Ultimate Control

Story by Zwoosh on SoFurry

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A story series once intended to be continued and marked as a master/slave story, however I lost touch with the characters and their backgrounds. Unfortunately, I don't feel like I can continue with them, so they will now remain on the periphery and I will return to them if I feel necessary.

Edward Black sat idly flicking through a magazine, an obscure brand that shouted out something regarding the real lives of celebrities and how their clothes somehow mattered. He paid little attention to the words, merely skimming his eyes through the images and photos of so many faceless furs. His breathing was quiet, almost calm to a point were it not for the insistent shiver of the much smaller fur beside him. The rhino glanced down his left shoulder, taking in the nervous sight of the Dalmatian who sat beside him, paws wringing themselves together. Those worried blue eyes darted about the room as he took everything in, and despite having fallen in love with those eyes, the rhino felt a pang of guilt strike inside him,

"Honey, you don't have to do this, if you don't want to..." He admitted in a hushed voice, "It was just a suggestion."

"But it'll make you happy," the dog squeaked, unnoticeably flinching as the door to the salon clanged open and another unruly looking fur swaggered inside. Unnoticeable to all, except Edward; he sighed, closing the magazine and tossing it onto the oddly placed coffee table. He leant back in his chair, scanning the walls that had all sorts of tattoo designs hung up in picture frames, alongside yet more of piercings from various parts of the body.

"Ben... I'm serious. If you're uncomfortable, we can leave."

"I'm serious too. I want to make you happy, Eddy." The Dalmatian's tone was firm and resolute. Another sigh escaped from the hulking rhino; outside of the bedroom, he was way too much of a softy on the dog. Inside, however, was a different matter...

"Appointment for Benjamin Porter and Edward Black?" The depressive looking rabbit said from behind the counter, barely looking up to see if either of them had acknowledged her, "Robby's free in the back now."

Edward gave a slight nod, standing up and offering a helping hand to the canine, lifting him to his feet. He was unsure if his boyfriend was truly willing to go through with augmenting his body to simply appeal to his desires, but he would be a fool to not admit it wasn't turning him on. As he followed the slender Dalmatian into the backrooms he could feel his slumbering cock rumble gentle with the thought of having all that metal to toy with and tease on the dog.

Ben wanted to go in on his own, and he knew what kind of piercings he was to get. He gave Edward the best smile he could muster before disappearing inside the room, leaving the rhino to wait impatiently outside. More often than not, the hulk of a man would kick himself when he looked into the dog's eyes. It wasn't fair. Inside himself, he was so fucked up. He desired all sorts of sordid, kinky sexual acts that would mostly turn any fur into a sobbing wreck or a horrified belligerent person who accused him of being a monster. It was a rare chance that Edward had finally met someone he really liked, and he had met Ben over dinner in a quiet place to finally discuss the terms of the bedroom. He remembered distinctly the dog's face as he'd listed what he liked, how he liked it, and what that meant for the two of them...

Ben remained stoic as Edward told him about how his past sex lives had gone. He never went into too much detail, thankfully for the jealous canine, but he was getting a clearer picture; all of his boyfriends had left him after what he assumed to be some pretty heavy stuff became too much. There was a story of one cat who took it even further than Edward had wanted, so that seemed to be the only anomaly. The conclusion therefore that Ben could only draw was that the man he was now openly dating was fucked seven ways from Sunday,

"So... You're essentially a master?" Ben edged, trying to make some clarifications.

"Well, it's not what I want to be, but yes. I suppose you could call me that," The rhino's chair creaked dangerously as he leant back, as though trying to put distance between himself and the conversation, "I don't want this to become a master and his slave sort of relationship... I'd much rather you, like those before you, to be mine... An equal, not beneath me," he grinned, clearly amused, "Well, it'd be neice to see you literally beneath me, but you know what I mean."

"I'd still be a normal person? Outside of the bedroom, that is." Edward seemed to flinch at the word 'normal',

"Don't say it like that... I know this is unsual..."

"Unusual?" Ben scoffed, his mouth agape in awe, "This is some really fucked up shit."

"Do you want me to go through it again...?" Edward paled, becoming a little quieter and more sullen than his typical proud form. It was humbling for the dog to think that he had this effect on the muscled Adonis he had for a boyfriend,

"Please. In detail, if you could."

"Alright... In the bedroom, I have to be in control. I never like to be surprised when it comes to matters of the body; I much prefer to be the one leading. So if you want me to do anything special, or if you want something specific, we'll need to give you a safe-word or you talk to me before we get undressed. As for when we are undressed... I have some acquired tastes." He paused, letting all that sink in before delivering the next bombshell, "I'm a sadist, Ben... Seeing you squirm, writhe, beg, scream, and shout out to me in pleasure gets me off. It makes me so hard you wouldn't believe... I like the smell and feel of leather, and I like my mates to be bound, gagged, and trussed up in the clothes I want them to be in. I have tastes for many fetishes, as I'm sure you might though you won't admit to them. I like to see the holes of my boyfriends to be stretched wide, seeping cum. I like to see my hand be swallowed up by those holes, then followed by my arm, all the way up to my elbow and beyond if they can take it... I like to toy with my partners, I like to chain them up, bind them in ropes, and use piercings they have to control them. I want them to smell of me. I mark them, usually in a number of ways. I will control your orgasms, and I won't ever let you cum until I want you to, even if that means resorting to introducing you to new hardware. I will want you to keep on form, fit and shaved where and when I ask you to be. I will just about control as much of your life as I can, but not because I am some freak but because I care about you, and this is what makes me aroused and horny. I've tried going vanilla before, and I've tried toning things down. It doesn't work. So this is me..." He holds up his hands to signify that he's finished, "In all of my fucked up glory. I'm giving you the chance to walk away now so neither of us gets seriously hurt. If you think you're too inexperienced to satisfy me, that doesn't matter; I can train you. I've done it before plenty of times. I guess it's up to you..."

Their evenings had been unusually quiet since their trip to the piercing parlour. Although, Edward had expected this to happen; he told Ben that when he'd visited that place with his prior boyfriends, the nights after had mostly been dull. Of course, the rhino still commanded that the dog suck him off each and every night when they sat down together to watch a movie or something, just so that he wouldn't get all needy unlike the dog, who was desperate to be fucked.

Each time he begged to be filled, Edward would scaled him and remind him of the piercings. They took time to heal, and even with the vast amounts of improved creams from over the years, the process still took days. The rhino had put Ben into his chastity cage immediately as soon as they had gotten home, and stuck the key on a chain around his neck. It was uncomfortable for the dog at first, as he'd only been subjected to this particular torture twice before - even then, the first time had ended badly with him demanding to be let out. They'd not spoken for a week after that, and had marked a new stage where Edward was more easily persuaded when Ben was wary of something. It startled the dog, then, to see that he'd been locked up once more despite the memories associated with the cage.

That wasn't to say he wasn't thankful; in some ways he was grateful that the rhino had taken it upon himself to prevent him from touching his meat. The piercings that he could touch were too sensitive, and for the first few days it had been a definite sensation of pain. Edward assured him it was to be expected; he couldn't just get away with putting holes into his body and not delude himself into believing it'd be instant pleasure. But now, with the new ring piercings that had been stuck into each nipple having healed over, he could tug at the hoops and nearly make his knees buckle, pre dribbling through the bars of the cage. It was very alien to him, but still very pleasurable, and when Edward wasn't around or looking, he found himself fondling the new steel that adorned his body. Counting the two already in his nipples, the new belly button piercing, another ring through the septum of his nose, the snakebites that Ben had chosen to get himself, the ring that was pierced through his taint and then the large Prince Albert and frenum ladder, he had about ten piercings in total. The number daunted him, but in a way he was proud and pleased with himself that he'd taken the plunge. He had thought it'd be another thing in which he'd fail Edward, but it seemed like regardless of the rhino's tastes, he was certainly enjoying them.

Tonight marked the end of the time period that 'Robert' had told him to leave the piercings before they were properly healed. Ben waited with barely contained eager as the day seemed to drag on slowly, as Edward finished up some paper work for his firm he owned. The Dalmatian never complained about the rhino working; he paid most of, if not all of the bills, and was the sole reason they could afford such a dark lifestyle given that the dog only earned a pittance compared to his boyfriend. Working in a tiny shop had its advantages such as incredibly flexible working hours, but also meant that Ben barely scraped together enough to help towards food bills or necessities like heating for electricity. Every time he offered to help out he was always met with the same lecture that Eddy always asked a lot from him physically, so repaying him with a comfortable and luxurious lifestyle was the least he could do to help.

But for now, Ben had specific orders. When he woke up this morning he was left a note from the rhino to not disturb him whilst he worked, and was to instead do several chores and tasks for him, attached to a separate slip of paper. When Ben had read this slip, however, he didn't know whether he wanted to be afraid or bone hard. He dutifully did as he was commanded, and he cleaned the house from top to bottom, prepared their playroom dungeon in the basement, and cleaned himself out thoroughly ready for immediate fun. Now he sat, knelt on the floor directly outside of Edward's office door. His cage was polished and clean, he'd put on his special luxury collar he'd been given for their one month anniversary, the one with glittering studs and an extra thick leather width. He'd attached a leash for Eddy's use, and put in the special huge butt plug that the rhino loved to toy with so much. Ben had also put in a gag for good measure, just to tickle the rhino's pleasures a little more. His jaw was already beginning to ache, and Ben realised that Edward had given these instructions as an act of endurance for the dog.

It was an hour or so later when the rhino emerged from the office. He was dressed in a suit, looking clean-cut and crisp, as though he was heading straight out to the office. His blazer and trousers were a dark, unfathomable black, and his pinstripe tie was done neatly and came flush with his collar. All of which clung to his body as though he'd been poured into the clothes themselves, each muscle defined and tight against the fabric. He gazed down from where he stood, taking in the sight of an obedient pup ready for his master. His stare was impassive and unyielding, and it made Ben rock solid just looking up at his boyfriend... no, his master. Gone now was the label of equals, replaced with the subservient role of 'slave', 'slut', and 'toy'. He was Edward's plaything now, and from now until the sun rose the next morning, his body was for the rhino's pleasure alone.

Edward leant down, half crouching as he scooped up the looped handle of the leash and gave it a firm tug. He barked a single order sharply down to Ben, whose ears pricked up like any faithful feral dog would,


The rhino wandered slowly down the hall, almost dragging the Dalmatian behind him as the dog waddled useless on all fours trying to keep up. His palms and knees scuffed along the polished wood, and he struggled desperately to get down the stairs. Each step caused the plug lodged in his ass to grind ever so slowly and callously against his prostate, making his already aching member swell even more within its confines. The same occurred for the downstairs portion of the house, and Ben kept bumping into things despite having done this 'crawl of shame' as he'd dubbed it hundreds of times now.

They came to the door that was rarely ever spoken about, barely acknowledged, even. It was painted a bold, garish red, and stood out amongst the dull, ordinary décor of the house. They'd moved in together a few weeks back, and whilst Ben was pleased with how well he'd made the transition and how they were holding up together, that door always unnerved him. Every time he passed it an involuntary shiver would trace its way down his spine, as though the door itself reached out with a bony, wooden hand to stroke with one digit down each and every vertebra. He looked up at it now, knowing what awaited for him down there as he'd been down to clean just hours ago. This was Edward's domain; his sanctuary. He called it the Dungeon, and Ben both feared and revelled in its existence.

The door was thrown open and Ben looked down into the consuming darkness, where the stairs descended into oblivion. The rhino reached in, barely fumbling at all as he found swiftly the light switch that flicked on the bare over hanging bulbs that hung solemnly from the ceiling. As they walked down the stairs together, Ben gave an audible gulp from around the gag, seeing all the contraptions, chains, toys, and all manner of tools of Edward's trade that sent him into the deepest, darkest parts of his sexuality.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, it seemed Edward knew exactly what he wanted to do first. A thick, sturdy looking beam ran across the centre of the room, and Edward must have, at some point in the Dungeon's establishment, fixed poles and hooks along its length. He marched Ben over to the centre of the room, lifting him up by his armpits so that he was standing.


Edward strode over to a cupboard, pulling out what looked to be a pair of wrist restraints fixed together by a much longer chain than a pair of handcuffs. He attached the first restraint to the dog's right wrist, pulling it and threading the other end through one of these hooks on the ceiling. The next restraint was fixed around his left wrist, and Ben was left suspended from the beam by these cuffs. He had just enough give to let him stand on his feet, but only just. It forced him to stand where he was, precariously dangling as he tried to keep his balance. His whole body was exposed and vulnerable to the rhino, and he knew that this was the point of no return. From now on, he wasn't to complain, he wasn't to say no, and most certainly was he not to hesitate. He could see the hungry look in Edward's eyes as he felt his body being scoured of every intimate detail, knowing that the male who leered at him knew every inch quite well already. Though he didn't doubt that Eddy could scrub off another layer of his decency and find yet another depraved fetish they could explore together, testing Ben's limits once more.

Ben watched with a keen eye as the rhino approached him, a huge hand running over his sweat-matted fur. He'd been told not to wash, to leave himself ripe for the man tonight. It drove him wild thinking how much control this man had over him with just simple requests and orders... and now with the piercings, he didn't want to even contemplate what more he could do.

"I think it's time I got to see my new puppy in all his glory..." The rhino growled, not really talking to Ben or anybody else, but more just announcing his next course of actions. Ben had encouraged him to do that, to talk more to him during sex so that he at least had some idea as to what was going on.

Edward loosened his tie, shrugging off his blazer and hanging it up on one of the hooks off the side, just under the stairs. Ben kept his gaze fixed upon the black rhino as he undressed himself, peeling away the stark white collared shirt and hanging it up alongside his blazer. Next came his belt buckle, the metal flashing in the crude lighting. Ben shuddered at its sight, remembering all those nights ago in that hotel room and many times aside from that where he'd felt that bite of leather crack against his tender flesh. The belt was put aside, whether to torment the dog or just for convenience, Ben would never know, but he soon returned to gawping at his boyfriend as thick fingers prised open the fly of his suit's trousers. They came loose rather quickly, and he let them fall to the floor, yanking them off with debatable care as he left his heavy, industrial boots on. That made Ben whimper from where he stood, the sight of his master made him burn with lust in nothing but boots on an overly stretched, foul smelling jockstrap that would, at some point, be fixed around his nose or stuffed up his mouth to keep him quiet and obedient.

Sauntering casually over to the helpless dog, Edward once more groped the vulnerable, slight body, rubbing his hands over every delicate section. His fingers sought out the new piercings that were in his nipples, tweaking the loops hard and roughly, making the dog groan and beg until he was nearly screaming through the gag. Next, the hands made their way further down, stroking gently between the barely-formed dents of his muscles as they found the navel piercing, tugging it ever so gently as though it were something new to them. Then, once bored with the belly button, the hands went down and grabbed the dog's crotch with brutal force. Edward smiled an all-knowing sneer as he pulled the key off of his head, fitting it into the padlock and finally releasing the dog after weeks of confinement. Ben humped the air, become instantly hard and his small length slick in the cool chill of the basement. In his length were several ball bearings, the only visible signs of the numerous frenum piercings that now ran down his length. In his head was the crowning glory; a Prince Albert, a dangerously thick one at that. It was a sealed ring, and Edward gave a gentle tug on it, forcing Ben to move his hips forwards and putting him off his balance, causing there to be aching, foreign pulses of pain and pleasure through his loins that emanated from the ring. The rhino didn't forget about the gauche piercing, and found it behind the dog's sack. Ben was rewarded with another savage pull, and it sent intense sparks right from the tip of his tail all the way up to the back of his neck, making his fur stand on end. Edward rumbled in obvious appreciation,

"Hmm... You'll do, my sexy boy."

Edward took a few steps back, taking the time to truly let the new image of his slave sink in. The glittering metal was a huge turn on for him, and his jockstrap strained with his awakening mammoth. He gave a low growl, reaching back off to the side, moving behind Ben as he began to dig out some of the toys he'd yet to have used on the dog due to the lack of piercings. But now the canine was ready, and was going to put Ben through his paces so that his first time with a pierced body was a memorable one.

When he came back into view, he placed a tray he was carrying down within Ben's line of sight. He wanted to make sure the Dalmatian could see what was happening in advance before he did anything he might come to regret. Despite his gruff exterior and brutish sex life, Edward did love Ben, and he hoped they'd continue to grow close and not be forced apart anymore by the rhino's odd sexual tendencies.

The rhino picked up something delicately small, and held it up into the light. It was a silver chain, one that looked both strong and yet evilly intricate. Each end had a clip, and the length of the chain was considerably long. Taking one end, Edward clipped one end onto one of Ben's ring piercings in his nipples, causing the dog to shiver at the sensitivity. The vibrating sensation continued as Eddy carried on blissfully ignorant to his slave's reactions, pulling it downward towards the head of Ben's cock. The Dalmatian soon realised what was going on and began protesting, yelling into the gag with such force that he feared he might destroy his voice box. Edward didn't listen, and carried on enraptured by his task. He threaded the chain now through the Prince Albert piercing, and began to pull it back up to the other nipple, where he clipped it on. He let his hands fall away, taking a critical look at his handiwork. Ben's torso was now slightly bent at a curve, his nipples and cock being tugged on whenever he tried to straighten himself up. It was worse, considering that he was being forced to stand at his fullest height due to the chains that suspended him. The result was a dull, increasingly painful and aching feeling that pulsed through his nipples and groin, and he could only thrash around in his confines at the injustice.

But Edward wasn't done there. He took Ben off of his suspension, and hauled him over to a hoop that had been screwed into the floor. The dog's powerful nose was assaulted with the stench of urine and dried semen, not to mention a whole other assortment of smells he dare not even begin to imagine identifying. He was pushed to his knees, and he half-expected Edward to finally release him from the gag and start things off with a simple blowjob or some muzzle fucking. He could do that; that was easy.

The rhino knelt down behind the dog, and Ben got the notion that he was going to pull out the plug and fuck him like this, but again he was proven wrong. Heavy hands cupped his straining junk, and a devilish finger flicked the taut chain to test its effect. Ben groaned loudly, much to his own surprise, and there was a low chuckle from behind him,

"Fuck... You're so hot now, like this..."

Ben felt those meaty hands fixed something around his ball sack, like a cover or a cone, and it felt familiar to him. The material was heavy duty leather, with studs along its length that dug into the skin of his sack. Suddenly, there was a pulling sensation, and he yelped as that cone around his balls was being drawn downward and then clipped to the hoop in the ground. Fearing now the worst, Ben watched wide eyed as Eddy took yet more silvery chains and attached yet another clip to his PA, and then pulled it down to the hoop. An unseen second chain was clipped onto the ring pierced through his taint, and he moaned like a good pup as he felt that too being fixed to the hoop. This was beginning to become excruciating, but he refrained from the safe-word, as it was something he was trying to learn to tolerate. He was still hard as ever; hard then he'd ever been before, in fact. A small niggling part of him he was worried being abused and altered like this, made into the perfect tube of flesh for the rhino's lust. The restraints attached to his wrists were lifted up over his head and behind him, and he whimpered as he felt himself being pulled backward, his body straightening itself out again so that the throbs came back renewed. Hearing another clang of metal, Ben could see that his master had hooked the restraints on a further away hook, so that now he had no choice but remain in this pose, his stomach pushed high up into the air, his erection standing tall and drooling a steady stream of pre and the plug in his ass pressing down on all the right spots. This was... intense.

"Holy fuck, puppy..." Edward groaned, a hand going to grope his junk through the jockstrap. He did it so that Ben could see; trying to show how thrilled he was by all this, "This is the best gift you could have ever given me..."

Ben could only mumble out a response, and though it was unintelligible he tried to make it seem sincere and enthusiastic. The rhino seemed to take it as a good sign, and so picked up Ben's favourite toy; his blindfold. He felt the cool, smooth satin fabric get tied around his face, and the dark, terrifying dungeon was blotted out. They had used the blindfold very early on in their lovemaking; it was the first thing Edward had ever used on Ben, and the dog had loved it. He'd read certain books about bondage, sadism and masochism, and he figured with the content he'd seen he could handle what the rhino could throw at him. The first few days, he felt secure, and safe. He felt that this could work, and that he enjoyed it. But he soon learnt that the world he'd entered had been downplayed in the book. It was a whole lot different when things began to get serious. Where he had expected light restraint, mild disciplining, and tender care soon transformed itself into this black hole in his body where all his desires and fantasies went. He found himself becoming tainted with what Edward offered him, and whilst he mind reeled at each new prospect of kinks and fetishes, his body relished in it all. Edward became this beast; a man whose sole aim was to please himself, most of the time, and the dog was the means of that pleasure. The world he now found himself in was hard, cold leather, absolute restraint, harsh discipline to the point of breath play, and mummification. Now the piercings... the piercings gave Edward an extra dimension of control. He realised that now as he was forced to hold this position, knowing he couldn't move an inch without hurting himself - he was completely at the rhino's mercy. If Edward so desired, he could head back upstairs and leave Ben like that for an hour, maybe even two. Heck, they'd gone nearly a whole day where Ben had been left tied up, gagged, and with a plugged ass full of several men's seed.

"I won't be long, puppy," Edward suddenly whispered in the Dalmatian's ear, "I just need to get into my gear."

Panic gripped the dog's throat, but still his hardness didn't wilt. Would Edward leave him for long? What if the rhino left him like this? He'd be stuck here, vulnerable, forgotten, and he'd died down here in this rancid dungeon... His body quivered and shook, and he suddenly felt very cold.

A solid, warm hand rubbed along his tight, exposed stomach, and seemed to squeeze with an unspoken affection. Instantly, Ben felt the shivers fade away, and his body became once more still, and his mind calm. Damn that rhino did know how to treat him properly. Even if he was just a tube of flesh to fuck, Edward certainly did look after him,

"Easy, puppy. Not long now, just a little longer."

The hand left him, and the Dalmatian fought to remain collected. His breathing became slightly shallow, but he usually expected that when he was caught in the clutch of anticipation. He was accustomed to the fear of what was to come next, but it was always the trepidation of what could go wrong that always made him pale. Icy fangs began to tickle away at his skin, and it took him a moment to realise it was in his head, and that the cold was returning. He whined and begged through the gag for Edward to come back, to finally be ready or at least to let the dog see him.

A hot, thick breath fell against his sex, and Ben had to physically bite down hard into the gag to prevent him from bucking crazily and threaten to tear his cock in two. The sensation felt familiar, and he groaned and clung to his chains as he felt Eddy's rasping tongue glide along his sensitive length. The piercings made the touch so much more electrifying, and it sent jagged slices of pleasure shooting through his groin. Edward was a total top; he had never once bent over for any other male, and he had never given Ben any blow jobs since they'd been together. Sure the rhino had rimmed his hole, and licked along his length and maybe tongued his balls, but it had never progressed any further than that. It was all about keeping Ben on edge, he had told him once, about prolonging the state of desire and need, yet being so far away from achieving release. He had explained that seeing Ben writhe in agony, yet be aroused and rock hard still got him off.

The blindfold was tugged free, and the Dalmatian blinked warily at the harsh introduction of light. A massive figure silhouetted the bulb's stream, and Ben looked up to see Edward fully dressed in his outfit. He was wearing Ben's favourite ass-and-crotch-less leather chaps, and a leather thong now contained his mighty manhood, studs running around the sides that could be undone at any time like a flap and folded away. He wore a harness that crisscrossed over his rugged chest, the hairy hide pressed down by the large metal ring that interconnected the assortment of bulky leather straps. Two went over the rhino's shoulders, whilst four went around his waist and under his arms. Ben new from past experiences that the design was similar on the back, with the only exception of the downstairs area being different; the harness would tuck neatly in between the rhino's crack and then finish with the cock ring that was probably nestled right at Edward's base, now trapped by his throbbing meat. He had a leather jacket on over that, the fabric tattered and old, yet still looking very formidable. Atop the rhino's head was a leather cap, fashioned to mimic that of an army officer's. There was a dangerous glint in Edward's eye, and with his horn on full show and polished to a devilled shine he looked incredibly intimidating. Ben whimpered, and the master knew this was not out of apprehension but out of pure lust. Ben was the perfect submissive; truly magnificent. He took to adapting well to any given fetish, even if he wasn't entirely comfortable, and he grew to like all the things Eddy did. Well... almost all the things. There were still many hurdles to overcome.

"Does my boy like?" Edward glowered, looking down at his slave, taking a horse's riding crop in his hand and giving Ben's stomach a playful swat. The dog nodded hastily, the slap against his strained belly making the piercing there dig into his muscles.

"Good boy..." The rhino crouches down onto his haunches and unclasps the chains from the hook in the floor. It gives Ben a little more room to breathe, and immediately slumps into a sitting position, his butt slapping against the cold concrete floor. "I think my boy's been left long enough now." Ben wags his tail in idle satisfaction as the gag is gently removed from his face, and he sucks in deep lungful's of air, spit dribbling down his chin but his expression ever so grateful nonetheless.

"Don't get used to it, puppy," Edward admonished, lightly scalding the presumptuous Dalmatian with a contrary stroke to his soft cheek, "I want that mouth filled up; I want your screams to be muffled. You make me so hard when you're helpless and gagged... but let's make this interesting..." He pulls the dog up, making him stand before grabbing his collar. The rhino tugged gently, goading the dog to follow him, and he was led over to their table. This was somewhat of a centrepiece for Eddy... When they'd begun their dabbling in the darker flavours of the bedroom, Edward had introduced Ben to this beauty of a fetish specimen. The table was sturdy, with hooks that looked like those found on a shepherd's staff. The curled outward, away from the rather large and padded table; all sorts of attachments and accessories could be fixed to it, and Ben clenched his fists and shivered at the thought of the memories associated with it. Edward had laid out yet more chains, and the Dalmatian shivered as he contemplated what other horrors the rhino had in store for him... or what other pleasures...

"Kneel boy."

The command sent an electrifying jolt down his spine, and obediently Ben knelt onto the freezing floor. Eddy always loved the feeling of making the Dungeon this formidable place... So relentless and unwelcoming; whilst what they acted out were signs of love, the room was the exact opposite. The rhino remarked he saw it as some kind of poetic irony one time, but Ben failed to see the appeal of it. But he would admit it was rather erotic, and if it pleased his lover, then so be it.

Edward pulled the chains off of the table - Ben could the sounds, his senses becoming alert and wary. He feared what might come next, what other intricate plan the rhino had for his newly adorned body. The rhino turned back to the hunched over dog, the chains still attached to his cock and nipples keeping him in the subservient position. His cock throbbed so deliciously at the thought of what he was about to do next, and he cupped his puppy's muzzle with a giant hand, lifting it up slightly so that he could devour those rich blue eyes,

"Open your mouth."

At the beginning, back when Ben was a novice and completely new to the world of being a submissive for a dominant, Edward had been forced to be more physical with his lover. He wasn't quick enough to respond to verbal commands, and he was disobedient more often than not with cumming when he wasn't allowed to and by touching what he shouldn't; Edward had flogged all that disobedience out of him long ago, and it paid off as he let loose a lewd smile, watching Ben compliantly open that beautiful mouth of his, not even knowing what it was that the rhino would do. He simply did it because he knew he had to, and he knew it was what Eddy wanted.

Moving his hips forward, Edward introduced Ben to his dribbling cock head for the first time that evening, the dog's tongue running over the significantly larger Prince Albert that the rhino had too, the dulled metal already smeared with pre, and looking quite heavy against the canine's lips. It had been slow progress to get the Dalmatian to take such size at first, but after much training through graduating dildos and exercises, Ben could now take his length with practised ease. The bulging mushroom of a head popped past his lips, and slowly he pushed forward, not quite wanting to break his lover in just yet and merely savoured the moment. He could see the look of anxiety in Ben's divine eyes as the girth became thicker and thicker until he was at his limit. Edward gently but insistently pushed home the last few inches, right until the dog's wet nose was smothered by the thick, musky pubes of his crotch. Ben struggled only for a brief moment, getting accustomed to having his mouth, and indeed his throat, impaled on the cock. His breathing slowed again, though Edward could see it was rather limited, and knew the dog must be have the mild panic of perhaps choking on the raw rhino dick. He petted the side of his head softly, flexing his tool just a little inside that tight throat as he grew hard at the sight of having such a cute, sweet faced buried beneath his thighs. He loved that sight, knowing his meat was ploughed deep into the dog's body, but it was made ever sweeter by having those eyes to look into, making it so much more real, and so much darker.

Ben huffed out as best he could, and he felt the thick length down his maw. He could feel every inch pressing against him and filling him out. The huge ring pierced through the rhino's head sat some of the way down his throat, and if he moved ever so slightly, he could feel it tapping against his gullet walls, reminding him that he was being very much possessed by Edward. He had nearly gagged as he had made the entry, but Ben knew that he would have been punished for doing so; they were at the point in their relationship that he apparently shouldn't be making such simple mistakes, so the dog tried incredibly hard to uphold the standard that was expected of him. In some ways he loved the structure Edward provided. It was clear cut, domineering, and it always made Ben try harder to please him.

The dog shivered when he felt Edward trace the clips on the end of the chains around his mouth, running over the seam where rhino flesh moulded into canine lips. It made the dog moan around the prick, knowing it would send vibrations down the male's length - it might have spurred things on too. He was rewarded with a light tap on the nose and a stern look from the rhino; he was forbidden from doing that again. Ben had to restrain his whine of displeasure. It was going to be hard for him now not to moan in appreciation or express his satisfaction. Each time Edward ran the clips near to his snakebites, he circled them once or twice before moving on until he reached the next one. The Dalmatian was trying to think what he possibly had in mind with them, but he groaned inwardly at the thought. This can't be good...

It seemed like Eddy was done playing. After teasing Ben with the clips a few times more, he finally clipped on end onto one of the dog's snakebites. Breathed heavily, forced to inhale the musky aroma of sweat and pre through the rhino's hair, Ben began to look worried, feeling the slight tug of the chain against his bottom lip. He couldn't see what was happening given that his only view was of Edward's hardened abs and his intoxicating pubes, and he looked up to see if his master knew what he was doing. The rhino seemed intently focused on something else, spreading his legs a little wider and leaning over to one side on his ass. Ben vaguely was aware that the rhino had piercings too, in some places quite similar to himself, though he had never been allowed to touch them unless given expressed permission. He knew that Eddy had a taint piercing just like himself, but so far into their relationship he'd never laid a single finger on it. He could see it now, just barely out of the corner of his eyes as the rhino leant over, and he watched with growing fear and lust as he pulled the chain through the piercing and out the other side. Edward settled back down, drawing the chain taut and clipping the other end onto Ben's respective snakebite, completing the link. The Dalmatian could now feel the tug on his lower lip more drastically as he tried to move back just a little bit, and realised he couldn't pull away - not unless he wanted to rip his lip open and scar himself for life. Edward took another chain, and whilst Ben was still getting over the first new attachment, he clipped one end to the nose piercing, and then the other end to Eddy's own navel piercing. Now the dog was fixed firmly to the rhino, unable to move his head backward or else he'd tear out his piercings. Each time he moved too far back, he gained the sharp pull of the piercings on his flesh, and so with bitter yet dirty realisation, he found that he was now trapped on Edward's meat.

"How's that feel, puppy?" The rhino cooed deeply, a great rumble resonating in his chest, "Feel that? You're now gagged on my cock... Fuck, you're so hot, my little puppy..."

Ben wagged his tail as he was praised, but it sent waves of trickling tingles down his back. Here he was, physically linked to his master, and forced to act as a cock sleeve with his throat to serve him. It sparked deep inside him, that single thought, there was being used as a literal toy, controlled through the medium of the piercings, and forced to submit in the most humiliating and terrific way possible.

A sudden cold ooze ran down Ben's cheeks as Edward used his greater height to lean over the dog. He pulled the Dalmatian's behind into the air, causing the chains on his nipples and cock to become tight again, pulling at his sensitive parts and making him groan. Fortunately, he got away with it, as Edward seemed transfixed with lubing up his already loose ass. Out came the plug, and the dog had to suppress the staggering grunt that nearly struck up from his throat, feeling the large toy being slurped out of his hole. He clenched his rim involuntarily, and it gave Edward a slight chortle. He circled a thick digit around the puckered gape, until he pushed it inside, making sure to stretch his boy out, slowly adding a second finger, and then a third, until he reached his fourth digit. That was Ben's limit, for now, as agreed when they'd first started dating. Ben knew a great deal about the technicalities and terminologies of the fetish world, and he was well aware of fisting. Even the rhino had to admit his puppy was far too tight right now to attempt that, and Ben had adamantly refused from the beginning to even go near that topic. Edward would bring it back up some day, considering the Dalmatian's new submissive obedience he'd developed. He might be a little more lenient towards the idea, knowing already the dark sultry pleasures he'd been subjected to.

The rhino held his lover like this for a while longer, simply finger-fucking his pup's ass with his meaty fingers whilst he let the dog be gagged on his cock, enjoying the moist, wet, massaging sensation of having a head enveloping his dick. Still... it would be unwise to cum now, and fill up the dog's gut with a gallon of seed. No... Edward had one last trick for his finale, and he was about to put Ben's tolerance and endurance to the test.

He deftly unlatched the chips from the dog's facial piercings, but held his head where it was by lightly clenching it between his thighs. The canine got the message, and Eddy released the pressure as he left the chains to the side. He'd need them later. He stood up, making the dog have to crouch in order to remain encasing his tool with his mouth, and the rhino finally gave Ben permission to pull himself off. With haste, he dragged his head backwards, seemingly having to put a lot of effort into removing his maw from around the meaty rod of the rhino, spit dribbling down his chin still in more copious amounts. He breathed heavily, gasping in sharp intakes as he finally inhaled the cleaner air of the Dungeon and not that tainted with musk. Ben wiped his chin, allowing himself only a moment's decency before directing his fullest attention back to Edward. The rhino had a hand pointing to the table, and the dog knew the silent order. He quickly stepped over and pulled himself up onto the bench, his ass towards his master.

Edward took it from there. He grabbed a pair of sleeves that acted as restraints, covering the entirety of one's paws and linked together like they would as hand cuffs. He slotted the dog's forearms through each end, rendering Ben completely incapable of grabbing onto anything. Next, Edward grabbed the Dalmatian's legs, and fixed them to chains dangling from the ceiling; these were more heavy duty, and looked to be strong enough, unlike the finer chains that were still adorning his torso. The rhino fiddled with the cuffs until they were just tight enough to keep the canine's rump elevated somewhat, and stroked over that tender, gaping ass. Now, he decided to play his trump card; he took off the clip that was connect to Ben's cock and instead drew it up to his navel piercing. The dog grunted, moaning as he was forced to sit up at an awkward angle, using a great deal of his strength to stay upright so that he didn't pull on his nipples. It was already beginning to ache as Edward then took a second chain and connected his own pierced nipples to Ben's cock, finally linking them quite certainly together.

"You see what I've done, puppy?" He grumbled lowly, a dark glare in his eyes. He had a vicious finger pointed to the chains now interconnecting them with two 'V's, "I can handle the pain of having my piercings being pulled on... but can you?"

Without warning Edward hilted his pup with such speed that he knocked the wind out of him. His hole was forced to quickly grow used to the giant length invading his ass, and he groped wildly with his restrained paws against his chest. He was unable to hold himself up, and was forced to lean his full weight onto the piercings connecting them, removing the need for any form of sling or table. All Edward had to do was bounce his hips backwards and forwards and Ben would simply get fucked onto his cock. Ben growled and moaned, and Edward took it upon himself to take this screams of pleasure and pain for himself. He pulled the dog's head to him, relieving some of the tension on the chains by thrusting this thick tongue down Ben's throat. The yells were now drowned into the rhino's mouth, and Ben cried out with all he could as he felt like his body was being overcome by some fiery force. He couldn't exactly pinpoint at which moments he came, but when he did it came in thick streaks, and plastered across both their stomachs. He must've done it quite a number of times, maybe four or five before he just gave in; letting the rhino control his body for his own ends. The numbing sensation of repeated orgasms wore down on his hole, and he soon became only aware of the dull ache on his piercings and the thick organ pushing deep into his gut. Edward became soon sporadic, breathing steadily into the dog's maw, filling his lungs with hot, sweaty breath. He could feel the rhino's meat become rigid, preparing for the oncoming rush of hot stick spooge... Then he felt it. Erupting into his ass with powerful force, blowing deep into him until his abdomen actually began to bloat. The rhino batter swelled inside him, and he relished in the feeling of it all being finally over. But Edward grinned in that blood-curdling way that made Ben regret ever having allowed himself to get stuck in these situations in the first place,

"We're not done yet, puppy," The rhino slurred, lost in the bliss of his climax. He must've recognised the dog's relieved face, "I've got a few more shots in me left... and we're not leaving this room until I'm shooting blanks."

The dog groaned, his body aching and quivering under Edward's expert touch, completely giving in to his ultimate control.

The Night Before

Emeryllis paced uneasily back and forth, only wearing her fluffy white dressing gown as the early morning sun crested the horizon. The shafts of pale golden light cut through the blinds that were barely drawn, and the vibrantly coloured wolf casted her...

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A heavy shockwave rippled through the ground, sending cracks splintering in all directions as a sparking orange body careened in the air begin landing with a sickening thud. The move continued to shake and destroy the area, the Earthquake tearing along...

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Father-Son Bonding

Derrick opened the door for his son, stepping just off to the side to allow his brooding son inside. Inwardly, he sighed, wishing that Peter and he had a better relationship instead of the cold, shell of a one they pretended was alright; things had...

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