Imperial Slave: Part 2

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

The sound of movement stirred over Liyoht as he slowly came back to the real world, it was the clatter of plates, the sound of hooves on the ground and soft voices. He tried to keep his eyes closed, his body relaxed, everything to show that he was still asleep. His nose worked, though, there was the faint scent of flowers on the air, perfume and spice, to chase away the thick scent of sex that still lingered on the air. It was that scent that had taken him through the darkness of his dreams, it hadn't been a restful nights sleep, it had been filled with passion and heat. A hundred small encounters, a thousand touches, all of them combined together to make his dreams one of heat and passion, but not the sort that he was used to. Not the sort that he wanted to have.

He dreamed of the stallion, the unicorns touch, the press of his body against a smooth white form and the scent of stallion on the air. He dreamed of the way the touches made him writhe and cry out, the way his own body was betrayed by desire. He dreamed of the need that had built up and crashed over him in a heady rush, the way that it had started, the way his mind had briefly slipped away under the gaze of the stallion. It had made him wake up several times in the darkness, the sound of Lyrian breathing deeply in the distance, and his own body painfully hard and erect. Each time he refused to touch himself, he didn't want to think about why he was aroused, he wanted only to ignore it and force himself to calm down again. He was ashamed of himself, how easily he became aroused by simple dreams.

It was as if there were voices in his mind, traitorous whispering voices, that sank through every level of his subconscious and worked against him. They took what he knew and twisted them around, destroyed them, changed things until he couldn't remember what was real and what wasn't. It reminded him of fevers he had had when he was young, when he couldn't be sure of what was real and what wasn't. Some of the dreams were so vivid that he was sure the unicorn was on him again, he was sure he felt something plunging into his body, his own hips grinding against the pillows. But each time he awoke, and it was all a dream, save for his arousal that were pounding through him and leaving him gasping.

By dawn, he felt as if his balls were swollen so tight it was painful, his stomach was tightened up so he arched his back a little bit and shifted on the pillows. His breath came out a little faster as he felt the tip of his cock resting against his belly, not quite hard, but not soft. A few inches jutted out and made him want to lean down to lick himself, a bestial act that repulsed him even as it attracted him. With a soft sigh he rubbed his chin against his forearms lightly as the sounds became a bit louder. There was a soft voice and a louder clattering of plates before the world erupted in light. Bright brilliant light that brought him struggling up from the pillows with a yelp as sunlight splashed over him and sent warmth rushing over his form.

"Boy! Come!" Lyrian's voice came out with amusement as the shepherd blinked his eyes a few times and squinted them down to narrow bands, his pupils pinned down.

"Sir?" He rasped out, his throat felt a bit sore as he lifted his head to see the unicorn seated at his table, the ears were flicked back towards him.

"I said come, Cesar!" Lyrian didn't sound annoyed, he sounded amused as he leaned back on the ornate bench, one hand reaching out towards the plate of food.

It was the plate that caught Liyoht's eyes and he felt his stomach cramp slightly in a sympathy pang of hunger for what he saw. It was a plate filled with rich food, fresh ripe fruits piled against one another, soft orange cheese, rich smoked fish and even dark fresh bread that scented the air. The canine licked his nose slightly while his hunger made his stomach rumble. He shifted up and started to stand up while the unicorn went back to watching something across the room with intent eyes. It gave Liyoht a moment to marvel at the outfit the stallion had picked for himself for the day. Something that could distract him as he straightened up and started towards Lyrian, his jutting tip still pushed out from the tip of his sheath for all the world to see.

Armor, the stallion was in armor. He'd seen armor before, he'd seen it worn by the guards and even by those who were in the upper class. The soldiers normally had boiled leather and dulled metal, very practical. The upper class boasted ones that were ornate, decorative and polished, but were still functional in the form of padded chain mail and leather beneath the solid metal. The stallion had armor that was a true work of art, as if it should be displayed rather than tainted by being worn by any creature, even a unicorn. The breast plate was formed by two twisting dragons, the coils twisted against one another, wrapped and entwined together as if in battle, claws locked and lips peeled back in a snarl. They were created, pressed together so close, that there was only a tiny openings, none large enough to be taken advantage of.

Beneath the armored breast plate was a loose spill of silver chainmail that was padded with silk so that it didn't abrade his alabaster hide. The short sleeves were just barely past his shoulders so that his muscles could be seen and rippled beneath the smooth coat. His lower body was covered in tight white leather, clinging to his hips and lower body with plates of silver armor resting against his upper legs and lower ones. Each plate was shaped like a rearing unicorn, the head tucked the body arched, pressed closed so that it protected the vulnerable spots. It was all crowned with a helmet that rested on a stand on the table. Delicately created to make a phoenix where the wings spread down so that they would hug against the broadness of the muzzle.

The Imperial Family... Liyoht thought in disgust. Only they would take something designed to protect and make it a costume for their amusement.

_ _

"Down, boy.." Lyrian jerked a hand down towards the floor. "Trell, bring Cesar his breakfast, feed him well."

Liyoht shifted uncomfortably while his ears flicked down towards his head as he glanced towards the chair on the opposite side of the table. There was room for him at the table, the food looked fantastic, freshly cooked bread was filling his senses while he felt his mouth watering. He slid towards the chair opposite of his master, his ears remained against his head as he started to lower himself into the seat. He felt a flush of humiliation at being still nude in front of the clothed stallion, but his hunger overcame him.

"Cesar!" The stallion's finger clacked firmly as they snapped and he pointed towards the ground. "Eat, pet, we'll be reviewing the personal guard today."

The shepherd glanced down at the ground and his ears flattened in protest, his nostrils flared a little bit as anger started to roll under the surface. "Sir? Can't I sit at the table, sir?" He kept his voice mild as he spoke, submissive.

"I do not tolerate dogs at the table, Cesar." The unicorn leaned backwards and rested a hand on his helm, his other hand moved out to pluck up some cheese. "You might one day earn your spot here. Now eat."

A small satyr slipped past him, her hands struggling with a large silver plate. As rich and ornate as the rest of the damned place, but it didn't boast rich fruit and cheese and bread, it was piled with chunks of mostly raw meat. It was seared, the flesh brown, but it leaked a hint of reddish juices over the edges and onto the plate. The scent of the meat was rich and thick, it filled his senses as he flattened his ears back against his head in humiliation. He was supposed to eat chunks of near bloody meat from the floor? He fought the urge to snarl in disgust, but the unicorn was watching him, the eyes focused on him, large and expressive, bright with amusement. He could refuse, he could go hungry, but there was a brightness in those eyes that made him drop down to one knee and then the other. There were other torments the unicorn could think up, worst ones. Better to eat on the floor than give Lyrian an excuse to do something more.

~ ~ * ~ ~

It turned out that Lyrian's plans for the day were less than enjoyable. Liyoht wasn't offered any clothing, he wasn't given anything but a meal of meat that filled his stomach, but didn't satisfy him. When he asked if he might be bathed, the unicorn had only smiled and told him that he enjoyed the dog to be coated in his scent. He was paraded out with a gold leash attached to his collar and followed close behind the unicorn as they went through the estate. It was humiliating to be looked at, the servants gawked at him and a few even lingered over his body as he was forced to trot to keep up. His attempts to hide himself worked at times, but Lyrian kept him on his toes. When he moved his hands down to cover his sheath and orbs the leash was yanked harder taking him off his feet. He had to move his hands to catch himself and help balance or else he would fall flat on his face.

He was led out of the palace itself and brought out to a massive square that dominated the back of the palace. The centerpiece was a statue of a rearing stallion that loomed dozens of feet in the air, carved of alabaster and with an uncanny likeness to his new master. There was no garden, no frivolous flowers for the ladies to walk among, not even herbs that would be used in the kitchens. It was packed loose gravel as far as the eye could see and was filled with a dozen heavy bodied guards who were lining up. They weren't pretty, they weren't designed to be, these were killing creatures, former gladiators and warriors who sought out employment with the noble houses. There were bulls and horses, massive looking exotic creatures from Africa in the form of elephants and rhinos. They could have crushed lesser creatures, but they stood in attention at Lyrian's approach.

Liyoht let out a noise as he was yanked down the stairs behind his master, his eyes focused on the ground as his anger rolled through him. How dare he be paraded about this way? How dare he be brought out in his fashion. He fought not to snap out as he walked down the stairs and moved his hands down to his groin to cover himself as best he could. The unicorn moved forward with the softest sound of bells chiming from his ankles, his armor gleamed brightly in the light as he approached the gathered guards with a look of amusement on his fine featured face. A few of the men gathered look at him, their eyes taking in his nudity, but not with amusement.

There was an avidity in their gaze that sent a shiver of fear through him, it trailed down his spine while he kept his ears flat to his head. The unicorn stopped, drawing the leash taut so that he was forced to come to his master's side instead of trailing behind. They stopped right in front of the group of guards, close enough that he wanted to back away. They towered over him. They ranged from eight feet tall to ten feet, towering and broad, their armor well worn and fitted to their bodies.

"Captain, they are looking fine!" Lyrian's voice held approval as his hand moved out and moved to run his fingers right down along Liyoht's ears. "Have you trained up the new gladiators as well?"

"Of course, sir." A broad bull bowed in response. "They are promising, but they will require a certain amount of blooding before we can risk them in the ring."

"I can go to the slave auctions, we can acquire some for the purpose of training." Lyrian kept petting along Liyoht's ears lightly, caressing the back of his neck. "Are they having any difficulties with their new lives? Some become violent..."

"No, sir. They are adjusting well, it will just take some time for them to become resigned to their fates, but I have seen it before." The captain gave an inclination of his head. "I prefer not to castrate them just yet, they are always worth more intact."

"True. And it allows them to fight harder with the hope for a reward." The fingers kept stroking along the canine's ears, rubbing and caressing, ruffling his fur with an absentminded touch. "For now, let us see the guards go through their maneuvers. My father has instructed me to weed out a few to take into the personal guard, but I've not seen the ones you've integrated since the last time I was here."

"I have a few that I am sure you will approve of, sire." The captain gave a slow smile, the blunt muzzle showed flat teeth beneath a large metal ring. "I will take them through close defensive maneuvers, might I suggest the statue as a fine viewing point. That will afford you the best look overall, unless you would prefer the comfort of the balcony."

"No, the statue will be fine. I'm not like my father." Lyrian let out a short laugh, one that came out as a musical whicker. "Cesar would do well to see your men in action, I have great hopes for him after all. He's turning out to be a fine hound."

Liyoht fought the urge to growl at in reaction at being called a hound, it was bad enough to be standing nude in front of these men. His hackles bristled as the leash was tightened and yanked him forward, he stumbled on his paws as the unicorn moved around the captain and past the men who stared at him. Their eyes locked on him, narrowing so that they were watching him so intently that he could almost feel their gaze on his fur. And it wasn't aggressive or angry, it was filled with a need that made him tuck his tail down between his legs and his hackles go down flat. It was almost a relief to be led to the massive statue and commanded to jump up to the ledge that was just a few feet in the air. No matter that he flashed the entire square, he felt safer higher up. Lyrian moved behind him, graceful even in his armor, and led him to a spot just beneath the rearing unicorn, a sort of ledge that allowed a good view of the square.

"Go on, Captain!" Lyrian called out as he settled with his back against one of the statue's hind legs, dragging Liyoht with him.

The bull's voice vibrated through the square, a low rumble that barked out orders that sent the heavy bodied guards moving and pairing off. They were well trained, even Liyoht could see that. They moved well in their armor, it wasn't a burden to them, it was a part of them. The weight of it was used as they picked up blunted weapons and paired up together, and even formed small groups that worked together. Their swords flashed, even dulled, they were impressive looking from the base of the statue. He had seen the city guard at work and practice, but they were amateurs compared to what the males below him. It was like comparing a street dancer with the dancing girls at the temples. He didn't even mind that he was forced to sit down at the hooves of his master.

"Do you see them, Cesar? These guards are the best of the best. They are picked out from all quarters." Lyrian's hand caressed between his ears as he spoke. "We have slave buyers out constantly, they snap up the ones that we know will do well."

"They are impressive, Master." Liyoht kept his voice even as he curled his legs towards himself, trying to hide his nudity even as the guards worked out against each other below him.

"Yes, and every one of them would kill their comrade if I offered you to them for a single night." The unicorns touch drifted down to his collar. "That is the secret, you understand, they are kept chaste. They will experience no touch from their own hand, nor the touch of a woman. Women are a distraction, sex is a distraction, they fight not for gold, but for the rewards of the flesh."

"That is informative, sir." Liyoht felt a cold chill run down his spine at the hint that they would want him in their beds. He didn't want to know that. He didn't want to even think about it.

"Yes, it is, isn't it?" The fingers trailed down to stroke right along the edge of his cheek. "The control I have over them is absolute, their loyalty is mine. The ones that go into the personal guard are often offered a gift, you understand. It is traditional that the night they done the house colors and are welcomed into the interior rooms, they are given a night of passion. My father offers them the harem girls that volunteer, and there are many. Their lusts are roused, they are like animals and many of the harem are eager to please them. Eager to have such devoted lovers."

"I can only imagine, master." He kept his eyes resolutely on the field instead of concentrating on the caresses that ran along the drop of his chest, the way the finger tips curled slightly and nearly touched his nipples.

"Would you serve them as eagerly, Cesar? Would my hound lust for them as well?" Lyrian's finger drew right over his nipple and made him suck in a breath.

"Never, Master. I am only yours." The words clung to his tongue, and sent a tremor through him. It wasn't just his hatred of saying it, the words seemed to echo in his own mind. They repeated on themselves, over and over, a tremor ran down the line of his back.

"Are you? Are you mine, Cesar? In all ways?" The unicorn's touch drifted up to his jaw line, his head was forced away from the guards as they worked on the field.

"Yes, sir." Liyoht struggled as his mind felt strange, it was harder to think as he looked up at the stallion and the faint glow of the needle sharp horn.

"Yes, what? What are you, Cesar? I wish to hear the words..." Lyrian's words were almost touchable, a warm purr that made him shiver in place, despite the warmth that trailed through him and made it hard to think.

There was something wrong here, he struggled against the wrongness of what was being asked of him to say. The words, the words meant more than they should have been. They weren't just words, they were something more, something that rang through him. The unicorn's horn showed a flash of silver, it could have been the sun above, the reflection of the armor, but it wasn't. He knew he shouldn't answer, he shouldn't say those words again, but it was impossible. He couldn't speak, he could only feel the world as it stopped turning beneath him. How could he not answer? His master wanted him to answer, it was a command that gave no room for disobedience.

"I am yours, Master." The words came out again, but the echo only grew in his mind, the world was slowing down and narrowing. His heart was beating, a steady sound in his ears as the practicing fighters were pushed away. Only his heart beat, the rhythm that seemed to control him while Liyoht's fingers trailed up to his cheeks and stroked in a feather light caress.

"Good, dog." Lyrian moved his hands down and caught against his collar. "Come, Cesar, I would enjoy what is mine. Show the guards that you are mine, and mine alone, that they might never touch you nor possess you... "

Cesar couldn't think straight, he was staring up at the expressive eyes in that handsome face, and his heart sped up. He felt so warm, so comfortable, the words he spoke had been true. He belonged to this shining creature of snow and silver. He belonged here. He tilted his head down as the fingers pulled lightly against his collar, his muzzle was forced downwards towards the leather clad lap. He stared down at the large bulge between the legs, and the unicorn spread them as he was forced forward. He was drawn closer, his mind started to struggle against the command, but there was nothing he could struggle with. He had no way to fight past the magic that held his mind, and he didn't have the will to do more than realize it was there. It was a safe place, this magic, a place that made him belong here. This was his and he was the stallion's.

I belong here... His thoughts echoed, solidifying the bond as he was drawn forward to where the unicorn reached down to tug at the laces.

He carefully moved his muzzle up to push against the leather bulge, he nuzzled against the hand as the warm rich scent filled his senses. It was thick with male musk, with desire, with the scent of stallion and it was his to claim. He flicked his tongue out and slowly ran his tongue against the laces before the unicorn moved his hands back and let out a sound of approval. He used his fangs to hook right against the leather cord and pulled at it. The knots were well done, but he didn't care, he gave a firmer tug and twist that loosened the hold. It loosened while he moved his paws up to either side to hold the band of leather. It took effort to peel it downwards, but he managed to roll it down while he tugged the laces wider and wider. His nostrils flared open wide as the warm scent hit him again and he felt his body reacting.

His white furred sheath started to swell as his boned cock pushed out into the light, the glistening tip was exposed and rubbed right along the line of his under belly. He didn't care, he let out a soft whine as he gave another pull and the unicorn's hands moved down to gentle push his muzzle away. The touch forbidding him what his body wanted, forbidding him what was making him pant shallowly.

"I had forgotten how suggestible you might be..." The master reached down and spread the leather of his pants before loosening the cords enough that the white fur of the under belly could be seen. "Patience, Cesar, and you will be rewarded."

Cesar slowly wagged his tail back and forth, it brushed back and forth along his legs as he felt the need building up while he watched the pants peeled down. The heavy pale pink member was pushed into the light, still half in the velvety sheath. The scent of him, the same scent that coated him, it made him whine softly with pleasure that he was covered in that scent. He should be. He needed it. He leaned forward and brushed his muzzle up before the stallion's hands moved away. His soft muzzle caressed right along the edge of the flat broad glans that started to droop down over the edge of the sheath. It was large and heavy, oozing downwards as the wrinkled flesh was pushed out over the edges. The spread tear shaped opening of the pouch was spread open wider by the engorged shaft as he ran his tongue hotly along it.

"Not.. right.." He whined out and trembled, his ears splayed to either side as he tasted the warm flesh on his tongue. This wasn't right.

"You belong to me, of course it's right.." The unicorn replied, his voice a deep throated rumble. "Why should you think? You should follow me..."

That was right, he was supposed to follow his master. He flicked his tongue out, dragging along the flesh that spilled out and drooped down along the inner thighs. He wanted to taste his master, his mind was telling him this was what he wanted to do. He didn't know why he balled his paws up into fists or why he was shaking, he couldn't remember why, and it didn't matter. He licked with a slow smooth stroke, the broad dark red of his tongue pushed all the way up until he was nestled right against the sheath. The wrinkled flesh started to firm out, smoothing as it hung low and heavy, as large as it was before. This time it wasn't coated and used, he wasn't coming after, this was a reward. He was first. He rolled his tongue under the glans and carefully spread his mouth around it.

The unicorn let out a sharp groan of pleasure as Cesar suckled around the girth, pulling and stroking with his tongue as the inches spread his maw open wider and wider. The first thick dribble of precum oozed out of the tip, coating along the back of his tongue while his paws moved up to clutch either side of the leather coated upper legs. He used it as a grip as he swallowed and pulled the cock deeper into his muzzle. It was too big, his mind was telling him that it was too thick, too large, it shouldn't be in his muzzle, it would choke him, but he didn't care. Lyrian's broad hand reached out and rubbed right at the base of his neck, he gave a gentle squeeze as the thickness of the glans started to push towards his throat. His own cock was pushing up against his belly, quivering and hard as a dribble of watery precum oozed out over the edges.

The stallion's grip suddenly flexed harder against the nape of his neck, the powerful hips lunged upwards with a short hard buck. The cock tip plunged into his throat, hard and fast, forcing it's way into his throat so that he gagged. His throat convulsed and the muscles clamped down hard around it as the pale pink girth tried to drive in deeper, choking him while he struggled to breath. His eyes flashed open wide, bulging while he pulled backwards and attempted to pull it out, he couldn't breathe. The stallion only pushed up harder, driving and wedging deeper and deeper into his maw, driving into his throat so a thick salty spill of precum splattered out into his throat and made him swallow or choke on it. It hurt! And with that pain came the realization that this wasn't him, this couldn't be him.

Liyoht snarled wildly and yanked his head back, he fought against the hold on the back of his neck, but it kept him down. The stallion drove into his throat, hard enough that his saliva coated lips were forced down against the sheath. He yanked his head back harder, his claws dug in against the leather clad legs as he tried to pull away. His lungs started to burn, desperate for air, but he couldn't get away, the force held him in place so that he could feel the throbbing pink shaft grinding over his tongue, holding him open. He had no choice, he tried to snap down around the cock, anything to breathe, anything to escape. But his body refused to listen, he couldn't make his jaws clamp down. New terror rose up, but it was stopped when the unicorn finally pulled backwards, dragging the swollen cock tip from his aching throat and pulling away.

Inch by impossibly long inch, the shaft started to drag backwards, coated with strands of saliva as Liyoht gagged and finally twisted away. The tip of the cock popped free, spilling from his maw so that he could pant with his tongue lolling out. His throat ached and burned, but he didn't care, he was sucking in great lungfuls of air as fast as he could. He would have scrambled away, but the leash drew taut so that he couldn't get away more than a few steps, but that was enough.

"Such a fighter..." Lyrian murmured softly while the shepherd kept his head down, he didn't want to look up, he didn't want to see that aroused equine cock. "Normally the second time you forget what you ever were...But you held on."

"You tried to choke me!" Liyoht snarled the words out before he could stop them, his heart was pounding from the burning feel that lingered in his lungs, the ache in his throat.

"Oh no, dog, I tried to use your muzzle." The leash was yanked and he stumbled forward slightly, fighting the hold.

"Please... don't make me do this... sir.." The pull yanked him forward again, his head was forced up so he could see the stallion's heavy girth. His hand was cupping against the underside of the pale pink spire and was rubbing it slowly, caressing the glistening flesh.

"No? Do you wish me to give you to those I do not choose for the guard?" The stallion's voice held a hint of laughter. "You can be free of me, at the cost of a night spent in their care. They will have many uses for you, all of them and many times..."

"Sir.." Liyoht rasped out, a thrill of terror going down his spine as he splayed his ears to either side. "Please..."

"You have a choice, I give you your freedom, would you not enjoy that?" Lyrian's voice was thick with amusement. "Do you choose freedom? Pleasure a dozen fighters and then your freedom."

Liyoht tucked his tail down between his legs, humiliated to feel the fact that his body was still aroused no matter what he thought. He kept his ears splayed as he heard the sound of fights going on behind him, the clatter of blades as the men went through their maneuvers. A night, pleasuring them, a night with creatures that had been denied the touch of even their own hands he would be offered to them, tossed into their midst. Horses and bulls, creatures so much larger than himself and they would have no gentleness, no qualms, no thought to him except as a hole, more than one hole. Something they could use freely to spend themselves within him before passing him on to the next and then the next. The thought made his stomach run cold. He wouldn't survive that, he couldn't survive it. He rolled his eyes up to the unicorn who continued to stroke himself.

"I... I do not wish that, Master." He growled out the last word, he couldn't stop himself from sounding unhappy, not with what he was faced.

"Then come, hound, enjoy your reward." The stallion's lips spread open wider with a smile, moving his hand down to wrap right around the base and pulled it downwards.

He didn't want to, he didn't want to voluntarily do this, it wasn't rape, he wasn't being forced, he could have said no, but he didn't. He leaned forward and moved his head up towards the thickened offered tip, a glistening hint of precum oozed out of the tip as he flicked his tongue up and ran right beneath the edge. He stroked over the tip of the cock, sweeping over it so that the next spill of precum splattered against his tongue and made him wrinkle his lips back. The taste of it coated him, it spilled along his tongue and oozed downwards towards the back of his throat. It made him flinch, but he still worked his tongue upwards, a slow rolling push that caressed upwards and the tip started to push right along his tongue. The stallion reached down to cup against the back of his neck before the cock tip wedged right up along the spread of his broad tongue.

The grip moved to clutch against either side of his jaws and forced him to spread them open wider as the member pushed inwards. He couldn't stop it, he didn't want to even think about the consequences if he stopped. He pushed his head forward as the cock began to push along his tongue, the thick dribbles of precum spilled towards the back of his muzzle. It made him shudder, his back arching a little bit as the pulses of the shaft rested along his tongue. One of the stallion's hands moved to grip against the scruff of his neck and gave a slow pull that impaled him on the girth. He wanted to pull backwards, but he couldn't, the hold was tight as the cock tip began to sink in deeper. His own saliva coated over it, smeared downwards as it wedged towards the back of his throat.

The next spill of precum came with a throb, Lyrian rumbled above him, a deep throaty call that sent an unwilling shiver down the line of his throat. He couldn't stop himself, he felt his body reacting to that sound, the feel of the shaft as it pushed into his throat deeper and deeper. He started to pull back, but the hand held him still as the unicorn's hips rolled upwards and claimed his throat. He swallowed hotly, rolling his tongue beneath the length as he balled his paws together before the thrust suddenly drove itself into his throat. He started to choke around the too thick shaft, his jaws ached as it plunged into him and pinned his tongue down flat. He couldn't breathe around the flesh, he couldn't swallow, he could only feel it lodged into his throat.

This time, though, the unicorn didn't remain there, he pulled back so that Liyoht could pull his head back, gasping in a breath around the flesh. The taste of it clung in his mouth, the scent filled him, it was making it hard to think as the stallion deliberately rolled back and forth, not working into his throat, just teasing him. He swallowed around him, pulling his lips down tight while he ran his tongue in a slow stroke along the veined girth. The medial ring rubbed along his outer lips as he leaned forward and started to swallow. His body wanted this, a visceral memory of the night before ran through him as he remembered the way the mare had teased his cock as he felt every impossibly long inch of his shaft plunging beneath his tail.

Without realizing it, his cock started to stiffen more and the thickness of his base pushed the sheath down to lay beneath it. He wanted to remember what the stallion had done, he recalled the taste of that thick virile seed as he used his tongue on the mare. The way her walls had gripped around him, the way the master had commanded him. He barely felt the fingers running along his back fur as he started to run his tongue up and down the thick shaft. He pulled his head back until he just worked around the cock tip and swallowed around it. He could taste a watery hint of what he had had before, it wasn't enough, he wanted more. He remembered the thick cream that had coated his tongue and senses, he remembered the way it had made him feel.

The thoughts made his body flush with humiliating desire. He knew that he was on the statue, he knew that people could see him and that the whiteness of his fur wouldn't do anything to hide the dark red of his shaft. He whimpered and gave a shuddering buck forward, pushing the tip right along the line of his belly and trailing a spill of precum to mat down the fur. He almost moved a paw down, almost, he didn't know why this was making him aroused. It shouldn't be, but his body was flushed with hormones and needs that made no sense. A presence in his mind that roiled through him and threatened to swallow him down. He couldn't fight it, no matter how hard he tried, it was making his body tense up as his orbs throbbed slightly.

"Yess... So easy to make this choice..." The fingers kneaded more firmly along his back, brushing along him while he pushed into the touch. "You are mine, mine in a way that can never be taken from me. You choose to serve me."

With a muffled whimper he pushed his lips downwards again, his throat working as the stallion let out a sound of approval. He was choosing this, he could have left, he could have walked away, but he didn't, he wanted this. His mind clung to those thoughts as he slowly started to move his muzzle up and down slowly, stroking and pulling around the pale pink shaft. The swallowing muscles worked as the cock tip wedged back into his throat again. The push slipped into his throat while he tilted his head to one side and pulled backwards before pushing back down again. He let out a coughing sound, it hurt, it was wedging his throat open too wide, but he didn't care. This was what he wanted, he wanted to taste his master. The world steadied into the sound of his heart beat, and the feel of the shaft that pulsed against the flatness of his tongue.

When he pushed down again, he tilted his head so that the tip plunged into his throat. He couldn't breathe, but it didn't choke him, he pushed his lips down deeper and deeper, striving to hilt it into his muzzle. He moved his paws up to grip against the lather clad legs to brace himself as he pushed downwards until he felt the edges of the sheath push up against his lips. The medial ring was just pushed into his throat as he swallowed around the entire girth and felt his master's hips twitch upwards. The short buck let him feel the heavy orbs before he pulled back, nearly gagging as the tip rubbed along his throat. He pulled until the glans rested on his tongue and he could gulp down a breath before pushing down again.

The low noises of the stallion, they were the only sounds he wanted to hear, the world was gone save for the need that was being roused in him. Like a flash of silver, it spilled through his mind and refused to let him go. A thick spill of precum spilled out along the back of his tongue before he plunged forward again, he moved his paw up, he wanted to feel them. He wanted to feel his master. His palm cupped right beneath the underside of the orbs, pushing into the pants until the velvety weight of them rested against his palm where he could knead and caress along them lightly. The stallion's hips lunged upwards, a short stroke that pushed into his throat, the tip barely penetrating there before the stallion pulled back again.

He moved his head in slow short bobs, the slick saliva and the edges of precum pushed out around the edges and coated along his lips. He let out a ragged whimper as he pushed down, hilting the cock in his throat. He wanted this, he needed it, there was something about the seed that started o build up to the point that he couldn't think. The tip started to spread out as his paw kneaded against the orbs and felt them tensing up and tightening. He pulled his head back, rubbing the thickness of his tongue right over the swollen cock tip. Each throb started to spread it open wider and wider, forcing his muzzle to spread open wider, the opening jutted out and pushed up against the warmth of his tongue as he struggled against the rush of raw desire that spilled through him.

Lyrian's equine squeal rang in his eras as the hand gripped the base of his neck and suddenly the stallion lunged upwards to thrust forward. The flaring cock tip drove itself into his throat, forcing him to strain open so wide that he cried out in protest. His muscles contracted, pulling and squeezing in an attempt to disgorge the too thick length. It didn't help, his muzzle was forced down to push right against the base of the sheath. He could feel the tip throbbing before the balls heaved up tighter in his paw and the first thick wave of cum erupted from the tip. He gagged and struggled, he tried to twist away as the creamy warmth flooded down his throat and splattered deep into his throat, leaving him no choice but to swallow it down.

The syrupy thick ooze burned, it was like liquid fire being poured down his throat, but his body craved it. A wild craving that had nothing to do with his higher mind, it was something that he swallowed down with slow greedy swallows. Even as it burned in his stomach and he couldn't get a breath, he didn't care, he pushed down harder and felt the sperm rich seed spilling into his stomach. The stallion's hands moved to cup against the back of his head, pulling and massaging against the edges of his neck. The strokes coaxed him as he felt his painfully hard shaft twitching against his stomach, the warmth was flowing downwards, as if it was forcing the pressure to build. His cock felt more sensitive and each thick splatter of seed in his throat only made him feel harder, painfully hard. As if the skin had been drawn so taut around his cock that it would break apart if he became any more swollen.

Slowly, the stallion drew back as he trembled, the next splatter coated his tongue and made him swallow down the thick mixture. His cock gave another twitch, it hurt, it was hard and felt as if even the brush of his fur against his tip was painfully sensitive. He pulled backwards with a rough cry, his breathing came out raggedly while the stallion allowed his drooling tip to pop free leaving a splatter of cum over the bridge of his muzzle. He couldn't think, the scent of equine musk was flooding the air and making it hard to think. It was too hard to do anything except huddle back and feel his swollen cock throbbing against his belly, his knot was even spreading open all without touching himself.

"The first by force..." Lyrian forced his head up, a jerk that he whimpered a protest too. "The second by choice...."

"Hurts..." Liyoht was breathing too fast, his loins were hurting, his balls felt tightened up between his legs.

"You are mine, hound, mine forever." The silver and white unicorn leaned forward, the grip of the hand moved along his neck before the soft white lips plunged forward to push against his own.

He felt the warmth of the velvety muzzle, the lips clasping his own before the powerful thick tongue suddenly plunged into his mouth. He wanted to protest the invasion, he should have, but he couldn't. With a flash of silver from the horn above him, fire poured through him and drew a scream from his throat as the powerful tongue rippled and teased against him. It pushed the taste of the cum in deeper into his mouth and the fire spilled through his veins, through his back, through his loins. He couldn't jerk backwards, he couldn't escape, his body locked into place while his screams were lost in the kiss. Everything was lost, there was only pain and a tension that was growing worse by the moment. He was going to die of it, it would eat him alive.

_:Magic, my pet...: _ Lyrian's mind brushed through his own, the words echoed as the fire continued to assault him.

Dimly, he felt the lips pull away, but it didn't matter. He dropped down bonelessly at the foot of the statue, his cries coming out in high pitches while he tried to draw in a full breath, but he couldn't. He panted shallowly as the fire spilled through his loins and he heard movement above him.

"Captain, I'll inform you of my choices tomorrow, for tonight my hound needs attention." The words, they even hurt him as he felt something slipping beneath him.

Liyoht whined out a soft noise as he was pulled up into the air and was held against hard cold armor. It was so cool, so blessedly cool, he didn't care about anything except it pushed back the fire. He was pulled in close against the armor and snuggled against it, he pushed his head against it while his entire body throbbed with his heart. The painful arousal was still there, but it was lost in pain and fire. It was a blessing when he felt the world dropping away from him. He embraced it just as he was jostled and felt Lyrian carrying him with halted steps that rattled his teeth. Unconsciousness was a blessing.

~ ~ * ~ ~


"You are a foolish creature! Foolish and rash!" A roared through the darkness as Liyoht huddled in a pain that racked his bones and body.


"..perfect, look at the changes already. Perfect and beautiful!" A second voice, it hurt, the words were shards of glass attacking him.


"What will you do?! I told you to pick a personal slave, not this mutt!" The roar, it tore flesh from bones until he could feel it abrading the muscle from his bones. "Throw it away!"


"No, this is my choice. You chose the doe and look at our line! I choose the predator and we will flourish!" The second voice grew louder, it rang like a bell in his ears, even as he tried to cry out for them to stop.


"On your head be it, boy! If you can control this abomination!" The second voice, so loud and sharp, and Liyoht did cry out in a high pitched whimper.


"Shhh, easy, my pet.." Fingers touched his burning skin and he cried out. Liyoht jerked his head up with a wild cry and surged from the bed that was holding him. He struggled and heard the creak of the basket beneath him. Something was wrong.

"HELP! I'M BURNING!" The shepherd struggled and kicked out roughly as arms held him down and he looked up into the silver horned face.

He tried to get up, he was burning up and shaking. He kicked out and felt his bones aching as he tried and something hit hard against the ground. The hands on his shoulders pushed him back down while he looked around with wild eyes. Something wasn't right, it was all wrong, he was dying. He tried to get away, but the pressure held him down, pinned him down.

"Shhhh..." The words murmured through him, but he couldn't keep fighting, he was shaking with exhaustion. He blinked rapidly while he was pushed back onto the pillows of the dog bed and something was wrong. He kicked out again, this time he vaguely felt the impact of his foot against the marble wall, but it clicked loudly and he tried to strain to look. Lyrian pushed him down again, but he saw a glimpse.

His foot paw, it was wrong, it was terribly wrong. That hadn't been his, it couldn't have been. The silver hoof had to have been Lyrian's. Not his. It couldn't be his. The unicorn leaned down with a flash of silver, just enough to throw him back into the darkness and the beating of his heart.




With These Broken Wings: Chapter 7

"Wake up.." A rumble echoed through Alaine's aching skull and made him let out a soft hiss. "Get up!" _Father? _ He stirred and twitched his legs slightly as his head started to hurt far worse, his heart throbbed in time with his slowly beating...

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The Tutor: Chapter 9

The clock was ticking, and if it were ticking any more slowly, it would have been going backwards. Reikian tried to look like he was paying rapt attention to the teacher who was lecturing at the front of the class, but the droning voice of old Mr....

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Pleasing The Mistress

The air was sharp with the scent the coppery blood and dust that had been kicked up by the paws that moved against the ground. The walls of the Coliseum gleamed almost white under the sunlight that filtered down from overhead. The stands were alive...

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