The Tutor: Chapter 10

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#10 of The Tutor

The sound of applause and the ring of congratulations still rung in Maria's ears as she pushed her way out of the cafeteria and wriggled past the group of younger classmen who had set up post just outside the big doors. They were all abuzz, chattering and laughing to one another over the choices, their eyes glancing towards her as she got out into the safety of the hall.

Normally, she would have been excited to have them looking at her with a mingling of envy and awe; while popular, she had never been pushed into the spotlight like this. She'd never reached the pinnacle of being so popular that she had barely had to work for her votes, just hinting and putting some pressure on a few of her close female friends. They'd done most of the footwork in the hopes of being in her court, so she had been secure in the knowledge that she wouldn't have to worry about anything until the final round of voting.

And now I've got Kachya of all people. _ Maria bristled a little, the back of her neck fluffing up as she shot a glance back at the closed doors and heard the murmur of voices. _It's a joke! They picked her? Who would vote for her when they could vote for me!

_That was what made her victory sour. Seeing her stand up to the round of applause had grated against her. She was a prey animal, shy and timid, with hardly any friends to speak of. She wasn't even that outspoken with other students; they probably didn't know her name unless they were in Maria's group and had enjoyed teasing her. Maria had been dumbstruck seeing Kachya standing up. _

"Maria! Wait up!" Lizzie panted shallowly, the small coyote stumbling a little as she tried to catch up to the wolf as she stalked away. "You gotta go back and make a speech."

"Why? Are the rest making speeches?" She flicked her ears back and straightened up a bit. "I mean, I didn't think we'd have to make one right away."

"No, not yet, but I overheard Mr. Barrus trying to get a platform set up." Lizzie's tongue lolled out as she panted in short shallow bursts while catching her breath.

"How'd Kachya get into the finals?" Maria blurted out as she swung around and tucked her tail slightly. "I thought you said that Rona was going to be my main competition."

"I dunno." Lizzie shrugged a shoulder. "I think someone rigged something. I think I overhead one of the girls talking about Reikian being in the thick of things. Maybe he thought he was doing you a favor--making sure you'd only have the principal's pet as competition."

"Oh...Reikian is involved?" Far from soothing her annoyance and upset, the knowledge solidified those feelings. She tried to keep her voice light and airy, not wanting her concern to show through.

"I think so. Then again, the same girl mentioned that he'd been hanging out with the fennec fox again, up near the chapel, but that's just a rumor. He wouldn't cheat on you." Lizzie reached out and grasp Maria's arm firmly, as if trying to reassure her. "You guys make a great couple."

We'd be an unbeatable couple if it weren't for Kachya. _ She thought with her ears twitched a bit tighter against her head. A flutter of fear made her feel faintly sick, wondering if Reikian had another motive for campaigning for Kachya. At first, she'd thought it was just a game to him when he blackmailed her into pleasing him and the rabbit girl--that he was using Kachya as an excuse to get at her. But, Maria had seen the way his eyes roved to the rabbit when the three were together--so that Maria had to do more and more embarrassing things to get his attention back on _her.

"I'm gonna go see about a few things; they won't make us do speeches," she replied evasively. Mr. Barrus would want to give them time to practice, though he might try to bring them all up on stage to congratulate them. "I gotta make some plans."

"For what? You're up against Kachya and Bala; it's not like you're going to have to do much to win." Lizzie wrinkled her nose up. "God, they're gonna eat Kachya alive; it's gonna be hilarious."

"Yeah, I'll catch up with you, promise." She tried again and stepped away, "Make sure you let me know what's going on there, okay? I wanna know everything."

"Sure." Her friend gave her a strange look. "Whatever, I'll catch you later."

Maria watched as the coyote went back to the cafeteria and was left bristling with outrage over what Reikian had done. He hadn't even told her anything about it, not a peep, nothing. She was supposed to be his girlfriend. What would people think if he was trying to get that rabbit elected when he was supposed to be supporting her? That rabbit! Maria's lips turned up as she turned smartly about and began running up the stairs at full tilt.

There was no reason in the world Reikian should show her affection when he had better options. Kachya had no notion of fashion, had no real skills in doing anything sexual, and was barely a blip in the minds of anyone here. He shouldn't even be looking at her. Some of his pranks were legendary already, yet he was wasting his time on some little no name. He should be courting someone that could partner him in truth, someone with a sly mind and sensual body. Someone that would help him along the way rather than be a burden he had to watch out for and hide in the darkness. Someone like herself.

She had hopes when he'd declared that she was her girlfriend. The time she spent beneath Reikian was impassioned and enjoyable. It wasn't like being punished by the teachers. They could humiliate her and make her squirm with their order--but Reikian could get her hot and embarrassed with a look, a touch, or a whispered word. She found herself craving his touch, wanting his eyes on her, his body against her own, and his wicked smile burnishing her reputation. She wanted to show him off and to show off for him.

They were an attractive couple, especially with her dark-furred predator's body to flatter his tawny stripes, and she was maturing faster than Kachya. She felt triumphant when she was with him in public, the envy of many girls. She was his first girlfriend. And that made others jealous; his flirting, his mannerisms, everything about him made girls want to gain his attention. She'd even heard a few of the high school girls talking about him.

She was elevated by his reputation, gaining friends in other circles, and she flaunted the fact that they were together. It was helped by how he threw himself in the role. He would cast an arm over her, snag her in the halls, kiss her, and even go so far as the taunt her with his body. He would rest himself against her, and move boldly enough that she was pulled back against the bulge of his pants. The first rush of lust she had felt for him was only intensifying with each meeting, her memories of what he had done to and for her making her fantasize about what he might try next.

That erotic connection between them could be so much more if Kachya didn't stand in the way. Whenever she thought Reikian might be falling in love with her and her sweet body, her hopes were eroded by finding the bunny waiting at a meeting spot, or by being ordered to come serve them after they had started playing with one another. And now, now she was afraid he was going to make Kachya popular. He would push her into the limelight, taking away Maria's biggest advantage over her, and cost Maria the chance to be Queen in the process.

It wasn't that she wanted Kachya to go away; she actually enjoyed most of their time together when they were playing with Reikian. But she didn't think the rabbit should be given a place above her, lording over her that she was the first in the rakshasa's attentions. She should be happy with a place at their feet, where Maria could make demands of her to arouse the rakshasa and never have to fear being supplanted again. After all, Reikian had chosen the wolf in public; she was the one that he held hands with and made out with together when they were around others. She was the one that understand the pranks he played and the sly way he thought, and she wasn't going to lose that place because he thought Kachya deserved it more.

It wasn't as if Reikian didn't enjoy his time with her. The entire façade that they were dating had become something that she savored because it often went beyond simple words. He made pains to ensure that no one questioned his devotion to her. It was natural that he sought her out at meals, and if Kachya was at the edges of the group no one had commented about it. His attention to her didn't seem to waver in her friends eyes; they had even commented thta it was a bit strange that she had singled out a single male to share her affections with. In their age range, their affections were fleeting things, traveling from one to another without any attempt at retaining affections for one another. Reikian seemed to be in a class of his own to outside appearances and she used that to her advantage to try and shift her ranking above that of Kachya.

One of the best moments she had experienced had been in gym class when they had formed up into pairs for the obstacle course. It had been the same old story--the track team needed to work out, so the gym students were thrown to the obstacle course that the junior ROTC used. It wasn't the first time that they'd been dismissed with some story about needing to do something except run laps. This time, though, they had been told to pick partners so that they could run it together instead of singly.

It had been just after Reikian had blackmailed her, and he had picked her to be on his team with a lofty grin on his face. He hadn't even glanced at Kachya, just said Maria's name and pulled her next to him with a smug grin on his face. At first, she'd expected some sort of humiliation. She had been so wary of him, wary of his intentions towards her and what he might do to humiliate her further. Except, he hadn't done anything more than lean in with the other kids as they began to argue about how they could make things more interesting.

The gym teacher had meant it to just be an exercise to keep them out of trouble, but in the way of children they had made it into a contest. They'd all offered up something into the prize pile: cash; hall passes that were both real and forged' trinkets of little value except they were fashionable at the time; and, best of all, a weeklong study pass that could get one out of a class for free time in the library. That was the theory, anyway, but in truth the study pass could be used to end the school day early or start it late, a coveted prize.

Kachya had been teamed up with one of the other poorer students, a squirrel that looked as if she would rather be seated in the middle of a pile of books than pushed into a too tight pair of shorts and shirt. Reikian had boasted and been so confident, absolutely sure that they would win, and hadn't even made an attempt at modesty. He had expounded on his own talents at climbing and pointed out that a good portion of the course was set up to be scaled, something he was sure would give him the win.

Kachya would have been quiet and allowed him to take the lead and remained quiet, but Maria hadn't. She had been beside him, egging him on and raising the ante as a group of them had started to try and get others to add more to the prizes. Both of them had been bright eyed with suppressed laughter by the end, playing off each other's personality in a natural way that didn't even require thinking. It was as if each of them knew what the other would say.

By the time they'd been called to order long enough to line up for the course she had felt confident in her ability to help Reikian win. She'd been put on the side with Kachya and watched the rabbit who nervously took her own place. Maria had felt a competitive edge to launch herself away from Kachya immediately and leave her in the dust, and she would have if it had been at the start of the school year. She would have flaunted her ability and used it to humiliate the girl for the amusement of her friends--she was such an easy target, after all--but she stopped herself before she could fall back into that habit. Instead, she launched herself forward and, purposefully, slowed just enough to hiss for Kachya to follow her closely.

The obstacle course had been set up to spread along the back wall and part of the old riding stable, with the top half designed for climbing and going overhead along the fence posts and roof tops and the bottom half designed for runners. The coach had designed it so that there were large hay bales and patches of mud that one had to go through and around to get to the other side, to say nothing of strands of ropes for students to crawl under. It reflected his service in the military and Maria had been impressed with how much effort he'd put into it as she'd set off with the rabbit hot on her heels. Most of the students tried to find the easiest way to go around the worst of the obstacles, hoping to find a clear path to get to the finish line, but Maria threw herself into it.

At first, she tried to subtly urge Kachya to follow her so that the rabbit wasn't left behind in the muck, but she had slowed the moment that the wolf had launched herself through a mud puddle and dropped to all fours. The feel and sight of others moving around her brought out a natural competitive edge and she hadn't hesitated to wade through the mud instead of trying to find solid ground. She was aware of Reikian above her, the flash of his stripes as he took the route along the fence lines along with the other half of the teams. The goal wasn't just to reach the finish line, but to reach it together. The coach had gone on at length about building teamwork and trust together, but in all actuality it quickly turned in a mud bath on the ground side and chaos on the climbing side.

A few pairs had done alright and figured out that it wasn't just about speed, but about getting to a point where you and your partner could see each other. She'd felt her heart sink when she heard shouts of victory from finish line, but they soon turned to disappointed sounds as they arrived alone. She and Reikian worked out a pattern together, a part of the field that did run in a straight line that required her to scramble over hay bales and around poles while he was right above her. They were wonderful together, he knew exactly when she was coming to a fast spot where she could run flat out and he'd speed ahead of her so that she could catch up. He had confidence in her ability, not worrying that she wouldn't drop down into her belly in the dirt and wriggle under some ropes to catch him.

It was then that she realized that they were truly a good pair as he led her and she followed; she understood what he was doing even as he was doing it. It had been so natural to dart towards the finish line together instead of breaking apart, even though the course was designed to make sure that they couldn't get there together at a decent pace. Reikian had made an absolutely brilliant leap and run right along a rope that had been drawn tight, his tail twisted behind him to balance him out as she ran beneath him and they reached the finish line together. They were the first, and nearly only, team to make it across together, even if she had been coated in mud so thickly that she had been dripping from her tail and foot paws.

It had been a heady experience, one of the first times that she'd accomplished anything fairly and had won. Reikian had been exuberant and swung her around, heedless of the mud on her as he boasted about how they had managed to beat them all. His jests about cats and dogs had brought laughter to her lips and she hadn't even cared that he had kept an eye on the course to make sure that Kachya came through with her own partner. It had made her feel worth something, made her realize that she could accomplish things and make a name for herself just by being herself. She hadn't done it by being snide or snipping, nor by acting up just to draw attention to herself.

It had made her look at Reikian, really look at him, as something other than a feline who had bested her at her own game and gotten her in trouble. She had known, on some level, that she had deserved what had been done to her, but she had felt a lingering resentment toward him. His unabashed joy at winning and the way he shared it with her equally in his bragging had brought a smile to her own lips. It had been a turning point for her, one that lifted her estimation of herself and her potential.

_I'm not going to tolerate this. I won't. I'm not getting set aside! _ Maria took the stairs two at a time as she broke out of her reverie and aimed herself towards her room. She was going to solve this problem one way or another.


"AAAA...." Reikian's body jerked up hard, the weight of the Siamese cat pressed down against his hips, pinning him down against the desk.

The rush of his orgasm flowed from him and spilled into the tightly gripping condom instead of the eager passage that clutched around him. He wanted to move his paws up to grasp his teacher, but he couldn't; they were bound back against the chair on his desk as she rolled her hips slowly back and forth. The maddening tease sent a tremor through him as his teacher's walls continued to quiver around him, her weight pressed over him and the scent of her flooding his nose. That sharp feline scent made him draw in a deeper breath as he tried to grind his hips upwards against her, to push his cock tip deeper, however uselessly. The reinforced condom kept Ms. Nolan safe from his seed, a precaution she took even though she wasn't in heat.

"Let that teach you a lesson." The dark paw reached down to cup beneath his chin so he could look up at her. "I trust you'll find your own way out of the restraints, yes?"

"Yes, ma'am," Reikian replied, his voice shallow with panting. The woman's delicate, furred fingers moved along his chin lightly before she gave her hips a slow pull backwards.

It made him whimper as he felt her walls clutching around him, but his tip pulled free before the sensations were too much for his sensitive shaft. The older feline grinned down at him with her whiskers quivering and lifted herself off him. Then, she pulled down her skirt and arranged it primly so that it covered her again while he squirmed against the desk. Ms. Nolan looked at him, amused as he tried to twist his wrists free of the cloth she'd used to restrain him. She never liked to untie the students she brought into detention, rather enjoying the risk that came with leaving them bound. He'd heard a few stories of students who had been left tied here until another teacher found them, or a student, and used them again.

"You have a good afternoon, and see that I don't catch you disrupting my class again, or I will make the restraints tighter." Nolan purred as she ran a finger down his covered cock so that he whimpered shallowly and his hips gave a little jerk.

She didn't wait for him to reply as she adjusted her blouse and slipped out of the door, purposefully leaving it open a hair. She was one of the stranger teachers; she enjoyed a bit of bondage, a little slap and tickle, but her strongest kink seemed to be the risk of getting caught. He knew that very well. Sometimes, when he was bored, he would slip down to watch her with someone. If she caught him, he'd be asked to join in--and occasionally to do rather distasteful things for catching them in the act--so it was a bit of a gamble. Today, he'd earned his detention, but it had been worth it. He twisted and wriggled, pulling and arching until he felt the cloth stretching enough that he could wriggle a wrist free.

He should have been a bit more wary in her class, especially when he'd started up a conversation with a little coyote girl that hung out with Maria. She'd been pesky, hissing questions about what he was doing with Kachya and whether he trying to rig things for his girlfriend to win. He'd tried to be as quiet and reassuring as possible, but his attempt at subtlety had been ruined when the Siamese cat had heard him hissing and come to confront him. He'd given his best smile and apologized, but he had still landed in detention.

His orgasm aside, he had made sure not to let the opportunity go to waste. He thought he'd made a good case with the teacher for Kachya, especially emphasizing how she would make a good underdog to inspire others. As he reflected on the encounter, he wiggled and pulled his other hand from the restraint so that he could sit up and snag the bottom of his pants.

After this awkward maneuvering, he managed to peel the condom off and throw it away. He really didn't like them, especially the ones for felines, because they took away so much sensation. But Ms. Nolan was paranoid about getting pregnant; she loved sex, but she wouldn't allow any predator, even a canine, to spend inside of her.

With a sigh he pulled his pants up and zipped them before tucking in his shirt, feeling more restless than he had before all of this. It should have been amazing, but instead it was just vaguely unsatisfying. It made his tail twitch behind him before he gave one last glance to the classroom, picked up his book bag and slipped out.

As he exited, he reflected on how Mr. Barrus' lessons were coming to life in the election. The rakshasa had actually compromised his rebellious pride enough to pay attention to the fusty old bear's civics lessons lately--but all in a good cause, he reminded himself. The teacher had droned on endlessly about voting blocs and the need to build a winning coalition.

One day after the first round of the election, the runoff campaign was proving harder than he had anticipated. Maria had a good portion of the votes without having made much of an effort, partly because of him. While she'd drawn some of the popular crowd by herself, she never would have drawn enough votes from the rebellious or religious types. Just by being her girlfriend in public, he gave her street credibility with the rebellious types--and an aura of romance with the religious types because the promiscuous duo were finally dating.

Wheels turned in his head as he pondered what to do about the situation. He could hardly dump Maria and declare Kachya his girlfriend at this stage. That would make him look like a cad and an opportunist. Besides, while he'd been angry at the wolf pup when she led the bullying of Kachya, he enjoyed the wolf now and didn't want to hurt her. After all, he'd set her straight with his revenge already and trained her to behave better with the rabbit. Remembering that training set him to smiling and chuffing under his breath, his spent cock twitching slightly at the pleasant memories of teaching methods he had learned ever so well from his own teachers.

The rakshasa padded down the hall, his ears rising when he heard the sound of voices as students started to head up towards the dorms. He glanced at the large clock in the main hall before making a beeline towards the stairs. He'd gotten an invitation from Maria earlier in the day, a small note slipped to him while they were changing classes with an offer to meet up in the Hidden Room after class. He'd been in detention for an hour, but he still turned towards the stairs and the small room tucked away across from the chapel. She'd wait for him; he'd trained her well in that regard. He could have a bit of fun and figure out later on what he was going to do about the election.


Maria barely lifted her head as the small door shifted open and someone came into the Hidden Room, the unofficial hangout of most of the cool kids. It was a small room, just ten feet square, and stuffed full of old furniture. Along with a scattering of games, this was also the perfect spot for kids to stash away contraband. Everything from candy to cigarettes could be found tucked around the place, not that she kept anything here. The other kids would often 'borrow' the things they found lying around here and she didn't want them grabbing anything she valued. Still, it was fun coming here. According to rumor, not a single teacher knew about the room . The entrance was even too small for most of them to get through, which made it the perfect place for a rendezvous.

It had been the first place that Reikian had taken her on a 'date' when he'd developed the story that they were dating. The secret room sometimes hosted impromptu parties long after hours and when they were sure the ones patrolling the halls would be the upper classmen that would turn a blind eye to what they were getting up to. Thanks to the small size of the room, invitations were limited and carried a certain cachet; only a handful of people were given the chance to come to one of the parties and it was typically couples only. She'd heard about them; one of her best friends had gone to one and returned with wild stories of what had happened while she'd been there. The stories of debauchery had gotten her attention and made her wonder how much was real and how much had been fabricated.

So, when she'd retreated to her bed and found a carefully hidden envelope tucked away beneath her covers, she had felt a thrill of excitement. There was nothing on the paper except a date and time, but there didn't have to be anything else. Everyone knew when a party was due to be held; there were always rumors and whispers about something going on and only a few would get invited. Getting an invitation had thrilled her; it was made better when Reikian had swept into the dining hall that morning with a grin on his face and the same sort of note tucked into the pocket of his blazer. Kachya hadn't received one, but that wasn't shocking; it was a mark of popularity to be invited to one of the parties and no one besides Reikian paid attention to the rabbit.

That night, Reikian had sneaked into Maria's dorm with a bag and a grin. He'd picked out an outfit for her that would suit the theme of the party. It was a pajama party, after all and he had managed to snag something out of the teacher's housing for her. She had been a bit dubious at first, since her body was smaller and more compact than any adult's, but he had been insistent. He'd brought her a slip of pale white silk that looked as if it should have been accompanied by a pair of matching bottoms, but on her it looked like a slender dress. It had clung to her spreading hips and smoothed along her chest to show off her slight breasts, something that pleased the feline to no end as he watched her both undress and dress.

He had been. . . gallant. He hadn't tumbled her into bed as she'd half expected, but had taken her arm in his own and escorted her down the stairs. He had matched her, almost the ivory boxer shorts that he wore weren't silk, but they were the right color to mark him and her as a couple. He'd led her right into the secret room, which had been transformed by piles of pillows tossed everywhere along the edges of the walls. Someone had set up simple multicolored Christmas lights in a further effort at decorating. The games and junk that piled up as a matter of course had been moved out of the way to make room for an mp3 player and docking station from which music was playing.

She had felt a moment of nervousness as she had been the youngest with Reikian; she had half hoped that her female friend would be invited again, but there was no one besides her feline lover who she recognized. The moment passed as Reikian had seemed completely at ease in the gathering. The upper classmen weren't too much older than herself, but they were mostly unfamiliar; yet, he knew some of them he knew by name and greeted them in his normal effusive manner. It was clear why he'd been invited. He took pains to lead her through the social gathering with his unique wit and then tumbled her onto some of the pillows where people talked and chatted. It wasn't the wholesale orgy that she had been led to believe it would be, but more a relaxed gathering with a few of the older students passing around what looked like a flask.

It had been a real date, not just make believe such as they had at the breakfast table, and he had taken the opportunity to really talk with her. There was still that aura of sexual tension between them, but he didn't push it. Instead, he had spoken about how he'd come to the school, what he'd done to earn him a position on their list of students to watch. She'd told him in turn about the sort of family she'd come from; sharing had just been natural and it felt right to her. As the older students had passed around the flask and the music switched beats, he'd even invited her to dance, something that she'd never really done before. Oh, she'd danced by herself, but never with a guy--and Reikian danced as he did many things, with a playful challenge in his eyes as he swung her around.

They were a match. Their bodies had come close and neither of them were well practiced, but they were enthused. The sound of the beat of music and the feel of his paws wrapped around her had been a heady thing that had made her dizzy long before he spun her around. Most of the older students had more practice, but she had kept up with him. He seemed to enjoy the feel of the stolen garment on her as his paws wandered her body and pulled her in close while they spun about and tried to keep the time to the beat. Even when they failed, they'd taken it in good stride and his laughter had joined her own.

The memory was sharp and poignant, bringing a smile to her lips at odd moments, and made her cling to her position with him. They had something together, something uniquely their own, that was being threatened. If Kachya became popular, if she rose up so that he could publicly have her as his girlfriend, where would she fit in? There would be no position for her, no need to take her on a wild date together that would end in trembling nude bodies. Kachya remained beneath him in the public eye and that gave Maria a chance to prove herself to him, prove what she could be to him, prove what she could do. If Kachya was lower on the pole socially, she could do so behind closed doors. The rabbit didn't have a dominant personality, that much was clear, but Maria could. They could be happy together, Reikian just had to give her the chance to prove it to him.

_I will prove it to him. He has to see how naturally it could all come together. _ She thought and strained to hear the sound of movement in the room.

She'd settled on a blanket over a beanbag chair so the slick material was covered up and comfortable. She'd chosen this room because of the memories she had here; she hoped he'd recall them as well as she waited for him. She tried not to move too much as she heard soft footsteps approaching, she wouldn't even have noticed them if she hadn't been straining to listen. She'd worked out a pose for him, one that showed off something she had borrowed from one of the other girls. She only lifted her head enough to see Reikian's striped form prowling into view while she curled her muzzle in a seductive smile. She angled her head down just enough that her chin just brushed the tops of her budding breasts, calling his attention to them.

Her dark furred body wasn't nude; she'd found that starting out with a bit of clothing could entice males, and she enjoyed the feeling of Reikian stripping her or ordering her to undress for him. She wore a red silk bra that clung to her forming breasts and pushed them upwards. It would have been a bit loose, but she had used a few pins to draw it tightly to her. The silk bra matched her panties, which were made with barely enough fabric to cover her soft mound. She wanted to accentuate her developing body, everything she had to offer that Kachya didn't yet possess.

"I knew you'd wait for me," Reikian sounded pleased as he ducked beneath a low hanging beam and slipped towards her. "And you got all dressed up as well."

"Of course, sir." She tilted her head down and affected a shy look on her face while sitting up in the bean bag chair. "I thought you would appreciate it." She hadn't yet managed to get the rakshasa to call her by name with the same intensity he used for his rabbit, so she'd decided to flatter his ego today with the title.

Reikian's eyes roamed her body, possessively she thought, and looked at the swell of her breasts for a long moment. She tilted her head down so she could look at herself and fluffed her fur up in pleasure at what she saw. The brilliant red bra stood out against the dark black fur perfectly, meant to draw his eyes towards her assets. She moved her own paw down to cup the softness of one mounded breast and gave it a gentle squeeze for effect.

"It was a very long wait." She murmured softly, her eyes lifting enough to see him again as he came near the padded chair and crouched.

"And you just sat here waiting?" His paw moved out and covered her other breast, his fingers squeezing it to elicit a startled cry. "I would have thought that you'd be eager enough to at least use your paw on yourself."

"Why would I do that when you're not here to watch, sir?" She leaned into the touch, her nose crinkling slightly as his scent reached her.

The smell of sex clung to him, mingling the faint musk of a young male with an adult female scent. It wasn't Kachya's scent, which she knew intimately, but a more-feline odor. She felt her stomach relax at the knowledge that he hadn't been with her. Perhaps he had been caught in detention; Lizzie had said he'd gotten in trouble in their Geography class. She needed to make him aware that she was the better choice before it was too late and she wasn't going to lose this battle.

The thought of being set aside if Kachya won the election made her remember the many times she'd been pushed aside by her own siblings. The youngest of six, she always seemed to be the last chosen, the last given any attention, the last at everything. They had already done it all, breaking the rules and showing their parents what young wolves would get up to. She had no breathing room, no chance to try things on her own, nor to stand out from her siblings. Her parents cared about her, but she always felt like the extra child. In her old school, too, she had always been so-and-so's little sister instead of just Maria.

Originally a mannerly cub, she had started to act out in a desperate attempt to get attention of any kind. It had been a relief when her old school had suggested St. Mary's, a place none of her siblings had ever come. She had set out to make a name for herself, keeping her siblings secret and carefully carrying herself with the entitled, snobbish manner she thought of as typifying an only child.

She was making it work, too. She had friends here, was popular with a certain crowd, and knew the ins and outs of their social interactions. She had even become a ringleader of sorts, deciding which newcomers would be welcomed to their lunches and whispered exchanges of rumors and who would be pointedly snubbed. When Reikian had blackmailed her, he'd done her a favor, expanding her horizons beyond her parochial group to encompass his circle as well. It was heady having a boyfriend who was so daring and sly. He did things she'd never even dreamed of and her name was attached to them by association. She was terrified of going back to being just another rich kid who worked at fitting in; that fear made her determined to keep close to him and the excitement he stirred in her life in and out of the bedroom.

"Undress me," he commanded, his voice rough, while he leaned forward and rasped his tongue right along the curve of her neck. The terse command brought her back to the moment, centered in the comforting certainty of obedience and the rightness of being with the dashing rakshasa.

She slipped her paws up under his shirt, rubbing along the underside of his belly where his warm scent was sharper than normal. She leaned forward and licked along his belly fur while her paws moved up and unbuttoned the top of his school blouse. His paws moved upon her in turn, down to her stomach and then up to cup her breasts again. The feline's oddly-reversed fingers squeezed firmly against the orbs while his palms mashed against her nipples.

She ran her tongue higher, timing it as her paws moved down and unbuttoned one button after another. Her sharp teeth nipped lightly against his fur, scraping lightly against the skin as she reached the bottom button and let the shirt fall away. His scent made her feel flushed with desire, but she wasn't going to play shy or ashamed or embarrassed; she was going to show him just how different she could be.


Reikian rowled softly as Maria's tongue flicked up his belly and her paws helped him shrug out of his shirt. It was good to feel a girl attending him instead of the other way around. The last week had meant playing more submissive than he wanted; he liked the power he held over the wolf and she had obviously taken pains with her appearance to please him. He moved his paws down over the silk of her bra and found it a pleasurable sensation to caress soft plush fur and the incredibly smoothness of the silk. He kept his claws retracted so he wouldn't catch the material while he kneaded her and watched as she worked to arouse him with paws and muzzle.

"I like when you squeeze harder...." Maria rolled her yearning eyes upward while her paws hooked against his pants and started to edge them down. "On my nipples, sir, I like them pinched."

"Oh?" He arched a brow and affected an uncaring tone. "And why should I care what you like when you're mine?"

"Because you might like it too." Maria leaned down, her nose tickling against the edge of his sheath before she licked firmly over the white furred pouch.

He let out an appreciative chuff, but he only barely stirred as her tongue stroked him. It was a little too soon for him to grow fully aroused, but he still loved the feel of her tongue as she stroked upwards. He moved his paws away from her breasts as she leaned back and gave a cat-like grin up at him.

"I might like it, hmm?" He kicked off his shoes so he could step out of his pants. "Do you really think that?"

"I do. I thought you'd like to try something new, sir." Maria leaned backwards, her paws moved to cup right beneath the swell of her breasts and pushed them up a bit. "I thought maybe...You might be getting tired of the same old things...."

"Did you?" Reikian dropped down and grinned as she leaned back on the bean bag chair, one of her paws catching the fabric of her bra and pulling it down.

"New things are good, sir, and my breasts are larger than Kachya's, and more sensitive." Maria edged the bra down past the rise of her dark nipples while he watched. "Please, sir, I'm sure you would enjoy pinching me as well...."

Reikian had to agree with that as he looked over her warm, full breasts and licked his lips. He moved his paws down to hold either side of her hips and gave a slow pull to tug her closer. She made a little noise while he returned one paw to her breast and gave it a firm squeeze, his claws unsheathed just enough to tease over the fur and skin. As he gripped firmly, she made a delightful little whimper of pleasure and her nipple tightened against the palm of his paw. He kneaded a paw against her breast and grazed his finger tips forward, aiming towards the nipple itself. This was what he needed after dealing with Ms. Nolan; he wanted to be in charge again.

His fingers caught right against the tender nipple and he pinned it between his thumb and forefinger. He pressed down and gave the nub a slow turn back and forth, tweaking it while it grew stiffer under his attention and she let out a higher-pitched noise. As her back arched up, he caught her rich sweet scent of arousal. It made him draw in a deeper breath before shivering it out again. He pressed firmly enough against her to feel her squirming against his chest and belly, the press of her fur and silk an added sensual touch that made his body react, despite having just left detention. This was absolutely perfect.


Maria let out a sharper noise as Reikian's attentions sent an aching shiver down her spine, making her arch her hips upwards and press against him. She wasn't sure if he'd enjoy it, but she wanted to engage him, to prove that she offered him more than just someone to command. At the same time, she was being aroused as he leaned down to nip her neck and his finger gave a rolling twist along her nipple. It was hard enough that she trembled and bit her lower lip to muffle a soft noise, evoking a pleased rumble from him.

She loved feeling him above her, commanding her, and sometimes she wasn't even sure why. Sometimes she almost understood it, the draw of having someone in control of her, commanding her, dominating her in ways that made her want to obey him. She wasn't forced to behave like she did for the rest of the school, with a firm mask patterned after her siblings to ensure that she got attention. She didn't have to be filled with bluster and confidence; she could allow him to take charge of her, to rouse her body, or deny it, however he saw fit.

She had come to this school with the intent to make a name for herself, to cast away the shadow of her siblings, but it had also created layers of herself that made her uncomfortable. She had found herself trying to act like them--to mimic what had given them reputations in their own schools and what had made them memorable. It made it harder to recognize who she really was and what she had fabricated to try and make herself a success. The armor was flawed.

Being dominated, by a teacher or by Reikian or even Kachya, brought her back to herself. It was a cold splash of water that peeled away the façade she had cultivated for herself and exposed what was beneath. It was Reikian who was teaching her best with his confident manner, the way he expected her to obey and never tolerated disobedience unless it served his own purposes. It was addictive.

And she didn't have to act like Kachya, innocent and afraid; she could enjoy herself and even suggest things. She held onto that thought as she arched herself up against his touch and felt her other nipple caught between his thumb and forefinger. A game was developing, in which he seemed to enjoy seeing what noises he could draw out of her throat.

His claws slipped free to just barely tease along the bud of her nipple while he pushed his hips forward and rested the heavy swell of his male orbs just above her mound. Their weight made her rock upwards, but only the tip of his cock had started to creep out of the pouch. She could feel it resting against her fur as he leaned his head down and purposefully used his teeth to catch and squeeze the tip of her nipple. The pressure built up, almost painful, while his other paw countered with the softest of caresses, a gentle sweep that ran around her breast and cupped beneath it. She let out a higher-pitched cry and squeezed her eyes shut, the heat of his breath coming in short hot bursts while she arched her back further and lifted her chest. It was a vain attempt to try and relieve the pressure that was almost too much.

She could feel him responding, the tip of his cock pushing against her belly while he let out a soft chuff before releasing the nipple. It felt swollen from the grip of his teeth, but he gave her no reprieve. His harsh barbed tongue flicked out and started to stroke over the sensitive nub, swirling in circles that alternately flattened the barbs down and rasped them up. That made her think of the barbs of his sex doing the same within her tailhole, sex, mouth, or paw--needing him anywhere with a building urgency. His head gave a twist that made her yelp when he drew the nipple tight again; she felt his cock pulse against her belly in reaction to her cry.

"I knew you'd enjoy it...sir.." She panted out and squirmed in place, her hips rocking up a little. "I wanted to please you."

His tongue released her nipple while the paw on her breast slipped down to her hip. She barely had time to squeak out before he gripped her hip and pulled it upwards, wrapping her leg around his hip while she squirmed. When the paw left, it was only for a moment before it cracked down in a hard swift swipe against the curve of her outer hip and edge of her ass cheek--a blow that made her yelp again.

"Smug little bitch," Reikian grinned and licked his lips. "I think you need to be punished properly, don't you?"

"Yes... please.." She licked her lips in turn, an answering smile almost spreading over her muzzle, forestalled when Reikian's paw struck down again, harder this time.

"Get on all fours," Reikian's voice was breathy as he lifted up from her, "Ass in the air."

"Only if you do something for me first.." She lowered her eyes submissively while he lifted her higher, giving her room to move.


Reikian raised a brow as Maria asked for something from him; she was being bold tonight. Normally she was quite submissive and quiet, but tonight she was showing an independent streak that surprised him. It was only overshadowed by being alone with her; his mind automatically shifted to what Kachya's reaction would be to how he mauled and teased Maria's nipples. They were larger then the rabbit's, and softer, but one day hers would be just as sensitive.

Would she enjoy it? Would she dislike it? She reacted to pain differently, but still enjoyed it in moderation, especially after he got her worked up. She'd probably have enjoyed seeing Maria worked over like this. And then, he could have left the wolf aching and unsatisfied, putting her muzzle to work beneath him, licking him, rousing him, and getting him ready for the lapine. It would have been perfect.

Maria, on the other hand, was behaving strangely tonight. She was normally more subdued when he was alone with her, as if she weren't quite sure what to do with all of his attention focused on her and only her. Tonight, she had come alive. It was enjoyable to see how she was trying to encourage him, as well as get her way, but he didn't want to let her forget to be properly submissive as well. Her hips shifted under him so that his tip slid right along the edge of her furred thigh as her ass was lifted up from the chair. That was just the position he needed to teach her a lesson.

"We don't bargain, girl." Reikian rumbled and struck her firm rump cheek hard enough that he stung the palm of his hand. Maria let out a short cry and rolled over beneath him, not trying to squirm away.

"No, sir, I didn't mean that..." Maria's voice was breathy as he leaned backwards and watched her dark hips push up into the air.

"No?" He cracked down again, firmer this time, his fingers curled forward against the softness of the ass cheek and squeezing it at the end of the spank. "I heard you bargaining, girl."

"I just meant...I want you to mark me," She blurted out. She turned her head back and gave a deliberate arch of her body while his fingers kneaded and pulled lightly against her plump rump cheeks. "I like having your scent on me...."

"Oh? You want me to mark you?" He drawled out and cracked her on the ass cheeks again, this time a bit less firmly, but it still drew a delicious little whimper from her throat. "Would you like that?"

"Oh yes...." Her hips rolled against the touch of his paw, her upper body pressed down against the bean bag chair, a smile on her face. "I don't have to worry about questions asked; I'm supposed to smell like you; I like it. And, I want everyone in the school to know I'm yours for whatever you choose, whatever pleases you, no matter how kinky." There was a breathless urgency in her voice; as she spoke, she realized just how much she meant the words.

He moved his paw up, hooking against the edge of her panties, and peeled the material down along the curve of her rump cheeks. "Oh? Willing to lend a little more evidence to our little pretense?"

"Always...It doesn't have to be all a pretense." She leaned her head back, looking at him over her shoulder while he edged the silk downward. His nose crinkled back with roused scent of her body riding the air, but her words slowed his desire. "And I'm always willing to be as..." Her hips rolled back against him. "...realistic as possible."

"You know your place." He reached his hand out to catch the back of her neck and kneaded her scruff lightly. "Are you unhappy with it? Unhappy where you belong?"


Maria sucked in a breath as he pushed forward while she pushed backwards to meet him. The weight of his cock rested against her ass cheeks, rubbing back and forth against the crease. Her breath came out in a slightly shivery rush while his hand remained gripping against the nape of her neck. The gentle pull lifted her head as he dragged his hips backward and trailed them down to her inner thighs, making her tense up.

"I just... want to help you." She bit her lip as his hand on her bottom gripped her tail right at the base. "I like when you mark me."

She wanted to tell him that she wanted to take Kachya's place, to not spend her time beneath the other girl, to be the one that he supported in the race for becoming Queen, but it didn't come out. She wanted him, she wanted to be possessed, she wanted to be his. His body was rubbing against her slowly now, in caressing strokes that made her crave more. He brushed right along the line of her outer folds teasingly while she shifted her hips upwards and flicked her captured tail out of the way. She didn't wait for him to push forward; she wanted him to know that she could be different, bold, an active partner. She hissed in a swift breath and angled herself backwards against his glans, pressing forcefully as the tip suddenly wedged up snugly right between her folds.

It didn't take much for her body to become roused by him, especially after her long wait filled with fantasies spiced by the fluttery fear of abandonment. She could feel her own wetness clinging along her outer folds and trailing between her tender, pursed lips. The scent of him on the air, made her body react in ways that made her squirm in place even though she tried to hold still. She hadn't always been this way; her first time having sex hadn't even been that enjoyable, but she had gotten better at it. She had learned how to pleasure herself with her own paw, how to make sure she enjoyed it, how to orgasm. The older she grew, the more in tune her body became with her needs and desires. She didn't even flush when she felt the edge of his barbs caress her slickened outer folds, teasing up and down her roused body.

"Then I'll mark you." The rakshasa's weight pressed over her, his chest rubbing along the line of her spine as he gave a sudden roll forward. "To show you what's really mine."

The grip on her scruff tightened as he lunged forward, a short hard buck that forced her inner walls to spread open around the conical tip. Her inner walls clamped down tightly in reaction as he let out a rowling cry and his paw left her scruff. That paw curled around her waist as his teeth gripped right at her scruff. His hips forced his barbed shaft deeper while she whimpered and spread her legs a little bit. He didn't slam forward, but eased slowly, inviting her to push her hips back and try to sheath him inside of her body. He only sank half his shaft into her, while her muscles contracted and clutched eagerly about him, before coming to a halt. The paw on her belly gave a squeeze as his cock suddenly pulsed within her passage, sending out a hot wet stream inside of her body.

Maria jerked her head up with a high pitched cry as the piss spilled into her body, the jet rushing deep inside of her, flushing through her passage. Reikian chuffed out his pleasure before giving a slow grind forward, pushing harder and edging inwards as the spill splattered right against her cervix. His acrid musk thickened on the air, wrinkling her nose as he gave another roll, pushing forward deeply enough that the wet urine was forced out around the edges of his shaft. It ran down along his sheath, trailing along two pairs of inner thighs while the paw on her stomach gave a sudden pull upwards that nearly took her off her paws as she was lifted from her knees. His bestial growl spilled out around her scruff while he filled her.

It sent a wave of pleasure through her, a primal feeling of being claimed and marked. Her inner muscles contracted ever so tightly around him, as she tried to hold him deep inside of her. She could feel the faint pulses, the way that the tip spilled out the streams as he emptied his bladder. The curve of his hips meshed snugly against her, rubbing ever so faintly so that she could feel the heavy weight of his orbs bumping against her. They were so full feeling, the plush fur nearly brushing against her clit as she let out a soft moan in reaction and gave her hips a grind backward. This was what she had wanted.

"This is mine, marked as mine." He released her scruff as he spoke in a guttural voice and stood up, lifting his hips so his barbs raked through her. "Do you know what you're going to do now?"

"What...sir?" She whimpered out and splayed her ears a little as the cock dragged backwards, running through her and making her inner walls contract. Some of the hot urine spilled out, but much remained inside of her as his paw forced her ass back up high into the air.

His cock tip pulled out with a wet noise. The next jet of piss hit her against the ass cheeks, the droplets trailing down in rivulets along her fur. They ran down towards the back of her legs, some more spilling out from between her folds, but some of that tingling heat remaining within their swollen grasp.

"You're going to stay right there. I want you to hold my pee inside." Reikian ran his paw down along the line of her back with a rowling sound of pleasure. "And you're going to suck me clean, with that clever muzzle of yours, while you make sure that you carry my scent for as long as you possibly can."

"Yes, sir." She swallowed while his fingers trailed towards her ears and Reikian walked around her, then peered down at her, his tip crowned with a glistening bead of watery urine. Maria forgot about what she'd been intending to do, entranced by the sight of the dark red shaft crowned with barbs that were resting down around the glans. The wetness clung around the tip, rolling downwards; the scent of him flooded her nose, a rich clinging scent that filled each breath and made her let out a soft whimper in her throat.

He didn't make her get up, but dropped onto his knees and moved his paws to cradle her cheeks so he could guide her muzzle up to his very tip. He rubbed it along the bridge of the muzzle, smearing the wetness along the edges of her fur, helping to spread the scent before her hot pink tongue flicked out. She stroked right over the edge of his glans, caressing in a powerful push upwards that ran from the base of that mushroom head all the way up to the tip.

She tasted latex, faintly, but mostly the salty harsh tastes of urine and her arousal. She worked all the way up before her tongue tip flickered right over the top and swallowed eagerly. She loved the taste, the musk, the way that the last dribble of piss spilled onto her tongue, and the way the barbs caught against the roof of her mouth. She lifted her head to engulf him as he grasped her shoulders and pushed down firmly to keep her in place. Not that she would go anywhere, or struggle against him. It was an exotic taste that made her wrap her lips tightly around him and swallow while he rolled his hips forward.

The world narrowed down. His body, his flesh within her muzzle, and his form pressed against her, were the only things that existed to her in that moment. She suckled along his shaft and gave herself over to him, trying to show him with her tongue and body what she could offer him. He deserved someone that would be a true partner to him, someone he didn't have to fix or change or accommodate . Someone like her.

The Tutor: Chapter 11

_This can't be happening. . . it just can't . . ._ Kachya sat uncomfortably at the small table in the student lounge and tried to keep herself from fidgeting as best she could. _How could they do this?_ When her name had been called in the cafeteria,...

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Rite of Passage

The fir trees bowed and rippled with the rush of wind and air that were pushed down beneath broad white wings. Riana'Tharrul swung her hind legs down and gracefully slipped between the ancient giants, avoiding the large hanging branches that reached...

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Purifying The Species

"Falcon is in position," Kyle murmured into the microphone that was tucked away in the lapel of his shirt, keeping his eyes on the target ahead of him. The crowd was moving briskly, it was a gorgeous day on the Pier and that meant that there were...

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