Blind Date

Story by Greaver on SoFurry

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A Story about two people meeting for a blind date.

Fair Warning: This isn't a yiff centric story, nor is it a very happy one.

"So tell me about yourself?" Quinn can't believe he used that cliché. Here he was sitting across from an absolutely stunning fennec fox and all he could say was "Tell me about yourself?"

"Well" Felix started "I grew up on a farm honestly, doing all that rural stuff you read about. Running barefoot through the woods, riding horses, playing cowboys and Indians, it was all very Mark Twain." Felix's voice had a slight 'country' feel to it, not in a dumb hick or Deliverance way but more in a rustic welcoming kind of way. The kind of voice you associate with county fairs, baseball in big fields and apple pie. "I didn't come to the big city until I started college, I have to say I love it, New York, it feels like its own world!"

"And you're studying to be an actor?"

"Indeed I am sir, actually have a side gig doing a one act on weekends, we're running until May if you want to come check it out." Felix said as he started scribbling the address of the theater on his napkin. "So you're a nurse Quentin?"

Quinn nodded and began to tell his own childhood story, getting lost in Felix's eyes. The fennec's face had that same cute, youthful look all fennecs had, but Felix's eyes were different. They were alluring, fierce, and ambitious, Quinn was sure he could get lost in those eyes.

Felix listened to Quinn's story and when the cheetah was finished Felix asked "So what brought you to the site, if you don't mind me asking?"

Quinn had never had much luck in college with relationships. He was shy, nervous, and a bit chubby which dashed on his self confidence. He thought he could go through life either letting things fall into place, or just survive on his own. It turns out he could do neither, and after another sleepless night watching TV and being barraged for dating service ads he caved.

The waiter came by to take their drink orders. Quinn ordered wine while Felix ordered lemonade. "So under twenty one eh? Does it feel weird to be with a twenty six year old guy?" Quinn asked. You didn't seriously just ask him that did you?

Felix gave Quinn a good natured smile "Super odd, I mean you're old enough to be my father."

"Who's to say I'm not?" What the fuck is wrong with you? Felix laughed.

"So what's it like, being a nurse and all?"


Another call, car accident. A female skunk aged thirty is on the bed. Yelling all around him. Get the doses, hold this point. Where's the scalpel? Where's the fucking scalpel?

"WHERE'S MY WIFE?" The Husband screams from the waiting room. She's dropping. Everything whirls in blaring sirens and wails around him. 50Cc?! 50Cc of what?! Tears, blood. The girl is flat.

"...challenging, but rewarding." The waiter placed their drink orders on the table and took their dinner orders. Quinn took a sip of wine "I'm actually considering going for my Masters."

"In Nursing?"

"Yeah." I can't be a trauma nurse anymore. I can't stand it. "Might try something a little slower paced though."

"It must be scary, trauma room and all.

"You get used to it." No you don't. "So how'd you get into acting?"

"Peter Pan."

"Peter Pan?"

"I was in fourth grade, got cast as one of the Lost Boys, can't remember which one."

"Didn't know they had names." That's not a dick thing to say.

"They normally don't, part of the fun was filling in the blanks yourself, it was something my theater teacher taught me. So I got to create this big history for him, of course being in fourth grade it was a simple thing, he gets spirited away to Neverland and likes candy, but my teacher was thrilled that I was expanding on my character, and I had fun, I was being praised for just playing pretend. I've been acting ever since then."

"Favorite play?" Quinn asked, taking another sip of wine as their food was laid before them.

"Oh definitely 'Street Car Named Desire' It's about love and loss in the French Quarter of New Orleans after World War II, it's so genius."

Quinn was lost in his eyes again. He felt his foot paw slip out from his shoe and brush against Felix's shin. Felix blushed and Quinn's foot continued to travel up the fox's leg, past the knee, tickling the thigh right to the...

"You're a playful thing aren't you?" Felix asked with a grin, grabbing the foot with a hand and gently lowering it to the ground "But let's eat our dinner for now ok?"

"Right sorry." Quinn said as he finished his wine and ordered another glass. Idiot.

"So what attracted you to me?" Felix asked, smiling still "If that's not too presumptuous."

Maybe it was the eyes, maybe it was the look of fierceness, maybe it was just Quinn's crippling loneliness. He had actually masturbated multiple times to Felix's pictures before working up the nerve to contact him. The Fennec had posted a few good modeling shots as well. Quinn would imagine ripping him out of those expensive suits and throwing him on the bed in a night of bites and yowls with no lube, just lots of love. Nights that would leave the two of them exhausted in bed, cuddling and falling asleep. When the fantasies could no longer contain him he worked up the courage to send Felix a message.

"You're eyes for one." Quinn said starting on his second glass.

"My eyes eh?" Felix's ears perked a bit, curious.

"There's a nice allure to them, a lot of ambition. I can tell you're a man who's going places."

"Thank you, that's one of the sweetest things I've ever heard." Felix said with a smile.

I'll bet you've got a nice big cock too!

They ate their dinner in relative silence, discussing various light topics. The weather, The Yankees, cinema, television. When the bill came Quinn insisted he pay it. "You're too sweet, really Quinn but I can cover my half."

"Please I insist, it's the least I can do for a fantastic night."

"You really are a gentleman aren't you."

Quinn stumbled a bit as he walked Felix back to his car, the four glasses of wine were starting to show their effect. Alright here's where we get it! He stuck around, just invite him over.

"Would you like to come back to my place for a bit actually? It's not too far from here."

"Thank you Quinn but I really have to get going, I have an audition tomorrow, I need my beauty rest."

"Ah ok." Just lean in for a kiss. "It was 300 an hour right?"

"That's right dear."

Quinn handed Felix a roll of bills, totaling in 600 dollars. As Felix counted the money Quinn leaned in for a kiss. It was real, I know it was. Felix stopped him.

"I'm sorry honey, but no kissing. It's company policy."

"Please just."

"I can't Quientin, I'm sorry." Felix got into his car "You get home safe ok."

Quinn woke up. Felix's arms wrapped around him.

Quinn came home, alone with a bottle of Ambien.

Felix licked Quinn's nose lovingly and offered to go make breakfast.

Quinn poured the pills into his hands.

Quinn watched as Felix weaved out of the room.

Quinn washed his pills down with vodka.

Quinn fell asleep.

I know it's real, it has to be.

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