Kanga Takeover: Fur Club Part 1

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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Hey everyone, after a few weeks of Hiatus I finally have the next part of Kangy Takeover up! Thanks so much to Tiger_shifter for helping out with the editing!

I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I would love to hear what you all think!

Rp by: Myself and Kiluke

Blake(Bwakey in Kanga form) ran out with Sarah(Darny in Kanga form) towards the college, breezing through the halls to reach the furry club in progress. The Kanga Alpha was disguised as a more masculinized version of his old boring human self wearing a football uniform along with his lover disguised as his old self, a hot female in a cheerleader uniform. After transforming the entire Football and Cheerleading teams, the pair decided to travel to another school club to continue the Kanga takeover of the community college.

Upon reaching the room being used for the club meeting, the pair stopped outside of the doors, gasping for breathe while observing the activities within the room from small windows. Jeremy, the leader of the club, stepped forward in his auburn fox fursuit, his features hidden though he appeared to be rather tall considering the size of his suit. Standing behind a podium in what appeared to be a small rehearsal room for the school glee club, he announced, "Alright guys, how do your new fursuits feel? I know we had to get them fitted and re-tailored after they were donated from the convention a while ago, but its important to be sure. Opportunities like this almost never come. They even cleaned them beforehand."

One of the members in a bulky cartoonish panda fursuit raised his hand, "It's awesome!" Sarah giggled softly getting horny at the thought of giving them permanent fursuits to enjoy with big rubbery huggable lovable bellies just waiting to expand out of those boring human frames. The front of her cheerleader skirt tented obscenely as her kanga cock wanted desperately to be freed of the confining panties. She gritted her teeth comically and forced it back down to a manageable size.

Jeremy nodded excitedly before turning to a blackboard behind him, showing off some rules, "Now before we go any further into this meeting, I must reiterate a certain rule that was violated just the other day, unless the other person wants it NO YIFFING! Alright, Tod?..." Another person dressed in a very flamboyant fox fursuit that was fitted to conform the the contours of the body, tilted his head, "Yeah... sure... though I'm pretty sure Tommy liked it." Jeremy sighed, "Well if not for the fact that he tried to cut himself to death today after being yiffed I might be prone to believe you."

Tod shrugged, his shoulders rising and falling in an uncaring manner, "I doubt he was aaaaaaaactually trying to kill himself. He liked it, trust me."

Jeremy just shook his head in disgust, "It's a wonder you were not arrested for attempted Rape..."

"Hey, it isn't Rape if he didn't claim it was, like I said, I think he enjoyed it" Tod said playfully.

"Wow, they must be pretty messed up, or really horny... Shall we introduce ourselves, Blake?"Sarah giggled as she leaned over and kissed Blake on the cheek.

Blake giggled back and nodded in agreement before raising a fist to knock on the door in a vigorous manner. Jeremy turned his head towards the door in slight confusion of the noise.

"Did one of you invite some fellow furs?" Tod giggled as he jumped up, "It might be my boyfriend, one sec honey!" He opened the door and looked at Sarah and Blake for a moment before his head dropped and his happy comical expression shifted to a brooding nervous one, "Nevermind... it's just a jock and a cheerleader..." He glanced at Blake for a second before leaning up against him, "Though the jock is pretty damn cute." Blake smiled and stealthily reached down to cup Tod's groin briefly giving him a knowing look.

Sarah swatted that groping hand away from Tod's junk, "Blake, I don't care if you think he's cute as well... you have to save yourself," she shifted her attention to the furries in the room before saying, "Um hello, My name is Sarah I was wondering if we could join you guys. In case you can't tell we're furries as well." Sarah did her best to sound shy and meek but inwardly, she was bouncing up and down with joy.

Jeremy rubbed at his fox head for a moment before enthusiastically nodding, "Alright, come on in." The gay fox grinded against Blake for a moment before going back to and sitting back down in his seat, "Welcome to our fur club." Jeremy said as Blake and Sarah took seats near each other.

"Thank you, so what do you guys do around here?" Blake asked before leaning over to Sarah and whispering, "In case if you are wondering, I locked the door on the way in, just give me a moment to lull them into our trap," Blake finished that sentence with a peck on the nose, drawing a jealous look from Tod.

Sarah giggled quietly as Jeremy listed off more topics on the agenda, then slipped off to the bathroom while everyone else was distract. As Jeremy finished speaking a few minutes later, Sarah came out of the men's bathroom holding multiple jockstraps behind her back as she sat back down in her spot. Jeremy cocked his head excitedly asking "So what do you think?" when he finished with his announcements.

"Sounds like a great idea to acquire more suits for potential recruits, but if you are interested, I have an idea for you... I may have acquired a group of special suits of sorts that I may be will to loan out to you guys," Blake said. Jeremy turned to face Blake, an eyebrow cocking beneath his mask as if to ask, "Go on?"

Blake continued saying with a smidgen of trepidation, "Now you have to keep an open mind about this, but trust me you won't regret trying them, so what do you say?" Blake said with a mischievous smirk.

Jeremy patted his cheek once more before pulling off his head revealing a surprisingly hot guy's face, "Sure what are they?"

"Well if you will follow me, I will show you..." Sarah interjected as she walked over to the bathroom door, "And remember keep an open mind!" she teased, winking. Tod gave her a disgusted look as if wondering how a man could fall for any girl when there were other perfectly legitimate men around to yiff.

Jeremy smiled and nodded, fully willing to trust in Sarah, "Alright, but I'd better not wake up in a dumpster" He laughed light heartedly as he followed Sarah into the men's room.

Inside, the bathroom Sarah closed the door and turned to him admiring Jeremy's handsome face, "You gotta take off the suit and your clothes before I reveal the suit to you. Like I said before it's a very special suit designed for a specific purpose." Sarah gave a cheerful and innocent smile to encourage the leader of the club's furries.

Jeremy slowly took off his fur suit, putting the rather toony fox suit's head on a nearby shelf and unzipping the back to shimmy out of his suit before hanging it up on a clothes hanger. He was dressed in a pair of shorts and a nerdy T-shirt complete with a gamer reference on it.

Sarah's smile grew wider when she saw the already sizable bulge in Jeremy's crotch hidden by his tighty whities, this boy was big, even when flaccid! He drew his hand from behind his back and revealed the jock strap. The jockstrap was made out of a rubbery material, the bands that would hug his flesh and thighs were orange while the cup to protect his length was a downy white. Unlike other jockstraps though, this one had a short rubbery mini fox tail attached to the back of it in an almost gravity defying manner. It was a wonder how such a heavy looking rubber tail could hang off of the jockstrap without tearing off, but there it was all the same.


Jeremy frowned and looked at Sarah nervously for a moment when he got to see the strap. He blushed hard when he realized what it was especially when he saw the tail and said, "C... can you turn around while I do it? I only let my girlfriend see my junk and uh... well this is already awkward with you being a girl and all"

Of course, but I do want to see how it looks when your done," Sarah said smiling as she turned facing away. inwardly, her Kangy self was bouncing happily within the confines of her kangified mind.

Jeremy nodded as he slipped on the jockstrap, as he pulled it over his cock he shivered in delight as it cupped his junk very well. He turned around and smiled at the waving fox tail as he swished his hips experimentally before looking at Sarah, "It's done."

"Excellent, Now we just have to wait a moment...." Sarah said smirking a little.

Jeremy cocked his eyebrow, "Wait for what?" Even as he spoke the jockstrap already began its work. The material of the cup of the jockstrap seemed to envelop then conform to the shape of his already sizable penis even though he did not notice, the bottom of it already starting to hug his balls and slowly conform to the shape of it, covering it, coating it in new rubbery flesh.

Sarah smiled and reached down to cup Jeremy's balls with one hand while fingering his growing sheath with the other as the base of his cock shifted and reshaped into a primer for its new form, "For this..."

Jeremy briefly moaned in pleasure, his eyes widening in growing terror as he looked down,, "What is that?! G...get this thing off of me!" He tried to pull it off but as he did some of the rubber pulled off onto his hands and thicken ono his digits as it spread down his fattening fingers to his palms which began to swell out as well.

Sarah couldn't help but giggle at the sight, "Oh come now Jeremy, didn't I say to keep an open mind. Besides I thought you wanted to be a big gay fox?" she asked mischievously as she began to scratch those enveloped balls.

Jeremy's eyes opened up wide in rage, "No! I'm straight, I have a girlfriend!" He said as he jerked away from Sarah's grip. The small fox tail behind him started to puff out and curl up gayly as his exposed ass cheeks began to shine from a layer of rubber and swell out into a cute shiny bubble butt.

"Oh well that's okay then, we can fix that!" Sarah giggled taking a few steps closer,, "Besides look at the big foxy tail you already have!"

Jeremy turned around and panicked as he saw the tail, "W... what?! What are you doing to me?!" As he looked at the tail he noticed rainbow colors appearing on the end, "What in the fuck?"

"Oh such a nice tail and like I said, you did always want to be a big gay fox, isn't that right?" Sarah couldn't help but giggle and knew it wouldn't be long now before things started to get really interesting, but she held her Kangy self in check.

Jeremy's face briefly turned into a smile as fake memories of wanting to be a gay fox started to rush into his head, he imagined himself fucking another guy hard with his canine cock. "Wait no stop! What is this doing to me?!" Memories, his real memories of him and his girlfriend, him jacking off to playboy magazines, him putting down Tod at every single turn, were all being overwritten. He watched with growing horror as he saw himself call his girlfriend disgusting when she tried to kiss him, how the playboy magazines were exchanged with gay porn website, and how he apparently fucked Tod more than a few times... on a weekly basis.

He was on the edge of tears, barely able to hold himself together against the onslaught of his new growing identity as his stomach suddenly expanded greatly into a big white rubbery smooth belly.

"Shhh, it's okay Jeremy everything will make sense just let it work it's course." Sarah said, smiling as she gently rubbed his belly.

Jeremy started to deny Sarah with a retort, but as his stomach was rubbed more and more gay thoughts filtered into his mind while suppressing his true memories. He imagined himself yiffing other guys with his long foxy cock and giggled in glee as he started to finger his ass with his now canine hands.

"There you go Jeremy, doesn't that feel much better?" Sarah asked as she reached down and slowly start to stroke him off through his sheath. This time, she was met with no resistance.

As jeremy moaned in delight all straight thoughts slowly disappeared from his mind. All of his memories of being the only straight fox fur he knew changed drastically. He dry humped the air as he thought of his sexy friends just waiting to try on the amazing jockstraps, as the latex passed over his face a sly grin that only a fox could have slid over his face. Soon his ears traveled up to the top of his head and inside his left ear a blue male symbol earring appeared.

"My my, who's a sexy fox?" Sarah asked while rubbing up against him and pushing her breasts in his face, "*sigh* "If only you were a kangy."

Jeremy stepped away from Sarah in disgust and put his hands on his waist in an obviously gay manner, "Euch, keep those... things away from me." He turned his gaze and grinned as he saw himself in the mirror and flicked the male symbol earring on his ear, "God I'm a sexy foxywox, now I just need a hot guy to dig my bone in." He licked his lips excitedly as his tail waved behind him in joy.

"Hey who are you calling me ugly you big jerk!" A bit flustered at Jeremy's reaction Sarah poked her head out of the bathroom and called, "Bwakey I need your help, I wanted to play a little but he thinks I'm gross, what do I do?"she asked still a bit flustered, she still kissed Blake on the lips as he passed into the bathroom.

Blake smiled sweetly at Sarah before feigning embarrassment at the other members of the furry club, "Sorry guys I need to help out in there." Some of the guy furs smiled sympathetically or jealousy depending on their own relationship status. Tod however was obviously pouting. He wanted to know what was going on and what Jeremy was up to.

Sarah pulled Blake inside showing the changed Jeremy to him and spoke while pouting, "See he's more interested in himself the having any fun." Sarah then hugged Blake and whispered, "Sorry for the little show Bwakey but I don't think he realizes that I have a little surprise for him and I thought you would like to watch." Looking up into your eye she gave him a wicked grin.

Blake smiled as he saw the new fox glance over and smiled at him, "Oh hi there big boy, you want to ride my knot?" Jeremy grinned as his erection popped out but a shocked look appeared on his face as he saw that his cock was still human.

Sarah couldn't help but burst into laughter, "Oh my I totally forgot about that... Hold on Bwakey I think I have this one..." She said as she kneeled down in front of him and licked his little cock head.

Jeremy tried to pull away from her in terror, "Euch, no I don't want any disgusting women touching my cock!"

A wicked grin spread across Sarah's face and she tackled him to the floor with surprising strength, "Oh hush up now Jeremy and you might get a special treat... Just let me fix your little problem."

Jeremy whimpered in disgust as he felt Sarah's lips touched his still human dick.

Sarah laugh internally as she thought about the truth of the situation as she started to lick his cock slowly, taking care to stimulate his cock head as she used her lips to great effect. Her early ministrations were rewarded with his human cock stiffening slowly growing red as blood rushed into the organ. At full mast it was at an impressive 8 inches in length as it swelled fatter and larger with each thud of his heart.

Jeremy moaned and fought against the urge to give into this disgusting female that was for all intents and purposes raping him orally. Sarah continued her assault though as the gay foxes cock kept growing longer and bigger soon passing 10 inches as the flesh began to turn rubbery the more red it got. The cock head reshaped into a tapering point, glistening with pre as Sarah greedily gobbled it up. She began to fondle his ballsack feeling the base of his cock swell out in all directions the closer he got to losing control. Finally, he gave a short yipping growl as he cummed the last of his human seed into Sarah's practiced maw, not spilling a single drop of his seed as the last of the changes to Jeremy's cock finished.

"There, now that wasn't so bad... Are you ready for your special treat now?" Sarah asked as she turned over spreading her legs wide but leaned forward a bit to distract the gay fox with her breasts to hide her bulge.

Jeremy rubbed his new rubbery canine cock in delight but his face became one of disgust as he saw Sarah spread her legs, "I told you, I'm not interested in pussy."

"I know you're not, but I'm not a woman... Isn't that right Bwakey?" Sarah said as her glorious Kanga tail exploded out from her backside, destroying her panties and lifting the back of her skirt. in the process.

Bwakey giggled and nodded as Jeremy's mouth dropped in toonish surprise not from Sarah's large toony tail, but from her huge Kanga Cock that grew so fast, that it carried the tatters of her panties with it until it poked the stricken gay rubber fox in the belly.

"See I told you... Now what were you saying before about my being gross?"Sarah giggled and motioned Bwakey over giving him another peck before whispering, "Give me one second and I'll move this big lug out of sight so you can work on the next one okay? Oh and you know I love you right sweetie?"

Bwakey giggled in response and nodded as Jeremy looked in the mirror again, as he rubbed his cock vigorously and cummed a big, fat, smelly, latex load all over the wall in front of him. His eyes changed into a rainbow color as his cum dripped down from the coated wall, and his other ear spouted a second male symbol as if to signify his completely transformation to being gay.

"Oh my, aren't you the messy one... Now come on we need you to move so we can show the next person their suit."Sarah said as she pulled him to his feet and winked at Bwakey.

Jeremy giggled as he waddled away with his hips swinging from side to side his rainbow tipped rubbery tail swishing, Blake grinned as he walked out of the bathroom and smiled at the rest of the furries. "Alright, who's next?"

Before Tod could volunteer a young man in a lion fursuit stood up and said, "I'll go." Tod's previously gleefully curious expression shifted to impatient disappointment.

Blake smiled and nodded as the lion walked into the room beside him, and closed the door behind him, Blake then pulled out a lion tailed jockstrap and smiled at the furry. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing..." The lion then paused as he noticed the jockstrap, "Wh...what is that for?"

Blake fingered the jockstrap and held it out towards the lion, "This is for the costume we're gonna give you, but if you don't like it, II can provide another type."

"N...no that's fine I guess... so what do I do?" The lion asked as he took the jockstrap noting how the yellow had a soft pink hue to it.

Blake smiled, "Well it's a jockstrap, so you pull it on. Though you may want to take off your lion suit first."

"R...right...umm if it's not too much to ask could you turn around?' The lion asked again before pulling off the head showing off a rather young looking man who probably just got out of high school. He had a scrawny look to him with eyes that looked a little too big and acne on his face.

Blake smiled and admired the young man's features for a moment before turning around.

Still embarrassed the other man slowly stripped down before pulling on the jockstrap, "So where's the rest of the suit and why do I have to wear a jockstrap with it? Is it just for the tail?"

Blake turned around and admired his bulge, "Don't you worry, it'll only take a second."

"Second for wha...Ohhh" He stopped mid sentence as a wave of pleasure coursed through him, causing his bulge to swell out against and stretch the rubber of that jockstrap. "God what was that? It felt so good..." The young man asked as the rubber encasing his cock took on more and more accurate definition of it as the jockstrap began to meld into his skin. The latex began to spread over his midsection aggressively slowly slimming his belly down until it was flat, adding layers of rubber to his hips as his waist shrank giving him an feminine look as these parts of his body were encased in creamy pink latex. His hips continued to widen, soon expanding to a large enough size that would force him to wear female sizes and measurements as his ass began to expand with layers upon layers of shiny pink rubber., The man moaned as his hands slowly ran down his sides to trace his new growing figure. Blake noticed that the man also began to visibly shrink from his gangly height to a shorter one bordering on 5 foot 7 inches tall from his previous 6 feet.

Blake licked his lips in anticipation as his pants started to bulge before looking up at the changing lion and smiling, "Don't you worry, soon you'll know everything."

The changing man let out a moan as the pleasure knocked him to his knees. Unable to contain himself, he started to rub the forming sheath on his crotch as latex spread over his legs giving them a feminine look before plumping up as his feet did the same. As his sheathe grew in size, his erect cock started to shrink losing several inches in length and some of its girth until his crotch would appear to be nearly flat if he was wearing any clothes. His balls small enough to seemingly retreat into his groin.

Blake smiled as he watched the other man's sheathe grow, "How does that feel my little gay femlion?"

Wincing as his ass bubbled out into a shiney bubbly ass the man was able to mutter, "G..gay? but I don't want to be...ohhh god what's happening to me?" The changing man mumbled before sitting on his now ample ass as his stomach rumbled and expanded outward, not nearly as big as the other latex creatures but now a nice sized muffin top pudge. He started to beg as his hands changed into paws, "Please, stop I don't want this...." His arms also started to become slimmer while his shoulders became narrower.

Blake's growing tail started to wag, "Don't worry about that, soon you'll be a happy toony lion. All you'll want soon is to help me out by changing all the people in the college into toons like us." Blake grinned as he spoke.

The man was about protest when he let out an aroused moan as the latex spreads over his face before popping out into a lion's muzzle as a vibrant pink mane spreads out around his head. Two pink and blue earrings popped into existence in his changed right ear. Evidently, the latest victim's orientation was easier for the jockstrap to change than it was on Jeremy.

Blake clapped in glee as he watched the man go under the last of the changes, "How do you feel now?"

The lion's head hung low as he panted softly before gently saying, "I....feel....Great!" At this last word he cheered with a gay inflection to his voice before jumping up and hugging Blake, "Thank you mister, I feel so awesome!"

As the lion hugged Blake, Sarah... Darny poked his head around the corner of a stall in all her Kangy Glory. his erect dong bounced with each bouncy movement, "Well well well, look what we have here." He hopped over to the pair, "Sorry Bwakey I couldn't help it." He said with a shrug.

Blake grinned as he saw Darnny pop up, "It's fine my my sweety, I was just finishing up with our newest lion." He snuggled up against the lion for a moment before letting him out of his embrace.

"Oh my isn't he cute? Though nowhere near as cute as you!" Darnny grinned before looking at the bathroom door, "So who's left out there, and what do we have in store for them?" Darny said with a wicked smile and kiss on Bwakey's nose.

Blake giggled as he rubbed his nose giddily and cracked the door open, "There are three more, I see the gay foxy and the panda and I think that's a skunky."

Darnny rubbed his chin in thought for a moment before he snapped his fingers, "Oh I know, how about we get that other foxy guy in here, that way I can show him that you're already taken..."

Blake winked at his mate, "Are you jealous my rubbery kangy?"

"Well... maybe just a little... I can't have some little fox stealing my big strong kangy now I can I?" Darnny said showing just a bit of submissiveness towards Bwakey as he blushed..

Blake pressed his body against Darnny's, rubbing his bulging groin against Darrny's erect length and kissed him, "Don't you worry, you're all that I need Darnny."

Darnny blushed even harder before hugging him, "Thank you Bwakey..." With a sudden quick motion he stepped back and start pushing Blake towards the door, "Now since he seemed to be making googly eyes at you earlier I think you should be the one to call him in... then we can get him together." Darnny giggled before giving him a gentle smack on the ass.

Blake giggled as he quickly went back to his human form and found himself without clothes to wear but as if by the thought alone his skin formed back into the football outfit, "Wow.... I love being a kangy!" Blake squealed in excitement as he opened the door and stepped out, motioning to Tod, who was now flirting with the panda, "It's your turn." He said simply before stepping back in.

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