Rite of Passage

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Kalan+Anarahttp://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=Kalan+Anara&x=0&y=0&sitesearch=lulu.com&q=

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.http://www.thedragonsstorm.com/#/trilogy

The fir trees bowed and rippled with the rush of wind and air that were pushed down beneath broad white wings. Riana'Tharrul swung her hind legs down and gracefully slipped between the ancient giants, avoiding the large hanging branches that reached towards her. Her tail flicked down, the broad feather-patterned scales that ran along either side of the tail base rippled to slow her descent as she set her aim towards a small empty patch just at the base of one of the massive trees. It wasn't difficult, truly it wasn't, she was able to slip down and flare her feathered wings open wide with a final beat before her outstretched hind legs touched the soft thick moss of the forest floor. She dropped down to all fours with relief, pulling her tail feathers back into a neat line and flipping her wings against her back.

_Not so hard, not so different from home at all, just trees instead of ice caves. _ Ria turned her head and carefully nudged her primary feathers into alignment against her sides.

The forest was alien to her, so much green and color that she felt exposed even beneath the heavy bows of the redwoods that loomed above her. They spread shadows and darkness so she stood in twilight save for the odd beams of sunlight that filtered down from the canopy. The dragoness ruffled up the line of her crest, flaring it along the edges of her cheeks before settling them down again, trying to orient herself. All her life she had listened to stories of the forests and plains, places where snow rarely touched and that were home to strange and magnificent creatures. She had seen them on her flight here, she had watched herds of horses thundering in terror and watched flashing rainbow colored birds take flight around her. But those had not been her destination, her instructions had been clear when the shaman had drawn his markings over her wings and set her on her path.

Every year when her homeland experienced brief warmth the dragonesses came into season, and each year the virgins were sent out to see the world. They were each given a destination where they would meditate through their estrus, a harsh regime of no food, little water and chants that would open her mind to the touch of the wider world. When she returned she would be an adult, fit to choose a mate the next time she came into season. She had flown here straight, stopping only to drink and eat so that she would be able to last through the long week of meditation and contemplation. She had heard so many stories from older females who had gone through this, some even spoke of being god-touched to return to their homeland as shamans themselves.

I wouldn't wish that. To see past the physical world and never know what is real or vision. Ria shivered delicately and picked her way through the ferns and out of the clearing.

She felt a tremor of excitement as she picked a direction at random. There was no wrong or right about this part of the journey, only that she would slowly slip into a torpor brought on by fasting and experience whatever the visions brought her. It could be glimpses of the future or she might delve into her past, it would show her what the rest of her life would be patterned after. Her heat would help her, the rush of pheromones that coursed through her body kept her in a state of mild arousal and sensitivity would bring about her trance without the aid of any mind altering substances. Today was the first day of her adult life. Her first day of true life.

~ ~ * ~ ~

_Stranger and stranger..._Carsus rumbled to himself while his foreclaws flexed down against the aging bark as he watched the white form beneath him.

It wasn't often that there were intriguing visitors to his forest, he had ruled here for long enough that most shunned the edges of the gryphon's territory, but not today. She was a dragon, that much was clear, but such a dragon. She was so pure a white that she almost glowed, even in the shadows. The sunlight revealed faint pale blue highlights along the sweep of her wings and haunches, rippling over the muscles that were just showing beneath a hint of adolescent softness. The edges of her scales reminded him of delicate fern leaves with slight points that linked together seamlessly to form a protective layer, one that he thought would be hard to pierce even with his claws. Her wings were the only part of her body that weren't scaled. They were thick luxurious looking feathers that were carefully tucked against her sides so the long alabaster primaries crossed primly along the line of her back. Lovely, she was lovely; like a sweet bit of sugar that would melt on his tongue and tantalize his senses.

As she passed beneath him, the gryphon continued along the broad limb, his belly nearly pressing against the bark to ensure that he was as silent as possible. There were dragons in the Halcion Forest, but they weren't terribly impressive looking. They were green and brown, the colors of mud and moss, and barely larger than his wrist. More lizards than true dragons, but the female below was what he recalled from his youth. Proud looking, her tail held up at an angle, her serpentine neck arched with her chin touching right against her slender chest. He had memories of her more colorful kin, but she smelled of cold places. Where the ice was so thick not even the summer sun could melt it and the sun rarely shown from above. Wild places.

Carsus shifted his weight and jumped to the next limb, careful to keep the rattling of the branch to a minimum as he paced the female. She might notice she was being stalked if he were silent, she wasn't like the rest of his kind. Hens cooped up in cities and towns, searching through musty old books and learning old magics. Drakes who wore armor as if they were playing at two legged things and stood guard over noble houses. The gryphon houses had become tame, civilized, and turned their backs on what they were. He hadn't, he was what they warned their gryphlets of becoming when they were impolite or rebellious. They didn't see that he lived the way they were supposed to be, powerful and wild. He shunned their tame fat lives, he took his prey hot and sweet, not cooked and spiced by servants bought and paid for.

And to think, they tell their hens to behave or I will come for them. Behave or I will make them a part of my vast harem. _ He almost snorted his disgust while lunging higher to catch another branch with his foreclaws. _I wouldn't have those fat pampered hens, they're worthless.

He kept his eyes on the white form beneath him, the way that she moved carefully through the ferns and slipped beneath the shadows. She moved gracefully, aware of how much noise she was making and she tried to mute it. She was a hunter, a natural hunter, taught since she was young. He could see it in the way she turned her head to the wind blowing at her, tasting the scents for possible prey. The hens in the cities weren't worthy of his time or even a second glance, he had no use for them. He wouldn't give them a second look, even if they wandered right beneath his nose, but this dragoness. She was different. She was something unique and attractive, something that drew his eye and made him stalk her through the shadows. He chased the scent of her, the faint caress of sweetness that made the heart beat faster and his loins heat with anticipation.

_Mine.. you don't know it yet, my lovely dragon, but you are mine. _He took the next branch at a leap, partially opening his dark wings to beat them once so he could move ahead of her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The cave that Ria found boasted a small opening, but it was at least dry and when she snuffed the floor there wasn't even a scent of any other animal around. She didn't know what would be stalking the forest, but given the size of some of the deer, there would be large predators in answer to them. She flicked her tail tip a little bit and stepped into the tight opening that nearly scraped against either side of her chest and wriggled into the larger portion that spread open into a massive cavern. The stalagmites made it difficult to move around, but many of them were small enough she could use her tail to knock them down. The cavern had several overhead entrances that cast beams of light down so she could sniff around. A dead system; it was no longer growing with mineral rich waters that would extend the stalactites overhead.

Not really a good start to my quest. She dropped her haunches down and reached out to swipe a few chunks of rubble out of the way. I should be somewhere rich and fertile, a promise of my future, but this isn't a terrible place to start. I can spend the night here and move on tomorrow to start things properly.

She stretched out with a bit of a hiss on the floor of the cave, finding it cramped as she had to wind her tail around one of the rock outcroppings to make room for it. It was hard to get comfortable, but that was nothing new. The last two days it had grown increasingly hard to be still, something that made her thankful for her long flight. She wanted to move, her body wasn't used to the warmth that flowed over her and made her concentration slip away. She had assumed that hunger would be the worst part of this, but she was wrong. She wasn't even thinking of her stomach, but of the restless pent up need to move and change position. It was an itch that couldn't be ignored, but she'd been told that it was to be expected, she'd be able to work past it. Everyone had in the past.

She paused in her thoughts at the sound of rasping against stone, her haunches tensed up and she jerked her head up with a soft hiss. Her first thought was that she had missed the presence of a snake, or even a nest of them, but that idea was barely formed before she saw a heavy bodied form wedging into the tight opening of the cave. Feathers, feathers everywhere, they spread out around a broad head and a set of powerful looking shoulders as the large creature pushed its way in. The raptorial head lowered down with the beak aimed towards her while a pair of glowing green eyes fixated on her during his attempt to get through. Ria snarled out and pulled herself back up to all fours and spread her wings out with a ragged vocal warning.

"Do you always snarl at the owner of a home you've invaded?" The creature rumbled, a glowing green tongue flickered from the dark black beak, illuminating the dark spread of its feathers. Male, it was a male, the voice was a deep vibrating baritone, accented very faintly.

"No one lives here." Ria backed away, her wings flickering a little as she pushed herself against the back cave wall so she had a defensible position.

The beast's only response with a snort before he stepped through the narrow opening and shook himself out, the wings snapped behind him. A gryphon, it was a gryphon, a large dark creature that padded forward with a graceful roll of his hind quarters. The broad tail feathers bobbed behind him as he made a circuit along the edge of the cave wall, winding through the stalagmites. She hadn't smelled anyone here, and certainly not the gryphon. He brought with him a harsh musky scent that made her nostrils flare at the familiar undertone to it.

"I live here." The gryphon clicked his beak, showing the glowing tongue tip. "Did you think that you could enter my home without consequences?"

"I am not nose-dead, I can smell nothing but dry dirt and stone." She snapped her teeth warningly at him as the drake advanced a step, his eyes narrowing down into thin glowing bands.

He was big, larger than she was, with a pair of large wings that were tucked against the length of his back. He was black, dark inky black, from the tip of his beak all the way to the tapered tail, but he wasn't like the gryphons she was familiar with. He wasn't mashed together with half snow leopard and half owl, but looked more avian with only a small dash of feline to him. The feathering ran all over his body, coating his hind quarters, but they were smooth and smaller, patterned almost like fur. He didn't have a lashing cat tail, but an avian one like the feathers that rested at the base of her tail. He glowed too, she could see parts of him that cast brilliant green light; his tongue, eyes, and even the underside of his padded paws. It gave the black of his feathers green highlights, especially along the sweep of his cheeks.

"All of this is mine, the skies above, the trees and the trails through the forest. All know that this land belongs to Carsus, and you have invaded it without permission." The drake took another step forward and lifted his head up to draw in a breath through his parted beak. "I am not so nose-dead that I would miss your scent in my forest."

~ ~ * ~ ~

The dragon smelled like heat, raw intoxicating estrus that was flooding his senses in the close confines of the cave. Carsus controlled himself as he approached and carefully padded between her and the entrance. Not that he worried about her escaping him, the opening was too small for her to run through swiftly. If she tried, she'd get caught long enough for him to drag her back, but he wanted to draw out the stalk and enjoy it. He enjoyed the sight of her bristling at him, the stiff scales along her head lifted upwards in a threat display meant to warn him off. There was nothing that would stop him from taking her, no display that could ward him off with the fertile scent of her filling his nares.

"Then I'll leave, with my apologies." She lifted her head up and bobbed it shortly, though the crest didn't go back down. He stepped forward just as she moved to one side, obviously intent on slipping past him.

She was shivering, just faintly, her haunches were quivering a little bit while her tail dropped down and flared open at the base. Interesting that she had feathers there, not true ones, but made of long firm scales. He let his eyes slide over her body and the way that she tensed up every time he inched closer. He fluffed up his neck feathers, rousing them up along the line of his neck and shoulders so that his scent would surround her. Would she fight? Or would she give in to him, present to him like a randy hen? He hoped not, he wanted a challenge, he wanted to break her, train her until she was his and his alone.

"Your apologies?" He parted his beak wide in a gryn. "Do you freely offer your apologies then, dragon? It would mean much that you did."

"I am Riana'Tharrul.. Ria." The dragoness stopped when he moved to block her. "Of course I apologize. I didn't mean to intrude on your territory. I will find somewhere else."

Another step forward and he roused his chest feathers up as he nearly touched her, seeing the intricate detail of her scales along her cheeks and slender muzzle. "Then I will take your apologies, Ria, it is only fitting..."

Relief suffused her features, he saw her muscles relax from their defensive position, just what he wanted to have happen. With a rumble he swung forward and draped one of his forepaws up and over her shoulders, pushing his weight down against her, the unfortunate female emitting an unmusical cry as he forced her forelegs to splay out.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Let go!" Ria snarled out and used her powerful hind legs to lunge forward against the hold on her shoulders. He was shoving against her, the weight of him tried to pin her as she writhed and nearly pulled free.

"Your apology, I will have your apology." Carsus pushed her back again, driving her backwards another few inches. "Did you think you would only spill empty words and be released."

She snapped back at him, her lips curled back as one of his broad wings spread open to block the exit from her. The closer he came, the deeper his breath grew, she could feel his chest expanding and thinning down again while he brushed his beak against her shoulder. He was larger than she was and he used that weight to his advantage to wedge her up against the wall and slid his shoulder down against her own. The sharp curve of the beak brushed along the length of her spine, finding the spot between her feathered wings where the scales were small and vulnerable. She half expected to feel the jaws closing down over her spine and severing her life, but he only nipped lightly against her. The hard edges of the beak rasped over her scales while one of his forelegs reached up and clasped just beneath the edge of her jaw.

"What do you want?" She jerked her head further back, but only earned a sharp nip against the back of her neck for her troubles.

"Guess?" He nipped again along her neck until he could grasp her muzzle hard in his foreclaw. "All females in season are mine to claim, trespasser, whether they be dragon or gryphon or phoenix. And I will accept your apology quite thoroughly."

"I'm n-MMMPH!" The words trailed off as the agile toes wrapped tightly around her muzzle and sealed it shut before she could get her protest out.

She writhed forward, her tail lashed against the ground as she attempted to force her way past the heavy bodied gryphon. Her chin was yanked down to her chest as she fought against the hold that flexed the toe tips and dug the claws against either side of her body. They scraped against her scales roughly, but she didn't care. She wasn't going to let this beast claim her first heat, remove her from the sworn duty she had set out to do. It would ruin her, utterly ruin her, she would be tainted with common gryphon seed, not even another dragon. With a venomous hiss she twisted her body almost away from him and clambered up and over his haunches. Her claws scraped against the feathered haunches and dug down hard so that she could get out beneath the dangerous position of his beak. She wasn't going to do this, she wasn't going to ruin herself!

The drake let out a screech when she hit him hard and writhed past him, she aimed herself for the door and pinned her wings down flat to her body so that she had a chance of getting past the doorway. She barely got a few feet away from him before the gryphon slammed against her. He used all his weight to crash against her haunches and twisted her paws out from beneath her as she struggled to continue towards the door. Black wings flashed above her nearly striking her head while he forced her down to her side and pinned those feathered wings down. The large foreclaws moved up and caught against her shoulders as the drake mantled above her, forcing her onto her back as she struggled and snapped her jaws up at his beak. His weight pinned her while she struggled to get her hind paws up to kick against his vulnerable stomach.

Through it all she was breathing in the harsh scent of him, it filled her senses, the unique spicy musk of a male gryphon that was pressing against her. The weight of his haunches forced her hind legs to spread apart to either side of the large upper legs. The feathers and hint of fur along his belly caressed against her, teasing lightly, but that wasn't all. She felt the weight of a sheath grinding against her, hard feeling even as she felt only the fuzz covering it and nothing else. It sent an unwilling shiver down her spine all the way to the curve of her haunches, but she fought it. She wasn't going to return like this, she couldn't return home like this, used by something so much less than a dragon.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Carsus could feel himself starting to grow aroused from not only the scent of her, but the feel of her struggling beneath her. He moved forward, putting his weight against her chest instead of the lower belly. He forced her forelegs to open up wider and fanned his tail out against her lower belly. His sheath started to fill out, the inky black length of his girth was slipping up along the opening and pushing out into the light as she kicked beneath him wildly. Her wings moved to either side and he shifted his paws to pin them down, stepping on the vulnerable fragile bones threateningly. He was careful not to put too much weight, but just enough that her struggles stopped and she flung her head up with wild looking eyes.

"Shhh Ria..." Carsus rumbled down at her and moved his body against her. "Let us come to an understanding here. You will apologize to me, you will do so prettily. You will set out to please me because I can use you just as well with broken wings as I can whole." He flexed harder against the wings so she whined out with pain. "Do we understand each other?"

"Let me-AAAA!" He shoved harder against her wings, moving his paws down towards the base threateningly. "Y-yes."

"I thought we might." He crooned approvingly and kept one foreleg down on the left wing before moving his paw down to cup just beneath the underside of her jaw. "Now I have a better use for your muzzle other then talking."

He pulled her head up, even as she tried to struggle against it with her eyes flashing an edge of white, he forced her muzzle down between their forelegs and his under belly. The tip of his cock pushed out into the light, edging out to reveal the line of ridges right beneath the underside. Her breath was so warm, it came out in short terrified puffs around the edges while he forced her close enough that he could roll his haunches forward. He rubbed his dark tip right along the pure white edges of her lips while she let out a whimpering noise. Her scent was growing sharper in the air, no matter what her mind was thinking, her body would reveal exactly what it needed. The first dribble of glowing green precum spilled out from him, smearing and tainting her scales while he pushed more weight against her captured wing.

Ria cried out in protest, the muzzle opened up and he rolled forward, forcing his glans right in along her tongue. The thick dribble of precum spilled into it while he let out a low throaty croon of pleasure. He rolled his hips back and forth, muffling her sounds of protest as he felt the warm sweet grip of her lips wrapping around him while he edged forward. The length of her tongue rolled beneath the underside, rubbing back and forth as the thick droplets were coaxed out of him. His beak spread open as he felt almost intoxicated by the scent of her on the air. Her own breathing was coming faster, ruffling against the feathers along his underbelly. Her slick saliva worked to coat around him, mingling with his glowing precum. And she'd need it; all the lubrication she could give him for what was coming.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ria squeezed her eyes shut as the cock wedged deeper into her muzzle. She couldn't push it out, she couldn't fight against it. Any attempt to move or jerk her head back away from him resulted in a painful push of his paws against her wings. He was bruising her and the threat wasn't an idle one, he could easily break the lower wing bone with his grip and a broken wing could take months to heal. She was forced to let him drive into her muzzle and the ridges rubbed right along the spread of her tongue. The precum oozed from the tip continuously, a thick dribble that she had to swallow as best as she could manage. Some of it was smeared against the bridge of her muzzle glowing a brilliant green and illuminated her features while the scent of it suffused each breath that she took. It tasted salty-sweet, something that made her entire body warm up and, even though she wanted to simply feel disgusted by her actions, but she couldn't.

On some level, her body responded to the harsh scent of him, the taste on her tongue, the feel of the flesh starting to thicken and swell with each throb. She pushed forward and worked her jaws, swallowing around him until the tip started to wedge into her throat. His paw moved away from her muzzle and to her other wing as he began to roll forward in slow powerful strokes. The tip forced its way into her throat with a fresh dribble of precum and she swallowed around him, rippling her throat even as she was nearly choking around him. She tried to pull her head backwards, but he gave a sudden jab forward, forcing her lips forward up against the edges of the thick roll of his sheath. The base was far thicker, it forced her muzzle open wider as he ground his hips forward in a short hard thrust. The hissing of the gryphon filled her ears as he pulled back again.

Strands of saliva and glowing precum clung around his slimy dark length, she drew in a breath the moment that the tip slipped back down along her tongue. Her breathing came out a bit faster, puffing out in short bursts as he rolled his hips forward slowly back and forth, tugging the ridges along her tongue with each stroke. The dribble of precum spilled along either side of her tongue as the apex of each thrust plunged forward and sank into her throat. He didn't care if she jerked or gagged, he worked himself in to the point that the thickest point of the base wedged into her muzzle time and again, making her jaw ache, making the lovely female strain to hold it open wide enough before it simply popped out again with a wet lewd noise.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Gods her mouth was tight, so terribly hot and her tongue was sweet as it rubbed upwards and caressed right along the underside of his ridges. Carsus gave a pull backwards slowly, teasing himself through her with her lips occasionally wrapped right around the base of his cock. She made such sweet stifled noises when he did that, her throat trying to push him back out while he held there. Her saliva clung to him while he marked the inside of her muzzle with his precum, coating her with it until he could see the glow around the edges of her lips where it oozed out. Part of him wanted to fuck her muzzle, her throat, to pound into her until she was forced to hold around his swollen knot and he would spill out the hot rush of his seed into her stomach. But more than that, he wanted it where it would do the most good, and her scent was starting to madden him as she responded to him.

With a low growl he pulled his hips back, rubbing the ridges along her tongue before the spade shaped tip pulled free with a wet popping noise. He rolled forward, but trailed his cock tip right along the upper edges of her white muzzle, smearing the glowing preseed against her scales in a thick goopy dribble. Carsus tilted his head to look at Ria's expression, her eyes were slightly unfocused as he marked her and her nostrils were flaring to draw in the scent. How lovely that she could be dragged to her more primal urges. One of the hens from the city would have been horrified and screeching still, but she let her body speak to her of what it wanted, what it needed. He pulled his hips up and moved his forepaws away from the wings with a croon.

For a moment, Ria blinked at him with a blank expression, slowly returning to herself as she snapped her wings back. Her body writhed beneath him as he straddled over her with his cock bobbing along the line of his dark belly. A single drip of glowing precum splattered down against her belly as she struggled to get out from beneath him, and he let her. She snarled up at him, that lovely muzzle still marred from his attentions, amusingly leaving her tongue glowing just like his own. She twisted around, her wings smacking against her chest as she tried to lung away from him, shifting onto all fours instead. It was instinctive, and stupid of her, and what he was waiting for.

"So eager," he rumbled and hooked a foreleg right along the edge of her hip before hauling backwards. "Are you presenting so early?"

"NO!" She snapped her jaws back at him while struggling to walk forward. She could have dropped to her belly, she could have found a defensible position, but she chose to continue to try and struggle out from under him. As if she were begging for it.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ria felt the weight pushing down against her back as she fought to pull out from beneath him. The warmth of his feathers trailed against her back, teased towards the base of her tail. She snapped her jaws wildly, trying to drive him back, but he hooked his forelegs right in front of her hind legs and yanked her backwards. He tolerated the snaps of her teeth momentarily as she tried to catch his neck, tried to catch any part of him that she could use to throw the drake off. He darted forward and snapped his beak down right against the small of her neck, clamping the beak down hard enough to dig in against the scales in a bruising hold. His claws clutched right against the smooth curve of her belly scales while she bucked against him, snarling raggedly.

"Mine, girl.." Carsus' voice was muffled against her neck as he pushed down harder against her, grinding forward so the heavy slippery length suddenly pushed up along her outer hip firmly before pushing upwards. "Mine.. to swell with.. my clutch."

"Stop.. this! You can't!" She shuddered as she felt the heavy length grinding against her scales, oozing and dribbling precum against her as he rolled his hips. "I'm not a gryphon! You can't! I'll f-find you a hen, I'll get you a mate."

"I can make it.. work.." The words vibrated the line of her neck as his hips shifted back and forth, probing and pushing against her scales while she clamped her tail down hard between her hind legs.

The cock tip probed against her, it rubbed back and forth as the beak gripped harder and yanked her head backwards. She flexed her toes down against the ground while he gave short hard jabs, bouncing the cock tip forward and slipped up against her haunches and then down again. Carsus snarled in frustration and twisted his beak roughly and hard enough that the sharp tip sank into the flesh of her neck. She screeched out in pain as the hold yanked harder, tearing into the scales until she felt a dribble of hot blood running down the length of her white neck. The claws clutched against her stomach and yanked her back roughly while she fought him, her tail was the only barrier against him and he punished her for keeping it in place.

The black bird yanked harder with his beak and suddenly the foreclaws yanked backwards hard enough that the claws trailed against her stomach, she was wedged against his body, her tail was wedged against him. The hardness of the dark cock rested against her as he used his own body to force her tail out of the way of those otherwise deliciously unprotected estrus swollen folds. She couldn't block him, couldn't get her tail back into position to hide herself as the weight of him splayed her legs apart just to hold him up. This couldn't happen, she couldn't allow this to happen, she had to break free of his hold, she had to preserve herself. The press of his belly pushed her tail upwards sharply enough that the feathered scales were nearly bent and the cock tip suddenly pushed between her legs.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Carsus tasted the hot blood on his tongue, coppery and sweet so the scent mingled with the warm fertile scent of her body beneath him. The rippling scales teased against his belly while he rubbed his cock right along the line of her belly, smearing the precum against her. He reveled in the victory having the base of his cock pressed right up against the swollen vulnerable folds gave him, deliberately rubbing himself back and forth. Her slickness coated him while she let out a pained noise deep in her throat when he refused to let up on the hold to her scruff. Her wings flared out to either side as he rolled his hips back and forth, rubbing himself along her outer folds so that she squirmed in reaction. A faint pink tinge suffused the edges of her muzzle as he worked against her, taunting her with his girth and rousing her body.

He felt her shiver as he pulled almost all the way back and caught his tip against her outer folds before pushing forward again. Her heated gender was growing slicker by the moment, it was so tempting to just spear into her but he wanted to make her feel enjoyment from what he was doing to her. He wanted to humiliate her, degrade her, make her feel that she truly wanted him to breed her. His tail feathers flared as he dragged back again and purposefully caressed over the outer lips with his glans, a dribble of glowing precum spilled out and coated them, marking his new territory. His foreclaws kneaded and squeezed against her underside, that fertile little belly, rich with ova that he could overcome with a single rush of his seed. He cock flexed at the very idea and he trailed down to probe her opening.

"NO!" Ria screeched out and suddenly fought beneath him, she lunged forward and twisted her hips to one side, trying to throw off his weight. "I WILL NOT DO THIS!"

His claws scraped against her belly as the dragoness lunged forward and twisted to one side, her eyes wide with panic and anger. Her tail smacked hard against him, cracking against his haunches before she yanked her head and snapped at his foreleg. She caught him, her teeth sank in so he snarled out and tried to shake the beast off. His beak clamped harder against her neck, twisting and trying to throw her off balance as she struggled. Her tail slapped him again, harder this time so it cracked right above the tail feathers. Her claws scraped against the ground and pulled her forward so his cock dropped down away from her folds. He was done with these games, she was his by right and if she wouldn't take pleasure she would take pain.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ria's claws raked up the ground and she twisted her body again, nearly freeing herself from beneath him as he tried to keep his hold. His snarl rang in her ears as his forepaws moved up against her shoulders and suddenly shoved down hard enough that her forelegs collapsed. Her white chest was forced to the ground while an angry avian foreclaw pinned down against the back of her head so her muzzle was thrown into the dirt. Her forelegs were splayed open wide as he kept her head shoved down giving him space to push his hips up against her own. There was no teasing, no gentle taunting rub like he had used before, instead the tip suddenly wedged up into her estrus swollen vent and drove forward. The powerful weight of his haunches hammered him home as she screamed out.

The drake's cock tore into her, forcing its way into her body and straining her passage open wider and wider with a lewd wet sound. She jerked beneath his weight, trying to lift her head up as he forced his way deeper and deeper. It hurt, her body tried to stretch around him but she wasn't given a time to adjust, he just kept pushing inside of her and forced the base all the way up against the outer edges of her lips. Her walls quivered and contracted down tightly around him as something thick dribbled out of the tip and spilled into her. Another harsh shove and she felt him grinding right against the spongy barrier of her cervix, a painful push that broke a whimper out of her throat. She was being torn in two and the drake just kept trying to shove more inside of her vulnerable passage.

"St-stop..." She wheezed and the hips suddenly drew back, making her cry out again as the ridges raked through her body.

The gryphon didn't answer her, only dragged his cock out inch by inch, popping the ridges free as she tried to squeeze around him. Her breathing came out raggedly as her swollen passage was abused, the massive male simply yanking backwards, nearly pulling the spade-shaped tip entirely from her body. She could feel slickness spilling along her outer lips before he lunged forward again, a hard thrust, harder than the first as he drove himself in, mashing right up against her outer folds. The tip hit against her cervix eliciting another cry from her throat again. It hurt, it made her stomach cramp up as he dug in right against the vulnerable opening before he pulled backwards again, only half his girth pulling free from her violate body before setting into a rhythm he found quite enjoyable.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Carsus was lost in the feel of those silken walls gripping around him, he luxuriated in the way she writhed and cried out in pain as he drove himself in without a measure of restraint. Her lips were pealed back from her teeth as he forced her head down into the dirt. She would continue to fight him? Then he would show her that there was no fighting. She was his by right, the clutch in her womb was waiting for his sperm to claim them and he wouldn't allow her to think she could have the upper hand against him. Ever. She would learn her place even if he had force her time and again. Her fighting was glorious, her body was trying to force him out, the muscles contracting every time he pushed inside of her.

Her own wetness was being pushed out around him, mingling with his precum as he plunged inwards and bottomed out inside of her again. She wasn't deep enough for him, his cock tip wedged against her cervix with his knot kissing lewdly against her outer folds as he tried to force himself in deeper. He kept one foreleg wrapped around her hips while he rolled his hips forward a bit harder. The swell of his orbs brushed against her inner thighs as she screeched out the moment he pulled back again. Her walls rippled around him as the ridges purposefully stimulated her body and catching against her g-spot. Her tail snapped against the edges of his side, catching against his back as he started to thrust in short hard bucks that bottomed him out over and over again.

As the tail snapped upwards he twisted his head and caught it in his beak, clamping down tightly at the tip so that she snarled out beneath him. She squirmed and twisted, trying to free it even as he plunged forward again and forced his cock tip up against the barrier, harder this time. He wanted to feel every last inch of her spread around him, he wanted to force his way into the vulnerable egg chamber with the first of her ova. As he pushed up against the slender opening a thick bubble of precum erupted from his tip to spill into her womb, already threatening her with the risk of his sperm.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ria squeezed her eyes shut as the tip hammered against her cervix. He wouldn't stop, it felt like he was bruising her as her hips were forced higher up into the air. The grip on her tail yanked harder as he chirred out above her and began to hammer faster and faster. She couldn't help herself, some dark part of her was giving over to the dominant male that was claiming her and threatening to fill her with his clutch. Her nerves were being stroked and simulated, caressing and making her whimper out even as she felt fear and anger at what was being done to her. She was being tainted, each dribble of precum threatened her and ruined her for ever finding a mate of her own. The thickness of the base kept hitting against her sore folds, pushing forward hard enough that she screeched out when he threatened to push into her.

The yanking grip on her tail was coupled with a sudden pull of the foreclaw that gripped her stomach, forcing her backwards just a few inches as she struggled. It hurt, it hurt and felt good, as the tip started to wedge and force the slender bottleneck of her cervix open. It was a burning pain deep in her belly that wouldn't stop as he pushed his knot against her folds and spread her open to force her swollen outer folds to wrap around the base. Her once-virgin sex yawned wide in a lewd O while she gapped her jaws open in a silent cry. It hurt, but she wanted it, her body needed it in a way that made the heat flow through her as the drake continued to thrust in short hard jerks. Each one threatened to sink the knot all the way into her.

The grip on her hip suddenly pulled back hard, the claws scraped against her belly scales as Carsus lunged forward and the knot sank into her body with a lewd wet noise. Some of her wetness was forced out around the edges, spilling down along her outer folds while the spade shaped tip wedged right into the vulnerable opening of her cervix. The gryphon's screech of pleasure rang in her ears as he held himself inside of her for only a moment before tearing his knot from his body with a popping noise and dug right back into her body again. Her folds were forced in on themselves as he hilted himself into her body and the heavy orbs clapped up right between her legs, full and swollen with seed. She couldn't take anymore, she couldn't be stretched any further, but his hips kept slamming against her without reprieve.

All her life she had dreamed of finding a mate, the way that they would soar to the skies and come together in a glorious rush of life and need. Twined together and setting themselves as mates beneath the eye of the gods. It was to be a sacred moment that should have been drawn out for her pleasure by her mate and the discomfort of losing her virginity to be offset only by her first orgasm. This wasn't it; he was fucking her like an animal, breeding her without a thought to anything except forcing her to bear his brood whether she wanted it or not.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Carsus moved his grip on the tail down nearer to the base, using it to hold her up as he started to drive his hips in harder faster strokes. He could feel her body straining around his knot at the apex of each thrust and he had to struggle to pull his knot free before sinking forward again. The cervical passage wrapped tightly around his cock tip each time he hilted while his very tip squeezed into the vulnerable heat of her womb. The walls started to quiver around him, pulling from the base all the way to the tip as her shrieks of protests tried to deny what her body wanted. Her legs were trembling against him while he spilled out a thick glob of precum directly into her unprotected womb before pulling backwards again forcing those tender walls to stretch and squish for his pleasure.

Already that precum was working in her belly, flung out deep to spread through the warmth of her womb and spilling up into her fallopian tubes, searching out those ripe and ready ova. It had been too long since he'd felt the slick muscle of the cervix clutching around his spaded cock tip. When he pulled out his ridges deliberately caressed her before driving forward again. His base was growing thicker, swelling open wider and wider so he had to struggle to force himself back into her passage. The muscles clamped down tightly around him as he yanked back and pulled his base free with a slurping noise and then plunged forward, having to strain to force himself inside of her. Her walls were tightening around him as he snarled out and threw his weight forward in a brutal stroke, not caring if he tore her, wanting simply to feel every last inch of himself impaling her lush body.

He dropped Ria's tail and let out a ragged cry as he wedged himself into the clutching swollen passage, his knot popped in with a wet noise while his spade shaped tip plunged into the opening of her womb. Her scream echoed in his ears as her body was violated as far as he could take it. His tip pushed back into her womb as each throb of his girth swelled his knot open wider and wider, forcing her body to mold around him. He hunched over her and moved his foreclaw away from her neck and shoulders, slipped them down to her hips to yank her back. She wasn't going anywhere, she was his, and each clutching pull of her roused body pushed him closer to the edge.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The moment the paw moved away from Ria's shoulders she tried to lunge forward, but only let out a cry of pain as she pulled against the swollen knot. There was no escape, not unless she wanted to rip herself open and he mocked her with it. He rolled his hips back and forth, rubbing the press of the knot right against her g-spot with each movement. She splayed her forelegs out with a whimpering cry, it hurt and felt good all in one. She was sore all over, blood ran along the edges of her scales and dried there, but her body wanted this. It screamed with the need that made her close down tightly around him and pulled him in deep. The tip, it was too deep, too much, as he stirred back and forth, tugging along her body as he hunched over her like an animal.

She wanted it, the horrible part of her mind wanted it, wanted him. She couldn't stop the pounding of her heart as the gryphon suddenly launched himself forward and drove into her. His balls drew up tight and pressed against her while the edges of his sheath tickled right along her swollen outer folds. The caress forced a cry from her throat as her walls locked down tight around him, her claws dug down tightly against the ground while her hind legs were forced open a bit wider. Some part of her wanted what was coming, it was a flushing rush of heat and need- it was primal and had nothing to do with love or mating, it only had to do giving in to a strong male and letting him pound a clutch under her tail. It was that part that pushed back against him, that part that massaged and milked from the knot all the way to the base that plunged within her.

"NO!" She screeched out, trying to deny what was about to happen to her, but it was lost in the sound of the gryphon above her.

The gryphon's cry was ringing above her as the cock throbbed and she intimately felt the tube along the underside of the girth bulging and swelling before the tip erupted. A thick hot wave of cum was flung into her vulnerable womb, a hot rush that splattered deep inside of her body. She could feel it hitting against the back of her wall as she trembled beneath him. The glowing green cum didn't happen in a few spurts, but a steady thick flow that filled her womb and pushed deeper. Millions of sperm were spreading through her, edging in deeper and deeper, pulled forward by her own treacherous body as she remained with her chest pressed against her ground.

The knot sealed her, she could feel him quickly overcoming the space of her womb and some of the warm thick goo spilling backwards, but couldn't escape. The feathers tickled against her and he gave a sudden push forward, helping to drive the semen in deeper as she felt her belly scales starting to spread apart and strain. She hissed out in shock and twisted as her filled womb started to make her belly swell wider and wider. She could feel the pressure building up as the tip oozed continuously into her, stuffing her full of the rich glowing cream. Deep within her body, the rush of sperm attacked, spreading around her vulnerable ova, struggling and battling around the barrier that held against them. There was no hope of walking away from this free of consequences, one plunged forward to pierce the barrier and merge with her egg.

There was no where in her body for the rest to go, she wasn't a hen that was designed to ovulate dozens of eggs at any given time. The hips that pushed flush against her barely stirred as something gave inside of her, the pressure burst as the rush of cum plunged deeper into her body and surged forward. The sperm rushed into her very ovaries, claiming not only the first of her eggs, but future eggs as well. Her hips started to tremble in place, shuddering and arching upwards as she let out a short cry of denial.

"Rrrrr... Oh yes.." Carsus rumbled above her and gave a slow caress of his hips, "You'll swell."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Carsus shivered as he felt her walls caressing along her passage, wrapping and caressing through the length of him while he splattered out a hot ooze of his cum. He moved one of his paws down to rub right along the swell of her belly where his cum had filled her. Over filled her. It had been so long since he'd had a female beneath him like this. Slowly his knot started to deflate, her own muscles relaxed so that a trickle of glowing cum oozed out around the base as he slipped his forepaws down to the ground and slowly pulled his hips back. Ria let out a ragged little cry as he tugged, she scrabbled forward and his knot splayed her open wide before his inky black shaft slipped free with a wet slurping sound, the tip popped out with a wet noise.

The strands of glowing cum and arousal clung to him for a moment, still joining him to the pale white dragoness before he pulled back all the way. He stepped from her with his cock oozing down a dribble of glowing green cum that pooled against the ground. He gaped his beak with a grin as he looked over at the collapsed dragoness, her haunches dropped to the ground, still shaking while her wings hung partway open to either side. Her violated folds were still partially spread, oozing his glowing cum down between her legs and spilling down towards the ground. But not all, not even most of it, her belly was still plump and round where his sperm was violating her very ovaries so she would boast not just a few paltry eggs, but at least a dozen.

"Apology accepted," Carsus crooned out to him and ruffled his feathers a little bit. "You may stay in this cave, consider it a gift. After all, you will need a safe place to lay." He gaped his beak in a gryn before flipping his wings against his back and turning away from the freshly bred dragon. He'd worked up an appetite.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ria shivered and slowly lifted herself up from the ground, her inner thighs felt sticky and the rank scent of male gryphon coated her entire body. She almost gagged on it as she turned her head towards the entrance and slowly limped towards the opening of the cave. She was sore, her loins ached from being stretched and spread so wide. She didn't even want to contemplate sitting down, it was bad enough walking. She needed to find water, she needed to wash herself clean, she needed to get the cum out of her before it could do any more damage. She could feel the heat of it inside of her, her cervix was already tightening up to keep what he had pumped into her where it could do the most damage.

As she stepped out of the cave she looked around and half expected to see the gryphon waiting for her, but there was nothing. Not a feather. She limped down to a nearby stream of water and stepped into it, the coolness rushed up and over her legs as she waded in and pushed all the way in until it spilled right over her aching haunches. Her breath came out in short pants as she felt it spilling over her aching swollen vent, but at least it got the worst of the mess from her. She trembled a little bit as she lifted her head up and looked around, trying to see if the gryphon was near by or watching her.

The water at least cleaned her haunches, but it didn't go deep enough, it didn't touch the semen that had swelled her belly. And even if it did, it was too late, it worked to do its job. Well over a dozen eggs fertilized and ready to make her body strain to carry a clutch too large for any dragon to manage. And there was nothing she could do to stop it. Tainted and broken in by something just a little above an animal. And he was still out there. Was he done? Would he go for her again? Would he pin her in the night and tear into her sore body over and over again?

I need to get out of here before he can try it again. I need to get away from him. _ Her stomach twisted. _Where will I go? Can I go? I can't go home now, I can't return swollen with a gryphons eggs. I can never go home.

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