The Night Before

Story by Zwoosh-K9 on SoFurry

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My half of a trade with:

Warning: Gay 18+

This story contains sexy woman-on-woman sex. Ain't your cup of tea? Don't read then. Go back a few pages and start over. I will not be held accountable if you are underage (meaning you must be 18 or over) or if such content offends or disturbs you. If it is illegal to view such material in your country or local area then you are to leave this page immediately.You have been warned. You will read at your own risk.

Title: The Night Before

Features: F/F

Length: 1904 Words

Species: Wolves

Description: Tensions run high, and when emotions get heated truths come into play... and then some.

Characters are © to:

Story is © to me

Emeryllis paced uneasily back and forth, only wearing her fluffy white dressing gown as the early morning sun crested the horizon. The shafts of pale golden light cut through the blinds that were barely drawn, and the vibrantly coloured wolf casted her faded shadow along the wooden floor. She cared not for the cold that clung to her footpaws, but her slippers were tucked away beneath her bed, and she dare not let the front door out of her sight so fetching them was a moot point. The couch had been the resting place of her slumber for the night, and it bore the signs of company; the tousled and mussed up cushions, the errant blanket that was thrown over its back, half crumpled. It had been a long and bitter night, and Emeryllis remembered it well despite her desires of forgetting it. The wolf's fur, whilst retaining the natural shine of pink and teal, was ruffled and dishevelled. She showed the markings of tiredness, and she, much like the couch, did not look at all well rested.

Memories of the argument played over in her head, all in absolute silence. Lips twisted and snarled as they formed the vicious comments that had scorched and hacked her way into this mess, and whilst she couldn't hear what was being said, she could fill in the silence for herself. The animated flurry of blows and heated lashes between her and her roommate cut her deeply; she hadn't meant any of it. Things were just... tense. It had never been the same since her roommate had brought home another woman... That woman had ended up staying the night, which forced Emeryllis to 'sleep' in the next room whilst all manner of things occurred behind the closed door of her roommate's bedroom. The next day, tired and groggy, Emeryllis had icily remarked that it was quite alright what had happened and that her roommate could do what she liked. Of course, inside she was bitter. Whether that was because she's been forced to sit and endure hours of moaning, banging, and numerous praises to deities without catching a wink of sleep, or because she herself wanted to be in that woman's place. It was her best kept secret, and she daren't let her roommate know her true feelings.

The sound of the latching key roused Emeryllis' attention to the door, and she whirled around on the spot. The door was flung open by a casual looking wolf, oddly coloured much like Emeryllis herself, but this time mostly creams and whites, with her forelimbs and belly coloured a bright aqua turquoise. She carried herself with not quite an arrogant swagger, but an attitude that exuded the impression that she could take care of herself. Emeryllis thought that it suited her well, given the circumstances, but the mirth failed to amuse her. She was still livid,

"Taka," She snapped coolly in greeting. The demon wolf hybrid grunted in response, flopping down into one of the armchairs that occupied the living space. The lack of verbal response raised Emeryllis' hackles slightly, but she breathed deeply, calming herself as best she could. Taka-Neko, who looked on with a blank, neutral expression, examined her surroundings, absorbing in all the menial details,

"You slept on the couch," She stated, her tone flat, "Why?"

"I didn't know when you'd be back," Emeryllis bristled, crossing her arms stubbornly, "I wanted to know if you were okay. You didn't call, so you left me shitting myself thinking the worst."

"What are you, my mother?" Taka-Neko ground out, rolling her eyes with a petulant growl. Emeryllis was primed; she might be exhausted, but she'd spent hours last night theorising and formulating all her arguments, and made each one watertight.

"Well somebody needs to be," The teal wolf bickered, "Because apparently you don't care whether or not people are concerned for your safety." She went on to the next topic at hand, dismissing the lecture she had in mind for how conceited and selfish Taka had been, "Where'd you go, anyway?"

"What, after being told that my sex life had to be scheduled?" She scoffed, throwing her arms up in the air as though she'd been greatly offended - which she had been, in her eyes, "I went drinking, or do I need to schedule that too with you?" Emeryllis looked horrified, and the demon hybrid rolled her eyes in disapproval. She did not like to be judged, least of all by her usually timid and quiet-natured roommate. Hadn't they reached some kind of mutual understanding about their lives?

"You went drinking? Did you do it on purpose just to spite me, or were you just being genuinely stupid? You can't just go drinking in the middle of the night, especially a woman like yourself," Emeryllis was fuming, and her once demure looks were ruined by the furious scowl placed upon her face. Taka knew it was just a mask, and that beneath it her roommate was still just as placid as before. She was marvelled though by the sudden change in tenacity. It tickled her curiosity, though, as to why there had been a sudden change. Emeryllis had never interfered with her personal matters before, and she'd never displayed such a temper. Taka-Neko stroked an idle paw over one of her horns as she deliberated her next move,

"I'm a big girl, mommy," She quipped, "I can handle myself." Emeryllis' scowl deepend, and she felt she had won a minor point. The dishevelled wolf wasn't finished, however,

"How come you didn't come home last night? Where'd you stay for the night?"

Taka rolled her eyes, huffing out a half-formed growl,

"I stayed with a friend."

"Which friend?"

"A friend."

"Your woman-friend?"

There was a heavy pause, and it gave just enough time for Emeryllis to stare in horror at Taka-Neko. The demon flushed a bright crimson, and the embarrassment at being caught out in the open, but she swiftly replaced with a vicious anger,

"What?!" She snarled, "I'm not allowed to stay with close friends anymore?"

"Sure, so long as you're shagging them it's perfectly fine!" Emeryllis cut back, "I bet that's how you paid your rent before you moved here!"

"I don't even know why I moved here!" Things were becoming heated, returning back to the ferocity of the night before. Taka didn't recall ever having stood up, and she certainly had no idea when she's suddenly decided to get up in her face, nearly yelling at the top of her lungs, "Why do you even care anyway?! It's not like you care!"


And then there was the second heavy silence that hung between them. The final revelation of the day had hit them hard, and it was barely early morning. Emeryllis clammed up, refusing to face her roommate now as she shuffled uneasily once more about the lving space. She rubbed her bicep nervously, panic seeping into her lungs in the form of sharp, short breaths.

"You... like me? In that way?" Taka-Neko asked, just for clarification. Emeryllis didn't answer. "Why didn't you say?" Still, the other wolf didn't speak up, "Emery... please. Talk to me; why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Because..." She began warily, her voice shaky and uncertain, "You always seemed so happy... you had other interests... and you never even looked twice at me." The wolf shifted uncomfortably beneath Taka's unyielding gaze, and she felt very much on show. Like an animal exhibit, with Taka glaring at her from behind the glass.

"You think I never looked twice at you?" She chuckled quietly, "Emery, how can I look twice at you when I couldn't take my eyes off you in the first place..."

The gap between them was once more closed quickly, but Emeryllis this time felt no fear, only anxiety. She didn't know what would happen next, and her breathing hastened to brief flurries as she felt the electrifying tingling of Taka's lips so close to her own, merely fractions apart. She felt a graceful paw brush along her ears, stroking the tips as the other paw, unseen, snaked around her waist and drew her close. Their lips collided with an exquisite taste made Emeryllis swim in bliss, and her thoughts clouded into a haze of confusion.

Taka continued to take advantage of the situation, throwing her roommate against the wall as she carried on claiming her mouth. She felt a moan murmur against her lips, and she could feel the wolf squirming beneath her, her wanton desire barely suppressed,

"Oh Emery... You should have said sooner..." She groaned, grinding her hips against those of Emery, "This changes everything... I'm going to make you so sore you're not gonna walk right for a week..."

"What..." the pink wolf huffed in a desperate moaning plea, "What are you going to do to me?" She let out an involuntary grunt, "Are you going to do the same to me that you did to that woman here last week?"

She could feel the sly grin against her own mouth, Taka making no attempt to hide her enjoyment, "Oh you have no idea... I'm gonna make you scream even louder than her, and then make you come even harder..."

Emeryllis yelped as she suddenly felt herself being lifted from her feet and tossed over a shoulder. She whined in indignation, feeling like a child as she was carried to Taka's room. She'd rarely ever set foot in there, but now here she was, and how things had changed. She could only dutifully sit obediently as Taka peeled away her dressing gown, her paws trailing over the silken pink and teal body. The wolf shuddered beneath the touch, and seemed to be unable to control her moaning, and she flexed into Taka.

"You're so ready, Emery..." The demon hybrid growled, two adventurous fingers tracing around her clit and between her folds. She raised them up, the slickness shining in what little light there was, and she suckled on them, not caring if the wolf saw. It had her writhe in need as she felt so turned on, not knowing what was to come next.  "I want us to both come together..."

Taka straddled her roommate on the bed, pushing her down until she was lying flat on her back. She extricated herself from her clothes with a surprising efficiency that startled Emeryllis. Suddenly, she felt the heat radiate against her sex, and she shivered as their groins ground together. Taka began a thrusting motion, rocking herself backwards and forwards, driving against Emeryllis' cunt. It was astounding the feeling, and she was quickly struggling against Taka, her paws pressing against her roommate's thighs and she tried to fight off the urge. A burning, fiery energy was building, and she tried with urgency to tell Taka that she was about to release, but all she could manage was minute squeaks,

"Oh fuck... Emery... fuck, I'm gonna come!" She howled loudly, swivelling her hips and bearing down on their pussies, until they exploded, both in unison, and their climax flourished and continued to climb until Emeryllis was vaguely aware of Taka-Neko's weight collapsing against her, their breaths ragged and rushed as they wandered down from the heights of their orgasms.

"You really should have told me sooner..." Taka-Neko managed to murmur out, softly kissing Emeryllis' lips, all their arguments and fights forgotten...


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