Shearing Time

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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David wanted out of his life. He wanted away from the Kosnov Valley, he wanted away from the farm, he wanted away from sheep, he wanted away from his family. The thoughts made the young man scrub harder against the side of the old plow horse as he got the worst of the muck off the friendly beast. It was dirty work, but he was used to dirty work, and the old woolen rag soaked in water helped ease the process of getting the worst of the muck off him. He'd taken Job out all day working the small field that they were using to grow some crops. His mother had been adamant that he was supposed to do it today of all days. The hottest day of the spring, it nearly felt like the height of summer, and he'd been working through the worst of the heat of the day, but at least the small field was tilled and ready for planting.

He was always being used for the hard labor. His mother was adamant that he was the one to take care of most of their small farm because he was the only man left. His father had died years ago in a war that most people couldn't even name. He'd served King and Country well, but he'd still died leaving his mother alone with his older sister and himself. Ever since he'd been fourteen he'd been working the fields, helping herd the sheep and care for their home. He was the one that took the wool to market or spent hours watching the lambing season. He knew why, he was the man of the house now. He was responsible for the mundane matters and his older sister had her own set of chores and duties to deal with. Ones he could barely understand.

His mother and his grandmother and further back had all been hedgewitches, women who understand the ways of herbs and even magic. They had lived here all that time. Even in a time of suspicion and disbelief, people still made the trek to their little valley to seek help. The sick, those who were too far gone to be helped by modern medicine, came here and his mother would often be able to help them. The little field that he had tilled was partially to grow the herbs that his mother needed. She wanted his sister to start to understand how to work the more mundane part of their calling, she already knew magic. One day she would take over the farm, find a husband, have a family of her own and so it would go on. Just as it always had.

And I'm the useless only son... His strokes moved down to the gelding's legs while he stifled his sense of anger and frustration.

His mother had always been honest with him. She loved him, but he couldn't learn the arts that she had. It wasn't for a man. He could go out and start his own life, she had supported his idea of becoming a soldier until his father had been killed. Now she pressured him to have a farm of his own, to care for the land or find animals to raise. To grow up safely and have a large group of children, girls that could learn from his sister and sons to take over after him. He even had a girlfriend that she had introduced him too, Tilla. A lovely girl with a full warm body, a scattering of freckles and the darkest red hair he had ever seen. Eventually he would marry her, her dowry would be enough to give himself a nice little farm, a nice little life, and his sister would inherit his spot here and everything that came with it. All his hard work, all the time he spent in it.

"Hold still, Job!" The gelding stomped nervously as he tried to clean the lower legs. "You're just making this take longer."

He'd originally meant to be done earlier in the day, but the old gelding was starting to slow down as the years caught up with him. He'd had to rest him several times during plowing, he wouldn't make it another year. David picked up a hoof and set the rag down over the edge of the stall so he could pick out some of the muck. He'd have to get a new horse, he'd retire Job, the old fellow would do well in the back pasture with the sheep. He could live out his life there quietly and in relative peace. But that would take more money, more time working to sheer the sheep and care for the farm, more effort on his part and on a place that wasn't even his own.

"DAV-VID!" A shriek made him jerk up and nearly got stomped on by the disgruntled plow horse. "What the hell did you do?!"

"Jolie? What?" He blinked a few times as his older sister yanked the old cloth he'd been using on the horse and gave it a shake.

"How could you?!" She spread the cloth open while he blinked a few times. "This is the shirt Papa brought back for me before...."

"Shit! SHIT! I didn't know, it was just laying on the haybale, I thought it was one of the work rags." He gave his head a shake. "Sorry, it's just mud though, it'll wash right out."

"The hell it will! You were wiping down the horse with it!" She balled the shirt up in one hand. "Couldn't you just take five seconds to see what it was?"

"I told you I was sorry!" He spread his arms a bit. "I wasn't thinking, it was hot as hell today and while you were drying herbs I was out there in the field!"

"You did it for revenge, didn't you? That's what you did!" She stepped back while he gave his head a shake. "I can't believe you'd do that to me!"

"Jolie..." He started, but he was too late. His older sister turned around with a flick of her thick blonde hair and walked away stiff legged.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Jolie stepped out of the small house to the sound of her mother sleeping, the soft sounds of Dart, the sheep dog, and her brother's soft snores. Her brother, who slept without a single care in the world, who had purposefully set out doing something just to hurt her. She couldn't sleep, she had stayed awake too late trying to use soap and water to get out the muck and stains that had been worked into her shirt. It smelled like horse, and not even clean hose at that. There were marks all over it, grass stains where it had been rubbed along the gelding's legs. She could still wear it, of that she had no doubt, but it was no longer beautiful and pristine the way it should have been. She had been so careful with it, careful for years. She rarely even wore it. She wanted to preserve it.

It was the last thing she'd ever gotten before their father had left and died, it was the last thing that she had ever felt he'd given her. Oh there had been a few other little things, but this shirt had been special. He'd brought it home and swept her up in his arms, laughing and told her that this was to make her his best girl. It had all been so perfect, it was a memory that she cherished and held close to her. She wanted to feel it all again, but she couldn't. Not since he'd left and never come back. It had been devastating to lose him, devastating to get the messenger that told them he'd fallen in battle. She wanted his strength back, she wanted him back. She wanted the safety back.

The farm used to be so prosperous, she could recall getting treats when she was little, porcelain dolls, candies, new furniture for the house that he bought from a craftsman. Her mother had always had bright new skirts and dresses, her favorite treats and chocolates. It had all been good, but now it was changed. David worked the farm, but he didn't seem to know how to do it, it was faltering and growing harder to make ends meet. Her mother was worried, but was confident that once Jolie was able to take on her duties as a hedgewitch things would straighten out again. But that didn't mean it wasn't hard now and that shirt had been personal. It had been a link to a better time and a man who had loved her as a little girl.

You left the shirt in the stable.. She argued with herself as she slipped out towards the sheep barn, the large building loomed in the silver light. But he knew I was working magic in there! I needed something personal to try and work a spell, it's not my fault!

She slipped the latch open to the sheep barn and heard their restless bleating while she pulled the door open and stared into the darkness. She wasn't going to let him get away with this. He had tainted the memory of her father, ruined the lovely shirt that he gave her. She had been so careful with it, but he'd ruined it and on a horse too! He should have seen that there were sleeves on it, that it was a shirt and not some old rag. It had been such a lovely pale blue color and now it was streaked green and brown, black spots even in some places. She had washed and washed, and still it had been stained. Just as the memory of her father and their happy family was stained with his death.

She could get it back, though, she could make it whole. It just required fresh virgin wool that hadn't been bleached or treated in any way. They had plenty of that, they had a small herd of twelve sheep, eleven ewes and one ram. She could get the wool she needed from any of them, but they weren't the ones she wanted it from. She'd make David pay for it, he was the one that had caused all of this, he could be the one to provide the wool. Jolie stepped further into the barn so that the sheep started to bleat in silly alarm, just like she hoped they would. She shifted her book beneath her arm just as Dart started barking loudly from the house, alerting David that something was wrong with the sheep. Just like she wanted.

He'll give me the wool, that will teach him, he destroyed what was most important to me. He has to pay somehow.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Shut up, Dart!" David growled down at the frisking sheep dog, the big brown-black canine was nearly frisking around his legs while barking as loud as he could.

He tried to stay alert as he lifted the torch higher up and walked towards the barn where the sheep were bleating now and then. The door was wide open, swinging a bit on its hinges as the wind rattled through the old boards. He felt as if he'd barely had his eyes shut when the dog had started barking loudly and incessantly. He'd had such a long day, the last thing he wanted to do was find out a wolf had gotten to the barn and deal with it. He had just been grateful that his mother hadn't been woken up, she was so tired lately. If he was lucky, it would just

be the door blown open because he hadn't latched it right and he could crawl right back into bed where it was warm and welcoming.

"Go on, fella, what's in there?" He glanced down at the dog who pranced ahead with his tail wagging back and forth.

_Well it can't be that bad if he's not growling. _ He lifted the torch up higher so that the sheep's eyes stared back at him, reflected in the light.

"Come on, my lovelies, lets get you back to sleep." He glanced around, counting the eyes carefully as he did so. All of them accounted for, the door must have just opened up somehow and startled the silly things.

"Cassiua chanu ovian!" A voice rang out from the midst of the barn, the eyes startled away as the sheep bleated and cried out fearfully.

Something flashed brilliant blue in front of him, a flare and sense of a shape that rose up from the flock of sheep. It looked like one of them, but was shaped all wrong, distorted as it lunged towards him with the misty legs churning. Bright white eyes were centered in the outline of the head, and they seemed to flash in the light while he attempted to get away from the creature. He felt a spill of raw panic at the sight of it, the only thing in his mind was that it was some sort of demon that must have been raised up by accident. Something horrible, something terrible, and it was rushing towards him with its mouth spread open in a silent cry. He tried to dodge backwards, but he couldn't get away fast enough, it just adjusted its course and slammed against his chest with a sudden feel of heat rushing through him. Dart started to bark wildly as he dropped down onto his ass in the dirt.

The blue light spilled around him, twisting barely seen tendrils around his body as he tried to get away from the way it enveloped him. It was heat and tingling sensations that ran through him and spilled right along the length of his spine. He couldn't even control himself enough to cry out for help, he simply shuddered as the muscles on his back tightened and he rolled over onto his hands and knees. His night clothes started to feel tight and constricting. His skin felt sensitive and he tried to move his hands up to push at his night shirt. What had happened? A stray bit of magic? Had his mother trapped the barn against thieves in the night?

The first contraction of his muscles caught him unawares and he cried out as suddenly the muscles along his sides shuddered and the tremors ran all the way down to the tips of his fingers. He clutched at the moist earth while his fingers felt thicker and stranger. Even in the darkness he could see that something was wrong. His fingers were pulling together as his nails felt thicker and heavier. He tried to make out what was happening, but he couldn't, the darkness was just deep enough that he could only feel his wrists feeling as if they were shifting strangely. They felt as if they were in the wrong position, there was something about the way it bent that felt as if it had changed positions.

"This really isn't any fun if you can't see what's happening.." A voice trilled out brightly before light spilled over him.

"JOLIE?!" David lifted his head up to see his sister above him, the torch he'd been hold was lifted up so that he was cast into the light. "What are you dooo-AAA-AAA-AAA!"

The last of the words spilled out, but they were all wrong, almost a bleating sound. He looked down in horror to look at his hands, his changing hands, his fingers were growing together. The two outer fingers had pulled together to the two inner ones, the thickness of his nail was rolling upwards towards his upper knuckle. Not his nails, his hooves, they were darkening. His entire arms were changing, the bones aching as they shifted. His legs were aching as well, throbbing as they started to grow larger and his knee began to move position, his ankle was moving. His pants tightened as they weren't designed for that shape, the muscles were twitching painfully as the seams started to draw taut.

"Better let me help you, little brother, I don't want you in any pain." Jolie murmured softly and she loomed over him.

He tried to tell her to stop it, but the only thing that came out was a bleating sheep like sound, he couldn't even talk. Her hands moved and gripped right against the band of his pants, they grip yanked roughly so that he nearly fell down on his stomach. His hips were yanked up into the air as she peeled his pants off, he could feel the material slipping downwards, but it didn't feel right. He didn't feel cool air on his ass cheeks or legs as she wiggled it downwards, it was only when the material dropped down to his changing ankles that he realized that he was exposed to her with more than just his ass. His cock was soft and hanging down between his legs as he stumbled away, almost falling down as he did so, but he got backwards.

He twisted around, an awkward feel as his body seemed heavier, his chest was starting to grow broader and heavier as he did so. The buttons on his shirt popped free, loosening and dropping down to either side of his body while he tried to squirm away from the laughter of his sister. He looked down and cried out in a ragged bleat of shock as he saw thick curly black hair pushing out from his chest. It was growing shaggier by the moment, partially hiding the way that his chest was changing. It seemed larger by the moment, and that wasn't all. His elbows were shifting up towards his body. His bones shifting and thickening, lengthening and aching as he bleated out angrily.

Jolie didn't say a word, she just moved and yanked his shirt off so that he dropped down onto his back with her looming over him. His head even ached as he bleated out, his teeth were hurting and in the torch light he watched as his nose started to push outwards, it flattened as it went, splitting the nostrils while a thing spill of fur began to coat over his white skin. He could feel the changes with his tongue, the roof of his mouth was elongating and pushing outwards, his teeth changing into something else. He flattened his ears down with a cry, only then did he realize that the changes to his head weren't just to nose. He reached up, awkwardly, and felt around with his changing hands, but he couldn't feel his own ears.

His hoof like fingers poked at them, he felt them well enough, but he couldn't get his fingers to feel his ears. He shuddered and tried to keep his hand up, but his changing arms forced them down towards his chest. There was an ache on his head that was growing, but he didn't know what it was, he couldn't feel it with his hands. His fingers drew together to form a set of cloven hooves. He peered down at them, his ears flat against his head as he rolled onto his back, shuddering a little bit while what felt like his wrists bent in the wrong place along his arms. No, legs, they were legs, strange legs just like a sheep's legs.

He stared down at his body, horrified as he looked at the length of his body, the thick woolen coat that now surrounded a sheep's body, not his own. He looked down and there was one part that he couldn't help but gape at. A massive pair of orbs were filling out between his legs, large and swollen, so large that he could feel the skin drawing taut over the testicles that were engorging. They weren't his own, they were growing so heavy that he could feel them flopping down along his ass cheeks. His cock, his cock was changing as well, he could see a heavy furred pouch start to slide upwards around a girth that felt wrong, it felt longer and more sensitive while he shuddered and kicked out his hind legs wildly. He didn't want to see anymore.

"There we go..." Jolie suddenly reached down and dropped a hand right on the base of his neck to ruffle up the thick feeling wool. "Now, tomorrow you're going to help make me a new shirt. Just like Papa gave me."

Make her a new shirt?! _ David rolled over, awkwardly, his orbs felt so terribly heavy, his head felt heavy. It all felt wrong. _She turned me into a sheep!

"Sleep well, David, tomorrow is sheering day." Her fingers ruffled between his ears, bumping against something that had grown on his head. Horns, he had a set of ram's horns!

He heaved himself up, his hooves clattered under him as the herd of sheep bleated restlessly at him and he was left swaying in place. Jolie let out a musical laugh as she stepped away and started to close the barn doors. Leaving David standing along in the darkness, his head lowered down in shock while he tried to adjust to all four legs.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Wake up, wake up, little brother!" A sing song voice penetrated David's dreams, it made his head hurt while he struggled to remember why he was so warm, uncomfortably warm.

"Mrrawww-aawww-awwww!" David tried to reply, but all that came out was an angry sounding bleat. He was baaing like a sheep!

With a jerk he came awake, and nearly fell over onto his ass as his locked legs moved strangely beneath him. He stared out over the large black nose that was not his own, not a nose, a muzzle. Memories spilled back into his mind as he stumbled backwards and twitched his tail back and forth, but he didn't get much chance to get that far away. A strip of leather was suddenly looped right around his neck, the broad feel of it flatten the thick wool before it was tied off beneath his chin. His sister had actually turned him into a sheep! Cloven hooves, heavy body, thick woolen coat that was uncomfortably warm and clinging to him. That's why he was so hot, almost over heated.

"Don't make a fuss now, that wool is far too thick, we need to get you taken care of." The grip on the leather tightened and pulled forward while the rest of the herd bleated uneasily.

They didn't do more than bleat, though, they were too busy eating grain that had been laid out for them, it would take more than one strange struggling sheep to make them turn away from their meal. Jolie pulled harder while he drug all four hooves on the ground and twisted his head back and forth, bleating out angrily as his older sister seemed to know how to tighten the leather just right to make sure that he couldn't get away. As he bucked backwards and let out angry noise, he nearly made her lose her footing, but she regained it quickly enough. He was hauled out past the barn doors while crying out loudly, his ears flat to his head.

"Fine, we'll do this the hard way, but you know you could have just given in." The leather strap went loose around his neck, briefly, and she struck out with her free hand.

Something smacked against his forehoof and made him lift it to try and get away, which was just what she wanted. The rope wrapped round his lower leg and yanked firmly, drawing taut as he hobbled about on three legs. She let go of his neck entirely so that another could go around his other leg and yanked it outwards. Jolie wasn't a large girl, but she was still able to handle on his side and jerked him towards his side, the ropes on his legs going taut while he bleated frantically at her. He hit the ground hard, but he couldn't even get back up, the hold was strong and firm as he remained on the ground and she moved in to tie his forelegs together and then his hind legs.

He kicked out, tried to pull away, but he couldn't, not with his legs bound. He could only try to kick out at her as she moved around him and grabbed his hind legs so she could drag him. She barely seemed to notice his struggles or weight as he was pulled along the side of the barn away from the doors. A place he knew well, because it was sheltered with a small slanted roof where the shears were kept for shearing time. He wriggled and twisted, but she only hauled his bound tied legs up high enough that the ropes were pushed over a hook on the wall for just that purpose. His entire lower body was heaved up into the air as if being put on display. His heavy black orbs were in plain sight, right along with his sheath, he couldn't even hide himself!

"Now stop being so fussy, I need fine wool, very soft." She patted his head while he twisted and tried to roll over. Anything to cover up his shame from his sister's eyes. "Our sheep have good wool for normal things, but this wool is finer."

Her fingers moved to stroke against his shoulder before she leaned over to pick up a pair of bright silver shears. David was normally the one that worked with the sheep and did his best at shearing time on his own, but Jolie worked as well and she knew what she was doing. His ears darkened in humiliation as she tested the ball of his thumb along the edge of the shear. She made a satisfied sound before her hand moved down to dig into the thick heavy wool, digging her fingers into it so that she had a solid hold right above his shoulder before she began to clip him again. The sharp points of the shears slipped in easily, nearly brushing against his skin and he was forced to hold still as she got a good position with the shears.

CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP! The sounds of metal scraping against metal were heard as he felt the cool edge of the blades working beneath his wool. His ears remained pinned flat to his head as she carefully worked her way down in a line all the way down towards his haunch from his shoulder. He scraped the ground with his forehooves and let out an angry sound as she got all the way to the back of his legs before clipping up and starting another line. He couldn't even struggle, not well, when a sheep was sheared the goal was to take all of the coat in one go instead of loose clippings that might fall to the ground and get dirty. It was the sign of a well trained hand, and it also meant that there was no time to struggle as the blade went along his body. Struggling could get him cut.

"I've never sheared a ram before..." Jolie spoke as she worked a line up his back to his shoulders before twisting it around again. "Ewes are easier, they don't have those parts on their belly."

Clip clip clip clip it kept working against him as his ears kept flushing a deep hot red, growing more angrier by the moment at the way that he was being handled. The hands worked against his body, shifting him and tugging while he was helpless to stop it, not even giving him any amount of dignity as he was pulled over to his stomach so that his back was exposed to the clipping sheers. It made him feel goosebumps as the clippers worked down towards the base of his tail, the heavy woolen coat was loosening and hanging down a bit as she worked to take it in one go.

"I think I can fix that." Jolie straddled his shoulders as she started working down the other side. Clip clip clip. "No hard feelings, I just want to get all the wool I need in one go. I don't want to have to do this all over again. Do you?"

"MWWWAAAAAA!" David tried to yell and just made an angry humiliating bleat.

"So, no hard feelings, this won't hurt at all, might be a little awkward for you, but it'll be just until we get this wool tended." The fingers moved to work towards the base of his tail, but with them came a sudden electric jolt.

David bleated out wildly and struggled despite himself as it felt like a jolt right against his too heavy orbs and spread down along the edges of his hind legs. He didn't know what she was doing, but he knew he wouldn't like it. His nostrils flared open wide, puffing heavily as the heat and ache built between his haunches and made him twist even more. Only Jolie's weight pressing down against him kept him from actually hurting himself as the clippers started to work again. But the heat was growing worse, it was starting to build by the moment, creeping higher and higher as she turned him roughly and his legs twisted on the hook. He was rolled back onto his back as she kept clipping with sure strokes, and he twisted his head up to stare at where the ache and heat were centered.

His too large orbs were growing smaller, they were pulling up between his legs and for one wild moment he thought that she was changing him back, that she was done with this horrible prank. But it wasn't that. His belly was aching slightly as the heavy pouch of his sheath started to pull backwards, drawing back inch by inch, growing slimmer as they moved. His body shuddered as he watched it grow smaller, not just return to normal, it was rolling back so that the change became evident that it wasn't going back to human, it was fading away. His orbs were drawing between his legs, pulling upwards painfully tight as he let out a wheezing cry of protest. He didn't care if he got hurt, he tried to kick harder to get away. He threw his head back until the curled horns hit the wall hard, hard enough to send a jolt through his head before something dry cracked.

The horns that had grown, the symbol of being a ram, dropped from his head and clattered to the ground while he shuddered in place. That was his first real clue what was going to happen, he stared down and watched as they pulled into his body completely. The thick edges of his sheath started to pull down between his legs, the edges of them plumped out and grew thicker while a burn formed low in his belly. Her belly. She stared at herself, her eyes flashing white with panic as the plump cunny lips formed between her haunches, all traces of her former pride gone entirely.

"So much easier not worrying about clipping something delicately." Jolie almost chirped the words as the blade flashed right over her lower belly and worked up towards her chest.

It made her shudder and tremble while she watched them teasing right along her lower belly, inch by inch working while she watched something form along her lower belly. Not large, but a pair of teats formed from the fur, the skin became a soft pouch of an udder, not heavy with milk, but still there. She'd seen it any number of times, but now she was looking at one on herself. She saw her folds, the edges were starting to grow plump and swollen, strangely sensitive feeling as there was a final clip that worked right up the line of her belly.

"Alright, there we go. Much better..." The final clip let the wool fall from her as an entire pelt, what was left felt short and cool. "Oh dear, I guess we need to put you back with the ewes."

Her fingers moved down and David suddenly bleated out wildly as the fingers flickered right along her puffy looking folds. There was a little tweak right against the plump bud of her teat when the hand dropped down to the sac of her udder.

"I didn't think the spell would put you in heat. But I'll go clean the wool and make sure this will work. You can go back in the barn." She reached up and unhooked her legs so that she dropped down to the ground with a grunt. "As soon as I know what I have I can turn you right back."

The ropes were loosened from her legs so that she could struggle back up to all fours, her shorn coat made her feel strangely naked. What did it matter if she had enough wool? It wasn't like there was any more to clip, her dark coat was barely half an inch thick. She splayed her legs and shivered a bit, barely struggling as the leather strap went around her neck and pulled her forward step by step. She didn't even notice as she walked, that her coat was starting to thicken again. The plush soft wool was growing out steadily, inch by inch, her mind locked on her soon to be found freedom and grateful to be left in the barn safe with the ewes. She didn't even want to contemplate the old ram that was tied out cropping grass.

~ ~ * ~ ~

David tried to keep herself from thinking too much, or at least doing her level best to ignore the fact that she was changed between the haunches. She was left in the midst of the herd of ewes, which wasn't so bad, most of them ignored her and just went about munching grain or straw, restlessly nosing at the door. Normally, she would have herded them out for the day and set them to grazing on the far pasture where she could leave them. They knew that and were bleating every now and again, answered by the tied out ram who was likely feeling just as restless. It was just as well, David didn't want anywhere near the ram.

It had been so strange to feel her wool grow back, impossible to ignore as the thick curls had grown out rapidly and filled out right along her back and sides. The warmth grew even more while she tried to get used to her new body. It was so hard to walk around, the hooves had no real sensation except for pressure and it was awkward. She was hungry as well, and the only thing that she had to eat was grain that had been poured out and stiff dry hay that looked far less than appetizing. There weren't even any distractions, just the constant feel of being trapped and an underlying anger at how she was being treated.

"C'mon Loch! Let's go!" A cheerful voice came from outside the barn and David froze. "David? Haven't you been out yet? Ommph! Dart, down boy!"

Tilla, his girlfriend, was outside. She tried to look up at the windows to see the slanting of the sun. It wasn't that late, it was actually quite early still, why on earth would her girlfriend be here at this time of day? And with Loch?

_Shit! I told her she could train Loch here today! _ She cursed herself mentally and stumbled backwards into the grouping of the ewes.

Tilla had picked up a likely looking pup a few months ago, a big gangly legged dog that was all big paws and boundless energy. She wanted to train him up to be a sheep dog, but her family didn't own sheep currently, so she used the ones here. Dart was good at helping the new dog figure it out and it gave David time to enjoy with Tilla. Not today, though, not today. The sheep started bleating and moving towards the door eagerly at the sound of Dart setting up a ruckus with the new dog. The door swung open and the gentle red haired girl slipped inside with a smile.

"I guess you guys are getting neglected today," She wedged the door open wide allowing Loch and Dart to come tumbling in as they played. "He must be too busy. Loch! Dart! Get 'em out! Go to it, boys!"

The sheep were already in motion and David tried to get her legs to stop moving, but she couldn't, it was impossible. They were suddenly launching forward in a large group, hooves thudding beneath the ground and she was carried right along. The dogs were circling and barking around them all, jumping in to nip at their legs here and there as they lunged forward and she was grouped into the midst of them. The silly lunkheaded sheep didn't seem to know that she didn't belong, she couldn't pull away, she couldn't push herself out of the group. It was an instinct that had nothing to do with human that made her run with the group and out onto the midst of the pastures.

Tilla called out commands to the dogs, turning them and guiding them through the familiar pasture that she always used to take them out on. She couldn't get away from them, they were taking her along with them as they bleated and crowded together. They were forced to leap and jump as they were chased out into the midst of the far pasture and the dogs started to make a run about, turning around in circles while Tilla worked Loch through the various commands one after another. It was humiliating, being forced to act like one of a group of animals. She was glad that she wasn't one of the ones that were cut from the group over and over again, Loch was having problems with that command.

She'd never run on all fours, it felt strange, and hard to get used to even as the instincts of her body made her want to keep up with them. It was a drive that she couldn't stop, she felt panicked if there was an opening beside her so she had to bunch in closer with them. The scent of the other sheep made her feel more secure even. The sound of t heir hooves drummed over the ground, leaping and jumping to the sound of whistles and short bursts of sound from Tilla. She was a slave to the dogs and the girl, she could no more peel away from the group than she could stand up on two legs and be a man again.

"Alright, Loch! Dart! Down!" She called out just as David began to be feel the first pangs of exhaustion, it was impossible to keep up the rapid pace they were setting. "I guess you girls need a break. Dart, guard. You better teach Loch how to guard too."

The herd finally started to calm down, blinking and bleating a little bit as they peered at the pair of dogs that dropped down on their bellies in the midst of the field. Their ears twitched up as if ready for another command, but Tilla had obviously had enough. She moved her hands up to pull her long hair down into a tail at the base of her neck, her long lovely dark red hair. David flicked her ears up a little bit and stepped a bit further out of the herd as she leaned down to ruffle the ears of both dogs with a few murmured words of good bye. She had to strain to hear her girlfriend say she wondered where David was and it was like a kick to the gut. Would she go to find Jolie? Would she find out what had happened to her?

The sheep settled down to graze around her, nibbling at the grass and quickly forgetting that they were being run around by the dogs. They were such silly creatures. They never seemed to recall being frightened once their stomachs overtook them and now was no exception. David gave herself a shake, flinching a bit at the feel of the heavy thick wool that had regrown. The darkness of the wool made it too hot to be comfortable, especially under the sun and she stepped away from the herd to seek out the small overhang of trees that would afford her a certain amount of shade. Jolie would figure out where the sheep were soon and then she'd be changed back. She could leave this all behind her. And once she was human again, she'd talk to their mother about the abuse of Jolie's magic.

She stalked towards the base of the tree, her hooves hitting the ground roughly as she grew angrily at what had happened to her. There was no excuse for this overreaction, it was idiotic. She could see a little bit of revenge, but this? Turning her, not only into a sheep, but a female one at that? Her sister was insane, she should be committed for this. She should be locked in a room with no windows and treated like a beast for this. David's anger grew, a red rage that built up. This was beyond just a little bit of revenge, this was the sort of abuse of power that got hedgewitches burned at the stake.

So her sweater got dirty, I apologized, and she did this to me?! I'm going to beat the living hell out of her for this. I'll throw her into one of the stalls naked for a day to see how she likes it. The angrier she grew, the harder it was to remember where she was.

"WOOF!" A sharp bite to her ankle and growl made her jump away with a wild bleat as Loch lunged at her.

The overgrown puppy nipped at her leg again and she tried to bolt away, but he darted to her other side and bit her other hind leg. She kicked out wildly to try and crack the dog on the muzzle, but missed as he nimbly jumped to the other side and started to snarl at her. He wasn't acting like he was trying to drive her back to the herd like he should have, instead he was showing his teeth and darting in. The nips were hard, short bites that made her jerk her legs forward in an attempt to get away. Her nostrils flared open wide and she jumped to the other side and tried to dart around him. She looked around wildly, trying to see where Talli had gone as she bleated out as loud as she possibly could.

Loch didn't seem to care, each time she tried to make a dive for the safety of the herd, he drove her away with a snarl. It was as if he realized she didn't belong there and was actively trying to keep her away from them to keep them safe. She finally gave up and turned about sharply, she'd run back down to the barn and dart in, she'd bleat until her damned sister finally showed up changed her back. The dog drove her mercilessly, her ankles growing sore from the bites as he shoved against her roughly and nearly knocked her off her hooves. She made a dart for a low bunch of bushes, ones she could try and stop the dog from following her.

She lunged forward, determined to get to the other side, her thick wool would keep the brambles from hurting her. As she hit the barrier, the long twisted brambles hit her legs and threw her down hard onto her chest. She kicked out and let out a screaming bleat, her tongue jutting from her mouth as the snarling dog started to snap at her haunches again. The white teeth clicked, nearly biting against the back of her leg while she wildly kicked out to try and get away. The damn dog was going to hamstring her! Her eyes bulged in fear as he snapped towards his hooves again, nearly catching them.

David didn't hear the ram approach, she just knew that one moment she was terrified and the next the heavy bodied ram slammed into the dog with his head down. The horns caught Loch against the side and sent the dog yelping and rolling across the ground. David tried to scramble up onto her hooves, but the brambles were caught around her, dug into her thick wool while she tried to pull backwards. Some of them were twined painfully around her forelegs so she couldn't heave herself back up onto all fours. The sounds of pounding hooves and yelping dog were heard behind her while she twisted her head back and tried to look back behind her. Loch eventually bolted, his tail tucked between his hind leg as the ram snorted.

Thank god. _ Relief made her feel weak as she carefully splayed her hind legs and started to wriggle backwards. _The last thing I need is to end up hurt in this form.

A hot puff of air hit her right along the haunches, it tickled out against her, a light brush that made her tense up a little bit and squirm as something bumped against her tail. She twisted her head back in horror to see the big ram bumping his nose against her tail with obvious interest, his hot breath tickled right over her swollen folds as she tried to jerk forward. She tried to clamp her tail down, but the broad muzzle pushed it up as he started to breathe in her scent. A scent she knew would be appealing, it sent a new wave of panic through her as she tried to lunge upwards from the brambles, the tangles kept her down even as a hot slimy tongue pushed out and rapidly licked over her folds.

It sent an unwilling shudder through her as the tongue tip slipped along her outer folds and curled forward, forcing them to spread open around the tongue tip. She wanted nothing more than to pull away, but she felt locked in place as the touch fluttered upwards and pushed lightly just between her swollen outer lips. She nearly dropped her hips right then and there, but he suddenly pushed his head forward, butting against her haunches so that she stumbled forward a few steps. Her back arched upwards at a painful angle while his tongue wiggled and shoved forward. A slippery spill of wetness escaped her folds as he started to rub up and down along her inner folds, caressing lightly with teasing movements that made her bleat out raggedly.

Oh god, stop he needs to stop... She'd seen this a hundred times or more, a ewe came into heat, the ram would snuff at her a few times and then breed her. Her stomach cramped up as the tongue pushed forward again before he lifted his head up and started to stomp one of his forehooves. The bridge of the muzzle crinkled upwards as he sifted through the scent of her on the air.

She redoubled her efforts, twisting and lunging forward until the brambles started to give. She pushed harder against the ground, managing to get one of her legs beneath her so that she could shove harder against the ground, ready to break free. The ram lunged forward and suddenly shoved up against her haunches, making her bleat out wildly. His forelegs hooked around either side of his haunches, pushing up over the line of her spine. She tried to twist away, but he pushed her back down into the bramble. She'd seen him do this before, she knew what was coming even as she tried to jerk her tail down to protect herself. There was a scent on the air, a hot scent that filled her senses as he loomed over her and made it impossible to think. A rich musk that made her want something, need something, it made her belly contract and to her humiliation she could feel herself starting to grow slick.

His hips rocked back and forth, jabbing roughly against her, the tip shoved forward roughly. A few short movements that pushed against her tail, splattering something against her. That odd shaped cock, the slender protrusion from the tip grazed against her folds lightly as he pushed beneath the tail tip. She flattened her ears and shoved upwards, trying to buck and throw him off, while something hot and slimy oozed out from him and smeared right along her inner thighs. She could feel the gooey precum while his hips gave another firm rock forward, probing and pushing against her, slipping higher up until the tip suddenly shoved right up against her overly sensitive swollen folds.

The tip caught against her clit briefly, a shudder of sensation spilled through her before she jerked her head up high. The forehooves clutched against her stomach before he lowered just enough he caught against her opening. She knew what was coming, fear didn't stop it from happening, his legs clamped down against her hips before he lunged forward in a powerful smooth buck. The boned cock slammed into her, straining her virgin folds open wide so that she let out a shrieking cry. Her inner walls clamped down, contracting so tightly that she could feel him rubbing through her muscled passage. The slender protrusion of the tip probed deep within her as the overly large balls clapped up roughly between her legs.

Every inch was pushed inside of her, she knew what he looked like, but now he felt it. He felt the way that it rubbed through her, the way her muscles were held open. It hurt, it made her eyes tear up, but she couldn't keep herself from caressing around him. The very tip was nudged right up against her spongy cervix, almost bruising her as he pranced on his hind legs, settling himself above her as if to be sure she couldn't get away. There was no hope, even if she could buck him off she was still bound and caught in the brambles with her ass in the air as if she were begging for him.

The ram didn't give her any time to save herself or adjust, he just started pounding into her, hard ragged thrusts that worked through her in smooth powerful strokes. The tip dribbled out precum, helping ease the ache of her virginal body being violated, but it didn't stop it entirely. Each powerful thrust jabbed forward and sent the slender tip forward to slam roughly against her cervix before he pulled out. He was so much heavier than she was. She couldn't' adjust herself, couldn't brace herself, she could only bleat out mindlessly and tremble as he claimed her. The harsh hot scent of male filled the air, flowing through her mind and nearly choking her while the heavy orbs clapped up time and time again between her legs. There were wet lewd cracking sounds.

"SHIT! Jolie! Is that the one you wanted!?" A voice cried out as David shuddered and felt the tip starting to drive forward hard enough that it probed roughly right against the tender opening of her cervix.

"That's her!!" David twisted her head, her nostrils quivered as she shuddered in place to feel the way that he was hitting harder and faster. He pulled back against her trying to wedge himself in deeper and deeper.

She was in heat, she knew she was in heat, he was stroking himself into her fertile passage while her sister came running up the hill. She willed for Jolie's legs to move faster as she felt her inner body working around the slippery boned length. She clutched and contracted around him, pulling from the base to the tip as she betrayed herself. Her body knew what it wanted, she knew that she wanted to feel the hot spray of fertile seed inside of her. Her body knew it, and left her shuddering beneath the weight of him as the girls came running towards her. Her nose was forced down against the moist earth, her knees pushed harder into it as he leaned forward and started to shorten his stride.

Her hind legs started to tremble, she couldn't stop them from shaking while her tail started to twitch to one side, holding it out of the way in supplication. The slender tip suddenly pushed up hard against the opening of her cervix and did exactly what it was supposed to do. It plunged into her, forcing that slender opening to stretch around him even as she let out a high pitched bleat. The moment the walls clamped down his hind legs tensed up and she responded by locking her legs in place.

"DOWN! GET DOWN!" Jolie's voice was loud, an almost scream, but it was too late.

The ram suddenly lunged forward, his entire weight leaping forward until she was thrown forward harder and his hind legs left the ground. The tip of his cock pierced through her cervix as it started to throb rapidly, her walls clamped down and squeezed from the base to the tip as the first hot spray of cum erupted into her body. The sperm rich cum came in a pressured stream that hit hard against the back of her vulnerable womb and claimed her body while she remained shaking against the ground. Her ears flicked flat down to either side of her head as she shuddered and let out short cries to herself. She milked him, her body wanted him, her swollen passage rippled as the next hot gooey dribble spilled inside of her. Millions of sperm erupted into her body, flooding in deep and writhing towards the ova her body had released for it. She couldn't even stop it, she couldn't do anything but tremble against the ground and take everything he offered her.

"I'm so sorry, Jolie, I thought she was just a new one.." Tilla's voice was almost frantic from the side lines. "I didn't know she was in heat."

"It's alright..." Jolie moved into view and her eyes were a bit wide. A slightly nervous laugh escaped her lips. "I think the old ram has been going without for a while, he normally just does a thrust and he's over."

"That's what I thought." Tilla sounded rueful. "No hope that she's not going to catch..."

"No, I'd say that he's pretty much ensuring that she'll be waddling in a few months." Jolie's words were like cold water on her.

The ram rocked against her a bit as the next dribble of cum spilled into her, she could feel the warmth pooling inside of her before he shifted on his hind legs. She couldn't help herself, she wanted that heat to be extinguished by him, even as she was horrified by it. Slowly the big male stepped backwards, the tip slipped free of her cervix as he stepped backwards and pulled from her body with a lewd slurping sound. A thick ooze of creamy cum spilled from her folds as her tormentor stepped back with a loud bleating sound and gave himself a shake, leaving her drooling his seed and trapped in the bramble.

"Come on, I'll get her front end free, you get the hind end." Jolie dropped down and started to pull at the thick tangled bramble. There was a tug that freed up part of the ones over one fore leg.

"Do you think the buyer will mind?" Tilla's voice was anxious as the other girl moved to give her hips a tug. To David's humiliation she felt some of the seed oozing out from her abused aching folds. "Ugh, you were right, he had to have pent up, she's a mess back here."

"I think I'll keep her. If she's going to have lambs I think we can let her have them and sell her after she's had them." Jolie gave a pull that let her get her foreleg out so she could try and scramble up onto all fours. "It'll only be for a little while."

David gaped at her sister in horror as she got all four legs beneath her and the girls let her scramble away. She ached inside, her body felt abused from where the tip had pierced her cervix, she should have been disgusted and ashamed of herself. And she was, but those weren't her primary emotions, not truly. Her body was flushed with heat, a need that made her want to go after the ram and bleat to him. A need that still raged in her body no matter how humiliated she was that her girlfriend and sister had just watched her raped and bred.

"At least we'll get some milk from her while she's carrying, we can even make a good cheese from it. Mother has a recipe for it." Jolie reached out and scratched David's ears lightly. "I meant to tell you, Mother had to send David on an errand. He's bringing us a new horse for plowing so he'll be away for a bit. She figured he might as well see the world while he was still young."

David trembled at those words, and the fingers that worked behind her ears. She didn't need to be told outright what that meant. She was going to be kept, as a sheep, until she'd dropped a lamb or lambs. Even through that fear, her nose was still twitching at the warm male scents on the air. Not even her fear could stop the need that still wanted to be met, even with the rush of sperm working to penetrate the ova deep within her belly.

Imperial Slave: Part 2

The sound of movement stirred over Liyoht as he slowly came back to the real world, it was the clatter of plates, the sound of hooves on the ground and soft voices. He tried to keep his eyes closed, his body relaxed, everything to show that he was...

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 7

"Wake up.." A rumble echoed through Alaine's aching skull and made him let out a soft hiss. "Get up!" _Father? _ He stirred and twitched his legs slightly as his head started to hurt far worse, his heart throbbed in time with his slowly beating...

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The Tutor: Chapter 9

The clock was ticking, and if it were ticking any more slowly, it would have been going backwards. Reikian tried to look like he was paying rapt attention to the teacher who was lecturing at the front of the class, but the droning voice of old Mr....

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