Central New Year 2 Pt3 And all chaos breaks loose...

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#48 of Exploration

Everyone started moving about, talking to one another. Covington and self came over to the gently held Alecto. He had his arms folded, and was waiting patiently for the plant to let go. Javid came up. I asked which pocket Gareth's leash was in, and took it from him.

"Alduin, you never told me Covington was here."

"I thought it best you showed everyone your abilities without informing you your superior was also watching."

A female elf came over to us.

"Would you like free, Alecto?" she laughed at his position.The fox smiled.

"Yes please, I was too busy giving instructions to Alduin, Abigail, Time and everyone else to notice my own position."

"I'll give him that, he was immensely helpful to us."

The elf smiled, her long brown hair flowing down her shoulders, parting around her pointed ears.

"Unfortunately the vines, while quick to grow, don't unravel quickly, so if you give me a minute..."

She immediately started chanting, and the vines started creeping slowly around the fox. He was trying to look down, but couldn't quite see how it was going, but I could. Two vines gently curled around his arms, and tightened, pinning him hard against the pillar. One wrapped around his upper chest. The elf had her eyes closed, but I could see a faint grin on her face. She looked absolutely beautiful.

Then a larger vine, as thick as a boy's arm, shot hard up, and forced itself into Alecto's vagina. He moaned, and arched his head back up.The elf opened her eyes.

"Oh, they don't want to let go of you yet." she turned to us, and winked. I was quivering with suppressed laughter.

"Great, I'm completely unable to move, and I've getting fucked by a plant."

"Leaf them alone, they're wonderful things." I replied.

"And don't think I didn't hear that joke." Alecto replied. The elf walked over to the helpless fox.

"Oh well, at least while you're here, I can do what I always wanted to." she said.She tore off the shorts of the fox, and sat down on Alecto's cock, the member entering her own vagina. Then she took hold of the fox's head, brought it back down, and passionately kissed Alecto.

"Alecto must have looks on his side, that's Mother Nature going for him." I said on an aside to the two wolves."Let's get out of here before the vines take us for partners."

The other female elf had already encircled herself and Tufty, and the elf who had caught Blake with Winslo now had the bunny in a tight grip. They were enclasped in one another, firstly by their own arms, and then the vines had wrapped around them. The vines worked as the elves wanted them to, so they thrust back and forth gently, receiving moans or cries from whoever they were working on.

Draco and Devlin were by the door. Valmeero got to them at the same time as me.

"That was an interesting hunt." Valmeero said, rubbing his arms.

"Indeed." I replied."So what's happening now?"

"Well, the draconic here are going back to our quarters for a little fun."

"You, Devlin, Valmeero, Blake, Brendan, oh no, he's not here yet, and myself."

"Why you?"

"The number of times I've had dragons fuck me, it's a wonder I haven't grown wings." I replied, laughing. Devlin chuckled.

"DNA doesn't work that way, although I dare say some here wish it would."

"If I could fly without having to change form..."I said, wistfully.

"It would take a while to adapt to it, trust me, I have seen beginner flyers before." Devlin brought me back down to Central.

"But if Alduin wants to join in, he can." Valmeero said.

"Where's his wings?" Draco teased.I rose to this one, and changed into my Lightning form, settling on the moss.

"I think you'll find these two things either side of the jet engines are wings, Draco."

"They don't seem to move about much."

I shifted the ailerons, and they flexed up and down.

"He's a determined bugger to get involved." Devlin smiled. I changed back. Valmeero laughed at me as I stared back at Draco. Draco finally burst out laughing, and I followed suit.

"Well, everyone will join in in the end, I suppose.Silverine appears to be busy, I suppose it will be just the five once I nab Blake."

Hybridmarine was walking towards the door, thinking about something.As he came level with us, Draco spoke.

"Oi, Blake, you've been invited to our quarters."

Blake looked up, looking at Draco, who was looking directly back.

"Well, I would, but the Hunt tired me a fair bit." he put his hands behind his back, and I nodded at Draco, drawing out my handcuffs. Devlin nodded.

"That's quite reasonable, both of you, however Blake, we don't intend to take no for an answer. Just me, Draco, you, Val and Alduin."

"Could we do this tomorrow, I am a little tired?"

Click. The handcuffs snapped into place. Blake turned, trying to free his hands, and I stepped back.

"No, it's tonight." Draco replied, grabbing at the chain between Blake's hands.

"O.K., I'll come, just free my hands."

"Ah, a little gentle persuasion seems to have done it." Valmeero chuckled. Blake smiled in mock annoyance, and rolled his eyes. I unlocked the cuffs, and all five of us headed towards our quarters.

"Who's the fastest runner here?"I asked."Blake's faster than me, Valmeero's quick, Dev and Draco both go faster than me."

"My money's on Devlin."Blake replied.

"I can beat Draco in a race, without use of wings." Dev replied.

"It's just as I was chasing Blake in my bionic form, I was just wondering that. Add Silverine into that."

"Still Devlin." Valmeero replied."Silverine is not as fast as Draco."

"You have proof?"

"Draco and Silverine had a bet when both of them had some of their special alcohol.Draco bet he could catch the Lupogriff, and have it off with him if he did so."

"So that's what Silverine meant when he said he was drunk." I smiled."Except if they were drunk, they were still running in a straight line?"

"Sort of." Devlin replied, chuckling. Silverine got a hundred yard start, and Draco chased him for about three miles until he caught him, true they were only two and a half miles from the food store."

"Ah, the extra half mile was the wobbling from wall to wall?"

"Yep." Devlin laughed.

"So this alcohol gets dragons drunk after how much?"

"About six glasses to get thoroughly drunk. I was counting."

"So Devlin's the sober driver?"

"Not always, but more often than either of those two." Devlin corrected.

Valmeero looked at me."You abstain, don't you?"

"With all respect to those who don't, I cannot drink alcohol." I agreed.

"Oh well, to each their own. You don't know what you're missing." Draco smiled at me.

"I don't forget what I did last nights either. I don't wake up with a hangover the size of Central. I don't feel terrible until three in the afternoon." I retaliated.

"I can tell this is a frequent argument." Blake said, as I walked beside him.

"The abstainer also remembers the last time he drunk anything that wasn't what he was used to. He went on a shooting rampage, and came this close to killing Alecto, Arachno and Draco."

"What was that?" Blake looked appalled.

"The drink medonas, in the food store." Draco said.

"That's spiced water, I could probably drink a couple of gallons before it had any effect. How much did he drink?"

"One glass." I replied."Now do you see why I don't drink that sort of thing?"

"Yeah, I've tried the alcohol on his planet.It's like love in a canoe."Draco added.

A few of us looked confused."Love in a canoe?" Blake asked.

"Fucking close to water." Draco translated, and we all roared with laughter.

We arrived at our quarters, and we all started clearing the room. The table, which was in the centre of the room was carried away to one side of the fifteen metre by ten room, leaving huge amounts of space. True the afore mentioned room space included the kitchen, but let's not quibble over detail.

"Right, on three?" I asked innocently.

"Indeed.Let's get everyone naked, then let's worry about positions." Draco smiled, hunkering down. The others had no idea what I meant, but Draco remembered our go with the foxes.

"Three." I said, and then me and Draco leapt. I went for Valmeero, while Draco went for the Hunted Blake.Devlin seemed a little confused.

"I said three." I called to him, wrestling with Valmeero, as the wolf/dragon tried desperately to get out of the pin. Devlin picked it up, and leapt at the other two. Blake went down, and Draco held his hands down while Devlin stripped the tiger/dragon efficiently. I accidentally tore Valmeero's shirt as we wrestled, but I got it off, and he seemed not to mind. We could repair things like that easily.I got off my runic shirt before anyone went for me, because I didn't want anyone to do anything to it.

After Blake was mercilessly uncovered, I whispered to Valmeero.

"All on Devlin." Val nodded, and I rolled off. The wolf leapt at the Hellfire dragon, catching him bodily. Draco turned and leapt at his cousin, and Blake leapt at Dev too. I watched the assault of claws and wings as Devlin's clothes were not so much removed as ripped bodily from him. I looked at my trousers, and quickly removed the remainder of my clothing.Then I leapt onto Draco, pulling him out of the scuffle.

I got him down, my legs wrapped around his upper arms to keep him down, and Blake returned the favour Draco had done, stripping the dragon with little care. Soon only Valmeero had clothes, if you could count his pair of trousers. I disentangled off Draco, and all four of us leapt on Valmeero as he tried to back away. I caught him bodily around his right leg.

Me and Devlin removed his trousers, taking a leg each with Blake and Draco holding Val down, although that was overkill.Val couldn't get Draco off, let alone him and Blake.

"O.K." Draco panted with ferocity." Four go for one, one at a time.Who wants to be victim number one?"

This was in essence a gang bang of each person, one by one. I jumped to my feet.

"Come and get me." I danced lithely on my feet, as Val and Blake got up.

I ran backwards as they charged, and leapt onto the table. As Devlin and Draco grabbed at me, I jumped over them, and straight over Blake. But Blake turned around, and as I tried to step Val, Blake wrapped his arms around my chest, physically lifting me in the air as he gently fell backwards.I lay on top of the tiger/ dragon, feeling his strong furred body on my back.The next thing I felt of him was his thirteen inch cock sliding into my ass. I gasped in delight, and then Val got down on me, and enveloped the pair of us in a giant hug.

Then his cock joined Blake's, and I shouted in pain. Valmeero's cock was impressive, and the two dragon hybrids stretched my ass wider than it had for quite some time. Draco and Devlin, through their constant sex, had loosened it considerably, but I still let a few tears out as the tiger dragon and the wolf dragon fucked me. Devlin got down on his knees astride my head, and I got one hand free from Blake's grip, and took the Hellfire's cock in my mouth, feeling it's intense warmth go deep in my throat. Valmeero had to move slightly as Draco sat down on my chest, Devlin followed suit on my very upper chest, and I saw Draco push Valmeero to suck his cock. Valmeero fought, but lost, and Draco held Val firmly by the back of the head. Both dragons turned their heads, and kissed one another.

Blake fucked me the faster between him and Valmeero, not surprising, and as Devlin gently moved back and forth, I worked him over with my tongue.Devlin broke off from his kiss, and Devlin's tail curled around me. His face looking in delight, I stroked his tail gently with my free hand.He shifted gently, and looked down at me in appreciation. Blake reached around the sexual melee, and took my cock, stroking it back and forth in tandem with his anal fucking. Very quickly I came to the boil, the double penetration pushing floods of emotion through me. I gripped the tail of Devlin under their efforts, and held it tight.This triggered a reaction through Devlin, and I felt his rate increase.

Guess who came first? I let go with a muffled cry under the combined work of my four friends, and my cum landed on Valmeero's chest. Blake went next, and a huge amount of liquid flooded my over-filled anus. So when Valmeero let go there simply was no room left, and all the cum came out in a burst, all over Blake's well toned legs. Then Devlin let go, and piping hot semen erupted into my mouth. I swallowed, and it scalded my throat. I made a muffled sound, and Devlin withdrew his cock, giving me room to breathe.He stroked a few strands of untidy hair from my fore head, while Draco finished in Valmeero.

Devlin was volunteered by two of us to go next. I sat down on my knees, and Devlin sat down on me. I changed into my bionic form, and my cock spread into steel like the rest of my body. Devlin twitched in surprise, and I whispered into his ear.

"Use your tail."

He did, curling it underneath his legs and mine, and thrusting it gently into my ass.Valmeero got his cuffs, and nabbed the Hellfire's hands behind his back. As he knelt directly behind the Hellfire, Dev grabbed Val's cock, and completely blind, started stroking it. Blake stood to the left of Devlin, and Draco to the right.Devlin started sucking his cousin's cock, and I started working Blake's. He was surprised for a second, but reacted well. They came closer to each other as they shuffled, and Draco embraced Blake with a hardcore kiss.The tiger/dragon hybrid returned the favour, pulling the other closer in, deep throating me and Devlin. Then I gently started fucking Devlin.

Devlin made a gesture asking how deep I wanted his tail.I just told him as far as he wanted.The tail shifted deeper into my ass, and my entrance stretched further apart as his the thicker base of his tail entered.I was so lubricated by the earlier fucking that he got practically all that he could in me without major discomfort, and as I gently fucked him, he gently thrust his tail back and forth.And still the indefatigable Hellfire dragon sucked off Draco, and expertly stroked Valmeero off.

Again I was first to let go my load, and Devlin jerked hard as my semen entered into him. Then he too let go, and boiling hot cum landed on my chest. I winced in pain. From what I could see of Valmeero, he had finally succumbed to Dev, and his face had rearranged into a look of relief as Devlin finally got him off. Then Draco and Blake let go their loads simultaneously. As we extricated ourselves slowly, Draco sat down on the table, and I gave Blake and Devlin knowing looks as I got the key for the handcuffs.

While Draco was strong, a wolf/dragon, a tiger/dragon, a Hellfire dragon, and a genetically modified human were always going to pin him easily. The normal dragon was still resolute about who fucked him anally, viz it was me and Devlin, and us two only. As he was spreadeagled on the table, Devlin forced his head back over the edge of the table, and fucked him in the mouth. I did the same to his ass. Blake now got the hand-job from Draco, while Valmeero took advantage of Devlin being preoccupied, and took Devlin up the ass.

Skipping the endless positions we took up as we fucked one another, we were interrupted half way through Valmeero's four man gang-bang by the arrival of, well, practically everyone. The foxes, the elf that had it off with Alecto, all of last year's Hunted who weren't already here, Takori, Landon, Alex, Simba, Salbar, Javid, Covington and Ryan.

There was a pause as the newcomers spotted all of us, who were halfway through completely taking Valmeero. Simba broke the short silence.

"Oi, why didn't you tell us?"

As they filed in, we broke off, and sat down on the table. I could see some highly amused looks among the party.I was in bionic form still, just for the record.

"Well, I didn't know you guys wanted to join in." Draco managed to look innocent, while deep throating Valmeero.

"That's the biggest load of rubbish I've heard."Silverine replied, leaning against the kitchen sink."I told you in front of the audience I enjoyed this part."

"Oh, and the number of times you've fucked me recently would make you think otherwise?" Salbar suggested, looking highly amused.I was underneath Valmeero, fucking him with Devlin in the ass.

"I'm with Salbar, I want to see some fun." Winslo nodded.

"O.K., stop!" I raised my hands for quiet, and got it.

"Right, everyone knows the rules, or is about to find out.Three."

This was the signal for everyone to leap on anyone wearing clothes. I hit Silverine with a tackle, and he went down under me and Devlin. Clothes were removed and kicked aside with happy abandon. After Silverine, I got Brendan down, and after Brendan was stripped with help from Simba, leapt at Covington, who was looking at utter astonishment at this, and had stepped out of the melee.

"What the..." he went down easily.

"You want to join in?"I asked, with a winning smile, undoing the buttons on his army shirt.

"I would like to work here." He replied, although he struggled against me. He rolled, although I was still attached to him, and went straight into Javid, who relieved his superior of his trousers.

"No rank or file here." Javid laughed, as he started fucking his commanding officer.I swivelled around, switching back to my human form, and started sucking Covington off.The wolf had no idea how to react to this, but tentatively started sucking my own member.

Around me everyone was in a state of absolute chaos. Everyone was shouting in delight as they wrestled, or crying or moaning in pleasure. It was a perfect hubbub of noise, and the sexual mist descended on everyone. I was already near to the boil from Valmeero sucking me off pre everyone arriving, so Covington suddenly had to deal with a load of cum. Obviously the officer was completely unexperienced in this area, but swallowed all I produced. I got him off, and left the two wolves as Javid anally fucked Covington. As I walked past, I whispered into Javid's ear.

"This means promotion." he laughed loud at this, and I started weaving through the chaos for someone untethered. Doran was over by the bathroom door, and he was watching in amusement. I vaulted over three people fucking Gareth, and gave Devlin's tail a gentle stroke as I passed.

Doran watched warily as I came over to him, and I leaned against the wall he was on, surveying the carnage.

"Some where in there," I said, watching Devlin fucking the Lupogriff with both cock and tail,"is my clothes, and kit. Over on the table is the handcuffs, and in my bag is the leash. What are the chances of me getting to both unmolested?"

"Absolutely none." Doran laughed, placing his head on my shoulder. I put my arm around him, holding his shoulder.

"I know, but I'm going to give it a go."

"What do you need them for?"

"You, or anyone I deign." I teased." I've got another idea for about half an hour from now, which will have them all in arms."

"I can tell this is an evil idea.What does it involve?"

"Have three guesses." I said, walking back to the table and trying to avoid confrontation. I snagged my silver shirt, and the cuffs and key. Then I wormed my way to the far side of the room where I had left my kit, and while I was stopped briefly by Alex, I pushed him into the wrestling scuffle of claws and wings that was Silverine, Blake, Draco, Landon and Covington. Needless to say, both Covington and Alex lost in that, and as the wolf was fucked deep by his hybrid cousin and the fox, Alex ended up in the middle of Blake and Draco.

I snagged the leash, and after Thomas described an attempt at my ass and ended up with Winslo's, I staggered out of it with all items in tow. Doran laughed.

"Nice. It's like one of those bar room movie clips where one guy walked through a fight unharmed."

Doran went into the bathroom, and I dived on him. He rolled well, but I cuffed one of his hands, and then cuffed the other behind his back. He tried to fight me off, but I had him easily, and I placed the leather leash around his neck. It was like a belt, and while it was made to fit Gareth, it was easy enough to adjust it to Doran.I made sure it wasn't too tight, and then grabbed the leash from behind him. He stopped struggling. I sat down, and gently pulled him over to me. He followed, acting quite docile, and I sat against the wall. He sat down facing the same way, outwards, and felt his legs wrap around me as he sat on my cock. His hands massaged my stomach as he rose and fell, most obedient to my urging.

We were soon joined by Takori and Grant, and as they crashed into us, our twosome was scattered. I rolled with the wolf, undoing one cuff, and then cuffing the panther. I jumped back as they wrestled, and then they realised something was wrong, as Grant tried to push Takori off, and then encountered resistance as Doran couldn't bend that far backwards.

"What, Alduin, you cuffed us together?" Grant looked surprised. Takori was grinning at them as I came forward fast, diving at Grant. The panther fell, and Doran was pulled down by the panther. Doran landed on top of me.

As I fucked Grant, Doran had no other option but to fuck me, and I heard him whimper as Takori came around the back of him, and thrust his barbed cock into the wolf's ass.

"What fun we could have with two pairs." Grant said, twitching under my rate. We were all that close to the boil that I very quickly ejaculated into the panther, and I felt Doran likewise. Takori fucked Doran to his own orgasm, and I separated Doran from Grant, and as the panther was chased by the bionic tiger, we left the bathroom to find the elf trying to dance out of the reach of Valmeero.

The elf had no idea we were there, and practically collided into me. I stumbled backwards, just as Doran grabbed for her. She was off kilter, and so the wolf easily wrapped his arms around her slim frame. She was facing away from Doran, towards me, and as I righted myself, Doran thrust his cock into her ass. She moaned in surprise, and I took her and Doran in my own hands, and thrust into the elf's pussy. Doran took the elf's breasts gently, and began massaging them gently. I let go of Doran, and instead took her head gently, and as I came forward she did the same, kissing me tightly. Doran grinned in his mischievous way, and thrust hard into the elf. I followed suit, and the elf jerked in our dual penetration.

She orgasmed twice before we let go, we had ravaged her. As we both finished, she staggered out of our grasp, and was very quickly embroiled with Time, Dev, Thomas, Salbar and Javid. Gareth, Draco and Brendan very quickly joined in, and the ladies were surrounded by a wall of men.I gestured back into the bathroom with Doran, and I shut and locked the door firmly. I discarded the handcuffs on the sink, and I sat down on the floor cross legged. Doran sat on my cock again.

"Flexible aren't you?" I teased, feeling his ass shift around me.

"Yes, actually.I can bend really well." he commented, sighing. I thought about something he meant in that sentence, and took him by the ears. He looked in surprise and a bit of pain, and as he leaned backwards, I forced him to bend back down inwards. With his ass still being fucked by my cock, he bent past my chest, and I got him to lick his own member.

"Do you want to go further?"

"If you help." Doran replied, placing my hands on his head. Encouraged, I pushed gently down on the contorted wolf, so he started sucking his own dick.

"That's something I would wish on my friends. I doubt many could do this."

"Not without some gentle assistance." the wolf replied, before I pushed him a bit harder. As I gently fucked him, he sucked himself off expertly.All his work was with his tongue, and courtesy of my gentle fucking, he rose and fell on his cock.

He ejaculated not two minutes into his self manipulation, and didn't swallow, allowing to spill across his jaws, down his neck and chest.I let him stretch back up, and stood, Doran still on me. I pushed him against the wall, and as I banged him against it, I started licking where he had spilled on himself.I started from his chest and worked up, matting his fur with my saliva.

As I worked my way up, Doran finally took it no more, and embraced me tightly in a kiss, of the French variety.Short of an octo bonder, nothing could have made us closer, his hands digging into my back, willing me to go deeper with my cock.I was filled with desire, and after several hard thrusts let go into his ass.The black wolf lifted his legs and wrapped them around me, forcing me as deep as his body allowed.I kept my balance, and after filling Doran with yet more semen, he got off me, and I smiled.

"Now, we are going to interrupt this orgy."

"How?" Doran looked slightly confused.

"Watch and learn." I said, moving over to the panelling beside the shower. I tapped on, and as the shower moved down, Doran backed.

"Isn't there a tentacle creature in there?"

"Exactly, we're going to set it loose on the party." I grinned. Doran smiled.

"Oooh, that's going to be interesting."

A long thick tentacle came out from the black hole, and it wrapped around my hand.

"Good evening, how are you?" I asked in concentration, and felt it's mental reply.

"I am well. What do you want?"

"Outside this bathroom are over twenty creatures, all having sex. I'm suggesting you might want to join in."

"Draco and everyone?"

"And then some."I acknowledged." First, don't take them apart from one another, just join in subtly."

"Yes, Alduin." the tentacle tightened for a second so I understood.

"And secondly, there are two ladies and four hermaphrodites. Their names are Takori, Gareth, Alecto, Tufty, Time Dancer, and Iris.You know all of them?"

"I do, Alduin."

"My suggestion, fuck them all four ways at once. Leave me, Doran and Devlin for a few minutes, and then we're game."

"Righto Alduin." the tentacle twitched in sexual anticipation. I unlocked the door, and opened it slightly. Me and Doran slipped through, and I left it ajar. Devlin finished inside Grant, and came over to us.

"I do hope you two aren't going to keep each other to yourselves all night." he said.

"Oh no, we were just having it off a few times intimately, and then I caused chaos."

"Really, you do that a lot. How?"

"Well, if you look at the bathroom door, you might see something."

Devlin turned, as several tentacles slid across the floor like snakes towards the unsuspecting party.

"I see.The life of the party just came in."

"I just thought I'd explain it to you, as the three of us have a reprieve for a few minutes."

The leading tentacle wrapped around Iris the elf as she came out of Gareth and Thomas. She gave a cry of surprise as she was lifted into the air, and everyone turned in surprise. Draco looked around.

"Who let the tentacle creature loose?"

He didn't get to say anything else, as said tentacle creature wrapped the dragon's waist, and as Blake came to lend assistance, forced the tiger/dragon into Draco, wrapped around both of them. Draco took the invitation, and fucked Blake as the tentacles caused havoc with the rest of the party. Iris, with the one tentacle holding around her tits, watched in surprise as four more tentacles targeted her. One thrust into her vagina, one into her ass, one between her breasts, which were being forced together by the first, and as she cried in pleasure, the last pushed into her mouth.

All my companions were in disarray. Most of them were still in positions of having it off with one another, so the tentacle would just wrap round the pair of them, and then fuck them both. Salbar was fucking Covington from behind, holding the colonel tightly around the middle, when a tentacle encircled their chests. Covington started to struggle, and then a tentacle entered his mouth, and another into his ass, which already had Salbar's cock. The wolf jerked as his ass was uncomfortably stretched. Salbar's ass likewise received a tentacle.

And so it was with all of them. Valmeero, Thomas and Brendan were all in a threesome, when all of them were accosted. Silverine was fucking Alecto with Ryan, and all of them suddenly were part of it. I laughed quietly at the incredible scene. Devlin tried not to laugh, and Doran had already started, and was holding his ribs. It was funny, and some of those entwined thought so. I slipped gently out of the room into my bedroom, and sat down, taking a deserved breather.

Outside, there were muffled cries as one person or another orgasmed, or had some one or something do so to them. Javid burst in, and shut the door in a hurry.

"I'm taking a break until that thing's finished."

"And fair enough, you had it's attention earlier on." I said, looking at the stripes of white Javid had on him, which clashed nicely with his sleek black.

Central New Year 3 Part 5 Aftermath

Abigail quickly took us both to task on this. I sat with my cock right next to the slumbering foxes, and Abigail very gently began stroking both of us off. This was to make Alecto erect without him being aware of it.Alecto and I had done the same thing...

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Central New Year 3 Part 4 Bottle and love.

We walked back to our quarters.Valmeero walked and removed his policeman's costume, and Silverine removed the more clunkier parts of his armour.We went in to the room, and found the place deserted, although we could hear Salbar and Blake in mine,...

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Central New Year 3 Pt3 The Hunt is on!

We waited for two minutes, the tension was tangible as we watched the screens. Six to the right, two to the left, Ryan and Deltora.I was on a right vent, and I changed into my F1 form. Everyone casually headed towards the elevator. I had inches of...

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