Wheaton's New Boots

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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An Art Trade that I had with stargatemorro

Wheaton receives a pair of boots from a mysterious company, as he puts them on he finds new change on his body...

I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you think of this story! ^.^

Wheaton clicked on links as he browsed the internet, words blurred as the night dragged on. The Arcanine had been up all night browsing the internet as he had the next day off, "Good grief, there is nothing on here..." He muttered in irritation as he brushed his hair out of his eyes, suddenly in the middle of looking at a website a huge ad appeared in the middle of the screen.

"Congratulations! You have won a fantastic pair of Latex Boots; you will receive these in a day!" Wheaton blinked in confusion as the ad stayed up for a few seconds before disappearing.

The Arcanine was speechless as he looked at his computer, "D... did they even ask for my address?" He muttered in confusion, but instead of dwelling on it the Arcanine shrugged and continued to browse the internet.


Wheaton was walking home from work, his shoulders hanging limp in exhaustion. "This is ridiculous... I should really get a driver's license..." As the Arcanine anthro passed by humans, they smiled and waved at him politely. In his world, anthros were normal; they lived in unison with humans and normal feral animals. Thankfully, Wheaton happened to live in one of the politest communities in the world, so his walks were nice at least.

The anthro approached his apartment complex he walked past the owner of the building who quickly called for him, "Oh, Wheaton! Sorry for calling you out like this, but you received a package just a while ago." Wheaton was perplexed, so he asked the complex owner who it was from but the owner didn't know. "The box doesn't have any markings, and the person who delivered it was a guy from Fed-Ex."

The owner handed over the box to Wheaton who looked at it confused, "Oh... alright, thank you." After saying goodbye to the owner, the anthro walked up to his flat with a confused expression on his face as he looked it over. The box really did have no markings on it, which raised the question about how it was delivered in the first place. Wheaton finally reached his room and opened it up throwing his work bag to the ground before walking into his kitchen, throwing the box on the table he quickly pulled out a kitchen knife which he slid under the tape.

Opening up the box, Wheaton was surprised to see that it was a pair of latex boots. Immediately he remembered the ad from last night, "H... wh... how in the world?" He was flabbergasted, "I didn't give them my address!" Even though he was surprised, it didn't stop him from pulling them out of the box and looking them out. The first thing that he realized was that they were knee-high boots. Also that the base of the shoe had tall heels which gave the boots a very woman-like feel to them; the feeling of the boots was interesting to say the least. They felt like liquid latex, though they held together like a solid thing.

As Wheaton looked over the shoes, he realized something. "These won't fit my feet..." He muttered, even though he hadn't asked for the shoes, there was a certain bitterness about not being able to put his feet into the shoes. Even though he knew his feet wouldn't fit, an impulse overcame him. The impulse to try them on, "They won't fit..." He muttered once more, reconfirming it within himself. Even so, knowing this, he found his paws slipping the boots onto his feet. And just as he thought, they didn't fit. In fact, it was really painful to have them on, but worst of all was the fact that, "I can't get these things off!" Wheaton kicked as hard as he could, attempted to pull them off, he even attempted to use the kitchen knife to cut them off. But somehow, the boots wouldn't be pulled, kicked, or cut off.

Wheaton whined in pain, "Why won't these stupid things come off?!" He grunted in irritation, after a while he walked (albeit painfully) into his bedroom and collapsed onto his bed, "I'll get these things off tomorrow..." The Arcanine muttered as he pulled his mind from the pain of the shoes and let himself slip into a deep sleep.

As Wheaton slept, his feet started to change and shift until the fit the contours of the shoes perfectly.


Wheaton's head snapped off of the bed as he awoke from an odd dream which included him wearing an ensemble of womanly clothes, "T... that was weird..." He muttered, as Wheaton slowly sat up he noticed that something was gone but he couldn't quite place it. The Arcanine walked through his apartment still sleepy as he walked, but as he walked he noticed a clicking noise accompanying every one of his steps. "What is that sou..." Wheaton's gaze went to his feet until he realized that he was wearing the boots still, "Oh." He said simply.

The Arcanine looked at the shoes for a full minute, "W... weren't these just hurting yesterday?" His confused state didn't last long though as he noticed his watch, "Oh crap! It's Eight Fifty; I have ten minutes to get to work!" Quickly getting dressed, Wheaton rushed out the door without thinking about the shoes on his feet.


Wheaton was squeamish as he sat in his chair, as he had gotten to work he had finally realized that he still wore the boots on his feet. Sadly, even though everyone was fine with anthros, they still weren't all that big on cross-dressing. "Wheaton, you alright?" The Arcanine practically jumped a foot into the air before looking up, looking over his cubicle's top was his co-worker Timon. Being an Ampharos, privacy in the cubicles was very easy for him to bypass.

A blush built up underneath Wheaton's fur, "Y... yeah Timon, it's nothing."

Timon looked at him suspiciously for a moment before smiling, "Yeah, I know. I'm just poking fun buddy, now you'd better start working. You know the boss will grill you if you don't do work."

Seeing as their boss was a Charizard anthro, that wasn't far out of the question. "Yeah, thanks Timon." Wheaton said, Timon nodded before sitting back down.


After rushing out of his workplace, Wheaton walked down the street towards his Apartment once more. Funny enough, his new boots were better than any other shoes that he had worn. As Wheaton passed by a fashion shop that he had never noticed before, an odd urge passed through him. "If I'm going to wear these... maybe I should get something to fit with these..."

Wheaton blushed violently as the thought stuck with him, not being able to easily brush it away. The Arcanine walked into the store with a bit of a roll in his hips.


Wheaton walked into his flat with a bunch of bags that he brought into his bedroom which he pulled out to reveal an entire matching latex ensemble. When the woman at the counter of the store had seen his boots, she seemed to immediately know what he wanted. He pulled off his clothes blushing lightly as he pulled on a pair of latex panties which revealed a bulge beneath, "This is nice..." Wheaton muttered in embarrassment, before pulling on a matching sleeveless shirt. "Damn... I kinda wish I knew where all of these clothes came from..." The Arcanine muttered before he noticed a card lying on the floor next to the box that the boots had been in, "Well... coincidence be damned."

Wheaton quickly read the card quickly realizing that the store headquarters wasn't but three hours away, "Tomorrow..." He muttered as his eyelids suddenly grew heavy, something about the boots was draining his energy and making him tired.

The Arcanine's eyes rolled up and he collapsed onto the bed, making bags fly up into the air briefly before fluttering to the ground. Slowly through the night, Wheaton's body slowly started to slim down to become more feminine. His arms slimmed as well as his waist, on his chest slowly the latex shirt bulged out as a pair of breasts grew. Though as to prove Wheaton was still a man, a bulge protruded from his pair of panties.


Wheaton walked down the road, his feminine body swaying from side to side as he walked. The night of sleep had changed him a lot, even though the day prior he had a manly figure now that he had a feminine one he wasn't shocked by it at all. His new breasts swayed as he approached the building, being an anthro had a lot of perks as he was not exhausted at all by the time he reached the building.

"Welcome to Rula Co, are you here for the job opening?" Another latex clad wolf anthro stood in the entrance hall to the building, judging by the protruding bulge from his crotch. Wheaton could tell the same thing had happened to the wolf that had happened to him.

Wheaton was about to say no when his muzzle opened and uttered, "Yes, I am." The wolf gestured towards a hallway which Wheaton walked towards immediately with no hesitation in his steps.

Finding himself in a small room, Wheaton took a seat in a plush rubber chair which sat in front of a television. As he waited for somebody to walk in, Wheaton's eyes locked onto the logo which hovered in the middle of the TV's screen. As he watched in a hypnotic swirl swirled out from the symbol while a voice echoed out from the speakers of the room, "Welcome to Rula Co, you are a part of a great company. You will display yourself in all ways to the future buyers of the company." As the voice spoke spreading the hypnotic effect through Wheaton, the Arcanine started to pant as his cock started to go erect in the latex panties.

Wheaton's intelligence started to drop rapidly as the company's jargon sank into his brain, all useless information of his old life disappeared as Rula became his life. As the video came closer to the end, the Arcanine gripped the chair as he started to hump the air until he came as the video ended. Now completely brainwashed, Wheaton smiled at a coyote who was similarly dressed as him. "Hello, welcome to the company. Though I have to let you know, these collars are required."

She gestured to her own before handing over one to Wheaton who read off the words out loud, "Arcy Girl..." Wheaton's name slipped away as 'she' put on her new collar proudly.


Arcy grinned at the camera as she posed. One of the higher ups in the company smiled as she looked at the newest 'girl', "She's good... I think she'll go far." Arcy then posed with her latex covered butt facing the camera as her cock suddenly ejaculated into the panties as the picture was taken.

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