
Story by Zwoosh-K9 on SoFurry

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My half of a trade with:

Title: Aftershock

Features: N/A

Length: 2121 Words

Species: Pokemon

Description: A savage battle leaves a weak Raichu for dead in the cold rain... Is there such thing as a second chance?

Art and characters are © to:

Story is © to me

A heavy shockwave rippled through the ground, sending cracks splintering in all directions as a sparking orange body careened in the air begin landing with a sickening thud. The move continued to shake and destroy the area, the Earthquake tearing along its path and causing the opposing trainer to wobble on his feet. He was affected, however, unlike his Raichu, and with a snarled growl he spat in the weakened Pokémon's direction, "Get up!" He stomped his foot angrily into the dirt, verging upon the equivalent of a childish tantrum, "Get up, you worthless shit!" The Raichu stirred, blinked blearily several times before it very precariously staggered to its paws in a dazed stupor as though it had been drank fermented berry juice. Something was wrong, its health was low. One more hit and it was down; the next shot needed to count. On the opposing side of the field, across the scorched and ravaged earth, the enemy Aggron slammed one of its feet hard onto the ground, roaring loudly so that the very surroundings shook in its vehemence. Its silvered plates glittered in the dwindling sunlight as the clouds gathered; nothing but a few scratches and buffs that marred the shimmered surface. It looked still as healthy as when it had come out of its pokeball. "Raichu, use thunder!" The trainer barked, his leather jacket fluttering about as gusts picked up. He pointed his right hand out like a gun, his index finger jabbed in the direction of Aggron with a vicious contorted look of rage about his face, "Tear that son-of-a-gun a new one!" The staggering electric mouse seemed unable to comprehend the order for a moment before, with signs of obvious reluctance; it took up a stance and started to charge forwards. It was almost pitiful to watch the meagre Pokémon trundle its way across the battlefield towards the lumbering giant, its speed having only just spared its life for a few moments more. Sparks crackled at its cheeks, brightly flashing and building with vigour, until the very air about the mouse was charged with a low humming and an eerie humidity. Raichu closed the distance fast; one hundred feet, fifty, twenty... Then, with a leap that belied the Pokémon's current state, Raichu arced up towards the enemy's head, squeaking and growling a little with the exertion of holding within the power before mewling loudly, a giant bolt of electricity coursing upwards from its two cheeks, shooting upwards. A dulled quiet lingered for a moment, and all became still and slowed, just before the lightning strike came crashing back down on top of the mighty Pokémon. A brilliant flash of intense light flooded the area, causing both trainers to flinch away as a resounding boom suffocated the air. Then, as the dust cleared and the rain began to fall, the audience of three watched and waited for Aggron's reaction. Still stood proud and unfazed, the giant Pokémon seemed bewildered as smoke rose from its shoulders and head, looking with a vacant expression down at the exhausted Raichu. The bolt hadn't even caused paralysis; Aggron could make swift work of the small mouse within seconds. Its trainer sighed, unhappy with such a hollow and bitter victory. The woman pulled out her pink umbrella and unfurled the decagonal arms. Half turning away, she waved with a curt hand towards her Pokémon, "Aggron... use Iron Tail..." Even the Pokémon seemed discontent to harm one of its cousins, but nevertheless wheeled around on one foot, sending its tail in a gruesome lashing whip towards the Raichu, the movement so quick that it became nothing but a grey blur as the sharpened tip rammed hard into the opponent. Raichu was sent flying, hurtling backwards and thumping upon the roughened ground until it came to a gradual stop by its trainer's feet. The parasol lady recalled her Pokémon, the colossal steeled behemoth transforming into a silhouette of sparkled red before shrinking back into the small apple-sized ball.  "You should be ashamed of yourself..." She spoke with an articulated purposefulness, "Treating your Raichu as though it were nothing more than a tool for victory and spoils... People like you don't deserve Pokémon. It's people like you, in fact, that give Team Plasma a good reason to be doing what they're doing!" Droplets of water were cascading down now, muddying the destroyed terrain and droning out the woman's words, "Take him to a Pokémon centre... and stop taking him for granted..." She left them there, unable to stomach the sight of the beaten and battered Raichu that had done nothing wrong, completely at the mercy of its trainer's will. No... That trainer was far from kind; during that battle he had ordered that poor mouse around as though it were a soldier, a weapon that was his to command and wield. She dreaded to think what might become of that Pokémon now. The trainer stooped down, crouching on his haunches as rain water ran along the strands of his hair, and pattered against the back of his jacket. It was such a stupid Pokémon... It never could hold its own in battle... He had always gotten by on the skin of his teeth, always fluking a victory. But now was enough. He reached down with plump hand and stubby fingers as he stroked along the Raichu's cheek, barely feeling the faintest of tingles. The Pokémon was weak; it didn't have long. A few hours out in the cold and rain should finish it off for good... The trainer smiled, and the Raichu began to panic, its breathing quickening and its tiny paws and feet writhing as it realised it wasn't going to get the help it needed this time. Fear rose with the bile in its throat as the trainer stood back up, leering down at the helpless Pokémon. With a spiteful flick of his boot, he kicked Raichu off into the muddy ditch, where passers-by could barely see the browned oranges and yellows. Only the tips of its ears and point of its tail could be seen twitching from where it lay, groaning with muffled squeals of pain and agony. The trainer walked away, laughing as he was finally free of the heavy burden of such a weak Pokémon. The rain had become a torrential downpour now, washing away the loosened earth in a mudslide that very nearly crushed the poor defenceless Raichu. Lightning and thunder shot overhead, and built up with gusto as the storm increased. The waned mewls of the Pokémon were drowned out amongst the weather, lost in its clamour. With barely any strength left, Raichu tried to crawl its way out of the ditch, but the sides were far too slippery and loosen to grant it any purchase, and each time it climbed a foot high, it fell further down. Resigning itself to a slow, horrible fate, the Raichu let itself fall, coming to rest at the bottom of the ditch with water pooling around it. In its final moments, the Pokémon could watch the stormy sky toil above it. A faint jar of gears could be heard from afar... Almost inaudible at first, tiny little clicks and whirs that managed to break through the rain's cover; then, as the source got nearer, the sounds grew louder. There was a screech of wheels, gentle cussing and whining followed by more whirring as something seemed to pick up speed. Then, just as Raichu's eyes were beginning to slip shut, it heard a startled and horrified gasp. Something metal clattered to the ground and just as the world faded, the small, discoloured Raichu felt the tug of something begin to pull it upwards and out of the ditch...

  An odd, hazy light brought Raichu round to consciousness. The faint smell of potions and herbs drafted on the air that made the Pokémon shudder as it attempted to pull itself up. Gauze was wrapped around his midriff, bound tightly and several plasters had been stuck over grazes. All in all, whilst awkwardly lumbering about like a mummy, Raichu was alive - it might have even considered itself well if it could shake the memory of its trainer's boots, and being kicked into a ditch... A sudden wave of sadness took hold of Raichu, and its ears drooped, the spark in its cheeks diminishing till barely the faintest of yellow strikes were left. It had been... abandoned? What was the point anymore? A Pokémon either survived in the wild or it lived for its trainer... they did not simply allow themselves to become domesticated only to be beaten and left to the cold. Raichu hadn't even been released, and looking about itself, it found the common Pokéball resting on a nearby table top. It could feel the pull of its influence, its control; every Pokémon could. Little did trainers really know how they worked, nor why they worked, but Pokémon knew. It was all too real bond with the trainer who wielded that ball, whoever held the ball in their hands commanded the Pokémon inside. It was something that moved beyond loyalty, into the realms of honour and pride. More often than not though, the Pokémon would grow to like, even love their trainers, and would fight harder for them. It became a mutual system of trust, respect and care. However, every once in a while there would be inevitably a trainer who was not like the others. Sometimes this trainer might be strong and skilled, other times this trainer would be cruel... Unfortunately, Raichu had met only the latter. "Hey there, you!" A giddy voice suddenly squealed out of happiness, causing the Raichu to flinch and wheel around, snarling with its cheeks blaring with power. Before it stood a young girl, maybe in her teens somewhere, with a slender figure and casual attire, trussed up with a scarf and woollen hat for the coming winter months; this girl was grinning from ear to ear at Raichu, and acted as though its hostility was nothing of concern, "I was worried you'd never wake up! Nurse Joy said not to get my hopes up..." Her grin faltered for just a moment, and beneath the beaming complexion was just the slightest glimmer of sincere concern. Raichu shook his head; stupid trainer mind games! The smile was returned to normal, and the girl reached into her bag, "I'm sorry I don't have much to give you - I used my last potion on my Wartortle." She rummaged about for a minute before pulling out what looked like a water bottle and a handful of berries inside a case. She popped the lids off both, and then laid them down on the table in front of Raichu. The Pokémon watched with wary, unhappy eyes as she took a step back and clasped her hands in front of her, her smile never stopping as she seemed eager for it to take the sentiment. The water couldn't have been poisoned as it had been sealed... and the berries smelt okay if Raichu were to be honest with itself. Edging forwards, the Pokémon snatched up a few berries in its paws and dragged the bottle back with it, skulking to a safer distance, its glare never letting up as it nibbled upon ripe juicy skin. Ray seemed pleased by this action, and found herself a chair to sit back and watch the Pokémon devour its lunch, content in the knowledge that there was some trust left. "Listen..." She began warily, her own eyes scanning those of the Raichu's, looking for that glimmer of trust to grow, "You don't really have anywhere to go, and you I've been needing a second partner for my travels..." Ray scratched the back of her head, blushing with a bashful smile, "Maybe... you'd like to tag along? You don't even have to stay with me. If you find another trainer you're happier with, or find a place you can call home, I'll gladly let you go... I just don't want to leave you here like this..." She smiled sadly, almost with an apologetic note. The Raichu's internal charge soared, and suddenly its cheeks glowed brightly again, renewed with fighting spirit. It had its purpose back, and finally a trainer to care for it properly. Ray sensed the change, and beamed a wide smile, her Wartortle dancing on the countertop. "So... what do you say, lil' guy?" She held out her hand for the Pokémon to shake, and she couldn't help but grin even wider when the Raichu reached around with its tail and hook it with her hand, giving it a firm shake and a light jolt. The deal was sealed; and Raichu had never felt happier.

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