Date Night

Story by Greaver on SoFurry

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Story partially inspired by this

Natalya belongs to neopuc on FA (

Used with permission

(Actually had this one sitting on FA for ages, just never got around to uploading it here.)

"Breath freshener in a can? Why did I buy this?" Kyle muttered to himself as he dug through his glove compartment. Is it normal to be invited to her apartment on the second date? Kyle spent his all of his high school and college years studying and not much else. Organic chemistry doesn't learn itself. So here he is at twenty two with a decent job as pharmaceutical researcher, plans of grad school, and zero knowledge of dating etiquette. Was it proper for him to come to her apartment on the second date? Were they not really dating? Was this just how macros date? That part seemed to keep glossing over his head. The sexy black wolf who he was bragging to his coworkers about also towered over him. He'd heard horror stories of macro/micro dating gone wrong, but the thought never really occurred to him seriously. SHE asked HIM out so it's not like he was some creepy worshiper who would wind up crushed under foot. With s sigh Kyle brushed back his messy medium length hair ("I should have gotten a hair cut!"), checked his newly bought white button down shirt for coffee stains, took a deep breath and left the car. The highrise parking lot had no spots for micro cars. He decided to park in the spot nearest to the building, a handicap spot ("Is being a micro a handicap to macros?"). He took care to park dead in the center, figuring macro cars, which he affectionately referred to as "A Monster truck's monster truck," would be less likely to crush his poor Toyota Camry flat if he was dead center. " the walk to the door." Kyle said wiping a bit of sweat from his brow.

Kyle hugged the wall as he inched closer and closer to the highrise. Luckily there weren't many macros out tonight. Regardless he hugged the wall, the lesser chance he had of becoming sidewalk paste the better. To macros the walk from the handicapped spot to the door would have been a few steps. To Kyle it was like walking along the sides of a football field. It took him a good twenty minutes just to make it to the door, where he ran into the door man. An intimidating wolf of a macro. Taller than most other macros. "Uh....excuse me?" It could not have sounded as more than a whisper to the wolf, but ever alert his gaze fell upon the human.

"Yes?" the doorman rumbled down at Kyle. Kyle managed to catch a glimpse of the wolf's fangs as he spoke.

"I...I'm looking for Natalya."

"She lives on the twenty eighth floor, apartment 2865."

"Uh ok....thanks.....could I get some assistance getting up there." At this point Kyle sweat trickled down Kyle's face like rain water down windows, he hoped the antiperspirant he bought was working on his arm pits. Without a word the wolf firmly grabbed Kyle in his hands. Not tight enough to hurt him but tight enough to keep him from slipping out of his grip. The wolf brought him into the lobby. Behind the front desk was a Snow leopard reading a magazine.

"Cody!" the wolf barked. The snow leopard jumped to attention.

"Yes?" Cody asked tossing his magazine aside/

The wolf presented Kyle to the leopard "Take this to Natalya." Cody nodded and took Kyle in his hands. Kyle noted how much softer his grip was compared to the wolf's. Cody carried Natalya's "package" to the elevator.

"Floor twenty eight." muttered to himself as the elevator roared to life.

Natalya had just gotten out of the shower when she heard the knock at her door. Normally she would have told who ever was there to wait while she got dressed, but she Kyle's scent caught her nose. The wolf was so excited to see her human that she sprinted to the door naked with fur dripping wet. She swung the door open to see a snow leopard holding her human.

Cody couldn't help but stare at Natalya's perky breasts. The black furred breasts were well rounded and soft looking, with supple green nipples to match her eyes.

"So are just going to stand and stare or are you going to hand me my boyfriend." Natalya said placing a hand on her hip and smirking. Most people would be mad, not Natalya, she loved the attention.

"And here I was thinking he was dinner." Cody quipped as he handed her over. "Be sure to use protection."

"You too Cody, you shouldn't masturbate with dirty hands." Natalya said closing the door. "Well now that he's gone." She said smiling as she held Kyle in her wet hand. "Err....maybe I should dry off first." She giggled setting Kyle down on her coffee table. "I'll be right back babe."

Kyle took this chance to look around her apartment. It was well furnished, with a soft looking couch, large windows over looking the city, a calming mahogany was the wall's skin of choice. There were doors on either side of the room leading to various other rooms of the apartment. Before he could get a more proper look at his surroundings footsteps boomed across the soft carpeted floor of the apartment, indicating Natalya's return. The black wolf walked into the living room, her fur dried. Kyle couldn't help but blush noticing she was still naked. "Hey babe." She said flopping down onto her couch with a content sigh.

"You didn't get dressed?" Kyle asked, staring enthralled at her long breasts. Natalya smiled and fondled her breasts a bit.

"I figured why bother, we're having a night in and you already saw everything." She sighed propping her feet up on the coffee table. "I had a long today." she whispered "Mind rubbing my paws?" Her human was quick to oblige, walking up her feet, that were slightly taller than him. He tenderly began rubbing her green paw pads ("I'm sensing a pattern here") letting their scent trickle into his nose. The smell was undoubtedly strong, nearly overwhelming, not to say the smell was a foul one. Her feet smelled of fine aged wine. Kyle continued rubbing her pawpads, marveling at how soft they were considering he had never seen her wear shoes and if he remembered correctly Natalya had admitted to never wearing shoes during their first date. He wondered how she did it. ("Special skin cream? Another macro thing?").

"Ugnhhhh, lick them babe." Natalya growled contently curling her toes tightly causing wrinkles in her paw pads. Kyle was happy to oblige.

Natalya pinched her nipples as her obedient little human licked away at her paws. She was happy to see the wine worked to cover the smell of crushed cars and micros. Since dating Kyle she had taken care to not step on too many micros, for his sake. However there was always some micros who were just too dumb to live. Her morning jog had started out without a hitch. A few cars crushed here and there but no micros. They were smart enough to move when they saw her coming, and so long as they stayed out of the way she had nothing against them. But there was always the idiots, like the mouse. He had plenty of warning, but the tiny brown mouse just stood in the middle of the street, right in the path of her foot. She couldn't slow down, that would ruin her rhythm. Without skipping a beat her right foot planted down hard on the mouse and continued on, with the little guy along for the ride. By the time she got home the mouse was nothing but some paste on her paw. Now she couldn't have Kyle over only to have him see or smell dead micro on her. In her slight panic she poured wine on her paws before showering. Looking back it seemed to work well as Kyle was quite enthralled with licking her feet. She sighed contently and pinched her nipple again.

Kyle's tongue slid between the wrinkles in her paw pad. He found it funny that her paw also tasted of wine, not that he minded. Natalya let out another growl of pleasure as she fiercely pinched her nipple. The growl traveled from her throat to her toes, Kyle could feel her vibrations zap through his tongue. Kyle continued licking at the wine flavored paw, admittedly becoming a bit aroused by the ordeal. Before he could lick to his orgasm, Natalya stopped him, pulling her saliva covered paws away and standing up. "I'll be right back babe." She came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses. She placed both glasses on the coffee table by Kyle and began pouring, filling each glass to the brim. "Sooo I don't have any micro sized glasses." Natalya giggled as she picked up Kyle by the scruff of his shirt and held him over one of the glasses. "So it looks like you're going for a swim." She dropped him into the wine glass.

Kyle broke the surface of the wine pool with a loud splash (to him at least.) The wine in the glass overflowed, spilling onto Natalya's coffee table. Natalya lapped up the spilled wine from her table, while keeping her eyes dead fixed on Kyle. His white dress shirt was now that familiar wine shade of red. He felt he should have been mad, the outfit had cost him a sizable portion of his paycheck and he had bought it specifically to impress her. Yet as he tread about in his wine pool he felt no animosity towards Natalya for the action. Maybe it was all the wine leaking into his pores, maybe it was his love for her that seemed to be growing with every second. Smiling up at the Goddess sized wolf he lowered his head and slurped up some of the wine. It was strong but sweet, burning a grape flavored trail that flared down to the pit of his stomach. A single sip of the stuff had left his head spinning. Natalya meanwhile had wolfed down two glasses of the stuff and was pouring herself a third. "More wine my dear?" She teased as she poured her third glass. By this time Kyle had managed to down a quarter of the wine glass and was well beyond the point of being tipsy.

" think I'm good." he slurred out. Natalya grinned

"You don't look so good babe?" Gently she dipped her hand into the wine glass, scooping Kyle out. "Shh....just lay down babe." She whispered gently as she slid him securely between her breasts and poured herself another glass.

Kyle curled up as he lay on the top of Natalya's left breast. He could feel the steady rhythm of her breathing, and the not so steady sound of her chugging glasses of wine. After what he guessed was her fifth glass Natalya finally breaks the silence. "Hey....crazy question..... Kyle..... Can I put you in my mouth?" He looked up at her, at her toothy grin and wide maw. Under any other circumstances, with any other girl, the answer would have been a firm (if nervous) no. But Kyle was drunk, both on wine and Natalya.

"Ok sure." Part of him couldn't believe he had just said that, nor could that part believe he was calmly stepping onto her palm. Natalya brought her hand up to her open mouth, her tongue lolled out with excitement. Without a word she slid Kyle into her open mouth, resting him on her tongue, then snapped it shut.

Warm, Wet and Dark. Kyle lay flat on the static tongue a few moments before the tongue began to rock gently back and forth. Natalya was suckling on him. He couldn't blame her, he's sure he tasted strongly of wine, much like her paws. The rocking was actually sort of calming, lulling his drunken and tired body to sleep. That is until the tongue raised up and slammed him against her inner cheek. She pressed him there with her tongue until he was lightly stuck before beginning to lick him with the tip of his tongue, though her licks were fleeting. Like she tasted something bitter. Her mouth opened exposing the light of the world to his eyes again. Natalya's head tilted forward, with her tongue pushing him off her cheek and out of her mouth. He landed gently on her soft hand pads. "Sorry babe, but the clothes aren't working." Kyle quickly undressed, he had to admit he had enjoyed those brief moments of mouth play. Had he been sober he'd likely be begging her not to do it again, but in his drunken and enamored state he was enthralled with anything she did. When he was stripped to the nines she dumped him into the wine glass. Natalya watched him drunkenly splash about before picking up the wine glass and chugging it in one fell swoop.

The inside of Natalya's mouth seemed a bit colder to Kyle this time. Wine still freshly dripped from his skin and onto her tongue, which once again gently pinned him to the inside of her cheek before the tip of her tongue began to run it's course on him. Starting at his neck and sliding down his back. When her tongue arrived at his butt she took extra care, first sliding it over his smooth butt cheeks before finally sliding it into his rectum. Being a large tongue it didn't get very far, but that didn't stop it from sending shock-waves of pleasure through Kyle's body.

Even his ass tasted like wine. Natalya let out a satisfied growl as her tongue continued to probe Kyle's ass. She could hear his tiny gasps of pleasure being exerted from his tiny little throat. She found her hand creeping down to her pussy. It began with some light rubbing but before she knew it she was probing her self like she was probing Kyle, albeit with much more depth than her tongue could give. She continued licking, the combined taste if the wine and his body driving her to finger herself with more focus, using her index and middle fingers to tickle her clitoris. She had always had a sensitive clitoris, she couldn't wait till a later date when she could get Kyle in there. She shivered just thinking about it.

The tongue continued its steady streaking up and down Kyle's rectum. Natalya could feel her human shiver with pleasure against her cheek, an orgasm building up in his loins. She continued licking that wine flavored ass of his all, feeling an orgasm beginning to chill her own body. Her tongue gave a few more precise, hard licks and then it happened. She could feel his cream shoot from his cock, splotching on her cheek. Her tongue darted to lap up the cum splotch on her cheek. The taste of his semen drove her into a frenzy as she began licking all around him before finally peeling him from her cheek and coiling her tongue around him. He just kept cumming,, each droplet like candy to the wolf, mixing that with the wine taste seeping from his pores and Natalya was in ecstasy. She closed her eyes and continued to masturbate, tilting her head back and howling.

Kyle lay stuck to her tongue, exhausted. He looked down at the dark abyss that was her throat. The howls that emerged from it burst his ear drums, like driving nails into his head, and yet he was oblivious to the pain, the power of his orgasm over taking any pain he might have felt after being tossed about in Natalya's mouth. The orgasm was long lasting, with his still erect cock still dropping bits of cum down Natalya's throat, eliciting further howls. Kyle had loved this is much as Natalya had, maybe even more. As he lay on her tongue his mind began racing to plans and hopes of future dates, of all the fun they'd have, the things they'd do. The thought alone caused Kyle's cock to pulsate out more cum, further lulling him into his trance. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice that Natalya's tongue was shifting ever so slightly.

She hadn't planned on eating Kyle, but then again she hadn't planned on putting him in her mouth either. Wine did odd things to the brain, and Natalya's was no exception. In her inebriated state the sole things on her mind were her impending orgasm and swallowing that little bug in her mouth, preferably at the same time. With a final howl she tilted he head further back and began flicking her tongue about, determined to knock the human into the abyss that was her throat. "Na...Natalya what are you doing?" she heard the bug scream as he dug his nails into her tongue. How rude of him! She gave it a final powerful flick against the roof of her mouth, and down the human tumbled. She could feel his frail body being knocked against her throat, he was a bit of a tough swallow, but that made it all the more fun. Once she felt his body hit the scalding acids in her stomach her whole body shut down with orgasm. Muscles tensed to their tearing point before relaxing as her pussy leaked out her precious nectar. Natalya took one last breath and fell asleep.

She'd feel bad about it in the morning, she'd also have a terrible hangover, but for right now the wolf was content, her muscles were relaxed and her belly was full. She snored lightly, curling her toes as her drunken mind dreamed of who her next boyfriend would be, who her next victim would be.

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