Central New Year 2 Pt2 The Hunt

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#47 of Exploration

The meal dragged on as those not Hunting filled themselves.People started to move about, and I noticed an upright piano in the back corner, the musicians had broken off for something to eat.

"Silverine,mind if I play some music?" I asked.

"Music during dinner?I'd love it, Alduin.I hear you're quite the musician."

"Anything you heard from Draco is a lie."

"That's the third time I've heard you say that." Silverine replied, as I moved over there. True to form, it was a piano from Earth, I had explained the instrument to a few of my friends, and after hearing me play it, a few wanted to have a go. Abigail wasn't too bad on it, and a few of the elves would play haunting melodies on it.

We had paid eight gold pieces for it, and I sat down on the stool, opening the lid, exposing the ivories in all their perfect glory. Alecto spotted me about to play, and nudged Gareth. I gently played a single D, and the note rang crisp and clear. Satisfied, I played Hey there Delilah, I had committed it to memory. I could hear the clamour in the hall dip as my hands danced over the keys.The entire thing goes for three and a bit minutes, and was a very beautiful piece. I only made a small mistake, hitting the natural F. instead of the sharpened one, but no one appeared to notice.

As I finished, there was a round of applause, before I crashed into the Montagues and Capulet's suite. I did so quietly, so as not to overwhelm those speaking to one another, and my hands bounced from octave to octave in fluid movements. After a few more numbers, Silverine stood.

"The feast is over, there is one more hour until the Hunt begins, enjoy the music Alduin's producing, or mingle as you choose."

I had finished the song, so I brought my hands down on the keyboard in a hideous discord. There was a huge laugh. I played Toccata and Fugue in D minor, and then finished.Everyone was talking gaily, you'd think they'd run out of things to say, but oh well.Two of the Hunted had gone outside to mentally prepare themselves for their task.

I didn't disturb them. I sat down, refining my plan with Doran. He now had the mind locations of all eight Hunted, and one of them was going to fall foul with us. Draco and Devlin were comparing tactics, because this year they weren't working together. Alecto was over by the banks of monitors in the back wall, as they flickered on, and Silverine was with Abigail, preparing the dromes.

"Is there any way to lose one of these things?"

"Nope,"Abigail smiled, "save for hitting it with a rocket launcher.These things will follow you to the ends of the Abyss and beyond.Jammers don't work, invisibility doesn't work, no one has ever lost a drome during a Hunt."

"Good." I replied, looking at one as it hummed. It buzzed up to my height, and Alecto activated a TV screen.

"Good god, it's repulsive, it's disgusting, wait, we're getting a clearer picture now!"the fox laughed, and I turned the drome around to face Alecto, and he paused briefly.

"Wait a second, it's me!Rather handsome looking chap, isn't he?"

"Don't talk about yourself like that, Alecto." I scolded."You're not repulsive."

"It was facing you at the time, I had a close up of your nose."

"So what if it's been broken a few times?Arachno fixed it."

This was all true. All the dromes rose as Silverine activated them, and they all hovered towards me, currently focusing on the nearest person to them. I was surrounded by eight dromes, and I could hear them hum and click as they observed me.

"I'm popular, apparently."

"They want you to sing a song."

"Ah, my new music video, I'll just find out what I'm supposed to be singing." I teased.

"Just sing anything."

"Why don't you?" I said, spinning one of the dromes around. Alecto immediately broke into a soft rendition of the Police, and I grabbed the drome and biffed it over to the end of the first table, where it turned and examined Landon having a conversation.

"I don't think it thought much of your singing voice."

"It's got very bad taste then." Alecto said, booting up the last screen.

"In all seriousness, you do sing well." I said, leaning against the table.

"Thank you Alduin, you play the piano very well." he replied."Have you got your headset on?"


"Testing, one two, Alduin can you hear me?" I heard Alecto in stereo through my headphones.

"I can hear you, but I can hear you without the headset, this is all bloody ridiculous, over?"

"Affirmative, Alduin." Alecto laughed.Silverine chuckled at us as he fine tuned the dromes, and then set them to a gentle hover. As the last minutes ticked by, the Hunted came in the doors who were outside, and I stepped off the dais, as did Abby and Alecto. Silverine brought his arms out wide.

"Welcome to the part I enjoy most, the Hunt!"

"No you don't, you enjoy the bit afterwards!" a voice called from the back. That would be Draco.

"And that voice will find out why." Silverine looked good humoured towards the back of the hall. I couldn't see Draco from here.There was a loud laugh from everyone.

"Now, when I read out the Hunted's names, will they come forward?"

"Possibly, possibly not." Ryan called from the middle of the audience.Loud laughter.

"The two minute head start won't apply to you, Ryan, if you don't."

"Best of luck then." the tiger called back.

"O.K., we're all in good humour tonight." Silverine replied."Alex Dowski!"

Alex came forward, standing in the middle of a blue shield. Magical abilities? The pendant could do certain stuff, but I was astonished at the sight.

"Billy Carlson." Silverine called. The bunny came up, looking very mean and nasty. I can see why he was a bounty hunter, and more importantly, why he was a good bounty hunter.

"Blake Hybridmarine." the tiger dragon shuffled to the front.

"Javid." as the wolf stepped forward, I brought my hand from my pocket, holding an apple. Javid spotted me, and nodded. I hurled it up high, and quick as lightning he drew his sniper rifle, aimed, and fired. There was a sharp crack, and the apple fell back down, split down the middle.

"Landon." the fox came up in a series of cartwheels, and landed firmly on his feet, dual pistols in his hands. I have never seen someone do anything like that while holding things.

"Ryan." Silverine said, and then covered his eyes. There was a bang, a flash, and smoke covered everywhere. Winslo cast gust of wind, and the smoke vanished, leaving Ryan standing beside Silverine.There was a round of louder applause.

"Salbar." the lizard spun his swords as he came up, spinning it thrice in the air, the blades humming.

"Takori Tano."In his full armour, he looked surprisingly scary, and as he walked forward, his arm made a pneumatic noise, shifting into it's energy gun, and then back again.

"These are the Hunted for this year, choose your target, you have six minutes to do so."

Salbar sat, down, swords crossed. Javid reloaded his gun. Alex's shield vanished.The dromes came out, and hung over their targets. I could see the creatures beside me pointing at each one of the Hunted.I caught Alex's eyes, and started pointing at one after another in the Eeney Meeney sort of way. He pointed at himself, and brought his hands in front of himself.

"Don't pick me." he smiled.

"This is natural selection."I replied innocently, as I finished the line and pointed at Alex again. He breathed out is a stage sort of way as I moved on, and I burst out in giggles. He smiled wider, good to see he still had his sense of humour.

I walked back through the crowds to Doran, who was by the door, and concentrating.

"You ready for the off, Doran?"

"I'm just building up the concentration,Alduin. Where do you want me to go?"

"You pick, just tell me where you are, I'll do my best."

"Right, what form will you be using?"

"My car to start off with.Got to give them some hope of getting away before I chase them with Lightning."

"I'll keep that in mind. You do know that in a full run, you can get across Central in fifteen minutes."

"In my car, I can manage six, as long as it's along one of the straight passages. Just be as central as possible."

That was in the Reventon, of course, except I wasn't using the Reventon. Sneaky Alduin had changed his form the night before, and had thus gone to work as a new car. I don't care what kind of car Ryan had, I would keep him fair with what I was.

Thus the minutes ticked past, and I started preparing myself. At the stroke of ten, Silverine shouted.

"The Hunt is on!"

The eight burst forwards like runners out of the starter's block.Ryan changed, and suddenly I saw a car on the ground, before it lit up it's rear tyres and accelerated towards the door.

"He's a Koenigsegg CCX." I looked at him as he rushed for the door. Blake hit the door first, and slammed it open. He dived off to the right, and the remaining seven Hunted split going different directions.

Doran stood beside me.

"Five to the left, three to the right, Ryan's shot ahead, and gone down the first right corridor."

I changed my form, and Draco looked at me.

"What the devil is that?"

"It's a racing car, a Ferrari Formula 1. Top speed, 278 kph in my form, nought to sixty in three point one seconds."

"How fast is it in real life?"

"I think they've got one to four hundred, but I can't confirm it." I ignited my engines, and the high whine of the F1 car sounded completely different from the super-cars.

I revved to the nineteen thousand revs, and then let it hum idling while we waited for the compulsory two minutes. At one minute fifty nine, everyone made forwards, and the whistle went. I was first to the door, braking hard, over-steering to the left, and then I was in the corridor, foot to the floor. Doran was moving quickly towards the entire of Central, so he could be in position, and in the small rear view mirrors I saw Silverine beside the wolf as they burst forwards. Then I hit the power band, and I shot forwards.I charged down the right passage I came to, and had to stand on the brakes to take the sudden T. junction. I stopped.

"Javid to your left and forward, Ryan to your right."

Tricky choice. I gunned to the left.

With Doran, I very quickly honed in on several of the competitors, but it wasn't until quarter of an hour until I spotted the first. I was the first to spot a Hunted, and it was Takori Tano. He spotted me, and as I hit the foot brakes, rushed down a side corridor. I took the corner at thirty kilometres an hour, and chased after him. He turned sharply several times, and as I came round a corner I only had time to notice he had stopped running, before he leapt over me and down the passage behind.

"Can't exhaust him this early." I commented."Who else is about?"

"Salbar's sneaking around in front of you, about five hundred yards one o'clock."

Salbar had gone by the time I found him, but instead I found Billy Carlson. He spotted me, and sprinted down the passage, grabbing at his grenades. He threw it down as I closed, and turned right. The grenade exploded, coating the ground with slick black oil. I changed form, and put all my efforts into lifting off the ground. The Lightning responded, and I throttled up into the air, the jet setting fire to the oil as I banked hard after the bounty hunter. He had stopped to see me skid off, and thus spotted me fly around the corner at speed. He ducked, and then ran the way he had come, clearing the burning oil in a bound.

"That's woken him up.How long, and who's near?" I said, dropping down and changing into my F1.

"Twenty one minutes, Blake's the nearest, fifth passage on the right. He's coming directly towards you."

I surged forwards, smoking the rear tyres. Blake came out directly in front of me, and as I changed to tackle him, dived aside. I landed hard, and slid to a stop, looking back at the tiger/dragon hybrid as he got to his feet. I stumbled to my feet, and sprinted after him. Unfortunately this was Blake, and while I can keep up with most of Central in a running race, Blake was not one of them.

The minutes ticked past.

Alex had encountered an elf, and as the elf reacted, Alex thrust a hand in front of him.

"I'm not here, do you understand, go chase someone else."

The ringing command fell upon the hapless elf, and his eyes glazed over. Alex lowered his hand as the elf turned and ran down the passage, and then put his hands on his knees, drawing in great lungfuls of air. I spotted him in this state of exhaustion, and as I changed into my F1 form, he vanished, touching his cloak.

"He's got a cam cloak, I can't see him."

"He's directly in front of you, running down the passage to your left!" Doran replied.

I chased after, but to no avail. I drove back and forth for a few minutes, and then headed off towards our quarters. It was at the forty eight minute mark that Doran spoke.

"Javid's being chased by Thomas towards our quarters."

I gunned it in that direction, and Alecto gave me an update two minutes later.

"Takori Tano's just being chased by Gareth and Tufty, oh wait, never mind. Time just came from a side passage, he's out of contention.Alex is still invisible, but his drone's having no problem. Ryan's changed back into his tiger form, no one's chasing him.

I drifted around the final corner to our quarter's corridor, in perfect time. Javid had the snow leopard in hot pursuit, both of them sprinting as hard as they could.They were both army trained, so their skilled were evenly matched. Javid spotted the door to our quarters, and with no option but to take me on, he barged through the door. I followed Thomas in, changing into my bionic form.He checked the first two bedrooms, and then we converged on the bathroom.

The door was slightly ajar towards us, and as I threw the door open, we saw Javid.

He had opened the panel, and as we stepped forward two long thick tentacles came out of the hole. I stopped, but Thomas advanced cautiously.One tentacle went over to Javid, and Javid lightly touched the side of it, screwing up his eyes in intense concentration.

"You see those two over there?"

"Yes, Javid. You wish to have sex with them and us?"

Neither me or Thomas knew what Javid was saying, but I backed to the door, snagging the key.

"Later tonight, I do, but the other two want it now."

"Are you sure?"

"If I don't, I'll leave.Just take hold of them."

As he detached from the tentacle I leapt backwards out the door, slamming it hard. With one trembling hand I twisted the key in the lock and slipped a door stop under the small section of door. Javid rushed over to the door as the tentacles whipped towards Thomas, and the snow leopard was suddenly pinned by six or seven tentacles. Javid tried the door.

"What the...?Alduin!Let me out!"

I dropped the key by the door, and breathed out, glad to escape from the tentacles.Thomas made a muffled cry of surprise as the tentacles started fucking him.Javid smashed his shoulder at the door, the hinges barely held.

"Alduin, you evil bastard, let me out of here!Please!"

I leaned back against the table, trying to catch my breath. There was another thump against the door.

"Alduin!!!! Help me, let me out of here!"

"This is your own fault, you let it loose." I called back.

"I wanted to go a little longer!"

"Don't we all." I replied, turning to the front door. Alecto spoke.

"Uhh, it's just taken hold of him, fifty three minutes gone.That was a really cunning trick, you do know that."

"I was terrified of spending the entire hunt in the clutches of it, this was something they can sort out.I refuse to get involved." I commented.

"Salbar just fell,Valmeero and Grant just doubled on him, fifty four minutes.Blake's being chased by an elf, Devlin's after Billy Carlson. Landon is walking the passage ways lost, no one's chasing him."

"The others?"

"Alex just snuck past Silverine, Ryan's used the CCX to lose Draco, and is back in tiger mode."

"Full kudos to the tiger, losing Draco."

After a few minutes, Alecto spoke again.

"Blake's down. Winslo dumped a cold spell on him, and he appears to be shivering profusely under the weight of one elf and one bunny."

As the numbers decreased, I became increasingly urgent, determined to catch one of the Hunted. Unfortunately, despite Doran's empathic readings, I didn't see anyone until an hour and fifteen minutes had passed, and by then Alecto informed me Devlin had finally over hauled the bunny bounty hunter.

It was Ryan, and we saw each other at the same time. He turned and ran, but while Blake held me, I reeled Ryan in slowly. Then he changed.

The CCX, while I can never pronounce the first name of the car, is rumoured to be the fastest car on Earth. Road legal car of course.I instantly changed into the F1, and Ryan spoke over my headset frequency.

"They are notoriously twitchy." he said.

"True, but I have the touch."I replied. Ryan's CCX was no match for the F1 under acceleration, but his top speed was about mine, so he kept to the long corridors, never using the brake. Every corner I would gain a yard.For several minutes we pursued each other along the width of Central, until Ryan hand braked his way around. I had no hand brake, so as he roared off, I spun around and changed. The Lightning din echoed down the corridors, and in no time at all I was back up with him.

"And I know you can't use Blackbird."I said, in a guru sort of way.

He hammered the brakes, and as I side slipped into hover, changed into his furry self, and ran straight back the way he had come. He looked back at me as I accelerated, and straight into a certain Lupogriff as he came from a side corridor. I rocketed past just the drome light went off.

"Daylight robbery!" I shouted, vanishing up the corridor.

Ryan had been caught at one hour twenty three, and I was panicking as the half hour came up.

Then I noticed one of the dromes, humming it's way along a passage, and Doran spoke.

"Alex is there, but he's got his jammer and cloak."

"He's got neither now." I replied, activating my scans. The radar pulled up nothing, the X-ray pulled up nothing, but the thermo scans showed a faint disturbance in the air where the human was walking. I thought.

"Release transformer grenade!"

The grenade fell out, and detonated right next to the hidden human. There was an explosion of light, and as I turned around, Alex was standing there, looking in surprise. I had dumped an EMP grenade on him, and nothing electrical on him worked for the next few hours. I brought out my sleeping bomb, hanging on it's mechanism, and I hovered over to Alex.

"Don't you try to run, otherwise I'll drop this."

"You found me."

"With a bit of luck, and a bit of Doran."

"Ha, I knew it had to be something.So what are your plans?"

"Well, I'd prefer to catch Landon, Doran says he's not far from here. So I'll give you a small chance. Catch."

He dived forward as I released my bomb, and caught it a foot from the ground.

"Well held. Now if you've ever seen a mine, you will be aware that by gently removing your foot from it will not make it go off. That bomb, on the other hand, will not. If you disturb the air too much, or if you let go of it, it will detonate."

"You're kidding me, aren't you Alduin?"he said, looking at the device in front of him. I changed into my bionic form.

"No I am not. You move too fast, it will explode.You let go, it will explode.But should you get to two hours, it will defuse itself, so you had better pray."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Would you like to get to two hours?"

"Of course."

"Well there's my chance. I could capture you now, but I'll let you get away. Enjoy."

I ran off down the corridor towards Landon's position, as Alex very slowly got to his feet. After a couple of minutes, I bumped into Brendan.

"Ah, Brendan, you looking for Alex or Landon?"

"Either or." he replied.

"Alex is outside Marksman's room, go knock yourself out."

Lame pun.If Brendan did anything to Alex that resulted in Alex moving slightly, the bomb would detonate, so both of them would be asleep.But Brendan hared towards where his brother was.

Meanwhile I charged towards Landon. Doran was now going for Landon too, and was positioning himself. All I had to do was lead Landon into Doran, it was the trick we had been trying all Hunt. I came out of the corridor, and spotted Landon looking around in anticipation.

"Ah ha, Found you." I laughed, and raced after him. He ran well, but I wasn't aiming to catch him. He was heading slightly towards Doran's position, so I made to go one way, and he would run the other. I lost time in pursuit, but he headed correctly towards the waiting wolf.

At exactly one forty, Doran stepped from a side passage as Landon was looking at me. Landon turned to see what was in front of him, and was wrapped in the sturdy arms of the wolf. Both wolf and fox went down, and I saw the drome light wink out.

"Nice going Doran!" I called, running up to the pair of them, as Landon struggled in Doran's grip. We were about fifty yards from the food store, so we escorted him there, and stripped him down.One hour forty one. Alex was the last one, although Brendan was heading after him. Doran stripped down, as did I, and as I went around behind the fox, who was standing there nervously waiting for our move, Doran came forward. The fox very willingly positioned himself, and Doran thrust his cock into Landon's ass. I came up behind Landon, and as I held him tight, thrust my own cock into Doran's, all of us making love together.

Neither of us were aware of it, but seven minutes after Doran and self caught Landon, Brendan found Alex moving slowly down a corridor.As Brendan sprinted up, Alex saw his draconic twin coming.

"No, Brendan, don't come any closer!"Brendan couldn't see the bomb, and made to grab Alex's shoulder. He caught the boy firmly, and as he did, one hand left it's grasp on the bomb.

We heard a muffled explosion.

"That's Alex gone." Alecto said in my ear piece.

"Thanks for that, I kind of guessed.Did Brendan get hit by it, or was it someone else?"

"No, it was Brendan, they're both out cold.The drome light winked off at one hour, forty eight minutes,and twenty seven seconds exactly." the Egyptian fox replied.

Further conversation was impossible, as the fox jerked hard between his two captors, Doran had ejaculated.I felt the wolf shudder around my cock, and felt myself come towards ejaculation. Doran yelped under my thrust as I let go my load, and we disentangled ourselves from each other. Landon collapsed backwards against a wall, I staggered backwards and sat down heavily on a table.As a result of running around Central followed by the sex, and the use of the Lightning and the F1(Just don't ask about the fuel efficiency), I drunk a bottle of Lift Plus, taking great draughts of the sugar rich energy drink.

Doran sat down, and we looked at one another, ten minutes til the end of the Hunt, and I was starved of ideas. Landon spoke.

"That was the most intense two hours I've experienced."

"Tell me about it." I replied,"Me and Doran were Hunted last year, and trying to avoid the Hunters was exhilarating."

"So who were you after?"

"I didn't care, for a start."I replied." I went for Javid, but a tentacle creature got him.I went for Billy, but he lost me. I went for Ryan, but Silverine nabbed him as I pursued him, and I went for Alex, and gave him a chance to escape, with a handicap."

Alecto spoke in my head piece.

"Covington just saw what you did with that sleeping bomb, he's been laughing about it since."

"Tell him thank you very much, it came in handy."

"Right,"Landon said, shuffling to the door."If that's all, I'll just head back to the Great Hall."

Doran was standing near enough to bar his way.

"Another eight minutes, mate, And after the run you gave Alduin, I think we should have another go."

So Landon ended up sandwiched between me fucking him anally, and Doran in oral sex. We finished again two minutes before the Hunt was over, and then we started leading the fox back. I changed into my Lightning form, and screamed down the corridors, leaving Doran to escort Landon. Doran and Landon got on very well, by the looks of things. The bell rung as I arrived at the Hall, and as it had been shut at some time or other, spoke into my headset.

"Alecto, get someone to open the door, I don't want to have to change."

Draco opened it almost immediately, he looked rueful he hadn't caught anyone. I hovered in over to my bag, keeping at about one and a half metres at height, and then came to a complete halt on the table, which, I noticed, had vines criss crossing it's legs and across the surface of the table. The growth spell was still going, and the place was looking more overgrown.The vines had reached everywhere.

This made people subject to the occasional prank, and also caught other people out. A group of eight, Alecto included, had been watching the televisions with such intensity that some of the vines had curled around them, Alecto's legs and body were securely wrapped in a vine or two, he had been lying against a pillar. One of the elves was also, but she was in a spell position, and she appears to be rejuvenated by the plants.

I was the first of the Hunters to arrive back of those who had caught Hunted, and soon Doran and Landon arrived.Silverine arrived soon after with Ryan. After a while, all but Alex and Brendan had arrived back, and the drome monitoring them had switched off, to give them some peace. They awoke about five minutes after this point.

"Well done Hunters, you caught all there was, although by the sounds of things, there will be some interesting stories told."

"You could say that." Devlin replied.

"Alduin seemed to enjoy himself, caught sight of seven Hunted, and lost all but one."

"Released one, ignored two others, one was stolen, one I didn't want to have to face a tentacle creature for."I replied, to a round of merry laughter.

"Who wants to face a tentacle creature?" Silverine replied.

"Javid." Thomas replied."Just as well I had my skeleton key, we would have been in there all night."

"It was the best idea I could think of with a merciless human and a snow leopard chasing me." Javid laughed."It worked once, but the human locked the door."

"I think Silverine should give the times now, before we start telling each other what happened."

"I'd prefer not to hear my time."Landon replied."I knew what I got, and it wasn't what I hoped."

"Anyone aiming for two hours never gets the time they want." Draco replied.

"Could we let Silverine finish?" Gareth suggested.

"Now, to the times." Silverine said, finally. "Takori Tano, Salbar, Javid, despite various uses of tactics, and plans which had modicum of success, you all got low fifty minute times. We should bring up the average as a result of this year's efforts."

There was polite applause for the three.

"Blake Hybridmarine, despite the magical spells being thrown at you, you got to fifty eight minutes, a very commedable effort." the tiger/dragon acknowledged the clapping with a nod of his head.

"Billy Carlson, the bounty hunter was captured for the reward of Devlin's efforts, and it took him an hour and a quarter to do so. A very good effort." Billy Carlson smiled, and Devlin gently clapped him on the back.

"Ryan, well, anyone caught by me knows their time, but for everyone else, it was one hour twenty three.Although it's not fair you were otherwise occupied, an aircraft flying after you is not a comfortable thing."

"A Lupogriff tackling me to the ground wasn't a comfortable thing either." Ryan replied, straight faced." I'd prefer being chased to being tackled."

I laughed," I'll confess myself beaten there, Ryan, your CCX kept me honest."

Silverine nodded at me."Thanks for the diversion there, Alduin."

"Any time." I replied,"Just as long as I get some action next time."

"Right, Landon, Alduin finally roped someone, with Doran's help, your time was one hour forty, a very excellent run."

Landon nodded to Silverine, and raised a hand to thank everyone for their applause. He was smiling.

"And as for Alex, despite his best efforts, did not beat the one hour fifty mark, he got to one hour forty eight.Has anyone seen him?"

"Not since the drome switched off. I think he was about one hundred yards from Marksman's office." Alecto replied.

Covington spoke."That was a novel use of a sleeping bomb, Alduin."

"I wanted him to beat my time, but didn't want him to get away scot free after I caught him. Brendan must have not realised about Alex's penalty. All kudos to him though."I replied. Javid spotted Covington, and he looked at me. Silverine spoke.

"Very well, I declare the Hunt closed, go and enjoy yourself."

Central New Year 3 Part 5 Aftermath

Abigail quickly took us both to task on this. I sat with my cock right next to the slumbering foxes, and Abigail very gently began stroking both of us off. This was to make Alecto erect without him being aware of it.Alecto and I had done the same thing...

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Central New Year 3 Part 4 Bottle and love.

We walked back to our quarters.Valmeero walked and removed his policeman's costume, and Silverine removed the more clunkier parts of his armour.We went in to the room, and found the place deserted, although we could hear Salbar and Blake in mine,...

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Central New Year 3 Pt3 The Hunt is on!

We waited for two minutes, the tension was tangible as we watched the screens. Six to the right, two to the left, Ryan and Deltora.I was on a right vent, and I changed into my F1 form. Everyone casually headed towards the elevator. I had inches of...

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