Mistakes were made...

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#50 of Exploration

One week after Central New Year, I was informed that Silverine wanted some volunteers to go to a bunch of new planets.This wouldn't be a group party sort of thing, and it meant that I got to come across people I hadn't worked with.

Landon was one. After the run he gave me at Central New Year, I was thrilled to be working in a party of three with him. Now while it was suggested there was one experienced party member, it was generally concluded that I was experienced enough, although I dare say my draconic friends gave me some very acidic comments on that particular thought.

Hey, I'd worked here for almost a year, it's not that hard. The third was another Hellfire dragon, but it wasn't Devlin, a thought that depressed me. No, this was a character known only to me as Propani, a rather shy if anything dragon, but never the less loomed over me. He was a friendly soul, and had been here for some time.I had not been privileged to work with him, but no doubt I would get to see this gentle reptile at his best.

He was technically the most senior in the party, but at both Propani's and Draco's, not to mention a certain Lupogriff, I had been given the mantle of responsibility.I added some stuff to my first aid kit, and picked up a few toys from Abigail, and then teleported Saturday afternoon with Landon holding onto my arm,as he hadn't received a teleporter yet.

The place we arrived was a gentle gladed wood, with a rough gravel path running not fifteen yards from the crest we had arrived on. I set up a scanner, as Landon brought out a laptop, and started running scans from the teleporter. Propani was reciting initial observations through the microphone. Landon had his black glasses on, and as I moved down to the path, he shown me through his glasses what the scans were saying.

"Atmosphere, normal,ish, but no toxic elements. Gravity 1.1 standard. Judging by the scanner, we are in a long and narrow forest. To the East is a small town, to the West a slightly bigger one. There appears to be a main road that runs around the perimeter of the forest, but there is also this small path. Rather strange to have both, isn't it?"

"Maybe it's forgotten?" Propani suggested. I shrugged.

"Either that, or no one's done it up recently.Any life forms?"

"Plenty of small life, but you know these scanners. Outside of a kilometre, it wouldn't tell the difference between a noble dragon or a rodent. There does appear to be a single creature coming along this path, so I guess we'll have a visitor in about half an hour."

"Good, you can welcome him/her. Propani?"

"I'll do a reccy through the forest, see if I can't find out some stuff about the flora.We'll leave Landon to welcome this creature, he's the least imposing party member."

"Agreed. In which case, I shall do some aerial recon."

Transforming into my Lightning form, I watched as Landon sat down on the verge, typing on his laptop. Propani crossed the road, and walked into the forest on the other side, and I took off. My camera glasses changed with me, so as Landon opened a direct feed of info into the laptop from my glasses, everything I could see was being recorded. I gained height quickly, and got to about ten thousand feet.

My passage was not spotted by the creature walking towards us, and even if she had, she would have dismissed it. The rumours of this Cursed Forest were over exaggerated, surely. Besides, she had to get to the other town before nightfall, on account of a very interesting find on a dig by the banks of the river that ran by the town.She could venture along the path, there'd be no one about, and the rumours of the Curse only really happened at night anyway.

I had neglected to put a camera on my undercarriage or bottom of my wings even, so I didn't get a picture of the incoming person, but I flew directly at the city from a height. The tech was fairly advanced, so I made notes aloud to Landon. Propani was examining a small mammalian critter that scuttered on the ground by the trees, running it over with a thermo/ X-ray device.

"I guess it appears to be a variant of sloth, or mole."

"That's not going to be good enough."I replied, as I hummed back over towards the other city, still out of audible ear shot." You're speaking of two different orders of mammals, the sloth being of the Edentata order, and the mole being of Insectivora."

"Alduin, get your head off that Encyclopaedia page." Landon teased."Besides, the orders don't work the same on all the planets."

"Yes, you're of the carnivora order, where as I am a primate."I replied.

"I'm doing my best."Propani smiled.

"I'll go with a mole variant." I said, looking through his glasses, and dipping about a hundred feet.

As I finished running passes over the other city, Landon finally saw the creature that was coming up the path. It was about six foot tall, and was decidedly female by the clothes she was wearing. She looked like a coyote, and to be brutally honest, absolutely stunning in physical looks. I pulled back towards the forest, as Propani turned around. She was carrying a sword, not surprising, and looked exceptionally wary of Landon. Landon placed his laptop gently on the moss.

"Good afternoon, lady." Landon said, with a smile.

The lady in question stopped in slight suspicion. There was a touch of fear in her eyes, a touch of curiosity at this creature. Landon's hair was neatly groomed, where as this coyote preferred to let it down, and it swayed in the gentle breeze. I landed some distance from the two, and walked through the forest as the woman spoke.

"May I enquire your name?" she asked, slowly.

"It is Landon, may I ask the same of you?"

"I am Coyotka, now what are you doing here?"

"Questions, questions, ever questions."I said cheerfully in Landon's headset. The fox tried not to smile.

"I am an explorer, I happened to be passing through this area."

"You happened to pass through this place?You like it here?"

"It's quite a pleasant place." Landon replied cheerfully. Coyotka seemed unsure of Landon.

"So you have stopped for a break?" she suggested.

"I've been setting up camp." Landon replied, pointing at the scanner and laptop."Do you want to see, I can show you what I've been learning."

Deep pause. Then the coyote replied.

"O.K." Landon sat down, and the coyote sat down beside him. She was interested in this creature, he looked a nice sort, even though he was sitting here of all places.He showed her the laptop, and explained the data he was collecting, running through the X-ray scans of the forest, minus me and Propani, and the X-ray scans of the individual animals. Coyotka looked very interested.

"I've got to get me one of those, it would help me with recognising all the animals I dig up."

"Oh, you're an archaeologist?" Landon smiled. Coyotka shrugged.

"I'm a student, working in the field, that sort of thing. We recently found a specimen of small mammal which we guess could be a hundred and fifty thousand years old."

"What class of mammal?" Landon asked. Coyotka smiled for the first time, having something in common with the fox. His quest for knowledge fitted very nicely with her quest for ancient history.So they talked, Landon copying down what she talked about, until we had a very good picture of the history of the planet. By then, I had walked over to a tree, and was listening behind it, waiting for a gap in the conversation I could enter. Propani was likewise watching.

"That's quite superb, Coyotka, we could never have found out all this without your help."

"Oh, it's nothing Landon, I am delighted to come across someone interested in the same sort of thing."

"I was wondering if you could help me with a few other questions."

"Umm, I would, but I really need to get to the town, and preferably before nightfall. Staying here overnight is not a good idea, or so everyone says."

It was getting late, the sun hung heavy in the sky, and shadows were beginning to cast. I set out a proximity alert behind the tree, and spoke, walking out from behind the tree.

"Well, enjoying one another's company?" I smiled.

The reaction was astounding. Coyotka jumped to her feet, facing me, and drew her sword, holding it warily in front of her.

"Now what sort of reaction is that for a lady?I was merely trying to make my presence known. So what is so wrong about this forest, Coyotka?"

The coyote looked at me. There were some very definite ideas about me at that moment. I was heavily armed with a rifle, rocket launcher and sword, and I was certainly not one of her type, or Landon's. Furthermore, I was walking around in the Cursed Forest, and enjoying it. Lastly, it was getting towards night, and I had appeared from the shadows.

I had neglected to change out of bionic form, and thus was possibly a bit more intimidating then I actually did look. I stepped forward, and the coyote backed away.

"Keep away, creature. What are you?"

"I am Landon's fellow explorer, we teleported here from another planet to find out what lives here."

"You lie. No one walks around this forest, ever, except by the path."

"I'm an exception to the rules.I always have been."

Propani stepped forward, leaning against his tree.

"Er, Coyotka, do you mind putting the sword down? Alduin has a reputation for being threatened."

His timing was slightly off. Coyotka turned, and saw Propani. Now she was having difficulty deciding what was worse, the heavily armed steel creature, or the seven foot tall dragon. Her sword stayed pointed at me, and I sighed.

"I am not so well known for that, Propani. True I have been known to lose it, but I am quite prepared to endure things like this."

She still wouldn't back down. The Cursed forest rumours were all true, she knew that now. And these creatures had some sort of evil plan in store for her. The fox called Landon had delayed her while night fell, so Alduin and Propani could arrive. She should have walked on by. Unfortunately, she couldn't now.Her options were limited. She could run, except the dragon could easily catch her in flight. Alduin looked superbly fit too. But Propani was unarmed, and Landon had no weapons either, so if she fought Alduin first, she would have her sword, and they would have to back off. A very logical train of thought.

I could see she was debating what to do next, and what I saw in her eyes didn't exactly instil me with hope. She looked ready to fight, and while my companions were armed, they didn't look it. I on the stark comparison, looked ready for fighting, so I was the first target.

"Coyotka, I don't want to fight you."

"No you just have something else in store for me. Doubtless something wicked." she replied, giving me the length of her tongue. She was sharp, and a fierce debater. I drew my sword, holding it up in defence.

"I don't wish to harm you."

Her mind was made up, the demon would fight her.Landon was looking at Alduin in slight worry, he could never be in league with the demon. As for Propani, he neither approached nor backed away. Doubtless he would stop her from running, that's all.

In a flash, I saw her bare her teeth, and sighed.She charged, her sword raised for the blow. I took a step forward, and blocked the blade as it came humming around.I spoke in human to Propani.

"I think, I might have messed this up." Propani shrugged.

"Things might have gone smoother.Still, I'm going to watch until she exhausts herself, or beats you down."

"I enjoy your confidence in me."

"Is this entirely necessary?" Landon asked in Centralite.

"Quite possibly. Obviously this place has an evil reputation, and I am not the prettiest thing in all the worlds. I should have been more careful." I said, while deflecting several fast blades.She was brilliant, no other word for it.I might have spent a year with Central, honing my sword work, but she was in another league.

Her sword blade hummed furiously around, and I ducked down, throwing up my arm to block the blow. There was a terrific screeching noise as I felt the strike bounce of my arm. Coyotka retreated, holding her blade wearily.

"You have a superb technique, lady."I said, standing up, nodding at her prowess.

"Less of the talk, demon. You heart is black with evil, I want to know what you want of me."

"Jesus Christ, I didn't want anything of you. If you wanted the truth, all I was thinking was how nice you look."

"You'll have to fight me for it." she snarled. We were speaking at cross purposes, although she wasn't to be faulted. I had neglected to tell Landon, realising that such a sudden appearance might cause her to panic.

And now I was realising that. I had seriously messed it up, and naught but fighting her would get me out of it.Consequently I was a bit frayed, I had a pain in my arm from the blow, I had acted like an idiot, and I was fighting the only person who we had come across.

"Very well, then.If I win?"

"You have me at your mercy. Don't count your chances.When you lose, I can go free."

Courtesy forced me to bite down an acidic reply, and she would never believe me if I said she could. So I came forward with a very obvious sweep, which she blocked. I hummed a blow over her head, and then ducked as she thrust with the point.

"I'm sorry, you're fighting to fuck her?" Propani smiled in interest.I ducked a sweep.

"I'm fighting her because she's fighting me. If I don't fight her, she'll just hit me. But I suppose we could."

"Not the first time, either." Landon replied, recalling the Hunt."I'll join in too."

"I suppose I can act like an adulterous bastard." the Hell fire dragon shrugged."So what do you suggest, Alduin?"

"Well, Landon can do her anally, I want Propani to fuck me if you don't mind, I've never had it off with you."

"Righto then.I'll just find some way of joining in." Propani rubbed his claws in anticipation.

"I've got some rope, if it's necessary." Landon commented, as I ducked another thrust.

"Well, she seems so convinced we're all demons, I suppose we should put on a show, and then be overflowingly nice to her in the morning."

The sun sunk below the horizon, and the light faded some more, while the two combatants danced across the path back and forth. She hit me several times, but I was reserving my strength, whereas the coyote was fighting all out. Furthermore I had almost unlimited stamina after my lifestyle, so slowly, she began to tire. Her breath came in exhausted panting, although in a way to make it look as though she wasn't suffering. I felt for her, she was fighting a demon that couldn't be beaten.

I lowered my sword, and as she swung the blade at me, grabbed forward with my hands. The blow ricocheted off my shoulder, and I grabbed her hand, locking her blade in her hand. She brought her fist around, catching me hard on the ear. She gave a cry of pain as I staggered briefly, and she let go of her sword. I let her hand go, and picked up the sword, letting her go free. She looked warily at me. Landon had gotten his shirt, shoes and all but his trousers off, Propani had done likewise. I examined the blade.

"A truly magnificent blade, Coyotka.The scabbard?"

She tossed it at me, angry in defeat. I sheathed the sword, and placed it gently on the ground by my own.Landon came forward, his smile vanished, and a look of ferocity across his complexion which made him look actually quite nasty in the half light.

As I took off my trousers, Landon drew his knife out. Coyotka tried to back away, but Propani grabbed her from behind. Thus trapped, she watched in scared fascination as Landon removed her garments, not with the knife. She looked absolutely beautiful with no clothes on. Landon grabbed his rope, and cut enough to decently tie her hands. She fought against it, but Propani was strong enough to hold her in one arm, and help control the fighting coyote.Landon tied her hands tightly, and took control of her, as he lay down, with her on top. She kicked and flailed with her hands, but the Hell fire dragon had handled bigger game than her.

She was also screaming for help, generally abusing the three of us with the worst language she could think of.

"She knows words Javid doesn't know, and he spent more than fifteen years in the army." I smiled at Propani, and crouched down by her. Landon wrapped his legs around hers to stop her kicking out, as she tried to fend him off with her tied hands, with no success. Then Landon thrust his cock into her ass. She let out a shriek for help, as if some one else was with in a mile of helping her.

Then I lay down on her. As I grabbed her by the chest, Landon let go, and began working her breasts. She continued to call vainly for help, but she was slowly succumbing to Landon's expert manipulation. I gently pushed my steel shaft against the entrance to her vagina, teasing the folds of her skin.She was crying, and I saw the tears running down her face, falling onto Landon.

I probed gently for another half a minute, and her cries petered out as I became more intimate, exploring her a bit further with every pass.Then I pushed my cock into her vagina. Her body naturally tried to reject my advances, and she struggled in our grip, but I held my cock there, sliding slowly deeper, so she became used to me being there. While I did want to enjoy myself, I didn't want to make her bleed by fucking her too hard with my steel cock.As I went as deep as I could, she managed to speak again.

"Alduin, no..." she said weakly, protesting. Propani decided that he wanted a go with the coyote, she was certainly hot enough it wasn't surprising, and he knelt by her, his cock centimetres from her mouth.

She leaned away.

"I don't want to!" she said fearfully. Propani gently moved her head with his hand, until they were looking at one another in the now semi darkness, and spoke.

"I would prefer not to hurt a body like yours." What a villain of a line. She had expected us to be evil, and Propani acted really well. He took the girl by the back of the head, and gently pulled her onto his cock. She made a muffled moan through his member, feeling the warmth the Hell fire produced in his cock. Again, this is becoming tiresome, the dragon had a plus sixteen inch member, and Coyotka was having trouble as Propani fucked her mouth slowly. We were all working slowly, mainly because we all enjoyed going at a sedate speed.

She squirmed under our separate speeds.I was doing my very best to make her orgasm, so she could provide me with a more lubricated pussy.Landon was likewise toying with her, playing with her nipples and breasts between his delicate fingers, and fucking her deeply every alternate stroke.Propani was conscious of Coyotka's feelings, and wasn't deep throating her, but was definitely making her throat feel rather full.Her eyes were closed, mumbling around the dragon's cock, and these mumbles became louder and more insistent after a few minutes, we were bringing her to orgasm.

Landon spoke.

"I think she's enjoying it now, shall we go a little harder?"

"I can't, not until she's let go."I replied. This was very scary for our little prisoner, trapped by three men, and they spoke in these harsh tones, nothing which was understandable.She didn't even recognise the syllables. Landon had her legs pinned, her arms were tied, Propani had her head firmly in his grip, and Alduin had effectively pinned her chest, she was completely unable to respond to us.

But we worked unheeded, and finally she could bear it no more.The sexual tension we were forcing upon her took control of her body, and she let out a great cry. She released her juice, and it came flooding down her vagina in a torrent of orgasm.She jerked spastically in between us, feeling the waves of sexual ecstasy jolt her like an electric fence.My cock was coated in her liquid, and I decided to press a little harder. I lay down completely on her, and started thrusting at a moderate rate. The rigid cock started working her over in a way that would have damaged her soft flesh if she hadn't been lubricated. That's not to say it didn't hurt, or that it didn't get her off, but at least I wasn't tearing her.

Propani's cock was right next to me, and as Coyotka wasn't going that deep on him, or rather Propani wasn't pushing her too deep, I gently licked the bottom of his cock, running it over the folds of his skin. He gave a growl of appreciation.

"Two people working my cock? Yes, why not?"

I stopped briefly, and whispered in Coyotka's ear.

"His semen is boiling to the touch, when he is about to go, I will take over. I don't want to see you injured so early in the night."I know that last line wasn't necessary, but we were still acting, badly, what she believed we were.

He wasn't far off, as it turned out.None of us were. Landon started thrusting at a very fast rate, forcing his cock all the way into Coyotka's delicate ass at a formidable speed. I likewise followed suit, as I felt myself rising to the occasion. Now we really started raping her in earnest. She had started crying again in the wash of pain from our efforts, and jerked spasmodically under me. I was lying right against her chest, and I could feel her heart thumping against my chest. Then Landon let go. The fox let a primeval howl, and the expression on the coyote's face said it all as he filled her ass with his fluids. Then I saw Propani was about to go, and I forced him off her mouth, sucking the tip. She lay back, gasping for breath and crying, as the Hell fire dragon let go. I coughed and hacked as the semen flooded my throat, searing my skin, but I was used to it from Dev. Coyotka, on the other paw, wouldn't be.

Then I let go, and I ejaculated deep into her pussy. She arched underneath me, and she let out another shriek as I filled what little room there was after her own orgasm with my semen. We slumped down, and Propani spoke in Centralite.

"I think we'll give her a bit of a rest, I want to fuck her pretty ass."

"I think I'll do a sixty nine with her, if that's O.K. with you two." Landon said, looking at me, as we let the coyote onto the ground, making sure she was lying comfortably.

"I'll skip this round."I replied," I'll set a few prox. alarms around here. By the sound of her manner, there must be something pretty despicable about, and if there is, I want to know where."

So we rested for a few minutes. Coyotka's breath returned to normal, and then the other two began the second round of hostilities. Now it was Propani's turn to have the coyote on him, and he thrust his cock into her ass with out warning. Landon stood astride her mouth, and then lay his top half on her chest, his head next to her pussy. His tongue darted out, caressing the entrance to her pussy. As it was full, juice leaked out as he worked her, and he licked it up, swallowing it with increasing delight. Coyotka returned the move,she had no choice, opening her mouth and sucking on the fox's member.

Propani started roughly fucking the coyote's ass, it was well greased by Landon's efforts, and she squirmed as she felt all eighteen inches being forced deep into her anus.Landon pushed his tongue into his mammalian relation, and worked her deeply. She clenched her fists, fighting against Landon's gentle touch, but continued working his cock. There was no hope for her right now, she was only concerned of where I had gone, and what fate we had in store for her.

I was busy placing the beepers around the area, walking one hundred metres in a radius around the camp. The prox alarms would work like Patriots from Command and Conquer, inform the other beepers what was there, and scan what it was. If it was anything larger than a mole, or there was more than one or two, then the alarms would activate.

Landon rubbed his pointed nose against Coyotka's pussy, and then pushed hard, forcing her to let him enter. This gave him more room to work, and by the scream of pain, gave the coyote quite a fright. As the fox gently probed back and forth, he was brought to ejaculation by the coyote. At the last second he removed his cock from her mouth, and let go six bursts of cum over her face and neck. She gasped for air for a few seconds, and then orgasmed wildly again, her screech echoing through the forest.

Propani finished in her ass, and she screamed again not ten seconds later, as the intense heat burnt her. She rolled frantically, and Landon landed to one side of the Hellfire, and Coyotka on the other, her stomach feeling as though it was on fire. I quickly ran over, drawing a small vial. I held her still, and she looked at me in fright.I held up the vial.

"Drink this, the pain will go." I said, opening it. She couldn't really fight me, and while the revolting taste made her gag a bit, she swallowed it, and relaxed as all her pains vanished eerily. I put the empty bottle back in my first aid bag, while Propani stood.

"That's enough for me, I'm going to sleep a while." he went over to where his kit lay, brought it closer to the scanner, and curled up, his wings covering him. The night was actually quite warm, we found it no problem to be naked in the twenty plus degree night. The sky was clear, and two moons hung suspended in the sky, their light glowing down on us, casting twin shadows.

I lay down, ready to follow suit, except Landon decided to get me on the bottom. He pulled the coyote over, and on top of me. I noticed her muzzle and neck was all covered in fox semen, and as I fucked her in the pussy, I started licking her fur. She gave a sigh of surprise, not familiar with my tactics, but as I licked around her face, she responded well, and I found myself kissing her. Landon began taking her up the ass again.As she was so covered in juice, we fucked her as hard as we could, and she would have screamed once or twice under my treatment had I not been forcing her to kiss me.

This final passionate act was not to be completed, for my prox alerts went ballistic, wailing keenly in our headsets. I pushed fox and coyote off me, and ran to my kit, picking up my rifle, and simultaneously doing an X-ray scan. There was a mighty roar in front of me, and a giant creature, insubstantial as the mist, appeared in front of me.

"O.K.,"I shouted in Centralite, as Propani woke," Now I can see why she was so scared." I grabbed my Eryx, and loaded a shell. It had two glowing blue eyes, and razor sharp teeth. It had a flat domed head, and stood at about ten metres height.

Landon had likewise leapt off the coyote, who looked astounded at this new arrival, and was drawing his pistols. Propani merely reached over to his kit, and pulled out his phaser, levelling it at the monstrous creature. We held our fire for the moment, to figure out it's intentions, and in doing so, got a clearer look of what it was.

As I looked less up, I saw it had a dark green scaled torso, and two massive arms with razor claws on the end. It didn't have legs, but instead a long serpentine tail that coiled off into the darkness.I aimed at the creature.

"You ruined our love making, you do know that." I said, in a serpentine language.

"I do not care for your objections, I want your blood." it hissed in a venomous tone, looming large over me.

"Wrong answer."

There was a dull thump as the rocket caught, and the projectile exploded from the tube, and impacted on the chest of the serpent creature. There was a massive explosion. The Hell fire and myself were in close enough to get bowled backwards by the blast, but there was an unholy shriek of agony, and bits of debris rained from the sky.

Landon was standing slightly further back, dual pistols still aimed at the remains of the dead creature in case it did a Terminator and came back to life.

"That's possibly the single coolest thing I've seen. Completely naked, armed and dangerous." I grinned at the bare fox, who was quick to remind me that I was carrying a bazooka and I was likewise wearing naught.

Coyotka had in fact slipped into unconsciousness, the trying times of the last hour and a half proving too much, so we let go of the idea of raping her any further, and settled in for the night. With the prox alarms there, I knew we wouldn't be disturbed.I carried Coyotka over to where we had pulled up camp, and lay her down next to the Hell fire dragon, who of course radiated extra heat.

We weren't woken.I was the first to awake, and I sat up. The sun was in the sky, but it hadn't gone high enough to shine into our little clearing.I got dressed, and loaded myself up with my equipment.

This took five minutes, and as I finished, I heard our 'prisoner' stirring. She opened her eyes, looking in front of her, which was at forest, having her back to the dragon.

"Was that all a dream last night?" she asked the world at large.

"I'm afraid not, Coyotka. That serpent definitely was there, I'm down a shell."

Coyotka sat up, looking at me. She looked very, very annoyed.I came over, and cut her bonds with my Swiss Army knife. Then I retrieved her clothes, and she pulled them on, looking at me haughtily.

"So what are you? You sprang to my defence last night, so you want me for something."

"I sprung to our defence, not to belittle you." I corrected,"But am I right in saying you think I'm a demon, now?"

"Demon? No. Friend, likewise no."

"Oh well, that's the best start I could make. I do apologise for scaring you, but I assure you we just wanted to talk with you."

"You could have said." the coyote pulled on her shirt.

"I tried, but obviously that thing that used to live here was on your mind, so you trusted what you believed. Now I saw it, I can't blame you for that either."

"So what do want with me?"

"Well, if you're prepared to walk with us, we can go to your town, and you can tell me about your little planet.Maybe we can lend a hand with your studies with our equipment."

Landon woke up."What time isn't it?"

"Well, it isn't midnight, if that's what you're wondering."I replied cheerfully."Come on, Landon, time to get up, we're going for a little walk."

Propani awoke."I was having such a lovely dream last night, and then it all became awful."

"I thought I was dreaming for a moment there, except the prox's don't get fooled by illusion." Landon replied.

I whipped up some breakfast, I was carrying some bacon in a pack, and with a little help from Propani, it was quite delicious. Coyotka became a bit more friendly to us as we gave her a decent helping of food. Landon pulled out some fruits from his kit, and while I pulled out a Granny Smith apple, everyone else took one from the generous fox.

"So you weren't serious when you said how beautiful I looked?" Coyotka smiled at me. I made a hasty swallowing.

"Oh no, I was dead serious about that."I blurted through a mouthful of apple."I didn't expect you to take it literally.What were you thinking?"

"That you three were going to rape me.I wasn't far off, was I?"

"Well,"Propani said slowly, picking his words,"you seemed to expect it of us."

"I'm sorry?" Coyotka laughed. This drew smiles from all three of us.

"What Propani meant was you challenged me with that in your mind, you thought if I won, I would fuck you, so we decided that we should play along with what you said." I smiled.

"And I thought you guys were evil creatures."

"You seen me on a bad day?" I laughed.

Jokes flew wild, and then I remembered something else.

"Coyotka, I experienced your sword work first hand last night, what do you think of exploring planets?"

"What do you have to be, and do?"

"O.K., this may sound like an attempted pass..."

"He does this a lot." Landon chuckled.

"You're exceptionally intelligent, fast on your feet, good with a sword, agile, absolutely beautiful, although technically that one isn't entirely necessary, you'd be perfect. What you'd do is on the off occasion explore planets all across the stars, finding out about what lives there, and what the world is like. Now I'm not going to put you in a corner, but what do you think?"

She looked thoughtful.

"I'll consider it." she replied, thoughtfully.

"So, now to your town?" Landon asked.

"Could I butt in right at this point?" she replied,"I'd rather go by myself. While I thank you of your offers, I like to be alone."

"Very fair." I replied courteously. I drew out one of our Centralite necklaces.

"That is a special necklace. If you wear it, than we can find you, so if you want to join Central, or even visit, rub the gem on it.We can find your position on the planet if you wear that."

Coyotka took the necklace generously, and placed it around her. It suited her, the sapphires sparkling in the morning light on the electrum chain.

"Right, I suppose I'll go for one more fly past with a camera on me." I said to Landon."Then shall we go back to Central?"

"I've done all the nature tests required." Propani replied."We've got all the info we need, thanks to Coyotka."

"Thank you very much,my lady." I acknowledged, changing into my Lightning form. As the coyote looked in interest at my sleek miniature form, Landon placed a camera on my underbelly, and gently took Coyotka's arm.

"Take a few steps back." they did, and I ignited my engines. I rose slowly, and then changed to horizontal flight, roaring off into the sky.

I could hear the others in my headphones.

"Text book take off, Alduin, could you do a low fly by of the streets, just so we can get some technology basis to work off?"

"Will do, Landon. Tinman out."

"Oh dear Fox lord, are you still using that code-name?" Landon was smiling.

"I am, and will continue to do so."I replied cheekily, zooming towards the village.

"I will have to go, thank you."Coyotka said formally.

"Sorry about last night, Coyotka." Landon looked suitably embarrassed.

The coyote laughed." And so you should be, raping me like that. But I enjoyed it after a while, you got me off as much as you did yourselves."

"Everyone enjoys each other like that at Central, we all know a few tricks." Propani smiled. Coyotka nodded her head, and turned, walking down the path. Landon immediately started busying himself with the scanner, as did Propani, anything to get the last image of Coyotka's smile out of their immediate attention.

"I do so hope she isn't taken." I said, praying out loud.

"Oh, NOW you think of that." Propani chuckled. I made a low pass over the streets of the town, and did so twice more, attracting a lot of attention, which Coyotka would probably explain to her friends.Then as I flew back, I saw her along the path, and as I flew directly over her at a hundred feet, I released my flares, and the lights streamed from my craft. Then I was gone.

I had never teleported in mid flight, but it was something I wanted to try. Landon and Propani knew my intentions, and they followed suit a few seconds later, so I arrived at Central. My speed had been cut to zero, but that didn't matter, because I had landed on the steel floor on arrival.I changed before I gained any more momentum, and looked with the terror of impending doom as a glower walked towards me. As leader of this expedition, I would have to explain what happened to the glowers, something I really didn't want to have to do.

"How was it, Alduin?"

"Well, sir, if confusion was thunder and lightning, this trip is the equivalent of a couple of thunderstorms."

"Oh really, and how was that?" he asked, as my friends appeared beside me.

"Well, you're not going to believe this...." I began.

Central New Year 2 Pt 4 Aftermath

Valmeero staggered in not fifteen seconds later, and locked the door behind him. "Fuck me sideways!"he exclaimed."What sort of right thinking individual set that thing loose?" "This right thinking individual." I replied, waving a hand. "Oh, that...

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Central New Year 2 Pt3 And all chaos breaks loose...

Everyone started moving about, talking to one another. Covington and self came over to the gently held Alecto. He had his arms folded, and was waiting patiently for the plant to let go. Javid came up. I asked which pocket Gareth's leash was in, and...

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Central New Year 2 Pt2 The Hunt

The meal dragged on as those not Hunting filled themselves.People started to move about, and I noticed an upright piano in the back corner, the musicians had broken off for something to eat. "Silverine,mind if I play some music?" I asked. "Music...

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