All Things Quiet And Sweet 13 - No Matter What You Did

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#13 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 15 - Silent

After being beaten down for too long by the town, the FinalGamer soon rebels against his own demons, and readies himself to kill all who dare face him. Starting with the biggest of them all.

But do you really think this makes up for everything you did, James?

Don't fool yourself.

Silent Hill copyrighted to Konami, FinalGamer to me

He could see the shadow of the beast looming from the other side of a building ahead. A post office. He was tired of running away. Now he was going to make sure that every monster he came across, would die by his own hand in every single way he could slaughter it. Starting with the biggest of them all. A stairway lead upwards at the side of the building. Gazing above towards the ash-black sky, he began his ascent, reaching the roof of the post office. On the one hand, he had trapped himself upon the roof. On the other hand, he was now at level height with his largest foe yet. The Feral gazed upon him, turning its head towards the raptor of 5'10'', pathetic from its perspective even with his double-crossed holsters of scissors and rifle. Its huge piercing eyes of a hunter reflectied within the raptor's. Something about this beast had terrified him, deep within his soul, deep within an unknown corner of his mind that would beg him to run. Now it stayed silent. Now, he was determined to end this once and for all. The abomination roared with satisfaction upon trapping his prey. James merely brought out his rifle slowly, claws tense around the handle, already loaded, and with ammo to kill a pack of elephants. Nothing else was on the roof with him, other than a few AC units and a large water tower. "That's it. I'm done fucking around. Roar all you want you fucking freak. I'm gonna burn this town after I'm done with you. You've done everything to beat the shit out of me and break me, haven't you?" The creature merely growled with a deep tremor that dared to shake the raptor's spirit. He merely snarled in turn, as he aimed his rifle before firing straight for the eye. He hit beneath it, somewhere upon its stitched cheek, making the beast roar in surprise at the audacity of its prey. "Come on then! I got all the time in the world to kill you, and every monster in this FUCKING TOWN!"

The beast roared before launching its head forwards with a mighty chomp, with James quickly dodge-rolling to one side before setting up the next shot. Definitely an easier target than a winged monster, managing to shoot straight above its other eye. It roared once again, pain hurting it clearly as it tried to lunge once again for him. The building was too solid for it to try and topple, and both of them knew that the only thing that would kill James, would be his own misfortune. He was far too focused however to allow such a thing to happen, rolling once again before aiming a good shot at the nostril. Rather than actually hurt it, the colossal dinosaur merely snarled and scratched its face in irritation. It gave the raptor plenty of time to reload and fire straight between the eyes. Another roar of pain rewarded him, but it was none the worse for wear due to its thick scales. He remembered the Tyrannosaurus from the tropical world of dinosaurs. It was also why he had been aiming for the eyes initially. But now he wondered how he could actually be able to kill it fully instead of just blinding it. The beast was clever enough to try and feint its lunging bite one way, making the raptor dodge before it sharply turned its head for a second chomp, huge crooked canines razing the air behind the raptor. The fight turned all the more tense for James, and he wasn't sure how long he could keep up his dodging before tiring down to the point that he'd become easy prey. But that changed when he managed to blast out its left eye, a magnificent splatter of white and yellow-tainted red spraying from the new wound. The Feral stumbled back in immense agony, half-blind and renewing its latent fury. Its other eye began to pulsate, twitching with a psychotic tightness that almost terrified James. But instead he roared back with his own surge of force. "COME ON! WHAT NOW BITCH!?! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO ME?!?! NOTHING! ALL YOU DID WAS PISS ME OFF!"

Another violent lunge came from the beast, disturbingly close enough for him to hit his tail against the jaw but luckily escaping its teeth. He was however close enough to see a ghastly looking stitch that lead up to the other eye. It gave him the perfect opportunity to blast a horrendous stream of fire from his hand, burning the scar even deeper. The fire went all the way up to its eye, seeping in and burning it inside out to a blackened char. The monster roared enough to shatter the skies above them, frustrated at the surprisingly aggressive prey that had managed to successfully blind it. The raptor snarled as his anger grew. "COME ON! JUST FUCKIN' TRY IT! YOU KNOW WHO I AM!? I'M THE FINALGAMER MOTHERFUCKER! YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS!? THIS ISN'T A TOWN, THIS IS GONNA BE A FUCKING HOLOCAUST!" Reloading his rifle as the beast took its time to reorient itself, he was soon in for a deadly surprise. The Feral turned on the spot, swinging its whiplike tail with the force of a sonic boom. James barely dodged it, falling back on the ground as he saw the water tower take the full brunt of the blow. The metal cracked with a piercing metal sound, water exploding from it to pour all over the rooftop. It was a foul-smelling still water, black and almost oily. Now he had another problem. Not only was his movement restricted by the water, but the beast had no idea where he was, and as a result, began lunging randomly across the roof in an effort to devour him. But it could still hear his feet sloshing in the water.

James tried his best to keep moving, the water wearing him down as the cold rushing liquid pooled and clotted around his feet like molasses. He wasn't going to last at this rate, and merely shooting the monster's head was doing nothing. He tried to think of other ideas, the rifle keeping it at bay as he fired his remaining shots in a desperate attempt to keep it away. Unfortunately, the Feral was smart enough to lunge just far enough to grab at James. It could feel a sturdy limb in its jaws, tugging hard to rip it off of James. The raptor had been disarmed. Of his rifle. The Feral had taken it into its jaws and crushed it between them like rotting bone, leaving James with nothing but his scissors and handgun. He did however still have the rifle bullets. An idea came to him. It was a crazy idea, but he was beyond the point of giving a fuck about sensibility. Summoning his nanos, he hurriedly made the water surge before him, making his nanos circle wind around his body to try and stir a miniature whirlpool up into the air, as tall as himself. He was glad he could even do such a thing to pull this off. It brought the beast's attention towards him as he waited for it to lunge once more, jaws opening up towards the small swirling tornado. At the moment it lunged, he dodged away and blasted a powerful shot of ice at the water in front of the Feral, forcing the entire thing to freeze. The moment the Feral had its mouth in the water, it trickled down its throat, causing the ice to follow it in a crackling trail, spreading like a spider's web. The water was strong enough to freeze in an instant around its tongue, trapping it temporarily. It roared and struggled to pull itself free from the iced-over rooftop, its tongue frozen solid.

James didn't have much time until it was able to pull itself free, quickly jumping up onto the monster's skull and shoving all of his bullets inside one of its eyes. He remembered how this managed to work before, bullets outside of a clip. Now he wondered how bad the effects would be when inside a monster's head, as it roared and struggled against the pain of foreign objects being violently inserted into its emptied eye-socket. "HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS?!" With a blast of fire as hot as he could make it, he burned the entire interior retina of the Feral, both handgun and rifle bullets nestled within the fleshy remains of the eye, before they started to explode in succession. The moment he heard the first bang, he jumped away from the beast, watching his handiwork from a distance as it screeched in agony at the violent explosions inside its head. The Frankenstein-style abomination writhed and screamed, its roars turning higher-pitched as its anguish turned all the more intense, two dozen bullets exploding inside of its head to the point that it started to convulse and twitch with the rumblings of an earthquake. Its brain was surely suffering, close enough on the inside to suffer the horrendous effects of what was essentially a most improper shrapnel grenade.

The tongue convulsed wherever it wasn't frozen, its head spasmed and twitched as its brain was finally burst apart, a thick grey goo popping out of both eye sockets before its head fell with a mighty thud. The building shook powerfully with its fall, the weight of its body pulling it back until the ice started to crack around its tongue. The Feral was dead. James confirmed it by turning on his radio only to hear not a scrap of static. He breathed heavily, sighing as he grew a wicked grin. "YEAAAAAAH! FUCK YOU! THAT'S WHAT YOU FUCKING GET! WHAT NOW SILENT HILL!? WHAT THE FUCK YOU GOT LEFT FOR ME?!" He raised his arms up to the blackened sky with a nasty cackle, his victory resurging both his ego and his fury. "I'M NOT FUCKING DONE YET, COME ON! WHAT ELSE YOU GOT FOR ME?! COME ON, DO YOUR FUCKING WORST! I DARE YOU, I FUCKING DARE YOU!" As if responding to his dare, the town screamed back at him with the sound of the fog siren. This time it was much louder than before, an unbearable deafening volume that almost made his eyes pop. The very force of it coming all of a sudden from inside his head, forced him to fall onto his knees upon the icy water. He couldn't stop himself from screaming, roaring as his very blood started to vibrate from the furore of the siren. Yet somehow, he didn't pass out. This time felt different, and when he managed to open his eyes against the aural assault, he could see why. The sky began to brighten.

He managed to stay awake this time, fighting against the effects of the town's influences upon him as it began to warp itself back to its misty facade. Blackened ash within the sky transmuted into greying fog. The ice-cold water faded from underneath him, along with the Feral, who melted into the air seamlessly with the fog, as if becoming part of it. "Wha...what the hell? ...this place finally giving up or what?" As if to answer him back, he could hear the sound of church bells off in the western direction, harkening from afar. He slowly got up, his jeans somehow dry, but his rifle was now gone forever. Sighing with some slight disappointment, he threw away the holster his rifle had been in, and was about to slowly walk back down the post office stairway, when he spotted a piece of paper on the water tower. Somehow the metal tank had been restored to its former self, and even more suspiciously, it echoed hollow on the inside. The note itself read:

Did you forget our date? I'll be waiting at the school for you James It's time to finish your little tour of this pleasant town.

The handwriting was the same as Luisa's. Or Daisy's. He didn't know or care anymore, but now he had an objective. All he had to do now was find the school, making his way back down to ground level. As he did so, he realised that the church bells continued ringing, clearly not of his own imagination. Possibly. But it did imply that someone was ringing them. He had no other leads left, and he had not seen any schools within this part of the town. He had noticed a bridge heading off towards the direction of the bells. The streets were at least now empty for him, safe to walk along for now. He felt as if the town needed to recuperate after his brutal retaliation. But he wasn't going to let it rest. He brought out his scissors, and made his way towards the bridge, to the western part of Silent Hill. The town allowed him to do so, for now. The bridge was laid flat across the river, a toll bridge to be precise, judging by the iron separations in the middle. A lonely control room stood as the sentry between both sides, forever guarding the road. Nothing seemed to be inside, but he checked nevertheless. The bells continued to chime. Inside the guard's house was a journal, most of the pages rendered illegible. He assumed it to be for the one who guarded the bridge, but the flowery handwriting told otherwise. The words were familiar somehow.

_Dear diary

Where do I even begin? I would never have dreamed in my most terrible of nightmares to have ever found myself in a hellish abyss. But yesterday, I was. I had never been so frightened in all my life. The demons howled and snarled around me, they tried to take my eyes at one point and I was crying, begging for them to let me live. I missed my mother so much, I missed everyone in my town, all of my customers and friends. But then he came. My hero. I do not know where he came from, and to tell the truth, I do not think even he knows either. But he saved me. A stranger I had rescued from the cold pouring rain of a darkened night forest, who saved me not once but twice now. He struggled through hell itself, just to find me. He barely even knows me, yet he almost killed himself to save me when nobody else would dare walk to their death! I can never repay him for saving my life, there is no reward I could possibly give to him. All I can do is perhaps give him my pendant. I know it's not much, and it's not even very sentimental, but I think he would appreciate it. He seems quite sad inside, mourning for a lost loved one. Maybe this will make him better._

I will never forget him, my hero...James.

I will be forever in his debt.

The raptor knew who had written it by the last line alone. His heart gently throbbed with a warmth of gratitude in turn. His anger became somewhat soothed, but his resolution still burned within him. He clutched the pendant around his neck, softly, rubbing a scaled finger across the worthless black stone. In that moment, it was the most important thing he had. The town had given him an olive branch, allowed his head to come up above the mist for a breath of fresh air. It was all he was going to get, as he headed across the bridge.

At one point, he even considered just passing through and heading onwards in his vengeful mission, his heart halfway between hot and cold. But something pulled him towards another building. Something to give him at least one chance at repentance. An old-looking church, its holy aura tainted by the fog as it rose its spires above the town's mist. Perhaps he was looking for one last well-wishing before what he felt was his final confrontation. Or he just felt lonely. Either way, he sheathed his weapon, and stepped inside the church. It felt like the church in the other side of the town, the place he had been first attacked by that hooded stranger. But this church was brighter, more light fading in from its worn windows, glazed with age. A row of pews lead him down the aisle towards a central podium, which stood in front of a grand pipe organ. A figure stood before the podium, hunched over. Her hands scraped against the wood, tensing up as she heard James approach. He recognised the wolf girl, and was somehow glad to see she was still alive, despite the cuts across her arms. "Uh...hi." "..." "You...uh...still bearing?" "...n-no." "Sorry?" "I-i" "You wanna talk abou-" "I don't NEED to talk about it!" "Okay okay, just relax, I'm not gonna psych-test you, I'm just worried." "Worried!? YOU?! HAH!" She lifted her head suddenly with a snarl in her lips. Her eyes were bloodshot, half from tears and half from fear. "You don't care about me at all, you just wanna pretend so you can feel good about yerself!" "That's not true! I don't wanna see anything happen to you!" "WHY!?" "Because you're a nice girl, least I think you are!" "Sure, you judge me by a pretty face don't you? Bet you wouldn't have cared what I'd do if I was ugly-" "NO!" His sudden outburst sent her back with a flinch. "YOU'RE wrong! I don't care what you look like, you can't give up! I didn't give up and look where I am now, I'm still alive and I'm struggling but god dammit I am SO CLOSE to the end, and YOU shouldn't give up either! Do you know what's waiting for you?!" "N-n-no?" "Course not! Someone is out there, looking for you, someone CARES about you enough that they came to this town and almost get killed just to find you. Don't make their efforts hopeless." "...why do you care?" "Huh?" She gently walked around the podium, standing before James. He could see a kitchen knife glinting in her hand, already stained with blood.

"You don't know me. You said you're close to the end but you're wasting time talking to me. You could have walked past this place and never even talk to me. Couldn't you?" "...I...I don't-" "Even if you met me before, you didn't go looking for me did you? How can you say you care about me?" "Because he didn't come here for you." A male voice came from behind the raptor, the church door still ajar as in walked a familiar face. It took James a bit to remember him as Detective Gregson from the hospital, his fox face somewhat bruised. Tara gasped at the sight of him. "Wh-what are shouldn't have come here." "Why not? Isn't that what I do?" "'re not taking me back to mom." She quickly brought the knife to her throat with the threat of slashing it open. James stepped to the side to let Gregson handle this, feeling this was something out of his hands. The fox stepped forward with fear betraying his professional eyes. "T-tara! I'm not taking you back to mom-" "BullSHIT! You were always on her side, you always stood up for her instead of me!" "ONE time. And that was because you were in the wrong that one time. Every other time, SHE was. Don't you remember that?" "I remember you betraying me. You promised to protect p-promised." "I never broke it. When did I not protect you? When did I let you get hurt and stand aside without doing anything? Why else do you think I came here?" "B-because you needed any excuse to have some kind of cheap thrill! You can't even make up a good imaginary friend without him being a cheap copy of YOU, to insult me!" "You can insult York all you want, but you don't mean it. You have your friends too, I have mine. I do my best to try and understand you, it's not easy but I'm the only one who's actually trying. Can you say that about my mom?" She shivered with a shaky hand, the blade rubbing against her neckfur. James felt as if he was seeing the end of someone's journey, for once allowing events to play out by themselves. Tara shakily pleaded: "P-please...p-promise me..." "Promise you what Tara?" "S-she won't hurt us won't...h-hate me for what I am." "She won't. You're going to live with me. I have everything ready the moment we get back home. I even moved all your things, all of your friends too." "R-really? E-even Wolfen?" "Even her. Wouldn't want York getting lonely right?"

She slowly moved the knife away from her body, dropping it to the floor as she ran towards the detective, embracing him with open arms and a kiss to the cheek. For once, the wolf smiled. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry big brother." "'s okay. Come on...we're getting out of here, together. You and me, we're our own family now, she was never your mom in the first place." "Hhhehehee! Yer right...I-i dunno wha-" "No excuses. No need for them now." The warm embrace between Zack and Tara made the raptor smile, and a warmth surged in his heart. It was uplifted even more by what he saw on the FBI agent's back. A cut on the suit, as if someone had tried to stab him. He quietly left the church, leaving the two to themselves before Zack called out to him. "Hey!" "Uh-yeah?" "...I owe you one." "Heh, no you don't...actually, yeah, can I ask a favour?" "Ask away." "Which way is the school?" " uh, head left as soon as you leave the church and left at the end of the street. Why?" "I got a date with someone. You guys gonna be okay?" "We'll be fine. Thanks." With that interlude behind him, James exited the church and followed Gregson's instructions, heading left to the very end of the street. At the end of the road, which he found to be called Bloch Street, he could see his final destination to the south, rising thickly from the fog in all of its blocky glory. He headed towards it, resolute in his objective, his scissors unsheathed once more. Soon he found himself standing in front of a large sign, lit by his flashlight, diagonally facing a small set of gravelled stairs up to the school gates.

Midwich Elementary.

All Things Quiet And Sweet 14 - You Have No More Excuses

The central lobby already gave him shades of the orphanage in his memory. Coat hangers with nametags upon a rack, proud little slogans dusted over with years of neglect. The wooden doors creaked as he pushed into the main hallway, the light from the...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 12 - El Espejo de mi Madre

The cafe was completely deserted, yet surprisingly looking like a cafe even in the otherworld. Grimy cloth tables, a long single bar with old stools worn away with rust, a row of drinks with a coffee maker and other appliances in the centre. It was...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 11 - Shades of Past

A terrible black sky hung above him, far worse than the night in the amusement park. This was an unearthly darkness, the kind of darkness that was not night, but pure black. He could see clouds hang above him, rusted brown like a terrible smog. The...

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