Turning the Tables

Story by Greaver on SoFurry

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My half of a trade with https://www.furaffinity.net/user/angeloraccoon

Featuring him and his boyfriend https://www.furaffinity.net/user/draconicon

Titles are hard ;.;

"What?" The black dragon exclaimed "Lord Tyrion is coming here? To THIS shop?! What are you doing standing around Angelo? Go make some tea!" Draconicon shooed his slave from his bedroom. It was late in the morning, this is the earliest the alchemist had woken up in years. Being regarded as the best Alchemist in the City of Verden had it's benefits, such as late opening hours, not that Lord Tyrion was greatly concerned with the dragon's comfort. Putting on his best clothes, Draconicon rushed down the stairs, entering the section of his house that acted as the storefront, and not a moment too soon, at the very second Draconicon's foot touched the ground floor of his house, trumpets blared just outside his door, announcing the arrival of Lord Tyrion.

"They tell me your the best alchemist in my city." Lord Tyrion said, ignoring the tea that had been laid out by Angelo. The Lion sat across from Draconicon at his dinner table, accompanied solely by a slave, a dragon, if this husk of a creature could still be called that. The white dragon's wings were clipped, horns cropped and genitals removed. It silently licked Lord Tyrion's boots during the meeting. "Well are they wrong?" The lion growled, snapping Draconicon to attention.

"No, no they are not my Lord, they are correct." Draconicon sputtered out, his eyes still transfixed on the pitiful creature that was now licking the sole of Lord Tyrion's boot, just as Tyrion planned.

"This slave" Lord Tyrion gestured needlessly to the white dragon "has lost all sense of self. It finds pleasure solely in pleasing me, it has no thoughts besides that." Draconicon nodded, too horrified to say anything. "But it took years of conditioning and torture to obtain this, needless to say it's beauty is tainted by what we had to do! It hardly looks like one of your people does it?" Draconicon couldn't help but wonder if Tyrion specifically brought this slave to scare him. "I need a mind control potion, and no not one from your back room, they wear off too soon. I want to commission you to create one that works long term, if not permanently. I expect it to work for at least a week. Complete this and you will be handsomely rewarded, do you accept?"

"But of course my Lord, it will be my honor to work for you." The lion purred.

"I'm glad to hear it." Tyrion stood up "I look forward to the results."

Night fell for for the Master and his Slave. Draconicon lead Angelo, his buxom raccoon, up the stairs. Angelo had been a gift to Draconicon from his father, a gift that Draconicon had treasured ever since. The pair entered their bedroom, a large lavishly decorated room, with a king-sized bed against the far wall. Draconicon took off his shirt, revealing his perfectly toned abdomen and slightly muscular arms. Going out on his own to fetch the ingredients for his potions kept the dragon in good shape, a contrast to his slave, with his comfortable plump form and soft hands. That was just the way Draconicon liked his raccoon. Angelo disrobed as well, revealing that plumpness ran to his cock as well, Draconicon smiled and sat on the bed "Could you give me a foot rub Angelo?" he cooed as he outstretched his feet and splayed his toes. Angelo fell to his knees by his Master's feet, taking Draconicon's left foot in his hand Angelo began to use his soft hands to massage his tough but smooth feet. The fur on Angelo's fingers lightly tickled Draconicon's soles. The dragon churred and fell back onto his bed. "Lick them!" He commanded. Angelo was quick to oblige, sliding his wet tongue across his Master's soles. Draconicon let out deeper churrs, his black cock growing erect. The dragon patted his bed with a hand "Come on babe." Angelo crawled onto the bed, crawling up towards his master. Draconicon stopped him when the raccoon reached his erect cock. Angelo opened his mouth, taking the tip of his master's cock into his mouth. The raccoon let his tongue loll out and slide along the length of his master's sheath. He moved the tongue further down the sheath by taking more of the cock into his open mouth, letting the tip glide against the back of his tongue. Draconicon could feel his pleasure building in his loins, ready to explode at any second. All it took was a few more licks from Angelo's soft, moist tongue for the dragon to lose it. Draconicon's seed shot out like a rocket, flying cleanly down Angelo's throat, who was more than ready to gorge on his master's seed. The dragon panted, satisfied, the last few streams of semen flew from his cock and down Angelo's throat. Draconicon pulled his slave up onto the bed, the master kissed the slave goodnight.

For the second time in a row, Draconicon was awakened unnaturally. This time it was by the way of an impatient banging on his door. Draconicon answered the door totally naked, greeted by a pissy looking bear wearing a city guard uniform and a slim silver fox wearing nothing at all but a collar with a coin purse attached. The bear shoved the fox into the shop and trod off without a word. "Well that was odd!" Draconicon said as he shut the door and looked over the fox. Draconicon towered over the young quivering creature, the fox looked to be freshly an adult. Clutched in his hands was a scrap of paper that he thrust towards Draconicon. The dragon read it over. It had been a letter from Lord Tyrion, detailing that the fox that now stood naked in Draconicon's living room was a free test subject on the mind control potion, as well as a gift from the Lion as a show of good faith. As Draconicon was reading over the letter the fox finally spoke up.

"Me name is Kelion my lord. My lord Tyrion gave me dis pouch of coin for you!" Kelion said pointing to the coin purse on his collar. His accent reeked of lack of education and it made Draconicon praise his dead father for having the patience to educate Angelo.

"Well I guess I could always teach him...or just keep him on hypnotized and silent." Draconicon thought as he unlaced the coin purse.

"Its for your ingredients my lord!" Kelion piped up again. Draconicon nods.

"Yes Kelion, now go see my slave Angelo, he'll give you an assignment." the dragon responded retiring to his lab. He opened the coin purse to to discover it held well over two hundred gold. The dragon smiled "Well it looks like Yule came early." Unknown to Lord Tyrion, Draconicon had already been experimenting with better mind control potions. However without test subjects or Noble approval his experiments could never go far beyond the theoretical level, but now he had both. Draconicon grinned as he pushed the door to his lab shut with his tail.

The liquid swished in the vial. Four hours of formulating and second guessing resulted in this. "Well I best test it out!" Draconicon said exiting his lab and going to find Kelion. Said fox was in the kitchen, washing dishes with Angelo. "Kelion, drink this!" He handed the vial to the fox.

"What is it my lord?" Kelion asked looking at the liquid through the glass.

"Something I want you to drink." That answer was good enough for the fox, he unscrewed the vial and downed the potion. It took thirty seconds for the potion to kick into the fox's system. Draconicon knew, each second was an hour of anticipation to him, he knew it worked when Kelion uncurled his hands, allowing the vial to fall to the floor, Angelo was swift to pick it up. Draconicon smiled "Ok his mind is defiantly blank" he thought "now to make sure he follows orders." He needed to demand something humiliating of him, something even a slave would hesitate at. "Kelion!" The fox snapped to attention "Be silent." The fox nodded. "Well that's one problem solved, now for the real test." Draconicon thoughts continued. "Kelion!" The fox once again snapped to attention, eagerly hanging on every word that Draconicon said. "Lick Angelo's feet." No slave would ever do something that servile to another slave, at least not without hesitation. Kelion was not only obedient, the fox fell to his knees and began licking the top of Angelo's feet eagerly, his tail wagging. Draconicon smiled "Angelo I have a task for you!"

"Yes master?" Angelo said, the raccoon blushing with a smile as the fox lapped at the tops of his toes.

"Take Kelion to bed, dominate him, make him your slave! I need to make sure this works!" Angelo bowed with a smile and led Kelion by the hand up the stairs.

Angelo sat on the bed and pointed at the floor, instructing Kelion to kneel. The fox fell to his knees by the raccoon's feet. Angelo felt like he held the power of a god in his fingers. This couldn't be happening could it? Would this fox really follow all of his commands? "Kiss my toes." The raccoon said, trying to sound sure of himself. No matter how authoritative or unathoritative Angelo sounded issuing that command Kelion followed it with devotion. The fox began planting kisses on each of the raccoon's plump toes. He couldn't believe it! The fox was actually doing it! And it felt great! "Lick between them." Angelo chattered splaying the toes of his left foot. With the same energy he'd presented before Kelion began licking between Angelo's toes, gleefully dragging his tongue against the crevices between Angelo's soft toes. Angelo's cock shot up harder than it had ever been before, every sense of arousal he had felt before was trampled under this new sense of arousal. Every inch of his body howled out in ecstasy. He now understood why his master made him lick feet every night, it was an intoxicating feeling of power. Angelo let the fox lick between his toes a bit longer, enjoying not only the sensation of the tongue but also the power of having a slave, the raccoon then looked at his throbbing cock, master always loved to be sucked off. "Slave!" Kelion once again snapped to attention making Angelo smirk. The raccoon pointed to his large throbbing cock thinking of what to say as a command, one word came to mind "Worship."

Angelo came back downstairs an hour later, Kelion in tow. The silver fox's muzzle smelled of feet and semen, Draconicon smiled "So did you have fun Angelo?" The raccoon nodded, his cock still erect. Draconicon made a note of it to try and involve Kelion in their bedtime play at some point. "Has he woken up yet?"

"No sir, Kelion Lick my toes again." Angelo said to demonstrate the fox's continuing obedience. Kelion did not disappoint.

"Fantastic." Draconicon kissed his slave on the nose "Angelo be a dear and brew me some tea, I'd have Kelion do it but he'll never beat your tea." Angelo bowed out to the kitchen to brew the tea. "Kelion come with me, I need a foot rest!"

The secret to Angelo's fantastic tea was his use of his master's Alchemy lab to boil the water with the tea leaves in flask as opposed to using the stove. The raccoon grabbed a glass flask sitting on the counter and began to brew the tea. While the water boiled he took a peek at his Master's notes. He'd always been interested in his master's work, and had been working up the courage to ask Draconicon if he could try his hand at potion making. The water bubbled in that familiar pattern, indicating the tea was done.

Angelo brought the tea to his master in his favorite mug. Draconicon was seated in a red leather chair by the fire place, Kelion acting as his foot rest. The Silver fox was on his hands and knees, with Draconicon's large feet resting on his bare back, as always the fox was silent, unwavering in devotion. Angelo handed Draconicon the mug. "Thank you dearest, now rub my feet." Angelo sat on the floor by Draconicon's feet and began to massage his soft scales. Draconicon took a sip of his tea. One swallow and he stopped, the dragon loosened his grip, his mug fell to the floor with a dull thud. Angelo stopped rubbing

"Master?" No response. "Master?" The dragon's face was blank "Draconicon!" Draconicon snapped to attention. "Are you ok?"

"Yessir." The Dragon doled out. The realization washed over Angelo with a freezing chill. The flask, it must have had residue of the potion in it! Angelo stood up rushing to the alchemy lab, there must be something to cure it! Some recipe in the notebooks to cure this slave! Angelo stopped in his tracks, did he really just think of Draconicon as a slave? He remembered how much fun he had with one slave, how fun would two be, surely the potion would wear off soon wouldn't it? What's the harm in having a bit of fun.

"Slave!" Angelo commanded, with much more confidence. Both Kelion and Draconicon snapped to attention. "Both of you, stand up and follow me!"

Angelo brought the pair up to the bedroom, he instructed Draconicon to strip down from his tunic and pants and lay on the bed. "Make sure your feet hang off the bed hon." He then turned to Kelion "Kneel at the foot of the bed and lick our feet!" Kelion started by licking Draconicon's soles, Angelo giggled "I'm not even on the bed yet silly." Kelion whimpered and his ears flattened against his head. Angelo pet the silver fox "It's ok you silly little foot fox!" Angelo crawled onto the bed, laying on top of Draconicon, letting his feet hang of the bed as well. Angelo caressed Draconicon, sliding his hands down the dragon's back. Before he got to the sex he suddenly remembered, lubricant. He turned back to the fox "Lick!" He said pointing to his cock. After his foot fox licked his cock Angelo kissed his forehead "Good boy, back to our feet!"

Angelo nibbled on Draconicon's neck as he gently slid his cock into his former master's ass. He began kissing down the dragon's back as he thrust in and out, his cock sliding against the smooth tight inside of the dragon's virgin ass. Angelo was careful to be gentle, not wanting to hurt his former master, he did still love him. He slowly pulled out, the fox's saliva helping make the movement a lot easier. The dragon churred, Angelo hoped it was an actual churr. With another kiss on the neck the raccoon slid his cock back into his slave's ass. He chattered a bit as Kelion licked his soles. The raccoon picked up the pace, pulling out and pressing in faster and faster, chills of pleasure shot down his spine. Draconicon's churrs and Angelo's chatters grew deeper as orgasm built up in both of them. Angelo gripped Draconicon's shoulders as he pulled out and pressed in one final time. Streams of cum shot from his cock, filling Draconicon's ass. Draconicon also came, staining the sheets with cum. "Ugh, that was wonderful hon." Angelo said, rolling off of Draconicon and laying next to him. Angelo leaned into Draconicon. The master kissed his slave good night.

"And how long did you say the potion lasts?" Lord Tyrion sat on his throne in the main room of his manor, slaves surrounded him, the lion examined the vial he'd been given.

"Three weeks and counting my lord." Angelo said, in his hands was a box filled with vials of the potions. "My master has only used one vial worth so far." Lord Tyrion smiled and instructed a slave to take the box. Another slave came with multiple purses full of coin. "Excellent, tell your master he has done well."

"Thank you my lord!"

Angelo walked into the door of HIS house. Draconicon was busy in the lab making more potions and Kelion was washing dishes. "Slaves I'm home!" Both of them rushed to the front door, eager to hear their orders. Angelo smiled, he could get used to this. "Alright boys, time to worship my feet."

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