Reap What You Sow: Part 2
First part found here:
The sound of the crickets were wild and sweet on the air, but Daniel didn't care about them. Didn't care about the plaintive song that was ringing in the air and rising upwards, didn't care about the fog that was rolling through the road. He crouched down against the wheel of the car and moved his hands down to cup his head in, tears leaking out of his eyes even as he tried to tell himself to stop crying. He needed to stop crying. It wouldn't stop though, it never stopped, the tears rolled down and stung the cuts on his face while he hugged his knees in close to his body. He hated his life, he generally hated it, he hated the man who called himself a father. He hated his half brother. He hated that he had no escape, there was no way out that he could see, it was all going downhill fast and there was no way out of it.
He couldn't leave his home, he had no hope for college, he was going to go home to that awful place to be beaten. He would be abused and thrown around. Again and again. What chance was there for him to get out of it? The violence, the abuse, everything was piling up against him and all he was left with was the ghost of the love his mother had given him. Even that was bitter sweet, the gentle affection and confident words were a reminder of what should have been. Life wasn't fair, she had been taken from him and taken all hope with her. He had knew it would be hard, but even a small bit of kindness would have been able to help him get through it. And now, tonight, he lifted his head and moved a hand up to touch his aching face. It was bruised, it would be worse by the light of day, but it didn't hurt as badly as his heart hurt.
It's all ending. I'm going to be beaten, abused, I may not even leave there alive. Marty hates me. He truly hates me. The salty tears stung his wounds as they trickled down towards his jaws. I can't do this anymore. I can't.
"I'm not going to do this anymore." His voice sounded raw as he stood up, his legs a little shaky as he looked around the car.
It had been at least an hour since Beau and Marty had run off into the forest, but he hadn't left the car. He was too scared to leave. He was half afraid that the moment he turned away, they would erupt from the woods to beat him for moving. As if it was some sort of test. They were probably out there right now, waiting to see him get in the car or try to drive it. Ready to punish him, ready to hurt him again. His heart and soul had been abused already, now his body ached so badly that he felt as if he were going to be sick. Despair clung to his soul as he stepped away from the car and looked out at the low hanging oak trees, the Spanish most swayed back and forth in the breeze. The swamp, the deep still dark waters where all was silent and yet all was alive.
His body hurt, the beating made his muscles throb and ache, but he continued to walk away. His steps led him from the path and no one came to get him or yelled at him. No one tried to grab him. He didn't care if they did, he knew what he wanted to do. He stepped off the road and into the moist rich earth, the sound of frogs and insects filled his ears as he pushed past the first edge of the bushes and felt the ground grow wetter beneath his shoes. It was a beautiful warm night, the sky was overhead, it was glorious. It would only take a moment, he'd step into the deep dark waters and they'd suck him under. He'd be out of this horrible life, it would be over, he wouldn't have to be hurt again. Nothing could touch him, perhaps he'd even go back to the warmth of his mother. Her kind voice and gentle ways would call him somewhere beyond all of this.
The water rolled up along his feet as he walked forward and pushed past the brush, he just had to find the deep waters of the old bayou. So many people passed away there in any given year, no one would think twice about it. He steeled his resolve as he felt the water sinking up along his shoes and felt the muck gripping against them. He didn't even stop as the ooze coated up over them and one of his shoes popped off. He left it behind as he kept his mind on his single purpose, he would leave this place forever. The tears that had rolled down his face started to dry as he came closer to his goal. An end. An end and a beginning.
"Stop." A soft voice called from the darkness, a single word that made his heart go cold with fear and he lunged towards an opening in the brush. Beau and Marty must have saw him leave, they were going to stop him, hurt him. "Please, please stop.." The voice called out again as something moved in the fog and darkness.
"Leave me alone." Daniel snarled out angrily and kicked his way past the bushes, trying to run through the thick mud as fear burst through him. "I'm done! I QUIT!"
Marty or Beau, whichever one it was, suddenly lunged behind him as he crashed through the brushes and nearly dropped to his knees in the mud. He was getting out of here, out of this life, out of this hell. The mud sank higher as he struggled towards a glimpse of water beneath the fog. He waded forward as the crashing sound became louder and he made a desperate bid to throw himself towards the dark water. His legs twisted in on one another, tangling as he fell through the muck and the mud wrapped around his torso. It was thick and heavy as a hand grabbed the waist of his jeans and gave a yank backwards. They wouldn't even allow him this. They wouldn't even allow him to end it all, to find some sort of peace after his hell.
"LET GO!" He screamed out and kicked hard, the mud was giving way, he could feel it watery as he pushed with his arms. "LET ME THE FUCK GO!"
"NO!" The boy roared behind him, almost a snarl as the hand yanked him backwards. He threw himself forward again, loosening the hand that gripped his jeans as the waters splashed along his arms.
Warm, such warm water, he threw himself forward into it, willing an end to it all. Away from their hands, away from their torment. He felt it rushing over his head as the ground with out from under him and he didn't even struggle. It was over, it was going to be over.
Something grabbed him, something hard and sharp pricked against his neck and hauled him backwards despite his struggles. He kicked and tried to get away, but he was yanked back up to the surface before he could escape the hold. Something scraped against the back of his neck, it hurt and made him cry out as an arm wrapped around his waist and hauled him backwards, dragging him as he kicked and fought the hold. It must have been Beau, only Beau was as big as the person who was dragging him was. His legs were dragged through the muck and mud while he twisted and fought. He couldn't stop his humiliation, tears rolled down the edges of his cheeks as they denied him even this.
"Stop....struggling!" Beau grunted behind him as he was hauled onto the harder packed mud and towards the safety of the ground. "OW! Please, please stop. I have you, I've got you.."
"It's not fair! LET ME GO! Damnit, I'm not your punching bag!" He writhed forward again only to be thrown back, he couldn't even catch himself as he hit the ground hard enough that he nearly cracked his head on the ground.
"Shhh shhh!! You're alright, I've got you." Weight pressed him down against the ground, as he tried to get up. "Please, don't struggle. I've got you."
"Let me go... please..." Something broke inside of him, Daniel was horrified, but he couldn't stop the stream of tears as he sobbed. "Let me go.. don't want.... Can't do this... hate you... hate you all.." He choked on his sobs as the hands refused to let him up, refused to let him go back to the water.
"Hush.. hush.." Beau growled at him, almost a purr as hands gathered him up and pulled him against the large warm body. That's when he realized something, it wasn't Beau. It wasn't a human. "I have you."
He was pulled against a broad furred chest, it was damp fur, but his head was pushed up against soft thick neck fur that was drier. Arms wrapped around him and pulled him close, tugging him into a broad lap so that he was wrapped around something large and incredibly warm. He lifted his head enough to see a large lupine head looming over him, crowned with a thick ruff of fur that made it look larger. He wanted to be afraid, he wanted to scream, but there was nothing in his heart left for that. He sobbed, he was held by some creature that never should have been, but he couldn't bring out that fear. He felt broken as he started to cry and the large head leaned down over him and for the first time since his mother died he was held as he started to cry.
The tears didn't stop, they rolled down his muddy cheeks and coated the broad furred chest. The arms tightened as the large form started to rock gently while a deep throated purr vibrated from the animalistic throat. It was too strange for words, but he still cried himself out. He still sobbed until his throat was sore and he felt as if a lifetime had passed listening to the soft purring croon of the wolf. The large hand paws rubbed along his back as the tears slowly dried and he was left trembling in the creature's hold. He clung to the strange beast, burrowing his head against the chest, as if he had found the last solid thing in the world.
"You'll be alright now." The wolf rumbled and suddenly a hot tongue flicked out and dragged right along his cheek. It startled Daniel and made him jerk back with a yelp as the hot wet appendage smeared over his tears.
"EW.." He pulled back and blinked his eyes a few times, staring at the man-wolf that had held him.
"There, I would not wish the boy who saved me to end up a part of the swamp.." The wolf rumbled softly and leaned back so he could smile, the bottom jaw dropping so the long red tongue spilled out. "I'm glad I came back in time to keep you from doin' something you'd regret."
"I wouldn't regret it." Daniel shrank down miserably.
"You regret your life?" The wolf shifted and Daniel flushed hotly as he realized he was not only sitting in the wolf's lap, he was sitting in the male wolf's lap, a very nude male wolf.
"What are you?" He pulled backwards a little bit and blinked rapidly. "I..."
"I'm a wolf." The wolf grinned a bit more. "I'm Rufus. You saved me on the road, at hurt to yourself, I see."
I'm dead, or dying, this is a fever dream. Some visage before I finally go to the other side...
"B-but that was a four legged wolf.." He trailed off a little as the wolf cautiously let him pull out of the broad lap. His cheeks were flushed as the moment he moved away he realized he'd been pressed right up against a sheath and a set of sizable orbs.
"I can be both, a friend helps me." Rufus twitched his ears up a bit. "Got him out in the dark too, takin' care of them what hurt ya."
"Marty? Beau?" He blinked his eyes a few moments while the wolf regarded him, the ears were pricked so high up on the head.
"Of course. If ya feel you can face it, we'd best be gettin' up." He nodded and then grimaced, an expression that looked like a snarl on the long lupine features. He stood up and revealed a rather patched coat, smears of mud on it where Daniel had huddled against him. "Better clean off the muck, though, never did like bein' muddy."
"I... y-yeah.." Daniel stammered a little as a large warm paw-hand moved to wrap itself around his wrist to help him up. His mind refused to contemplate what he was in the woods alone with. It wasn't possible, but at the same time, he hoped it was real. Such an inhuman being that was showing him the first real kindness he had experienced since his mother had passed away.
~ ~ * ~ ~
"Rufus! Ah leave ya fer a moment an' ya go playin' water dog." A voice called out, rousing Daniel from his spot on a log, where Rufus had left him.
The wolf had found a creek that spilled into the bayou, the water was cool and sweet, clean enough that Daniel had been able to get the mud off him. He had been humiliated to peel of his clothes, but Rufus was so strange, so different, that it didn't seem that bad to be naked in front of someone that essentially looked like a big dog. It helped that the wolf had stepped into the creek and shifted, a spill of liquid fur and muscle, and then the large red wolf that had been sighted beside the road was there. He splashed through the water, trotting through it and coating himself, getting the worst of the mud off. Daniel was done long before the wolf was done snapping at fish and jumping along the large rocks to shake himself off.
He'd just watched, his head felt a bit dizzy from his break down, but he felt fresher, lighter than he had been. All the tears, all the pain, everything that had been bottled up and held deep inside, it had spilled out. He had watched the wolf jumping and leaping, playing and frolicking and tried to feel shocked or horrified by what the creature was. He should have, but it didn't matter, not right now. Rufus seemed to know he was watching and gamboled about, leaping up high in the air and crashing down, leaping about to chase his own tail, all for the sake of the laughter that spilled out Daniel's lips before he could stop it. It all stopped with the sound of the voice that made the wolf come to a stop with his tongue out while he panted.
"Our petite hero, eh?" Something stepped out of the darkness, not even the fog could hide the strange being that appeared.
It was an antelope, or at least, it sort of looked like one. The brilliant white and black head looked like an elongated skull hanging in midair, seated on a large neck and powerful body. The muscled pale chest was striped along the edges with dark broad strokes, with a loose vest hanging down on either side. The creature looked like Rufus had, an animal that had been mingled with humans, and this one was taller. Large ridged horns rose up from the brow of the head, bumping against the branches as he walked out with his glittering eyes focused on Daniel.
"I... I'm Daniel." He managed to speak and stood up belatedly from the rocks, his cheeks flushing as he moved his hands to cover himself. He shouldn't have set his clothes out to dry, he should have put them on anyway.
"You were right, Creole." Rufus' voice was rough and Daniel glanced back to see the large wolf finishing his change with a shake. "Caught 'em before he could do himself any harm."
"Bon." The antelope stepped closer and snapped his fingers, clicking them sharply. "Ah saw ya. Seen that look afore, seein' the darkness inside and wantin' to leave it all behind."
"This is Creole, the friend I told ya about. He's an oryx, not the sort ya see very often." Rufus came up beside him, his tail wagged slowly back and forth. "Take care of the little bastards?"
"Beau and Marty?" Daniel glanced towards the wolf and swallowed a little. "You didn't kill them did you?"
"Non," Creole laughed as he glanced around the small clearing near the creek, his large ears flicked up high on his head. "Ya reap what ya sow, cher, an' they deserved their fate. C'mere mon amis, come an' show what ya earned wit' your sinful ways."
The oryx moved to one side and snapped his fingers firmly, a clicking sound as the hoof tips clicked together. At first, Daniel didn't see whatever it was that came down from beneath the bushes, but his eye adjusted to the darkness slowly and revealed a pair of dogs. Pit bulls by the looks of it, their bodies muscled and glossy with the look of well fed animals, but they were walking awkwardly. One bigger one was striding forward while the smaller one was trying to walk backwards, but it was awkward seeming. For such healthy looking animals, it looked almost as if the smaller one was sick or something. He flushed hotly, his cheeks burning red as he realized that they were tied together. The big one was obviously still breeding the smaller one.
"In dis life, what ya do comes back to ya. Ah've watched 'em, knew they were gonna be harmin' an' hurtin' others. Pore things that ain't got nothin' but instinct betwixt their ears. Like dat dog in de car." Creole's accent was hard to understand, thick and slow, tinged with a hint of French beneath the edges. But Daniel had issues puzzling it out.
"Wait... that's my br- Marty." He couldn't even bring himself to call Marty his brother. He stared at the dogs and tried to see a sign that they were more than simple animals.
"Oui, dis one..." Creole moved his hand down and brushed it right down along the smaller dogs back. "Dis is de one dat hit ye. She'll swell wit' pups, an' live her life out as a dog. Nothin' more, nothin' less. Rufus played da bait an' Ah found 'em."
"Marty.." Daniel stared down at the dog, his eyes bulging a little as the small canine whined out and lowered her head, turning it away from him.
"They deserved it." Rufus' growl was deep and throaty, the wolf moved to stand closer to him, a line of warmth against his back. "I've been seein' the fights goin' on. So many dogs killed, for sport." The last words were snapped out with a click of his teeth. "We'll get them all eventually."
"But.. you can't..." Daniel felt a jolt of fear as he stared at the smaller dog that was hunched down near the ground, her ass in the air, held up by the larger dog.
He could imagine what the old man would do if he found out about this. What would he say? Marty and Beau had run off without him? He'd never buy it. He'd assume that he'd done something, he'd gotten them into trouble or worse, had even turned them in to the cops. The cold grew in his belly, spreading like icy tendrils. He'd be beaten, he'd have his ass kicked until he was forced to tell the truth and it wasn't something that would never be believed. It would only get worse. Even as he watched the bigger dog suddenly grunted and gave a pull forward, something that made Marty yelp out. Daniel's eyes were drawn to the sight of something long and slimy looking pulling outwards before the knot popped out with a wet squelching noise.
"Already been done, darlin'." Rufus sounded almost shocked at his protest. "Ya want 'em back an' they'll be back to doin' the same bad ends they already done."
"He'll kill me." Daniel heard his voice crack slightly. "You don't understand. He'll think I turned them into the cops or something. He'll beat me!"
"Non, cher." Creole's ears flicked up high on his head, his deer like head was tilted to one side. "Ya think we be throwin' ya back ta hell? 'ow long afore ye go seekin' another way ta end it? One where ya won't have Rufus ta pull ya from."
Daniel's cheeks flushed hot with shame. He'd never have thought of himself of even contemplating ending it all, but the darkness was still there. That overwhelming sensation of being lost in the midst of a life that was consuming him. Destroying him.
"I can't go home..." His voice sounded small and he automatically hunched his shoulders slightly. "What will you do with them? Where will they go?"
"Ahh dem? Workin' ta take down da one dat caused all o' this in the first place. Ah'm not in the habit o' killin' fer justice." Creole gave his head a short shake. "An' non, not home."
"It was never a home was it?" Rufus' voice was softer, but held the undercurrent of a rumble to it. "I've seen folks like them, bad spirited, mean, his family has that taint, I bet. Took it out on you?"
"I don't want to talk about it." Daniel wrapped his arms over his chest. "I'll find somewhere to go, I'll get out of here..."
"Ya wanted ta end yer life, I saw that." Rufus moved a hand towards him, the broad paw touched his bare back lightly. "You weren't entirely wrong about that notion. Sometimes, the world grows too dark, too awful, too hard. It sucks ya down until there's no light, no hope, no chance to survive it. The wounds are too deep. You've forgotten the parts of you that could feel joy and light, they shattered it until it's even painful to remember the good times. It's like bein' mocked about how it all used to be and should still be."
Daniel swallowed a little and tilted his head away, it hurt to hear the words, even in that warm rumbling voice. The wolf's paw stroked along his back gently, a touch that trailed up towards his shoulders and then back down again. The pads along the finger tips traced along him while he tried to fight back the sickened sensations that were growing in his stomach again.
"Then why did you save me?" He tilted his head downwards, his eyes watering with the threat of tears. "You should have let me die."
"'Not die, just leave your life behind, cast it off like old clothes. Start somethin' new."
"Like what? I'm too young, I don't have a college to go to, I got nothing." Daniel hugged himself tighter, not even caring that he was nude.
"Ya got me, us." Rufus came in closer. "Ya don't gotta even be human anymore, you can be free, you can run off and just leave it all behind. There's a whole world out there, most folks don't even know it, but it's there. Lurking just beneath the surface we've got a whole civilization here, an' we're just the surface Creole and I."
"Ah'm a little more spirit than flesh," Creole chimed in from where he was stroking right against the bigger dogs ears. "But what Rufus say, t'is true. We're 'round all over. One day, we won't be able ta hide, folks like Rufus an' others, they'll be comin' out into the light. Every year they're gettin' near caught, an' folks are findin' out secrets we're keepin'. Ya won't hide forever."
"What... more wolves?" He blinked a little and tried to look back at Rufus, but the wolf was moving behind him, a warm strong force against the line of his back.
"No, darlin'." He rumbled softly. "We have been here since the dawn of times, other races worshiped us, we guided the Native Americans, we have always been watching. Science is catching up with us, though, an' being hidden won't last forever. You can join us, join me, I'll take ya far away from those that hurt you and you'll live a new life."
"Just like that? I can't... I mean, I'm not..." He started to stammer while was pulled back against the warmth of the wolf's chest and stomach, the press of fur trailed down along his bare back.
"Ah'll help." Creole smiled slowly. "Ah can change you, remake you, an' you'll be like Rufus. He can be your guide."
"Change me..." Daniel stiffened a little bit and blinked before glancing down at the pair of dogs, Marty was cringing away from the bigger dog. Beau seemed to enjoy the press of the oryx's fingers against his ears, he was leaning into it.
"Leave your old life behind.." The wolf murmured against his ear. "You were ready ta end it all, go into the dark and not know what was waiting on the other side. Are ya ready to see something else?"
"What would happen?" His voice sounded small as his eyes remained resting on the dogs. He didn't want to be a dog!
"Not like them." Rufus pulled him in closer as Creole moved his hand away from Beau's ears and took a step forward. "Like me. Creole made me, ages ago, outta a bit of moonlight and a real wolf, but I'm more than that now. I'm Rufus, I can think an' feel an' am just as smart as any human. But a wolf's not meant to run alone. A wolf isn't meant ta spend each night in isolation. You can be like me. You can run on all fours and smell the air so rich and alive, we can sing to the night sky, you and I, or walk on two legs among others like ourselves. We can know the secrets of another world, an' one day it won't even be a secret. We'll walk among people again if we choose, wear clothes an' do all the things you know. Or leave the human world behind and become wolves together...."
Each word was soft and seductive, accompanied with the softest of growls beneath them while Rufus held him close. Leave the human world behind. It was terrifying, or it should have been, he should have been horrified at the very idea of becoming something else, but what did he have? Home and pain, darkness and anger and despair. He could kill himself, he could end it all, or... Or he could become something else. He could cast aside what had nearly destroyed his heart and be a wolf.
"Be a wolf..." Rufus echoed his thought and tightened his arms as Creole's skull patterned face came in closer. "Freedom. Creole can make ya, like he made me, an' you'll never be alone. Never be in pain, I'll protect you."
"Oui, mon lupe, tis an easy thing." The oryx was so close, nearly pressing against him while he trembled despite the heat of the furred body at his back. "Ah'll remake ya.."
"Will it hurt..." Daniel whispered while he felt the warmth pressing against his front, his nude front, something that made his cheeks burn as he felt the fur touching something sensitive on him.
"Non... T'will be all ya want," Creole stroked his fingers downwards, caressing right along his chest. "Your desires control de change, Ah only give the magic. You're the one dat gives de change."
"Just think of being a wolf," Rufus stroked along his sides. "Keep it in your mind an' you'll be one, just takes Creole's magic."
"Oui.." The oryx murmured and leaned his head down slowly, the soft edge of the lips brushed right along his own.
Before Daniel could think he was being kissed, and not chastely, the muzzle was pushed up against his flat lips and a large tongue plunged forward. He'd never been kissed before, not in a sexual way, and for the first time he felt the caressing tongue working in his mouth. The edges of the lips had whiskers, they tickled against him while one broad hand reached up to cup the back of his head and pulled him in close so he couldn't even pull away. He didn't want to, the touch of the kiss spilled heat through him, thick sweet heat that rolled down his tongue and plunged through his body until it nearly burned its way into his throat. He couldn't do anything else but kiss back, he wanted to, a driving need that spilled through him and made him press forward against the oryx's body.
It was like taffy, thick soft taffy that was rolling down his throat, pulled between them and shared. His tongue pushed forward gently, rolling lightly upwards and teasing as the larger one rubbed back and forth. The weight pressed him backwards until he was surrounded by the warmth of the fur along his back, heating him with more than just temperature. It was a feverish rush that made his nerves feel raw and sensitive, his heart started to speed up as he swallowed down the magic, suckled it from around the tongue, but it didn't flow fast enough. It was just a brush of the magic that he needed, his body told him that as he pushed forward and tried to press himself harder against the firm lips that were pressing against him.
"Not there.." Rufus' voice was a rough growl and the paws moved to slip around his waist, pulling him backwards so that Creole could pull back. The heat and magic went with him. "Like this.."
The paws moved against his body and he felt as if fire were brushing over his body while he was guided down to his knees in the soft moist earth. Dimly he realized that the dogs were watching them both, their eyes alert and bright, but it didn't matter. He heard his own heart beat, a slow steady sound that soothed him even as he was shaking. The sky was starting to lighten so he could see Creole's outline as he stepped forward. Something gleamed along his belly and Daniel barely had time to think about what it was before a thick nailed hand guided his head forward so his lips touched something hot and slick, it trailed against his lips spilling the same heat that had plunged into his muzzle with the tongue. He wanted more of it, he needed that heat.
He parted his lips and wrapped them right around the slickened cock tip, the salty sweet precum oozed out onto his tongue as a rush of fire flooded his throat and spilled downwards. It was burning heat that worked towards his lower belly while he swallowed it down. He needed it, his body craved it, that touch that made him tremble while the weight of Rufus slipped behind him. Crouching close. He rolled his tongue, feeling over the length that was so stiff and hard, it felt as if a bone were running beneath the smooth red flesh. He pushed downwards and pulled backwards, slowly working to coax the thick goopy dribble of preecum out of the tip. It was forcing the magic into his muzzle, it tingled and made him aware of every inch of his body. His heart started to pound faster, the sound of a drum beat that grew with each swallow of his eager throat.
He pushed his lips downwards, inch by slow inch, driving deeper so that his lips were forcing towards the base of the shaft. Rufus was so close to him and it was that deep voice that purred out soft suggestive words. Gentle words, about the forest beneath the moonlight, the feel of warm earth beneath running paws, guiding words as he moved his hands up to grasp against either side of the oryx's hips. The thick nailed hand rubbed along the edges of his hair, stroking lightly and guiding him as he was pushed forward. Inch by inch it started to slip into his throat, wedging in deeper and deeper while the speed of his heart picked up pace. His breath came out in a shuddering rush as he pushed until the tip plunged into his throat.
Daniel became aware of his body starting to change, his body was aching strangely while he began to bob his head slowly up and down. He cupped his tongue up just beneath the underside of the girth as he stroked up towards the glans when he pulled backwards. The tip dribbled out a thick dollop of precum against his tongue while a shudder ran down his back. He felt a ripple running down along the length of his back, and his hands started to change from where he gripped against the oryx's hips. His fingers were shortening as the nails began to grow and darken. He fluttered his eyes open in time to watch as they started to become shorter and thicker. His back arched upwards, rippling while he felt things starting to change.
His jaws started to ache as the oryx's hips rolled forward and pushed the precum deeper into his throat, spilling outwards so that he was swallowing it. It became easier to hilt the cock into his mouth, it slipped into his throat and wedged upwards so that he felt the edges of the soft furred sheath grinding upwards against his lips. He wanted that heat, he needed it, he drank it down and bathed in it with his breathing coming out in short hard sounds. His entire body was given over to working over the shaft. It didn't matter that it was a male, that it wasn't human, the magic rolled through him and claimed something in his mind. The fur started to spill over him, he felt it coating him, his back arched upwards while he drew his legs underneath him.
His body was reacting to it, the heat and need, the feel of his muzzle pushing outwards. A muzzle, he watched as it started to grow to engulf the length of the shaft, his tongue grew broader and curled upwards beneath it as he heard Creole's sounds of pleasure. Low throaty noises while his hands dropped downwards and he became aware of his own need. He was hard, he could feel himself pressed against the length of his belly as Rufus' hands glided over him, caressing and working along his body as his legs started to ache. The bones were shifting and growing, changing until he let out a muffled whimpering cry. The oryx didn't stop, the magic became a part of his heart, each beat sped the changes up while he was left trembling in their grasp.
"My wolf..." Rufus growled out low in his throat, a deep masculine sound that made Daniel shiver and respond to.
He curled his lips back as the oryx started to rock his hips faster and used his broader tongue to stroke upwards in smooth eager caresses. The thick dribble of precum spilled out while he was forced to drop his hands down to the ground, his fingers were growing together, shortening and stiffening as they went. They were changing into paws, he could feel his thumb drawing upwards and growing useless as his ears flicked back against his head. He let out a muted whimper while twisting his tongue around the very base and stroking upwards with a greedy swallow. His legs were shifting, only the wolf's touch kept him in place as the hand paws worked around him, rubbing lightly and slipping downwards until one of the warm paw-hands cupped right against his belly. Right around the tip of his cock and moved downwards so that his hips started to jerk forward immediately.
The fingers wrapped around him slowly, pumping and caressing as he pushed himself up on his legs, but they weren't the right shape. He stood up on all fours and it felt natural, the fingers that teased around his shaft made him buck forward, but the movements were more powerful more natural. The harsh male scents on the air filled his senses, aggressive and heavy, it was a thick musk that spoke of virile seed and powerful males. He drew it in and panted it out again while he began to thrust wildly against the hand holding his cock. It felt more sensitive, it was too intense as it rubbed up and down along his tip, massaging around his glans while he stifled a whine. Something was wrong, the scents were right, his fogged mind told him it wasn't right, he needed to change it.
He pushed his forelegs down as the oryx suddenly gave a sharp thrust forward and he was rocked backwards against Rufus. The paw moved up tighter against the lower belly, massaging downwards in a slow stroke that made his tail twitch higher into the air. His entire belly was heating up, a feverish heat that made him whine out as the hand that gripped the nape of his neck suddenly plunged forward in a short sharp buck. The tip of the cock plunged into his throat hard and sure, a sudden movement that nearly gagged him as he heard a wild cry from above him. The first hot rush of thick seed spilled out of the tip, a pressured blast that splattered into his throat. It was fire pouring into his body, erupting through Daniel's form while Rufus let out a sudden growl, a snarl that ran all the way down the length of his body.
"Mine......" The word dissolved into a wordless growl as the oryx gave a slow roll, the thick creamy seed splattered out over his tongue as the boned shaft pulled backwards making Daniel let out a harsh cry. The last jet of cum splattered right over the bridge of his muzzle, a sticky rope that clung there while he whimpered out and trembled.
"Oui..." Creole panted shallowly, stepping away as Daniel dropped his head and trembled in place, his forelegs were splayed open wide to keep him from falling flat down on his belly. "'ow interestin', mon lupe."
I.. I'm a wolf... The thought made him tremble as he carefully turned his head to see his own broad body, his vision strangely colored as he saw the thick coat of fur that quivered from his rising and falling chest. I'm really a wolf. I.. I have paws... He lifted up one forepaw and looked at it, a large paw with dark black claws. I have a tail... He could feel it wagging behind him. I'm not a human.
A low growl made him freeze as something brushed up against his side, something larger than he was. The heavy bodied Rufus stepped beside him and leaned forward to snuff against his side lightly, a gentle brush that made a shiver go down his spine as he walked back, almost stumbling over his new paws. He felt.... Great. His entire body felt energized and alive, the world was thick and rich with scents that he had no name for. He drew in a breath, his chest belled out as he tasted the air around him and he could smell the dogs near by. He could smell Creole's unique scent, like tobacco and spices, he could smell Rufus' rich warm scents. The last made him pause and draw in a deeper breath as the large wolf padded around him with his ears up and the eyes bright while Daniel flicked his own ears back nervously.
He was smaller, his head was just barely taller than the shoulder on the bigger wolf and he felt lighter. Rufus was all large muscles and heavy legs, the paws were even larger than his own. And that scent, that scent was still there, that warm smell that made him twitch his nose and lean forward as Rufus passed around him and bumped him firmly against the curve of one of his haunches. The light push made him brace his legs automatically and fluff up the thick ruff of fur around his neck and shoulders. He let out a growl back, almost a purr while the muzzle rubbed affectionately against his haunch so he twitched his tail up higher so that he felt a puff of air against him. He wagged his tail slowly while Rufus bristled his hackles and rubbed against his side. It rubbed right along him, stroking lightly so that the warm scent flooded his senses and made him flush hotly.
"Ah was not expectin' this.." Creole's voice was slow and amused. "Cherie, sweet gel, ya give o' yourself ta one who needs it, eh? Selfless..."
Daniel shivered a little and blinked up at the wolf while the weight of the larger wolf pressed against him, the nose rubbed against his tail while another tremor ran through him. It was a wave of heat and need that made him whine out softly as the nose brushed up against his inner haunches and lifted higher up. He expected to feel the warmth of the tongue slip upwards to caress right against his balls, but it didn't go there. It was a sweet caress that trailed right up and slipped against a part of his body that was so sensitive it made him cry out in shock. He flicked his tail up higher while the tongue probed up along that sensitive spot, working slowly while he trembled in place. His entire body was starting to contract in strange ways, muscles he'd never had worked against each other.
Sweet gel? Girl? He puzzled through the accented words while the tongue plunged forward harder, and started to wedge into his body. I-I'm a girl? A bitch?
She shuddered and her mind flickered away from the thoughts as the warmth of the tongue started to plunge inwards inch by slow inch. Her inner walls clamped down tightly while she whined out her confusion and pleasure. Her breathing came out raggedly, short gasps burst out of her while her inner walls contracted and rippled. She could feel the soft spade of her sex being teased while she splayed her hind legs and looked up wildly at Creole. She was a male, she was a boy...
"T'was your will, mon lupe.." His words were soft, barely a whisper as something slipped through the grass towards him. Daniel barely looked as the tongue started working harder, he just caught sight of the oryx picking something serpentine up from the ground. "Rufus is lonely, ye as well. Lonely hearts, no' so lonely now, eh?"
I.. but... I didn't.. Oh god... Daniel whined out as the tongue pushed in deeper and one of Rufus' large paws moved up to press right against her haunches.
It felt good, it felt right, she didn't know what to do, but her tail twitched to one side as the tongue rolled through her gently. A caress that was gentle and teasing, working through her as she twisted her head to the side and pressed her muzzle along Rufus' back. His scent, it was so warm and thick in her muzzle, and she drank it in eagerly. This was what had made her want to change, this was the difference that had triggered the thought that the scents were all too male. She wanted to be with Rufus, she wanted to give back to him what he had given to her. She flicked her tongue tip out to lick against his fur while he started to curl his tongue inside of her. Her inner folds contracted tighter and suckled around the tongue while her back arched up higher up in the air.
The tongue reached nerves she'd never had before, a hundred times more sensitive than her cock had felt, and working through her steadily so that she was left crying out softly. Her own wetness was being forced out around the edges of the slippery appendage. Her ears darkened and flushed while she splayed her forelegs out to either side. She rubbed her head back and forth against the furred haunches, her breath came out in short bursts while her toes flexed down harder against the ground. Briefly, she felt a rush of confusion, this wasn't right was it? Should it be like this? Why did it feel so terribly good? And then she was lost again as the tongue plunged in deeper within her passage, the hot breath teased against her.
She whined out and pulled her head back as Rufus bucked his hips in a short movement, his growl vibrated against her before he pulled his head back, his tongue tip flicked out and caught right against her clit. Her inner muscles squeezed around nothing as she was left shaking on all fours with her head lowered. Dawn was coming, a silver grey light that spilled over them and she got a good look at two inches of dark red shaft jutting out from his furred sheath. She felt a jolt of fear and anticipation running through her as the head lifted up and slipped along the line of her spine. His breath ruffled against her while she braced her hind legs and felt her stomach turn a little bit in anticipation. She knew what he wanted, and she wanted it, a need that was burning through her and making her pant shallowly.
Rufus whined softly and licked along her spine as he swung around, his chest pushed right up against her haunches before pushing upwards. His weight came down against her back while his forelegs hooked right along the curve of her haunches, his paws brushed against her belly as he stepped forward over her. She half expected him to bite her scruff, but he started to lick along her ears, her strangely sensitive ears. She lifted her head up while he teased along the edges and his haunches drew in closer to her, the tip of his tapered cock brushed right against her inner thighs, rubbing upwards lightly as something dribbled along her soft fur.
She tilted her head back and suddenly Rufus' hot tongue flickered right along the curve of her jaw line so she licked back, slipping against his tongue intimately while his hips rolled forward in short bucks. The tip of his cock pushed upwards, rubbing and stroking lightly, caressing right along the slick outer folds of her spade shaped sex. She twitched her hips a little bit, tensing up while he rolled forward again, his paws pulled against her haunches as the muzzle pushed against her own. It wasn't a kiss, their lips didn't work that way, but their tongue intertwined in a hot caress as he gave short sharp bucks, pushing and probing against her until it caught right between her folds and gave a short jab.
Her yelp came out muffled as the hot hard cock tip wedged into her body, a spill of hot precum spilled into her passage while the forelegs tugged her backwards. The glassy smooth cock pushed forward, wedging into her, forcing her to stretch open wider and wider. The tip was slender and easy to take, but it grew wider and wider, yawning her open so she cried out and he growled out an answer. His back arched upwards against her before he gave a firm thrust, the boned shaft plunged deeper inside of her, the hot dribble of precum splattered in deeper as her virginal body clutched tightly around him and squeezed. She pulled around him, trying to draw him in deeper as her hind legs started to shake. She couldn't stop herself as she cried out and pulled her muzzle away from him.
Rufus burrowed his muzzle down against her shoulder and neck, growling softly before driving forward once more, harder this time so that the breath was driven out of her. Her inner muscles worked and massaged around him, tightening and tried to draw him in deeper even as her body ached in reaction to being spread so wide. She wanted him, wanted to be his, a primal need that overran everything else while he rolled his hips forward until the thick base pushed right up against her outer folds and tried to wedge inwards. It was too big, she yelped out and suddenly the hips drew backwards, dragging the girth outwards and tugging along her outer folds as the cock tip nearly pulled out of her body.
He barely hesitated before he plunged back into her body, a hard sure thrust that rocked against her body and her legs were forced forward. She splayed them open wide with a yelp as Rufus began to thrust, rubbing himself through her, tugging and stroking, caressing her body so that she was left nearly squirming beneath him. His muzzle rubbed against the ruff of her neck while the paws clutched against her and pulled her backwards, driving himself inside of her in short hard strokes. Working through her so that her nerves were roused until she was letting out short hard cries of pleasure. It was like nothing she had ever imagined, she writhed and twisted, arching upwards a bit higher in the air and teeth suddenly gripped lightly against the scruff of her neck.
The powerful thrusts drove the base against her time and time again, wedging against her folds as she grew slicker around him. Her own arousal was being forced out around the dark red shaft as the rising sun started to spill around them. She didn't hide her pleasure, she hid nothing from him, she cried out each time he drove inwards and nearly plunged up against her innermost barrier. Even that felt good, it was a heat that spread through her belly and made her splay her hind legs out as Rufus' hips started to pound in rapid pistoning movements. The precum that spilled out of him was forced inwards, plunging upwards towards her cervix.
His knot, that thick base, it was forcing inwards and trying to wedge between her swollen lips. She felt a moment of fear at feeling her outer lips starting to splay open wider and wider, but that fear didn't stop her from pushing backwards against him. His paws clutched against her stomach and pulled her backwards as steadily he spread her open with those harsh driving thrusts, she couldn't stop him, she didn't want to. She let out a breathy whine as the knot forced the walls open so wide that she felt she was about to be torn in two, the hips bucked hard upwards and there was a lewd squelching noise as the base sank into her body. Forcing her muscles to wrap around him as his loins suddenly plunged up flush against her own, the heavy furred orbs bumped right up between her legs as he let out a high pitched cry.
The thrusts grew harder and faster, rocking through her, the tip was hitting time and again against the barrier inside of her. He was grinding against it, trying to force it open while the base pulled backwards and tugged against her folds, but didn't pop free. She could feel him throbbing and thickening, the base was growing wider and wider as she splayed her ears on either side of her head letting out a high pitched keening sound. Daniel's folds clamped down tightly around him, clutching and locking the knot deep inside of her as a rush of pleasure rolled through her. It pounding through her ears and brought an almost human cry from her lupine throat while she milked around his cock. The rippling walls caressed him, intimately feeling herself being stretched open wider and wider, straining open as the knot swelled to its peak.
His teeth clutched harder against the nape of her neck as the powerful haunches suddenly drove forward against her, the heavy orbs clapped up between her legs as they tightened up against his body. The cock tip wedged right up against her cervix before the hard boned cock started to throb within her passage, twitching against that barrier before the first watery spray of seed erupted from him. She whined out and splayed her ears as she felt the pressured rush hitting right up against her cervix, hitting hard against the barrier and trying to force inwards as she milked around him. Her haunches were trembling, tensing and relaxing as Rufus groaned above her, his weight pressed down hard along her back so she had to struggle to hold him up. Each hot spill flooded deeper, spreading into her vulnerable womb, she could almost feel it pushing past that slender opening.
"Magnifique, mon ami," Creoles voice made her jerk her head up in shock, but Rufus lifted his head with a venomous sounding snarl. "Non, Ah will not want her."
The oryx spread his arms open as if showing he meant no harm. He was crouched a few steps away, his back against a tree with the pair of dogs at his feet. The bigger one looked at ease while the smaller one had her back turned to the show, her head tucked away. Rufus growled lower and gave her hips a tug, seating himself more firmly within her passage while he continued to spill out hot sperm rich spills of his seed inside of her.
"Tis good ta have a partner.." Creole stood up slowly with a smile lingering on his strange skull shaped face and, for the first time, Daniel saw a massive scaled form wrapped around his torso and twisted down one leg. A snake, a snake, that's what had been in the grass. "Enjoy de day, Ah have business ta attend too. Come!" The last was spoken to the pair of dogs at his feet--hooves.
Rufus let out a lower growl, but the grip on her neck relaxed so that a warm tongue caressed lightly up towards her ears. The growl trailed off into something akin to a purr while another hot jet throbbed from the red length and pushed deeper into her womb. Her body working to draw the invading sperm towards her vulnerable ova, even as she relaxed into the sensations of her new body. This was her life, her new life...
~ ~ * ~ ~
"Damnitall! Ya are late, Mar-" Jean yanked the door open and blinked at the man standing at the door and frowned.
It wasn't a stranger, the Cajun was a normal sight around the bayou. A middle aged man with a loose leather vest and a pair of tight jeans that hugged around his body, he was normal looking, save for his white streaked hair. The only thing that marked him as unique was the bone necklace he wore around his neck and the strange markings that trailed down his chest. Tattooed words done in French swirled around his chest, twisting and curling in script that rumor had it was some sort of spell. A voodoo man, one of the folks that still followed the old ways in the swamp and most respected, or feared. Jean-Luc pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and flicked it out into the water with a scowl.
"What the fuck you wan'? Ain't dealin' in catfish, ain't the season." He snarled out and the man blinked his dark eyes a few times before smiling.
"No? Ah was just passin' through, word be ye workin' da rings, dog rings, oui?" The thick accent made him narrow his eyes as he picked out the words. Some fucker was talking.
"No, illegal, bud. Yanno that." He shrugged a shoulder and leaned against the doorway. Where the fuck were the kids? They were probably the ones mouthing out, stupid fucking townies. He knew he shouldn't have hired them on.
"Don' care much fer laws, de swamp, got it's own laws eh? Own justice?" The Cajun's smile grew a bit broader before gesturing down. "Ye take 'em eh? Dey good lines, bitch carryin' yon dogs pups."
Jean followed the gesture to a pair of dogs with nothing more fancy then a pair of old ropes wrapped around their necks to make leashes. He held them firmly even as they pulled back and tried to get off his ragged porch. The man didn't try to drag them forward, just held the ropes firm so that they couldn't get away.
"Whatcha want for 'em?" He tried to sound disinterested as he looked over the bigger one. He was heavier bodied, a nice thick neck, good muzzle on him. He'd likely do better than a bait dog. The bitch? He had no use for raising pups, no time to care for them, he could just toss her in as bait.
"Nothin', mon ami, take 'em off m'hands." The Cajun held the hand holding the ropes to him. "Take 'em."
"Not sellin'? Just givin'?" Jean grinned hugely and reached forward to take the leads. Dumb ass swamp man, he didn't even know he'd toss a hundred easy on the pain.
"Oui, take 'em, no use for 'em now." He kept his hand out with the ropes and Jean stopped himself from laughing as he reached out to take the leash.
"That's real nice o' you." Jean closed his hand around the leash, at least he'd be able to send the damned townies back with their ears burning. They were getting too caught up in their own importance to him, it would do them good to lose a bit of money and know they weren't his only connections. The Cajun's hand shifted beneath his own as he took the leads and suddenly the other hand reached out and caught him around the wrist.
"Oui, very nice." The hold pulled him out of the house so that he suddenly tumbled forward against the Cajun's chest. "Ah've been waitin' fer ya, cher, chasin' ya, an' now..." The Cajun's body rippled, rolling and changing as Jean yanked backwards and tried to get away from the grip. "We 'ave our own justice here, oui?."
The last thing Jean saw was the strange handsome features ripple and change, a spill of white fur and an elongated muzzle grew in the darkness.
~ ~ * ~ ~
"It feels weird..." Daniel shifted her paws around and flexed them, flexing towards her palm. They were like hands, but the fingers were shorter.
"I know, you'll grow used to it." Rufus rumbled behind her, his weight was pressed tight against her, his arm rested right along the line of her legs as they relaxed against the tree. "You are beautiful, perfect..."
The wolf leaned forward and brushed his muzzle along her shoulder, a shiver ran along her spine as she flushed hotly. The sun was creeping up lower in the sky, spilling golden light around them and gleaming off the waters of the river in front of them. They had run all day, they had run as far and as fast as they could. She had never experienced such speed and power, her body had been free, truly free, she had been faster than even Rufus. The big male had strained to keep up with her as they had startled up a rabbit and chased it through the edge of the meadows, just for the fun of it. When she was finally tired, he had shifted and coaxed her through her own transformation, hovering over her protectively while she felt bones and muscles changing, shifting.
She stared down at herself, feeling a mingling of confusion and rightness mingled into one. Her fur wasn't the dark rusty red that Rufus boasted, but a lighter color that was tinged almost copper towards the tip. She had paler fur along her back, a diamond shape of black guard hairs through pale tan. In this form she could look down and see soft furred breasts, and lower.... She flushed a bit even thinking about it. She should be embarrassed and angry and upset, but the warm arm that wrapped around her held her close, her back rested against him while he rubbed his chin back and forth along the curve of her shoulder. His breath was so warm, his scent comforting and arousing all in one.
"Do you hate your new body?" He murmured softly, licking the curve of her neck. "Do you hate me for loving it?"
"No..." Daniel flicked her ears back a little and glanced down at her paw again. "For something that should be wrong, it feels... right. Perfect."
"Good.." The arm tightened around her, a protective hold while a low purring growl rumbled in his throat. "I have been alone so long, I don't want you unhappy."
"I've been alone too.... But not anymore." She trailed off and wriggled closer against him, leaning her head back against his shoulder. It had been so long since someone had simply cared for her, loved her, wanted her. It was an end, and a beginning. And the whole world was stretched out at her paws.