All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 5 - Welcome Home

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#21 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 15 - Silent

You have unlocked the "HOME" ending.

Silent Hill series copyrighted to Konami, FinalGamer to me

How to Unlock - Examine Sarah's records in Alchemilla Hospital but don't examine the Delaney files in the Police Station, don't meet Sarah in the Cafe Sun, but meet Tara in the Balkan Church for the last time.

Tara's reunion with her brother had sent a warmth through James' heart, encouraging him on towards his resolution. Yet something was missing. Something he had never realised. He had heard and seen snatches of another deeper memory from within the static of tape recorders. Yet he was never certain on what they could have been. He wasn't even sure if the town had even told the truth to him or not. He presumed there were files inside the Police Station, but never bothered to look. He remembered a revealing tape marked with the word "SUN", yet he never went inside. Something inside him refused to, merely skirting around towards the post office to end things with his more monstrous foe as soon as possible. Within that battle, there had been another monster inside James all along, consuming him. Denial. Sarah would never say such things, he thought. She couldn't be that way. She'd always been good to me, the only mother I could ever have. The perfect mother I should have had. This town's trying to trick me, but I'm not gonna listen. I WON'T listen to its fucking lies. I had a good mother. The only mother... The sense of family he received at the Balkan Church between Tara and Gregson solidified that. If they could find each other in this town, what would stop him from finding his own family here? Denial soon turned to self-delusion. He made his way towards the school, eager to cut off the last ties to any other worlds he had been to. He would find his home somewhere.

Defeating "Daisy" had earned him nothing at first, the town's fog smothering him like a heavy blanket. The monster had disappeared, and his wounds were partly healed, but he didn't care. He just wanted to leave, to find Sarah more than ever and to return to her loving arms. He looked up towards the stairwell, a note taped upon it in a familiar hand. A rougher hand, one he recognised immediately.

_Finally found you Rex I'll be waiting in the Cafe Sun

I'm not angry, don't worry I know it wasn't your fault

Nothing was your fault Come home to mommy, please_

With a glee in his heart, he hurried down towards the Cafe Sun, a place he had never been to yet, but one he was eager to discover. The place was surprisingly clean to the raptor, the cleanest-looking place in the entire town. No cobwebs, no stale drinks, no dust. The lighting was on and the food was fresh. The atmosphere reminded him deeply of Sarah's bar. He looked around for her, feeling her presence somehow. "Sarah?! S-sarah! I got your note!" "Down here, in the cellar!" He ran down the back stairs and hurried along the darkened corridor, eagerly pushing open the door to find the one he had been truly searching for. A lone chair stood in the middle of the room, perfectly pristine among cluttered storage and lit by a single bulb above. Sarah stood behind it, smiling warmly towards him. It was too good to be true. But James didn't care. His heart had become too pained with love for her that he could no longer hold it back. He rushed towards her and hugged the dolphin tightly, tears immediately spilling from his eyes. "You're here...y-you're finally here, I've missed you so much." "Shhhh it's's okay." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for running away! I didn't mean to, I-i-i didn't-it wasn't my fault, I-" "Shh." She gently nuzzled her smooth bottlenose against his cheek, kissing tenderly. "You're with me now...nothing'll hurt you ever again." " did you-" "I have my ways kid. You don't think I can follow you too? I have my contacts." That was all he needed to hear. The only thing he ever needed to hear from her. He knew she was right, there was nothing that could stop her from finding him. He just had to wait and believe in her. The town had tried to reveal another side of her but he had refused to even listen to it. He knew it was just trickery, and so long as he never gave it the chance, he would never allow such thoughts to infect his memories of Sarah. Exhaustion soon overcame him, weighing down unto her arms. "I'm...I'm so tired boss." "Here...siddown."

She gently sat him down on the chair, the most comfortable wooden chair he had ever felt in his life. He never wanted to leave it now, sitting as he stared up towards Sarah. Her eyes were sweet and soft. He bashfully thanked her. "Thank you..." "Fer what?" "For...not giving up." "You always believed in me kid. You know I'd never do anything to hurt you...right?" "C-course not! No matter what anyone said, I'll never believe a word unless it's from you." "Good boy." She bent down and softly kissed him upon the lips. The warmth was something he had been waiting for years. Six long years. He kissed her deeply in return, shivering with love, moaning as his tongue slid alongside hers. She did the same, breathless with joy like a lover. A light started to flicker, reflecting upon her rubbery grey skin. James at first imagined it to be the light. But then came an odd crackling noise. But he was deaf to the world, ignoring everything that wasn't Sarah. Her eyes began to change before him, yet he did not notice it. They became the eyes of a raptor, the pupil now more oval, the iris darker and green with a motherly look upon them. A strange mirror-like shade started to cover her face, as the crackling turned louder behind him. He didn't dare turn, the floor and the walls around him starting to brighten. "I'm...I'm tired." "I wanna sleep?" "Mmhmm...will...will you sleep with me?" "Of course sweetie." He grinned as she hugged him tight, her arms taking on another texture like that of his own. A transformation occurred that he would never be aware of. Her snout changed unseen from his closed eyes, turning thicker and more blunt. The fire started to spread, licking across the floor towards the legs of his chair. His own legs were starting to feel an uncomfortable heat, but his mind was beyond the point of feeling anything physical anymore. When he opened his eyes again, he saw another person. No longer was it Sarah. But that of his own mother. A sweet smiling female raptor, with a plain brown snout, her eyes so very like his. All he could do was smile, as the flames gathered around them. "I love you mummy...I'll never leave you." "I love you too James. Now...go to sleep..." "W-where...where's daddy?" "Daddy's's past your bedtime."

With one last kiss upon his forehead, he slept within his chair, surrounded by the warmth of the flames. Finally, he had found his home once again, as the door opened behind her. The last thing he saw before his eyes closed, was a blurred living room. A large black metal shape spawned flames across the floor and walls. Two bodies laid there, his mother's visage fading away. James soon joined his parents' slumber, to become another charred little body, within a ruined apartment.

All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 6 - Twenty Percent Cooler

_How to Unlock - In a second playthrough, find the following items, then enter the Chemistry Lab in Alternate Midwich Elementary School. - The Regal Dream DVD in Room 209 at the Woodside Apartments - The Cupcake Flyer in the confectionery stand at...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 4 - And Then There Were Five

_How to Unlock - Keep your health as low as possible, don't discover Dar-Ma's journal, find the Revolver in the abandoned car on West Sandford Street and then the single Revolver Bullet on Sarah's corpse._ * * * The car and its occupants remained...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 3 - Fever

_How to Unlock - Die while fighting the Degenerator._ * * * He had struggled to fight the monstrous machine more than he should have. The nightmarish seizures he experienced from the serpentine coils became almost too much for him. He barely...

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