Digimon World: Vee for Veectorious Domination

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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A sequel to Joshua's Digimon World Experience for animorph59, I hope you enjoy man! ^.^

Digimon World has claimed Joshua already, but it looks like it won't just stop at him...

I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you all think! ^_^

Lared was browsing the internet when his brother stepped, Derek was a full foot taller than him which has always caused him to have a bit of an inferiority complex. As Lared sat at the desk he repeated a mantra in the back of his head, "Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me..." For a moment as his older brother passed by him to go to the bathroom he had high hopes of the older man not saying anything, but then he stopped and looked back.

"Yo bro, you know you really shouldn't sit in front of that computer all day. It's bad for your health, you know? You're in college man, live a little." Lared ground his teeth together, even though he was twenty, his older brother still picked on him as if he were five. His brother had a well toned physique from years of bodybuilding, when Derek had been in high school he had been the quarterback for the football team.

Ladies had fawned over the muscled athlete and colleges couldn't ask for him enough, when he had taken a prestigious college's invitation, Lared had been told by his parents that they expected him to get into the same college. Being five years younger than his brother, he had a long trail to follow in. All of the teachers had expected him to be as sports prone as Derek, but instead they had found him to be the intelligent one, and also the nerdy one. Many times his parents had encouraged him to join the football team; soon they were pushing so hard that they threatened to kick him out of the house to do so. Finally giving, he had joined the football team, which failed horribly for him.

Thankfully, Lared had still been able to get into the same college that his brother had gotten into. Though instead of riding on a sports scholarship, Lared had gotten in off of an academic scholarship which in itself was highly prestigious. But when he had informed his parents, all they reacted with was annoyance and distaste. So deciding that he was done with his parents, Lared had decided to move into the college dorms. Thinking he had had been able to escape his family for once, he had been happy, until he met his roommate.

"Bro, you ok? You're kinda spacing out buddy." Lared blinked and shook his head to snap himself out of it.

"Y... yeah, It's nothing. I know that being in front of a computer all day isn't good for me but it's the only way I can have a social life." Lared said testily as he typed in a webpage's URL, he waited for his brother to comment but the muscly man said nothing. "Please just go away Derek..." Lared said in irritation, as usual instead of getting angry like a normal brother would, Derek just turned and walked out of the room.

After Derek left the room, Lared's shoulders relaxed and his body arched over the desk knocking the keyboard back, "Thank god he left..." As he lay there, a beeping noise emanated from his computer. Lared's head slowly peered up from the cover of his shoulders and he saw an odd popup on his screen, "Digimon World..." He muttered to himself, Lared had never been much for Digimon. Even when he was extremely young and all of the other kids were watching it, he had never found much enjoyment the show.

"Pff... no way I'd try this..." Lared muttered as he hovered his cursor over the close button and closed the ad.


Derek was silent as he walked down the halls of the college, he was deep in thought about his younger brother. Being twenty years old, Lared should be enjoying the college life. Not just cooping himself up in his room all the time, "Damn it Lared, I'm just trying to help you..." The jock said as he turned a corner and nearly ran into his girlfriend, "Oh, Mari." Derek muttered in surprise.

His blonde haired girlfriend had a happy smile on her face as her hand briefly touched her cleavage, "Heya honey, how are you doing?" Usually Derek would kiss his girlfriend quickly, but today it was obvious something was on his mind. "Is something wrong honey?"

The jock was silent before shaking his head slightly, "Nah, sorry honey. Just thinking about this stupid riddle." Derek chuckled, Mari smiled and kissed him before looping her arm around his own. "Come on, let's go to the party." Derek nodded as he her lead him.


Lared decided after a while of browsing the internet to hop onto his favorite chatting system, as he logged on he noticed one of his friends was on. Quickly he clicked on his friend's name, "AceGaomonFighter, Joshua hasn't been on for a while..." He smiled to himself as he messaged his friend, even though he himself wasn't big on Digimon. He knew that Joshua was a big fan of Digimon, he had gotten used to talking to Joshua daily though for some odd reason he had disappeared for a while. He quickly typed to Joshua, "Hey man, where ya been? =3"

For a moment there was no answer and then the familiar ping sounded and Lared read what his friend had replied with, "Sorry about that man, I've been hanging out with my dad."

This news surprised Lared, he knew from talking with Joshua that he didn't enjoy talking to his dad let alone hanging out with him. "Oh... made up with your dad then?"

_ _ Once more there was a brief moments pause before, "I guess you can say that... ;)"

_ _ Lared was a bit perplexed at what his friend meant, but he decided to disregard it. "Meh, anyways. What have you been up to besides hanging out with your dad? ^.^"

_ _ There was a wait once more, "Well I've been playing this new MMO, it's called Digimon World. Have you heard of it? =3"

_ _ The ad popped into Lared's mind as he responded, "Yeah, actually I have. I saw an ad for it earlier today, so you play it? Is it any good?"

The answer was faster than Lared had expected, "Oh yeah, it's tons of fun. You should cum on; I could show you a really good time man. =D"

_ _ Thrown off by the obvious misspelling Lared quickly answered, "I think you mean come. ;P But anyways, I'm not sure. I've never been much of one to like Digimon..."

Lared quickly took a drink of a soda that sat on his desk as he waited for the next reply, "I know what I said... >=) But anyways, you should reaaaaly come on! You can hang out with me on it! =D"

_ _ For a moment Lared was going to decline, but then he decided that he had nothing to lose. If he didn't like the game, he could easily stop playing. "Alright... fine, can you send me a link?"

_ _ Joshua took four minutes to answer, "Give me your email, I'll refer you so you can get some special bonuses. ;)"

_ _ Lared quickly sent his email and waited for the ping of his email to go off, as he clicked on the link to the website he noticed an odd binary trailing across his URL bar. "That's weird..." He muttered, but shrugged it off as nothing. After a quick sign up, he downloaded the game. Usually with his internet speed at the college, it took a long time to download anything. But this application didn't even take five minutes to download, "Wow... they must have a private server or something." Lared muttered to himself as the game booted up.

It brought him to a screen with blue bits of binary flying past in the background and a user sign in, Lared quickly signed in and found himself at a character choosing program. He saw a wide variety of Digimon to pick from, but he had no clue what Digimon to pick. He quickly clicked back on the chat program, "Hey Joshua, what Digimon should I pick?"

It took five minutes for him to respond, "Hm... find the Digimon called Veemon, alright?"

_ _ Lared quickly found the small blue Digimon, "Huh... this one looks pretty good... though he's really small..." He frowned; a moment later another message from Joshua pinged.

"When you found Veemon, I want you to press Up on your keyboard. There's a little perk of being referred... ;)"

_ _ "Might as well try..." Lared muttered as he pressed up, quickly a glow surrounded Veemon until a much larger Digimon stood in his place. "Oh wow..." He quickly read off the name of the new Digimon, "ExVeemon..." He muttered before a grin spread on his face, "Awesome!" He quickly pressed create watching as the screen flashed with an white light, as it did he didn't notice a small line of binary flowing into his right eye.


Mari grinded against Derek's crotch as they danced attempting to get him excited, no doubt he grew erect but still his mind was absent. The woman finally stopped dancing and glared at her boyfriend, "Alright, what the fuck is wrong with you Derek? You're really starting to freak me out."

Sighing Derek held his hand to his forehead, "I dunno... hey, why don't we head into the backroom? It might help me get in the game, if you know what I mean." He winked suggestively before a smile appeared on Mari's face finally and she nodded.


Lared's character dropped into the game right next to an odd pair, a small blue doglike Digimon standing next to an enormous looking lion-like Digimon. "Whoa..." Lared muttered in real life before turning on his microphone to talk to the others in game, "Heya, is that you Joshua?"

The blue wolf Digimon nodded, "Yup, though in the game I'm called Gaomon. This is my... friend Leomon. He'll be playing with us, instead of making you go through the boring tutorial we'll show you right to a dungeon." Gaomon smiled at Lared before motioning to follow him, Lared was astonished at how detailed the game was. As he followed the two Digimon out of the village, he quickly realized something. There were absolutely no women Digimon.

"I know this is an MMO, but you'd at least think there would be guys playing as girl Digimon..." Lared muttered to himself. As the trio walked far away from the village, Lared looked around briefly at random enemies and realized that they were heading into a dangerously high level area. "Hey guys, I think we're going a bit high for my level..." Even Lared's character looked nervous, his wings were flapping rather anxiously.

Gaomon chuckled, "Don't you worry; we'll protect you." Lared took a deep gulp before following them further, it took them over twenty minutes of walking to get to their destination. Finally they arrived at an odd looking cave, around the rim of the cave an odd rainbow aura glowed. "This is it Lared, we'll let you go in alone." Gaomon said perfectly happy.

Gaping at his friend Lared quickly spoke, "Are you crazy?! This dungeon has got to be far more leveled than I am!"

Gaomon chuckled, "Don't you worry, the enemies in this cave are actually really weak. This is supposed to be a treasure dungeon, not a normal grinding dungeon." Lared bit his lip for a second before making his character nod and walked into the dungeon, behind him Gaomon smiled as he finally dropped the digital barrier and revealed that he had a raging hard on. The small dog Digimon looked up at Leomon, "Alright dad, can I have a taste now?"

Leomon grinned at his son, "Of course son." The giant Digimon pulled down his pants to reveal a large throbbing rod of meat which Gaomon took no time to hop on and started to suck on the tip of the cock.


The dungeon was indeed full of weak monsters, all of the monsters that Lared met were only levels three to four. His character easily dispatched them with a quick fireball, Lared noted that as he defeated the monsters that an odd rainbow colored experience cloud exploded from all of the monsters before absorbing into his character. "Well they really worked on the graphics of this game." Lared muttered as he passed through the dungeon. What he didn't notice was that with every passing moment that he was in the dungeon, the data stream to his eye was sending the rainbow experience into him. Under Lared's clothes, muscles started to expand along with a blue color that matched ExVeemon's.

The dungeon was extremely linear, literally all Lared had to do was holding up on his keyboard to get through the dungeon. Lared defeated monster after monster not noticing the effects of the game, up his stomach and chest a white color spread out which emphasized his new growing abs. The clothes that Lared wore started to turn into streams of data that floated away and into the game, as his shirt disappeared a pair of white bulges appeared on his back that slowly expanded into a large pair of wings. Even with these changes going on, Lared was so entranced by the game that he didn't notice.

Even though Lared was unaware of the changes in the real world, he had noticed something about the monsters. They slowly became more masculine and... sexy as he fought more. Lared quickly shook his head, he never thought like that. Monster after monster fell, giving him more experience. As Lared traveled through the tedious dungeon, he found his eyes locking onto his character's tight ass. There was a certain appeal about the tight ass cheeks...

In real life, an erection started to push out from a newly formed blue sheathe, "Mmm... wave that ass for me..." Lared muttered briefly before he realized that there was yet another enemy in front of him to fall. Lared's arms were now extremely muscular and were now covered in the tough hard blue skin of ExVeemon, upon his chest a rainbow V had started to form.

Finally after almost thirty minutes of going through the long and arduous tunnel, and gaining nine levels, Lared found himself in a huge room with a treasure chest in the middle of the room. As he approached the treasure chest, a Impmon appeared in front of the chest. Lared blinked as he saw the small Digimon, at first nothing seemed strange about the little Digimon but he realized that the black demon Digimon was sporting a huge erection. Lared's character started to talk by himself, "What do you want little one?"

The Impmon smiled, "It's pretty obvious, I want you to fuck me."

Lared was shocked but just like before, ExVeemon spoke by himself. "Nonsense, I would never do that to another Digimon. Let alone a male Digimon."

The Impmon chuckled as he rose his hand and a rainbow V much like the one that had been forming on Lared's bare chest appeared, "Too bad, looks like I'll have to change your preference..." ExVeemon had no chance to react as the rainbow colored V smashed over his own, the Digimon tried to rip off the V but froze as his body stiffened and his data was overwritten. On front of his body, a very visible cock appeared throbbing. Impmon grinned, "What do you think ExVeemon?"

ExVeemon was able to resist for a moment before the programming took over, "U... y... I feel goooodddd..." He hissed in pleasure as his eyes flashed over the little Imp's manhood, "Turn around you little devil..."

Lared wanted to rip himself from the game but found that he was unable to do so, his face had now formed into ExVeemon's muzzle and his eyes had become the same amber color. On the sides of his brow, two little yellow marks appeared as well as on top of his head. All that was left was the V that was almost done forming on his chest, his own shaft was now starting to throb with need. "T... this is wrong..."

The Impmon in game slowly turned around until it presented its ass to ExVeemon, the male Digimon took the smaller Digimon's ass in hands and pushed the ass cheeks apart until it revealed a pucker. Lared shook his head, "D... don't..." He muttered as the V on his chest grew more and more.

The Impmon shouted out, "Do it now!" ExVeemon was more than happy to oblige and shoved his cock up the small Digimon's ass emitting a moan from the small Devil. Quickly the much larger Digimon pounded his thick manhood up the Imp. Lared's eyes rolled back in pleasure as he felt the feeling of tight male ass clenching around his rod, the V was finishing up as Lared's life as a human was quickly deleted from his mind.

The Impmon moaned in pleasure as he was pumped full of flesh, ExVeemon pumped faster and faster until his cock became full of Cum. Lared felt one last doubt until the ExVeemon in game came, allowing himself to also cum. Lared was then gone, now he was ExVeemon. The rainbow V was now fully complete, after the Impmon in game was put on the ground he smiled as he wiped the cum from his ass and licked it. "Delicious... now take your treasure." He motioned towards the chest.

ExVeemon obliged and opened up the chest to reveal a small blue dildo, he picked it up and in real life a Dildo appeared in his hand. Impmon winked at him, "I think you know what do with this..." ExVeemon smiled and nodded.


Derek was tired as he walked into his room, "Hey Lared, I'm home..." There was no answer from the darkness of the room, "Lared?"

As he stepped into the room, the door was suddenly slammed behind him and he was grabbed from the side. "What the fuck?!" He shouted in confusion before he felt a breath on his neck.

"Heya bro... I'm here to show you a good time..." A shiver traveled down Derek's back but he could do nothing as his pants and underwear were ripped down and he was shoved onto a bed, for a moment he felt a repositioning behind him until he felt something that buzzed was shoved into his ass.

"Oh my god!" He shouted out in a panic as his prostrate was pushed into by the dildo that had been shoved in his ass, at first there was only pain but then the feeling disappeared as the dildo changed into data and went up his ass. The direct effects were immediate as his body shrunk and his clothes disappeared into thin air. Derek's abs disappeared and his whole body shrunk until he was a small blue Digimon, "W... what's happened to me?!"

ExVeemon smiled as he looked upon the newly made Veemon, "Mmm... perfect, now prepare yourself 'little' brother." Derek had no chance to question what his brother meant when the much larger Digimon rammed his cock up his little asshole, Derek felt immense pain at first but then it quickly grew into pleasure as all of his thoughts were changed.

"MMM! Yes big brother!" Veemon shouted as his ass was fucked by ExVeemon, the brothers had never been closer than they had been at that moment.


Gaomon smiled at Growlmon, "I did what you wanted master, I've made one of my old friends into another Digimon."

Growlmon grinned, "Great job Gaomon, feel free to kiss my feet. You deserve it." The small Digimon quickly jumped upon his feet and started to lick them happily, Growlmon's plans were coming to fruition...

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