All Things Quiet And Sweet 15 - You Created This, James

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#15 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 15 - Silent

You know you did this. Deep down inside of you, somewhere within that violent burning heart of yours, you know you created this hell for yourself James.

Silent Hill series copyrighted to Konami, FinalGamer to me

The instructions beside the bunsen burner were little more than a reminder for a scientist, but James tried to deduce them by reading them out to his brain. He knew nothing of chemistry, but he did remember the occasional secret message Sarah had passed between members of her group with invisible ink. He just hoped that was enough, or at the very least the instructions were clear enough for an amateur. "Okay lessee now...invisible ink for this experiment is, it's something specific. Need to use ammonia fumes, bunsen temperature already set...ammonia? What's that?" He pondered briefly on where he could possibly find a good source, before thinking the laboratory equipment room might contain something. Leaving the tarot cards in the lab, he headed to the equipment room, a somewhat dark room with a cluttering pile of various tools. He hoped there was something that could give him the right chemical. Sadly, the chemical storage was completely empty. He did however notice a cleaner's bucket, with a few items on its cart-like design. He looked over the various bottles before finding something close enough. "Glass cleaner, contains ammonia. Jackpot." Quickly heading back to the chemistry lab, he initiated his experiment, before realising that the bunsen burner was missing something. A dial to turn the gas on. His eyes at first were wide in disbelief, but then he remembered something. A good-fitting small dial from his broken motorcycle toy. Weirdly, it fit like a glove. Following the thankfully simple instructions, he soon poured the glass cleaner into the beaker, placed the breather on his snout, and watched it heat up. The ammonia soon became gaseous, causing his eyes to sting a little as he placed the cards above the fumes one by one. A message was soon revealed. The back of the cards had each been marked with a specific word.

Temperance = Balance The World = Fulfillment The Hierophant = Experience The Devil = Anger The Tower = Chaos Judgement = Redemption The Hanged Man = Acceptance Death = Loss

Grinning underneath his mask at the success of his experiment, he turned the burner off and quickly headed back to the library reserve. Now he could finally figure out one long-winded puzzle, which he really wanted to get out of the way. Admittedly, it took him a while in figuring out which one to put, and which card had to be left out, debating to himself back and forth over the poem. He voiced his thoughts out once again, decoding the riddle piece by piece as he pored over each and every stanza. It took him less time than he thought, but hesitation made him uncertain for his final pick. "First part is just the intro...content with no gain in life, that's fulfilment. Uhh...half and half, sounds kinda like balance. Tragedy, loss, death. Vengeance, guy's angry, that's the Devil. Okay he clearly says experience THERE so that's a no-brainer. The...things I did to...him?" At this point a strange chill went up his spine as he slowly began to figure the rest out by himself. He was surprised to find that the puzzle of solving the hidden clues on the back of the cards, was more of a challenge than the poem itself. Upon reaching the end of the poem, he was left with one single card. Judgement. "Really? ...the virtue he failed huh? Alright then." Upon tearing the Judgement card, something fell out of it, neatly shining through the air before clinking upon the table. It was a key as thin as paper, yet of an incredibly sturdy silver, with the emblem of a simple flower upon it. It was too small for him to recognise, but he did remember the courtyard door's note about a flower. As he picked it up, a grinding sound came from inside the table. One of the card-sized indents gently rose upwards, presenting James with his chosen card.

The Tower. A portent of fire and destruction blazing from a towering inferno, struck by thunder. People fell from the windows of the tall dark pillar, desperate to escape. "Great, I get the one about chaos and ruin. Alright town I get it, I'm a walking tornado of death and destruction right? ...or maybe I have to GO to a tower? Huh? Come on guys, gimme a clue here." With a sigh, he walked back towards the first floor, skirting around the second floor itself back the way he came. As he did so however, the radio suddenly turned itself on. Yet the static was not the kind he heard whenever monsters were about. Not the shrill panicky kind, but rather a low realistic murmur. Actual white noise. That wasn't the only thing he could hear either. There came a scraping sound beside the music room. He knew only one creature made such a noise. "N...n-no." His eyes widened in fear, his soul wilting in fright at such a terrible sound, a most horrifying portent of violent violation that made his body shake to the core of his being. He felt as if the scrapes of that huge blade across the ground was right next to his ear, passing him by. Yet he could see nobody else in the hallway with him. At one point the scraping stopped, just in front of him. The radio continued to murmur to itself, words slowly forming out of its faceless noise.

The metal screech of a demon's blade continued in front of James, and yet he could do nothing but walk onwards, almost as if he were following it. He pulled out his scissors, ready to fight anything that came for him. As he walked past the music room, the world started to fluctuate around him, accompanied by a shuddering groan that echoed through the very foundations of the town. The grey mist-like aura of the school halls suddenly flickered into darkness, as if someone had just turned the lights off. Then back to grey, then black, but occasionally sending the school into the other side of Silent Hill for the briefest of instants. As the land began to moan both above and beneath him, he could see corridors turn bright, dark, or rusted red with blood. All throughout this, the radio began to emit a strange official-sounding broadcast. One he somehow recognised already, with the voices he now recognised to be British.

"Status report, Sierra-Nine." "We foun- - - -ource of the fire sarge, apartment one-eight- - - -took the brunt of the cho- - - - - -slalomed through- - - - - -living room." "Any survivors?" "Can't see any...wait, I see two- - - -" "Report, Sierra-Nine?" "It's the Cam- - - - - -dead." "All of them?" "Seems so. Under the- - - -opper, just- - - - - -full-on, sarge." "Sierra-Nine, confirm again, you said two- - - - - - apartment's listed to have three occupants, over." "Sir, we've only- - - - -two, both grown adults, over." "Confirm again, there should be another- - - - - - - - -two years old." "I don't see- - - - -wait- - - -think I hear- - - -sarge!" "Sierra-Nine, please confirm." "Confirmed, we have a survivor!" "Unharmed?!?" "Was secure in a laundry closet sarge. Doesn't seem to be wounded." "Carry him out gently, don't let him see the place." "Affirmative."

The transmission changed to sound more clear, less like a radio and more like a recording. A memory digging itself out of James' mind, clawing its way to the depths as he finally reached the stairs. He took a moment to recollect himself, before stumbling down them with a growing mental pain. The town continued to groan all around him, loud enough to feel like it was coming from inside his head, his eyes vibrating painfully as the world began to blur. As black turned to grey, and grey became blood-red, the radio made its new clearer broadcast. The older male voice began talking to a very young child, a toddler even. "Hey there li'l's okay...come 'ere, Bailey'll look after ya." "M-mummy?" "We'll find her later, come on, let's get you out- - - - -what's yer name?" "A-ah- - -" "Alright it's okay, come on- - - - -I'll carry ya out. Yer gonna be okay." "Wh-where's...da- - - - - - -wan- - - -ddy- - - - -mummy!" "SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He could no longer stand the confusing static, somehow infuriating and wounding him, causing an unseen pain in his heart. He staggered towards the courtyard's door, jamming the key into the lock before he gazed upon the outside enclosure.

A rectangular patch of grass, big enough to hold a miniature clock tower, which stood in one small corner of the courtyard. It towered above the school, its hands reading 3:00. Some benches lined up along the walls, and a sprinting dash's distance was between the north and south doors. The grey mist had disappeared, now the school only changed between blackest night and hellish red. In his rising fury, he grabbed the radio from his pocket and slammed it against the wall over and over again. The static continued to mock him, no matter how many times he surely broke it. The radio chatter continued, each new word making his eyes moisten with unseen tears. "They're somewhere else now, don't worry-" "I WAN' MUMMY!" "SHUT UP! SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I'M SICK OF YOUR FUCKING WHINING, YOU HEAR ME?!?! YOU AND THIS FUCKING TOWN! I DON'T NEED ANYONE! EVERYONE'S GONE! EVERYONE'S FUCKING DEAD!" He wasn't sure if the tears that came from his eyes were from a growing sorrow, an inner pain or just plain exhaustion. Regardless, he hurled the radio into the fluctuating darkness as hard as possible, before a monstrous roar shook the very courtyard. The centre of the school grounds was some sort of inscribed satanic-looking circle, one he was most certainly unfamiliar with. And yet, he could feel something about it, as if it were staring back at him. Soon, the strange lines began to form a solid form, a body. A single crooked-gloved hand pulled itself from the circle, fluidly pushing through the concrete like water. The rest of the body soon came forth, a terrible metallic red slowly rising upwards, followed by a terrible rusted blade and the clotted clothing of a butcher. At first, James was terrified to see the one monster he truly feared return for seconds. But something inside of the raptor was slowly rising out of him, the muscles of his face starting to twitch as fear conflicted with an already-growing rage. The masculine monster stood before James, the dreaded Pyramid Head wielding the same giant paper-cutter from Brookhaven Hospital. It gazed blindly towards him. Somehow, James Campbell was no longer afraid enough to want to run from him. Instead, he consumed his fear with ravenous jaws of fury.

"OHH FUCK! OFF! I am NOT in the mood for this shit, especially not from you! Now get the fuck out of my way, you rapist PRICK!" The monster certainly didn't like his tone, and spun its blade deftly with one hand, slamming it tip first onto the ground at an angle. James swung out his own scissors, mimicking his movement with scissortips clanging against the ground. "You want me?! Is that it!? You want sloppy seconds?! Well TOO FUCKING BAD! I'm not afraid of you, I don't give a shit anymore about you! Get out of my way, NOW!" Of course, the creature did not move, merely tipping its head slightly, daring the raptor to come closer. James shook with tense fists, tightening eyes and shivering snarls. "Oh you want it!?! You wanna do this?! HUH!?! Come on then, let's fucking do this! You know what I'm gonna do to you!?!? I'm gonna bend your apron ass over and shove that fuck-off knife up yer FUCKING CUNT!" Pyramid Head stepped forwards, slowly but firmly, dragging the blade behind it. The sounds of industrial screams and broken radio broadcasts came from all around their black-then-red surroundings, like the audience to their cage match. James roared forwards, allowing his rage to take over, focusing only on the beast ahead of him as he clashed his blades against the Great Knife, spitting vile insults within a lung-burning roar. He had rarely ever felt such anger empower him, venomous tears streaking from his eyes, as his screams cracked with ferocity. "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

Pyramid Head was neither impressed nor surprised, merely shoving the raptor onto the ground before swinging its new blade above its head before James rolled to the side. The rusted steel clanged with an echo throughout the shapeshifting courtyard as James lunged in close to stab straight through the monster's side. The violent thrusting shank did nothing to stop it, the beast turning with a deep groan before shoulder-bashing James away. Knocked away with his scissors, he got up once again and charged with a violent scream, just in time to meet the paper-cutter sword swinging towards him. The two clashed powerfully, James no longer caring who was stronger as his rage strengthened him. He gazed upon the red helmet of his foe, hatred for him boiling within his blood as he pushed the giant paper cutter back against it. It was enough of an opportunity to bring down a mighty diagonal slash, following up with a short-range flamethrower blast, accompanied by his spitting screams. Despite the clear scorching of the monster's front, it was still undeterred, and swung its weapon hard towards James to push him back, cutting across his chest. The sharpness had barely skimmed him, and even that was enough to leave quite the scar. Clutching his chest with a spot of panic, his eyes tightened once more as his fury made his body shake hotly. His thoughts were jumbled but one thing was clear within them. He couldn't even stop himself from voicing his inner fury.

"I'm not gonna run away this time! I will fucking MURDER you, just like Bob! YOU KNOW WHAT I DID TO HIM!? YOU DO, YOU FUCKING KNOW WHAT I DID!" Pyramid Head did not even understand fear. It merely swung its blade out once again, beckoning his mortal opponent. James didn't even know if it was unkillable or not. He didn't give a fuck if it was. He wanted to make it suffer. His muscle memory brought his scissors up before clashing against Pyramid Head, allowing his weapon to fall in a weaker controlled block before using his momentum to spin and slash straight for the arm. It was a powerful spinning hit, the strength of which forced him to spin twice in the same spot, a tornado of rage. It was strong enough to even make his opponent fall back from the blows. As the creature stumbled back from the unexpectedly powerful hits, James noticed one of the gloves of its strange hand fall off. To his surprise, three black obsidian claws were now revealed upon a scaly hand. He briefly wondered what it looked like underneath, something he was eager to find out in his upcoming slaughter of the monster, as he charged forward in its moment of weakness, thrusting low through its gut. He shanked its stomach repeatedly through the apron, blood spilling out in oddly little amounts no matter how many times he managed to stab it. He screamed at it to die, repeating the word over and over again with a screeching throat. Soon Pyramid Head recovered its gait enough to try and bring its sword down upon the raptor, who dodged to the left. But the creature had learned, and immediately swung to its right, in James' direction.

He was lucky enough to only feel the flat of the blade smack him down to the ground, quickly getting back up with a stumbling roll before Pyramid Head was on him, slashing across his left thigh. It was a deep cut, enough for him to scream and fall back down to the ground, blood covering his entire left leg. His leg was weakened, blood pouring out of it as he could barely muster the energy to get back on both feet. He scrabbled backwards in his weakened state, quickly searching his satchel for something, anything to strengthen him. As he tried to grab a bandage, he felt an odd smooth cylinder with a needle-like top. The mysterious ampoule. Desperation shook his hand as he stabbed himself in the leg with it, a powerful energy surging through him all of a sudden. Liquid adrenaline coursed through his veins as his eyes turned thin, almost like a true reptilian before he screamed with a primal fury. His leg was no longer in pain, and he ran towards Pyramid Head once again, his force unrelenting as he saw it swing for him once again. He deftly swung around to the side, all the way to behind the beast before he slashed and stabbed with an insane speed. Somehow it worked this time, as blood started to pour from the wounds he made, thrusting violently as he screamed and slashed his claws across the bandaged clothes. Soon, some of them started to fall off, as two long smooth lengths fell out beside James to drag behind Pyramid Head. Two tails. One was scaly with blackened horizontal stripe marks. The other, was dull rubbery grey skin ending in a blood-stained fluke.

"Wh...what are you?" He harshly whispered this before he snapped back to his senses just in time to watch his beastly foe turn with an arcing swing from behind. He managed to back away before sending out a violent whip-like attack of water, striking across the monster's metal helmet. It was a hard enough blow to unexpectedly make it flinch and stumble back. It also gave James enough time to quickly wrap a bandage around his wound, one that had fallen out of his first-aid kit. His shaky but nimble hands managed to patch him up, not perfectly but it was enough to cover the blood. He had no idea how long the ampoule would last, he just needed a cover for the wound, before he charged once again. But now the monster did a new thing. It roared. With a blatant fury, tails shivering behind it. The roar was terrifying to James, he had never heard it do such in anger. The fact it even exhibited such was unnerving, as it started to run, dragging its gigantic paper-cutter knife behind it, ready to swing upwards. James immediately slammed his blades down upon it before he could bring them up, blocking its momentum before it started.

It was still strong enough however to push him away, shoving him back hard, but the raptor had started to learn and strafed to one side, over the rusted sword and behind Pyramid Head once again. It was pointless when the creature's newly-revealed tails striked at James hard with the force of a whip, straight across his face as he stumbled back before shooting a fire blast from afar. At the very least, he managed to char both tails and the wounds he had made upon its back. At this point, there was a sluggishness in Pyramid Head's step, a lumbering struggling gait that gave the raptor confidence in his attack. He turned all the more aggressive in his assault, charging with a burning front of a fire blast to disorient the monster, before swinging his blade down upon its head. Somehow, he had managed to dent or weaken the helmet, stabbing a few inches inside of it. It was only because of this, that the terrible creature finally lost it. From this close a distance, James could peer inside the helmet briefly and see a most terrible eye peering back at him. Blood-shot and green-pupilled, a disturbingly familiar eye that tightened with a vile roar before Pyramid Head shoved the raptor off. Soon it dropped its giant blade for the first time, and charged towards him like a bull, its roar monstrous enough to shake the very courtyard. His claws were out at last, and he slashed with great ferocity, enough to even smack James' scissors to one side.

Strikes were landed upon his face, faster than James expected as his face was soon covered in awful deep scratch-wounds before shoulder-charging the beast hard. It only temporarily stopped its attack before it tried to fight again, but James was ready and immediately swung low with a carving horizontal slash, straight across the abdomen. Blood flowed more copiously than before, the raptor grinning with a maniacal fervour. The monster was finally tiring out, somehow. It was struggling to stand and charge towards him, but it could barely do that. James made him easy pickings with his scissorblades around one leg before cutting deep, squeezing around what must have been the very bone of the beast. It groaned with a deep unfathomable anguish before James moved to the side for a finishing blow. A rapid series of striking slash attacks upon Pyramid Head's side. His scissors were open-bladed within one hand, swinging with a fluid controlled motion before he grab the handles in two and stabbing straight inside. Then stabbed again, and again, and again, building up his speed with a furious scream of exertion as the Pyramid Head finally collapsed onto the ground. It struggled to crawl towards its weapon, grabbing it before FG could muster his strength back up again, the wounds catching up with him. But then it did something rather strange.

It took its giant paper-cutter knife, brought it to its throat within one strong hand, and slashed it open. Blood poured like a fissure from underneath its helmet, making not a sound throughout its suicide. Soon, it turned the blade around, the blunt rectangular end facing itself before shoving it straight into its large throat. Its body was impaled upon its own paper-cutter, blood continuing to rain down across its blade. James snarled with a twisted smile at its foe's suicide. "YEAH! YOU FUCKING LIKE THAT!?!? HUH!?! HOWSIT FEEL INSIDE YOU HUH!?! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET, THAT'S WHAT YOU FUCKING GET FOR RAPING ME, YOU SICK FUCKING _ FREAK! _ YOU FEEL THAT!? THAT'S FUCKING JUSTICE!" When his words ran out at his glorious-feeling victory, exhaustion began to catch up with him from the battle. His fury had left him at last, arms tired and shaking. Bending over slightly to regain his wind, he sighed towards the clouded heavens as he kept himself standing. The blackened sky of rusted clouds had returned to haunt him. The clouds shifted between spots of darkness, the scream of machines emanating from them. "God...this better be over soon. So...fucking...sick of this fucking town." At some point he was starting to feel like he was running out of insults to say. But he didn't care. It was the only thing that could empower him at the moment, no matter how many times he said it. The school had fully shifted into the other world. The atmosphere was somehow far more oppressive than when it had last changed. The very air tingled with the coming of a most terrible creature. Somehow, it felt worse than Pyramid Head's aura, back when he had once ran in fear from him. His surge of victory clashed against his growing instinctual fear. But he knew he could not turn back. He couldn't run away. He could never run away ever again. He healed himself up properly with what little supplies he had left, his leg wound starting to clot quicker than he expected thanks to the nanos. The ampoule's effects were wearing off on him, and his pain started to return. He cleaned up his wounds, bandaging over any that bled too much and disinfecting all of them. When he felt he was back to a good enough fighting condition, he headed back inside the school.

All Things Quiet And Sweet 16 - Now Accept It

The inside of the school had turned into the inside of a demon's slaughterhouse. Industrial girders clacked beneath his feet, doors now thick iron gates like those of prison cells. He smirked at the comparison of a school to a prison in a child's eyes,...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 14 - You Have No More Excuses

The central lobby already gave him shades of the orphanage in his memory. Coat hangers with nametags upon a rack, proud little slogans dusted over with years of neglect. The wooden doors creaked as he pushed into the main hallway, the light from the...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 13 - No Matter What You Did

He could see the shadow of the beast looming from the other side of a building ahead. A post office. He was tired of running away. Now he was going to make sure that every monster he came across, would die by his own hand in every single way he could...

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