Terraforming Event

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Lotsa gryphons lately.

"Terraforming is well advanced, forest is forty years advanced, fauna shows every signs of adjusting well." Kip spoke into her comlink while pushing through the worst of the undergrowth. "Insect life is profuse, some small reptiles, no sign of mammalian life yet, mark Sec. 19 complete."

Harcort glanced up at her from where she braced herself against one of the trees and set a small camera into the bark so that she would be able to review the sector without having to tramp about in the heat again. The lithe red panda ran a paw over her short spikey hair and sighed, it was getting late and she was hot and exhausted. She had spent most of her day tramping through the damned forest marking down things of interest and tracking any changes that had been made since she'd last been here. Her only company was a gryphon who had attached himself to her on one of the first planets she had terraformed under the Ratified Sanctioned Planets. The big buff and gold creature seemed perfectly at home in the heat and humidity whereas she was exhausted and felt like she were boiling in her suit. Harcort never seemed to be uncomfortable, no matter what the setting he was thrown in. He was the picture of feline ease.

She had been terraforming planets for the past ten years, it was a part of her job, what she'd gone to University for and enjoyed. She went to dead planets, ones that were millions of years behind where they could support life, and she put them into high speed. Through various chemicals and machinery, her company was able to bring life to barren worlds and make them suitable for colonization. Each planet took twenty years to get to the point that this one was at, and that's when she came in. She was in control of tweaking the finer points of the planet, to see what had evolved and catalog it, check for potential dangers, introduce new species' and check on the ones that had developed on their own. It was a good job, one she enjoyed, but it was also one that required her to spend long stretches on her own. There were only three Finalizers on the planet at the moment and it would be months before she saw the others and their own sectors.

She loved her job, she truly did, she was the first to set foot on planets that had never seen real life before. She named various places that were targeted out for cities and had seen great beauty that had been created by her company. Waterfalls and caverns, vast plains and vibrant jungles, she cataloged it all. She had stood on the edge of a vibrant green ocean filled with glowing life forms that had shifted and swirled beneath a pair of twin moons and she had watched snow fall and freeze to form brilliant sculptures that had reached to the heavens. She would spend nearly a year on this planet ensuring that it was ready for colonists and in that time she would know her section as intimately as if it were her own home. She would name the lifeforms she found and create others from scratch through genetic manipulation. By the time she was done this world would be perfect for the survivors of the Gythian War, they would have a peaceful home and one that hadn't been ravaged by battle.

She felt for them, she truly did, but it wasn't often that she worked on a planet that would be taken over by her own species. Most of the workers were red pandas, they were good with climbing and trees, known for their intelligence and had a feel for how words put together. She had been raised by parents who had worked the same job that she was doing. They had been a pair and her earliest days had been spent looking out at new worlds from over the curve of her mother's shoulder. She looked at this planet with a possessive pride in knowing that millions of her kind would soon overrun this place, she had designed it with the trees in mind for their houses and great farms that ran over the plains and marshes. Even the thought made her curl her ringed tail behind her with pleasure. A world of their own, made especially for them.

The only downside was, there were odd readings coming from the planet which meant it would take longer to ensure that this place was safe. They were using this planet to test out a new way of enhancing life forms so they would evolve into something larger, faster. Other planets had to wait nearly fifty years before they had anything bigger than a rabbit, but here they were introducing a planned ecosystem with a more advanced series of lifeforms. That had its own issues that could arise, especially as they were suppressing natural evolutions to ensure that they got the results they wanted.

Even in the normal state of preparing a planet, every once and a while, when they terraformed a planet, things became skewed and strange. What worked for one world wouldn't work for all of them, so when she had looked over the schematics she hadn't been thrilled to see reports of certain parts of the forest being devoid of larger life forms that should have been there. At this stage there should have been some real advancement of the fauna, not extreme, but something that would have shown up on readings when they did a sweep. That could mean that their tweaking had gone wrong and the fauna hadn't survived to grow to maturity, or it could mean that they were migrating out of the forests.

"C'mon, fella.." She sighed and pulled her hat back on her head to block out the sun. "I wish it weren't so damn hot here. I miss your home, nice and cool."

Harcort chirped as if in agreement and heaved himself up onto all fours, the big drake was finally reaching what she assumed was adult size. She had no idea why he had attached himself to her, but he was a good companion when she worked on her own. His shoulder stood just as high as her hip so his was nearly even with her stomach, a regal eagle like head with a sharply hooked beak and was framed with deep gold feathers. She'd found him as little more than a cub, just the height of her knee and snapping up a small type of lizard for a snack, lovable and sweet, and he was still that. He was amiable and eager to please, and she'd even taught him how to carry a pack for her so that she was able to cover more ground than she normally would have. Most of her company frowned upon her for taking a newly created species off planet, but the company was invaluable to her. It gave her someone to talk to other than herself and he behaved like an overgrown dog more than an alien predator. His kind had been created by her company, after all. There was no reason he couldn't be perfectly well trained.

Kip had trained him over the last few years to answer to her voice, he would eagerly take to the air at her command and fly off to gather things from the ground to return to her to give her an idea of what was ahead. He knew how to scale trees, would hunt for her and was a warm body to curl against at night so that she was kept warm when she couldn't start a fire. Her overseer had made a few hints that the beast should be turned loose, that he was a new breed, but she saw little harm in keeping him. His behavior was steady and stable, he showed no real aggression and as far as she could tell he was nearly an adult. If he was past his 'teens' he was likely past the worst of any behavior he might show as he grew older.

"Moving on to sector 20, mapping out further forestation and signs of life." She spoke to her comm and clicked her tongue to send Harcort ahead of her.

The big amiable beast pushed through the bushes, making a trail for her to follow behind so she didn't have to struggle through the worst of the undergrowth. They'd make it to Sector 25 by the end of the day and then they could set up camp for a few days so she could see what life had been created here. At this stage of the terraforming process there were likely only small creatures, ones that would one day evolve into something greater, but were generally harmless. She would ensure the ones that did evolve wouldn't cause a problem for the colonists while marking the dangerous ones that would be removed from the planet before they could become problematic. So far the largest thing she'd seen had been a few small reptiles, not even larger than the palm of her hand. Harcort was big enough to drive off anything else that might threaten her.

~ ~ * ~ ~


The sound of screams and fighting jerked Kip out of a sound sleep, her blanket tangled around her paws as two massive bodies crashed through the midst of her camp. The panda jerked backwards, falling over as she tried to get out her makeshift bed as the artificial light flashed over a pair of feathered forms that slammed against each other with wings flaring open. That was the only thing she saw before the fabric of the tent suddenly fell down around her as Harcort was thrown towards her by the larger darker form. His body hit against her side and the world turned black as she was tangled in canvas and ropes and the sounds of the battle rang in her ears. Something had snuck up on them in the night, it was attacking her gryphon, she could hear them clashing and snarling while she fumbled through the tent.

Every Finalizer was given a kit that had basic weapons in case of one of the fauna becoming dangerous when they were out in the field. She tried to find it, the small box that made her push through the canvas as the sounds of battle became louder. She twisted and kicked, fumbled and struggled so that she could find an opening to try and push her head through. She needed to see, she needed to get her bearings and see what was attacking them. There shouldn't have been anything large enough or developed enough to pose a threat, certainly not big enough to harm Harcort.

"HARCORT! DOWN!" She heard her pet screech out in pain as she struggled past the worst of the tent and stumbled out into the artificial light. "TO ME!"

She tried to find the box with the weapons, but her paws froze as she saw her gryphon being thrown back again by a large shape in the darkness. A creature that flared wings open and screamed out a challenge towards Harcort as he tried to get his paws beneath him so he could rejoin the fray. The creature that lunged forward wasn't an unknown species developed by the terraformed planet, but a familiar shape given new size and weight. A gryphon stalked forward, twice the size of her Harcourt and his wings flared open wide. He was so pale a gold that he was almost white, the dark yellow beak was parted open and showed an edge of red from it, blood. Blood from her gryphon. Kip struggled towards her pet that tried to lunge forward to attack again.

"No... Harcort, no..." She touched his wing, but he ignored her. The drake shrugged off her touch and launched forward, like a terrier going after a mastiff.

The larger gryphon reared up on his haunches with a screech of rage, his forelegs flashing out to catch Harcort and tumbled the smaller drake towards the ground. The beast was impossibly large, as big as a horse and fast. His wings flashed open wide, snapping and twisting in the battle as Harcort refused to give up the fight. He was defending her, fighting for her, latching onto the gryphon's legs and snapping at them while his hind legs kicked out wildly. She had to save him, she had to drive off the animal before he was killed trying to save her!

Both of them ignored her, their battle went around the camp, tumbling and attacking, biting and snapping. She pushed through the tent, dragging out her bags as she tried to find a weapon. Harcort was cut in half a dozen places, but none of them seemed to be mortal wounds, just scrapes and scratches form the larger beast. He kept darting forward, forcing the bigger drake back with his rapid attacks that seemed to show no care for the risk he put himself in. She pulled the downed tent away, throwing it to one side frantically, her heart pounding in her throat. She just needed something to jolt the big fellow, to drive him back, to confuse him long enough to save Harcort.

Her trembling paws stopped as she heard a low growl and hiss come from behind her, a body hit the ground with a dull thud as she yanked out one of the small boxes, cursing as it was only food. She didn't want to look, the sound of that body hitting the ground could only be one thing. Kip swallowed roughly and turned her head, bracing herself to see Harcort's lifeless body thrown to the ground by the larger gryphon. Except, it wasn't his lifeless body that she turned to see, he was on the ground, true, but on his back with his legs tucked in close to his lower body and forelegs pulled in close to his chest. His eartufts were pulled back as the larger drake loomed over him, the pale colored feathers bristling as the beast stared down at the huddled Harcort.

"Leave him alone!" Her voice was shrill as she stumbled to her foot paws, heedless of the mess around her and gripping only a metal box of food. "GET BACK!"

The strange drake lifted his head to peer at her, his eyes reflected the light with an eerie green before he hissed at her and peered back down at the huddled drake. She'd never seen Harcort behave as he was, he curled his tail between his legs and let out the strangest chirping noise as the big drake lowered his beak. Her pet didn't try to strike out at him, didn't attempt to bite, just held still as the beak pushed against him and nudged him about. It appeared that he was sniffing at him, tasting the scents and examining him closely. He looked utterly limp, submissive.

Oh god, submissive... A hundred lectures and classes ran through her mind as she watched the big drake grip Harcort's beak in his own and give it a tug. They hadn't been fighting to the death, it had been a dominance match, that's why Harcort only had a few scrapes on him instead of being killed outright.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The drake kept the small one pinned down under him, he could smell the rank young scent of male on the air, not yet old enough to be a real threat, but he had been stubborn. He had been lurking in this forest for years, hunting and growing, marking out his territory against other males who dared to try and encroach on what was his. And then this bare hatchling had come, he had flaunted his presence here, marking his trees and making no attempt at stealth of properly submitting himself within his territory. And to make matters worse he had come with his mate, parading about around her as if he were worthy to past on his genes. He had fought well, but not well enough to defeat him, but it had taken practice not to kill the little one outright.

He carefully lifted his head and stepped over his downed adversary with a flick of his wings, only a few spots were scratched from the small claws. His heavy feathers had protected him from anything worse, not that anything half his size could really do him any harm. He was tempted to see if the fellow would have another go of it, but he had other things on his mind. Something he had not scented before, but his instincts were roused, the warm sweet scent of something not male, not thick with musk and anger. He turned his amber eyes to the hen that the little one had been parading about with. His hen now, his strange little hen, the only one he had ever seen.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Get back!" Kip swung the metal box as the big drake padded towards her, leaving Harcort still huddled against the ground. He didn't even try to get back up.

"Rrrrrl?" The drake quirked his head to one side and continued to approach, but he didn't look aggressive. She knew her pets language well enough to know the relaxed state of his fluffed feathers, the way his wings were held.

"Go on! Back with you!" She swung the box again, almost clipping to beak that leaned towards her. "I don't know where you came from, but back!"

The drake blinked his eyes a few times, his head tilting to one side and then the other before one of his foreclaws struck out at her. She didn't have time to dodge away from them completely, just enough time to stumble backwards as the claws caught against the box and tore it from her hands hard enough to bruise. Up close the creature was huge, the lanterns that she'd set out reflected from his feathers as he kept closing in on her, his wings flaring open so that they were cupped strangely to either side of his body. He looked so much like a larger version of Harcort, but he was larger in all aspects, more finished. His head wasn't rounded with youth, it was sleek like the rest of his body. The feathers were almost pure white with just enough gold undertones to keep him from looking bleached out.

She tried to get away, she tried to stumble backwards, but the tent was at her feet, the bunched up fabric made it impossible to get over it without tripping. The large head bumped towards her until she felt the hot breath hitting against her chest, ruffling against the bare fur just above her bra. She carefully stepped back, eyes locked on his legs so she could avoid him striking out against her, while her heart started to beat faster. He could kill her so easily, all he had to do was strike out with his beak or foreclaws and she'd be dead.

"Harcort... here boy... come on now.." She breathed the words, hating herself for doing it, but if he could only distract the beast she could make a run for the forest and cover.

A low trill came out of the gryphon's throat, a rumbling warning that made her freeze as she took another step back. The beak just about brushed against the edges of her stomach and puffed out a hot breath again while the feathers along the head roused up entirely. Her eyes darted around him to her pet, but he remained crouched on the ground, his plumage flattened down to his body miserably while he stared at her. He didn't even budge as the bigger drake jabbed against her with his beak and slipped out a slender barbed tongue to rasp right along the curve of her stomach. She sucked in a breath as she felt it dragging along her bare fur, intimately aware that she had gone to bed as she always did in the heat, just in her bra and panties.

"Go on... back now... I'm not food." She felt the smooth top of the beak grinding against her stomach, pushing and bumping harder as the tongue slid down in a wriggling movement. "HARCORT!!"

The moment she screamed out the strange drake stopped it's gentle probing with his beak and curious chirring, he reared his head up and shoved forward in a violent movement that threw her back against the mess of the tense. His wings flared out over her, mantling on either side of his body as she was knocked onto her back and one of his heavy forepaw dropped down against her stomach while she tried to push out from under him. Talons longer than her finger curled down against her chest and one probed against her stomach while the creature chirped down at her. His beak was parted open, the tongue tip jabbed forward as he drew in deep breaths that belled out his broad chest and lidded his eyes. She twisted and shoved against the thick foreleg, her hands wrapped around him as she tried to pull out from under the weight that simply pushed down harder.

"HARCORT!" She screamed again, she had to get the gryphon up and moving, he could give her time to escape, he could save her. Something anything. Her only response was a miserable chirp, but the drake above her hissed out venomously in reaction to her voice.

She couldn't stop him when he lowered his beak down again and nipped sharply against the curve of her hips, the sharp tip dug down against fur and pulled on it hard enough she let out a harsh noise. She pulled her hips away from the touch as he started to nip against the other side, the paws flexed and dragged the claws along her chest. The sharp tips raised welts beneath her fur while catching right beneath her bra. The material tore around them and the panda twisted, kicking out against the ground beneath the sharp nips. At any moment she was ready for the claws to tear through her soft belly, but he only flexed them down and relaxed them before flexed downwards again. The round edge of the beak jabbed forward against her thighs before the drake lifted his head again and let out a curious sounding croon in his throat.

The beak snapped upwards, suddenly catching against her hip hard enough that she let out a short yelping cry of pain. The tip dug into her sensitive flesh before the foreclaw lifted up from her stomach and he yanked to one side. She tried to writhe out from under the beak, but his forepaw hit her hard so she tumbled against the ground. The avian sounds that came from his throat were excited, high pitched and trilling as she caught her hands against part of the tent and tangled through the ropes. He threw her onto her stomach and nipped hard right against the curve of her side. She found herself chest down in the midst of the destroyed tent, staring out at the crouching Harcort, his wings were spread and he was flattened to the ground staring at her. And she knew what the strange drake wanted, she'd seen it when he'd struck her and forced her over.

His beak dropped down and nipped against the base of her ringed tail while he breathed in her scent and she twisted her hips away from him. One of the forepaws dropped down and shoved roughly between her shoulders to keep her in place as he examined her while she turned her head about and got a better look of what was between the pale haunches. It was something not pale, a dark crimson girth was edged out into the light while he licked roughly against the base of her tail. The hot breath puffed out while he licked roughly against the edge of her panties, scraping upwards and tugging against the material. He didn't want to eat her, he wanted to mate her. A rush of fear ran through her, spilling through her stomach and giving her the frantic energy to lunge forward.

She dug her foot paws against the ground, but there was no getting out from beneath him, his claws scraped against her shoulders and the beak snapped down hard against her rump cheek. The hooked tip caught right beneath her panties and tore at them, his breath was so hot against her, moist and hitting beneath the base of her tail while she tried to snap it down. He tore at her panties and his forepaw slipped up until it pushed right down against the base of her neck and she felt the talons prick right against either side of her neck. They dug down hard enough that she froze in her struggles as the beast drew blood.

Her ears flooded with heat as she was forced to hold still as the thin protective material was pulled away in strips from her rump cheeks. The panda kept her tail pinned down flat between her rump cheeks in a bid to keep herself covered, not that it worked well. His beak pushed up against her and the long hot tongue flicked out and rasped between her rump cheeks. She tensed the muscles up as the wetness trailed into the crevice and she dropped her hips down. She couldn't let him do this, she wouldn't, she'd be damned if she'd be used as this beasts whore. Why would he even look at her this way? She wasn't remotely gryphon-like, he should have thought of her as food, not this.

As she tried to sprawl down against the ground the claws flexed against her neck and the beak snapped out to catch her tail. Pain erupted down her back as the drake lifted her ass up into the air by virtue of using her tail as a hold. She scrambled to her knees to stop the pain, but he yanked hard enough her hind end was lifted entirely off the ground. Her cry of protest came out harshly and was answered by the trilling croon of her pet. The pale drake's beak dipped down again and pushed between her legs until she felt his hot breath panting against her exposed mound. The heat of the tongue flicked out and dragged right along the outer lips, hundreds, thousands of tiny barbs rasped against her too sensitive folds and made her jerk forward in shock.

Kip squeezed her eyes shut as the hot tongue began to stroke against her, probing and stroking, rasping and pulling just along her mound. The appendage dragged inwards so she balled up her fists and writhed against the ground. She tried to drop her hips again to escape him, but the broadness of his beak forcibly kept her in place as he explored her. The tongue darted forward to nudge right against her opening and started to probe inwards. She could feel him, feel the way that he pushed deeper and purposefully seemed to use the barbs on his tongue to abuse her sensitive passage. It hurt, even as it sent unwilling shudders of pleasure through her and made her hips twitch in place. It was warm, too warm, almost feverishly hot as he plunged deeper and rasped the barbs out again.

She couldn't stop herself, she let out a whimpering cry as she heard the lewd slick noises as his tongue working against her. She didn't want to make a sound, she was half terrified that his grip on her neck would end her life, but the barbs were hurting her. They were rubbing over and over again, forcing their way in deeper and rasping out again before plunging forward. She'd never felt anything like it and her inner walls contracted around him in protest. Her tail snapped down protectively, but it only draped along his head. Deep within her, her body started to react in new ways to the feel of the probing tongue and the delicate venom that was unleashed from every scrape along her body. The barbs caught and dragged through her, priming her body as the gryphon's hips rolled against the air.

For the first time in his life he tasted a female, a hot female body wrapped around his tongue and his blood was up. He had defeated his foe, he had subjugated him and would mate his female so that she swelled. His territory would stop being a bachelor's lands, and support a growing pack of gryphons with himself at its head and the defeated male as a poor second. The more the female squirmed and twisted away, the more aroused he became as he pushed his tongue in deep enough that his beak gaped open to clutch around her slender hindquarters. He could feel her muscles twitching and jerking around him, fluttering and protesting before he pulled his tongue free of her with a wet noise. Her wetness coated it, rolling down the back of his tongue enflaming his senses.

Kip dropped her hips down the moment she felt the tongue pull away from her, she tucked her tail down between her legs and hunched tight to the ground in an attempt to make herself too small to be a potential mate. Her eyes were glued to Harcort, her beloved pet, who she had raised from a ball fluff and who was now watching with avid eyes. His ear tufts were up and his beak parted as he panted shallowly and made no move to save her as the gryphon's other foreclaw moved up to press against her shoulders. She whimpered and her stomach cramped painfully as the weight started to move over her, his hind legs stepping to either side of her nude form, but he didn't yank at her tail.

The foreleg on her neck slipped away again and the beak reached down to grip against her, hard and sharp edged, more deadly than his paw and his weight pushed her down against the tent. She could barely breath as his stomach pushed along her back and the forelegs spread open wide. The hard weight of him rubbed along her ass cheek, swollen and grinding along her as his hips started to rock immediately, he didn't even wait to find his mark. Dribbles of wetness spilled out against the crease of her ass and made her jerk wildly forward. It felt as large around as the base of her fluffy tail and he was jabbing the tip against her, pushing it against her ass cheek while she tried to drag herself out from beneath the weight.

The grip on her scruff tightened suddenly and yanked as she moved forward a few inches, blood welled up from the grip before the large drake dropped his cock tip downwards and pushed forward. For one horrifying moment she felt the blunt tip shoving right up against her pucker and pushing forward, her muscles clamped down in protest as she yowled out. She couldn't stop herself, she nearly shrieked as he jabbed forward harder and a dribble of precum spilled down towards her vulnerable sex. It only lasted a moment before he gave a harder thrust and the tip slipped downwards roughly and jabbed right up against her plump outer folds and forced them open.

"HARCORT! ATTACK!" She shrieked the words out as she felt her outer lips to wrap open around the swollen tip and he burrowed inwards, yawning the tight ring of her birthing canal open. She was desperate, anything to save her, anything to keep her from being ripped apart around the dark red cock.

There was no rescue, no reprieve, her body was forced open wider and wider, forcing the walls to spread open as the tapered tip wedged inwards steadily. A thick spill of precum erupted from the tip and spilled into her as her hips were forced higher in the air, her tail was pinned down to the side, draped along the girth as inch by inch started to plunge into her body. She felt a rush of aching pain as the hips started to push downwards against her and forced her ass up higher in the air. Her muscles contracted, trying to stop the steady pressure that was pushing ever deeper, forcing its way to make room even though her body was never designed for this. Her claws bit down against the fabric roughly as she cried out again, a rough scream that burst past her lips in reaction as another drive forward stuffed her open too wide.

Her muscles rippled, contracting tightly around him as another driving thrust forced its way all the way up until the tip bottomed out inside of her. He was too big, only half his girth fit within her passage and the tip wedged up along her cervix. A hot dribble of precum spilled out of the edges of the tip, pooling right up against the barrier before he drew backwards and she shrieked out. Barbs, hundreds of barbs flared open around the tip and scraped through her passage and dug along the silken walls that were forced open to their very limits. It was pain that spilled through her and made her stomach twist with a rush of heat that burst through her. Tears formed along her eyes as she tried to pull her hips away, but she couldn't move, his weight was crushing her, the warmth of feathers and fur surrounded her body, coating her.

The white-gold drake trilled out, almost as if in approval as he nearly dragged his cock free of her before plunging back into her, the barbs smoothed back down against his tip as he drove himself all the way up to the tip again. Some of the precum was forced out around him with a lewd squelching sound before he pulled back again. What the barbs on his tongue started, the barbs on his cock continued, he raked them brutally through her passage and stimulated her body. That touch of venom worked through her and poured into her body, forcing her hormones to react to him as she was rocked beneath his weight in the short hard bucks. Each draw backwards forced the barbs open and her treacherous walls clamped down and dug them in even further.

He hammered against her cervix, rough harsh movements that threw her forward as the pain of the barbs, the pain of being stretched, all mingled together so that she was shuddering. An unwilling tremor of pleasure caught her, a humiliating rush that made her clamp her jaws shut against a groan. She opened her eyes and saw Harcort creeping forward on his belly, his eyes were unnaturally bright as he watched her being violated. His hips were quirked oddly and she squeezed her eyes shut again, she didn't want to know, she didn't want to see. She flattened her flushed ears against her head while the next driving thrust wedged the tip right up against the tender opening of her cervix. The raking of the barbs became less painful, and stimulated her. They found places to tease through her, caressing and tugging back along the rough patch of her g-spot.

The feel of herself growing aroused was humiliating, but she couldn't stop it, she was starting to grow more sensitive to the feel of him. He was too big, but it didn't matter, her body wanted something from him. She could feel it in the way that she clutched around him and her back arched upwards. He seemed determined to hilt inside of her, the hard movements constantly battered against her cervix while she writhed in place. Her own wetness started to mingle with the spill of precum that ran inside of her passage and was pushed ever deeper. Deep within her body her ovaries contracted, a pressure that should have never been felt as her ova were forced into her fallopian tubes. She felt the familiar tremor of need that she had felt so often before. Heat, estrus, need that she had experienced since she had hit puberty, but not like this, never like this.

It was a rush of raw bestial desire that made her whimper out as she tries to suppress it. The barbs teased backwards as the drake shifted his grip right along the nape of her neck while he bucked forward. Harder and faster, the movements were making her teeth click together as she felt the rough canvas abrading her stomach and breasts. Her teeth gripped tightly together as a groan was forced out of her throat raggedly and a thick goopy dribble of precum rushed out of the tip and splashed deep within her body. She was trying to draw it up as the tip started to spread open a bit wider, the barbs roused up until not even plunging forward could lay them down flat again.

Another thrust forward and she screamed out again, forced pleasure and pain building together as the cock tip wedged right up against her spongy cervix. The narrow passage was growing dilated with her estrus, spreading open just enough that it could let in that rush of rich seed that her body craved. She scrabbled against the ground as the tip suddenly pushed forward and meshed with that narrow opening. The foreclaws moved down and dragged her backwards as the beast tried to stuff inside of her body, but he wouldn't fit, he could only barely open that narrow passage before he snarled out against her and shuddered.

Kip's head was jerked back by the grip of his beak while his cock started to pulse within her passage, the barbs locked within her, digging into her body so she couldn't pull away as she felt the first hot rush that spilled out of his cock tip. Rich creamy cum spilled against her cervix and was forced inwards as she tried to writhe away, but she couldn't, his hips meshed harder against her own as rope after thick rope splattered into her body. The thick sperm rich cream was spreading into her, the warmth blossoming deep into her belly while she tried to get away even as her body milked him for more. Her body wanted it, need it, craved it as several of ripe ova were left unprotected within her body. Tears rolled down her face as her hips gave a push backwards no matter her attempt to keep them in place.

Millions of sperm rushed into her body, the cock kept pulsing, sending out the hot goopy stuff so that it rapidly flooded her womb and spread out into her passage, barely enough to trickle out around her obscenely spread folds. Most of it remained in her belly, forcing it to grow rounder and spread out, her body desperately trying to adjust to taking something she was never meant to take. She burrowed her muzzle down against the ruined tent and whimpered out raggedly, unable to escape, unable to get away, only able to remain beneath the drake as his sperm plunged and battled to be the first to claim her ova and fill her womb with life.

A hot tongue suddenly brushed along her aching stretched folds and she jerked her body forward with a ragged noise as the tongue lapped harder around the edges. The tongue tip gathered up the drooling mixture of thick cum and her own arousal while she cracked open an eye and twisted her head about. Harcort had finally come to her, but not to her rescue, the drake was crouched next to her with his head ducked down beneath the larger gryphon. His tongue was working against her abused folds while she twitched in reaction and stared at his haunches. A dark red shaft jutted out from beneath his belly, dribbling precum down beneath him while he let out a soft keening noise between strokes of his tongue and his haunches gave little twitches forward, humping the air. Her harmless lovely little pet, ignoring his mistress' pained noises and distress in his first real taste of being a true gryphon.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Please... I just need to...." Kip stood up awkwardly and moved towards the tattered pack and tent that was spread across the clearing.

The moment she moved away from the pile of soft brush and branches that had been crushed beneath the pair of drakes' beaks, Alba moved in front of her with a growl and tumbled her back into the nest. She'd named the pale drake Alba, she had to call the damned creature something, and he wouldn't let her pass. He hadn't let her pass the other dozen times she had tried. Instead she was driven back into the nest where he made a show of plucking a few bits of down from beneath his feathered chest and shoved it amidst the branches. She stepped onto the nest and trembled as she stared in longing at the weather worn ruin of her life and employment.

"Harcort, please... let's go, let's move on." She turned her eyes to her pet who was sprawled out near the nest and picking bits of rabbit off, but he barely glanced at her.

The regard he had had for her was gone, he now watched Alba as if he were the one and only authority that he would listen too. He followed the dominant drake's lead and whatever orders could be understood from the beast and for now he was busy trying to give her bits of raw rabbit to eat. It had been over a month since she had been ravaged by the beast, and not just once, but several times he had pinned her down and used her. Each time had been easier, her body, horribly, adjusting to him as he mated her vigorously in front of Harcort. And she hadn't even been able to call for help, her comm was dead, and she never had a chance to go through what was left of her supplies. They wouldn't let her. Nor could she get past Alba, she was a prisoner of the pair of them.

"Please..." She spoke the word brokenly and pinned her ears flat as Harcort tried to offer her the rabbit again. Tears welled up in her eyes and she leaned backwards, trying not to start to sob again.

She had to get away from them, she had to get out of here. Something had gone terribly wrong on this planet. Alba shouldn't have existed. Lifeforms were supposed to evolve slowly and along a set series of lines, but the gryphon existed where he shouldn't have and at full adulthood. He wasn't evolving slowly, but a fully grown member of his species. And he was not the only one. There were others, others that the big drake battled with over territory. She had heard him fighting, heard them screeching and calling to one another, but he always returned. Harcort he tolerated as a lesser male, one that obeyed him and helped guard her and hunt when he watched over her. She was caught and trapped, her people would be looking for her reports soon and there was nothing she could do to get word to them. And even if they did...

She leaned back into the nest and stared down at her stomach, so swollen with eggs that she could barely walk right anymore. Even if she was allowed past the drakes, how could she return with her stomach filled with their young? How could she ever return? Harcort shoved his beak against her again and dropped the bit of rabbit onto her lap, trying to feed the future mother of their pack. His eyes rested on his leader, watching the big drake stretch out with a satisfied sigh right in front of the nest. Soon they would have hatchlings to feed and care for, soon they would have the first of a whole new race to raise amidst the newly made forests of their world.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Sir, we've lost agents Kip Jeng Ti and Analessa Drockas, they last checked in one month ago and have nt reported back." The fox stood firmly at attention in front of his overseer, a heavy bodied wolf who frowned at the screen that spilled information onto the screen. "Terraform reported back that they reused the protocol for the planet Binat and believe that genetic particles transferred into the new system infecting the growing lifeforms."

"Lost?" Commander Enden raised a brow. "Ti has been working for this company for over a decade, she knows emergency protocols. She had that damned pet with her. Can we send out the drones to check for them?"

"Sir, I wouldn't recommend it." The fox, Overseer Tillen, licked his lips nervously. "Binat had to be abandoned completely, we're going to lock out the coordinates for the planet and wipe it from the memory banks. We can set a time-lock on it and revisit it once the situation becomes more secure."

"What happened on Binat? That was before my time." Enden pushed the monitor away and fixed his attention on the nervous fox. "I know it was hostile, but what? Did we gas our agents? What?"

"It was one of our early experiments to make a dominant race on a planet we've terraformed. The general idea was that we could take a species and develop it to become intelligent enough to form their own population, but the code is wrong, sir." Tillen glanced towards the monitor and the pictures of the lost agents. "We had tweaked it in the hopes that we could use it to create more impressive fauna, but its failed, sir. The species we created we based off Agent Ti's pet, but it's gone all wrong, the animals are hostile and aggressive. It won't be able to be colonized. We believe that Ti and Drockas have been killed in action, they shouldn't have been so large so fast, but they are fully grown."

"So wipe the damned things out! We can send down teams and eradicate them." Enden snarled out. "We've paid a small fortune to terraform this planet."

"They'll die out themselves, sir. It would cost us more to send down teams and lose agents in the mean time given the fact these are large dangerous predators. They were sex linked as males based on Ti's pet, so they'll simply die out on their own given enough time." Tillen tipped his ears back. "I should have warned her, sir."

"There's nothing that can be done for now. Black out the records and time lock them, mark down Ti and Drockas as missing in action. You, you will be standing up to Internal Review over this." The commander gave his head a shake. "Damn shame, this, and get rid of that damned Binat protocol!"

With These Broken Wings: Chapter 8

"I do not understand why you would bring that creature with us." Alaine growled angrily as he pushed through the long grasses. "Why would I leave Minos behind? Slokakan know that they are valuable to the dragons and they would destroy them if they...

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The Tutor: Chapter 10

The sound of applause and the ring of congratulations still rung in Maria's ears as she pushed her way out of the cafeteria and wriggled past the group of younger classmen who had set up post just outside the big doors. They were all abuzz, chattering...

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Rite of Passage

The fir trees bowed and rippled with the rush of wind and air that were pushed down beneath broad white wings. Riana'Tharrul swung her hind legs down and gracefully slipped between the ancient giants, avoiding the large hanging branches that reached...

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