _

leave me, and never come back like the spoilt orphan you always will be

His fury only grew from the insulting letter. Even Daisy had given up on him with bitter words. He tore the note apart, snarling as he wielded his scissors high in the air, and felt nothing but rage. He no longer cared about anyone but himself now. The world had turned against him, that he already knew. Now it was nothing but the truth. He had nothing left. Nothing but the town, and his own hatred. Fuck this. Fuck everything. Fuck you Daisy, you don't want me anymore, then you can stay dead. Sarah wasn't even a good mother to me. What the fuck do I have left now? Did anyone even care about me? Did anyone even do anything good for me? ...Glenn? Pfft, fuck Glenn, he'd never understand, nobody can understand what I'm going through...nobody ever will. If the world wants to fuck me over, then I'm gonna fuck them FIRST. From that moment on, his fury grew stronger, no longer held back by whatever small restraint he had given it. Every step he made across the streets of Silent Hill turned thicker and stronger. He had no idea what had happened to the others he met in the town. They could be dead for all he cared. He didn't even care about Sarah anymore. Not even she would want him back. This is what he believed now. He wandered aimlessly amongst the town for months, deluding himself ever further with snatches of ghosts and memories, taunting him all the more. The day he was finally allowed to leave, would be the last day of his life.

Whatever happened to the FinalGamer would never be known. His legacy stopped dead within that fog, his mementos fading away. He left behind all he ever owned at a destroyed road tunnel exit, except for his weapon. A satchel of various items, and a black dull pendant with its string snapped in two. He never found his way home, yet he was said to be still alive, somewhere among the dimensional void. But instead of a hero, or at the very least a mercenary, he was a creature of darkness. Legends were told across many lands of a most terrifying creature, wielding a giant pair of scissors while slaughtering dozens indiscriminately. Whatever judgement he deemed upon them was far too harsh for whatever crime they had, if any. At first, he slaughtered only the truly wicked, steeping himself within their blood. But his rage took him further and further, from the wicked to the petty until one day, when he finally killed an innocent creature. And he enjoyed it.

He relished his kill as much as he relished any other, his slaughter now truly indiscriminate. From the simplest beheading to the most savage of acts bordering on necrophilia, his violence was as savage and varied as the accounts made of them. Even his appearance was never certain in reports, from blackened eyes and bloody claws, to burning fists and defeaning screams. Several accounts of his death were noted, but none were ever confirmed, for there was never a body to confirm. He had become a monster. A killer, until the vengeance of his victims claimed him one day. He was finally cornered, in a dark alley far far away from home. Creatures of various races finally trapped him, working together to weaken him, running him down until he could no longer escape. In the last moments of his death, it was then that he finally understood. How he had become worse than the one who murdered Daisy.

The last thing he saw would be his own monstrous face, reflected within a shining blade before it drove deep into his skull. For the few seconds he saw it, his own blackened eyes terrified him so, more than anything he had ever seen before. It was only then that he tried to beg for forgiveness, as his final forgotten words.

All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 2 - Only Love Can Break Your Heart

_How to Unlock - Stay close to Luisa as much as possible and check up on her at least 6 times while in Brookhaven Hospital._ * * * As he roamed the halls of Brookhaven hospital, James started to worry about Luisa. He had barely known her since...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 16 - Now Accept It

The inside of the school had turned into the inside of a demon's slaughterhouse. Industrial girders clacked beneath his feet, doors now thick iron gates like those of prison cells. He smirked at the comparison of a school to a prison in a child's eyes,...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 15 - You Created This, James

The instructions beside the bunsen burner were little more than a reminder for a scientist, but James tried to deduce them by reading them out to his brain. He knew nothing of chemistry, but he did remember the occasional secret message Sarah had...

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